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Gta 5 online chief's office. Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack for GTA Online – is it worth the money? Bosses and Chiefs

44910 2016-06-26 at 16:25

Chiefs and partners in GTA Online

Introduced in the “New Adventures of Bandits and Swindlers” update bosses and partners stand at least a step higher than VIPs and bodyguards (they are also bosses and thugs). However, how much better are the new “positions”? Do the former receive all the privileges of the latter? In short, yes, all the advantages of both roles will remain with you, but the bosses are much luckier.

Bosses and Chiefs

Despite similar names in Russian, judging by the original, bosses are clearly higher in status: they turn from simply “important persons” (VIPs) conducting business from their own apartment, into full-fledged general directors (CEOs) of their own corporations. Key Features are given in the comparison table below.
Boss (VIP) Chief (CEO)
Entry barrier $1,000,000 in the account (to start and continue activities) Availability of office
(min. cost – the same $1,000,000)
Own organization Yes
Special tasks
(operation and testing)
Available for hire 3 persons
Time limitation of status Maximum 4 hours per real day with further waiting Not limited
Acquisition of offices and warehouses No Yes
Smuggling missions No Yes
Access to additional
transport and clothing
No Yes

We think that the bonuses received by the boss are obvious, and the main thing is that they are valid around the clock. Besides, you have nothing to lose, since your character receives this status for the same money: although in the first case the funds formally remain with you, you still cannot spend them, if you want to remain the boss in the future - you need to maintain a minimum bank balance.

Partners and goons

As for the thugs and partners, the name of the new “profession” is confusing here too: they are not much different according to the "social package". Compare them according to the following parameters:
  • Payments– despite the big name, the partners also have a basic “salary” of $5,000 (for one delivery of contraband), a mere percentage of the boss’s total revenue.
  • Bonuses and fines- on the other hand, in the event of the death of the boss, the thugs could be fined, taking up to 50% of the amount, and payments to reliable partners could increase by as much as 100%, up to $10,000. But don’t hope for more - even if the boss receives a couple of million for the order, guess how much you will get? That's right, 10 “pieces” maximum;
  • Bonuses- approximately the same for both - additional

Newly released GTA Online update" Big people and other bandits" has added many new opportunities for enrichment to the game, thanks to the private security company SecuroServ. It doesn’t matter who you are: an enterprising boss looking for good and loyal soldiers to protect his cause or an ambitious fighter ready to do any dirty work for the right price - these advice will come in handy when you find yourself face to face with the enemy.


Bosses and bodyguards take on the roles of employer and employee, who work together to complete VIP missions and VIP challenges, as well as escort the boss through the dangerous and unpredictable streets of Los Santos.

As a boss, you can easily enjoy the luxury that is due to you or, on the contrary, devastate the streets of the city, relying on experienced and well-armed bodyguards chosen by you personally, which should ensure their effectiveness.

As a bodyguard, make money while having fun, defending the interests of your organization with arms in hand. By becoming a bodyguard, you can count on a stable and regular salary of 5,000 in-game dollars, in addition to all the money and RP you receive for completing VIP missions and VIP challenges in Free Mode.

Let's become the boss

If you want to become the boss of your own criminal organization, a real VIP, the first thing you need to take care of is the state of your account. You won't have to pay for anything, but your minimum account balance must be at least one million in-game dollars, otherwise you won't be able to become a boss.

Open the interaction menu and select "SecuroServ", where you will have access to the function of registering as a boss. Select it to become a VIP and give your organization a name. Once done, go back to the interaction menu. You will see that the "SecuroServ VIP" function has become available. This is where yours begins new life as a crime boss.

Here are a few for you useful tips, which are worth remembering when creating your criminal empire:

  • VIP status lasts for 4 hours of play in Free mode. Time spent in regular missions and robberies is not taken into account and does not affect your VIP status in any way. Once your 4 hours are up, you will only be able to become a boss again after 12 hours.
  • The maximum number of VIPs in a session is no more than six people. If, as a boss, you join a session that already has 6 VIP players, then you will be given the opportunity to temporarily suspend your VIP status.
  • If you have VIP status, the title of your personal menu will change to "SecuroServ VIP". From here you can hire bodyguards for yourself.
  • You will be able to hire and, if necessary, fire other players as your bodyguards. You will be able to hire up to three bodyguards at a time to protect your organization.
  • If your bodyguard does not live up to the high trust placed in him and betrays your organization, then you can easily terminate his assignment using the “Terminate” function. Your remaining bodyguards will be given 5 minutes to destroy the offender.
  • You will not be able to join a session if there is another organization with the same name as yours. This is why there is a paid opportunity to rename your creation. Choose the name of the organization wisely, because as you know, whatever you name a ship is how it will sail.

