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Setting up a zte router from Rostelecom. Detailed instructions for properly setting up a ZTE router

Setting up a ZTE router is one of the main steps in connecting to a network.

Moreover, no matter what connection is used to access the network - - it will take a little time.

It does not affect the settings and models of routers - only the speed of access to and the way it is distributed to computers and other equipment depends on this characteristic.

Router selection

ZTE is one of the largest manufacturers of electronics, including routers.

And, although by far the most popular are wireless routers, receiving the Internet via wireless 3G and 4G channels, one of the best options universal models can become for purchase.

That is, such devices that can receive and transmit data both using a cable and in other ways (mobile communications,).

The ZTE brand provides potential clients his technique wide range of different models that differ in functionality, speed of network access and data transfer.

All modern devices, even those in the lower price ranges, provide wireless communication (), and many even connect to the network in the same way.

Thus, even relatively cheap models meet the requirements of most users.

Although, as a rule, the higher the price of the router, the more features it provides - including a wide range and a clear signal.

One of the most important characteristics is the number of antennas - the more there are, the greater the gain.

An even more convenient option is a router with the ability to connect additional amplifiers.

It is this technique that should be chosen for a large apartment and, moreover, for a private house, the territory of an entertainment center, a cafe or an office.

ZTE E5501

A popular router, released back in 2014, but still popular and sold online at a price of about 1000 rubles, is the ZTE E5501.

The advantage of the model is an attractive design (not so important, but still taken into account when buying a characteristic), support for 802.11n wireless technology and the presence of two antennas that amplify the signal by 10 dBi.

And a small drawback is the inability to connect a 3G modem and use other methods of connecting to mobile communications.

Rice. 1. A little outdated, but still quite functional and stylish ZTE E5501 router.


A newer model ZTE ZXHN H118N with a price of about 1000-1200 rubles. already has a modem that allows you to connect to the network using mobile technology.

At the same time, there is also a WAN connector for wired access.

And the data is transmitted to other devices located within the range of the router, both via cable (4 LAN ports) and via Wi-Fi.

Rice. 2. ZTE ZXHN H118N - for wireless and wired network access.

ZTE 5502

Another model, in terms of functionality and price (about 900 rubles), reminiscent of the E5501 router, also looks quite stylish.

However, it has practically no advantages over other devices - only wired access is possible, and the network is distributed only in one range (at a speed of about 300 Mbps).

Although the ZTE 5502 encrypts information quite reliably (using WPA-PSK, WPA2, etc. technologies).

Fig.3. Bright and functional router ZTE 5502.


The MF283 model is capable of receiving (connection via SIM card), and with two wired connections at once.

In addition, you can connect a USB drive to the router to download information from the network directly without a computer, and a telephone cable.

And, therefore, such a router will be an excellent option for both a large house and an office.

Moreover, the antennas of the device are removable, and can be replaced by more powerful elements.

Rice. 4. Model MF283 - a router with replaceable antennas and connection to a mobile network.


The router works great both with wired connections (broadband and telephone) and with a mobile network.

It is worth noting that the wireless connection is provided not with the help of 3G / 4G modems, like most routers of this type, but due to the SIM card installed in it.

And up to 2 antennas can be connected to the device, each of which amplifies the signal by 3 dBi.

Rice. 5. Router MF28D - for working with 3G / 4G Internet and wired connection.

Preparing for setup

Before connecting a router of any selected type, you should first check its contents. The router should come with:

  • power unit;
  • Ethernet cable for connecting to a wired network (except for options for connecting to the Internet using only mobile technologies);
  • instructions, warranty and software CD.

Important: When connecting two networks from different providers to the router at once (for example, via WAN and mobile communications) it is also desirable to install a splitter to filter the signal. And you can increase the coverage with the help of additional antennas.

Rice. 6. Connecting the cable to the network card of the laptop.

After connecting all the cables, you can turn on the router using the button located on the back.

The next step is to check the connection using the indicators on the front panel of the ZTE router. Here you can see signals showing:

  • to which connector the PC (laptop) is connected;
  • Is the wireless connection working?
  • whether there is a network connection.

If the device is connected to the Internet and a computer, and wireless connection valid, you can continue to configure the router.

For this, a web interface is used, which is present in any.

And after setting up the device, you can use it without a computer - just turn it on to connect with any gadget, including tablets and smartphones.

