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Is it possible to replace the counter with a snack machine? Snack machines as a business Secrets of vending success.

  • Guide to Profitable Vending

Lesson 10 . When are snack machines profitable?

The most effective and profitable start to a vending business is, of course, coffee machines. There are many reasons (from the Russian climate, which is conducive to consuming hot drinks most of the year, to the tradition of the “office coffee break”), but, one way or another, the result is the same - a coffee machine is actually a win-win option.

In addition, the coffee machine provides greater profit! With the right choice of outlet and machines, coffee and snack equipment will bring approximately equal revenue at the end of the month. But, if the markup on coffee is around 200 - 300%, then on snacks the markup rarely exceeds 100%. As they say, feel the difference!

But does this mean that we should abandon snack machines altogether? Definitely not!

Strengthening positions

If you install two machines at once (coffee + snack), it will be much more difficult for competitors to move you from your point, because you offer comprehensive services, and therefore are more attractive to buyers and bring profit to the landlord more money(due to renting a larger area). The only way to get ahead of you is to prove that your competitor has more efficient machines, but if you purchased the equipment with the help of recommendations - it's simply impossible.

Increased profits

There are points where no additional reasons are needed to install a snack machine, other than the opportunity to significantly increase revenue. This can be any place near which there is no opportunity to eat. For example, a small office that does not have a cafe or canteen in the building. As experience shows, at least 9 months a year, it will be easier for employees to have a snack than to walk to the nearest cafe in the rain or frost. Another example is a large business center (then it is rational to install a snack machine at points sufficiently distant from the cafeteria to make it easier and faster for employees to have a snack with your machine).

The main thing to remember is that the snack machine must be paired with a coffee machine, since coffee is used in most cases in great demand, and a snack is usually an addition to a drink.

There is one exception, when it is worth placing the snack machine “in splendid isolation.” If you notice that there are a lot of coffee machines installed at the point, it makes no sense to start a fight for a place in the sun, but to supplement competitors’ machines with a snack machine - good idea. This way you will make their popularity work for you!

Nuance: Some landlords set a condition - “either add a snack to the coffee pot, or leave the place.” We won’t go into the reasons, but it’s a fact that there are such tyrants. And you can’t explain to them that a snack machine at this point will not pay for itself. If the point is dear to you, in this case it is best to putVendo MVC 600 . This is a machine that only sells chocolates, so it is very cheap. In addition, it has a huge load - 850 units, and you can download it about once a month (hardly, more often).

Separately, it is worth mentioning the slave system - this is the connection of a snack machine to a coffee machine based on a common payment system. Since you do not need to pay for two sets of payment systems, you get a very attractive cost solution, but you should only use it if your income is up to 20,000 rubles per month, otherwise the bill acceptor will not cope. In addition, large revenues are a consequence of high traffic and a large number of clients. If you use a slave, you will have constant queues and you will start to lose customers who do not want to wait for their coffee or bag of chips.

It is important to consider that not all brands have the ability to combine machines. The best options are But the most reliable are + And + .

And in conclusion, as always, one small but very important secret for profitable snack trading. All products can be divided into popular and little-known. Everyone knows the cost of a popular product, and therefore it is by this price that buyers determine whether your prices are “inflated” or not. That is this product- this is a “beacon” for your clients.

Typical beacon products: Coca-Cola and Snikers chocolate bars.

But what should you do with this information? Make a small markup on popular products - 50 - 100%. Firstly, due to high demand, you will still make a significant profit. Secondly, buyers will see that, say, Cola is sold at favorable price and by association they will decide that your other products are also cheap. But now you can put a good markup on them of 300 - 500%.

For example, ordinary mineral water (not some Bon Aqua, but little-known brand) usually costs only 5 rubles cheaper than Coke in a vending machine. But Cola costs 26 rubles for purchase, and mineral water costs 5 - 10 rubles! The situation is similar with little-known bars, nuts, gingerbread, etc.

Common Mistakes

    • No need to put a high markup on popular products

It may seem that the most profitable option- fill the entire machine with popular products and set a high markup. They say “they’ll buy it anyway.” 1 time - maybe. But even this is not a fact - most buyers will prefer to look for some store or other machine nearby. And believe me, your competitors will not be slow to take advantage of your mistake. In addition, this way you will lose potential regular customers. Even those who once buy the same Snikers at an inflated price will prefer to take it with them the next time.

