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Character traits that require development for a resume. How to correctly write about strengths and weaknesses in a resume

How to write a resume correctly to interest an employer?

A resume is the first thing you need to prepare before starting your job search.

What is a resume

The term “resume” comes from a French phrase that translates to the flow of life. Sometimes the Latin term curriculum vitae or CV is used, which means the same thing. IN Soviet times used the term “” more.

The concept of a resume is understood as a document that reflects the education, work experience, and skills of a person applying for a position.

It should indicate any information that relates to the position of interest, as well as the contact information of the applicant. Today these terms are used for different life stories, which must be taken into account when choosing finished sample

Other cases involve writing a resume indicating information for a specific position.

    The document introducing the employee to the future employer may take different forms.
  • There are different types of resumes:
  • universal (professional);
  • chronological-functional;
  • chronological (retrospective);
  • functional;
  • academic;

targeted. Picking up ready-made examples

When filling out a resume to apply for a job, you must take these features into account. Thus, in the universal version, all information is indicated in logical blocks and described in detail. This form is recommended for use by those who have an impressive track record and have something to brag about professionally.

For those who have worked in one field for a long time and plan to continue to develop in it, a retrospective resume is suitable, in which all work experience can be presented in chronological order. The functional one consistently reveals the achievements of the applicant, and the combination of these two types of resume gives a functional-chronological one.

As a rule, when writing a resume for a job and searching for a suitable option, applicants come across a sample of a targeted resume. It contains information related exclusively to the position that the applicant wants to occupy.

Academic resumes are written by job seekers who are looking for teaching jobs. Titles, awards, scientific achievements and publications occupy a significant place in it.

The structure of a resume may differ in different countries.

Today, job search sites provide resume samples and special forms, templates, after filling which you can receive a ready-made document containing the information about the applicant that the employer needs. In addition, special companies and recruiting agencies help in writing a resume.

Recently, video resumes have become popular - a short video where the candidate himself talks about what is usually stated in the resume.

Has your employer given you irregular working hours? The main thing is that your rights as an employee are not violated: .

Probation when applying for a job. Is it good or bad? He talks about the benefits of testing.

See the requirements for compiling characteristics for workers of various professions.

Basic writing rules

There are public and unspoken rules for resumes. The first includes the formalities that go into drawing up the document, the second includes the nuances that the employer or HR specialist pays attention to when studying the document.

For example, it is not recommended to write lies on your resume. If there is any information that puts you in an unfavorable light, it is better not to mention it, but to focus on your achievements. But you shouldn’t twist the facts and tell lies.

Information should be presented in simple language, avoiding passive forms, concentrating on positive information.

The resume should briefly and clearly present only that information that relates specifically to the position of interest and can characterize the applicant from the best side.

When drafting a document, please note that any sample that you can view will have a clear structure. It should take no more than two pages, so you should try to present the information succinctly.

The text is written in one font, usually Times New Roman, but Arial is acceptable. Font size is 12 point throughout the text. A smaller font can be used if the resume is sent electronically; in printed form, small font is difficult to read. The document must be formatted strictly, the sections are structured and separated from each other.

Headings are underlined or bold. It is necessary to maintain 2 cm indents from the edge of the paper on all sides except the left, on this side there should be 2.5 cm. Before sending your resume to the employer, proofread it carefully and check the grammar. If the document is printed, the paper should be white and of good quality.

Ready resume for a job may be non-standard, but this is suitable in special cases, for example, when a candidate creative profession Looking for a relevant creative position. Then it can be appreciated creativity future employee to self-presentation.

In other cases, accountants, engineers, salespeople and others should refrain from taking liberties.

The document must be drawn up in Russian. You can write it in English if the applicant is applying for a position in foreign company or a foreign language is one of the employer’s requirements. But in the latter case, it is better to prepare a separate sample resume for a job in a foreign language so that the employer can view it in different languages.

Step-by-step guide to compiling

Now let's look in detail at how to write a resume, what sections it should contain and how to fill them out correctly.


The document must begin with the title “Resume”, as well as the name of the applicant. Indicating your name in bold at the very beginning will help you quickly and easily find your document among others in the future.


There are many tips on how to write a sample resume for a job, but many examples contain an indication of the purpose of drawing up the document - applying for a position as a salesperson, manager, accountant, etc.

It is also advisable to indicate in this column other positions for which the applicant agrees to work. The fact is that by indicating one specialization, you automatically deprive yourself of the opportunity to take another, since your resume will not be at hand at the right time.

Applicant details

Any competent resume for a job application, a sample of which can be downloaded, contains this item. It must contain information about your date of birth, address, contact phone number, e-mail and marital status.


