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Cooking master classes at a corporate party: a duel with good taste. Team building "culinary duel" - event agency "Comandante" Program for holding a culinary duel for adults

I highlight two areas - cuisines from around the world and themed culinary master classes. There is a menu for each option, I will send it by email at your request.

The estimate will indicate the options included in the master class. All Additional services and their costs will be listed below (host, DJ, welcome buffet, hall decoration, wine list).

Cuisines of the world


Who among us is not familiar with the main delicious symbols of Italy - pizza and spaghetti? However, it is quite a mistake to think that this is the end of the country’s culinary range. Each individual region of Italy has developed its own gastronomic traditions, and while traveling around the country, you can taste a huge number of rare and unusual dishes. Aromatic pasta, risotto, popular in Milan, tender lasagna or ravioli with delicious sauce - all this is undoubtedly worthy of your attention and tasting. The master class is very impressive, you will have a lot of fun!


What’s so difficult about that, you say, everyone knows how to cook soups and porridges! But in fact, Russian cuisine is very, very diverse - and, by the way, many foreign gourmets recognize it as one of the best. You will learn how to bake pancakes from various grains, cook delicious pies and chicken chicken, and learn about dishes that you have never tried before. Discover new facets of your national cuisine!


France has long been a symbol of gastronomic luxury. Dishes common everywhere and the individual culinary traditions of the provinces together form a unique bouquet of flavors. Soups or desserts, cheeses or meat dishes - choose and try! Or maybe you have long dreamed of trying something from “ business cards» France – ratutouille, foie gras or even frog legs? Exquisite master class…


For many, the phrase “Japanese cuisine” first of all gives rise to an association with sushi and rolls. However, few people know that in Japan these dishes are considered rather modest, are inexpensive and do not arouse much interest. There are many other unique dishes, although, of course, seafood takes first place among the ingredients. Learn to cook Japanese dishes at home - and miso soup, tempura and fried eel will no longer be delicacies available only in expensive restaurants! Special attention, of course, will be paid to the tradition of eating with chopsticks.


There are legends about Georgian cuisine - few people have not heard about its richness, diversity, generosity and extremely spicy taste. Here meat occupies the main pedestal, from where it can hardly be dislodged. Find out how the methods of preparing it are similar and different. Are you able to try hot sauces that not every gourmet can handle?

Asian cuisine

So, in general, they call the cuisines of Central, Far Eastern and Southern Asia. This includes many countries with a large culinary assortment - only the brightest and most delicious recipes will be used in the class. The basis of all dishes in these countries is noodles and rice; they are also famous for their hot sauces, seasonings, and spices. These incredibly tasty dishes are also not too difficult to prepare. Try it and see for yourself! This is the most “spicy” culinary master class...

Thematic master classes:

Grilled dishes

Grill is a special device for cooking meat and other dishes over fire or coals. Smoky meat is much tastier than what is cooked in a frying pan. In addition, it is also healthier, because during frying, excess fat drips off, and the dish becomes much less caloric. You will learn how to properly grill not only meat, but also vegetables, learn the features of this technology and, of course, enjoy the result!

Healthy eating

How should you eat to prevent diseases? Which foods are healthy and which are not? What is the best way to balance your diet? You can learn about this from the corresponding master class. Make sure the dishes are from natural products can be incredibly tasty, learn about the features of steaming food, which allows it to retain its beneficial features. The children's stereotype that what is healthy is often tasteless will be debunked!

Cold snacks

Appetizers look wonderful on the holiday table and perfectly complement the taste of the main dishes. They have many advantages: ease of preparation, no need to reheat them and prepare them immediately before guests arrive. Now you won’t have food piled up in your refrigerator - you will learn how to prepare unusual snacks from them that can surprise your guests and be attractive. appearance, and taste. The most useful master class, Friends!

Wine degustation

There are an innumerable number of different varieties of wine in the world. And tasting is a special event. In many countries there are special holidays dedicated to wine tasting, which attract thousands of people. Such an event with its accompanying warm and cheerful atmosphere will not leave you indifferent and will help you decide on your favorite wine drink.


Even those who don’t like sweets in general will like these desserts! Fresh fruits and berries are often used in the preparation of these delicacies, and the desserts will look modern. Find out everything about how to prepare the best desserts, pleasing to the eye and serving as a source of vitamins and energy, which means a great mood!

New Year's table

New Year is perhaps the most significant holiday in our country. What could you please your guests with, other than banal fried chicken and Olivier? Find out what dishes will be appropriate in New Year's Eve what is traditionally eaten at Christmas in other countries, how to associate foods with New Year's symbols. After such a master class, you will have several signature dishes, your guests will definitely be surprised!

