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Study of journals of the Russian Geographical Society, their classification. News of the Russian Geographical Society Editor-in-Chief: Vladimir Mikhailovich Razumovsky Privacy Notice

    Scientific journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences, since 1865, Saint Petersburg. Founders (1998) Department of Oceanology, Physics, Atmospheric and Geography RAS, Geographical Society Russian Federationencyclopedic Dictionary

    - (“News of the All-Union Geographical Society”), the oldest Russian scientific geographical journal, the central periodical organ of the Geographical Society of the USSR. Founded in 1848 as an addition to the published Russian geographical... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (addition to the article News of the Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society) A systematic index to I. published in 1891 (Irkutsk) ...

    See I. Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Published since 1865, about 6 issues. in year; each year compiles a volume. Up to and including 1893, 29 volumes were published. They represent a collection of articles on general geography, ethnography and statistics, read in geographer’s collections. total Magazines are also published in I. ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Published since 1872, in separate numbers, indefinitely. The appendices contain individual works, original and translated, devoted to the study of the region and border areas. In the IX vol. I. studies were published: L. P. Zagursky, S. A. Egiazarov ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Published in Orenburg since 1893, in editions, indefinitely... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Published from December 15th. 1870 in Irkutsk, indefinitely, in editions, up to 5 per year. The whole year I. compiles a volume. From IX vol. I. title. I. East Siberian Department of the I.R.G.O. Ed. A. F. Usoltsev (vol. 1 8), M. V. Zagoskin (vol. 9 11, No. 1 2), N. N. ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    A systematic index to I. was published in 1891 (Irkutsk) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Ed. in Orenburg since 1893, in releases, indefinitely... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


  • News of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. Reproduced in the author's original spelling…
  • Geographical News of the Russian Geographical Society. Reproduced in the author's original spelling. IN…
  • News of the Turkestan Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. Volume 5. Scientific results of the Aral expedition, equipped by the Turkestan department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Research, L. S. Berg. Reproduced in the author's original spelling. IN…


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Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Publishing House "Nauka" represented by Acting Director Dmitry Pavlovich Korotkov, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as "Publishing house", on the one hand, and the Internet user, hereinafter referred to as "User", on the other hand, collectively referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”)

The contract, in accordance with Article 435 and part 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is public offer(offer) to an unlimited number of persons, Internet users.

In accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, full and unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the Agreement is the User’s confirmation of his consent to the terms of the Agreement or his making a voluntary payment.

1. Terms used in the Agreement

1.1.User is an Internet user who has accepted the terms of the Agreement and is registered on the Publishing House website.

1.2.Works (Content) – electronic versions of scientific publications, including periodicals as well as non-periodical publications presented in in electronic format on the Internet in various formats, posted on the Publishing House Website, accessible to Users through the Publishing House Website.

1.3. Catalog – a collection of Works.

1.4.Login and Password are two unique sets of characters that identify the User.

1.5. The “Publishing House” website is an information resource on the Internet owned by the “Publishing House”, located on the domain

1.6.Downloading – recording by the User of the Works in the computer memory.

1.7.Billing – payment accounting system.

1.8.Account User – Authentication and personal data of the User stored on the servers of the Publishing House Website. An account is created as a result of the User's registration procedure and may be required in order to take advantage of certain features or certain functions of the Site.

2. Subject of the Agreement

2.1. "Publishing House" provides the User with the opportunity to on a paid basis view, read and download the Works presented in the Catalog. The Publishing House may provide other services to the User on the terms of the Appendices to the Agreement.

2.2. The user can register and pay for a preliminary annual (partial annual) subscription for the ability to view, read and download electronic versions of Works, as well as a preliminary subscription for the opportunity to receive a collection of Works that are not posted in the Catalog at the time of registration and payment.

3. Responsibilities of the parties

3.1. Responsibilities of the “Publishing House”:

3.1.1. Provide the User with the opportunity to view, read and download the Work no later than 24 hours from the moment Billing confirms the payment made and identifies the User as the payer of the payment made. If the User registers and pays for a preliminary subscription in accordance with clause 2.2. Agreement, to provide the User with the opportunity to view, read and download the Work no later than 24 hours from the moment of their placement in the Catalog, subject to Billing confirming the previously made payment and identifying the User as the payer of the payment made.

3.1.2. Do not disclose Login and Password, address to third parties Email User, as well as other information received from the User during registration.

3.1.3. Notify the User of changes to the terms of the Agreement and its Appendices by posting relevant information on the Publishing House website at least 30 (thirty) calendar days before the changes come into force.

3.2.User responsibilities:

3.2.1. Register on the Publishing House website. Set a Login and Password, the uniqueness of which is confirmed by the Publishing House. At the same time, strictly and strictly follow the instructions of the “Publishing House” on the registration procedure posted on the “Publishing House” Website.

3.2.2. Pay for the opportunity to view, read and download Works in accordance with clause 4 of the Agreement.

3.2.3. Ensure the confidentiality of the Login and Password provided during registration.

3.2.4. Use the downloaded Works exclusively for personal purposes.

In this case, the User is granted the following rights to use the Works:

  • provide remote access to the Works on the Internet through the Publishing House Website, which means the ability to search, view, download and read the Works.
  • quote in the original and in translation for scientific, research, polemical, critical and informational purposes excerpts from the Works to the extent justified by the purpose of quoting,
  • use individual parts of the Works from them as illustrations in publications, radio and television broadcasts, sound and video recordings of an educational nature to the extent justified by the purpose;
  • use of Works (their components) under this Agreement is carried out with the obligatory indication of the name of the authors (co-authors) of the Works (their component parts), the name of the copyright holder of the Works indicated in the Work.

3.2.5. The user does not have the right:

  • transfer or distribute downloaded Works to third parties, either in whole or in part, except for the cases provided for in clause 3.2.4. Agreement;
  • communicate publicly the Works, both in whole and in part, through well-known broadcast channels, such as radio, television, etc., except for the cases provided for in clause 3.2.4. Agreement;
  • remake, change or otherwise process the texts of the Works.
  • use other software for automatic search and downloading, except those implemented on the Publishing House website

Failure to comply with the requirements of clause 3.2.5. The agreement is a violation of copyright law and is punishable by law!

3.2.6. All information posted on the Publishing House website about the procedure for using the Catalog, the payment procedure and other features of the execution of the Agreement is an integral part of the Agreement and is binding on the User.

4. Payment terms

4.1. The user makes an advance payment in Russian rubles on the terms specified on the Publishing House website.

4.2. Payment methods are indicated on the Site in the Payment Methods section. The agreed payment method is the method selected by the User from the available payment methods on the Publishing House Website.

4.3. Payment procedure using bank cards indicated on the Site in the Payment Methods section. Transactions using bank cards can only be performed by the card holder. Authorization of transactions on bank cards is carried out by the bank. Acceptance and processing of payments using bank cards is carried out by the electronic payment provider Yandex.Kassa or another electronic payment provider. “Publishing House” does not process, including collect and store Users’ bank card data.

4.4. For Users who are legal entities Payment is available only by non-cash bank transfer from the User's current account to the Publisher's current account.

4.5. The price of providing the opportunity to the User is to an individual to view, read and download Works is indicated on the “Publishing House” Website in the relevant sections. For users who are legal entities, prices are sent by the Publishing House upon request through agreed communication channels. "Publishing House" has the right to unilaterally change current prices by posting relevant information on the "Publishing House" Website or informing Users otherwise in an accessible way. Any price change does not affect already paid access.

5. Responsibility of the parties. Limitation of liability of the Publisher.

5.1. The User assumes full responsibility and risks associated with the use of the Catalog.

5.2. The User is fully responsible for the use of the Login and Password by third parties.

5.3. The User is fully responsible for the use by third parties of information transmitted to the Publishing House to the email address specified by the User during registration.