Creating an Internet connection

ZTE routers for wired and wireless connections are managed using a special interface, which can be connected to by entering an address like in the browser (you can check this value in the router data sheet).

If the device is already connected to the PC, after entering these numbers, a settings window appears on the screen where you need to:

  1. Enter username and password. By default, instead of each of them, the word admin is entered (if desired, they can be replaced by any others);
  2. After filling in the fields, click on Login;
  3. In the window that opens, select the Network section;
  4. Open the WLAN tab in turn (sometimes you can select it immediately from the list, without going to the Network tab), and then Basic;
  5. Select the WirelessRFMode column;
  6. Change status from Disabled to Enabled ;
  7. Press the button Submit, ensuring the inclusion of wireless data distribution.

Important: Most often, when connecting with a cable, the network is detected automatically. If this does not happen, you may need to update or install network card drivers. And then set up a new connection.

Now that it is enabled, you can configure the connection itself.

In the WAN Connection menu, PVC0 is selected in the Connection Name line, and Route is set in the Type line.

After that, you need to choose to enter the connection name and password (when connecting type PPPoE), which will be used to enter the network.

The ADSL network is configured in much the same way, although the transition is to a different tab.

Rice. 7. The process of connecting the router.

If the connection is made using a 3G / 4G connection, the setting is carried out through another tab - 3G WAN Connection.

Here, only the APN access point name is selected (you can find it on the provider's website or check with the company's technical support).

The rest of the settings are usually set automatically.

You should know: Depending on the model of the router, the names of the tabs may differ. For example, the access point name is sometimes required to be entered on a separate APN Settings tab. At the same time, all user actions will be approximately the same.

Additional sections

In addition to setting up a network connection, the user of the ZTE router has the ability to change other parameters:

  • for example, in the Multi-SSID section, you can make the network both open and closed;
  • the name of the connection is changed in the SSIDName column;
  • the maximum number of simultaneously connected devices is set in the MaximumClients item (most models support up to 32 connections simultaneously);
  • in the EnableSSID item, the network can be enabled or disabled;
  • The HideSSID section allows you to hide the wireless network.

Rice. 8. Setting up the protection of the router.

If there is a Security section in the settings menu, where you can select a WPAPassphrase encryption key with a length of 8 to 32 characters.

As well as the Authentication encryption type and the appropriate WPAEncryptionAlgorithm information transfer protection algorithm.

When setting a password, you should be guided by a number of rules.

First of all, choose a combination consisting of at least 8 characters, including both lowercase and uppercase letters, as well as numbers.

In addition, it is undesirable to use the names and dates of birth of users as passwords.

Features of settings for different providers

Setting up ZTE routers is slightly different depending not only on the device model, but also on the service provider.

Among domestic providers, users most often choose the services of Rostelecom, Beeline and MGTS.

In addition to the fact that these operators have the maximum coverage of the territory of the country, a wide range of tariffs can be found in the list of their services.

When configuring a router to work with the Rostelecom network, you need to not only enable Wi-Fi operation(according to the standard method), but also perform the following steps:

  1. In the Mode column, set Mixed (802.1b+802.11g+…);
  2. In the Country paragraph, put Russia;
  3. In the Channel section, Auto is selected;
  4. Transmitting Power should be set to 100%.
  5. After completing these items, configure the Multi-SSIDSettings section. To do this, first check the box EnableSSID, in the column ChooseSSID - SSID, in SSIDName - the network name is selected.

For correct operation ZTE router, which should work in the MGTS or Beeline network, the same steps are performed as with the standard connection setup.

That is, entering a password and login, activating Wi-Fi and setting the parameters of the Multi-SSID sections. At the same time, routers of this brand are no longer used for ADSL connections.

WiFi router ZTE E5502 overview of interface settings

Setting up a ZTE router - milestone Internet connection. detailed instructions setting up your router

I got the modem from the provider for 1000 rubles. Despite the fact that for this money and even cheaper, you can buy a simple WiFi modem that has not been spoiled by specialists.

So, the modem program is corrupted modified so that ordinary people could not use it in the networks of other Internet providers. But there are exceptions to this rule, for example, I managed to configure the H118N to work on the Rostelecom network, in addition, open several additional modem functions.
This forum has some interesting discussions and helpful hints. I managed to significantly improve and facilitate the work with the modem menu, opening at once many of the functions "cut down" by homeowners without changing the modem firmware. However, in the latest versions of the firmware, all loopholes were completely blocked by domra, so only a complete flashing of the modem will help, as described in the aforementioned forum.
To read this manual and manipulate the modem, you need an ordinary computer scientist, preferably with experience in setting up modems (or just straight hands and crooked convolutions with an irresistible desire to understand and configure).