    • No need to go to extremes

Popular products allow you to make money on a large turnover with a small markup. Unpopular - make money on a large markup with a small turnover. It is important to maintain a balance in order for the machine to be as efficient as possible, and to always use a rational approach. For example, filling the entire machine with Cola is irrational - not everyone always wants sweet water, especially in the summer. But there is also no point in installing a branded mineral water (unless, of course, your machine is located in a large business center, where the brand of water will be studied almost under a magnifying glass, but more on that later). As a rule, when buying ordinary water, people just want to get drunk - it doesn’t really matter to them whose water it is. Therefore, remember - a rational approach and balance.

    • No need to decide for the client

Your customers are people with already established tastes and, just like in coffee vending, you need to take into account customer preferences. If you install a machine in a sports center, focus on the healthiest products possible (mineral water, bread, etc.), in large business center It is necessary to provide a premium product (branded mineral water, always with or without gas, sandwiches, etc.).

At first, you will, of course, have difficulty choosing ingredients for your snack machines. After all, the assortment is huge - much more than for coffee vending. It’s so easy to make a mistake, and choosing between hundreds of options can literally make your head spin. Therefore, pay special attention toBONUS -offer for this issue.


This concludes the tenth part of the practical guide. A little more - and at least in terms of theory, you yourself will become a real pro. And as “homework” we suggest you choose the optimal and an assortment of goods for your location (rented or the one you are just going to rent). Refresh Lesson 5 - Think about what might be most important to your customers. Be sure to do this before you get advice from our specialists. Together with them you will be able to discuss your mistakes and correct decisions and gain invaluable experience.

And in just 1 day you will find out how to avoid the most common mistakes in building a vending business.

WITH Best wishes and faith in your strength,

Denis Trifilov, financial director companies

BONUS offer - free consultation on choosing snacks for your machine, taking into account the stage of development of your business, the characteristics of your point and the preferences of your customers. Our advice is based on 5 years of experience in a wide variety of vending areas. From us you can purchase all the necessary ingredients at wholesale prices. And this special offer, since other ingredient suppliers either specialize in a narrow assortment group, or offer retail prices.

Call us at 8800-775-0238 - and we will help you improve the start of your business!

Business overview: Installation and maintenance of snack machines. Where to start a business? what types of devices are there? How to choose the right installation location? Get answers from our review!

Swift technical development in recent years has significantly expanded opportunities for budding entrepreneurs who want to launch own business without large capital investments. A striking example of this is the snack machine. This direction can be called relatively new for Russia, but steadily gaining momentum every year.

Need to know: The snack machine got its name in connection with the area of ​​use (English “SNACK”, which translates as snack). Such a device is equipped with a refrigeration unit to sell chilled products (small-packaged), as well as drinks in various forms (bottles and cans, tetrapacks), and this is not the entire list.

Given retail store equipment“came” to us from the west. It has gained such popularity all over the world that today you can buy almost anything from a vending machine (and that’s not only food products): pizza, hygiene products, books, CDs and so on.

There will be a vending business!

Important on at this stage define the terms. This direction is usually called vending.

Reference: The term vending is semantically derived from the English verb “to vend”, denoting retail trade. This implies sales using specialized machines. There is no intermediary in the form of a seller.

In Western countries, vending has become mainstream, an industry with multi-billion dollar turnover. If you hear a story about how some entrepreneur made his first million by deciding to buy a snack machine, then don’t hesitate. This is quite possible. Many potential businessmen doubt the prospects of this choice, because in Russia this phenomenon is no longer entirely rare, but also not very common. However, practice shows that the less competition, the more opportunities there are to build your own business and make a profit.

Otherwise the potential is huge. Where can you buy all kinds of “little things”: cookies, chewing gum, drinks, snacks, fast food? In a store or kiosk. These phenomena are eternal and will probably never become obsolete. But you can’t put a kiosk wherever you want; not all places with high traffic will allow you to do this. Now this problem has been completely solved: places for snack machines can be almost any (even in the same store). They take up minimal space, and interaction with the client is optimized (communication with sellers is eliminated, which many people don’t like). Plus, it is cost-effective from the owner’s point of view, since there is no need to pay wages to the seller, and, as you know, there are not many people willing to fill this position.

Analytical material: Prospects for vending in Russia for 2016-2020.

