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How to create your own cafe. How much does it cost to open a cafe from scratch?

The restaurant business is becoming increasingly popular in Russia. Now you can open a cafe or bar of exactly the type you have always dreamed of. It could be a mini-cafe or a snack bar fast food. You might want to open a pastry shop or make your first in the area children's Cafe.

There are a lot of options, but what are the first steps you need to take to open a cafe? Where to start a business plan and what to pay attention to when this is your first project?

Choosing premises for a successful establishment

The first key point in creating an establishment where you can have a snack is the choice of premises. The success or failure of the project will depend on it. You can make a luxurious renovation, create a unique atmosphere and hire a brilliant chef. But if the wrong area is chosen, then there will be no visitors: the cafe and ticket office will be empty day after day. Unfortunately, there are a lot of such examples among those who think

A business plan begins with finding space. When choosing a beachhead, pay attention to the condition of the main communication systems. Pay attention to the presence of sewerage, water supply and heating. A good option would be to buy out an old dining room that already has a kitchen. It is harder and more expensive to build a new cafe from premises that are not adapted for food preparation, but are cheaper: hangars and warehouses.

Most eateries and bars open in residential areas.
If there was already a canteen, pub or restaurant in this place, then everything is in order, you can open a cafe in a residential building. But if you decide to open a cafe for the first time, where to start the process to avoid a lot of pitfalls? If the sounds of music and the aromas of the kitchen become uninvited guests in residents' apartments, then problems can begin very quickly. Therefore, it is worth taking care in advance about good zoning of the room, sound insulation and exhaust hood. If residents find the neighborhood inconvenient, the cafe may simply be closed.

Rent or buy?

Renting is not the best the best option. Especially if we're talking about about a large cafe. Rents tend to rise, and not because of the good economic situation in the country. If you suddenly decide to move, the repairs and clientele will remain with the owner. Most of the venerable, established restaurateurs opened their business by buying out the property. After this, the establishment can be advertised on a larger scale, understanding that PR costs are an investment in the future. In addition, if the project does not take place for some reason, you can always rent out your space, but subletting is more difficult.

Before opening, you should contact specialists in order to find out whether it is profitable to open a cafe, take into account all legal regulations and state requirements. Based on these recommendations, a project plan is drawn up. After receiving a business plan for a cafe, an example of it must be submitted to Rospotrebnadzor. After the project has been agreed upon with government agencies, repairs and redevelopment can begin.

A meal with good taste

It is very important to choose a single concept and style of a restaurant or cafe. What audience do you want to work for? Who do you want to see among your guests? Answering these questions will help you understand the values ​​of your potential visitors and develop an appropriate image. Do not forget to take into account your ideas, because your personal dream is now being realized.

It doesn’t matter what level of restaurant you are planning to open, it is important to find your own “zest” around which the concept will be built. Think about what this criterion is that will distinguish your shop from all others? This question will help you successfully open a cafe.

How to implement a business plan?

The first step is to carry out segmentation and risk assessment. Enthusiasts often skip these stages, underestimating the weaknesses of the enterprise and strengths competitors. In addition, at this stage it is worth calculating the monetary costs, finding out

A working cafe business plan is an example of good preparation. It cannot be done without an accurate portrait of a potential client, his social income, tastes, lifestyle.

Right now the question is being decided about where the cafe will receive the main profit: through high turnover or high markup? If, let's say, your typical guest is a young student who likes to hang out with friends, consuming chips and light beer, then he is unlikely to appreciate expensive gourmet food. Nor will he understand the fabulous prices for a cream made from 30 ingredients and goose liver prepared according to a special recipe. This type of business planning will most likely end in failure, despite the fact that you manage to open a cafe.

Where to start: documentation and registration

For this you will need a package of documents.

Firstly, only an entrepreneur can do business in our country. You must first open an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

Secondly, collect the following documentation package:

  • permission to locate an establishment issued by Rospotrebnadzor;
  • permission obtained from fire safety authorities;
  • confirmation of the premises’ compliance with sanitary standards (lease agreement, staff medical records, state registration certificate, permit for raw materials and commercial products);
  • licenses for sale retail, alcohol and tobacco;
  • patent for trading activities in a given territory (issued by local authorities);
  • notification of the start of activity.

Federal Law No. 294-FZ of December 26, 2008 “On the Protection of Rights legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control» regulates this activity.

A legal entity (entrepreneur) provides necessary documentation to Rospotrebnadzor at the actual location. The completed notification is supplemented by a copy of an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (entrepreneurs), as well as a copy of the certificate of registration with the tax authorities. These documents are enough to open a cafe.

Let's start work

The operation of even the smallest catering establishment is unthinkable without equipment. In order to brew a cup of coffee or make ice cream, you need a technical base. It is necessary to think through all the details at the stage of designing the room.

All equipment must be as functional and practical to use as possible, durable, and meet the requirements for bars, restaurants and cafes. Otherwise, the technology simply will not pay off.

Modern devices allow you to quickly prepare high-quality dishes. But high productivity is not only the result of the establishment’s powerful technical base, but also the ability of the staff to work on it. It is very important to conduct a master class for employees after purchasing a new car.

