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What kind of business can a teenager open? Business ideas for schoolchildren

People's needs are growing faster than their capabilities. There is always a catastrophic shortage of money. To meet your needs and succeed in real life, adults get jobs. But what should a teenager who is not even 18 years old do? Current ideas businesses for teenagers listed in this article will help you earn your first money.

Ways to receive money

Minors can receive pocket money in several ways.

The first option is to ask the parents to give the required amount. At the same time, the teenager will not have to work particularly hard. However, you can rarely buy anything significant with the money you receive. And I don’t want to constantly beg for money.

The second option is to earn money through your own labor. There are several nuances here. Not all ways to make a profit are suitable for teenagers. In addition, minors often find it difficult to independently choose a promising idea for making money.

There are several forms of income generation. Teens can make money both in the real world and online. What options for making a profit are the most promising?

Distribution of advertising leaflets

This method of earning money ranks first in terms of simplicity and ease. Promotion of any business is based on advertising a product or service. In this difficult task, entrepreneurs use the help of young people who are ready to carry out simple tasks for a small fee.

The essence of the tasks consists of distributing leaflets or posting advertisements. The matter is quite simple and does not require special attention from the performers. physical strength or creativity. That’s why this earning option is so attractive for teenagers and schoolchildren. However, this cannot be said that it is very easy to get money in this way. Bad weather and unfriendly people can create some difficulties when distributing leaflets.

Home delivery of goods

As a rule, home delivery services experience a serious shortage of staff. First of all, they need couriers. Therefore, companies willingly hire teenagers aged 14-18 years. Size wages depends on the quality of the task. There is work to be found at any time of the year, be it summer or winter. By agreement with the company, you can carry out orders, for example, only in the first half of the day.

This earning option is characterized by the absence of age discrimination and relatively free schedule work. Disadvantages include the need to use physical force when delivering heavy goods and daily travel.

Packing and loading of goods

Often teenagers worry about personal problems. Working as a loader can push depression into the background. With a conscientious attitude to such work, the teenager will not only earn good money, but will also clear his mind of bad thoughts. Alternatively, for a small fee, you can help your neighbors pack their belongings when moving. Among my friends there are many who want to use this kind of service.

The work does not require special qualifications from the loader or packer. Therefore, any teenager can cope with it. You can connect your friends to this method of earning money, and then publish ads. Then services will be in demand.

Organization of the order service

Modern people try to do as many things as possible in a short period of time. They don’t want to waste time buying food, cooking and other trifles. Teenagers can earn money by helping adults. The only difficulty is to figure out exactly how to start the business. For a fee, you can wash neighbors' cars, clean car interiors, clean rooms, buy food and medicine, and help during repairs or construction.

Doing various jobs in front of the house

This business idea for teenagers will be in demand in small populated areas and holiday villages where people with decent incomes live. The wealthy population can be offered care of the green lawn or lawn in front of the house, painting of fences, and landscaping the area adjacent to buildings.

A teenager should just take a closer look at the deserted areas near buildings. Perhaps the owners simply do not have time to do appearance houses are more attractive. Next, you need to create a list of addresses and then offer your services to people. Home owners will be happy to pay a small amount of money for a teenager to improve their property.

Care for children

This method of earning money is very popular in the West. In Russia, such services are not very popular. But if a teenager likes to be with children, then he should get a job as a nanny. Young parents often do not have enough time to go to a cafe or cinema (especially when grandparents are not present). You can offer them child care services. For a small amount of money, the teenager entertains the neighborhood children 1-2 times a week.

The target audience may be single mothers who are forced to work, raise children and manage their personal lives at the same time. Do not forget that this method of generating income requires enormous patience and nerves of steel.

Animal care

Nothing brightens up the gray days like pets. They give joy and a sea of ​​positivity to any family. However, it often happens that you want to have a pet, but there is no time to care for it. If a teenager loves animals, he can walk them for a small fee. Neighbors and other residents will not refuse the service.

This earning option is suitable for both 12-year-olds and 16-year-olds. The cost of services should be calculated according to the region of residence. Teenagers living in Moscow and other large areas receive 2,000 rubles per walk. In small towns, the cost of the service does not exceed 200 rubles. You can earn good money for a full-time job.

The advantage of this method of earning money is that the teenager is guaranteed to receive legal remuneration. In addition, you can look after animals for a fee at any time of the year. However, do not forget about security measures. It is recommended to walk dogs only with a muzzle and leash. Otherwise, one unpleasant incident will put an end to the business.

Selling goods

Working as a salesperson often involves the risk of losing large sums of money. The work of a teenager who takes up this business is rated very low by employers.

It’s another matter when a minor works for himself. He may try opening a mobile kiosk in crowded areas. Products should be purchased from nearby supermarkets. Purchased products can be sold at a small markup.

