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Key player in the freight rail transportation market. Key player in the freight rail transportation market Transport company fgk

Joint-Stock Company"Federal Freight Company"(subsidiary of JSC Russian Railways) is one of the largest freight railway operators in Russia, specializing in the transportation of industrial goods. Today we will learn more about the company’s activities and the state of affairs in the operator services market, after talking with the director of the Rostov branch of JSC "FGK" Alexander Titovich.

Alexander Yurievich, Tell us more about the activities of JSC FGK? What is the company's business based on?, and who creates the demand for your services?

Today, the wagon fleet operated by FGK JSC includes 142 thousand units of rolling stock (as of 08/17/2016) and is used to transport a wide range of goods. For the prompt execution of orders on the Russian railway network, 7 branches and 9 transport service agencies operate. Representative offices were opened in Moscow, Ukraine and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The process of demand formation depends mainly on the activities of large manufacturing companies. Among the key partners of the Rostov branch of FGK JSC are such enterprises as Eurochem BMU, Nevinnomyssk Azot, Rostselmash, Lukoil-Trans, Sulinsky crushed stone plant, Omega-Trans, Rostov Electrometallurgical Plant and others largest enterprises South of Russia.

Do you work only with large industrial enterprises?

No, not only with them. We are completely open to interaction with small and medium-sized businesses. FGK JSC recognizes the potential of these economic categories and builds a business model in accordance with the needs of clients of different levels.

For example, monthly on electronic trading platform RailCommerce is holding bidding for the provision of gondola cars to FGC JSC for the transportation of inert construction cargo and coal. An analysis of the auctions shows a positive dynamics of demand for the rolling stock of FGC JSC; we record high activity of shippers when ordering gondola cars of the Company.

The purpose of the auction was to create a market level for the cost of services for the provision of cars and ensure equal technological accessibility of rolling stock during a period of increased demand. The auction is designed to help the cargo owner predict their transportation costs, and the owner of the rolling stock - their income and car repair programs for future periods.

In addition, any shipper can remotely order covered wagons or platforms for the transportation of their goods within the framework of the FGK-Express service (provision of wagons on the terms public offer). One entity can order up to 10 universal platforms and 50 covered cars per month for transportation both within the territory Russian Federation, and for export directions.

To do this, he needs to register on the website of FGK JSC, place an order and pay the invoice. As part of the service, we provide guaranteed delivery of the car on time, the necessary package of documents and constant technical and information support from the specialists of JSC FGC.

JSC FGK is not the only company on the market rail transportation . In addition to you, there are a significant number of large and medium-sized operators. Tell us about the current this moment market conditions?

Indeed, the industry today includes a range of operators of varying sizes, offering both highly targeted and diversified sets of services.

For example, there are companies that organize exclusively container transportation, there are companies that transport equipment and vehicles across railway tracks, and some specialize in the transportation of food and public goods. In general, the industry operates according to the laws of healthy competition, which cannot but affect the growth in the level of quality of operator service, which has noticeably increased over the past few years. Transport companies involved in the rail freight industry have become more customer-oriented, and their operating models are increasingly adapting to the real needs of the market.

What are the priority areas of work of JSC FGK?

Of course, this is customer focus, as well as the development of long-term relationships with clients in a particular region. In order to determine the needs of customers and improve the quality of their service, FGC JSC practices meetings with the participation of shippers throughout the Russian railway network, where in an open dialogue the operator, carrier and client discuss issues regarding the prospects for interaction in terms of pricing policy and increasing the volume of transportation in the carriages of FGC JSC. Our task is to reach every client, attract him to our side, providing a personal approach and competitive commercial conditions.