5.4. The Publishing House is not responsible for any expenses of the User or direct or indirect damage that may be caused to the User as a result of using the Catalog.

5.5. The Publishing House is not responsible for the quality of access to the Catalog via the Internet.

5.6. Under no circumstances is the Publishing House liable for the use of the Login and Password by third parties.

5.7. The Publishing House is not responsible for direct or indirect damage incurred by the User as a result of data transmission errors, failures/defects in operation software and/or equipment, loss and damage to data, errors in processing or displaying data, delays in data transmission and other failures that were not the fault of the Publishing House.

5.8. The Publishing House website and all related services are provided on an “as is” basis, without any express or implied warranties that the specified Website and (or) services may or may not be suitable for a particular purpose of use.

5.9. "Publishing House" is not responsible for the inability to use the Site and (or) related services by the User for any reason, including, but not limited to: errors, omissions, interruptions, deletion, defects, delays in processing or transmission of data, disruption of lines. communications, equipment malfunction, any technical failures or other problems of any telephone networks or services, computer systems, servers or providers, computer or telephone equipment, software, failure to fulfill obligations of providers of certain services, theft, destruction or unauthorized access to User materials posted on the Site or in any other place, etc.

5.10. Under no circumstances is the Publishing House liable for any expenses of the User or direct or indirect damage, including lost profits or lost data, damage to honor, dignity or business reputation which may be caused to the User as a result of using the Site and (or) related services.

5.11. If it is impossible for the Publishing House to provide the User with the opportunity to view, read and download the Work for reasons beyond the control of the Publishing House, the Publishing House, at the request of the User, will return the advance payment received. In this case, the amount of responsibility of the “Publisher” is limited to the amount of the advance payment received from the User for the opportunity to view, read and download the Work, which was not provided.

6. Duration of the Agreement

6.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment the User accepts the terms of the Agreement (each Appendix to the Agreement comes into force from the moment the User accepts the terms of this Appendix) and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.

7. Force majeure circumstances

7.1. The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if such failure was a direct consequence of force majeure circumstances (force majeure circumstances) that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement, as a result of extraordinary events, namely: fire, flood, hurricane and earthquake or imposition of bodies state power restrictions on the activities of any of the Parties, and if these circumstances could not be foreseen or prevented by the Parties by reasonable measures.

8. Other conditions

8.1. In the event that any provision or any part of a provision of the Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable legal force, the remaining provisions and parts of the provisions of the Agreement remain in full force and effect.

8.2. All Appendices to this Agreement are an integral part of it.

8.3. In all other respects, the Parties agreed to be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.4. The Publishing House has the right to make changes to the Agreement with the obligatory posting of the relevant information on the Publishing House website no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days before the relevant changes come into force.

8.5. For any questions that arise, the User has the right to contact the Publishing House Support Service at the following email address:

9. Dispute resolution

9.1. Disputes and disagreements that may arise under this Agreement are resolved by following the pre-trial (claims) procedure. The period for consideration by the Publishing House of a claim is 10 (Ten) calendar days from the date of its receipt from the User.

9.2. If the Parties do not come to an agreement, these disputes and disagreements are resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the court at the location of the Publishing House in accordance with the rules of jurisdiction and jurisdiction.

10. Privacy Notice

10.1 User’s consent to provide personal information, is determined by agreement with this public offer, which occurs automatically when the User goes through the registration procedure on the Publishing House website.

10.2 “Publishing House” collects and stores only the necessary personal data of the User. “Publishing House” may use the User’s personal data to identify him, clarify payment details, provide personalized services, feedback with the User, processing applications and requests, performing impersonal statistical calculations and improving the quality of services provided to the User.

10.3. The Publishing House has the right to transfer the User’s personal information to third parties only in cases where the User has expressed his consent to such actions, the transfer is necessary to provide services to the User, the transfer is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

"Publishing house": Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Publishing House "Nauka"


1. General Provisions

1.1. The present Terms of use(hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) refers to the website of the Electronic Library System - www. (hereinafter referred to as “Electronic Library System”).

1.2. Website of the Electronic Library System www. (hereinafter referred to as the Site) is the property of the Federal State unitary enterprise“Academic Scientific Publishing, Production, Printing and Book Distribution Center “Nauka” (FSUE “Publishing House “Nauka”).

1.3. This Agreement governs the relationship between the Administration of the “Electronic Library System” website www. (hereinafter referred to as the Site Administration) and the User (Users) of this Site.

1.4. This agreement, in accordance with Article 435 and paragraph 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is a public offer to an unlimited number of persons, Internet users.

1.5. In accordance with Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, full and unconditional acceptance (acceptance) of the Agreement is:

  • confirmation by the User of his consent to the terms of the Agreement;
  • making an advance payment;
  • commencement of use of any Work;
  • start using any services of the Site under the terms of the Agreement.

1.6. The site administration reserves the right to change, add or delete clauses of this Agreement at any time without notifying the User.

1.7. Continued use of the Site by the User means acceptance of the Agreement and the changes made to this Agreement.

1.8. The User is personally responsible for checking this Agreement for changes to it.

2. Terms used in the Agreement

2.1. User – a user of the Internet, any individual or legal entity (representative of a legal entity) who voluntarily completed Registration and/or began using any services of the Site.

2.2. Works (Content) – electronic versions of scientific publications, including periodicals, as well as non-periodical publications, presented electronically on the Internet in various formats, posted on the Website of the Electronic Library System, accessible to Users through the Website of the Electronic Library System.

2.3. Catalog – a collection of Works.

2.4. Login and Password are two unique sets of characters that identify the User.

2.5. The website “Electronic Library System” is an information resource on the Internet owned by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Publishing House “Nauka”, located on the domain www. .

2.6. Site Administration - employees authorized to manage the Site, acting on behalf of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Publishing House "Nauka"

2.7. Downloading – recording by the User of Works into the computer memory.

2.8. Billing is a payment accounting system.

2.9. User Account – Authentication and personal data of the User stored on the servers of the Electronic Library System Site. An account is created as a result of the User's registration procedure and may be required in order to take advantage of certain features or certain functions of the Site.

3. Subject of the Agreement

3.1. The “Electronic Library System” provides the User with the opportunity to view, read and download Works presented in the Catalog on a paid basis.

3.2. The user can register and pay for a preliminary annual (partial annual) subscription for the ability to view, read and download electronic versions of Works, as well as a preliminary subscription for the opportunity to receive a collection of Works that are not posted in the Catalog at the time of registration and payment.

4. Responsibilities of the parties

4.1. Responsibilities of the “Site Administration”:

4.1.1. Provide the User with the opportunity to view, read and download the Work on the Site no later than 24 hours from the moment Billing confirms the payment made and identifies the User as the payer of the payment made. If the User registers and pays for a preliminary subscription in accordance with clause 3.2. Agreement, to provide the User with the opportunity to view, read and download the Work no later than 24 hours from the moment of their placement in the Catalog, subject to confirmation by Billing of the previously made payment and identification of the User as the payer of the payment made.

4.1.2. Do not disclose to third parties the Login and Password, the User’s email address, as well as other information received from the User during registration.

4.1.3. Notify the User of changes to the terms of the Agreement and its Appendices by posting relevant information on the Electronic Library System Website at least 30 (thirty) calendar days before the changes come into force.

4.2. User Responsibilities:

4.2.1. Register on the “Electronic Library System” website. Set a Login and Password, the uniqueness of which is confirmed by the “Site Administration”. At the same time, strictly and strictly follow the instructions of the Site Administration on the registration procedure posted on the “Electronic Library System” Site.