This point should be given special attention to those applicants who cannot boast of extensive work experience. Education must be indicated with specific dates, placing them in chronological but reverse order: from the most recent to the very first. If there additional education, courses, they also need to be indicated.

If you download a sample resume for applying for a job, please note that training in high school only indicated if it was a magnet school or if you graduated with honors. But it is mandatory to indicate secondary specialized education.

If your college education is somehow related to the position you are interested in, it is advisable to indicate the department that graduated you. A young specialist can celebrate his achievements at competitions, olympiads, competitions, etc.

Scientific and other publications are also listed here. own developments, inventions, awards.


The next point in the question of how to correctly write a resume for a job is an indication of work experience, a sample of which can be found in any example found on the Internet. Typically, university graduates cannot boast of extensive work experience; in this case, they focus on education. But if it exists, especially if it is impressive, it must be indicated in chronological order, starting with the last place of work. First, the period of work is indicated, then the name of the organization and position.

Practice and internship are taken into account along with regular work. Moreover, some internships carry even more weight than the entire accumulated work experience.

The question may arise: how to write a resume for a job when there is too much work experience and the usual sample simply does not fit it into the recommended two pages of text? In such cases, it is advised to focus only on the last 3-5 places of work. However, if you have little experience in total, it is better to indicate all of it.

Job responsibilities

Sometimes this item is not allocated in a separate column, but is indicated in the previous one. But if the vacancy is rare, you held other positions at your previous place of work, it is worth highlighting this information in a separate column.


Many people are interested in how to write a resume correctly to interest an employer. The achievements clause helps a lot with this. It should indicate all the achievements in other places of work that you can be proud of. They will become the main markers for the employer to evaluate the candidate. By the way, it is advisable to describe them using the correct wording. Thus, all proposals must have a completed form: reduced costs, introduced technology, increased sales. In this case, it is advisable to indicate specific numbers.

Additional Information

Some resumes, examples of which can be found on the Internet, provide additional information about yourself, a sample of which can be seen below. In this section, you need to maximize your strengths, skills and knowledge that help you better perform your professional duties.

There is no need to praise yourself too much, just state the facts.

Personal qualities

Many people often have problems with this point. How to correctly fill out a resume for a job in order to show yourself as an example of a specialist in your field, but not go too far? In this case, you need to start from the position for which you are applying. Think about what qualities an employee needs to cope well with their responsibilities, and how pronounced they are in you. Write those that show up best in this section.

This is an optional item in the resume, but its presence will make the document more persuasive. It is not necessary to provide a list of references. It is enough to indicate that there are people ready to confirm the skills you claim. But it's worth having it. Make a list of companies where you have worked and their contact persons. Check in advance whether they are willing to make such recommendations. It is recommended to go to the interview with this list.

What else can you include in your resume: practical advice

Even taking into account all of the above, applicants still do not always understand how to correctly fill out a resume for a job; they are looking for an example that matches their situation in order to create a similar one. In this case, it is worth paying attention to some practical advice, which are provided by recruiting agencies and job search sites.

It is also important to understand that such a document is drawn up not so much to describe you as an applicant, but for a specific position. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the company’s business, its specifics, and corporate requirements. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare a separate resume for each new interview, but never come without it.

Practical tips for writing a resume are described in detail in this video:

What not to write

The question of how to correctly create a resume for a job includes not only a sample of a correctly composed document, but also recommendations on what should not be included in it. Thus, it is strictly not recommended to provide false information. This was mentioned above, but it is worth emphasizing again, since many inexperienced applicants have a desire to add some merit to themselves in order to get a good place. In fact, any lie always comes to light. And this will be worse than if you immediately admit that you do not possess certain skills.

Your resume is your personal introduction, leaving the first but most lasting impression. So before you write it, think about where you are sending it, who will receive it, how it will be read, and what folder it will be put in. Remember, the job of an HR manager is not to select suitable resumes, but to reject unsuitable ones.

Let's look first at the main points of a resume, then at points that can be used as needed, and finally, in conclusion, you will find some general tips for writing a resume. The first tip is that the resume must be compiled on a computer, preferably in MS Word.

Five main resume points:

Last name, first name and patronymic
The word "resume" is usually not written. It is better to write in large letters (18-20 font), in the center, at the top, your last name, first name and patronymic. Such a title will help you quickly find your resume in a stack of hundreds of similar papers. It is better not to write the words “Last name”, “First name”, and “Patronymic name”.

