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Monitoring of parents paid educational services. Monitoring the opinions of parents on the provision of paid educational services

One of the activities aimed at ensuring stable socio-economic development of Rostov-on-Don in 2016 is monitoring the provision of paid services by municipal organizations.

The results of monitoring the provision of paid services allow us to give a qualitative assessment of the measures taken by the Administration of the Don capital to implement a unified policy for regulating tariffs for services (works) municipal organizations on the territory of Rostov-on-Don, ensuring efficient spending of budget funds with an optimal combination of economic interests of consumers and municipal institutions providing services.

In 2016, specialists from the Department of Economics of Rostov-on-Don monitored the provision of paid educational services by municipal educational organizations.

Monitoring results show that currently paid educational services enjoy in great demand. There is a variety of educational organizations in the consumer market (preschool educational organizations, general educational institutions and organizations additional education), implementing various educational programs in on a paid basis.

Until 2015, paid educational services were provided by 111 educational institutions. In 2015, tariffs were agreed upon and another 55 educational organizations began providing paid educational services. In the 2015–2016 academic year, paid educational services were already provided by 166 municipal educational institutions. That is, the number of organizations providing educational services on a paid basis has increased by 1.5 times.

Since the beginning of 2016, the Department of Economics of Rostov-on-Don has received requests for approval of tariffs for paid educational services from another 25 organizations.

In the 2016–2017 academic year, it is predicted that paid educational services will be provided by 191 municipal organizations: 66 schools, gymnasiums and lyceums; 117 kindergartens; 8 institutions of additional education. Thus, 66% of municipal organizations from the total number of educational institutions in the city plan to provide services on a paid basis.

As a result of the monitoring, it was established that paid educational services are provided with the aim of fully satisfying the educational needs of citizens, are additional in nature in relation to compulsory educational programs and are provided only on a voluntary basis and at the request of the student. Tariffs for paid educational services for each educational institution are established by decree of the Administration of the city of Rostov-on-Don.

The provision of paid educational services by organizations is regulated by the Federal Laws “On Education in Russian Federation" and "On the protection of consumer rights." The rules for the provision of paid educational services are approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 15, 2013 No. 706.

According to the specified regulations, the provision of paid educational services must be carried out on the basis of concluded contracts.

The conclusion of an agreement for the provision of paid educational services is necessarily preceded by informing the consumer of such services about their essential properties.

The educational organization must provide the consumer (his legal representatives) reliable information about yourself and the educational services provided, ensuring the opportunity for them the right choice, this includes:

– name and location (address) of the educational organization, information about the availability of a license to conduct educational activities and certificates of state accreditation indicating the registration number and validity period, as well as the name, address and telephone number of the authority that issued them;

– level and focus of implemented basic and additional educational programs, forms and terms of their development;

– list of educational services;

– cost of educational services;

– admission procedure and requirements for applicants.

Information on the provision of paid educational services can be found directly at the institution and on the official website of the educational organization on the Internet.

When concluding an agreement on the provision of paid educational services, the information specified in this document must correspond to the information posted on the official website of the educational organization on the date of conclusion of the agreement.

The monitoring showed:

– information on the provision of paid educational services provided for is posted on the official websites of educational organizations regulatory documents;

– paid educational services are provided by institutions on the basis of concluded agreements;

educational institutions Class attendance records are kept;

– payment for the provision of paid educational services is calculated based on the classes actually attended;

– payments for the provision of paid educational services are made by recipients of these services non-cash to the settlement accounts of institutions;

– services are provided based on tariffs, approved by the Resolutions Administration of the city of Rostov-on-Don.

Based on the results of the monitoring, no violations were identified in the procedure for the provision of paid educational services provided by educational organizations.

Specialists of the Department of Economics of Rostov-on-Don constantly monitor tariffs for paid educational services provided by municipal educational organizations in the capital of Don.