The job of a bodyguard is to help the employer avoid unwanted attention, receiving decent money and a lot of pleasure for this.

You can well advertise your professional skills using the job search function in the "SecuroServ" column of the interaction menu. Make your services available to anyone who needs another strong armed hand and has something to offer in return.

We are ready to offer you some useful tips that will help you in your hard and bloody work:

  • Get it into your head that your salary will be reduced by 5% for each death of your boss, up to a maximum penalty of 50%. Keep your boss alive, at all costs.
  • Being close to your VIP will give you a bonus 100 RP every minute, and if you die within a certain distance of your boss, you will be resurrected next to him.
  • Bodyguards have the ability to summon a vehicle if the boss owns it or if it is already active on the map.
  • By being close to your boss you will receive a 75% bonus to health regeneration. The regeneration and RP bonus will also be available if you and your boss are in the same room.
  • You will receive a 400 RP bonus for riding in the same car as the boss and a 600 RP bonus for driving a vehicle with your boss inside.

While many are already quite successfully earning their dirty money in the new modes, for those who are just about to take their first steps as a bodyguard or boss, we have prepared another series of useful tips:

How are payments made?

Bodyguards receive a guaranteed salary of 5,000 in-game dollars (not including possible penalties for the death of the boss) for every 15 minutes spent in the service of your boss. However, there is also back side medals: 100% of all money earned by bodyguards for completing various missions in Free Mode goes into the boss's pocket (-10% commission for SecuroServ). The only exception is the sale of cars. Don't forget, too, that bodyguards receive an impressive RP bonus and a small increase in character stats while in the vicinity of the boss. Increasing stats and health regeneration is quite useful in modes like deathmatch.

Is a superyacht considered real estate?

No. The superyacht does not take up a slot in the real estate list (whose maximum size, as you probably remember, is 5), but you will be able to respawn on it, change clothes and have a drink, another in your personal bar. The yacht does not have a garage or room for planning heists, but all vehicles purchased with the yacht will always appear next to it, even if they were destroyed in the previous session. A superyacht cannot be sold, but you can always improve it, degrade it, or completely remake it, right down to the name.

How to get rid of unwanted guests on my yacht?

Every true pirate understands the importance of protecting his ship. And a superyacht is far from defenseless - it is equipped with powerful built-in security systems, specially designed to properly welcome those who would try to steal your millions. If a group of such “hares” has boarded your yacht, follow our tips to get rid of them without changing your session:

  • Prohibit access to the yacht for strangers. You will find access settings for the yacht in a special section of the interaction menu.
  • Disable the yacht's defense systems so you can gain access to your weapons.
  • Kill the uninvited guests. They will respawn on the shore, which will make it very difficult for them to attack further.
  • Turn on the yacht's security systems. Now the pirates won't be able to just fly back.
  • Now climb into the jacuzzi and enjoy your drinks in peace and safety.
We hope our advice will be useful on your path to the status of the most dangerous criminal in GTA Online. If you still don’t understand something, don’t hesitate to ask about it in the comments to this article. Our analytical department staff will be happy to answer all your questions.

With the release of updates for GTA Online « Finance and Felony" And " Bikers and more", positions of robberies, as the most fast way enrichment, were a little shaken. " Heists"still occupies a place of honor on the Olympus of pharma, but for many, the next Pacific Standard robbery makes them want to vomit. Offices and Clubhouses add some variety to the process of accumulating GTA money. But to better understand the process, you need to understand the numbers.


A lot has already been written about organizations, so there is no analysis here. Only numbers.

Price purchases one box of goods - $2,000 .

Price sales one box of goods - $10,000 .

Net profit - $8,000 .

The mathematics of organizations is quite simple: the larger the batch, the more expensive each box is. This applies to both purchasing and sales.