Selling crafts

If a teenager is creating handmade decorative elements, then he can sell his creations through a souvenir shop. For an agreed commission, the establishment offers crafts for sale. This way of earning money is suitable for both girls and boys.

Important! You should not stop at one type of needlework, be it knitting, wood carving or even beadwork. Any manual labor has its price. It’s worth trying to create models, wall applications, origami.

If you don’t want to pay a commission to an establishment, you can open an online store selling handmade crafts and accessories.

Creating candles

Working on creating candles does not require any special qualifications from a teenager. These products are constantly needed. Dozens of candles are bought for holidays, wedding celebrations and romantic evenings. You can try to sell them to friends and acquaintances.

Don't be shy about this kind of activity. It's better than walking aimlessly on the streets or playing on PC for hours. Many world-famous personalities at one time were engaged in very simple, low-paid work, which other people usually refuse. The money is small, but enough to go to the cinema.

Making jewelry

It goes without saying that only specialists can do this kind of work. If a teenager has excellent taste and talent for arts and crafts, then he can take a few lessons from professionals and then start creating new jewelry. Models of future jewelry can be drawn on a computer.

Creating a home greenhouse

This option for earning money is quite unusual, although quite realistic. The essence of the work is to grow shoots and then deliver the plants to the store. The establishment sells goods and receives a commission for it.

Both boys and girls can earn money in this way. Caring for fast-growing houseplants is easy. In addition, parents often encourage initiatives and help teenagers.

Opening of a training center

Teenagers who have skills in certain areas of activity can conduct paid master classes for everyone. Dancing, singing lessons, foreign languages, handicrafts have always been in demand.

As an option, you can teach computer literacy to schoolchildren, people of retirement age and adults who have decided that it is very important for them. Teenagers typically own a device on high level. Therefore, making good money from training will not be difficult. As soon as there are more clients, the teenager will be able to open a training center.

In any case, there will always be an opportunity to apply computer skills. A user who has good knowledge of the device can open an entire installation service software on PC.


Don't be skeptical about this species earnings. There are many people who want to work on the Internet. However, there is often a shortage of professionals. Minors have a lot of time on their hands. They can try different activities and see what they like best. There is always a huge queue of clients lining up for professionals.

First, you can try to get some money to pay mobile communications and the Internet. Article exchanges, newspaper and magazine editorial offices often collaborate with talented teenagers. Selling websites created by teenagers also brings in a lot of money. You can make money on boxes and file sharing services. If everything works out, freelancing will become an additional source of income.

Selling game accounts

Schoolchildren aged 12-16 years often spend a lot of time on Online Games. So why not try to benefit from it? An account in the game can be sold on thematic forums. It will take no more than 2 months to promote your character. The account costs approximately $100. The profit margin is quite acceptable for a teenager.

Social Media Consultant

Social media has taken a strong position in the lives of modern people, who now cannot imagine a day without the Internet. Every teenager spends about 4 hours on the Internet every day. You can also make money from this.

Small businesses often require support in in social networks. You can apply your existing knowledge and help in promoting online representative offices. Businessmen often look for reliable suppliers of goods. Teens can help find best deals for wholesale purchases of certain goods for a certain fee.

Unpromising ways to make money

Business ideas for teenagers are not always promising. For example, work in a cafe is often advertised on the Internet. But no one says that it is very difficult for a teenager to get real money. There are many reasons: unscrupulous employers who want to cheat an unofficially working teenager, low wages.

Harvesting is hard, low-skilled work. Such work cannot be found in all regions. A teenager will not be able to get a lot of money, but it will be easy to lose strength and health.

Reading time: 20 minutes

Look at yourself - you are young, ambitious, dreamy, full of strength and energy, ready to go through walls to achieve success. Perhaps you are currently pursuing an education. Others are working. Still others combine these two matters. You will have everything ahead in 3 years, but during this time you can create something big and pleasant that will bring large passive income.

What is needed for this? Take control of yourself, start learning and doing things, while gaining knowledge and experience. You have ahead long life, but whether she will be happy and successful depends on you.
We offer you 20 promising business ideas that every young guy or girl can really master. We offer 20 modern and growing ideas that will make you a serious businessman in 3 years. But for these 3 years you will have to work hard, be malnourished in some places, and not have enough time in others. But after 3 years, you will be able to break away from these years, realizing what you have been through and what you have at the moment.

Ready? TOP 20 home business ideas that will help young people become successful entrepreneurs.

TOP 20 business ideas for youth

1. Development of games and applications

Investments from 5 thousand rubles

Trite and not new you say? However, a cool app or a cool game can generate a lot of passive income for many years. The training will last several months, and then try, create, think. One application or game per month. Something will go off.