Important note

ZXHN H118NV2.1.2b_EH4_RU4

So please check back. If your version is different, then I can offer only 2 ways:

1. Browser:

(on many modems this method no longer works)

2. And flashing:

(Post by user balatowo dated 07/23/2015)

What specifically managed to get from this modem

Disabled provider menu
Only those who know the password can enter the settings menu (previously anyone could).
The full list of users is visible, with the possibility of editing.
The modem can create as many as 4 Wi-Fi networks (4 different SSIDs).
The full modem menu was opened with a "setup wizard", "print server", the ability to work with 3G USB (however, I have nothing to check the real performance of these three functions, but their settings menu works; but someone on the forum tried to check - nothing did not work, the conclusions are clear).
It was possible to remove some "bookmarks" from, allowing the provider to get into your modem without your knowledge.
In the modem menu, you can work as in the ZXHN H118N modem with the original firmware from the manufacturer ZTE.
All sorts of other little things.

How to enter the modem menu

1. Go to the modem menu using this link. The menu from will appear. (If the menu does not open, there is no point in continuing the research, because this means that something is connected or configured incorrectly. Before continuing, you need to ensure that the Domrushnikov menu opens.)

What to do in the full menu

Depending on your needs.
- set up a WAN connection with an Internet provider.
(SSID) as you wish.
- close the settings menu with a password.
remove all visible traces and loopholes from

1. For the Internet to go

It is necessary to set up a WAN connection with an Internet provider.

1. Pay the provider, connect the provider's wire to the modem through a special WLAN port.
2. Go to the menu WAN "> Setup -> WAN. Click on the picture with a notebook and a pencil.

3. On this page, enter the settings that you received from the provider. In my case, the provider is Rostelecom - you see the settings in the image.

4. If everything is done correctly, you will receive the following.

We admire the inscription Connected. It is possible that the connection will not appear immediately, but after a couple of minutes (just periodically press the Connect button).

2. Give the Wi-Fi network any name

1. Go to the menu SSID "> Wireless -> SSID. Change and enable all SSIDs of the four you want.

2. Be sure to use WPA2 encryption with AES as other types are susceptible to hacking. A long and complex password is also desirable.

3. The most important fun of the modem is that you can broadcast as many as 4 different SSIDs into the atmosphere. This is a huge springboard for using all sorts of cool names and correspondence with neighbors.

4. All 4 SSIDs will appear in the air only after the modem is rebooted.

3. So that no one messes up the settings

Firmware allows any of the home to go into the modem settings and mess them up. It will not be possible to completely avoid this, but it is possible to greatly limit the likelihood of such an outcome.
We go to User Management "> Management -> User Management. We must change passwords for all users. After changing the user password “twsz” or deleting it, the castrated menu of the provider will be disabled.

Now, when trying to enter the modem interface via IP, we will receive a form requesting a username and password. When you click on the links in this article, you will still not be asked for a password. If you still miss the native menu from, you can visit it.
I also recommend that you follow all the points in the next section.

4. For security purposes

All visible traces and loopholes from should be removed.
1. Change the passwords of all users (see the previous section).
2. Go to Image Upgrade"> Management -> Image Upgrade. Uncheck "Enable auto upgrade"
"IMG Server Address" change to anything. Click Save.

3. Go to Access Control"> Advanced -> Access Control -> Remote Access. Remove all checkboxes. Click Submit.

After that, your modem still has at least two security holes. From the Internet side, the modem has ports 1050 and 52881 open for unknown purposes (probably so that technical support can unceremoniously change the settings of your modem). If you are seriously concerned about security, then buy yourself a normal modem, ask your ISP to block incoming connections on these ports (but, most likely, you will be politely sent in a known direction, if they even understand what it is about).

What to do next

1. Save the modem configuration to a file ( Config Upgrade"> Management -> Config Upgrade -> Save to Local) so that, in which case, return the settings to working condition(in the same menu).
2. Disable work through a proxy in the browser settings.
3. Enjoy the Internet.


Proper performance achieved and tested on firmware version:
ZXHN H118NV2.1.2b_EH4_RU4
There are several items, settings and options in the menu that do not actually work.