The main secret lies in where to place the device. People make many purchases impulsively, so it’s worth trying to ensure that the snack machine is visible and, if possible, where a logical desire to “chew” something arises:

  • Entertainment facilities
  • Train stations and airports
  • Subway crossings
  • Educational establishments and so on
  • Offices of various companies
  • Shopping complexes (not with food products)

Advantages of business on vending machines

The advantages of such a business are obvious, we suggest summarizing them for a better understanding:

  • In the warm season, they are in great demand, since the car has a refrigeration chamber that can cool food.
  • They take up minimal space.
  • There is no need for a salesperson - the device does everything itself, and even gives change. Plus, higher customer loyalty, since there are no annoying queues.
  • You can offer products relevant to the target audience, depending on the placement. For example, on the beach - drinks, in a bar - e-Sigs and so on.
  • Versatility - you can change product positions.
  • Quick payback - according to average data, the purchase of a machine pays for itself in six months.
  • Reliability - equipment service life is about 10 years with intensive use.
  • Mobility - if transportation is necessary, this does not become a problem.

Let's make a reservation that big profit is provided if you have not 1 device, but more than 10 (again, an average figure). You also need to understand that staff will still be required. These are 1-2 operators, whose responsibilities include visiting cars, withdrawing cash, storing goods, as well as eliminating breakdowns and malfunctions, plus you yourself, who are responsible for management and accounting. However, at the start you can start with 1-2 devices, performing all operations yourself in order to learn the business from the inside. We also suggest looking at the success story of an already successful entrepreneur in this niche:

Some statistics. You can see the prospects of running a vending business in Russia based on statistical data on the ratio of the number of people per 1 snack machine:

  • Japan: 25 people
  • USA - 45
  • Europe as a whole - 110
  • Russia - 2500

Network of snack machines in the buildings and dormitory of the Timiryazev Academy

Step-by-step plan for opening a vending business with snack machines

Organizational matters are extremely important, and you need to understand their essence before making a final decision. Step by step plan is:

  1. Initially, you should register yourself as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The type and its choice directly depends on the scale of your business. This is where the taxation system is determined. Cash registers are not required, since the payment system is used instead.
  2. Purchase of equipment. The price of a machine can be different, depending on its type and type (read about this below), the size, the manufacturer, and so on. Remember about the quality of the cars you purchase, as it will be necessary to pass an SES inspection.<

    Interesting fact: The operating principle of snack vending machines works according to a specific code. This ensures that the client receives the product he has chosen. This code is written next to each position, and the client is required to deposit the required amount (bill or coin acceptor) by typing this very code. There are also machines that accept cards and tokens.

  3. Price formation. A rather complex and controversial issue that requires a painstaking study of competitors’ prices.
  4. Placement of machines, and this is one of the key points, as noted above. It largely determines how much income a snack machine will bring per month.
  5. Drawing up and signing a rental agreement for accommodation. There are usually 2 schemes - either a fixed fee (it usually ranges from 2000-6000), or a percentage of income (its value directly depends on the prospects of the place).

Legal component

Throughout the country, with the exception of the capital, vending is subject to UTII as a standard, and it amounts to 15% of the basic profitability (if we are talking about snack machines, then this is 4,500 rubles). This applies equally to LLCs and individual entrepreneurs. The advantage of the Uniform Imputed Tax is that you only need to pay a fixed amount without having to show the amount of all your income.

If you choose the Simplified taxation system, then you are free to decide on a convenient payment method:

  • 6% of the income of each car
  • 15% of the existing difference between income/expenses

The simplified tax system is relevant where there is no UTII. Also suitable for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs.

Types and types of snack machines

At the moment, there is no single structured scheme of differences, however, each snack machine is characterized by a set of characteristics and features, from which a typology can be derived by type of functioning:

Depending on the starting capital and plans, taking into account the characteristics listed above, you should decide which option suits you best.

How much does a snack machine cost?

One of the most frequently asked questions. Here, an unambiguous answer is again impossible, since there are many??: what device, brand, volumes, its type. Also, many people purchase equipment on credit or lease, as well as used equipment, and, of course, the numbers will vary dramatically. However, for a better understanding of the situation, we decided to bring illustrative examples in the form of 3 machines from famous brands to compare prices. The information is given for the purpose of market analysis, and not to demonstrate prices, since if at least one characteristic of a product differs, then the “scatter” can be huge.

All that remains is to analyze the information, find places for snack machines, calculate potential revenue and move forward in this promising direction, which is the future.