Contact information
Here it is necessary to provide the most complete and thorough information that will allow you to quickly and effectively contact you in the event that they are interested in your candidacy and want to invite you for an interview. When indicating your telephone number(s), do not forget to make the appropriate notes, for example, “work”, “home”, “mobile”, etc., and also indicate the time when you can be called. Remember: the faster a HR employee contacts you, the greater your chances of beating your competitors in getting a particular job.

An employer, as a rule, is recruiting for several vacancies, so be sure to make the next heading “Purpose”. Here you should write what vacancy, job, or area of ​​activity you are applying for. In the “goal” paragraph you can also indicate your wishes and requirements for your future place of work.

Create a heading "Education" and list the educational institution, schools, courses, institutes, etc. which you have already completed or are still continuing to study:

· Use either reverse chronological order, i.e. last place study, indicate first, or the principle of significance, i.e. First indicate the place of study that is most significant for the job you are looking for.

· For each place of study, provide the following information: period of study with exact (month, year) indication of the start and end dates of study; place of study (if from the name educational institution its location should not be indicated, indicate the city, country) and, finally, indicate the qualification that you received upon completion of your studies, i.e. indicate the title (certificate, diploma, certificate, etc. in the specialty).

· List only those places of study that are important for the given job you are looking for.

This is the most important block of a resume, which describes work experience (if any), including internship. Create a heading “Work Experience” and list your former places of work:

· Use either reverse chronological order, i.e. indicate your last place of work first;

· For each place of employment, provide the following information: company name; the scope of the company's activities; period of employment with an exact (month, year) indication of the start and end dates of work; job title; responsibilities (state your responsibilities in three to four sentences); professional skills and achievements.

· List only those jobs that are relevant to the job you are seeking.

· Do not leave gaps in busy period dates.

This is where the mandatory information ends, without which your resume is unlikely to be used for its intended purpose, and the, although not obligatory, but no less important part begins. You are given the opportunity to provide additional information about yourself, but remember you must provide only what is directly related to your “goal.”

Additional Information
For example, you know how to work on a computer, you know a foreign language, you speak typing, you have a driver’s license. If any of these skills will help you cope with your future responsibilities, then indicate them by creating appropriate headings, for example, “computer knowledge”, “foreign languages”, etc. Specialists, for example, programmers, are recommended to provide more detailed information (programming languages, operating systems, databases, Internet programming). In the “foreign languages” section, it is advisable to indicate not only your level of language proficiency, but also where and for how long you studied it. Depending on the "goal", it may be appropriate to indicate "awards", "publications", "participation in conferences", etc.

Personal data
Information such as “gender”, “age”, “health”, “hobbies”, “marital status”, “citizenship”, “religion”, “attitude to military service”, etc. are purely personal and it is your choice to write them or not.

If you have an agreement with people who can provide you with letters of recommendation, then in the conclusion you can indicate these people, usually two, indicating how to contact them. Recommendations can be provided to you by the head of the department and employees of the Directorate for Targeted Training.

When writing your resume, keep the following principles in mind:


All information in a resume must be presented in a certain sequence.


When thinking about your resume, first of all, determine its purpose, that is, decide what kind of job you want to get. Analyze your professional experience and choose from it only what exactly matches your goal. A selective approach will protect your resume from unnecessary information.


Be realistic and objective when describing your experience and skills. You must be prepared to justify everything you put on your resume.


The volume of the resume should not exceed one page, so the information must be presented briefly, focusing on the most important and significant points for the employer.


It is necessary to be extremely specific in the choice of wording.


Don't be verbose and avoid passive forms. Emphasize the results achieved using action verbs.


Prefer positive information over negative information.

Focus on your achievements.

Try not to use the pronoun "I".

What not to write on your resume

Heading: “Resume”, “CV”, etc. (it’s clear from the type of document what we’re talking about);

Your physical characteristics and health description;

Your weaknesses;

Reasons why you left your job;

You should not attach your photo.

When the resume has already been written

Make sure that you use verbs in the present tense when describing your current job, and verbs in the past tense when describing your previous jobs.

Check that there are no too long phrases, complex or unclear words.

Clearly highlight the necessary headings.

Make sure your resume is in the same style.

Choose a format that is easy to read: large margins, font that is not small but not too large, sufficient spacing between lines, etc.

Previously, this aspect of employment was not used in our country. Quite recently, the developments of European recruitment agencies began to be used here too. And an incredible number of difficulties and problems have arisen, since citizens simply do not know how to competently and correctly present information about themselves in such a way as to interest a potential employer. In fact, resumes were written in the form of numerous listings of achievements, autobiographies, characteristics, etc. The basic principle of brevity, conciseness and clear structure was extremely rare.