4.2.2. Pay for the opportunity to view, read and download Works in accordance with clause 4 of the Agreement.

4.2.3. Ensure the confidentiality of the Login and Password provided during registration.

4.2.4. Use the downloaded Works exclusively for personal purposes. In this case, the User is granted the following rights to use the Works:

  • provide remote access on the Internet through the Website of the Electronic Library System to Works, which means the ability to search, view, download and read Works.
  • print out individual parts of the Works for archival purposes only.
  • record and store individual parts of the Works in the memory of a computer owned by the User for archival, educational and research purposes;
  • quote in the original and in translation in scientific, research, polemical, critical, informational and educational purposes, excerpts of Works to the extent justified by the purpose of quoting,
  • reproduce in newspapers, broadcast or broadcast by cable for public information certain parts of the Works to the extent justified by the informational purpose.
  • the use of the Works (their component parts) under this Agreement is carried out with the obligatory indication of the name of the authors (co-authors) of the Works (their component parts), the name of the copyright holder of the Works indicated in the Work.

4.2.5. The user does not have the right:

  • transfer or distribute downloaded Works to third parties, either in whole or in part, except for the cases provided for in clause 4.2.4. Agreements;
  • communicate publicly the Works in full, through well-known broadcast channels, such as radio, television, etc., except for the cases provided for in clause 4.2.4. Agreements;
  • reproduce the Works, that is, make copies of the Works or parts thereof in any material form if this reproduction is for the purpose of further distribution;
  • make the Works available to the public using the Internet and other digital networks both completely and partially;
  • change or otherwise process the texts of the Works.
  • print the entire Work, which is a magazine issue, magazine or book;
  • post links to the Works available for use by the User on any resources in such a way that a third party has access to these Works. In particular, the User is prohibited from providing third parties with information necessary to gain access to personal pages of the Site that require User authorization.
  • use other software for automatic searching and downloading, except those implemented on the Electronic Library System website
  • Failure by the User to comply with the requirements of clause 4.2.5. The Agreement is a violation of copyright law and entails the consequences specified in clause 10.1 and clause 10.2 of the Agreement.

4.2.6. All information posted on the Electronic Library System Website about the procedure for using the Catalog, the payment procedure and other features of the execution of the Agreement is an integral part of the Agreement and is binding on the User.

5. Payment terms

5.1. The user makes an advance payment in Russian rubles on the terms specified on the Website of the Electronic Library System.

5.2. Payment methods are indicated on the Site in the Payment Methods section. The agreed payment method is the method selected by the User from the available payment methods on the Electronic Library System Website.

5.3. The procedure for payment using bank cards is indicated on the Website in the Payment Methods section. Transactions using bank cards can only be performed by the card holder. Authorization of transactions on bank cards is carried out by the bank. Acceptance and processing of payments using bank cards is carried out by the electronic payment provider Yandex.Kassa or another electronic payment provider. The “site administration” does not process, including collecting and storing Users’ bank card data.

5.4. The price for providing the User - an individual with the opportunity to view, read and download Works is indicated on the Website of the Electronic Library System in the relevant sections. For users who are legal entities, prices are sent by the “Site Administration” upon request through agreed communication channels. The “Site Administration” has the right to unilaterally change current prices by posting relevant information on the Website of the “Electronic Library System” or informing Users in any other accessible way. Any price change does not affect already paid access.

6. Responsibility of the parties. Limitation of liability of the Electronic Library System.

6.1. The User assumes full responsibility and risks associated with the use of the Catalog.

6.2. The User is fully responsible for the use of the Login and Password by third parties.

6.3. The User is fully responsible for the use by third parties of information transmitted by the “Site Administration” to the email address specified by the User during registration.

6.4. The “Site Administration” is not responsible for any expenses of the User or direct or indirect damage that may be caused to the User as a result of using the Catalog.

6.5. The “site administration” is not responsible for the quality of access to the Catalog via the Internet.

6.6. Under no circumstances is the “Site Administration” liable for the use of the Login and Password by third parties.

6.7. The “site administration” is not responsible for direct or indirect damage incurred by the User as a result of data transmission errors, failures/defects in the operation of software and/or equipment, data loss and damage, errors in processing or displaying data, delays in data transmission and others failures that occurred through no fault of the Site Administration.

6.8. The Electronic Library System website and all related services are provided on an “as is” basis, without any express or implied warranties that the said Website and/or services may or may not be suitable for a particular purpose of use.

6.9. The “Site Administration” is not responsible for the inability to use the Site and (or) related services by the User for any reason, including, but not limited to: errors, omissions, interruptions, deletion, defects, delay in processing or transmission of data, disruption of work communication lines, equipment malfunction, any technical failures or other problems of any telephone networks or services, computer systems, servers or providers, computer or telephone equipment, software, failure of providers of certain services, theft, destruction or unauthorized access to User materials , posted on the Site or in any other place, etc.

6.10. Under no circumstances is the “Site Administration” liable for any expenses of the User or direct or indirect damage, including lost profits or lost data, damage to honor, dignity or business reputation that may be caused to the User as a result of using the Site and (or) related services .

6.11. If it is impossible for the “Electronic Library System” to provide the User with the opportunity to view, read and download the Work for reasons beyond the control of the “Site Administration”, the “Site Administration”, at the request of the User, returns the received advance payment. In this case, the amount of responsibility of the “Site Administration” is limited to the amount of the advance payment received from the User for the opportunity to view, read and download the Work, which was not provided.

7. Duration of the Agreement

7.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment the User accepts the terms of the Agreement (each Appendix to the Agreement comes into force from the moment the User accepts the terms of this Appendix) and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations.

8. Force majeure circumstances

8.1. The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if such failure was a direct consequence of force majeure circumstances (force majeure circumstances) that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement, as a result of emergency events, namely: fire, flood, hurricane and earthquake or restrictions imposed by government authorities on the activities of any of the Parties, and if these circumstances could not be foreseen or prevented by the Parties by reasonable measures.

9. Other conditions

9.1. In the event that any provision or any part of the Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions and portions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect.

9.2. In all other respects, the Parties to the Agreement agreed to be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.3. The “Site Administration” has the right to make changes to the Agreement with the obligatory posting of the relevant information on the Website of the “Electronic Library System” no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days before the relevant changes come into force.

9.4. Relations between the “Site Administration” and the User, who are legal entities, are regulated on the basis of separately concluded Agreements, which specify the specific terms of the relationship between the Parties.

9.5. For any questions that arise, the User has the right to contact the Site Support Service at the following email address:

10. Dispute resolution

10.1. Disputes and disagreements that may arise under this Agreement are resolved by following the pre-trial (claim) procedure. The period for consideration by the Site Administration of a claim is 10 (Ten) calendar days from the date of its receipt from the User.

10.2. If the Parties do not come to an agreement, these disputes and disagreements are resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the court at the location of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Publishing House “Nauka”” in accordance with the rules of jurisdiction and jurisdiction.

11. Privacy Notice

11.1. The User's consent to provide personal information is determined by agreement with this public offer, which occurs automatically when the User goes through the registration procedure on the Site.

11.2. In accordance with Federal Law“On Personal Data” No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 and this privacy policy, the Site Administration does not use, process or store the User’s personal data.

11.3. The “Site Administration” collects and stores only the User data necessary for the operation of the Site. The “site administration” can use the User’s data to identify him, clarify payment data, provide personalized services, provide feedback to the User, process applications and requests, perform impersonal statistical calculations and improve the quality of services provided to the User.