Snack machines sell quick snacks, drinks, soda in cans, bottles and other packaged goods, so-called snack products. There are devices with a large load of goods or more “democratic” versions of machines with a small load.

Vending machines for selling snacks are not intended solely for selling chips, nuts, soda, etc.

Depending on the dispensing mechanism and the maintained temperature of the refrigeration unit, they can also sell sandwiches, yoghurts, sushi, fruits and other goods.

In addition, it can be adapted for the sale of non-food products - books, household goods, cosmetics, etc.

In this section you can buy a snack machine in Moscow, in the regions of Russia, of domestic and foreign production. Supplier companies sell well-known brands - Necta, Saeko, Biachi, Jofemar, Unicum and other well-known brands of vending machines selling snacks, canned and bottled drinks, and other goods.

Vending machines for drinks in cans

The category of snack machines also includes equipment for selling drinks in cans and bottles - in such, which means it is possible to sell only those goods that will not be damaged if they fall from the shelf into the dispensing tray.

Mini snack

These are wall-mounted or tabletop machines. The load on such machines is small, and the functions of the payment system are limited. But they are ideal “partners” for coffee machines; they are also suitable for selling one type of product or for installation in a place with little traffic.

Food vending machine

This device with drum dispensing of goods is also suitable for any fragile goods. You can sell food (salads, sandwiches, etc.) or other fragile goods through elevator-fed machines, or through drum-dispensing snack machines. In a drum snack machine, the customer picks up the product directly from the shelf.

A snack machine is a device that sells piece goods (snack in English means “snack”). These vending machines typically sell chips, sandwiches, crackers, chocolate bars, drinks and other light snack items.

This line of business in our country is quite new and not entirely profitable. After all, many people prefer to eat in canteens, cafes, or right at work, bringing lunch with them in a container. But organize profitable business selling snacks is still possible. It is only important to think over the geography, correctly calculate profitability and, of course, select a high-quality assortment.

Vending in Russia

If almost everything is sold abroad using such devices, in our country the most popular are coffee and snack machines. Snack machines appeared as an addition to coffee machines: they can often be seen where sales reach 40-50 cups per day. This indicates that the point is popular among customers, which means that many will not mind buying a sandwich or a chocolate bar with their coffee.

In Europe, office centers are also equipped with vending machines for industrial goods, in addition to snacks and coffee. It is quite possible that in a few years this trend will reach our country.

Profitability calculation

Snack vending machines pay for themselves very quickly, because the markup here can reach 400-500%. The key to success is the use of high quality ingredients and careful calculation of the cost of each product. Focus on demand, but also take into account the features of your products. For example, it is unlikely that chocolate bars will be sold at a price much higher than the store price. But if you can buy a cup of aromatic espresso made from natural beans or a delicious sandwich from your vending machine, that’s a completely different matter. The cost will be much higher, but still not as high as in a restaurant.

Buyers themselves respond to coffee from the machine in the most positive way, especially if the manufacturer did not save money and used natural beans as a basis. The drink turns out strong and aromatic, with thick foam. As for snacks, for example, sandwiches, they are delicious, just like at home, and much cheaper than in any catering establishment.

Keep in mind that many products have a limited shelf life, so the markup on them is lower. However, the buyer must be sure: a high price guarantees high quality. Don't disappoint his expectations.

Selecting a location

Installation of snack machines in office center or a supermarket is often paid - about 1,500 rubles per month. If you are a novice businessman, you can try to look for free points: for example, small shops, universities, not very popular business centers.

Based on reviews from people who have already tried it this type business, to begin with, you can select one machine and place it near a small establishment. But if you plan to develop and install a network of machines, it is better to pay attention to larger offices, with several hundred employees and visitors.

However, focusing on the flow is also not an indicator. For example, supermarket visitors are unlikely to be your target audience: they are only interested in buying products for the home. But train stations, insurance offices, car repair shops and other establishments where people have to spend time waiting are a much better choice.

Business expansion

Your machine may not be very popular at first. If already for a long time no more than 10 cups of coffee are sold per day, the machine must be moved to another location. But sales of 40 cups or more are a sure sign that everything is going as it should. This means that in addition to the coffee machine, you can safely install a snack machine - the client will be happy to buy a chocolate bar with a cup of coffee. The inverse relationship is also obvious: a person will come for a sandwich, see a coffee machine nearby and will not be able to resist the aromatic drink.