The right equipment will increase the profitability of the business, while the wrong machines will lead to losses.

Furniture and furnishings

This is another one important question, which is worth devoting your attention to before opening a cafe. Where to start building the situation? A profitable solution would be to order a set of furniture designed in a single design. However, this is an exclusive option - it is always more expensive. You can purchase ready-made furniture. If the cafe is the first such enterprise, then cheap furniture will serve as a model to better understand the needs of the establishment. Next time it will be easier to order suitable furniture.

Human factor: selecting talented personnel

Quantity employees will depend on the establishment's sales volume. All roads in the "eating room" come down to the cook. He's like a captain on a ship. The chef must not only prepare delicious dishes, but also decorate them beautifully. It’s very good if you know your future chef in advance, even at the stage when you are developing a business plan for a cafe.

An example when a business is opened under a famous master will definitely not go unnoticed in the city.

The ideal composition of a kitchen is a chef, the required number of cooks and dishwashers. There should be two such trains - for a shift work schedule. The owner's right hand - the chef - must cook quickly, without compromising the quality of the dishes, since in such places there are often influxes of visitors.

If the chef is the soul of the establishment, then the next group of workers is his face. Bartenders, waiters, administrators personally address the client. The impression a venue manager makes when greeting guests can be a turning point in future relationships.

If you don't have experience hiring employees, try the following advice. Think about your favorite place and try to chat with its owner about choosing staff. Find out from him the details of how to open a cafe. The business plan of his idea already lives within the walls of the establishment, and perhaps his advice will save you from financial and emotional disasters. The successful experience of a colleague is always invaluable to someone who knows how to learn.

Any owner will tell you that you shouldn’t choose employees based on just good looks. Sometimes administrators, like waiters, have to find themselves in very delicate situations, where they need to both defend the honor of the establishment and not lose a client. Here, of course, you need intelligence and resourcefulness. Such a person can make mistakes, but should not let the owner down. The ability to resolve conflicts peacefully is a precious talent, so pay your employees for it when calculating salaries.

A good waiter is also an excellent salesperson who will be able to offer exactly what the client wants or does not yet know what he wants.

To make the café inexpensive, you can invite an already established team there, or at least the core of a team that has worked together for quite a long time. This will help make the work process quick and harmonious. This is the one important nuance, which unfavorably distinguishes new establishments from venerable chains.

"Delicious" day

So, when the basic procedures are completed and guests can be invited, the stage of purchasing food begins. Of course, if you have not invested in advertising and are not expecting an influx of visitors on the first day, then you can gradually improve the menu by refining the kitchen. And yet you have come this way for the sake of success, and the success of an establishment is its full house. Groceries are perishable goods, but it’s better to stock up on them in abundance than to be left with a full room and empty refrigerators, explaining that you were just able to open a cafe.

Where to start purchasing? This issue has been pretty well worked out in chain coffee shops. They have established supplies with the best suppliers for the network, and when opening a new outlet, the franchise owner will already have an approximate estimate and telephone numbers for coordinating purchases. You can use this experience yourself, especially if you are going to discover where there is room to gain experience.

"Edible" budget

A good advantage of large cities like Moscow is the opportunity to borrow or use some equipment for free.

Suppliers can provide free of charge In addition, venerable companies with deep pockets offer free souvenir accessories to attract customers. Bar mugs, ashtrays and even furniture with logos. All this will be an invaluable contribution to those who want to open a cafe inexpensively. Some equipment, such as a microwave or kettle, can be brought from home.

If you open a cafe in an average Russian city, then the advantages will be different. There is no need to invest in interior design and diversify the menu every week. There is no need for fabulous advertising and a glamorous image of the establishment. This may even scare off visitors who understand the word “comfort” differently than “metropolitan things.”

The first major expenses will be advertising, payment wages and food costs. The first months are usually unprofitable, but do not despair if you have already managed to open a cafe. Where to start in this situation is by gutting the “financial cushion”. This is the amount that was initially budgeted for such a period. Once the company is on an even course, expenses will primarily relate to repairs and equipment upgrades.

Quick Spoon: How to open a fast food cafe?

If you are deciding on the type of cafe, then it is worth noting that the demand for fast food is very high.

The fact is that this type of food is suitable for poorer groups of the population due to the low cost of lunch and for office workers who snack on the go. This creates a certain blur in the client's portrait, but brings other project criteria to the fore.

A fast cafe should be located in a place with high traffic of people. You need to separate yourself from your competitor. To do this, it is enough to open a mini-cafe at least around the corner from the shopping center where the rival is located: the main thing is that the flows of people do not intersect.

From a legal perspective, opening a fancy restaurant requires as much work as opening a fast food joint. But investments in the second will be tens of times less. Master similar business mostly invests in basic kitchen equipment and rental space.

The smallest gourmets

Kids are also connoisseurs of gourmet cooking. But they value, rather, something else. How to open a children's cafe in your city and not go wrong? It is worth noting that this is still an unfilled niche in Russia, while in the West there is a children's cafe in every crowded place, and a children's menu in every self-respecting restaurant.