Issue 1. St. Petersburg, 1994

    From the editorial board

    Address of the President of the Society to readers

    Materials of the II Congress of the Russian Genealogical Society

    Information message about the II Congress of the Russian Geographical Society

    Report by the President of the Society I.V. Sakharov

    Brief overview of the speeches of the Congress participants

    Resolution of the II Congress of the Russian Geographical Society

    Governing bodies of the Society elected at the II Congress

    Chronicle of the Society's work

    A brief chronicle of the work of the scientific seminar "Genealogy and Family History" for 1991-1994.

    Conferences and others scientific events, organized in 1991 - 1994. Russian Genealogical Society or with its participation

    Reports. Articles. Materials

    A.V.Krasko. From the history of the Russian Genealogical Society. Creation and formation of the Society (1897-1901)

    E.I. Krasnova. Mysteries of the Demidov family tree

    M.A. Dommes. Towards the creation of a reference and bibliographic apparatus of the Russian Geographical Society

    From the materials of the international scientific conference "Genealogy. Problems. Objectives. Prospects." (St. Petersburg, 1992)

    S.N.Azbelev. Review of sources about the origin of Rurik and the version about his Slavic ancestors

    K.V. Artyukhov. Genealogy and heraldry of the Ushakovs

    V.G. Bauman. From the history and genealogy of the Penza nobles Komarovs

    S.V.Bakhin. Family archives and memories as a source of information on the genealogy of the Kondratovich family

    A.V.Berner. Rod Benois and Stalin's repressions

    N.V. Blagovo. Genealogy of the Blagovo family

    M.V. Borisenko, V.V. Moskovkin. From the experience of searching for materials on the genealogy of peasant migrants (late 19th - early 20th centuries)

    R.G. Krasyukov. Review of Russian Soviet literature on genealogy for 70 years (1917-1987)

    V.N.Rykhlyakov. Basic literature on genealogy and family history, published in Russia in 1993 - the first half of 1994.

    A.N. Akinshin. The saga of the Kostroma nobility

    E.M. Rausch-Gernet. About Kshesinskaya's memoirs

    E.M. Rausch-Gernet. The fate of the "Brunswick family" in Russia

    V.N.Rykhlyakov. A valuable guide not only for students

    V.N.Rykhlyakov. A gift for Polish genealogy lovers

    A.A. Shumkov. Dedicated to Admiral Ushakov

    A.A. Shumkov. New genealogical literature in Belarus

    Chronicle of conferences

    T.S. Komissarova. The focus is on the elite of Russian society

    Information about upcoming scientific conferences

    In memory of the departed


    A.M. Karamyshev (Grigoriev)

    M.D. Labzin

    Genealogical mosaic

    Applications :

    Charter of the Russian Genealogical Society

    List of members of the Russian Geographical Society

    List of accepted abbreviations

Online store.

Issue 2. St. Petersburg, 1995

    From the editorial board

    Chronicle of the Society's work

    From the minutes of Council meetings

    Brief chronicle of the work of the scientific seminar "Genealogy and family history (June 1994-February 1995)"

    An annotated index of reports and communications made at the scientific seminar "Genealogy and Family History" at the State Public Library named after. M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin (now RNL)

    Reports. Articles. Materials

    A.V.Krasko. The life path and creative heritage of Count S.D. Sheremetev (on the 150th anniversary of his birth)

    E.M. Rausch-Gernet. Genealogist Axel von Gernet, his genealogy and his archive

    R.G. Krasyukov. Genealogical centers in Germany

    V.P.Stark. Literary work as a genealogical source

    K.V. Artyukhov. On the set of the film "House of Benoit"

    From the materials of the international scientific conference "Genealogy. Problems. Objectives. Prospects" (St. Petersburg, 1992)

    A.A. Abrahamyan. From the pedigree of one multi-ethnic family

    A.I.Aksenov. Some general questions of the genealogy of Russian merchants

    A.I.Aksenov. From the district to Moscow: about the “district” genealogy of Moscow merchants of the 18th century

    D.N. Antonov. V.S. Arsenyev (1883-1947) and his work “The Arsenyev Family of Nobles”

    I.A. Antonova. On the growing need of society for retrospective genealogical information and its satisfaction through the archive 52

    I.A. Antonova. Personal catalog of the former special depository of the State Archives of the Tula Region as a source of information on genealogy

    M.G. Belikova. Nobles of Satin and Zhemchuzhnikov

    VC. von Behrens. Sources of the Baltic Genealogy

    N.V. Blagovo. The book "Granny's Stories" by D.D. Blagovo as a source of genealogical information

    O.M. Brazhnikova. Musical traditions of the Brazhnikov-Mann family

    L.I. Broitman and E.I. Krasnova. The Rezvy family in St. Petersburg 63

    I.A. Bychkova, A.V. Ovsyanko. Experience of writing the history of the Romashev family

    I.A. Bychkova, A.V. Ovsyanko. Baksheev-Moscow: experience in analyzing genealogical sources

    M.E.Bychkova. Genealogy in the public consciousness of pre-Petrine Rus'

    Bibliography. Reviews. Reviews

    V.N.Rykhlyakov, A.A.Shumkov. Genealogy in the first volume of the encyclopedia "Domestic History".

    E.P.Leman. Through the pages of new editions of ancient books

    I.I.Grezin. About " Alphabetical list Russian burials at the cemetery of Sainte-Genevieve des Bois"

    A.I.Haesh. A major breakthrough in Russian-Jewish source studies

    E.M. Rausch-Gernet. On the history of noble estates in Estonia

    V.N.Rykhlyakov. New literature on genealogy and family history

    R.G. Krasyukov. Reissue of the seminal work on the progeny of Charlemagne

    Chronicle of conferences

    D.V. Sizonenko. Conference in Perm

    Scientific conference of local historians of Bashkortostan

    V.S. Rzheutsky. XXI International Congress of Genealogy and Heraldry in Luxembourg

    L.A. Verkhovskaya. Conference "Russian Cadet Corps"

    V.N.Rykhlyakov. To the anniversary of Count S.D. Sheremetev

    Our calendar

    Genealogical mosaic

    List of accepted abbreviations

Online store.

Issue 3. St. Petersburg, 1995

    From the editor

    Chronicle of the Society's work

    From the minutes of Council meetings

    An annotated index of reports and communications made at the scientific seminar Genealogy and family history at the State Public Library named after. M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin


    M.V. Borisenko. The first census of the Russian Empire in 1897 as a source on the history of peasant families

    M.B.Petrichenko. The story of twelve generations of a peasant family

    A.V. Rodionov. On the methodology of genealogical research of Pomor peasants

    A.A. Shumkov. Interesting genealogical source

    M.G. Stein. About the peasant ancestors of V.I. Ulyanov (Lenin)

    V.P.Stark. Antioch Cantemir, eugenics and the “table of ranks”

    N.K.Teletova. Baltic nobles in the genealogy of A.S. Pushkin

    V.N.Rykhlyakov. From the history of the Shkurin family

    A.A. Shumkov. Genealogy in court

    V.V. Tomazov, S.V. Shurlyakov. New prospects for the development of genealogy in Ukraine

    A.A. Shumkov. New data on Kyiv archives

    From the materials of the international scientific conference "Genealogy. Problems. Objectives. Prospects" (St. Petersburg, 1992)

    N.N. Vesnina. On the history of the von Liphart family

    A.P. Gagarin. The family of princes Gagarin and some of its representatives

    G.V.Gasselblat. Ural Genealogical Society

    T.V. Gerhen. Miriam Weiner - American Jewish genealogist and popularizer

    T.V. Gerhen. Scientists in the Egorov-Wulf family

    S.F. Glazov, N.A. Kraev. Experience of using personal computers in genealogical research: Genealogy of the Pomors Skrabtsovs from Nenoksa

    A.N.Gorlov, V.P.Gorlov. From the history of the Gorlov family (XVII-XX centuries)

    S.V. Goryunkov. About the origin of St. book Vladimir on the maternal side

    P.H. Grebelsky, A.B. Mirvis. On the issue of creating a computer data bank on Russian genealogy

    E.V. Gushchina. Pedigree of the Maltsevs

    Bibliography. Reviews. Reviews

    M.V. Borisenko. Literature on the genealogy of the peasantry and the history of peasant families in Russia

    E.V. Pchelov. Research on the history of the Ukrainian gentry

    Chronicle of conferences

    V.A. Frolov. Conference dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Benois family in Russia

    E.V. Pchelov. Genealogy at the Second Readings in Memory of A.A. Zimin

    E.I. Krasnova. Conference in Tula

    V.N.Rykhlyakov. VI seminar "Germans in Russia"

    A.A. Shumkov. Conference of the St. Petersburg Scientific Society of Historians and Archivists

    Information about scientific conferences

    Our calendar

    Genealogical mosaic

    List of accepted abbreviations

Online store.