Difficulties in filling out such an important document provoked the creation of a significant number of templates and samples. Today, creating a resume is not difficult; you can find ready-made versions online, in which you just need to insert your data. In reality, everything is quite simple and understandable. However, we should not forget that it is this document that plays a decisive role in employment. If it is drawn up dryly and incorrectly, then it is unlikely that your candidacy will be of interest to a potential employer. Here you need a competent balance of brevity and the formation of a list of advantages that define you as a true professional in your field.

Today, competition for employment in good positions is present everywhere. Practice shows that a well-written resume can become an undeniably important basis for attracting initial attention. In fact, only those candidates who were able to catch something from their resume are invited for an interview. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to draw up this document correctly, competently, and competently.

An important aspect is that the resume should consist of key data, the use of which will allow the manager to adequately assess all your advantages over other candidates for the position. In addition to everything, it is necessary to take into account that this document should not contain unnecessary personal information, and should be sufficiently brief and concise. Many describe their achievements for several pages, but practice shows that such “sheets” are rarely read to the end. All information you include in your resume must be truthful. In fact, verifying such data is not difficult. But if it turns out that you hid some data or provided false information, this may cause a lack of confidence in your candidacy.

At its core, a resume is a complete and short description all human abilities that make him competitive in the labor market. This document must contain three main qualities, such as productivity, education and the absence of limitations in abilities.

What is a resume?

Summary- This is enough short presentation, which is reflected in writing. The document contains a description of a number of professional skills. You can also enter here a description of all personal skills, a description of the achievements received, etc. In fact, you must definitely describe all the nuances that have important for the employer. If you have taken advanced training courses, this information is also reflected in your resume.

You need to be very careful and careful about this issue, then its implementation will be ideal.

When applying for a job in modern organizations the structure of studying the resume is used, on the basis of which the process of assessing the possibility of further consideration of the candidacy is subsequently carried out. Naturally, this hiring structure is used exclusively for prestigious and highly paid positions. However, gradually the method of selecting professionals based on resumes is becoming an integral part of our lives. Such conditions for employment are established by many companies or organizations.

The resume itself is a self-introduction. A very important factor here is that the applicant himself forms the information in such a way that it is of interest to management. On the basis of which management can immediately make decisions about creativity, as well as creative potential person. This is especially important if a person gets a position in which these qualities play an important role.

At the same time, you need to take into account that no one needs lengthy resumes. The manager uses resumes precisely to obtain preliminary information within a minimum amount of time. If your self-presentation consists of 10 sheets, then most likely your request will remain unanswered. Since no one is interested in spending a significant amount of time studying information that may not be useful at all. Accordingly, you need to adhere to text size standards. It is recommended to use no more than two A4 sheets.

It is very important to choose the most optimal qualities that might interest management. At the same time, remember that from vacant position it depends on how exactly you should carry out your presentation. If we're talking about about working as a psychologist in kindergarten, then it would be foolish to point out the completion of numerous trainings in psychoanalysis of addiction. Agree, the most important qualities in this situation are love for children, the ability to find mutual understanding, an indication of those training courses and education received that relate specifically to the psychology of children.

That is, it is very important to understand where you are going to send your resume. Only in this way will the text be composed competently and interestingly.

Compilation instructions

Before you start writing your resume, remember the basic rules:

  • Try to write only truthful information. In this case, you can use a description of exclusively advantages, and at the same time you can remain silent about possible disadvantages. Of course, this question may arise during an interview, but your resume should not be filled with such a description;
  • Compose your document in a structured manner. Remember that the content should not spread over more than two sheets. Therefore, try to describe all the nuances succinctly, but at the same time briefly. Also make sure that the text formatting is perfect. As you understand, structure will allow you to quickly read your presentation, and in its entirety;
  • Remember that positive emotions and a positive mood are the main elements of your future success.

Compilation instructions:

  • Step 1: Title

In this case, the word - summary is indicated, and it is indicated from whom exactly it was compiled. All data is indicated on one line.

  • Step 2: Goal

It is very important to remember that your resume is written for a specific purpose. At the same time, it is recommended to form it in one line and one phrase. So, you can indicate - applying for the position of a child psychologist.

  • Step 3: Personal information

You will need to provide your date of birth, address, contact number telephone, email address. It is recommended to indicate marital status. This item is best written as a bulleted list. That is, try to do everything possible so that all information is read almost instantly.

  • Step 4: Education

Information is provided in chronological order. The name of the educational institution, years of study (entry and graduation) must be indicated, and the name of the profession must be indicated. If you have taken additional training courses or advanced training courses, then you definitely need to indicate this in the bottom line in the form of additional information.