Here, of course, special attention should be paid to the design of the room so that the kids feel comfortable. It’s better to invite a designer and consult with the animators, because they will organize holidays and events here. Perhaps it is worth choosing one stylistic line, fairy tale, era. The surroundings should evoke a feeling of comfort and recognition in children, and a fabulous feeling in their parents.

A good place for a children's restaurant would be where there is a kindergarten, a clinic for children or a playground nearby. It is enough to make a hall with 60 seats and fill the menu with fancy-shaped pasta, soups and delicious cereals - with such a base you can already open a cafe.

Confectionery business

This is the most fertile ground for investment. To open a snack bar with one oven, 100 thousand dollars is enough. Therefore, opening a bakery cafe is quite simple.

This establishment will delight its guests with fresh pastries and a hot drink. By the way, that's why they come to the confectionery - they're delicious. bakery products, and they are only good fresh. Therefore, this type of cafe requires not a cook, but a baker.

The profitability of the business reaches 30% with an investment of 400 thousand dollars.

Confectionery shops are very different. These could be art trams at metro stations, where you can buy muffins and tea bags. But it could also be a confectionery house with centuries-old history where real works of art are made. And people are willing to pay for tasty and beautiful carbohydrates.

The material covers the issues of choosing a concept, registration, taxation, obtaining permits and the necessary documents and necessary equipment, also contains an approximate calculation of how much it costs to open a cafe.

Catering business(cafes, restaurants, snack bars, bars, etc.), provided it is properly organized, has always been and remains profitable. However, if the creation of a restaurant is a large-scale, extremely expensive and complex project (and sometimes unprofitable), then the opening small cafe will require much less investment, time and effort, and is also characterized by lower risks.

How to open a cafe, where to start

What is a cafe, how does it differ from other catering establishments? The answer to this question is given by GOST R 50762-2007.

This is an enterprise that organizes food and recreation for visitors and provides them with a limited range of products, as well as selling specialties, soft and alcoholic drinks.

Thus, the purchase of basic equipment for a small cafe will cost about 200 thousand rubles. In addition, you will need air conditioning, kitchen equipment, dishes, textiles, furniture, office equipment, the cost of purchasing which will be ~ 100 thousand rubles.

Total investment in equipment ~ 300,000 rubles.


Selecting staff is a very important task for opening a successful cafe. Taking into account shift work, a small establishment will need a chef, 2 cooks, 4 waiters, an administrator, a dishwasher, and a cleaner. The number of employees depends on the concept and size of the cafe, but at first, too much staff can be detrimental to the business. All personnel must have medical records.

About the franchise

A cafe franchise is an option for opening a business Catering, owned by well-known online brands. Such a business has both its pros and cons. Today you can purchase a franchise from companies such as Subway, Chocolate Girl, 33 Penguin, Baskin Robbins etc.

On the one hand, a franchise allows you to purchase a perfectly calculated model of a ready-made cafe; in this case, the business will be guaranteed to be successful. On the other hand, there are additional cash costs in the form of one-time contributions, regular royalties, contributions to funds, etc., as well as the lack of opportunities to make changes to the business according to your taste and discretion. Therefore, before opening your own cafe as a franchise, you should carefully evaluate all possible consequences.

Update from December 2015:

Moneymakers Factory suggests that you familiarize yourself with the terms of the Pizza Time franchise, interesting option opening a catering company in 2016

A cozy cafe can become a favorite meeting place for many people. Despite the abundance of such establishments in big cities, not everyone finds their regular customers and many are forced to cease to exist. Obviously, their owners made serious mistakes at the planning stage. When developing a business plan for opening a cafe from scratch, it is important to consider all the nuances in as much detail as possible and think through several possible solutions for each controversial issue. Of course, a cafe does not require fulfillment of as many requirements as a restaurant, but being a catering establishment, it must comply with sanitary standards. Experts recommend developing a project taking into account sanitary standards, rather than trying to adapt a half-finished establishment to them.

Drawing up a detailed business plan

You should start drawing up a business plan by looking for a non-standard format of the establishment, because a profitable cafe is not easy - 3 tables and an ice cream counter. The cost of rent, the need to order designer services, furniture and equipment depend on the chosen concept. For example, if the cafeteria will be located in the building of an office center or educational institution, it must have a sufficient number of seats and wide choose snacks suitable for potential clients, but the design of such an establishment can be discreet and even modest. And opening a themed establishment, for example, a café for book lovers, will require much more investment in the design of the premises.

Before opening a roadside cafe from scratch, you will have to carry out a large-scale analytical work and identify a good location, a set of dishes and drinks that will be in demand among travelers who decide to visit a roadside snack bar.

In order to figure out how to open a children's cafe from scratch, you need to have information about current trends in children's world entertainment, and also be aware of which superheroes are now in high esteem in order to properly decorate the hall. In addition, increased demands are placed on the children's menu, and the main range of dishes and drinks should be expanded, taking into account the fact that children usually relax accompanied by adults. Before opening a family cafe from scratch, you should choose a room close to places where families spend time en masse and make sure that those vacationing in the cafe are not disturbed by lovers of strong alcoholic drinks and noisy pastimes.