Issue 4. St. Petersburg, 1995

    Chronicle of the Society's work

    Information message about the meeting of members of the Russian Geographical Society

    From the speeches of the meeting participants

    From the minutes of Council meetings

    Annotated index of reports and communications made at the scientific seminar "Genealogy and Family History" at the State Public Library named after M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (now the Russian National Library)

    Reports. Articles. Materials

    V.N.Rykhlyakov. Genealogy as a means of education and upbringing

    N.V. Blagovo. From great-grandchildren to ancestors

    M.V. Borisenko. First genealogy lessons at school

    A.A. Mikhailov. Genealogy in Pskov schools

    E. Nikolaeva. Chetchuevs

    A.A. Fursenko. My St. Petersburg ancestry

    A.V.Krasko. Russian Genealogical Society: 1918-1922 (pages of history)

    V.V.Tomozov. To the anniversary of V.L.Modzalevsky

    V.A. Arakcheev. The Pushkin Family and the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery

    M.G. Talalai. Russian necropolis in Italy

    V.M. Shcherbinin. Club "Rodoved" from Vladivostok

    In memory of N.F.Ikonnikov

    From the editor

    Alphabetical index of monographs included in the second edition of “The Nobility of Russia” by N.F. Ikonnikov

    Formal list of N.F. Ikonnikov

    N.F. Ikonnikov. Autobiography

    J. Ferrand. From memories of N.F. Ikonnikov

    V.V. Krupsky. Ikonnikovs and Ikonnikovs-Galitskys

    From the materials of the international scientific conference "Genealogy. Problems. Objectives. Prospects" (St. Petersburg, 1992)

    E.Yu. Dubrovskaya. From the experience of studying the pedigree of the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, Prince I.M. Vadbolsky

    G.V. Zarembo Ratsevich. From the experience of searching for documentary information on genealogy and compiling a historical chronicle of the family.

    P.M. Zvantsev. Pedigree of the Zvantsevs, social circle and contribution to national culture

    V.S. Izmozik. Family ties of prominent figures of the Bolshevik Party as a subject of genealogical research

    Bibliography. Reviews. Reviews

    V.N.Rykhlyakov. New literature on genealogy and family history

    E.B. Pchelov. In memory of a remarkable scientist

    E.V. Pchelov. Work about the offspring of M.I. Kutuzov

    Chronicle of conferences

    I.V.Sakharov. Library and genealogy: for the 200th anniversary of the Russian National Library

    Interuniversity scientific conference "The elite of Russian society of the 19th - early 20th centuries: composition, individual destinies, business and family ties"

    A.V.Krasko. The first genealogical readings in memory of Vadim Lvovich Modzalevsky

    In memory of the departed

    Kirill Sergeevich Enrold

    Our calendar

    Genealogical mosaic

    List of accepted abbreviations

The electronic version of the magazine is included in the CD "Izvestia of the Russian Geographical Society. Issues 1-11" and you can buy it right now through our online store.

Issue 5. St. Petersburg, 1996

    To the readers

    Chronicle of the Society's work

    From the minutes of Council meetings

    Scientific conferences organized by the Russian Geographical Society or with its participation

    Information about upcoming scientific conferences

    An annotated index of reports and communications made at the scientific seminar "Genealogy and Family History" at the State Public Library named after. M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin (now - RNL)

    They write to us (from reader mail)

    Reports. Articles. Materials

    I.V.Sakharov. The role of public scientific organizations in genealogical research: on the fifth anniversary of the Russian Genealogical Society

    A.V.Krasko, V.N.Rykhlyakov. From the history of the re-establishment of the Russian Genealogical Society

    M.Yu.Medvedev. Family legends in Russian heraldry

    A.N. Akinshin. Materials on the genealogy of noble families in the state archives of the Voronezh region

    A.A. Shumkov. Another interesting genealogical source

    V.Y.Rickman. Origin of titles of honorary foreigners

    A.V.Berner. And again Benoit

    A.I. Sizov. About the name of the mother of Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov

    V.P. Khokhlov. Materials for the Russian necropolis in Sydney, Australia

    I.L. Bichikashvili. About the creation of the Georgian Genealogical Society

    Yu.V.Lesovaya. Novosibirsk Historical and Genealogical Society

    V.Y.Paley, A.Y.Haesh. Jewish Genealogical Society in Moscow

    S.S. Schultz Jr. Encyclopedia "Russian Germans" and materials on the genealogy of Russian Germans on its pages

    O.M. Karamyshev. Certificate of the Grand Duke of All Rus' Simeon Bekbulatovich

    From the materials of the international scientific conference "Genealogy: Problems. Objectives. Prospects (St. Petersburg, 1992)"

    A.B.Kalaushin. Experience in compiling a pedigree of a hereditary Cossack family

    L.F. Kapralova. Russian National Library as a center for genealogical research

    O.M. Karamyshev. From the Karamyshev family tree

    A.V. Krasko, A.S. Valdin. Eliseev family

    A.V. Krasko. Churches - family tombs as a source of genealogical information (using the example of the St. Petersburg diocese)

    A.S. Lavrov. Family archive of the Khovansky princes (problem of reconstruction)

    V.V.Latypova. Doctor and public figure of the Ufa region N.A. Gurvich in his family environment (Gurvichs, Zhukovsky family, etc.)

    E.P.Leman. On the need to take into account family ties when studying the history of the Decembrists

    V.V.Tomozov. Bibliography of Ukrainian genealogical literature (1990 - first half of 1995)

    S.P. Zvyagin. Nikita Khrushchov: materials for the genealogy

    E.V. Bees. Some observations on the historiography of recent years dedicated to the genealogy of the pre-Mongol Rurikovichs

    VC. von Behrens. On the history of the Livonian family von Lipgart

    V.N. Rykhlyakov, N.V. Tutolmin. About the pedigree of A.A. Blok

    Chronicle of conferences

    A.V. Werner. Conference in Anapa

    A.V.Krasko. Third Savyolov Readings in Moscow

    B.V. Kolokoltsov. Conference on genealogy and heraldry of the Cossacks

    V.N.Rykhlyakov. Round table "Schoolchildren and genealogy"

    E.V. Pchelov. Golitsyn readings in Vyazyoma

    Our calendar

    Genealogical mosaic

    O.V. Shcherbachev. Grand-Patience

    List of accepted abbreviations

The electronic version of the magazine is included in the CD "Izvestia of the Russian Geographical Society. Issues 1-11" and you can buy it right now through our online store.

