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Competition of student initiatives “My inclusive space. VIII

On April 27, the semi-final of the Strategic Initiatives Competition took place, in which 15 student projects. The teams consisted of caring students who were ready to make reality a little better. The semi-final was an interim result of the work of the pre-accelerator launched by the Department strategic development together with the Office of Corporate Events and Student Initiatives. During the work of the pre-accelerator, trainings, project sessions and personal consultations of student teams took place. The competition participants worked through the plans, goals and objectives of the project, found design solution, learned to defend your project, calculated the budget and much more. Out of more than sixty projects, only fifteen reached the semi-finals, and from them the jury selected six, which will meet in the grand final of the competition at the end of May. Among the teams of contenders: “Touch”, team: Daria Malakhova and Angelina Milititskaya. The project is dedicated to the development of special identification tools and clothing items for children with visual impairments. A number of ready-made prototypes (items in the form of toys) were proposed, which can become elements on the clothing of a visually impaired or blind child, giving him the opportunity to navigate in space. " Multifunctional bot", team: Ivan Grigoriev, Daniil Garmash, Mikhail Patrin, Vitaly Grinshkun, Pavel Korshikov. The project allows you to automate internal corporate interaction processes at the university using modern messengers. The main goal of the project is to provide students with services to obtain reference information and other university services. “Nearby”, team: Shirugina Ekaterina, Kuchaeva Ksenia, Prusov Vladislav. The project allows you to organize courier delivery things for children from boarding schools. The courier comes to those who have unnecessary or old items to pick them up and transfer them to the appropriate services or organizations. Project team members already have direct agreements with some educational organizations to begin implementing their plans. " MoscowBoom", team: Gura Tatyana, Ivanova Anna, Sulima Natalya, Ustinova Ksenia. As part of the project, a thematic community of students is being created, telling about discounts and promotions and other forms of possible savings on goods and services for young people. The system involves a special system of “auditors” and “detectives” who collect and present interesting content. “Muscovy”, team: Nikita Galkin, Olga Ovsyannikova, Anastasia Zakharova, Taisiya Suleymanova, Anna Andreeva. The project team offers board game, dedicated to the history of Russia. Peculiarity role playing game in that it allows you to organize group work in the classroom, conduct final classes and historical quests. The project team offers not just studying the history of Moscow, but also developing communication skills. " History Live", team: Belikova Ekaterina, Chupin Fedor, Belik Alexandra, Sinchugov Mikhail, Ovsyannikov Pavel. The project is dedicated to organizing an interactive show or a set of master classes on history to increase the level of interest and involvement of teenagers in this field of knowledge. The project offers the most theatrical and costumed events for educational organizations, which is its distinctive feature. The project team already has several partnership agreements with organizations that are involved in the popularization of history or historical education of teenagers. For all finalists, the competition organizers plan to organize the next series of project sessions to prepare and finalize their projects for presentation at the finals. Teams that did not become finalists will also be able to continue working with pre-accelerator experts - individually or in a new work session. The jury included Kirill Anatolyevich Barannikov, head of the Strategic Development Department, Natalya Gennadievna Strikun, head of the innovation policy and fundraising department of the Strategic Development Department, Ekaterina Vladimirovna Kashkarova, head of the strategic events support department of the Strategic Development Department, Savva Sulaka Sergeevich, head of the corporate events and student department initiatives, Alexandra Viktorovna Makarova, Deputy Head of the Department of Corporate Events and Student Initiatives, Svetlana Nikolaevna Vachkova, Director of the Institute of System Projects, and Igor Bogdanovich Shiyan, Deputy Director of the Institute of System Projects.

The semi-final was the intermediate result of the work of the pre-accelerator, launched by the Office of Strategic Development together with the Office of Corporate Events and Student Initiatives. During the work of the pre-accelerator, trainings, project sessions and personal consultations of student teams took place. Participants in the competition worked through the ideas, goals and objectives of the project, found a design solution, learned to defend their project, calculated the budget and much more.


Team: Daria Malakhova and Angelina Milititskaya.

The project is dedicated to the development of special identification tools and clothing items for children with visual impairments. A number of ready-made prototypes (items in the form of toys) were proposed, which can become elements on the clothing of a visually impaired or blind child, giving him the opportunity to navigate in space.

2. Multifunctional bot

Team: Ivan Grigoriev, Daniil Garmash, Mikhail Patrin, Vitaly Grinshkun, Pavel Korshikov.