Monitoring the opinions of parents on the provision of paid educational services Dear parents! You are taking part in a sociological study, the purpose of which is to study the need to introduce additional paid educational services in secondary school No. 53 of the Dinskaya district. We ask you to answer all questions in the questionnaire. It is not difficult to answer the survey questions. Read the question carefully and circle the answer that best matches your opinion. If you have not found this, then briefly state your answer in the “other” option. Thank you in advance for your cooperation! A total of 97 (70%) of 139 families took part in the survey. The survey was conducted by class teachers. No. 1. Questions in the survey Number of % of respondents Do you think it is necessary to develop a system of additional paid educational services at school? A) Yes, this will help the all-round development of the child 21 22 B) No, this is not available to us due to financial situation families 65 67 C) No, the child should not be overworked 7 7 D) Other 4 4 2. A) Does your child receive paid Additional services out school? yes 18 19 B) no 79 81 3. A) Are you ready to pay for additional services? yes 15 15 B) no 70 72 C) find it difficult to answer 12 12 4. What monthly fee for one service (4 classes per month) can you pay? A) 50 rub. 27 27 B) 100 rub. 16 16 B) 200 rub. 13 13 D) For my family, any amount is impossible 41 42 5. A) What additional services from the list do you agree to receive? -parents' club (living room): consultations with a psychologist, social teacher, speech therapist; -sport sections; - Foreign language courses; - preparation for school; - computer courses. 57 59 11 9 23 7 11 9 24 7 B) C) D) E) A) What additional paid services do you think your child needs? Additional individual sessions in the subject Preparing for school Foreign language courses Consultation with a psychologist Classes with a speech therapist At what time, in your opinion, is it more convenient to provide additional paid services? from 16.00 B) from 16.30 5 5 C) from 17.00 20 20 D) from 17.30 11 11 6. A) B) C) D) E) 7. 19 24 17 22 15 20 25 18 23 15 61 63 Comparative chart of parents’ answers 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 question 2 question 3 question 4 question A B C D 5 question 6 question 7 question D The diagram shows that the answer to 1 question most often was “B) No, this is not available to us due to the financial situation of the family”; Question 2 “Does your child receive paid additional services? Answer B) no; Question 3 “Are you ready to pay for additional services?” answer B) “I find it difficult to answer”; question 4 “What monthly fee for one service (4 classes per month) can you pay?” answer D) “For my family, any amount is impossible.” Conclusions: 42% of parents cannot receive additional paid educational services for their children.

Beginning of the school year. Every self-respecting educational institution strives to offer students educational services in addition to the state (municipal) assignment established for it, but no longer free of charge.

The new education law does not prohibit this type activities, which is regulated by the Rules for the provision of paid educational services (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. The rules determine the procedure for the provision of paid educational services, the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the contractor and the customer and apply to all educational organizations.

Paid educational services - this is the implementation of educational activities on assignments and at the expense of physical and (or) legal entities under educational agreements concluded upon admission to study (hereinafter referred to as the agreement). The one who provides them is called Performer (in our case this is a school), and the one who wants to order them or orders them - Customer (in our case, these are the parents (legal representatives) of the students).

According to the Rules, paid educational services cannot be provided in place of educational activities, the financial support of which is provided through budgetary allocations from the federal budget, budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets . That is, everything that turns out to be within educational standards, is free , and everything beyond that is paid. If this requirement is violated, then the funds received by the Contractor illegally are returned to the persons who paid for these services.

To make sure that a school is free, look at its Curriculum. It contains a list of subjects and the number of hours allocated to each subject per week (curricular and extracurricular). All this is free for students. For example, the Curriculum provides for the study of one foreign language. If you want children to study the second foreign language or, for example, nanotechnology and robotics, but they are not in the Curriculum - then if you please, fork out the cash.

Paid educational services are provided only at the request of the parents (legal representatives) of students and contractual basis, i.e. the school has no right to force a student to attend paid classes in mandatory, and also if the corresponding agreement has not been concluded.

If you still want to use paid educational services, you can select them from the List offered by the school, which must be agreed upon with the Governing Council (parental committee) of the school.

To organize paid educational services, the Contractor creates appropriate conditions (provides equipped classrooms that meet SanPin requirements, educational and laboratory equipment, qualified personnel). If this has not been created, or you doubt the quality of the service offered, then it is probably not worth signing the contract.

The cost of educational services is also important. According to current legislation, the amount of fees for the provision of educational services is established by agreement of the parties. In this case, the cost of the service includes the Contractor’s costs and his remuneration. The cost of the service must be economically justified. See if it can be lowered.

After concluding the contract, the Contractor it is prohibited to increase the price educational services under the contract in excess of the inflation rate provided for by the main characteristics of the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period.

And here reduce cost paid educational services under the contract, the Contractor may. For example, for those who study well, for orphans, for children from large or low-income families. In this case, the difference can be covered by own funds Contractor, including funds received from income-generating activities, voluntary donations and targeted contributions individuals and (or) legal entities.

The organization of paid educational services must be regulated by the school’s regulatory documents, and you must familiarize yourself with them. This is the curriculum learning programs, list of textbooks, schedule (schedule) of paid educational services, staffing (personnel composition); local acts: Regulations on the provision of paid educational services, Job description, Agreement on the provision of paid educational services, Procedure for pricing and payment for the provision of paid educational services, etc.

All information about the provision of paid educational services should be posted on information stand and school website. In this case, this information and the information provided at the conclusion of the contract must be the same.

In addition to the legislation on education, the organization of paid educational services is subject to federal laws: No. 83-FZ, “On non-profit organizations", "On the protection of consumer rights", Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Therefore, unlawful actions or inactions of the Contractor can be appealed to educational authorities, prosecutors, the consumer rights protection society, and in court.

Paid educational services under control: General requirements