Romantic dinner

Who hasn't dreamed of an evening spent next to a loved one, with delicious dishes and foaming champagne? Let's learn how to organize this little magic ourselves and make our other half happy! A master class on preparing a romantic dinner is one of the most popular, as everything turns out quickly, easily and sensually.

Children's holiday dishes

Number of participants: from 10 to 600.

Culinary team building is the most common, relatively new, but quite effective, very tasty option for an interesting team-building event. Professional training, organization and high-quality implementation of team building allows, in an informal, relaxed atmosphere, discarding the usual formalities, to correctly form personal relationships between employees, to consolidate a sense of responsibility for involvement in the implementation of collective tasks. An exciting, tasty, team game, which is culinary team building, can be organized and held at different times of the year, in any suitable place. Professionally prepared by the company's leading specialists, culinary team building provides an opportunity for participants in a collective event to have a good rest, have fun, and feel like a member of a single monolithic team, on which the taste and quality of the prepared dishes directly depends!

Of course, you know that the owners of most prosperous, advanced companies, who show sincere concern for their employees, rightly believe that professional training and the organization of culinary team building unites a team of workers, creates favorable working conditions, and helps maintain the basic traditions of a successful company. Culinary team building in Moscow, which is conducted by qualified employees of our specialized event company, is a favorite format of team-building event for advanced metropolitan companies. A favorable, friendly atmosphere of mutual assistance, collective cooperation, coordination of team actions in the kitchen, in which culinary team building takes place, is, as in business, the most important element of the successful completion of the team-building process.

Individual programs for organizing culinary team-building trainings, developed by qualified specialists, provide the opportunity to conduct team building events in Moscow in popular metropolitan restaurants, country cottages, campsites, various recreation centers. Of course, you will agree that a clearly planned organization of team building is designed to necessarily solve a certain number of team and individual tasks that, as a result of a common decision, contribute to the establishment of friendly corporate relationships in the team.

Professionally trained culinary team building in Moscow, organized and conducted by staff members of a specialized company, usually lasts 3-4 hours. The creative program of a corporate event, regardless of the number of participants in the team-building process, includes various gastronomic entertainment, unique master classes that unite the team, making it more united and monolithic!

Clients often come to us who want to hold an original corporate event. There are many options, and one of the most non-standard ones is culinary team building. It allows you to have a great time and gives a huge amount of bright emotions.

Participants in the event learn to cook, support each other in the process and learn a lot about the cuisines of different nations and the secrets of chefs working in famous restaurants in Russia and abroad.

Team building in the office or another place - the event can be held in a format close to you. This could be a cafe or restaurant, a platform open air or even a motor ship.

We discuss options for holding the event in advance. We can organize an entertaining, educational, easy or technically complex holiday.

It is said that if managers are interested in improving employee performance, they choose a culinary duel.

Benefits of the event

The popularity of this unusual type of leisure is growing not only because of its novelty. Moscow relatively recently became a platform for organizing cooking competitions, and in other countries such recreation has been practiced for decades. Despite the prevalence of the proposal, interest in culinary duels does not subside. Competitions with master classes are preferred by company managers who want to add a touch of exciting games and the spicy aromas of delicious dishes to their workdays:

    Excitement. Competitive spirit and teamwork unite the team - everyone can try themselves in a new and unusual role.

    Vivid photos. Ordinary photographs from the next corporate event look monotonous - the main difference will be the new outfits of the employees and the interior of the entertainment venue. Memorable photographs will be imprinted for a long time best moments culinary team building, sincere joy and genuine delight of all those present.

    Education. Participation in a master class from a professional will benefit not only the competition, but also ordinary life. The acquired skills in preparing a complex or unusual dish will be useful if you need to surprise and delight your family. Spectacular presentation, innovative ways of serving appetizers and side dishes, original marinades for meat - all this will not go unnoticed and will delight the guests.

    Pleasant emotions. Culinary team building is never boring - the event is fun, because the chef can tell a lot of fun facts or stories related to work. Masterly cooking goes in tandem with the artistry and charisma of the host - and the high spirits are transmitted to the rest of the participants.

Team building is an unusual type of training where there is complete interaction between players in the team. Such an atmosphere has a beneficial effect on strengthening business relations, because there is no such person who has never cooked in his life. Some people don’t like to spend time conquering culinary heights - and they are content with simple everyday recipes. However, most people love this process for its creativity and the opportunity to experiment and realize creative ideas.

Culinary team building allows you to distribute responsibilities in such a way that none of the participants feels out of place at the common celebration. Leisure with physical activity is unlikely to appeal to employees who are not in the best shape, and any adult has experience working with products. Under the guidance of a master, you can repeat the most complex recipe, following the instructions.