  • Step 5: Indicate work experience

You need to start listing data about places of work from the last place where you worked. In this case, you also need to indicate the date of employment and dismissal, as well as the name of the company where you worked, the name of the position you held.

  • Step 6. Job responsibilities

This parameter is not mandatory, however, you must understand that if you held the same position at your previous place of work, then such a question will certainly arise. It is for this reason that it is recommended to include a description of responsibilities in the document. official procedure that you did at your last job. So, you will immediately provide information that characterizes certain professional characteristics of your candidacy.

  • Step 7. Achievements

A very important parameter that will determine how experienced a worker you are. Your potential employer will certainly want to know why your candidate is the best fit for them. If you achieved your goals at work and received prospects for career growth, you should definitely include such information in your resume. Experts recommend listing your achievements in the form of unique markers. For example, he increased sales volumes by thirty percent for six months, introduced and developed new technologies for optimizing work activities. You need to remember that here you need to indicate real and specific data, and not use general phrases. The more accurately this information is provided, the more likely it will be that the employer will be interested in your candidacy.

  • Step 8. Additional information

Here you will need to describe all your strengths, as well as focus on professional skills, abilities and knowledge that can actually help you perform the tasks assigned to you in the workplace with sufficient quality and skill:

  1. Knowledge of a computer and additional software. You need to remember that if you get a job in an office, then such data is simply necessary. Since, in essence, work that is related to computers must be done quickly, and if the applicant does not own certain programs, then hiring him will be unprofitable for management;
  2. Language skills. It is very important that you clearly indicate not only the language you speak, but also your level of proficiency. If the chosen profession for which you are submitting a resume is accompanied by the need for additional language knowledge, then this item should be described in sufficient detail;
  3. Data on the availability of a car, as well as driving skills, are also indicated. If your proposed job includes the possibility of traveling by car, then such data should be included in your resume. mandatory. You must also indicate your driving experience.
  • Step 9. Personal qualities

In this section you should not write too much information about qualities that do not concern you at all. future work. All qualities that are directly valued social society, may not touch the future leader at all. Among other things, many managers even have a very negative attitude towards those applicants who praise their rich inner world. Reading such information is tedious and uninteresting. Here it would be rational to indicate punctuality and attentiveness, a mathematical mindset, the ability to analyze and make timely decisions. If the profession is creative, then you need to indicate developed imagination, having a sense of style and the ability to approach certain problems in an unconventional way.

  • Step 10. Availability of recommendations

It would be great if you could mention these managements in your resume, as well as their contact numbers, so that you can get more accurate data about your professionalism first-hand. That is, in essence, if you are confident that you will be given excellent recommendations at work, you can indicate such data, as it will make your resume more substantial and meaningful.

Samples and templates

IN currently On the Internet you can find a fairly significant number of samples and templates that will allow you to quickly understand all the nuances of drawing up a document.


At its core, the document should reflect several blocks:

  • Personal information;
  • Education;
  • Availability of experience;
  • Additional professional quality;
  • Personal qualities;
  • Availability of recommendations.

In fact, all information must be structured, otherwise it will simply merge together and will not attract any attention. We will certainly say that information in the form of transfers should be written in the form of a bulleted list. This is the only way it will instantly catch your eye, which means it will immediately attract the maximum amount of attention. The main criteria for drawing up the document are:

  • Objectivity;
  • Brevity;
  • Structurality;
  • Availability of parts.

Thus, it becomes clear that the sample document itself provides a kind of example, on the basis of which you can later quickly compose your resume, taking into account your individual characteristics and qualities.

  1. Full name, telephone number, marital status, registration address;
  2. Description of education;
  3. Description of work experience;
  4. A clear indication of the official duties that were performed at the previous place of work;
  5. Achievements;
  6. Professional quality;
  7. Personal qualities;
  8. Availability of recommendations.

You should definitely indicate in your resume the date on which you will be able to start performing the job if hired.

Keep in mind that standard samples do not contain any creativity. If you are applying for a creative position, it is recommended to include it in your resume. Also remember that managers do not want to spend hours re-reading such documents, therefore, the most important rule is brevity and scope.

A properly drafted document will definitely be read. If you compose more than 5 sheets, believe me, no one will read them. And since you do not value the time of your potential manager, you are unlikely to be invited to an interview.

Templates represent a ready-made and well-developed document in a clearly certain profession. Its essence lies in the fact that all the professional qualities that appeal to this profession have already been spelled out. You need to enter personal data, as well as enter into the document those data that directly relate to training and work experience. If you cannot draw up a document yourself, then in this case, the most rational solution would be to use a template. So, within a few minutes you can create a resume and immediately send it to management for review. If your profession involves strict fulfillment of certain obligations, then structure will allow the manager to assess your tendency to create clarity and precision, which can also be a decisive factor in hiring.