The cost of one box increases from $10,000 before $20,000 , depending on the batch size. Of course, the final profit depends on how many boxes you order at a time. Here is a short price table. Costs are indicated in brackets:

Clubhouse and Enterprise

The main advantage of this method of earning money is that it allows you to diversify already boring farming schemes. Unfortunately, this method is not very suitable for amateurs. Clubhouse businesses are designed for a group of at least three people.

Cost of clubhouses – from $200,000 before $495,000 . For example, let's take the middle option located on Del Perro Beach - $365,000 .

We will buy one production. The most profitable of the five is cocaine. There is a reason to buy a company closer to the clubhouse. The nearest cocaine production facility is in Morningwood and costs $1,389,375 .

We immediately buy production upgrades (everything except video surveillance, because it is of very little use).

Equipment upgrade - $935,000

Personnel upgrade - $390,000

Total we have:

$365,000 + $1,389,375 + $935,000 + $390,000 = $3,079,375

A cocaine warehouse with installed upgrades produces a profit of $420,000 (subject to the sale of goods at a distant point + bonus for players in the session).

Divide the amount in $3,079,375 on $420,000 = 7,33 . This is the number of complete production cycles required to break even. We're not even talking about earnings yet.

That is, to recoup the enterprise, you need to sell a full warehouse 7 times at the farthest point. The condition taken into account is that you do not buy raw materials, but steal them, and that dashing people on hydras will not destroy you a batch or two.

Of course, enthusiasts may argue that this passive income and does not interfere with doing other things at the same time. One cannot but agree with this. These are just numbers, and planning free GTA time is a personal matter for everyone.

The profitability of each enterprise ( with improvements already installed) is listed below.

Bottom line

It is impossible to say which is better, offices or enterprises, because the methods are different, and each has its own pros and cons. Biker businesses are more suitable for amateurs passive income, because unlike the organization, you won’t have to painstakingly collect the goods.

The ideal (in terms of profit) option is to combine these two activities.

December 1, 2016

3 comments to “Offices and enterprises. Numbers"

    Ray, This happens, especially during discount periods. Try to sell what you have, stop production and start it again.

    The coke warehouse has personnel and raw materials, but does not produce products; the enterprise is active. What could be the problem and how to solve it?

    Agree. It's best to alternate. But don’t forget about robberies!

After acquiring some objects that generate income, the manager will from time to time turn to the owner for help in solving problems that arise. For the most part, the tasks given by the manager are quite simple and short, so their completion will not take much time, but will allow the company to maintain its revenue in full.

The managers of each of the purchased business objects ask for help on average once a week: a corresponding text message is sent to the smartphone of the character who owns the object, and a letter appears on the map, marking the task. The letter is colored in the hero's color - blue for , green for and orange for .

If the mission is ignored, some time later the task tag will disappear, and the manager of the enterprise will send a message to the careless owner, expressing his dissatisfaction. In this case, all the establishment’s profit for the week will be lost. The same thing will happen if you take on a mission but fail.

It is worth noting that real estate missions are launched depending on the character's current location - if the hero is far from the object, the mission will not start. Or rather, the task will be offered, but for the establishment that is closest to the character. If several enterprises are equidistant from the hero, he will be offered a task from one of them - in this case, apparently, the game makes a random choice.

So that the incompetent managers of some establishments do not bother you with tasks, the reward for which will be pitiful “pennies” of weekly income, it is quite possible to refuse to purchase such enterprises - just not to buy bars, cinemas and the medical marijuana store Smoke on the Water. The remaining objects will be enough to get 100 percent in the game completion statistics.

Car Scrapyard

After acquiring a car scrapyard, the owner, who can be any of them, will have to periodically fight off the vehicle recycling company from raids by the notorious biker gang The Lost.

Landfill protection

To make this task easier, you need to choose the right firing point. The car dump is located on the hillside on oil field Murrieta Oil Fields, and the easiest access from the city is from the east. But if you approach the enterprise’s territory from the western side, you can get an advantage in height, which can be decisive in a long-distance battle.