For me, as for other employees of the Federal Freight Company, the quality of service consists of the maximum possible reduction in the delivery time of wagons to the customer and logistically correct planning of cargo transportation. Comprehensive automation process of interaction with existing and potential clients, along with investing in the renewal of the rolling stock, is one of the conditions for achieving these goals. And how these goals are achieved can be seen from the dynamics of cargo transportation volumes and other indicators production activities JSC "FGK"

In the first half of 2016, the total volume of cargo transported by FGC JSC amounted to 83 million tons, which exceeds the figures for the same period last year by 3.2%. The Company's share in the freight transportation market on the Russian railway network increased in the second quarter of 2016 and amounted to 14.3%. This became possible, among other things, thanks to the consolidation of an additional fleet of cars, which made it possible to maintain the Company’s operating fleet at the 2015 level, despite the massive decommissioning of rolling stock, to increase its technological efficiency by optimizing logistics schemes and reducing empty trips, as well as to provide our customers with demanded rolling stock.

At the same time, according to the results of the first half of 2016, the ratio of empty railcar shipments decreased by 15%, and the turnover of the Company's railcars decreased by 7% compared to the same period last year.

To provide our customers with in-demand rolling stock, the Company, one of the few on the market, is implementing a program to update its own rolling stock. In May, we purchased 400 innovative cars, and by the end of the year we plan to purchase more than 3 thousand new cars.

The majority of freight cars purchased in the next three years by JSC Federal Freight Company (FGK, 100% owned by JSC Russian Railways, Russian Railways) will be innovative, the operator’s press service reported to the website. “In accordance with the draft investment program of FGC JSC for 2017-2019, it is planned to purchase more than 20 thousand freight cars, most of them innovative gondola cars,” the company’s press service told the site, clarifying that the specific supplier of rolling stock “will be determined based on the results of open auctions.”

As a result of the implementation of the investment program, by the beginning of 2020, FGC JSC expects to increase the total fleet of cars to 166 thousand units (that is, almost 15% of the existing level), while the share of innovative rolling stock should reach about 22% of the total fleet, they reported website in the company's press service, which is about 36 thousand units. FGK JSC added that the three-year investment program involves the acquisition of not only innovative gondola cars, but also universal platforms, as well as specialized rolling stock - piggyback platforms designed for transporting loaded wheeled vehicles.

Today, FGC JSC operates about 8 thousand innovative gondola cars, which is 5.5% of the size of the company’s total fleet (as of September 11, it reached 144.4 thousand units of rolling stock). The 2016 investment program involves the purchase of up to 4 thousand innovative railcars, said Alexey Taicher, General Director of FGK JSC, in March.

This means that even with the full implementation of the current year’s procurement plan, in order to meet the targets of the new investment program in the next three years, FGC JSC must increase its fleet of innovative cars by at least 24 thousand.

The company told the website that the total amount of the three-year investment program may exceed 50 billion rubles, but “the volume and price of purchases will be determined based on the current market conditions, as well as summing up the results of open competitive auctions.” The source of financing for the investment program of FGC JSC will be both its own and borrowed funds. The company emphasizes that “the effectiveness of investments in innovative cars will directly depend on market conditions, measures state support, as well as the pricing policy of carriage-building enterprises.”

Accept Active participation The Nizhny Tagil Research and Production Corporation Uralvagonzavod (UVZ, 100% owned by the state) intends to implement the investment program of FGK JSC, with which the operator has entered into an agreement on strategic partnership. In March of this year, the Federal Antimonopoly Service allowed FGK JSC to lease freight cars from UVZ-Logistic, owned by UVZ, for three years. In April, General Director of UVZ-Logistic Dmitry Eremeev took the post of Deputy General Director of JSC FGK, and already in June, General Director of UVZ Corporation Oleg Sienko, in a conversation with journalists, did not rule out that JSC FGK is the most likely buyer of the business of the subsidiary operator UVZ. Today, FGK JSC already manages the majority of UVZ-Logistic cars, the fleet of which includes 38.6 thousand freight cars produced by UVZ, 7.2 thousand of them are innovative gondola cars model 12-196-01 with increased axle loads up to 25 tf and increased load capacity up to 75 tons.

In total, UVZ has produced over 10 thousand innovative gondola cars since their launch into mass production; the anniversary one was handed over to FGK JSC on September 9. As stated by the General Director of FGK JSC, Alexey Taicher, since the beginning of its founding, the company has purchased freight cars worth over 30 billion rubles from the Nizhny Tagil plant. As part of the current investment program, FGK JSC placed an order with UVZ for the purchase of innovative rolling stock, as follows from the materials of partner companies.