Compilation detailed business plan is a mandatory step in the step-by-step instructions on how to open a cafe from scratch. The business plan must include the following:

  • Detailed descriptions of the format of the establishment, its location, premises for the cafe, organizational structure, work schedule;
  • Analysis of the market and closest competitors;
  • Marketing plan;
  • Pricing policy of the establishment;
  • Equipment;
  • Suppliers;
  • Financial expenses;
  • Profit calculation and risk assessment.

Where to start opening a cafe? – With a clear understanding of exactly what it will be like. The basis of the business plan will be a detailed description of the very idea of ​​​​the establishment, based on what will be selected: location, room design and necessary equipment. The format of the establishment will also determine the number of employees, requirements for them and the appropriate work schedule.

It is necessary to analyze the market in order to better understand current trends and assess the competitiveness of the future cafe. Familiarization with the activities of your closest competitors will help make your establishment unique and build the right pricing policy. The marketing plan is designed to promote the cafe everywhere and should be drawn up for the long term. The choice of equipment in the business plan is prescribed taking into account the format of the establishment, but in the future some items may be changed. It is also better to take care of product suppliers in advance, not forgetting to write down backup options in case of force majeure. Financial investments, expected profit and possible risks will give you the opportunity to imagine what the establishment will look like from a financial point of view even at the planning stage. Therefore, “Draw up a business plan” is the first point in a comprehensive answer to the question: “I want to open a cafe, what do I need for this?”

Registration of activities

Before starting the process of registering an activity, it is necessary to determine the legal form of the business. To open a mini cafe from scratch, it is more profitable to register as individual entrepreneur, but in this case the sale of alcohol in the establishment will be impossible. IP is suitable for small eateries, mini coffee shops located in educational institutions or office centers.

The LLC legal form is chosen if you plan to open a cafe where alcoholic beverages will be sold.

Before registration:

  • The authorized capital is paid;
  • A legal address is being organized;
  • Signatures on the registration application are certified by a notary;
  • State duty is paid;
  • The seal is made;
  • A bank account is opened;
  • The OKVED code is selected (56.10);
  • The charter is prepared;
  • An application is filled out in form P11001.

After registering an LLC, you must obtain permits for the premises, a license for trading activities in a cafe, licenses for the sale of alcohol and tobacco products, and employees – the results of a medical examination.

The list of permits for the premises includes the following items:

  • Lease contract;
  • SES permission;
  • Conclusion of the fire safety authority;
  • Agreements for waste removal and sanitation.

You should proceed to the implementation of the following points for opening a cafe only if you have all the permits and licenses. In addition, you must first register with the tax authority at the place of business activity.

Choosing a tax system

Registration of an enterprise for tax purposes is carried out at the stage of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and then the system by which taxes will be deducted is selected. For cafes, in cases where UTII (unified tax on imputed income) cannot be applied (this depends on the region), they choose the simplified tax system (simplified taxation system) with a rate of 15% (income minus expenses).

The right location is half the success

Selecting the location where the establishment to be opened is an important item on the list of what is needed to open a cafe. The place must have high traffic, otherwise the establishment will stand idle without customers. In many ways, its choice depends on the format of the establishment and the expected categories of visitors. For example, a separate building in the center of a large residential area or in a large park next to a residential area is exactly what you need to open a cafe bar. During the day, such an establishment will flourish in the sale of coffee and confectionery for mothers walking with their children, and in the evenings visitors will be residents of nearby houses who want to relax after a hard day.

A room with an area of ​​250-270 sq. m. – that’s what you need to open a cafe from scratch with 50 seats. Based on these parameters, as well as the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service, it is necessary to select a room in a place where the traffic of people is quite high. If at first your cafe will serve up to 50 people per day, which is considered quite low workload, and average bill each visitor will be 200 rubles, the profit will be 200,000 rubles. per month, and this is a pretty good indicator.

Arrangement and search for design solutions for the premises

It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid the stage of renovating the premises before opening a fast food cafe from scratch. But before calling a team of workers, it is also necessary to think about what the interior of the future establishment will be like and find appropriate design solutions. For this you can order services professional designers, or you can sketch out a preliminary plan yourself and assign specific tasks to the masters, and they will tell you how to properly implement them.

For example, a calm atmosphere and the illusion of privacy are important for small cafes; student eateries do not require fancy furniture, but should attract young people with some unusual, catchy and memorable interior details. It’s more difficult with themed establishments; their arrangement will require more skill and considerable financial investments, which will most likely pay off precisely because of the unusualness of the cafe. The cost of opening a cafe from scratch will largely depend on the focus of the establishment. Experienced restaurateurs advise that you must place a bar counter in establishments where alcohol is sold.

Cafe equipment

The list of standard equipment needed to open a cafe from scratch consists of the following items:

  • Plate;
  • Grill;
  • Frying and cooking cabinet;
  • Refrigerators;
  • Production tables;
  • Sinks;
  • Dishes;
  • Furniture sets for visitors.