In popular culinary TV shows, the hosts pay attention not only to individual work cook, but also the ability to work in a group of like-minded people, which is understandable. A professional kitchen is not a one-man show, but a well-coordinated “team game”. And the better the interaction inside, the better and tastier the result will be.

The main advantage of a culinary event remains the transparency of its organization. Businessmen and managers are very practical people, so it is difficult for them to understand where the money spent on creative leisure goes. In the case of cooking, everything is simple, because the budget means delicious and beautiful food, as well as learning new skills.

Benefits of the event

Participants of the event, under the guidance of an experienced chef, must prepare several dishes. They work in teams in kitchens that have everything they need. The work is organized in stages:

    At the beginning of the event, participants are introduced to the dish (it can be a hot dish, appetizer or dessert) that they will have to prepare.

    The chef talks about the features of the dish, its history, and the country where it was invented.

    Then teams are formed. They choose captains, come up with a name and a motto.

    All participants are provided with the necessary props (dishes, kitchen tools, aprons).

    Then the most important stage- cooking.

    This is followed by a tasting. Teams present their masterpieces to the jury. The speed of preparation, presentation and taste of the prepared dishes are assessed.

    And the most pleasant part is the awarding of the winners, and all participants receive diplomas. Then - a buffet, music, communication.

Master classes for team building - this is an invaluable experience. They give a charge of fun, positivity and many wonderful memories.

Choose your fight

The most popular types of team building:

Cooking battle . In order to gain access to the food supply, you must pass tests. Employees are divided into teams.

Black box. Every team gets one. But the participants will find out what secrets are hidden in it only after the competition begins.

Ask the chef a question . You need to prepare the dish the chef is preparing as accurately as possible. You can’t make a mistake - he himself will appreciate the result of your work.

We also organize:

    Thematic. In the center of events is the cuisine of one of the nations of the world.

    Culinary intensive tours. These are very interesting team building events that are held in restaurants in different countries.

    Hell's Kitchen. Recreated for participants real conditions, and this is a constant time pressure, in the center of which you need to have time to prepare the dish on time.

We will conduct and organize culinary competitions and master classes in any country in the world. We have extensive experience in organizing projects and master classes in Italy, Hungary, Spain, Mexico, Turkey, Malaysia, Argentina, Portugal. We invite members of the National Guild of Chefs of Russia as chefs.

Choose a culinary team building activity to unite the spirit of your team. Professional chefs, delicious dishes that you will prepare under their guidance, and original recipes will become a real discovery for you.

A corporate event in a culinary studio is:
An exciting scenario specifically for your company
Professional chef for the entire event
Cooking show or any entertainment program
Organization of a turnkey holiday

For your celebration, we are pleased to offer menus and culinary master classes in any cuisine of the world, from the most popular - Italian, Japanese, French, to exotic - Peruvian, Swedish, Korean, etc.

Depending on the number of guests and the scenario of the corporate event, you can choose a lounge area or one of two halls for the celebration, equipped with professional equipment, furniture and premium-class culinary equipment. It is worth noting that we organize events both on our own territory - in the Culinary Studio, and on the customer's territory - in the office, outdoors or in any other place. We also organize off-site events on a turnkey basis!

How is the corporate party going?

A corporate event in the format of a culinary master class is designed for 4 hours, and in addition to preparing dishes under the guidance of a chef, it can be supplemented with any entertainment program.

18.00 - 18:30 Meeting guests. Light buffet and drinks, socializing in a pleasant atmosphere

18:30 - 20:00 Meet the chef of the event, a master class on cooking 3 dishes, various competitions, raffles and an interactive cooking show

20:00 - 20.15 Ceremonial presentation of diplomas for participation in the master class

20:15 - 22.00 Tasting of prepared dishes and communication. Optional karaoke and dancing

You can come up with your own scenario for a corporate event, which we will be happy to bring to life!

The cost of a corporate event per person is:

Menu " Classic" - 3900 rubles,

Menu " Standard" - 4900 rubles,

Menu " Premium"- 5500 rubles.

The price includes: non-alcoholic drinks (mineral water, juices, tea, coffee) throughout the event without restrictions.

At the very beginning of the corporate event perfect solution- welcome buffet. Guests will have the opportunity to get comfortable in the studio and satisfy their hunger in order to feel as comfortable as possible during the master class. The cost of a buffet for one person is from 300 rubles.

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In addition to your celebration, we are pleased to offer: holiday decorations tailored to your corporate identity, any entertainment program, for example, a nitrogen or bartender show, photo/video operator for the entire event, host, live music, custom cake and much more!

We guarantee that your corporate event will be held at its best. high level, with precise planning and attention to detail, regardless of budget or number of guests.