UVZ Deputy General Director for Railway Equipment Andrey Shlensky confirmed to the site that FGK JSC is currently the largest customer of innovative railcars of the Nizhny Tagil enterprise, and UVZ is ready to provide railcars for a significant part of the operator’s future investment program, especially “taking into account the signed agreement on strategic partnership.”

According to him, the demand for innovative rolling stock in Russia has not yet “settled”, primarily due to the protracted crisis of overproduction in the freight wagon market in past years and, as a consequence, a sharp drop in operator rates for providing wagons to shippers. “Cargo owners happily took advantage of the trend towards lower rates, which a year ago fell below all reasonable limits, but are now very unhappy with its restoration,” Andrey Shlensky noted in an interview with the site. – Now a recovery is already underway, and quite quickly: over the past year, the rate has increased by about 2 times. But since the decrease was 5 times, it will probably take another 2017 for the market to return to an equilibrium state.”

However, as the website survey showed, for transportation customers the effectiveness of using innovative gondola cars is already obvious; many of them have already felt the benefits of using rolling stock with increased carrying capacity. “This is convenient, since we have a reduction in the number of shunting operations, and there is a reduction in overhead costs associated with this,” the director told the site logistics company"Proftrainlogistic" Mikhail Umrikhin, who has experience in using innovative cars of JSC "FGK". “In addition, there is currently a discount on innovative rolling stock, which is also beneficial.”

EVRAZ Logistics Director Sergei Rudenko told the site that the company receives innovative cars from FGK JSC in the range from 5% to 10% of the total volume of the contract with the operator, and plans to increase this percentage, which will be the subject of further agreements. “One of our metallurgical plants - Nizhny Tagil - is located in such a way that the neighboring enterprise is UVZ, the manufacturer of these innovative cars. Therefore, we have joint agreements with the company JSC FGK so that all the cars that UVZ produces for the company this year will make the first trip with shipment from our enterprise,” Sergei Rudenko told the site.
Thus, over the past two months, completely new, “zero” cars have been loaded with metal at the plant and are heading to export destinations in sea ​​ports. “Our infrastructure allows us to load such wagons and, today, we are optimizing the loading schemes for our metal products from the old type of wagons to new type increased load capacity."

The largest in Russia coal company SUEK also attracts innovative gondola cars for transportation from JSC FGK produced by UVZ, although it itself operates innovative equipment, including from other manufacturers. This allows the company to evaluate in detail economic effect from their use. According to the boss transport department SUEK Lyudmila Pushkina, positive results were shown by the experience of using these cars on the West Siberian Railway, destined for the seaport of Vanino. “We are interested in using the innovative cars of FGC JSC, but we also have our own innovative cars for transportation to the port of Vanino, the port of Murmansk, and the port of Nakhodka,” she told the site. “In the future, we plan to develop a technology for forming a joint fleet of SUEK and JSC FGK to increase the speed of wagon movement and the profitability of rolling stock.”

According to Mikhail Umrikhin from Proftrainlogistics, the use of innovative cars is still being held back real conditions their operation. “We only use the direction to the Eastern training ground, from Novosibirsk to the eastern ports; the infrastructure in this direction is quite developed,” he says. - But we cannot switch completely to the use of innovative cars, because, firstly, the number of rolling stock is still limited, and secondly, it is difficult to use them on many routes, because, for example, in the territory of some neighboring countries they are prohibited cruising."

Andrey Shlensky from UVZ agrees that the small number of innovative cars currently available to operators is a definite obstacle to the development of demand. According to his estimates, currently the innovative freight fleet does not yet exceed 5% of the total number of cars in the Russian Federation, “but if their number reaches 10% or more, then operators will feel the effect of scale.”

However, answering a question about infrastructure restrictions on the operation of cars with increased axle loads, he noted that, in accordance with the official position of the Council railway transport CIS and Baltic countries with a 1520 mm gauge standard, “in the vast majority of countries, the operation of cars with an axle load of 25 tons per axle is permitted.” According to Andrei Shlensky, all the more so, there should be no problems for operators of innovative cars in domestic Russian traffic. “We have an official statement from Russian Railways that such cars can be operated throughout the entire railway network. If we discover facts of a ban on their operation on any section of the railways, we will look into this very seriously,” the deputy general director of UVZ said on the website.

