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They are called insiders. Who is the insider? List of insiders

Associated with secret, hidden or any other classified information or knowledge: an insider is a member of a group who has information that only this group has.

The insider is opposed to the outside specialist. The specialist can provide a comprehensive theoretical analysis, which will then be the basis for an expert opinion, and the insider has first-hand information.

In the media, an insider is often referred to as "The Source at..."

Insider in Russian law

… Insiders include the following:

  • issuers and management companies;
  • economic entities included in the register provided for by Article 23 of the Federal Law of July 26, 2006 N 135-FZ "On Protection of Competition" and occupying a dominant position in the market of a certain product within geographical boundaries Russian Federation;
  • trade organizers, clearing organizations, as well as depositories and credit organizations that carry out settlements based on the results of transactions made through trade organizers;
  • professional participants in the securities market and other persons carrying out transactions with financial instruments, foreign currency and (or) goods in the interests of clients who have received insider information from clients;
  • persons having access to insider information of the persons specified in paragraphs 1-4 of this article on the basis of agreements concluded with the relevant persons, including auditors (audit organizations), appraisers (legal entities with whom appraisers have concluded employment contracts), professional participants in the securities market, credit institutions, insurance companies;
  • persons who own at least 25 percent of the votes in the supreme governing body of the persons specified in paragraphs 1-4 of this article, as well as persons who, by virtue of holding shares (stakes) in the authorized capital of these persons, have access to insider information on the basis of federal laws or constituent documents;
  • members of the board of directors (supervisory board), members of the collegial executive body, a person exercising the functions of the sole executive body (including managing organization, managing or temporary sole executive body), members of the audit commission of legal entities specified in paragraphs 1-6, 8, 11 and 12 of this article, managing organizations;
  • persons who have access to information about sending a voluntary, mandatory or competitive offer to acquire shares in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on joint-stock companies, including persons who sent to joint-stock company voluntary or competitive offers, a credit institution that provided a bank guarantee, an appraiser (legal entities with which appraisers have concluded employment contracts);
  • federal executive bodies, executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies local government, other bodies or organizations exercising the functions of these bodies, management bodies of state off-budget funds having in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation the right to place temporarily free funds in financial instruments (hereinafter referred to as the management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds), the Bank of Russia;
  • Heads of federal executive bodies having access to insider information Heads of federal executive bodies having access to insider information executive bodies of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, having access to insider information, elected officials of local self-government, having access to insider information, civil servants and municipal employees of the bodies specified in paragraph 9 of this article, having access to insider information, employees of bodies and organizations performing the functions of bodies, specified in paragraph 9 of this article, having access to insider information, employees of management bodies of state off-budget funds, employees (employees) of the Bank of Russia, members of the National Banking Council having access to insider information;
  • information agencies disclosing or providing information of the persons specified in clauses 1-4 of this article, bodies and organizations specified in clause 9 of this article, the Bank of Russia;
  • persons carrying out the assignment of ratings to persons specified in paragraphs 1-4 of this article, as well as to securities (hereinafter referred to as rating agencies);
  • individuals who have access to insider information of the persons specified in paragraphs 1-8, 11 and 12 of this article, on the basis of labor and (or) civil law contracts concluded with the relevant persons ...

Federal Law No. 224-FZ of July 27, 2010 “On countering the misuse of insider information and market manipulation and on amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on July 2, 2010)



  • Insider // Economic dictionary.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Insider" is in other dictionaries:

    Especially confidant firm through which it is possible to obtain confidential information. Dictionary of financial terms. Insider An insider is a person who, by virtue of his position, has access to important (financial) information that is not available to the general public. ... ... Financial vocabulary

    insider- 1. A person who, by virtue of his official or family status, has access to confidential information about the affairs of the company. An officer, director, or one of the major shareholders of a corporation with broad shareholding and their immediate family... Technical Translator's Handbook