Don't forget to promote what you create. First to friends, then to advertising. Learn to create cool applications, promote yourself large companies. A wide variety of companies hire people to create applications.

Advantages: keeping up with the times; created successfully - get passive income; develops the brain.

Disadvantages: the path to success is not limited by any time; Not everyone can do this kind of business.

2. Website creation

Investments from 15 thousand rubles

Websites of the last century? Every day dozens of business projects are opened throughout the country, but how many existing entrepreneurs do not have a website? Even within one large city, there are dozens of companies creating websites within the city, and most of them cannot properly serve their clients (as learned from the experience of one entrepreneur friend).

Opening a website creation company is one thing, but providing normal services is quite another. Competition? The market is flooded with such “professionals,” but most of them offer nothing in terms of real competition. Again, a few months for training and practice, and only then creating a Name in the field of website building. Plus freelance exchanges, plus working for a serious company in creating and maintaining a website.

Advantages: a cool company can bring in a lot of money; Despite the competition, it is quite possible to create a great business.

Disadvantages: to create profitable business, you need to have a bunch of cool qualities, and if you don’t have them, you will remain an ordinary freelancer.

3. Promotion of Internet projects (websites, social network pages, Youtube channels)

Investments from 25 thousand rubles

This is already more modern. Today, every fifth young person has a project on the Internet and wants to promote it in order to later make money from it. But how many good “promoters” are there on the Internet? Most of them are charlatans and upstarts who want to capitalize on trust. If you write to a person that you are ready to promote his project, they will send you to hell.
Once again: training for several months + earning a rating = a year of work for free. You can organize a team, or you can choose one direction (website, YouTube or social networks) and work on it. Reputation is gained something like this: create a blog there that you are going to subsequently promote and write interesting articles. You take your first orders for pennies (experience + advertising your business + live examples), then you advertise yourself (don’t forget to promote your blog) and provide services to people.

Advantages: services will always be popular; services that pay good money.

Disadvantages: difficulty entering the market; It will be difficult to recruit a great team that is ready to work and study at the same time for many years while working for you.

4. Your own channel on Youtube

Investments from 25 thousand rubles

Only the lazy don't have a YouTube channel. But it’s one thing to have a channel, another thing to make money from it. And to make good money, you need to work on cool, interesting and useful content. There is huge competition in almost any niche, and your videos in poor quality with terrible sound will not be interesting to anyone.

To work, you will have to spend money on several equipment and programs, but first you need to decide on a niche. It’s better to choose according to the principle “I like it, and hundreds of people subscribe to similar channels,” and then just create content and promote it in all paid, free, legal and illegal ways. 1-2 years of work, small investments in advertising and the channel will gain the required number of subscribers. And then good advertising offers will begin to arrive.

Advantages: incredibly cool passive income while sitting at home (depending on the topic of the channel).

Disadvantages: difficult to create high-quality content; It's difficult to promote a business without money for advertising.

Investments from 45 thousand rubles

Another popular way to make money on the Internet, but a little difficult to implement. Who is interested in you if you are not a well-known personality at least for a large city? Who will follow you? There is option 2 here - to become famous and maintain your reputation, or to make good content by posting it on your page and advertising it. Both cases are working, but you will have to try hard to make them work.

The easiest way to become famous within the city is if you are a talented and sociable person, and to create content you need to choose a topic in which you will not only be a “theoretical guru”, but also a practical one. You will earn money from advertising from third parties, as well as from your own ideas (services or sales of goods). I can’t keep silent about the main drawback of this business, because any social network is not your platform, and you will work on it according to someone else’s rules. Please take this into account.

Advantages: passive income.

Disadvantages: it will be difficult to create a cool page, promote it and attract customers with your advertising.

6. Online store in social networks

Investments from 5 thousand rubles

If we talk about the scale of the country, then the implementation of such a business is unlikely. Unless some special goods, large loads or social networks will go as an addition to the site. Why is that? All because of the expensive delivery of goods across the country.

Why then is this idea needed? To implement it on a city scale. The product can be anything. Distribution of goods can occur once a week from a machine. No registration, no documents, websites, expensive promotion, etc. Find demand and create supply. That's all you need to do.

Advantages: minimum investment; minimal knowledge; good passive income.

Disadvantages: it is difficult to attract a large number of customers, since many will find it more convenient to buy the same product in a store.

Investments from 15 thousand rubles

Prospects can only be found in cities, despite the competition. In small villages advertising agency won't achieve big income. But you can easily compete with snickering agencies without competition and with shortcomings.

Just copy their business, improve it, increase the list of types of advertising, advertise yourself in different ways, create websites and price lists for your services. There are also young talents who start a business as an intermediary: they accept an order with an advance payment, go to an existing advertising agency, order advertising from them, after which they give the order to the customer and take the profit. Brilliant. At first great way and build relationships with customers and learn about competitors' businesses.