Issue 6. St. Petersburg, 1996

    To the anniversary of the Russian fleet

    Chronicle of the Society's work

    From the minutes of Council meetings

    An annotated index of reports and communications made at the scientific seminar "Genealogy and Family History" at the State Public library them. M.E. Saltykova Shchedrina (now - RNL) 8

    Reports. Articles. Materials

    L.I. Buslova. Documentary wealth of the Russian State Administration of the Navy as a source for genealogical searches

    V.V.Burachek. They served the Russian fleet

    M.A. Dommes. Marine page of the history of the Bertenson family

    O.M. Brazhnikova. The Khrushchovs and their female descendants in military service at sea and on land

    E.M. Rausch-Gernet. Correction of two problems

    M.Yu.Medvedev. Family legends in Russian heraldry

    E.P.Leman. Through the pages of the family archive

    T.V.Martens. Lawyer and diplomat F.F. Martens in a family environment. (To the 150th anniversary of his birth)

    M.Yu.Katin Yartsev. Genealogical centers and societies in Germany

    M.Yu.Medvedev. Family in the coats of arms of clergy

    A.A. Mikhailov. Documents from the archives of cadet corps as a source of genealogy

    G.K. Mikhailov. The family of the Obolensky princes in the 20th century.

    G.K. Mikhailov. Diffusion and assimilation of families of Swiss-German origin in Russia in the 19th - early 20th centuries. and their subsequent destinies (based on materials about the descendants of academician Nikolai Fus)

    Bibliography. Reviews. Reviews

    V.N.Rykhlyakov. New literature on genealogy and family history

    E.V. Pchelov. Book of an outstanding genealogist

    E.V. Pchelov. Dynasties of Europe on the Russian historical horizon

    V.Y.Rickman. Once again about the Pskov Lvovs. Reply to S.V. Dumin’s reply

    M.O. Meltsin. One scientific manual, or about the role of “sunlight” in the history of the Russian nobility

    Chronicle of conferences

    A.V. Werner. VII Seminar of the Russian Academy of Sciences "Germans in Russia: Russian-German scientific and cultural ties"

    A.V.Krasko. "The elite of Russian society of the 19th - early 20th centuries."

    Information about upcoming scientific conferences

    In memory of the departed

    Georgy Vsevolodovich Zarembo-Ratsevich

    Victor Georgievich Bortnevsky

    Our calendar

    Genealogical mosaic

    List of accepted abbreviations

The electronic version of the magazine is included in the CD "Izvestia of the Russian Geographical Society. Issues 1-11" and you can buy it right now through our online store.

Issue 7. St. Petersburg, 1997


    Chronicle of the Society's work

    From the minutes of Council meetings

    An annotated index of reports and communications made at the scientific seminar "Genealogy and Family History" at the State Public Library. M.E. Saltykova Shchedrin (now - RNL)

    Brief chronicle of the work of the scientific seminar "Genealogy and Family History" (April 1996 - March 1997)

    Reports. Articles. Materials

    A.I. Aksenov. Genealogy and Russian merchants

    K.S. Sinelobov. Stepan Tarasovich Ovsyannikov and his descendants (publication by T.V. Rimskaya-Korsakova)

    S.A. Vinokurov. Yuryevets trading people Shchepetinshchikovs

    A.V. Sytin. "Pedigree book"

    O.A. Davydov. History of the Valuysky family (Elets)

    A.A. Zhirov. Siberian merchant collector G.V. Yudin and his pedigree

    V.P. Stark. V. Nabokov and the Rukavishnikov family

    HE. Naumov. Family chronicler of the Norovs

    A.V. Ostrovsky. Dzhugashvili and Machabeli: to the biography of Stalin

    T.V. Pishchikova. Family memory

    From the materials of the international scientific conference "Genealogy: Problems. Objectives. Prospects" (St. Petersburg, 1992)

    M.G. Ovander. Three generations of the Ovander family

    E.V. Bees. Family of counts and nobles Dmitriev Mamonov

    EM. Rausch Gernet. Family ties of Baltic German surnames from the time of the Order to the present day (based on materials from Baltic genealogists)

    V.S. Rzheutsky. Urban philistine books as a source of information on genealogy

    V.Yu. Rickman. Serpukhov Solovievs in the 16th-19th centuries. - experience in studying the genealogy of petty-bourgeois families

    V.Yu. Rickman. Coat of arms of the Russian family Bedo

    V.N. Rykhlyakov. Generations of the noble Fenin family in iconography

    Bibliography. Reviews. Reviews

    M.V. Borisenko. Book about Bryansk ancestors

    A.G. Ruskin. Once again about the book by N.N. Vesnina

    Chronicle of conferences

    G.V. Podkorytova. The Golovanov family from the Ural city of Nizhnyaya Salda

    E.V. Bees. Catherine's Conference in St. Petersburg

    V.N. Rykhlyakov. Genealogists - 300th anniversary of the fleet

    I.V. Sakharov. Heraldry - 275 years

    Information about current scientific conferences

    In memory of the departed

    Vladimir Vladimirovich Burachek

    Ekaterina Leonidovna Butsinskaya

    Nina Ivanovna Vyazemskaya

    Bernd Funk

    Our calendar

    Genealogical mosaic

    List of accepted abbreviations

The electronic version of the magazine is included in the CD "Izvestia of the Russian Geographical Society. Issues 1-11" and you can buy it right now through our online store.

Issue 8. St. Petersburg, 1997

    Russian Genealogical Society is 100 years old

    Materials of the III Congress of the Russian Geographical Society

    V.N. Rykhlyakov. About the publishing activities of the Russian Geographical Society

    From the speeches of delegates and guests of the Congress

    Resolution of the III Congress of the Russian Geographical Society

    Governing bodies of the Society elected by the Congress

    Chronicle of the Society's work

    From the minutes of Council meetings

    Brief chronicle of the work of the scientific seminar "Genealogy and Family History" (April 1996 - November 1997)

    Reports. Articles. Materials

    A.N. Akinshin. Princes Lobanov of Rostov in Voronezh

    HE. Naumov. N.P. Chulkov - genealogist, historian, Moscow specialist

    V.B. Kolokoltsov. Experience in using periodicals and continuing publications in genealogical searches

    E.I. Leman. “Not one of them was famous...” The Akhsharumov family in Russia

    L.I. Broitman. From the Chelishchev family

    M.O. Meltsin. Some amendments to known data about the children of Prince Ivan Mikhailovich Dolgorukov

    I.N. Yurkin. Ancestors of the Demidovs, the Antyufeyevs (according to documentary sources)

    V.M. Shcherbinin. About the time of formation of Russian peasant families

    S.V. Shurlyakov. Genealogical materials in the archive of V.L. Modzalevsky. Pointer

    Genealogical mosaic

    From the materials of the international scientific conference "Genealogy: Problems. Objectives. Prospects" (St. Petersburg, 1992)

    A.V. Rodionov, E.R. Gaginskaya. To the genealogy of Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov

    A.V. Rodionov. Swedish Kulnevs

    A.V. Rodionov. Genealogical research of the Pomeranian village of Purnema (Onega coast of the White Sea)

    V.N. Rykhlyakov. A.S. Pushkin and genealogy

    V.N. Rykhlyakov. The von Fricken family in Russian history and culture

    S.A. Sapozhnikov, V.P. Khokhlov. Vorontsy - Russian noble family of Polish origin

    S.A. Sapozhnikov. Blarambergs - Russian noble family of Flanders origin

    S.A. Sapozhnikov. Noble, merchant and Cossack families of the Sapozhnikovs

    Bibliography. Reviews. Reviews

    V.N. Rykhlyakov. New literature on genealogy and family history

    E.I. Krasnova. Questions of the Demidovs' genealogy at a conference in Nizhny Tagil