    From English. inside any person who has access to confidential information about the activities of the company by virtue of his official position or family ties. Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    - (from English inside inside) any person who has access to confidential information about the affairs of the company due to his official position and family ties. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. 2 e… … Economic dictionary

    insider- (insider) a person who has the right to access insider information on the basis of a law, other regulatory legal act, job description, other internal document of the organization (companies, companies, enterprises, etc.), or on the basis of ... ... Economic and Mathematical Dictionary

    insider- (eng. insider, from inside, lit. inside) a person who, by virtue of his official or marital status, has access to confidential information about the affairs of the company; executive, a director or one of the main shareholders of a corporation with a wide ... Encyclopedia of Law

    M. Anyone who, due to his official position, has access to classified information. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    The one who uses insider information, a person who, taking advantage of his official position, access to important information, distributes it for profit or career development. New dictionary of foreign words. by EdwART, 2009 … Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

AT modern world insider is a very common concept. It is applicable in various fields. economic activity. In a general sense, an insider is an individual or entity, which, due to its position, has access to valuable (mainly, of course, from an economic point of view) information.


An insider (from the English “located inside”) is a member of a group of persons who have any important information. Moreover, he actively operates - for the most part for his own benefit. In the media, the word has become synonymous with the concept of "source in ...".

An example of insider altruism is the American intelligence officer Edward Snowden, who revealed to the world classified information belonging to the US National Security Agency. But, as a rule, such persons in a certain group possess not only knowledge, but also enough power and means, and use their position only to acquire additional benefits. In contrast, external specialists of the company can only analyze the information received, having no idea how reliable it is.

Another striking example of an already self-serving activity is the well-known Wall Street scandal associated with the names of Michael Milken, Ivan Boschi, Martin Siegel and Denis Levine. It all ended with real terms and huge fines. You can read about this in a book called The Greed and Glory of Wall Street. Feature films are still made about the speculations of American moneybags.

Insider Information

Often this concept is associated with super profits of large corporations. Meanwhile, as in any organization, so in a political party there are areas that are closed from outside access. This is classified information, not intended for ordinary citizens, - the latest technology, cutting-edge developments, financial reports, certain groups. And since all these processes are involved real people, they are insiders who can deal with this information. No wonder he said that knowledge is power. And in the modern world, such persons are becoming a serious weapon to achieve both political and economic benefits. And the activity of an insider can undermine the work of a large corporation and break the career of a major public figure. And even though the term itself initially did not have a negative component, more and more often insidership is associated with personal self-interest.

From the foregoing, it is clear that the relation ordinary people to this phenomenon is mostly negative. This is supported by various conspiracy theories. For example, rumors about the existence of the Illuminati group. An insider of this secret society allegedly reported that the higher ones of this world planned to reduce the population of the globe by ninety-nine percent. One of the ways they have chosen is products made using GMOs. The latter is said to drastically reduce the capacity of the human reproductive system. Films are also made on this topic.


Members of criminal gangs or corporations that break the law can create "leaks" leading to the disclosure of such acts. With a purpose, of course.


Often insiders - shareholders or board members of large corporations - use the information they have about the position of the issuing company for transactions in the securities market. Such transactions are not always legal.


AT ordinary life insider information is information ( public life, economics, ecology, etc.), which contradict the point of view of the authorities and at the same time are reliable. Sources in this case can be both politicians and scientists, journalists, cultural figures.


An insider is a major shareholder, as well as a senior manager of a corporation. All of them have important information about the state of affairs of the company.


A bank insider is a natural or legal person who is aware of the financial situation due to his official position. Shareholders and their relatives may also have such information. Here it is necessary to clarify who are "physical" and who are "legal" insiders.