Advantages: minimal investment; large orders; constant business maintaining the quality of services.

Disadvantages: in small town It is not profitable to have an advertising agency.

  • read the article How to attract more clients: 50 original ways

8. Online education

Investments from 5 thousand rubles

The information business is a thing of the past and, it would seem, who will pay for education on the Internet when there is Youtube with its endless amount of useful videos? But actually online education works and generates income. Moreover, people are willing to pay for it.

This can be called “Infobusiness: reboot”. You can earn money using videos on Youtube + teach via Skype, + sell lessons wrapped in a high-quality video that anyone can understand. In addition, this motivates you to get a better education, plus it gives you the opportunity to create your own educational product, and this is experience.

Advantages: business without leaving home; passive income; growing niche.

Disadvantages: difficult to break through and achieve big sales; It's hard to create a truly valuable product.

9. Release online magazine

Investments from 15 thousand rubles

There are thousands of options for a magazine theme, but it’s best to choose based on two criteria: “I like it” and “many people will like it.” Boys choose a masculine theme, girls – a feminine one. A website is created and filled with a variety of useful and interesting content on the chosen topic. Too lazy to write and create a website, create an account on social networks, design it (page, community) and work in it.

An online magazine has a lot of advantages, but the main ones are good income, involvement in the process with benefits and employment. You will become not just a mediocrity who sits for hours at a laptop, but a mediocrity businessman who receives money and knowledge.

Advantages: home business; excellent profitable hobby; constant growth(depends on the topic and quality of work on the project).

Disadvantages: it takes a long time to create a cool magazine, even with employees who also need to be paid.

10. Posters for schoolchildren, students in specialties

Investments from 65 thousand rubles

We have already talked about education, how fashionable and cool it is today. This business idea will live on for many years. The point is to create wall posters for schoolchildren and students with rules, terms and other useful things in subjects and specialties. Every second person will want to have a wall cheat sheet at home if it is presented correctly.

The advantage of these cheat sheets is not only that the student will be able to remember the information he needs by raising his head, but will also unconsciously connect his visual memory and remember everything that is depicted on it. Show the benefits of such posters, start production and start selling.

Advantages: permanent niche; good manufacturing business.

Disadvantages: none found.

11. Breeding parrots/aquarium fish

Investments from 35 thousand rubles

What's difficult about this type of business? Never mind. It doesn’t take much time, no unusual conditions are needed. A basic understanding of the matter, and that’s all. True, in rural areas It’s hard to imagine such a business, but on the other hand, you can sell it via the Internet to nearby cities.

Such a “pet business” can grow into a large pet store with a large number of interesting animals. And you can start exactly with this. Look for popular types of parrots and fish, set up a maternity hospital at home and make money from it.

Advantages: simple business.

Disadvantages: low-income business without expansion.

12. Wedding/demobilization albums

Investments from 5 thousand rubles

There are no cool and famous people who promote this business. He is not popular, why? - because they don’t want to make it that way. How many weddings take place every month in your city? How many military personnel are there in the nearest military unit? This is a great business that simply no one thought of promoting. And most importantly, there will always be weddings and military service; from year to year, hundreds of people in your district will do this. Hundreds of clients.

What's so complicated about this? You can find out about weddings in advance at the registry office; people gather for demobilization almost every month (a little less often, but in large quantities). Creating an Album – creative work for a couple of evenings, if you are busy with something during the day. And the profit is from 500 to 2500 rubles per album, depending on the client’s solvency and your creativity. Great business without competition. First you work on your own, and after that you can recruit a team.

Advantages: unoccupied niche; simple business.

Disadvantages: either a freelancer or you will have to do something to prevent your workers from stealing the idea.

13. Production board games

Investments from 45 thousand rubles

Almost any production can be brought to a large scale and generating large incomes. The advantage of producing board games is that you don’t need to start large factories and machines. You can take ready-made ideas or come up with your own. In just one large city you can find hundreds of stores and departments with toys that will be ready to purchase your goods.

Of course, you will have to spend money and set up production. Think everything through, create a strategy, work with marketing and other things. But in the end, a simple and profitable business for many years. Despite the popularity of computers and smartphones, board games are also in demand. Moreover, there are games for both teenagers and adults.

Disadvantages: competition may affect income.

14. Conducting experiments

Investments from 45 thousand rubles

This topic is a little more complex than creating board games. But she is incredibly interesting and exciting. There are no limits to imagination here; here you can create something at a cost of 40 rubles, and sell it for 4-6 times more expensive, and in batches. This is a serious idea, and for many experiments you will need to obtain permission to produce, as some experiments may be hazardous to health (crystals, fireworks).