    In memory of the departed

    Nikolay Anatolyevich Shelinger

    Our calendar

    List of accepted abbreviations

The electronic version of the magazine is included in the CD "Izvestia of the Russian Geographical Society. Issues 1-11" and you can buy it right now through our online store

Issue 9. St. Petersburg, 1998

    Chronicle of the Society's work

    From the minutes of Council meetings

    Annotated index of reports and communications made at the scientific seminar "Genealogy and Family History" at the Russian National Library

    Reports. Articles. Materials

    V.N. Rykhlyakov. On the features of genealogical search for materials of the 20th century

    M.V. Borisenko. Archival network of institutions and search for materials on recording rural residents of Russia during the Soviet period

    I.A. Anisimova. About some genealogical sources of the Soviet period (using the example of St. Petersburg)

    M.L. Konova. From the experience of searching for documentary materials on the genealogy and history of the Schmidt family

    T.V. Gerchen. Passport of ancestors

    A.A. Zhirov. To the characteristics of the source base on the genealogy of Siberian merchant families

    A.I. Chigrina. On the tasks and prospects for the development of genealogy in Bashkiria

    S.P. Zvyagin. A.N. Hattenberg and his ancestry

    M.O. Meltsyn. Once again about the obvious

    T.V.Martens. Engineers and sailors from the Rhine family

    A.F. Glushkova. The fate of the descendants of I.L. Blok

    A.A. Shumkov. Archives of civil registry departments (registry office)

    From the materials of the international scientific conference "Genealogy. Problems. Objectives. Prospects (St. Petersburg, 1992)"

    I.D. Savinova. The Truvellers are a Russian family of British origin (based on materials from the State Archive Novgorod region and according to reports from descendants)

    I.V. Sakharov, E.V. Kasatkina. To the biography of R.I. Ermerina: a find in the archives of the Imperial Public Library

    P.A. Svishchev. From the experience of teaching genealogy at the Kurgan Pedagogical Institute

    D.V. Sizonenko. Teaching about. Pavel Florensky about family and clan

    D.V. Sizonenko. Rurikovich - saints of the Russian Orthodox Church

    Yu.Yu. Sinyugin. Genealogical research of the Zhemchuzhnikov family

    A.A. Smolevsky. Development of cultural traditions of two branches of the Lvov family

    V.Yu. Sofronov. Siberian merchants and industrialists Kornilievs

    V.P. Stark. Problems of one's own genealogy in the works of Russian writers from Pushkin to Nabokov

    A.A. Stupnikov. Genealogy and fate of Russian villages

    A.A. Stupnikov. Genealogy of state peasants

    O.M. Sumarokov. Sumarokovs, Karpovs, Shenks. Methodology for compiling a family tree based on male and female genealogical connections

    O.M. Sumarokov. Family crypts of the Resurrection Cemetery of the Novodevichy Convent in St. Petersburg

    Bibliography. Reviews. Reviews.

    V.S. Izmozik. Against "Myth-making"

    HE. Naumov. A major event in Russian genealogy

    V.N. Rykhlyakov. New items in genealogical bibliography

    Chronicle of conferences

    P.M. Zvantsev. Opening of the Humanitarian Center named after the Polev family in Irkutsk

    A.V. Krasko. Fifth Savyolov Readings

    Our calendar

    Genealogical mosaic

    List of accepted abbreviations

The electronic version of the magazine is included in the CD-ROM "Izvestia of the Russian Geographical Society. Issues 1-11" and you can buy it right now through our online store

Issue 10. St. Petersburg, 1999

    From the editor

    Reports. Articles. Materials

    A.N. Akinshin. About the origin of Prince A.B. Lobanov-Rostovsky on the maternal side

    I.N. Yurkin. First Deviers: Genealogical notes and additions

    A.N. Savina. Who are the Rantsovs? (First research experience)

    M.O. Meltsin. A new female name in the genealogy of the princes Dolgorukov and Cherkassy in the first half of the 17th century

    A.P. Pets. History of the Petz family (1774-1996)

    V.Yu. Sofronov. Home investigation (about compiling your family tree)

    E.I. Krasnova. Such different Demidovs - materials for genealogy and family history

    A.A. Shumkov. Archives of civil registry departments (registry office)

    M.Yu. Katin-Yartsev. Parish books of the city of Zaraysk

    V.N. Rykhlyakov. From genealogists of Kabardino-Balkaria

    Following our publications

    V.E. Malyazev. Addition to the Norov Family Chronicler. Shchepotevskaya page

    A.Yu. Bushin. To the history of the Hattenberg family

    E.D. Perepechenko. To the pedigree of N.F. Ikonnikova

    From the materials of the international scientific conference "Genealogy. Problems. Prospects (St. Petersburg, 1992)"

    V.V. Skurlov. Genealogy of St. Petersburg jewelers (Carl Faberge and his contemporaries)

    N.V. Tutolmin. Genealogy of the Tutolmins (XVI-XX centuries)

    M.A. Filippova. Georgian family of Denibekovs in Kaluga province

    M.A. Filippova, S.V. Bahin. Kursk merchants and nobles Golikovs

    B. Funk. Western European experience of guidance on practical genealogy in the mirror of genealogical literature

    V.P. Khokhlov. Experience in researching peasant genealogies of the Primorsky Territory

    Bibliography. Reviews. Reviews.

    A.N. Akinshin. Three centuries of Voronezh Rusanovs

    A.V. Boginsky. Materials for the bibliography of departmental publications (Rosarkhiv institutions) concerning problems related to genealogy

    A.A. Bovkalo. About the first editions of the series "Genealogy and family history Don Cossacks"

    Chronicle of conferences

    S.P. Zvyagin. Genealogical subjects at the conference "History of White Siberia"

    I.V. Sakharov. Second St. Petersburg Genealogical Readings

    A.V. Krasko. More about the Second St. Petersburg Genealogical Readings

    Chronicle of the Society's work

    From the minutes of Council meetings

    Annotated index of reports and communications made at the scientific seminar "Genealogy and Family History" at the Russian National Library

News of the Russian Geographical Society
Specialization geographical Science Magazine
Periodicity 6 issues per year
Language Russian
Editorial address Saint Petersburg
Chief Editor V. M. Razumovsky
A country Russian empire
USSR Russia
Publisher The science
Publication history

1865-1918 - News of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society
1918-1926 - News of the Russian Geographical Society
1926-1930 - News of the State Russian Geographical Society
1930-1940 - News of the State Geographical Society

1940-1992 - News of the All-Union Geographical Society

Date of foundation 1865
Volume 9 articles per issue
Circulation 128 copies
ISSN printed version 0869-6071
Access subscription
Web site…
Media files on Wikimedia Commons

"News of the Russian Geographical Society"- the oldest scientific geographical journal in Russia and the CIS countries. Published since 1865, the publication of the magazine has never been interrupted or stopped. In 1925-1940 it was published under the name “Izvestia of the State Geographical Society”, and in the period 1940-1994 under the name “Izvestia of the All-Union Geographical Society”. Since 1993 it has had its modern name.

Publishes scientific articles in all areas geographical research. Publication of articles in the journal is a preemptive right for members of the Russian Geographical Society.

On the official website of the current Russian Geographical Society there is a section dedicated to the magazine.

The editor-in-chief is Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor V. M. Razumovsky.


The predecessor of the magazine was founded in 1848 under the name “Geographical News” as a supplement to the “Notes” published by the Russian Geographical Society since 1846. In 1851, “Geographical News” was renamed “Bulletin of the Geographical Society”, which was published (6 issues per year) until 1860. In 1861, Vestnik merged with Notes into one publication, Notes of the Russian Geographical Society. Since 1865, an independent journal, “News of the Russian Geographical Society,” emerged.

see also

  • Notes of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society



  • “News of the All-Union Geographical Society” // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1969-1978.