The first couple of uninvited guests need to be taken out with a sniper rifle - most likely, they will not even understand where they are being shot from. Two black vans with reinforcements will immediately appear - they can be destroyed before the bandits get out of them, for example, with the help of RPGs or grenades. Having finished off the surviving bindits, you will have to destroy another van. You can use the same tactic - throw an RPG grenade at him as soon as he stops.

Sometimes it happens that there are no red dots marking opponents on the mini-map, and for some reason completing the mission is not counted. In this case, you need to drive around the perimeter of the landfill territory - most likely, there are still enemies somewhere who, due to a script that didn’t work correctly, were unable to come to the aid of their buddies on time. To complete the mission, you need to kill all the bikers.

Smoke on the Water Pharmacy

After acquiring the medical marijuana dispensary Smoke on the Water, Franklin will frequently receive messages from the manager asking for help. The place where the mission begins is marked on the map with a green letter.

Return of Van No. 1

Due to the specifics of its activities, Smoke on the Water constantly attracts the attention of small bandits, who for some reason think that they can easily steal a whole batch of goods from a pharmacy by stealing a van. Of course, this cannot be allowed - the stolen Brute Pony with “grass” must be returned, and on your own - for obvious reasons, you cannot contact the police.

The van is located in the Tataviam Mountains. You can get here along a narrow gravel mountain road. When there is about half a kilometer left to the target, the hijackers will realize that it is time to leave and will try to escape. To catch up with them without falling off the cliff, when passing the most difficult turns, you should use Franklin's special skill, slowing down time.

Of course, you can shoot out the wheels on the van, which will force the bandits to stop, but the catch is that this van will then have to be driven back to the Smoke on the Water store. Since the path is not close, it is better to act differently. The easiest way is to shoot the driver while overtaking a van on a straight section of the road. To overclock, you can use a special skill.

When the driver is killed, you can stop and get out of the car. The second bandit will try to shoot Franklin, but he won't cause any serious problems. Having dealt with him, you need to break away from the police, if Franklin received wanted stars as a result of the shootout, and then return the cargo to the pharmacy - the path is marked with the usual yellow line.

Return of Van No. 2

Smoke on the Water's signature van, filled to capacity with marijuana, has been stolen again. Well, in vain. The thieves are hiding near a car dump in the Murietta oil field. On the local dirt roads there is enough room for maneuver, in addition, there is no danger of falling off the mountain, as in the first task of this type, which greatly simplifies the procedure for returning valuable property.

The easiest way is to use Franklin's special ability again to overtake the van and shoot the driver. His partner will try to resist, but he does not pose a serious danger - you can get out of the car and shoot him. It is better to use a weapon with a silencer to avoid increased police attention. Otherwise, Franklin will receive one or two wanted stars. However, the intricate labyrinth of local roads will allow you to hide from the cops without the slightest difficulty.

Having broken away from the police, you need to deliver the van back to the pharmacy - it is marked on the map with a yellow marker.

Delivery No. 1

Another scenario for “helping” the Smoke on the Water business is the delivery of goods from local “manufacturers” to the pharmacy. Upon reaching Great Chaparral, where the mission begins, Franklin will find a branded pharmacy van near a large hangar.

The van is loaded, so all that remains is to deliver it to the store. Once Franklin gets behind the wheel, a timer will appear in the lower right corner, counting down the time until the mission is completed. The path ahead is not short, and the time allotted for it is only four and a half minutes, so there is no need to hesitate.

If you follow the route marked on the mini-map with a caring GPS navigator, it is quite possible to meet the allotted time, especially if you remember to use Franklin’s special skill at every opportunity. There is no point in saving the yellow stripe - it quickly builds up when driving at high speed and in the oncoming lane.

On the roads rural areas and on the highway the traffic is relatively small, but already at the entrance to Los Santos you can get into a traffic jam - here again a special skill will come to the rescue, which will not only help you get around the traffic jam, but will also allow you to develop significant speed on straight sections of the road.

It is better to pass all intersections in the city using special skill- this will help avoid serious accidents when driving through a red traffic light. If you never get into an accident the entire trip, you can get to Smoke on the Water with a minute and a half to spare.

Delivery No. 2

Another mission to deliver illegal cargo begins on Kimble Hill Drive in Vinewood. The branded Smoke on the Water van is parked outside a small one-story house under a canopy. It takes three minutes to deliver the goods to the pharmacy. The suggested route is marked on the mini-map with a traditional yellow line.