This business will give you a lot of knowledge. It is easy to automate and difficult to copy if everyone does only their own thing. Sales are the same as with games - retail, wholesale, large wholesale, via the Internet. Competition has virtually no effect on anything. If you want an interesting production, try this.

Advantages: large selection of product varieties; permanent business.

Disadvantages: Lots of permissions required.

15. Rental business

Investments from 5 thousand rubles

You can start a business renting goods with a few thousand rubles. It can start with things, electronics or sports equipment. And it could end with cars. Even if supported. This business perfectly teaches you to work with clients in the early stages of developing your personality as a businessman.

Analyze the market: what does the middle class need? What they want but can't buy. Some people like loans, but convince others that rental is more profitable. Regular advertising, low prices and a good assortment will allow you to begin your first steps in this business. In any case, the money will be worth it, and if you don’t like it, you can always take advantage of it.

Advantages: minimal investment; minimal risks; a big increase.

Disadvantages: the business will be popular and profitable only in cities.

16. Resale of expensive goods

Investments from 15 thousand rubles

Some people are able to resell a service, not to mention a product. It is better to resell expensive goods. Why such a scale at once? Well, you can start with chewing gum. By the age of 50 you will be able to earn good money. You need to immediately take the scope and calculate everything in detail. All this is a great experience. And mistakes are also experiences that will force you to be more careful next time and study the topic thoroughly.

You can start with small transactions, starting from capital, or you can take risks and be an intermediary between buyer and seller, making a profit from this transaction. Find your product to suit your scope and make your first good deal. In the future, such a skill will help in promoting any business.

Advantages: gaining a lot of experience.

Disadvantages: there is a chance to burn out; Not everyone will be able to create a permanent profitable resale business.

  • read the article Home-based business idea: car resale

17. Barbershop/beauty salon

Investments from “many” thousand rubles

There are a lot of such projects in every city. I can't argue with you here. But in most of them, clients are served not by the owners, but by the hired workers of the owners. This means it’s profitable to keep such an establishment and be a little on the sidelines. Of course, you will need to manage and work hard to bring your business to a leading position in the city.

Each country has its own way, but similar business assistance from the state is required, since business is going for the benefit of society. In addition, the project, when created by normal people with a working head, pays off in 1-1.5 years. And the profit amounts to several tens (up to hundreds) of thousands of rubles. Sometimes it is enough to copy beautifully under improved conditions rather than reinvent the wheel.

Advantages: always a popular business; the ability to create a network of projects; passive income.

Disadvantages: a lot of competition; It is very difficult to start a business without money.

18. Healthy lifestyle – training and nutrition

Investments from 25 thousand rubles

Many people become obsessed with a healthy lifestyle. And this means it's time to do business. Even if you are not a supporter of such a life, there are options in which you can still make money:

You are not going to lead a healthy lifestyle - create a cafe for such people, a community on social networks, or open an online store.

You are going to lead a healthy lifestyle, but there is no motivation - create a blog and vlog and start working, while simultaneously publishing the result, even if you have a big belly. People enjoy watching others improve.

You are already a supporter of a healthy lifestyle - use everything described above and add to this training people. So much for the healthy lifestyle business.

Advantages: always relevant; helps in maintaining healthy image life.

Disadvantages: you need to constantly work on yourself and your business if you are its main player; difficulty entering the market from scratch.

  • read the article Home-based business idea: self-defense instructor

19. Rub money on fashion

Investments from 15 thousand rubles

Who else knows fashion better than you? Naturally, young people have always been obsessed with this, it’s just that every decade has, has and will have its own fashion. And you can make money in this too, but you have to approach it wisely and prudentially.

How to earn money? Usually fashion comes to us from a larger and more developed “world”. To the village from the city, to the city from the metropolis. To the metropolis from “another world” - from America, from cinema, from Europe, from a musician, etc. If we're talking about about products – look at Aliexpress. Products can be resold at many times higher prices.

Advantages: high margin; easy entry into business with minimal investment.

Disadvantages: no specific consistency; profits and business are not stable.

20. Products and food

Investments from 25 thousand rubles

bake something, have something grocery store, open your own original restaurant - there are a thousand options here, but we could not ignore the topic of food and products, because it is always in demand, it is always growing, and they always want it.

Whatever you discover, whatever you do, you can build on everything big business. But carefully study the market and niche so as not to choose an idea that is only enough to survive. Ideas in this topic are troublesome, but profitable.

Advantages: a well-chosen niche is always in demand; the ability to create a network of projects.

Disadvantages: high costs of creating a business; It’s difficult to promote an original product, there’s a lot of competition in non-original products.

1 . Start as soon as possible.

2 . Learn from your competitors.

3 . Make a maximum list of how you can make money in your business or what methods to use for this.