Important factors in writing a resume

In the process of drafting a document, it is very important to adhere to certain rules, but there are also significant factors that can make the document more attractive, interesting and successful.

  • Try to write your resume in such a way that a potential employer perceives it as the main source of biographical information, as well as a source of information about professional experience. In other words, you need to include personal data in the document, as well as describe professional achievements, list information about education. Such information must be clear and detailed. That is, if you describe your level of education, be sure to indicate the name of the educational institution, the year of admission and graduation, be sure to indicate the direction, etc. If you indicate work experience, then you will definitely need to indicate data that relates to the name of the company, the position you held , year of admission and dismissal. If there was career growth, this should also be included in the description. This structure will show that you are a serious person, your approach to work is precise and clear, you are distinguished by a certain pedantry, which allows you to reduce the time spent on studying this document, etc.;
  • Very important point is considered to be an indication of the data that may reflect that you meet the requirements set by the employer for a clearly defined job. That is, you must initially provide in your document a list of factors and qualities that can clearly determine that your knowledge and skills can become the basis for fulfilling the requirements assigned to you. Be sure to include all information that relates to your job responsibilities at the previous place of work. Thus, you will be able to provide the manager with clear and accurate information that will determine that you have fulfilled certain obligations in the company and already have knowledge and skills that can be useful in a new position;
  • It is recommended to include in your resume all the data that can become the basis for the manager’s interest and can become the basis of motivation for choosing your candidacy. In essence, we are talking about having additional skills and abilities. For example, you can indicate that you have taken accounting courses, can use certain programs, and have knowledge foreign languages, drive a car and you have it in stock. Remember that additional information can become the basis for building some confidence that your profile will be of interest.

A well-written resume can become the basis for an invitation to an interview. Further, everything will depend on you, as well as on your ability to communicate with management. And most importantly, on the availability of professional skills, abilities and knowledge that can be tested through a series of questions.

Basic requirements for writing a resume

The basic rule of writing a document is brevity. You should try to eliminate as much as possible the use of unnecessary words, abbreviations, various terms. That is, everything possible will need to be done to ensure that the information provided is clear and structured, concise and does not contain words that cannot be understood by a person not associated with this profession. Only this design can become the basis for a quick study of your resume.

Try to indicate all data specifically. The absence of information that is not related to the profession or to the vacancy in general is an undeniably important element of competent compilation. Often people try to use creativity on their resume, but practice shows that when applying for a job office work More often than not, such design options turn out to be failures.

Focus. All information must be provided taking into account the specific position you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a job as an accountant, then indicating that you have undergone additional training in psychology or commerce is not rational (unless we are talking about a higher educational institution).

You need to show some activity in your text. It is recommended to include active verbs in the document. For example, you should indicate this: I know the basics of auditing and accounting etc. Do not form sentences in this style - participated, provided assistance, etc.

All text must be presented accurately, clearly and concisely. Be sure to carefully select the information you must include in the document. You should not indicate all the data, all the courses and seminars that you attended and completed. Indicate only those that relate to the position for which you are applying.

Literacy. All text must be literate. If you make mistakes, this will immediately tell your manager what level of education you really have. Therefore, it is recommended to check the text several times before sending it.

Why do some people send their resumes to dozens of companies and receive no response, while others send their resumes to three companies and receive three invitations for an interview?

You can guess or rely on luck, but only one thing is clear: good preparation gives good results . For this reason, it is better to think twice and write a great resume once. It will give you the job you need, a smart leader, career opportunities and everything you dream about.

In this article you will find tips on how to properly write a resume for an accountant, manager, lawyer, engineer, director, manager, economist or any other specialist. All recommendations given are basic in nature and do not depend on the profession.

Four facets of proper resume writing

1. Literacy

The absence of errors, typos, and youth slang is a necessary and perhaps the most important aspect of writing a resume. The most important because if there are a lot of errors in the document, they can simply throw it away without paying attention to everything else.

To write a resume for a job correctly, you need to write it competently.

2. Compliance with the vacancy

By indicating unnecessary things, you confuse the employer and give rise to unnecessary questions.

After people order the service of writing a “selling” resume, I carefully discuss their wishes for the job. I request vacancies that people like, watch how employers describe the desired candidate, and look at similar vacancies. All this allows you to see the situation from both sides (through the eyes of the applicant and the employer). The result of all these actions is that the resume becomes “closer” to the employer, and the job search is simplified and accelerated.