Purchasing equipment is a significant part of the cost of opening a small cafe from scratch. The approximate amount of expenses is 600,000 rubles. Equipment is usually purchased Russian production, dishes - imported. Furniture for the hall can be made to order if there are no ready-made sets on sale that match the interior of your cafe.

Advertising of the establishment

At the stage of thinking about the idea of ​​​​how to open your own cafe and where to start, you should take care of a memorable and self-promoting name for the future establishment. Before the opening, the advertising campaign is carried out by a beautiful and bright sign that attracts attention and arouses interest. This is what you need to know to open your own cafe. In the future, the sign should be a landmark by which the establishment will be recognizable. Therefore, spare no expense on design development and manufacturing according to last word quality signage techniques.

The marketing plan should be drawn up for the long term and include a list of regular promotional events and promotions that attract attention to the establishment. Answer to the question: “How much money does it take to open a cafe?” must take into account the costs associated with advertising.

Happy hours, discounts on banquet menus, corporate cards - any methods of attracting visitors are good in the fight for regular customers for those who want to open a cafe.

Video on the topic

Calculation of financial investments

When deciding to start his own business, an entrepreneur must estimate how much money he needs to open a cafe. Costs may vary by region and size settlement where you plan to start a business. The cost of opening a cafe from scratch can be calculated by the main expense items at the initial stage: registration of activities (10,000 rubles), rental of premises (300,000 rubles), repairs and arrangement, purchase of equipment (600,000 rubles) and products (200,000 rub.), advertising (60,000 rub.). Monthly expenses will include: rent, utility bills, tax deductions, employee salaries, food purchases, advertising costs. Thus, the answer to the question of how much it costs to open a cafe from scratch will be an approximate amount of 1,200,000 rubles.

Profitability and payback

By calculating how much it costs to open a cafe, an entrepreneur can estimate the profitability of such a business and its payback period. If you follow the intended business plan and choose the right location for the establishment, then the cafe, even according to the most conservative estimates, will pay for itself within a year. A well-chosen and well-implemented concept is what you need to open a cafe, the profitability of which will be 20-25%.

Advantages and disadvantages of business

Question " ?" is very relevant and many are looking for an answer to it. Opening your own cafe is a good answer to a question that interests enterprising citizens. The current time is called successful for entering business. The advantages of starting your own business now are still low rent, lots of empty premises in busy places and people gradually emerging from austerity. However, before opening a cafe, you should familiarize yourself with the nuances of running restaurant business to avoid annoying mistakes. For example, you need to be prepared to stop the theft of food and alcoholic beverages by unscrupulous employees, and also ensure that your cafe maintains its brand and does not turn into an ordinary eatery. For those who want to open a cafe and are wondering where to start, be prepared to check the work of their establishment every day and personally monitor all processes.


Opening your own cafe is an interesting and responsible business. Standard thinking, reluctance to analyze and create something unusual can lead a novice entrepreneur to collapse. And although opening a cafe belongs to, there are many difficulties faced by the owners of such establishments. In order to bring a cafe to the desired profitability of 20–30%, you need to follow the advice of experienced restaurateurs and constantly work on the quality of your establishment, invest money in its development and promotion. How much does it take to open a cafe? – about $20,000 and an insatiable desire to work for the benefit of your business.

About 2 years ago a client came to our company. Of course, there is nothing special in this situation; they come to us all the time. His request was special: “How to open a cafe and where to start?”

Of course, we are periodically ordered to carry out various tests, marketing research and so on, and we have worked on similar projects before. But we were confused and, honestly, even a little scared by his comment: “Do whatever you want, there is money, and even the premises have already been purchased.”

steps to opening

Experienced restaurateurs have already realized that the whole failure was in the words “the premises have already been purchased.” Because this initially kills the entire strategy of a successful cafe in the bud.

True, at that time we still did not understand this (now we are no longer ashamed to admit it) and happily got down to business. Looking ahead, I will say that even despite our inexperience, at that moment the project turned out to be quite successful.

Some things will seem simple and obvious to you, and some will become a revelation. But, for a person who plans to open a cafe, this article will be very, very useful.

Well, let's figure out what steps need to be taken so that after the phrase: “How to open a profitable cafe and where to start?” you got it and it was successful.

And since we haven’t had any cases for a long time, I’ll tell you how we followed this plan and what we implemented in the cafe.


Step 1. Choosing a concept

Yes, opening any cafe, coffee shop or restaurant begins with choosing a concept. And yes, once again I will chew your ears, but you will have to think about your target audience.

Why? Yes, because, at a minimum, the premises will depend on this, where it will be located geographically, what the menu will be and, naturally, who your visitors will be.

And in this matter, experienced restaurateurs will definitely support me with both hands. Everything must be taken into account here from the name, location to pricing policy and menu.

How we did it: We came up with the concept of the establishment after hearing a song somewhere, to which we then found suitable images of clothing stores.

So the idea was born that it was supposed to be a youth non-alcoholic cafe, with trendy music, waiters and bartenders in checkered shirts, inexpensive food and coffee to go.

Design example

Step 2. Search for premises

Another important point, if not the most important one. More than half of the success of the future establishment depends on the location where the cafe will be located. For example, is there parking nearby, is it as close as possible to your potential client, is it easy to get to him.