Sergei Rudenko from EVRAZ “hasn’t heard about the restrictions in terms of the tracks of JSC Russian Railways.”

In SUEK, however, the website said that “there are infrastructure restrictions, but we need to calculate where it is more profitable (an innovative car - approx.. “There are a number of areas where the use of an innovative car is ineffective - for example, loading at border crossings. Several of them have restrictions with a carrying capacity of up to 70 tons,” Lyudmila Pushkina, head of the company’s transport department, told the site, pointing out as an example the border stations Kamyshovaya, Grodekovo and Zabaikalsk, located on the border with China. According to her, the increased carrying capacity at these stations has not been agreed upon by the host, the Chinese. However, according to Lyudmila Pushkina, there are still not enough innovative cars to meet SUEK’s needs, and therefore the company will continue to increase their fleet as before. own management, and attract from operators.

In Nizhny Tagil, a solemn ceremony took place to hand over the 10,000th anniversary innovative gondola car produced by the Uralvagonzavod corporation to FGC JSC and the signing of a memorandum of long-term cooperation aimed at introducing innovative rolling stock on the Russian railway network.

The event was attended by the Governor Sverdlovsk region Evgeniy Kuyvashev, General Director of JSC "FGK" Alexey Taicher, General Director of Uralvagonzavod Corporation Oleg Sienko, executive director of UVZ Vladimir Roshchupkin and etc.

General Director of the Uralvagonzavod Corporation Oleg Sienko noted that the anniversary car is naturally sent to JSC FGK: “The company is one of the few in the market of operator services that renews its own fleet by purchasing new cars. We are fulfilling the order of the largest operator of freight rolling stock in Russia, and, taking into account its client portfolio, which includes enterprises from the coal, metallurgical, chemical, metalworking, forestry and other industries of the Russian industry, we share some responsibility with FGC JSC, including social , to ensure the transportation of strategically important cargo, which can be effectively provided with high-quality rolling stock.”

General Director of FGC JSC Alexey Taicher, in turn, said that high competition in the freight rail transportation market requires car owners to improve the level of quality of services, providing customers with commercially attractive new rolling stock. “Since its creation, JSC FGK and the Uralvagonzavod corporation have had a long-standing and strong partnership. During this time, the company acquired railway rolling stock, built in Nizhny Tagil, for an amount of over 30 billion rubles. We are focused on further development business cooperation with the Uralvagonzavod corporation.

Based on the results of the current year open auction, the Ural railcar manufacturers received an order in the amount of 9 billion rubles for the full implementation of the investment program of FGC JSC regarding the acquisition of a railcar fleet. “For us, further expanding the fleet of innovative railcars is a complex task, the solution of which allows us not only to satisfy the growing needs of the largest cargo owners in Russia and to increase the operational efficiency of the operator. Placing an order at the sites of the Uralvagonzavod corporation helps ensure the utilization of its production capacities, as well as the employment of the enterprise’s employees, performing important social role“, emphasized the head of JSC FGK.

For reference:

Joint Stock Company "Federal Freight Company" (a subsidiary of JSC Russian Railways) is one of the largest freight railway operators in Russia. JSC FGC is one of the top three operators in the INFOLine RAIL RUSSIA TOP rating of operators.

The main activity of the Company is the provision of rolling stock for the transportation of goods, as well as the provision of freight forwarding services. The railcar fleet operated by FGC JSC includes 143.6 thousand units of rolling stock (as of 09/04/2016).

At the Russian Railways site there are 7 branches and 9 transport service agencies of FGC JSC, as well as representative offices in Moscow, Ukraine and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Company’s mission is a guaranteed and high-quality supply of rolling stock to shippers in the 1520 gauge area.


  • In the first half of the year, UWC increased the production of railcars by 35%,...