  1. Persons owning shares in the bank, shareholders.
  2. Senior management: from the chairman of the board of directors to the chief accountant.
  3. Heads of structural divisions, as well as persons who, by proxy of the auctioneer, have the right to vote at meetings.
  4. Auditors, auditors and representatives of control bodies.
  5. Relatives of all the above persons.
  6. Associates of institutions associated with the bank.
  1. Participants and institutions that own significant shares of capital in the bank; as well as enterprises, significant parts of which are owned by the latter.
  2. Organizations led by shareholders top managers and controllers of the credit institution.

How to protect yourself from insider trading

Commercial and other organizations take steps to keep information secret. There are both legislative and hardware tools for this. Among the latter, special computer programs, such as "Insider", which "hide" electronic data.

Important documents are stored in specially designated places under the guise of other information, say, graphic files. And for a non-professional, this data on a computer does not seem to exist at all. And only if you enter the correct password desired folders are available. True, the files that the program can delete are no longer recoverable, and the application itself uses the Internet. So there is also the risk of dissemination of information on the World Wide Web.

What the Insider Program Can Do

  1. Data encryption.
  2. Hiding confidential information.
  3. Unlimited size of processed data.
  4. Data exchange via the Internet.
  5. Permanent deletion of files.

Other standard antivirus protection programs and authentication systems are also used. In general, any self-respecting organization should have a security policy.

The law on insider information is one of the legal methods of combating the dissemination of classified information. It has already received many amendments. This legal act defines the list of persons related to insiders, as well as cases when an individual or legal entity can acquire such status.

According to the law, it is illegal to use insider information to manipulate stock prices and personal enrichment. This is because it hinders competition in the financial market.

List of insiders - what is it? The law obliges organizations to compile a list of employees who are granted access to classified data. Individuals may also have insider information due to their position. The possibility of working with secret documents and responsibility for this is stipulated by labor and civil law contracts.

There are so-called "primary insiders". These are the persons who directly receive secret data. In addition to them, there are also "secondary". They have access to insider information already through the former.

Information about insider activities

Such information is, in principle, available to everyone. They are essential for making decisions about whether to buy or sell stocks. In such cases, it is important to remember the following. Most of the deals that insiders make are designed to grow their companies in the long term. Therefore, a serious and thorough analysis is needed. And the sale by one of the major directors of an insignificant part of his shares should not be misleading. It is necessary to act only when several shareholders begin to get rid of securities. And the director, who not only receives a salary in the company, but has his own assets in it, is a much more indicative object for analysis.

Information about such transactions can be found on many specialized sites, which even have insider sections. There is always something interesting on them. However, this or that site can be controlled by an insider. Reviews on such resources should therefore be read very carefully.

This article, of course, does not pretend to reveal the entire topic in its entirety. There are many nuances to insider trading. Everyone already understands that there is little good in it for ordinary people, but in modern conditions market economy this phenomenon must be treated as a fact.

Today we will talk about who an insider is. On the modern market insiders are usually called persons who have information that is not available to most market participants.

The information that insiders possess is usually obtained from primary sources and is not disclosed to a wide audience. A narrow circle of people has access to information from insiders, which is very important, since, if used correctly, it allows you to make serious profits.

Who is an insider. How do they appear

To answer the question of how insiders appear, this term should be specified. So, for example, if a group of people calls themselves insiders and announces any information, then this, most likely, will not be reflected in the market situation.

To answer the question of who an insider is and how they appear, one should decide who can play this role. Large shareholders, as well as managers of various corporations, can act as insiders.

If the persons described above, who have important information, make transactions on stock market, then they violate the rights of other shareholders. Suppose the manager of a company knows that it is in danger of going bankrupt. In this case, he tries to sell the available shares until the other market participants have received information about the upcoming bankruptcy of the enterprise.

At the same time, the appearance of a large number of company shares on sale significantly accelerates the processes leading to its bankruptcy.

Because of the reasons described above, the activity of insiders is considered to be fraud.