The assortment is your everything

Let's say you bought a brand new high-quality machine and you have high expectations from this business. Don't make the common mistake of loading your car with the cheapest products in an effort to increase profitability. Customers should like your snacks and drinks - only in this case their flow will increase.

Work with the assortment should be carried out constantly, and not just on initial stage development. Change snacks periodically if they are not selling well, or install additional slots with those that are more popular than others. You can also post more analogues of your customers’ favorite products: in addition to cookies, cakes or waffles; with soda - juice or iced tea.

The target audience

The most popular snack machine in our country is FoodBox. The pricing policy largely depends on where exactly it is installed. For example, in universities and colleges, where students have every ruble in their account, it will be more rational to sell the most affordable goods. But the visitors of the elite shopping center- the contingent is more “capricious”, so here you can play for quality at a higher price.

The best guide should be Feedback. After some time, you can see for yourself which products are selling and which are not, and draw conclusions. Or you can ask the buyers themselves about their opinions and wishes regarding product quality.

Machine maintenance

Sooner or later the assortment will have to be updated. It is better not to refuel the machine in work time- there is a risk of causing dissatisfaction among regular customers. The optimal time is at the end of the day or shortly before the opening of the institution in which it is installed.

A snack machine is more difficult to maintain than a coffee machine. You will have to constantly monitor prices and track the expiration date of products. This is done every day, because empty cells should not be allowed under any circumstances.

True, thanks to the modern simplification of logistics processes, it is possible to optimize service and respond in a timely manner to changes in demand. For example, using the built-in GSM module, you will have access to control bills and coins, track sales statistics, and also learn about the expiration date of a particular product.

Registration of a vending business

Doesn't exist in our country special law about vending activities. However, this does not mean that it is not regulated in any way. Installation of coffee and snack machines in a residential area should be carried out only after obtaining permission from the local government. The machine itself is a small architectural form, so you will also need to contact an authority dealing with problems of urban planning and architecture.

Any trading activity provides for obtaining a trade patent. Moreover, the number of such documents depends on the number of machines you use and their location. In a number of countries, several snack machines located close to each other and forming a network require a patent for each of them. And in other cases, you can get by with just one. You will also need permission from the fire authorities and the sanitary-epidemiological service. It is issued after a preliminary examination.

Buyers' rights and taxes

Any businessman should be aware of the main articles of the law on consumer rights. Therefore, sell only quality goods, and make the machine itself as convenient and simpler as possible for customers. They should be provided with honest information about the product: name, capacity or weight, grade, and price tag. If it is not there, you, as the owner of this machine, risk paying a fine.

Those who decided to open their own business and bought a snack machine need to register as individual entrepreneur or owner of an LLC. In addition to paying taxes in the form specified by law, you will also need to pay insurance premiums.

Modern progress and commercial activities unites the business of snack machines. Beginners are interested in finding out whether it is worth starting such a project and how much they can earn from it.

In American and European countries, the phenomenon of “food in a vending machine” has long become ubiquitous. Modern devices have become a part of culture and people's lives. Vending machines are located everywhere - in offices, hospitals, educational institutions, and train stations. Will this direction become so popular in Russian reality?

What it is?

It is a simple machine for serving packaged products, dispensing drinks and selling various goods. The entrepreneur only needs to deal with timely loading of products into the cells and withdrawing cash.

The operation of such a device is quite simple and in many ways similar to modern household appliances, so you won’t have to spend too much time understanding its operation and settings. The machine can sell almost any product and accepts money of different denominations. You just need to carefully study the instructions for its use and configure it accordingly.

The relevance of the snack business through sales through such a device is confirmed by statistical data. It has been established that in Europe there are about 110 people per snack machine, in America this figure reaches 45, and in Japan – 25. If we talk about Russia, then the prospects are obvious, because here there are at least 2500 people per installed vending machine with products. Human!

In addition, this direction has obvious advantages:

  1. Thanks to the availability refrigeration chamber All products inside the equipment can be refrigerated, which is especially pleasant in the summer.
  2. To install the machine, you need very little space, which allows you to save on rent and easily choose an accessible location.
  3. Fully automated sales process - the computer will accurately count and give out change, will not make a mistake in the selected assortment, and when serving drinks, always measures out the same amount of ingredients.
  4. For such retail no salesperson required. Thanks to this, the risks of fraud disappear and labor costs are reduced.
  5. Due to fast automated process Queues are also excluded.
  6. The versatility of the devices makes it possible to change the product range depending on the target audience, weather, preferences, and fashion.
  7. The short payback period and ease of doing business are especially attractive for beginners.
  8. The service life of each machine is quite long, so it will not need to be replaced or repaired too often.
  9. Business mobility - if the location is poorly chosen, you can at any time transport the equipment to another site that is more attractive and profitable.