4 . Take your time with the office, registration, hiring and other complex procedures.

5 . If you have a team, you should be the only one in charge.

6 . Progress as much as possible, both on your own and with your business.

7 . Work and improve your business every day.

8 . Don't rejoice at success ahead of time.

9 . Talk less, ask more.

10 . Just do your thing and enjoy the process.

You have 20 cool business ideas for young people. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, but do not forget that many ideas are easily combined with each other and with other types of activities. In the world of the Internet, most ideas are in this direction. But this is even a plus. Almost all ideas can be brought to perfection in 3 years. But you will have to seriously work not only on the project, but also on your discipline. You will have to devote time every day and complete big tasks to achieve great results. Do you have enough strength to work hard for 3 years, forgetting about rest? Is willpower enough? Or maybe you want to work for someone (which is easier for many, and there is nothing wrong with that), stable, calm? In any case, the choice is yours. 20 ideas. Can be combined. You are young. Go for it.

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Schoolchildren at the age of 16 are already sufficiently developed physically and intellectually to be trusted to do this or that work. They are ready and eager to earn money, and there is no need to limit these impulses. Teenagers and their parents must first study legislative basis, assess your capabilities and desires and create an optimal work schedule that does not interfere with your studies. Today's millionaires, for the most part, are people who started their careers and businesses in their teenage years, who have studied all the possibilities and limitations from the inside and thoroughly. And, with youthful maximalism, they believed in the impossible and achieved their goal.

Here are some examples of such success:

  1. F. Doherty, who at the age of 14 began producing jam according to his grandmother’s recipe and selling it to neighbors and acquaintances. Already at 16, he registered the SuperJam brand, under which he not only produced a sweet product, but also published collections of recipes (the SuperJam cookbook, a popular publication of Internet auctions).
  2. K. Johnson. It all started with the design of an invitation card that the parents asked the boy to make. The design impressed the guests and their friends so much that a few years later the child was able to open his own line of cards under the Cheers And Tears brand, and even before finishing high school generate a capital of $1 million.
  3. David And Catherine Cook, the brother and sister who created the popular online school planner at

What does it take to replicate and exceed their experience? to work, to have interesting idea and come up with ways to implement it. And – help and support from loved ones. For example, David and Catherine Cook were able to accelerate their success because their older brother Jason believed in them and their idea, and loaned money First stage business $250,000.

It is important to know! Not everyone in the family has the opportunity to help financially, but every parent can provide moral support and deal with the legal aspects of earnings for sixteen-year-old schoolchildren.

What does the Labor Code of the Russian Federation say about the employment of 16-year-olds?

The law does not prohibit working and doing business at this age. There are some restrictions that you should know and follow.

Schoolchildren 16 years oldDuring the academic yearDuring school holidays
Allowed to work a dayno more than 4 hoursno more than 7 hours
Allowed to work a weekno more than 17.5 hoursno more than 35 hours
Working with harmful and dangerous substancesforbiddenforbidden
Work involving significant physical and psychological stressforbiddenforbidden
Work related to making responsible decisionsforbiddenforbidden

Business is traditionally considered a business for adults, even older people. Respectable businessmen sitting on leather chairs and leisurely deciding their affairs - this is what most people think of when they hear the word “business”. However, entrepreneurship is an area that even teenagers can successfully pursue. At the same time, earning real money, which is enough for pocket expenses, and more.

Dog walking

Many adults are tired after work, and it is much more pleasant for them to spend time in front of the TV or with their family than to go for a walk with their pet. On the contrary, children and teenagers have a lot of free time, a lot of energy, and in the evenings they are full of strength. If they are also, then this business is especially for them.

Let's calculate income. average cost300 rub. at one o'clock. If you walk one dog an hour every day, you get 9,000 rubles. per month. If two dogs, then 18,000 rubles. per month. Very good money even for adults.

There are no costs in this type of business, only if you have to replace chewed shoes or clothes. If we consider dog walking as a business, then a teenager can take an order and give it to his younger brother or sister. 150 rub. The “organizer” takes 150 rubles for himself. gives it to a junior “employee”. Then everyone receives 4,500 rubles. per month. You can distribute responsibilities like this: one employee walks around the apartments and asks if he needs to walk the dog today, then he collects the animals and distributes them to several employees who are already directly involved in walking. To summarize, dog walking is very interesting and profitable

business for teenagers.