  1. The Central Bank, as well as the government of the country, as they have classified information that is not available to most market participants.
  2. Rating/information agencies.
  3. Credit institutions, as well as depositories, as they are directly involved in organizing trading on the stock market.
  4. Issuers of various types/bonds.
  5. Stockbrokers provided they receive important information from large companies.
  6. Persons who are members of the board of directors and own a block of shares from 10% of various corporations.
  7. Specialists engaged by corporations to assess the current value of blocks of shares / bonds. As a rule, such an assessment provides information about current position companies. With this information, you can get a significant income from trading in the stock market.

How insiders trade

Having figured out who an insider is, you should dwell on exactly how they conduct trading. An insider concludes deals only on the basis of confidential information about the issuing company of certain securities.

At the same time, it should be remembered that the actions of an insider can be recognized as fraudulent only after it is proved that he is trading on the basis of information obtained illegally or in a private conversation.

If there is no clear evidence, then the insider's actions are considered legal.

Many investors try to keep track of individuals who may act as insiders and repeat their actions. This is because the insider, who has confidential information, knows perfectly well at what exact moment it is best to buy shares / bonds of the company, and when it is best to sell them.

The main problem is that it is quite difficult to determine who exactly is an insider. This is due to the fact that managers of enterprises or large shareholders can purchase or sell shares / bonds for reasons not related to obtaining information that is not available to other market participants.

Insiders in the domestic market

In the domestic market, insiders are usually called unscrupulous employees who sell confidential information about their company to competitors. The term "insider attack" usually refers to the leakage of confidential information. Credit institutions are the most sensitive to such attacks.

Practice shows that if 20% of confidential information is leaked, more than 60% credit institutions become bankrupt. This is due to the fact that insider attacks lead to a significant reduction in client base and loss of reputation. Since a good reputation among customers is simply necessary for a credit institution to function successfully, its loss in most cases is the main reason for bankruptcy.

Unfortunately, most private traders do not have access to insider information that can be used to generate income. If you have some experience, you can follow potential insiders and repeat their actions.

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The meaning of the word insider

insider in the crossword dictionary

Glossary of financial terms


a special trustee of the company, through which it is possible to obtain confidential information.



insider- a member of any group of people who have access to information that is not available to the general public. The term is used in a context related to secret, hidden or any other classified information or knowledge: an insider is a member of a group who has information that only that group has.

The insider is opposed to the outside specialist. The specialist can provide a comprehensive theoretical analysis, which will then be the basis for an expert opinion, and the insider has first-hand information.

In the US, for mandatory corporate reporting insiders employees of the company, directors and shareholders owning more than 10% of the share capital of the company are recognized. Transactions made by these insiders with shares of their own company are based on non-public information and are considered fraudulent since insiders violate their obligation or fiduciary duties to shareholders. A company insider, accepting an offer of employment in a company, undertakes an obligation to its shareholders to look after their interests above their own in matters relating to the company's activities. When an insider buys or sells based on corporate information, he violates his obligation to shareholders.

In the media, an insider is often referred to as "The Source at..."

Insider (novel)

"Insider"- a fantasy novel by Yulia Latynina, the last chronologically in the cycle of the Wei Empire.

Great Veya, a semi-monarchist, semi-socialist state, is very similar to a mixture of the great Asian monarchies. But everything changes, and the monarchy comes into contact with the space federation of earthlings. Including all "developed" monetary relations.

Insider (disambiguation)


  • Insider - a member of a group of people who have access to classified information;
  • The Insider is a fantasy novel by Yulia Latynina;
  • Inside Man is a 1999 American feature film.

Examples of the use of the word insider in the literature.

There were also meetings Insiders and lengthy consultations with others who had some knowledge of Yuuzhan Vong technology - individuals such as Cilghal, a Mon Calamari Jedi healer.

Day 39 In the wing where the apartments of the senior officers were located and where the majority lived Insiders, Jaina was held up by a mob consisting of Wedge, Yella, their daughters, Luke, Mara, Baby Ben, Jedi Kam and Tyonna Solusar from the academy, Han, Leia, and C-3PO.