Obviously, the more devices you place around the city, the higher your income will be. But first you need to carefully research the market, find out people’s preferences regarding choosing a suitable snack, establish the presence of competitors, think pricing policy and draw up a competent business development plan.


Such activities can only be carried out by registering with the tax service. For this purpose, individual entrepreneurs are predominantly chosen ( individual entrepreneurship), since in this case the whole process is greatly simplified. You don’t have to wait too long for an answer, the state fee is minimal, and accounting is reduced to a few reports per year.

The taxation scheme can be simplified or unified. Here it is better to calculate in advance which of them will be more profitable in practice. OKVED code for vending business – 47.99 – retail sale of goods outside stationary retail outlets. No licenses or certificates are required.

Pay attention to the quality and accompanying documentation when purchasing the equipment itself. When inspected by the sanitary and epidemiological service, it is important that all parameters of cleanliness and hygiene are observed in the device. Particular attention is paid to this factor when selling food products, which include snacks.

Selecting a location

The location of each device has a huge impact on the amount of profit received. To increase the chances of success, it is advisable to first study the city, people’s activity, and identify the places of greatest concentration potential clients. The preferred points for installing snack machines are:

  • office centers;
  • subway crossings;
  • train stations and airports;
  • entertainment facilities;
  • clinics and hospitals;
  • educational establishments;
  • various shopping malls where they do not sell food.

What equipment should I install and how to work with it?

The vending business has become quite common today. Vending machines sell food, drinks, cosmetics, books, CDs, sporting goods, etc. But for an entrepreneur, in this regard, almost all of them are universal.

Production of snack products as a business offers customers the widest range conveniently packaged snacks. Therefore, almost any product can be loaded into the device. For an entrepreneur, other parameters become important when choosing equipment - the method of providing and serving products, the ability to conveniently set up and accept cash, the amount of goods loaded at a time and the cost of the devices.

Factories producing vending machines offer the following main types:

  1. Conveyor - in this case, the product is supplied using an “elevator”. This is convenient when selling fragile goods. But the sizes and shapes of the packages do not matter, since in any case they are freely located in their positions.
  2. Spiral ones are the most popular. When you press the selection key, the finished product falls directly into the feed tray. They are also considered universal, but fragile goods cannot be sold in this way.
  3. Cellular - involve the issuance of products directly from the cell where it is located. Suitable for large goods.
  4. A device for selling mini-snacks – convenient for selling small packages of snacks. It doesn't hold a lot of products. They are often installed next to vending machines for drinks. It is possible to mount it on the wall, thereby saving space in the room.

Cost and appearance devices will vary depending on the specific manufacturer and model. The complexity of control in all cases comes down to simple maintenance, which can be performed after reading the attached instructions.

In some cases of complex breakdowns, you will have to call a technician from the manufacturer or importer. If there is no available specialist, you can find someone who understands the work household appliances and will easily set up the operation of the machine for a small fee.

For daily maintenance hire an operator. One person can monitor the operation of 10-20 devices in a day. In order to save money in the first months, you can do this yourself.


It is very important to correctly approach the issue of forming the cost of the goods being sold. On the one hand, you as an entrepreneur must profit from the implementation process. On the other hand, if prices are too high, customers will go elsewhere for ready-made snacks.

Before deciding this issue, study the market thoroughly. What is sold nearby and at what cost. It is very important to stick to averages and constantly monitor the competition. And only by offering some rare and attractive product can you slightly raise its price. But usually the vending machines sell the same products as neighboring grocery stores.


The payback on such a project comes quite quickly. According to average estimates, this happens after just six months of activity. If you install several machines around the city at once, then the entrepreneur’s income will be much higher. But the profit received depends on many factors:

  • location of the machine;
  • product range;
  • set prices;
  • the presence of other retail outlets nearby;
  • contingent of buyers.

To start a project you need a relatively small amount.

If you manage to achieve a monthly income of at least 30,000 rubles, then within the first year you will be able to fully return all investments. Obviously, if there are more machines, the entrepreneur’s profit will be significantly higher.

Video: how are they different from snacks?