The project allows you to automate internal corporate interaction processes at the university using modern messengers. The main goal of the project is to provide students with services for obtaining reference information and other university services.

3. "Nearby"

Team: Shirugina Ekaterina, Kuchaeva Ksenia, Prusov Vladislav.

The project allows you to organize courier delivery of things for children from boarding schools. The courier comes to those who have unnecessary or old items to pick them up and transfer them to the appropriate services or organizations. Project team members already have direct agreements with some educational organizations to begin implementing their plans.


Team: Gura Tatyana, Ivanova Anna, Sulima Natalya, Ustinova Ksenia.

As part of the project, a thematic community of students is being created, telling about discounts and promotions and other forms of possible savings on goods and services for young people. The system involves a special system of “auditors” and “detectives” who collect and present interesting content.

5. Muscovy

Team: Nikita Galkin, Olga Ovsyannikova, Anastasia Zakharova, Taisiya Suleymanova, Anna Andreeva.

The project team offers a board game dedicated to the history of Russia. The peculiarity of the role-playing game is that it allows you to organize group work in the classroom, conduct final classes and historical quests. The project team offers not just studying the history of Moscow, but also developing communication skills.

6. Live Story

Team: Belikova Ekaterina, Chupin Fedor, Belik Alexandra, Sinchugov Mikhail, Ovsyannikov Pavel.

The project is dedicated to organizing an interactive show or a set of master classes on history to increase the level of interest and involvement of teenagers in this field of knowledge. The project offers the most theatrical and costumed events for educational organizations, which is its distinctive feature. The project team already has several partnership agreements with organizations that are involved in the popularization of history or historical education of teenagers.

For all finalists, the competition organizers plan to organize the next series of project sessions to prepare and finalize their projects for presentation at the finals. Teams that did not become finalists will also be able to continue working with pre-accelerator experts - individually or in a new round of work.

The jury included:

  • Kirill Barannikov, Head of the Strategic Development Department
  • Natalya Strykun, Head of the Innovation Policy and Fundraising Department of the USR
  • Ekaterina Kashkarova, Head of the Strategic Events Support Department, Strategic Development Directorate
  • Sulaka Savva, Head of the Department of Corporate Events and Student Initiatives,
  • Alexandra Makarova, Deputy Head of UKESI
  • Svetlana Vachkova, director of the Institute of System Projects
  • Igor Shiyan, Deputy Director of the Institute of System Projects.

« “Unity in diversity: in the field of psychology...”

These Regulations define the goals and objectives of the competition of student initiatives, the procedure for conducting it, summing up the results and awarding the winners.

I. General provisions

1.1. The competition is held by the State Educational Institution of Higher Education “State Social and Humanitarian University” together with the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region and the All-Russian public organization “Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia”, branch of Kolomna.

1.2.The competition is aimed at increasing social activity, professional competence of students.

II. Goals and objectives of the competition

2.1.Purpose of the Competition: increasing social activity and professional competence of students.


2.2.1. Creating conditions for students' self-realization.

2.2.2. Identification of talented students, their support and encouragement.

2.2.3. Creating organizational conditions for revealing the creative abilities of students.

2.2.4. Formation of professional self-awareness.

2.2.5. Promoting further integration of science into educational practice.

III. Founders of the competition

The competition was established by the State Educational Institution of Higher Education “State Social and Humanitarian University” together with the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region by the All-Russian public organization “Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia”, branch of Kolomna.

IV. Organising Committee competition.

To organize, conduct, as well as organizational and technical support for the Competition, an Organizing Committee of the Competition (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee) is created, which includes representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Moscow Region, the All-Russian public organization"Federation of Educational Psychologists of Russia", branch of Kolomna, State Educational Institution of Higher Education "State Social and Humanitarian University".

V. Participants of the Competition

5.1. Higher education students take part in the Competition educational institutions and secondary institutions vocational education, full-time and correspondence forms training.

5.2. Referral to participation in the Competition is carried out by specialists from universities, secondary educational institutions, and public organizations.

5.3.Participation in the Competition is purely voluntary.

5.4 Participants in the Competition are required to submit a complete set of Competition documentation in accordance with clause 8.1. of these Regulations within the time limits established by the Organizing Committee.

VI. Jury of the Competition

6.1.For the purpose of evaluating projects and selecting winners, a Competition Jury (hereinafter referred to as the Jury) is created.

6.2. The composition of the Jury, as well as changes in it, are determined by the Organizing Committee.

6.3. The jury is formed of an odd number of members with equal rights.

6.5.Before the start of the Competition, an instructional and methodological meeting of the Jury is held, at which the judging procedure and all organizational and technical issues are discussed.