Business on anime paraphernalia Very often, schoolchildren become interested in Japanese animation - anime. This is a whole industry with multi-million dollar profits. If a teenager is well versed in this topic and is an otaku, then he can organize a small business selling paraphernalia, souvenirs and goods for so-called cosplay. This

business for teenagers

, who themselves are very passionate about cartoons with big eyes :)

  • Otaku is a person who is passionate about something, such as Japanese animation.
  • The assortment is very diverse:
  • Anime action figures
  • Mugs
  • Backpacks
  • Pillows
  • Original manga (comics) in Japanese
  • Mouse pads

Wigs and other cosplay clothing Cards and stickers Let's try to calculate income. This paraphernalia is bought on e-bay, sometimes on Amazon, it's cheap there. The average cost with delivery is about 100-200 rubles.There are no costs for renting a store or a warehouse. IN

It is sold to Russia at a fairly high price, so there will be a “margin”.

Not so long ago, along with the development of interest in handicrafts, as well as in folk and ethnic culture, so-called master classes became popular. People gather in a cozy art cafe or teahouse, and the organizer begins to explain and show how to make soap or play an ethnic musical instrument such as a harp. It is quite possible to conduct master classes for a teenager, the main thing is that he is well versed in some matter.

In what areas can master classes be held:

  • Felting wool paintings
  • Making your own soap
  • Making candles
  • Playing ethnic musical instruments: drums, flutes, jew's harps, singing bowls
  • Painting T-shirts and other clothing
  • Making jewelry and decorations

Master class is a very specific type business for teenagers. The income is one-time, but if a lot of people come, it will amount to a good amount. Entrance to the master class costs from 150 rubles. up to 600 rub. As a rule, an expensive entrance ticket implies that you provide your own raw materials (for example, wool or thread). Thus, the average income per person will be 200 rubles. As a rule, 5-10 people come to MK, i.e. 1000 - 2000 rubles. Often half of the earnings are given to the owner of the premises. It makes no sense to hold master classes in one direction more than once a month, because people from the same “crowd” attend them. In total, we receive an income of 500 - 1000 rubles. in 3-6 hours, but not more than once a month.

Publishing your own newspaper and setting up computers business

Not bad business for teenagers will publish its own newspaper. The costs are minimal: you need a printer that is bought by your parents, cartridge refills and paper. Today the media has almost completely moved to the Internet. It will be all the more interesting to publish a paper newspaper. You can write news from your yard, entrance, school or class. Of course, you can’t count on any serious earnings in the case of a newspaper, but the experience will be colossal. The young man will learn to write articles and essays, and can also make connections if he plans to engage in organizational work in the future.

Let's try to calculate income. Let's assume that you can make an interesting, colorful newspaper every week and sell 50 copies worth 50 rubles. every. Income per week is 2500 rubles, per month 10,000 thousand. One pack of paper costs 150 rubles per month. and refill 700 rub. Total income for the month is 9150 rubles. Please note that local authorities may be interested in the newspaper, no matter what they write. It must be shown that young publishers are neither opposition nor extremists.

The president's son, together with P. Richard's hero, publishes a newspaper (from the cult film "Toy")

Young people are well versed in computers, so making money by setting up computers is quite possible for them. One order can cost from 300 to 1500 rubles, on average 900 rubles. Let's take client base Specifically teenagers, they can have clients from 5 to 20, each calling no more than once a month. Thus, the income will be from 4500 rubles. up to 18,000 rub. per month. It is difficult to estimate costs, since software in Russia is traditionally used with broken software. But you need at least a USB modem costing about 2000 rubles. and monthly Internet payment 550-650 rubles. Also a specialist in computer technology You need to regularly update your laptop and gadgets. Naturally regular customers It’s worth making discounts, because the competition in this market is enormous.

Help in ordering clothes from Amazon

Many people want to dress fashionably and expensively. Meanwhile, some prestigious brands in Russia are much cheaper abroad. And one of the global places where you can buy them is the huge online store For example, consider classic men's Levi's jeans. average price them in Russia is 4500-5500 rubles. Very expensive, especially for the regions. The price of the same models on Amazon is about 40 dollars, at the exchange rate of 36 rubles. we get only 1440 rubles! In addition, there are constantly discounts, promotions, etc., i.e. branded prestigious jeans can be bought very cheaply. Of course, there will also be delivery costing about $30. = 1080 rub. Thus, the final price will be 2520 rubles. But, firstly, even with delivery, the jeans will be significantly cheaper, and secondly, if you order several items, the delivery cost will be evenly distributed among them. You will also need approximately 500 rubles. per year for service bank card, because from Russia it is best to use this payment method.

Meanwhile, it is quite difficult for an adult to understand all the intricacies of purchasing from abroad, as well as the interface of a foreign online store; they may even simply not have the time for this. Therefore it is possible to organize business for teenagers, in which he will order clothes, shoes and other things for people from Amazon for a fee. Let's say you help three people for money; they buy jeans or another item once every three months. For each item you receive a commission of 500 rubles. For one parcel you can earn 1500 rubles. or 500 rub. per month, 6000 rub. in year. As you can see, very little compared to other types of business.However, in terms of time, it is very small; you need to take the order, place it, put money on the card, and when it arrives, go pick it up at the post office. This type of business for a teenager can be combined with others.