Do you think I find fault so much because I'm so smart? Well, yes, but not only for that reason :-)

I think you all know McDonald's. This is an excellent example of how to approach the search for premises (in their case land), because they choose places for a reason.

Previously, they used helicopters to assess cheap land and development prospects for the region. And since 1980, they developed their own Quintilion program, which suggested potential locations for restaurants using satellite images, demographic data of the region and a lot of other data for analysis.

It's no surprise that they are currently the largest fast food chain in the world, because they think through everything down to the smallest detail and think ahead.

How we did it: Here we were both lucky and unlucky at the same time. The owner already owned the premises, so we came up with the concept, design and interior based on it.

By the way, here is an example of a bar counter that we created jointly with the project designers, based on the concept that we defined above.

Bar counter layout

Step 3. Revealing the pitfalls

Now you already have a cafe concept, you have found a room and are starting to order a design. STOP! It's time to check whether you have taken into account all the pitfalls!

A simple example. You have come up with a cafe with hookahs, have already practically developed the project, found a room, and then it turns out that in this room it is impossible to install a hood, as required in the project.

Or an even more realistic example - a cafe with alcohol. You've almost decided to open, all that's left is to get a liquor license. But then it turns out that there is a licensed medical institution and no one will give you a license for alcohol, even on pain of death.

Do you think the examples are stupid and an experienced businessman wouldn’t do that? I took examples not from my head, but from real life and the experiences of your friends. So draw conclusions and analysis 😉

How we did it: We were faced with the problem that we had less cooking space in our kitchen than was required according to sanitary and epidemiological standards.

I had to solve this in the most favorite way in Russia, “by closing the eyes of the inspection authorities for gratitude.” I hope you don’t tell anyone about this 😉

Step 4: Create a Menu

Will your cafe serve food? What will the prices be for food? Can your audience afford such expensive food? A huge number of questions and so few answers! Calm down, now I’ll tell you what you need to pay attention to when creating a menu and setting up a kitchen:

The kitchen must be designed in accordance with SanPiN (this is, of course, a requirement for the premises, but also an important issue);

If you want your cafe to be distinguished by the fact that it is delicious, then I will disappoint you - this is not the primary criterion for choosing an establishment. When I come to any cafe, I expect it to be delicious. Therefore, food should a priori be tasty and there is no need to boast about it or rely on it. It just doesn't work.

However, you don’t have to act like McDonald’s. If you don't already know, my favorite chef, Jamie Oliver, recently won a lawsuit against them, proving that their burgers are not edible. Because it's not food, as they simply soak beef fat in ammonium hydroxide and add a drop of meat to it.

In fact, they poison people. McDonald's is actively trying to hush up this trial, but we'll see how it all ends.

If you decide to focus mainly on selling food, then let me remind you that the markup on food is 400 percent, and on tea/coffee it reaches 1000%!

Oh, it seems I just revealed the biggest secret of all establishments! Therefore, think about how you will make money.

How we did it: In the cafe, we have placed the main emphasis on coffee to go, and we are very actively promoting this direction. Over the past 2 months, the number of such checks has increased by 50%

Alcohol! 60-70% of any bar's income comes from alcohol. Just think about it!

The menu should be bright, with appetizing pictures that will arouse your appetite. This way you will increase your sales simply by using your subconscious.


How we did it: Yes, we had to hire a specially trained photographer, allocate a chef’s time, etc., but believe me, it’s worth it.

Scientists from the University of Illinois found that a colorful menu (with photos and vivid descriptions) increases establishment sales by 27%.

This leads to the following point: how it is photographed on the menu is how it should look when served. Otherwise, the reputation of the establishment will be significantly tarnished.

And also, don’t forget to analyze the menu. Remove slow-moving items, slightly raise prices for the most popular dishes and periodically introduce new items. The recommended frequency is every three months, and the recommended method is analysis using the model of Michael Kasavana and Dale Smith.

Step 5. Search for personnel

Some people think it is better to hire experienced staff. Some people think that it will be cheaper and faster to teach.

Of course, it's up to you to decide. But, at a minimum, you need chefs and bartenders with experience. When choosing, do not forget about your concept. Yes, yes, you will also select personnel according to it. And even appearance employee may become a selection criterion.

Step 6. Marketing and Advertising

This is generally a topic for a separate article, really. We have tried so many things in catering marketing that we could write an entire article. But here's what definitely works:

  1. Flyer. Works, tested;
  2. Social networks (in particular Vkontakte and Instagram);
  3. Articles on news portals;
  4. Website;

Becoming an entrepreneur in the restaurant business is the key to success in our time, despite the fact that it is a crisis. The main thing in this matter is to find good idea to realize your plans. In this article we will tell you in detail how much it costs to open a cafe from scratch and what documents you need to prepare for this. We will describe all the nuances that it is advisable to consider before trying to build your business in this field of activity.