6.6.The Jury includes leading scientists and practitioners in the field of psychology and pedagogy of education in the Moscow region.

6.7.Rights and obligations of members of the Jury

6.7.1. Members of the Jury are obliged to:

  • comply with this Regulation;
  • use in your work the criteria for determining winners and prize-winners approved by the Organizing Committee of the Competition;
  • do not miss meetings without a good reason;
  • do not use materials and information submitted to the Competition without the consent of the authors.

6.7.2. Members of the Jury have the right:

  • make proposals to the Organizing Committee to reward participants of the Competition with special prizes;

6.7.3. The Chairman of the Jury is obliged to:

  • ensure compliance with this Regulation;
  • coordinate the work of the Competition Jury.

6.7.4. The Chairman of the Jury has the right:

  • conduct open discussions with members of the Jury after each competition task;
  • delegate some of your responsibilities to deputies.

6.8. The result of the work of the Jury member is a completed and signed evaluation sheet. Score sheets are issued to each member of the Jury before starting work (Appendices 4, 5) and are certified by the signature of the Chairman of the Jury.

6.9. The evaluation sheets completed by the Jury members are archived by the Organizing Committee and can be analyzed after the completion of the Competition.

VII. Organization of the Competition

7.2. Acceptance and registration of applications for participation in the Competition is carried out by the Organizing Committee from July 1 to September 16, 2016 at the address: 140410, Kolomna, st. Zelenaya, 30, Department of Psychology.

7.3. Applications are accepted in in electronic format. Email address: [email protected]. Additional Information by phone: 8496-610-15-57, 8916-796-01-28.

7.4. The correspondence round of the competition runs until September 16, 2016 inclusive. Final round and award ceremony - September 25, 2016

7.5. Information about the participants in the full-time round of the Competition is posted on the official website of the festival “At the Marinka Tower”. and heads to email addresses participants in the correspondence round of the Competition.

VIII. Requirements for the preparation of Tender documentation

8.1. To register, the participants of the Competition submit the Competition documentation to the Organizing Committee in electronic form (a package of documents is sent by the competitor to email [email protected] indicating in the subject line: “Student Initiatives Competition - 2014”) in the following composition:

8.1.1. Application for participation in the Competition (Appendix 1)

8.1.2. Color photograph (electronically in a file with the extension .tiff or .jpg, no more than 2 MB, but not less than 0.3 MB) for posting on the Internet portal.

8.1.3. Student initiative project.

IX. Selection procedure

9.1. First round (correspondence)

9.1.1. In the first round, the Jury evaluates the following tasks:

  • competitive project (Appendix 2).

9.1.2. Competition nominations:

  • Projects aimed at working with people with special needs.
  • Projects aimed at providing support in personal and professional self-determination, self-realization.
  • Projects aimed at improving the quality of human life.
  • Outreach (educational) projects.

9.1.3. Based on the results of the first round, participants are selected to participate in the second round.

9.2. Second round (full-time)

9.2.1. Purpose of the tour: to assess the level of professional competence of students.

9.2.2. The order of performance of participants in the second round is carried out by an open draw conducted by the Jury.

9.2.3. In the second round of the Competition, the Jury evaluates the presentation of the project. Duration – 15 minutes (10 minutes – presentation of the project, 5 minutes – structured analysis).

9.2.4. You can use multimedia during your speech.
devices (video projector, music).

9.2.5 In the second round, the results of the first round are NOT taken into account.

9.2.6. Based on the results of the second round, the Jury draws up a protocol for evaluating the tasks of the second round.

9.2.7. The finalists of the Competition are the 3 participants who scored the most points.

9.2.8. The participant who scores the maximum number of points is awarded 1st place. He is recognized as the winner of the Competition.

In accordance with the number of points scored, 2nd and 3rd places are awarded. The remaining finalists are awarded the title of laureates of the competition.

X. Awarding the winners

10.1. The winners are awarded special diplomas and memorable gifts.

10.2. The jury has the right to establish no more than 10 special nominations for the Competition, the winners of which are awarded special diplomas of the Competition (diploma holders of the Competition).

10.3. Sponsors, in agreement with the Organizing Committee and the Jury, can set their own prizes and awards for the winners and diploma holders of the Competition.

Annex 1


Project name
Country, city, university (full name)
Last name, first name, patronymic of the author of the project
Form of study, course, group