JSC "FGK"- a subsidiary of JSC Russian Railways - was created in accordance with the decision of the Board of Directors of JSC Russian Railways on August 26, 2010 and is one of the largest freight railway operators in Russia. The main activity of the Company is the provision of rolling stock for the transportation of goods, as well as the provision of freight forwarding services. The railcar fleet operated by FGC JSC includes 152 thousand units of rolling stock (as of March 19, 2017). At the Russian Railways site there are 7 branches and 9 transport service agencies of FGC JSC, as well as representative offices in Moscow, Ukraine and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Date of entry into SOZHT: 03/14/2011

In August 2010, the Board of Directors of JSC Russian Railways decided to create a subsidiary, JSC Second Freight Company, with authorized capital 46.4 million rubles. In 2011 the company started independent activity on operating rolling stock and forming a branch network in Russia. In July 2012, a representative office was created in Ukraine, and in November the company became known as Federal Freight Company OJSC (FGK OJSC). Today the company is one of the largest freight railway operators in Russia. JSC FGC is one of the top three operators in the INFOLine RAIL RUSSIA TOP rating of operators. The main activity of the Company is the provision of rolling stock for the transportation of goods, as well as the provision of freight forwarding services. The railcar fleet operated by FGC JSC includes 152 thousand units of rolling stock (as of March 19, 2017). At the Russian Railways site there are 7 branches and 9 transport service agencies of FGC JSC, as well as representative offices in Moscow, Ukraine and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

- Transportation in gondola cars

JSC "FGK" provides enterprises of the coal, mining and metallurgical, construction and chemical complexes with gondola cars for transportation the following types cargoes: coal, coke, iron ore, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, inert construction cargoes, cement, mineral industrial raw materials, molding abrasive materials, mineral construction natural materials, fuel wood, sawdust.

- Transportation in covered wagons

The company's covered wagons transport construction materials, food products, household appliances, printing products, industrial cargo.

- Transportation on platforms

The following cargo is transported on the platforms of FGK JSC: equipment for industrial enterprises, wheeled and tracked vehicles, reinforced concrete and metal structures, coiled steel, oil cargo.

- Forwarding

The company provides a full range of services from the moment the cargo is registered on the railway:

  • organization and support of railway cargo transportation;
  • payment of railway tariffs in the territories of the Russian Federation, CIS and Baltic countries, third countries;
  • organization of cargo security and shift cargo escort;
  • interaction with the CFTO JSC Russian Railways, JSC Mortsentr-TEK, railway administrations and forwarders, regarding the coordination of requests for the transportation of goods;
  • 24-hour dispatch control over cargo progress;
  • informing the client about the progress of cargo.

The company provides:

JSC "FGK" provides enterprises of the coal, mining and metallurgical, construction and chemical complexes with 123 thousand gondola cars for transporting the following types of cargo:

  • coke
  • iron ore
  • ferrous and non-ferrous metals
  • inert construction cargo
  • cement (packed)
  • mineral industrial raw materials
  • molding abrasive materials (quartz, molding sand)
  • mineral construction natural materials (ash, lime, limestone, mineral powder)
  • fuel wood, sawdust

JSC FGK provides enterprises producing consumer goods with 23 thousand covered cars for transportation of the following types of cargo:

JSC "FGK" provides manufacturers of building structures, metallurgical, agricultural, mining industries and other industries over 12 thousand platforms, 5 thousand tanks and other types of cars for transportation of the following types of cargo:

  • Equipment for industrial enterprises
  • Wheeled and tracked vehicles
  • Reinforced concrete structures
  • Metal constructions
  • Rolled steel
  • Oil cargo

Voronovich Viktor Kazimirovich, General Director

Viktor Voronovich has been working in the field of freight rail transportation for more than 20 years. Graduated from the Leningrad Higher Order of Lenin Red Banner School of Railway Troops and Military Communications named after. M.V. Frunze.

Since 2010 he has held leadership positions in large operator companies. In 2015-2016, he worked as Deputy General Director of CFTO, a branch of Russian Railways OJSC. In 2016-2018 – First Deputy General Director of JSC FGK.

The decision to appoint Viktor Voronovich general director The company was adopted by the Board of Directors of FGC JSC on December 14, 2018.