The most difficult part of the distance runs through Vinewood - maneuvering through the narrow streets here is already difficult, and fighting for every second is even more so. However, Franklin's special ability will come to the rescue and make progress much easier.

By getting out of a respectable area replete with luxurious mansions of the rich and famous, you can significantly increase your speed. If you don’t encounter traffic on the way, you can get to the pharmacy with a decent amount of time - about a minute left.

Delivery No. 3

The third and final delivery takes place within the city, starting on Nikola Avenue in Mirror Park, in the eastern part of Los Santos. The time allotted for completing the task is three minutes - more than enough.

A Smoke on the Water van loaded with weed is parked outside a home for sale. As soon as Franklin is behind the wheel, the timer will start, and the path to the pharmacy will be indicated on the mini-map with a yellow line.

The proposed route is successful in all respects: you will have to drive mostly in a straight line, so there will be no need to cut corners or maneuver through narrow streets. If you brake less, drive through intersections more carefully, and use Franklin’s special ability more often, you can complete it in one and a half minutes, that is, half the time allotted for completing the task.

Raid No. 1

Despite the fact that, unlike the previous ones, these tasks do not have a time limit, they are noticeably more complex. The mission begins in Chumash on the Great Ocean Highway. Smoke on the Water's signature truck is parked behind O'Deas Pharmacy in the Chumash Plaza shopping complex.

As soon as Franklin is behind the wheel, the van needs to be turned 180 degrees - the police are waiting for the smuggler near the northern exit from Chumash Plaza. When the minibus travels a few meters, Franklin will receive two wanted stars. It's best to drive through a narrow exit, located away from the cops' ambush, and try to hide without leaving the area shopping complex. There is a possibility (and a considerable one) that you will be able to wait out the entire period of the search right here.

If you jump onto the highway quickly, there is also a chance of not getting caught by the police, despite the fact that there are practically no workarounds here - you need to go south in the direction of Los Santos, constantly looking at the mini-map in order to successfully avoid the cones, marking the cops' line of sight. If you can't avoid getting caught by the police, hide from law enforcement will have to be in the city.

When the wanted stars are removed, the familiar yellow line will appear on the mini-map, marking the path to the pharmacy. To complete the mission, you need to park the van in the backyard of Smoke on the Water.

Raid No. 2

This time, a van with not entirely legal contents must be picked up from a farm located in the south of the Grand Senora desert. As in the first mission of this type, the police will follow Franklin almost as soon as he gets behind the wheel. At the same time, the Unmarked Police Cruiser of the cops will appear behind the barn no earlier than Franklin is in the van, so blocking the police car or somehow interfering with law enforcement officers will most likely not be possible.

However, it is not difficult to get away from the police in this part of Blaine County - just avoid paved roads, riding through the surrounding hills and wastelands until Franklin's wanted stars are removed, after which it will be possible to take the cargo to Smoke on the Water.

Towing Impound parking ticket

Some time after completion, she will call Franklin to inform him that the parking lot is up for sale. By purchasing the business, Franklin will be able to perform tow truck missions, earning $500 for each tow.

Penalty parking tasks

To receive a task from the dispatcher, you need to sit in the tow truck and press the button responsible for the horn. The dispatcher can contact Franklin himself. In this case, you need to use the same key to inform him that he is ready to work. After the mission is completed, you won’t be able to start the next one right away - you’ll have to drive around for two or three minutes, pressing the horn from time to time, until the dispatcher gives a new task.

The missions themselves are nothing new - all mission options have already been tested in “favors” for Tony. So, Franklin will have to tow broken down cars to service stations, pick up illegally parked cars, and also rescue drivers stuck at railroad crossings.

Please be aware that in tow missions vehicle to the nearest car service center, further damage to the broken down car, as well as the death of the driver who is accompanying his car, sitting in the cab of the tow truck, must not be allowed - in this case, the task will be considered failed. You should avoid using Franklin's special ability - the special ability does not apply to the towed vehicle, so the towed vehicle will start to wobble from side to side, it will become detached from the tow truck and may crash.

Regarding tasks involving rescuing those stuck on railway tracks For drivers, the easiest way to pass them is to carefully push the broken down car out of the danger zone, and only then grab it with a hook.