Business Features

There are several basic points that you should definitely understand before getting into something like the restaurant business, namely:

  • You need to decide on the range of products and services of your future enterprise. This will definitely help you figure out which cafe can be opened specifically in your city with that amount starting capital, which you have. In addition, you need to analyze the modern service sector in order to understand which cafe is better to open so that people will visit it. Thematic establishments are in particular demand today: Japanese, Chinese and Italian restaurants and mini-cafes;
  • You should also figure out what place in the city you need to open a mini cafe from scratch or any other catering establishment. It is advisable to choose places where a large number of people always concentrate - near hotels, sports and entertainment centers;
  • Based on the amount of starting capital, you will need to decide on the form of service in it. On initial stages, after opening a cafe-bar from scratch, a form such as self-service will suit you. In the future, it will be possible to hire waiters;
  • There is one more thing you need to open a cafe from scratch. You need to decide whether your catering will operate seasonally or permanently;
  • You also need to know, if you want to open a cafe, where to start your business - from a mobile enterprise or a stationary one.

In light of the above, one conclusion arises - to open your own cafe you need to know that this is a rather complex and painstaking process that requires special endurance, patience and, accordingly, knowledge in the economic field from a beginning entrepreneur.

Registration of activities

What does it take to open a cafe from scratch, first of all? An enterprise such as a cafe must be officially registered in the state register of small businesses. But in order to open a cafe-bar, you need to be issued the following permits:
  • To locate the enterprise you have chosen as an object;
  • From the fire safety service. This is especially true if the premises you have chosen as a place to open a cafe have only recently been put into operation;
  • The same permission will have to be obtained from the sanitary and epidemiological station. This document is issued within 10 days by the chief doctor of the SES, if you take into account a number of other nuances that are needed to open a cafe.

You will have to additionally collect the following list of documents:

  • Lease agreement for the premises where your catering will be located;
  • Licenses for products that you will use in your work;
  • Certificate of registration of a private enterprise;
  • Documents confirming that you and your staff have undergone a full medical examination;
  • You also need to obtain a patent from the authorities local government for trading activities.

You should know if you want to open a cafe, that for this you need to determine the legal form of the future establishment. You can register it like:

  1. IP (individual entrepreneur);
  2. OJSC (open joint stock company);
  3. LLC (limited liability company).

Institution format and concept

Are you still undecided? Try opening your own cafe. For this, as we mentioned above, it is very important to decide on the concept and format of the future establishment. In order for you to understand more clearly in this area, we invite you to pay attention to the following classification of catering establishments.

By type of cafe there are:

  • General;
  • Specialized;
  • Bars.

Each of these catering establishments has its own category:

  • Luxury - such establishments have unique buildings, premises and furniture (it is made to order). They are provided with all the necessary equipment to have the maximum level of comfort;
  • Higher - which have a very high level of service, a complex menu, the premises are decorated in the best level, and technical equipment of the highest class;
  • First, this category is assigned to kebab, wine and beer bars;
  • The second is assigned to canteens;
  • The third is assigned to buffets that are located in public facilities.

Let's take a closer look at what type of cafe you can open:

How to open a fast food cafe from scratch?

This is the most affordable public catering establishment, which people go to with great pleasure, because they can eat quickly and inexpensively (about 100 rubles per person). The menu of such a cafe includes dishes that are prepared based on semi-finished products. The only alcoholic drinks sold in such establishments are beer. This format of a catering establishment is The best way, how to open a roadside cafe from scratch.

How to open a small cafe from scratch using the “Free-flo” type?

In such establishments, the menu is dominated by home-cooked dishes, which are prepared after the client orders. In such cafes nothing is heated. On average, a visitor can eat at the Free-Flo cafe for 150–300 rubles. In addition to beer, you can sell stronger alcoholic drinks here.

In fact, this catering establishment is no different from fast food. Only in them can you get higher profits. People can spend 300-400 rubles per visit on delicious and fresh pizza, as well as some types of snacks and side dishes. This option is suitable for those who are looking for a way to open a family cafe from scratch.

How to open a small cafe from scratch like a “Bar”?

These establishments sell mainly alcoholic beverages and simple hot and cold snacks. They are usually equipped in a high-tech style, there is low lighting, and there are quiet and soft areas. It should be noted that such establishments are in quite high demand, so opening them is very profitable. There are several types of bars:

  • Cocktail bars where fruits, sweets, and some types of snacks are served with alcoholic drinks. The staff consists of bartenders and waiters;
  • Disco bars, which function like regular cafes during the day, and like a club in the evening, where you don’t have to order food, but only have fun. By the way, the menu of such establishments usually includes sandwiches and sweets. They are equipped very modernly with lighting, musical equipment, video recorders, light music;
  • Minibars, which are located at entertainment centers such as cinemas and hotels. They sell mainly sandwiches, ice cream and other similar products;
  • Grill bars are establishments that differ from fast food cafes only in the way they prepare food. Everything here is grilled;
  • Cafe-bars are elegant establishments that can accommodate a maximum of 50 visitors. The menu here is very extensive - there are first courses, second courses, and alcoholic drinks. As for the cost of dishes, the check for one visitor can be equal to 500 rubles.

How to open a children's cafe from scratch?