Based on the results of work in February 2020, the volume of loading into gondola cars of FGK JSC at the Oktyabrskaya landfill railway increased by 16% compared to the same period last year and reached almost 500 thousand tons.


The National Association of Internal Auditors and Controllers (NOVAK) announced the results of the competition for the national award “Effective internal control and audit 2019”, as a result of which FGK JSC won in the category “Best Internal Audit Division”.


JSC FGC is recognized as a leader in the INFOLine RAIL RUSSIA TOP ranking of railway operators for 2019. The company took first place in terms of cargo turnover, fleet ownership and management. The rating is formed based on the operating performance of companies and is the leading industry rating in the country.


FGK JSC received the first batch of TEM-9 shunting diesel locomotives produced by Lyudinovsky Diesel Locomotive Plant OJSC (part of Sinara-Transport Machines JSC).


Federal Freight Company became the winner of the RSPP “Leaders” competition Russian business: dynamics, responsibility, sustainability - 2019.” The company was among the winners in the category “For dynamic business development.”


Based on the results of work in January 2020, the volume of loading gondola cars of FGC JSC at the Northern Railway site amounted to 114.5 thousand tons, which is 15% higher than the same period last year.


In January 2020, the volume of loading into covered cars of FGK JSC at the Gorky Railway site amounted to 20.6 thousand tons, which is 23% higher than the same period in 2019.


In order to expand the range of services provided, FGK JSC entered into an agreement with the crushed stone production enterprise Bashkiravtodor JSC at the Novoabzakovo station of the South Ural Railway as part of the integrated transport service (CTS) program.


JSC FGK continues to expand the range of transport and logistics services provided by JSC LSR. Basic" (part of PJSC LSR Group, the second largest developer in the Russian Federation in terms of construction volume) as part of technological outsourcing of production sites at the Prudy, Borovinka and Kuznechnoye stations of the Oktyabrskaya Railway.


At the end of 2019, FGK JSC increased the number of wagons shipped as part of the provision of transport and forwarding services at the South-Eastern and Volga Railways by 60% compared to 2018, to 2.3 thousand units.


Based on the results of work in 2019, the volume of loading into gondola cars of FGK JSC at the Volga Railway site amounted to 2.1 million tons, which is 9% higher than in 2018.


In 2019, the volume of loading into gondola cars of FGC JSC at the Trans-Baikal Railway site increased by 39% compared to 2018 and amounted to 3.6 million tons. The turnover of local cars was accelerated to the level of 2018 by 0.2 days.


In 2019, FGK JSC acquired ownership and leased 19.7 thousand units of rolling stock.


In November 2019, FGK JSC transported 10% more metals in gondola cars than in the same period last year. In particular, the volume of transportation of ferrous metals reached 1.1 million tons, other metals - 200 thousand tons. The share of metals in the total loading of FGC JSC into gondola cars was 12%.

24.12.2019 11:01:00


The deal between VTB Leasing and the Federal Freight Company for the transfer of 13 thousand gondola cars was recognized as the best in the railway segment according to the National Award “Leasing Transaction of the Year”. This is the largest project on the market in terms of the number of universal rolling stock delivered at one time.


JSC FGK continues to expand the range of logistics services for shippers and consignees at the Oktyabrskaya Railway site. The company began to provide a range of services, including acceptance of packaged cargo into the warehouse and its loading into wagons, as well as registration complete package transportation documents.


The results of the work of FGC JSC in November 2019 showed an increase in the volume of ore loading by 18% compared to last year to more than 1.5 million tons. The share of ore transportation in the total loading of FGC JSC in the reporting period was 12%.


JSC FGK, as part of the Winter – Summer campaign, is launching a service that allows it to provide customers with rolling stock for the transportation of mineral and construction cargo on fixed price terms during the validity period of the annual contract. There are no requirements for the client regarding the minimum volume of cargo presentation.


For the second year in a row, the corporate secretary is the head of the Organizational Building Department and corporate governance FGC JSC Rajan Abdullayev was included in the rating of “25 best directors for corporate governance/corporate secretaries”.