In missions you can meet a lot of funny characters: some get into a fight when Franklin tries to tow their car, others kiss in the back seat and don’t care about towing, and still others can tell an interesting story along the way.


Being a bar owner in the state of San Andreas is hard work. Drinking establishments are often attacked by street gangs and attract robbers looking for easy money. Many bars are popular with celebrities, so annoying paparazzi hang around them, which can cause the establishment to lose customers. At the same time, it is almost impossible to find an intelligent manager who would be able to not only solve all the problems listed above, but at least ensure timely delivery of alcohol to the bar.

Theft of proceeds

As soon as the owner arrives at the establishment where the request for help came from, a car drives away from the bar, taking away the thief and a week's earnings. To get the money back, the thief must be caught and killed.

Despite the apparent simplicity, tasks in which you need to return stolen proceeds are quite complex, which is not last resort determined by the vehicle used by the robber: in most cases it is Karin Futo or Imponte Phoenix, less often robbers use old Karin Sultan sports cars. All of the listed cars are quite fast, so you should complete such missions in sports cars or supercars.

In addition, the robbers shoot back, and shoot very accurately. If the robber is aiming at the character, it's not so bad, but sometimes the robbers shoot at the tires, making the chase even more difficult. Moreover, their shooting often attracts the attention of the police, and for returning fire, the owner of a robbed establishment will immediately receive two wanted stars.

In this situation, a weapon with a silencer helps out - law enforcement officers do not react to it. It is best to use an armor-piercing pistol or micro-PP. It would also be useful to use a car with additional armor and bulletproof tires to complete such tasks. It wouldn't hurt to wear a bulletproof vest on your character.

To solve the problem as quickly as possible short term, you need to catch up with the thief’s accelerating car without slowing down and ram it, trying to turn it around, which will allow you to more accurately aim at the fugitive. If you fail to turn the robber's car around, you can try to shoot out his tires, as a result of which the car's speed will decrease, and it will be much easier to catch up with him. If you fail to do this, all that remains is to chase the thief until you have the opportunity to shoot him or at least slow down his car.

At the moment of death, the robber will drop the bag containing the proceeds from the car. In this case, the car will continue to roll by inertia for some time, so that the cash will be at some distance from it. The package will be marked on the mini-map with a green marker. To complete the task, you need to pick up the money and get rid of the wanted stars, if any appeared during the chase.

Gang attack

Drinking establishments are often attacked by street gangs, and the owner, of course, has to deal with the bandits (what the police do in Los Santos is not clear). The Ballas gang, familiar to all fans of the GTA series, attacks the Pitchers bar, bandits from the Latin American gang Vagos regularly raid the Hookers fish restaurant and the elite Tequi-la-la bar, and the Kkangpae gang did not like the nondescript provincial The Hen House.

The biggest challenge in completing such a mission is killing your enemies before they escape: bandits are cowardly and will try to escape as soon as trouble appears on the horizon. So the main thing is to act quickly, before the opponents have time to run away. If the attackers' cars (at least two) go in different directions, the mission can be considered failed. Therefore, it is better to deprive them of this opportunity in advance.

All attackers are marked on the mini-map with red dots, so it will not be difficult to identify the bandits. In order not to take unnecessary risks, you shouldn’t drive too close to them - it’s best to park half a block from the establishment and destroy the attackers’ cars with an RPG, and then shoot the survivors with any rapid-fire weapon.

When all the bandits are killed, you will need to get rid of the wanted stars, after which the mission will be considered completed.

Chasing the paparazzi

If a paparazzi appears near the establishment, photographing customers, you need to quickly take away his camera while anyone else is going to the bar: no one wants to end up on the pages of a tabloid or on the Internet. These tasks are difficult, despite the fact that they do not seem so, since you cannot kill photographers, and there is practically no time to think - you need to act quickly.

Arriving at the manager's call, two men can be seen at the bar getting on a motorcycle. Both fugitives are marked on the mini-map with red dots, but killing them is strictly prohibited - because of this, the bar will not be shown in the best light in the press, and the mission will be considered failed. The goal of the task is to catch up and stop the arrogant paparazzi before they manage to leak the pictures they take to the network.