Feedback: m a v i u s @ y a n d e x . r u

The novelty of last season - the zte h108n modem is a universal device designed to connect to the worldwide information network via telephone line provided to you by your provider.

By the way, the largest telecom operators (such as Ukrtelecom, Rostelecom, ByFly, etc.), when concluding an ADSL connection agreement, often offer subscribers to purchase a zte zxhn h108n router, and often they rent out this equipment. Of course, such a “love” for this device is explained solely by commercial considerations, but in general, the device has characteristics that are quite acceptable for home use.

And in this article you are presented step-by-step instruction how to connect and configure the zxhn h108n modem. This router provides both wireless and cable Internet connections, while setting up the basic functions of the router on firmware under Rostelecom and Ukrtelecom is practically the same, respectively, the instruction will be useful for all users of the device.

Connecting a zte zxhn h108n modem

To connect the h108n modem to Ukrtelecom (Rostelecom):

  • - connect the plug of the power supply to the “Power” socket on the rear panel of the router, and plug the power supply into the 220 V network;
  • - connect the splitter input marked “LINE” with a telephone socket with a telephone cable. Connect the telephone set to the output of the splitter marked with the word “PHONE” (or “TEL”), and connect its second output MODEM (or ADSL) with another cable to the modem jack signed with the letters DSL.

For the initial setup of the zte zxhn h108n, you also need to connect the router to your computer using the Internet cable supplied with the device. To do this, connect the cable with one end to the network card connector of your PC, and with the other end to the LAN2 connector of the zte h108n router.

Press the "On/Off" button.

Setting up the zte zxhn h108n modem

When the connection with the computer is established, the indicator on the front panel of the zxhn h108n router lights up corresponding to the LAN port connected to the PC network card.

1. Launch the Internet browser installed on the PC (Chrome, Opera, Mozilla or any other) and enter: "" in the address bar.

2. A login window will appear, in which you must specify: "Username" - "admin", "Password" - "admin". Click the "Login" button, and you will enter the zte zxhn h108n modem setup interface.

Further instructions correspond to the initial configuration of the router. If the h108 n router was previously in operation, it is recommended to reset the modem to factory settings using the RESET button located on the rear panel of the device. To do this, press the button with something thin (for example, a needle), hold it for 10-15 seconds and wait for your router to reboot.

3. Here, first of all, the system will prompt you to change the factory password for accessing the settings of the router settings. Enter the old password "admin", then enter your new password in the fields: "New password" and "Confirm password".

Then click the "Next Page" button.

4. On the next page, specify the connection type: "DSL" and click "Next Page" again.

On some firmware versions, this router configuration item may not be available.

5. Further settings are necessary in accordance with the parameters specified in the agreement with the provider:

Connection type: PPPoE (in most cases).

6. On the next page, enter the VPI / VCI data - from your contract with the provider.

At the bottom of the page is the section "Connection with LAN ports" - here check the boxes for the wrong connectors that will distribute the Internet (it is recommended to leave the last port free for IP-TV).

Also checkmark SSID1 to enable the Wi-Fi module (for wireless connection to the router)

Go to the next page.

7. Here, if the type of connection with the PPPoE provider was specified at step 5, an authorization window will appear. Enter your login and password to connect to the Internet from your agreement with the provider.

If, when setting up the zxhn h108n modem, you set the connection type to DHCP, then there will be no login / password entry step.

On this setting up an Internet connection on a wireless adsl zte modem zxhn h108n is over.

When you go to the next page, a warning window will appear: “Attention! Are you sure you want to switch the WAN type?"

If you have an IP-TV service connected, you need to click the "Confirm" button and create an additional connection for television;

If you do not need to configure IP TV, click "Cancel", after which a window for additional wi fi settings will open.

Modem zxhn h108n: wifi setup

On the wireless network settings page, mark the “Enable wireless network” with a marker and fill in the fields:

- "SSID Name" is the name wifi networks, which will be displayed in the "Search for available connections" of wireless devices.

Come up with a unique name for your access point so that there is no SSID conflict with neighboring routers.

- "WPA passphrase" (password) - here enter a unique password to connect to your Wi-Fi.

Click "Finish" to save the set parameters - wifi zte zxhn h108n setup is over.

Router zxhn h108n: setting up iptv

If at the last stage of setting up the Internet on zxhn h108n iptv you clicked "Confirm", then the next setup cycle will begin to create a new connection for IP TV:

In the "Select connection type" step, select "Bridge (RFC1483/2684)" and go to the next page;

In the VPI and VCI windows, enter the relevant data from the contract with the provider (for television);

You can also clarify the connection parameters for IP TV in the support service of your provider.