(“News of the All-Union Geographical Society”,)

the oldest Russian scientific geographical journal, the central periodical organ of the Geographical Society of the USSR. Founded in 1848 as an addition to the Notes published by the Russian Geographical Society (1846) under the title Geographical News. Before 1850, 3 volumes were published. In 1851, “Geographical News” was renamed “Bulletin of the Geographical Society”, which was published (6 issues per year) until 1860. In 1861, “Bulletin” merged with “Notes” into one publication - “Notes of the Russian Geographical Society”, and was published 4 times in year. In 1865 it became an independent journal, Izvestia of the Russian Geographical Society, which from 1925 was published under the name Izvestia of the State Geographical Society, and from 1940 it received the name Izvestia of the All-Union Geographical Society. The journal covers issues of the theory and methodology of geography, problems of sciences related to geography, publishes regional essays on the physical and economic geography of the USSR and foreign countries, materials on the activities of the Geographical Society of the USSR. Considerable space is devoted to geographical bibliography. Published 6 times a year. Circulation (in different years) 1800-3300 copies.

  • - glacier, Academy of Sciences ridge in the Pamirs; Tajikistan. The name was given by the participants of the Pamir expedition of the Academy of Sciences of 1929-1930. in honor of the Russian Ge...

    Geographical encyclopedia

  • - Geographical Society glacier, valley tree-like glacier at the Center. Pamir, in the upper reaches of the river. Vanj, at the junction of the Darvaz and Academy of Sciences ridges. Length 24.2 km, sq. 64.4 km²...

    Geographical encyclopedia

  • - ridge, in China, near the east. outskirts of the Tibetan Plateau. Surveyed and named Russian. Researcher Center Asia by P.K. Kozlov in 1900, who wrote about the assignment of the name: “...

    Geographical encyclopedia

  • - See I. Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society...
  • - published since 1865, about 6 issues. in year; each year compiles a volume. Up to and including 1893, 29 volumes of “I.” present a collection of articles on general geography, ethnography and statistics, read in collections of geographers...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - published since 1872, in separate numbers, indefinitely. In the appendices are individual works, original and translated, devoted to the study of the region and border areas...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - ed. in Orenburg since 1893, in releases, indefinitely...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - published in Orenburg since 1893, in editions, indefinitely...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - published from December 15. 1870 in Irkutsk, indefinitely, in editions, up to 5 per year. All year "I." composes the volume. From volume IX "I." name "I. East Siberian Department of the I.R.G.O."...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Systematic index to "I." published in 1891...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - in the upper reaches of the river Vanj, at the junction of the Academy of Sciences and Darvaz ridges, in the Tajik SSR. Length 21.5 km, area about 82 km2, descends to an altitude of 2660...
  • - scientific and technical journal All-Union Chemical Society named after. D. I. Mendeleev. Published in Moscow since 1956...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - “Journal of the All-Union Chemical Society named after. D.I. Mendeleev", scientific and technical journal of the All-Union Chemical Society named after. D. I. Mendeleev. Published in Moscow since 1956...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - a leading scientific journal in the field of mineralogy, crystallography, petrography and the study of minerals...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - "", a leading scientific journal in the field of mineralogy, crystallography, petrography and the study of minerals...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

"News of the All-Union Geographical Society" in books

Letter to Mr. Secretary of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society

From the book Travels to the Maclay Coast author Miklouho-Maclay Nikolai Nikolaevich

Letter to Mr. Secretary of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society Dear Sir! As you know from previous letters, the purpose of my second trip to New Guinea was its southwestern coast, namely the coast running east from the high Kumawa Peninsula

P.K. Kozlov. Tibetan expedition of the Russian Geographical Society 1899–1901.

From the book Tibet and the Dalai Lama. Dead city of Khara-Khoto author Kozlov Petr Kuzmich

P.K. Kozlov. Tibetan expedition of the Russian Geographical Society 1899–1901. It was difficult for the head of the expedition and his companions to tear themselves away from the heart of Russia - Moscow, but then it became easier, especially when the real journey began. A few more minutes -

V. AKKURATOV's story about the flight in the area of ​​​​the hypothetical Andreev Land is commented by PAVEL NOVOKSHONOV, DMITRY ALEXEEV, full members of the Geographical Society of the USSR HISTORY OF ANDREEV LAND

From the book White Ghosts of the Arctic author Akkuratov Valentin Ivanovich

V. AKKURATOV’s story about the flight in the area of ​​​​the hypothetical Andreev Land is commented by PAVEL NOVOKSHONOV, DMITRY ALEXEEV, full members of the Geographical Society of the USSR HISTORY OF ANDREEV LAND IN THE 18th century geographical discoveries in the Arctic were made mainly by people

Full member of the Geographical Society

From the book of Voeikov author Timashev A

Full member of the Geographical Society Thinking about where and how to apply his knowledge, Voeikov most often turned his thoughts to the Russian Geographical Society, which, over a quarter of a century of existence, has already managed to attract the attention of progressive scientists. For

Museum of the History of the Russian Geographical Society

From the book Museums of St. Petersburg. Big and small author Pervushina Elena Vladimirovna

Museum of the History of the Russian Geographical Society Grivtsova Lane, 10. Tel.: 315-83-35. Metro station: Nevsky Prospekt. Opening hours: Monday and Thursday - 16.00–18.30. For persons with limited mobility: no special devices are provided. Attention ! Excursion

South-Western Department of the Geographical Society

From the book The Unperverted History of Ukraine-Rus. Volume II by Dikiy Andrey

Southwestern Department of the Geographical Society In the early 70s. Highly qualified cultural forces gathered in Kyiv. Historians - Kostomarov, Antonovich, Betz, Drahomanov; ethnographers Chubinsky and Rudchenko; linguists - Zhitetsky and Mikhalchuk; lawyer-expert rabbi of South-Western Rus'

News of the All-Union Geographical Society volume 75, no. 2, 1943 GRAVE OF ADMIRAL PRICE

From the book Forget the Admiral! author Zavrazhny Yuri Yurievich

News of the All-Union Geographical Society volume 75, no. 2, 1943 THE GRAVE OF ADMIRAL PRICE The Council of the All-Union Geographical Society received the following message from the Primorsky Department of the Society: While on a business trip to Kamchatka (November-December 1941) From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (RU) by the author TSB

Ivan KANDAUROV, member of the Amur Russian Geographical Society "FUYUAN TRIANGLE"

From the book Dragon with Devil's Hooves author Gusev Oleg Mikhailovich

Ivan KANDAUROV, member of the Amur Russian Geographical Society “FUYUAN TRIANGLE” 1. The yellow race is a dangerous race. Many scientists around the world warned about its creeping aggressiveness as a characteristic quality. Studying the Chinese question within

Disclosure of the manuscript and involvement of the National Geographic Society

From the book The Lost Gospel of Judas [A New Look at the Traitor and the Betrayed] by Erman Barth D.

Disclosure of the Manuscript and Involvement of the National Geographic Society After three years of work on the restoration, preservation, transcription and translation of the manuscript, Kasser, in consultation with Frieda Chakos-Nussberger and Mario Roberti, decided that it was time to


From the book Kitsur Shulchan Aruch by Ganzfried Shlomo

Chapter 206 LAWS OF *RECENT NEWS* AND *DISTANT NEWS* 1. If a person received news that his relative had died for whom he was obliged to mourn, then if the news arrived within the first thirty days after his death, or even on the thirtieth day, this