Entertainment in the parks, rotating horizontal bar

It is quite possible for two or three teenagers to start a profitable seasonal business in the park. Last summer there was a very money trend: hanging out on a rotating horizontal bar. There are only a few people in the whole world who are able to do this. And almost all of them strengthen grip training. People poured in in droves, the fee per person was 150 rubles. You can easily earn several thousand a day. If you come across a person who can hang for 2 minutes and win a prize, then in order not to go broke, you need to set the condition in advance that you can win only once.

This attraction has one significant drawback - cost. A professional rotating horizontal bar cost about 200,000 rubles. it is clear that an ordinary schoolchild does not have that kind of money (according to the latest data, similar horizontal bars began to be sold for 12,500 rubles; in any case, dampers appear sooner or later). Therefore, such a business for teenagers is possible if they come up with something of their own, but in a similar vein. Or make such a horizontal bar yourself.Problems may also arise in organizational matters with the park administration. For this it is better that young people belong to public organizations, of which there are a lot now.


As we can see, create business for teenagers not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to find what he understands and find out how it can be monetized. The money you earn will most likely not be enough to live on your own, but it will be enough to avoid constantly asking your parents for pocket money. Moreover, in our difficult world, the sooner a person starts doing business, the greater his chances of becoming a successful entrepreneur in the future.

Video about business training for teenagers

Adolescence is a time of active growing up, awareness of oneself as part of the world of adults: their relationships, problems, questions and goals.

Doing business and earning money on your own will, without a doubt, help a teenager to assert himself, increase his own self-esteem and, of course, gain invaluable experience that will be useful to him later.

There are many examples successful entrepreneurs who started their business at a very young age. We offer you ideas that will allow a teenager to earn their first money, which can later be invested in a new, larger business or spent on small needs - everyone makes the decision themselves.

Order service

Modern life is becoming faster and more active, people strive to do more and more things in a unit of time. That is why the relevance of business projects aimed at allowing people to save their time is increasing. It is quite possible for teenagers to carry out small tasks delegated to them. Many people don’t want or don’t have the opportunity to spend time shopping, cooking, cleaning the house, washing the car, walking the dog, etc. Try to find your own ideas for errands that may be relevant to your local area. By performing these small tasks that do not require serious qualifications, you can make good money.

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Earning money on the Internet

Nowadays people are talking about making money on the Internet everywhere. In plain sight successful internet projects, bringing multimillion-dollar profits to the creators. As in any popular area, there are a large number of fraud cases. However, for teenagers this should not be a restriction, but only an incentive to be more attentive and thoughtful when participating in various projects. The most popular internet business ideas for teenagers:

1. Administration of a group on a social network. you can be its creator or a hired administrator. In the first case, your task is to independently create ideas and concepts, select content, and promote the group. The risk in the first case is, of course, higher - because if the idea turns out to be a failure, you will lose the time and money invested in promotion. However, if in the end if the idea is successful, all the profits will be yours. The second option is considered more reliable - you complete the administration tasks assigned to you, but you also receive a fixed profit.

2. Blogging, creating your own website. By publishing interesting content and attracting a large number of subscribers/visitors, you can later use various ways monetization, from simple advertising to more complex - paid content, partnership programs etc.

3. Conducting webinars. The field of online learning is gaining popularity every day. For teenagers she is good option earnings, if they have knowledge in any field. It can be handmade, promotion of an Internet project, etc.

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Handmade (handicrafts)

Many teenagers are fascinated by the idea of ​​being creative. And this may be a good business option. you can sell your own works in specialized stores and at fairs, social networks. There you can look for new clients by doing custom work for them. A business can be built on your favorite hobby: knitting, soap making, sewing, creating designer jewelry, candles, etc. And here it is not at all necessary to complete specialized courses - the main thing is that you like what you do. On the Internet you can now find a lot of free master classes that will allow you to improve your talent.

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Nanny or loader services

Nanny services are a very popular earning option for teenagers in the West and almost not common in our country. But in vain, because this is a great business for schoolchildren and students. If you love children and know how to handle them, you can offer your nanny services. It is known that parent couples, especially in the absence of free grandparents, are ready to leave their baby with a reliable person in order to do important things or just go somewhere together. For obvious reasons, young people are rarely suitable for this role. However, the following ideas will work for them.

If you have sufficient physical strength, you can easily perform various hard work, the most popular of which are the services of loaders. Try to gather a small team with your friends and help people with moves, repairs, etc. It’s best to look for this kind of clients in new buildings. You can also place advertisements on specialized boards in courtyards and entrances.