Examples of correct and incorrect resume writing

  • If you are going to work as an accountant, there is no need to mention taking courses in website creation or interior design.
  • If you're going to be a chef, you don't have to list the accounting courses you've taken.
  • If you are going to work as a programmer, you should not write about sales skills.

If you are in doubt about writing or not writing about any experience or skill, write. It is better to answer the employer’s questions during the interview than to be left without an invitation to an interview at all.

3. Reasonable resume length

Half a page is not enough, three pages is a lot, 1-2 pages is optimal. Of course, it is advisable to keep it to one page, but it is not always possible to do this painlessly. Sometimes, in order to write a resume correctly, it is better to describe your experience and achievements more voluminously and make a two-page resume than to skimp on words and try to describe your professionalism in a couple of insignificant phrases.

  • optimize the use of space (a table, for example, allows you to write something in 3 columns and use only one row for it)
  • reduce the font (to an adequate size)
  • make optimal document margins and footers

Simple steps like these can turn a two-page resume into a one-page one.

I look through a lot of resumes and see that verbosity is one of the most common mistakes made. I once came across a full page job description (about 27 duties listed)!

4. Clear and simple structure

This is probably the most important thing to create. Correctly writing a resume for a job involves correctly structuring information about yourself and your professional experience.

There is no single form of registration of information about yourself, but there are popular ones. The acceptable way is to use them, rather than invent something new.

Two Commonly Used Resume Structures

To better understand how to properly compose a resume, you need to consider each of these sections separately.

Full name, contact details, personal information

From the required data:

  • Surname
  • Email
  • Telephone
  • City of residence

The remaining data is optional. Sometimes you can find unnecessary details in a resume:

  • Exact address with zip code (here you can limit yourself to the city);
  • Date of birth (can be limited to age);
  • Two contact telephone numbers (if this is absolutely necessary, then, of course, indicate, but it is better if there is one telephone number);
  • Marital status: (not) married / (not) married. These details can easily be omitted.

If you have children, you can either write about it or remain silent. It is difficult to give correct advice in advance, because... There are situations when you do not need to write this information on your resume.

Goal and desired salary level

You provide this information as you wish. You can not indicate it because you can talk about it in detail at a meeting, but briefly describe your goal in cover letter. As for the desired salary, it will greatly depend on the responsibilities that you will take on. Therefore, salary can also be discussed at the interview.


It is recommended to indicate the last 5-9 years of work experience. To correctly write a resume for a job, professional experience must be indicated chronologically, starting with the last place of work. Accordingly, the functions performed at the last place of work need to be described in more detail.


If you have been working for a long time, then it is recommended to provide information about your education briefly. If you are a graduate or student, then it is better to describe everything in more detail - successful term papers, diploma, industrial practice etc.

Courses, trainings, seminars and other educational events can also be indicated. Just remember that they must be relevant to the vacancy.

Professional skills

This section indicates all the skills and abilities that correspond to the vacancy for which the resume is being compiled.

The only recommendation is not to indicate trivial things: responsibility, learning ability, dedication, leadership abilities, high performance, stress resistance, desire for success. career growth. Many people write this and don’t even think about the meaning of these phrases. Don’t be like “everyone else”, learn to stand out from the crowd.

This modern problem. In my career consulting career, I have never seen a resume without these qualities! All trainees are responsible, purposeful, and work for results. EVERYONE is perfect. In general, all this supermanship should be removed from the resume.

Additional Information

In this section you can indicate everything that was not included in the previous sections, but that may be important for the vacancy in question. Here you can indicate your personal qualities, your personal successes, your hobbies and other details that are interesting to the employer.

At the same time, it is important to remind you once again that you need to fill out the sections in accordance with your desired position, rather than making a standard resume for all occasions.

Sample - how to write a resume correctly

The final version might look like this:

Clear meaning of phrases and words used

Often in resumes you can find phrases like “business process management”, “ strategic planning", "solving business problems" and others. I recommend reformulating them into simpler and more understandable phrases. This will simplify the readability of the document and greatly facilitate the work of the HR manager and manager who will get to know your candidacy. As a result, you will win.


If every applicant knew that he had only 3 minutes to “hook” the employer, then resumes would be compiled with higher quality, more responsibly and concisely. Your self-presentation should look so that the HR manager wants to meet with you and discuss the prospects for further cooperation.

What is a resume

Many candidates underestimate these career life sheets, but in vain, because the employer, without seeing you, can judge by your skills whether you are suitable for a particular job. A resume is a real document, so it must be compiled carefully, pedantically, and also include a number of mandatory points. An experienced recruiter will identify a useful document in 2 minutes. How to write a resume so that you do not end up on the list of outsiders, but win the competition for the main prize - an in-person interview?