The famous phrase of the philosopher Roger Bacon “Knowledge is power”, which adorned the facades of almost all Soviet schools, is still relevant, but is gradually losing its original meaning. If earlier strength was understood as one's own knowledge, which made it possible to fight against the forces of nature and enemies, then in the modern era of excess information, in addition to one's own knowledge, it becomes no less important to know what a competitor knows. Big companies are ready to pay for information from the camp of market competitors no less willingly than to spend on the purchase of new equipment. Therefore, in the economic and political spheres, people who bear the definition of "insider" (from the English inside - inside) are increasingly in demand.

This term arose in the 30s of the last century in the United States in the field of the securities market, and initially did not have a pronounced negative connotation. Insiders meant people who, due to their official position, have access to confidential information. However, development computer technology made the circle of these people too wide. If earlier secret data was stored in paper form and occupied a bunch of cabinets and shelves, now all the documentation can easily fit on a miniature flash drive, and the flash drive itself can be in your pocket or handbag. Information has become so accessible that in 2007, according to the annual survey of the American Institute of Computer Security, the problem of insiders took first place, pushing the seemingly eternal leaders of such a hit parade - computer viruses, to second position, and a third participant is already breathing down their back - the loss information media (for example, laptops).

For all the outward jargon of the term, in its normative documents The Bank of Russia determined back in 1997. Instruction No. 1 “On the procedure for regulating the activities of banks” gave such an extensive concept to the insider that almost all bank employees were suitable for it, with the exception of cleaners. Therefore, in 2004, in Instruction No. 110-I, the item on insiders began to look more briefly “individuals capable of influencing the decision to issue a loan by a bank.” That, however, still did not bring clarity to the issues of legislation. That is why even firms that easily and naturally cope with external dangers cannot withstand threats from within.

So how do you become an insider? Very often, employees are obtained by suppliers of confidential information about the company because of their own negligence or naivety. Here are a couple of examples. The accountant, in order to submit the annual report on time, decided to take the documents home for the weekend, but accidentally left a briefcase with papers in the subway car. Or the secretary of the director of the company is called by a “representative” of a real-life non-resident branch, and asks due to the inability to use internal mail and send certain documents to his personal e-mail, while finding convincing arguments in favor of such a departure from the rules for the entire company. In both cases, the violation does not have a conscious intent, as they say, "we wanted the best ..."

The second group, on the contrary, works under the conditional motto "we wanted the worst ...". These are employees offended by the management of the company, nevertheless, who are going to stay to work in it. At the moment of an emotional outburst (after a conflict with superiors, failure to receive a seemingly guaranteed bonus, position, etc.), they want to secretly inflict the maximum possible damage on the company and try to transfer the information they have into the hands of opponents.

However, as practice shows, it still turns out "... as always." It doesn't go beyond intentions. First, anger can be vented more easily - by breaking a valuable printer or writing the right words on the toilet wall. Secondly, it is far from certain that the "compromising evidence" will get into right hands or will be of any value to competitors.

The same applies to those who are about to leave the company, with the only difference that they want to cause damage openly, in the hope of obtaining compensation through blackmail or good recommendations. It should be noted that this is the most common type of insider, and the security service of most organizations calculates them in advance, blocking access to databases before the dismissal papers are signed.

The situation changes radically if an employee disloyal to his company first found a buyer for his goods (or found him), and only then decided to commit a crime. In this case, he knows exactly what competitors, the press, criminal groups expect from him, and most often he will go all the way in trying to get insider information. After all, his financial future or even sometimes life will now depend on how accurately the task is completed.

Statistics show that the leakage of only 20% of a company's trade secrets in 60% of cases leads to its bankruptcy. That is why, along with the “know your customer” principle, most large organizations with recently is equally attentive to the principle of "know your employee."