Mark with a marker LAN4 in the "Communication with LAN ports" section (the port that you left free at the stage of setting up an Internet connection);

Go to the next page.

Here the system message will appear again: “Attention! Are you sure you want to switch the WAN type?" - click "Cancel" and you will go to the wifi settings section described above.

Depending on the firmware version and the specific device model appearance adjuster may vary slightly. However, the main steps for quickly setting up the zte zxhn h108n router remain standard for all operators.

With English-language firmware, go to the Advanced Setup section and perform similar steps, following the prompts of the device setup wizard.

Today, few people can do without access to the Internet. This applies not only to children, but also to adults. In addition, sometimes the process of work is inextricably linked with the Internet connection. The provider is invited to rent or fully purchase equipment to solve this problem. But it is worth noting that they are most often intended exclusively for working with a specific provider. With a permanent login, a transition to the proprietary interface is performed. A similar situation is demonstrated by the router Rostelecom h118n. No one will be able to buy it with factory firmware. Some users, during the operation, have found ways to bypass the blocking of the provider. At the same time, each subscriber must decide for himself whether he needs it. After all, it is not uncommon for fully working equipment to become unsuitable for subsequent operation.


The Rostelecom h118n router is manufactured by the Chinese company ZTE, which is known and distributed throughout Russia. At the same time, one should pay attention to the fact that providers glue their own instead of a real logo, which makes it somewhat difficult to recognize the real manufacturer. Company icons may appear on the device itself. In any case, information on the manufacturer can even say superficially about the quality of the device.

ZTE was founded in 1985. Today, they produce not only routers, but also mobile devices, tablets. It is under the leadership of the state, which has a controlling stake. If we consider budget models, then the Chinese manufacturer will be the rightful leader here. But the price really matches the quality.


Only providers distribute the ZXHN H118N Router among their customers. The design of the box will depend on the company. The front side usually shows an image of the device itself. Other information will also be indicated, such as a wireless router, as well as a router model. The back of the box usually contains information regarding warranty service, requirements, equipment and standards. The set of equipment for Internet access includes, in addition to the main device, a power supply, Required documents, wall mount.


The advantages of the model can be safely attributed to the design. It looks spectacular compared to other similar devices. The case includes really non-standard solutions. Outwardly, it resembles a pillow fixed on a stand. At the same time, its installation is carried out vertically, which can be called a positive moment, since all ventilation channels are constantly open.

Classic design - plastic housing white color, where 9 indicators are presented, next to which the designations of each are additionally placed.

Under the bottom of the stand there is a firmware version, IP address, password, manufacturer, and all possible other information. Most often they are used later for the production of settings.


These components of the device can be classified as important. The very first of those presented is WAN. Its purpose is to connect a cable for the Internet. In addition, there are LAN ports. They are used to create a local connection. A good feature is the presence of a USB port used to connect the device to a computer or laptop. The inscription PWR denotes a round socket for the power supply.

If you need to return to the factory settings, the Reset button is used. To press it, a needle or, for example, a paper clip is usually used. Reboot will be carried out with a constant press for three seconds. It should be released after all indicators on the device go out and then light up again.

Customization Rules

To access the Internet, follow these steps:

  1. Open a web browser on a laptop, where you enter the IP address displayed on the case. Further, it is usually displayed on the page "pre-flight preparations are being carried out!". If everything is entered correctly, after a few minutes, information about the ongoing device setup will appear.
  2. User authorization. The data is taken from the documentation from the provider. Most often this is a login with a password. In the future, all these parameters can be changed by the subscriber as needed.
  3. Save information and reboot the device. When everything was done correctly, access to the Internet should open.

Return to factory firmware

Some users will want to revert to the original original settings. To do this, the following steps are performed:

  • The Patched_ZXHN file is downloaded, and then unpacked.
  • Next, the IP address of the device is entered into the address bar of the web browser.
  • In the menu, select the item Management, then "Firmware Upgrade".
  • Using the file received during the download, the router model is flashed. Subsequent login to the web interface is via TelNet.
  • Reset the device settings using the Reset button specially designed for this action.
  • Log in to the device menu using the standard login and password.
  • The second file is used for firmware from the downloaded package, and then reboot the device again.