This may be a “free-flo” type catering establishment, but they should not have alcoholic beverages. In addition, it is always equipped with various children's entertainment, and the menu includes sweets, dairy desserts and home-cooked dishes that can be as healthy as possible for children.

How to open an anti-cafe?

It should be noted that this format of establishments is very popular today. People don't have to pay for food there. They pay for the time they spend in the cafe. You can offer people coffee, tea and light snacks free of charge.

How to open a coffee shop?

This type of cafe has taken root quite well in Russia. In such establishments the menu includes different varieties coffee, liqueurs and dessert wines. The list of products also includes confectionery products.

Selecting a location

Another question that goes into step by step instructions how to open a cafe from scratch is the choice of premises and location of the future cafe. Here you need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. The area of ​​the city in which your cafe will be located should be crowded (this could be residential areas, recreation areas);
  2. The area of ​​the premises for a catering establishment must be no less than 70 and no more than 200 m²;
  3. If your cafe is aimed at people with average incomes, you can choose residential areas;
  4. Do not rent premises for your cafe if before yours there was an establishment of a similar type in it, but it received a bad reputation (your cafe will have the same reputation on a subconscious level among visitors);
  5. The premises must be equipped with all necessary utilities - electricity, running water, heating and sewerage;
  6. Carefully study all the documentation for the premises you want to rent. What is meant here is whether it has been redeveloped, whether it is registered correctly, whether advertising signs can be placed on its façade.


When planning where to start opening your cafe, you need to calculate how much money you need to open a cafe. After all, you will have to purchase expensive equipment to furnish the hall of your establishment and kitchen. There is a basic set of what you need to buy:

  • Oven (a convection oven will also work instead). This equipment must definitely be included in the business plan for opening a cafe from scratch, since it is used to prepare most of the main dishes;
  • Electric multi-burner stove with oven;
  • Refrigerated spacious display cases for ready-made dishes;
  • Dispensing stand;
  • Coffee machine;
  • Frying surfaces;
  • Microwave;
  • Food processor (preferably several);
  • Washing.

All the above devices household appliances You can buy them new, or you can save money and buy it all second-hand in order to save money. In the first stages of business development, it is quite possible to get by with used equipment, and after achieving results, you can already buy a new one.

Financial investments

The most important thing a novice entrepreneur needs to do is calculate the cost of opening a small cafe from scratch. According to our calculations, how much money is needed to open a cafe, you will have to make the following expenses:

  • 50,000 rubles – rent of premises for a cafe;
  • 100,000 rubles – purchase of the necessary equipment;
  • 60,000 rubles – for products and advertising (this amount will have to be spent monthly).

Note that the cost of opening a cafe from scratch will largely depend on the form of catering establishment that you choose.


Knowing how much it costs to open a cafe from scratch, logical questions arise - how much can you earn and how quickly. It’s impossible to answer unequivocally here, because profit will directly depend on the attendance of your cafe and the amount of money invested.

If you can organize your business quickly and correctly, then you will receive 100,000 rubles in net profit per month.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's figure out what the positive aspects of the restaurant business are:

  • This is an exit niche in entrepreneurial activity because it is in demand among people;
  • Having your own cafe is not only profitable, but also very interesting. Business in the future can become a lifelong endeavor and generate high income.

However, as in any business, there are pitfalls in the restaurant business:

  • If people work in your cafe, then it cannot be ruled out that they will steal food. To avoid this, you can install surveillance cameras in the cafe, but this is an additional cost;
  • You will definitely need to monitor the cleanliness and sanitation of your cafe at all times;
  • You may be bothered by constant checks from different authorities;
  • It is very difficult to find decent suppliers who will become reliable business partners;
  • High level of competition.

Advertising campaign

Of decisive importance in business development is advertising campaign, because the profitability of the establishment always depends on it. You will have to think and choose the appropriate tactics in organizing advertising for your cafe. It shouldn't be similar to your competitors' campaigns. What you can use:

    1. Outdoor advertising (in public transport, for example, or on street billboards), which will constantly flash before the eyes of your potential customers and thereby arouse interest in your establishment;
    2. Internet advertising on social networks, online bulletin boards, and websites (including a personal website). You will have to pay a lot for such services. But if you don’t take advantage of them, you may increase the risk of losing everything and achieving nothing by investing a lot of money;
  1. Media and radio advertising that will help inform people about entertainment programs and promotions of your cafe. With their help, the image of a public institution is formed. Visitors are interested in the difficulty of sitting in comfortable conditions; the mood and atmosphere that reigns in the establishment where they decide to dine, for example, is also important for them;
  2. Printed materials - these can be business cards, ballpoint pens with a logo, flyers and booklets. They can be distributed in the subway, at bus stops, and train stations;
  3. Event marketing – here it is advisable to think through loyalty programs that always arouse the interest of visitors.

When you decide to become an entrepreneur in the restaurant business, you need to understand that the success of the business will largely depend on your personality. It is important to have a lot of patience, energy, knowledge and life experience in order to properly organize your entrepreneurial activity and in the future achieve a high income.

You should not be afraid of competitors or other disadvantages of this line of business. You just need to believe in success and make every effort to achieve it.