The worst thing is if such a task is given by the manager of the Hookies fish restaurant, which is especially popular among bikers. The fleeing paparazzi have time to quickly accelerate along the Great Ocean Highway and can easily die if they fall from their motorcycle. In addition, they often die under the wheels of cars speeding along the highway - residents of San Andreas are always in a hurry, and few people have time to brake in front of a person who suddenly finds themselves in the middle of the highway.

The best tactic is to shoot out the tire of the paparazzi's motorcycle, and it is advisable to do this when he is not going too fast, for example, on a turn, so that the fugitives do not crash when falling. You can also try to arrange a motorcycle accident with another car, but this is much more difficult to do. Be that as it may, if they are lucky, the paparazzi will drop their camera and smartphone and try to escape. There is no longer any need to catch up with the fugitives - just pick up their property, which is marked on the mini-map with green dots. At this point the task will be considered completed.

Delivery of alcohol

From time to time, the bar manager will turn to the owner for help in delivering a new batch of alcohol - the driver did not show up for work, and if the alcohol is not delivered in a timely manner, the establishment will lose customers, and, accordingly, revenue. The time available to complete such tasks is limited, and delivery must be carried out using a heavy, clumsy and slow Vapid Benson truck.

Since it is not iron bars that will be transported, but fragile bottles, each accident will be accompanied by the sound of broken glass. At the same time, sudden braking or changing the direction of movement does not have the slightest effect on the safety of the cargo, which cannot be said about collisions with other cars, lamp posts, building walls and other obstacles. Moreover, the higher the speed of the truck at the time of the collision, the more bottles will be broken.

However, completing the task in no way depends on how badly the bottles were damaged - as long as the amount of destroyed goods was not critical. The current number of broken bottles is indicated by an indicator in the lower right corner of the screen, and you need to get to the establishment while there are at least a few intact ones left, within the allotted time.

The time is calculated in such a way that if you do not linger anywhere and do not get into an accident, there will be another 10-30 seconds left on the timer upon arrival. Of course, it is better not to attract the attention of the police to your humble person - most likely, this will only complicate progress to the bar. You need to drive carefully, but rationally - if it is difficult to move along your lane, you can steer into the oncoming lane, but you should remember that the truck is very heavy and, accordingly, will not be able to stop quickly, so the likelihood of damage to the cargo will increase significantly. If the establishment belongs to Franklin, his special ability will not be superfluous in this task.

Pitchers and Tequi-la-la each offer three delivery options from Pibwasser and Liquor Market, while seafood restaurant Hookies and hole-in-the-wall bar Hen House each offer one delivery option from Harmony Stripmall and Marlowe Vineyard.


There are three cinemas available for purchase in Los Santos: Cinema Doppler, Ten Cent Theater and Tivoli Cinema. The owner of each of these objects can only be Michael, a passionate film lover and. Since this business generates significant profits, it is not surprising that petty bandits would constantly try to rob cinemas. In addition, competition in film distribution is high, so establishments will need to be advertised from time to time by scattering flyers over the city.

Theft of proceeds

Scenarios involving the theft of revenue from movie theaters are almost identical to raids on bars. The only major difference is that the owner of the cinema is, in any case, Michael: his special ability, with proper skill, allows him to shoot the fleeing thief before he has time to drive away from the robbed establishment.

Advertising campaign

For a cinema to make a profit, it needs to be advertised properly, and this needs to be done regularly - competition in this business is incredibly high. Of course, you won’t have to put up posters all over the city - the 21st century is just around the corner. Instead you need to reset Flyers from an airplane.

Cinema advertising missions begin at Los Santos International Airport - you need to take the helm of a small Mallard stunt plane, which is parked near an open hangar, and take off. It would be nice to go through Michael up to this point and “pump up” the character’s flight skill. However, the missions for promoting film distribution establishments are not difficult, so you can cope with them this way.

Having gained altitude, you need to check the map, where ten places are marked where you need to scatter flyers. In addition, Michael will shout advertising slogans into the loudspeaker. It is better to fly higher to reduce the risk of colliding with tall buildings or other objects. You need to drop leaflets once you are inside the zone marked in yellow on the mini-map. There is no need to worry about the supply of flyers - it is not limited.