Rules for writing a resume

Start working with the document with your full name, purpose, contact information, age and marital status. Clarify your key qualities, skills, work experience, education, achievements. Your intuition won’t tell you how to write a resume correctly—you need to follow certain business rules, the knowledge of which will also be assessed by the HR department or the head of the company.

What should a resume look like?

Visually, this document should look concise, strict, and business-like. Try not to experiment with fonts, text color, background, highlighting (underlining, bold letters, italics). The volume of self-presentation should not exceed 2 pages; ideally, the recruiter should have 1 sheet on his desk.

What to write about yourself

The visual perception of a document often stimulates the decision to call for an interview. Information needs to be structured correctly. How to write a resume and correctly fill out each of the blocks to make a favorable impression:

  1. Last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth- according to your passport. Avoid nicknames, abbreviations, and false information.
  2. Target for you – applying for the position “...”.
  3. "Contact" includes a current personal phone number, active email and address (if necessary).
  4. Family status must be stated factually. There are 3 possible options that need to be written on your resume: married, single, civil marriage.
  5. Education– in chronological or functional order. It is advisable not to take into account seminars and “circles” that are of little significance for a given vacancy, so as not to visually overload the document and not waste the time of a recruiter. Focus on the main profession required by the vacancy.
  6. experience indicated in the order that will be of interest to a particular employer. If you worked as a chief accountant for 3 years, after which you got a job as a sales manager, and now you decide to return to financial sector, then the more important experience will be located at the top. How to create a resume that is not overloaded with “extra” companies? The employer is interested in work experience over the last 10 years, maximum length of service in one company, and last place of employment. This paragraph should succinctly indicate the following data: time range, name of organization, position.
  7. Achievements include functional information: “developed”, “trained”, “mastered”, “managed (number of people)”, “saved”, “developed”. This is how the recruiter will assess your potential usefulness, so it is important that he can quickly find your key skills in the document canvas.

Field of activity in a resume - what to write

The “Additional information” block is a section of your skills. Describe language skills, computer skills, additional level of knowledge in any area, personal qualities. What should you write about yourself in your resume to stand out among thousands of faceless self-presentations? The form of a perfectly composed document form is never replete with information about the applicant’s hobby, unless it is an addition to his professional skills. Think about how to present yourself correctly and interest the employer in your personality.

How to write a resume for a student

Immediately after graduating from university, your work experience is not diverse, and an adequate employer understands this. How to correctly write a resume so that it is short but meaningful? Students and graduates often omit the “Work Experience” block altogether, compensating for the “gap” with widespread information in the “Education” section. The knowledge acquired at conferences, international seminars, and courses is much more important for an organization than a month of working as a waiter in a cafe. You can also list your awards and honors and indicate the topic of the diploma.

How to fill out a resume if you are writing such a document for the first time? The easiest way is to use a template from job search sites, but then you are unlikely to be able to claim individuality. A competent way out of the situation is to study the rules, find out more information on how to draw up correct resume, and follow it. If you are preparing a self-presentation for sending to a branch large company, and the key skill of an applicant for a vacancy is linguistic knowledge, it is better to print the document and issue it in 2 copies - in Russian and a foreign language.

Sample of a good resume for a job

Your checklist when creating a document will look like this:

  • conciseness of presentation;
  • rigor of design;
  • lack of excesses in the form of a bright background, patterns, underlines;
  • availability of all necessary blocks;
  • competent, concise and meaningful presentation of the material.

For clarity, an example of a successful resume:

Sidorov Petr Valerievich

Purpose of resume: applying for an accountant position

Phone: +7 (…) -…-..-..

Marital status: single


RGSU, 1992-1997

Specialty: foreign regional studies (specialist)

MSUPP, 2004-2009

Specialty: accounting, analysis and audit (specialist)

UMC of accountants and auditors, 2015-2016.

Advanced training – seminar “New VAT Taxation”


  • February 2003 – December 2016, Prosenval OJSC
  • Position: accountant
  • August 1997 – January 2003, JSC Magistral
  • Position: regional specialist


At OJSC Prosenval, he optimized the tax base, due to which the company’s expenses were reduced by 13%.

Additional Information:

Foreign languages: English (fluent)

Computer knowledge: confident user, knowledge of Office, 1C Accounting, Dolibarr

Personal qualities: punctuality, composure, ability to analyze, mathematical mind.

Head of the financial department of OJSC "Prosenval"

Avdotyev Konstantin Georgievich, tel. +7 (…)…-..-..

Ready to start work 02/01/2017,

Desired salary: from 40,000 rubles