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Determining the need and selecting types of inventory buildings. Typical structure and standards for the number of engineering and technical workers and employees of construction, installation and repair and construction departments (sections) of the oil industry Number of workers

5.1. The total estimated number of personnel employed in construction per shift.

The basis for determining the number of employees per construction site is the maximum number of primary production workers employed in one shift. It is determined according to the movement schedule of workers, built under the calendar plan for the production of work on the facility.

N max main = 43 people. per shift

The number of workers in non-core production is assumed to be 20% of the number of workers hired according to the schedule. The data is summarized, and the result obtained is used in further calculations.

N non-basic = 0.2*43=8.6=9 people.

N itr - the number of engineering and technical workers (E&T) in one shift is taken in the amount of 6-8%, N mop - junior service personnel (JOP) - 4%, N uch - the number of students and trainees - 5% of the total number of workers of the main and non-core production.

N itr =(43+9)*0.08=4.16=5 people.

N mop =(43+9)*0.04=3 persons.

N students =(43+9)*0.05=2.6=3 people.

N=1.06*(N max main +N non-basic + N itr +N mop + N uch) =1.06*(43+9+5+3 + +3)=77.38=78

The total estimated number of workers employed at the construction site per shift is determined as the sum of all categories of workers with coefficients of 1.06 (of which 4% are workers on vacation, 2% are absentees due to illness).

5.2. Determination of the composition and area of ​​temporary buildings and structures.

The composition and area of ​​temporary buildings and structures are determined at the time of maximum expansion of work on a construction site based on the estimated number of workers employed in one shift.

The type of temporary structure is adopted taking into account the period of its stay on the construction site: during construction lasting up to six months, mobile temporary structures are used. The results of calculating the need for temporary mobile buildings are given in table. 4.

At a construction site with less than 80 people working in the largest shift, there must be at least the following sanitary facilities: dressing rooms with washbasins; showers, medical center, for drying and dusting clothes; for heating, resting and eating; proslavery; toilet; personal hygiene of women.

Name of buildings and structures Estimated number Norm for 1 person Estimated space requirement, m2 Accepted area, m2
Total % of concurrent users number of concurrent users units change Quantity
Checkpoint - - - m 2
Foreman's office m 2 3-5
Warming room m 2 0,6 46,8 46,8
Meal area m 2 /person 0,6 16,8 16,8
Pantry - - - m 2
Room for drying and dusting clothes m 2 0,2 7,8
Honey. paragraph m 2 0,6 8,25
Pom. Personal hygiene for women m 2 0,5
Dressing rooms m 2 0,5 12,5
Showers m 2 0,43 10,32
Toilet m 2 -

5.3. Calculation of water requirements for construction needs.

Temporary water supply at a construction site is intended to meet industrial, domestic and fire-fighting needs. The required water flow (l/s) is determined by the formula:

Q= Р х +0.5(Р b + Р pr),

where R b, R pr, R fire - water consumption, respectively, for domestic, industrial needs and fire extinguishing, l/s. Water consumption for domestic needs consists of:

R 1 b - water consumption for washing, eating and other household needs;

R 2 b - water consumption for taking a shower. Water consumption for domestic needs is determined by the formulas:

P 1 b =N*b*K 1 /8*3600, P 2 b =N*a*K 2 /t*3600,

where N is the estimated number of personnel per shift;

b - rate of water consumption per person per shift (in the absence of sewerage, 10-15 l is accepted, in the presence of sewerage, 20-25 l);

a is the rate of water consumption per person using a shower (in the absence of sewerage - 30 - 40 l, in the presence of sewerage - 80 l);

K 1 - coefficient of uneven water consumption (taken in the range of 1.2-1.3);

K 2 - coefficient taking into account the number of people washing - from the largest number of workers per shift (taken in the amount of 0.3 - 0.4);

8 - number of hours of work per shift;

t is the operating time of the shower unit in hours (taken as 0.75 hours).

R 1 b =78*20*1.2/8*3600=0.029 l/s;

R 2 b =78*80*0.3/0.75*3600=0.31 l/s;

P b = P 1 b + P 2 b = 0.029 + 0.31 = 0.339 l/s.

Water consumption for production needs is determined by the formula:

R pr =1.2*K 3 ∑q/n*3600

where 1.2 is the coefficient for unaccounted water consumption;

Kz - coefficient of unevenness of water consumption (assumed equal to 1.3-1.5);

n - number of hours of work per shift;

q is the total water consumption per shift in liters for all production needs that do not coincide with work hours (according to the work schedule).

R pr =1.2*1.3*800000/8*3600=43.3

Water consumption for fire extinguishing is determined depending on the area of ​​the site, taken according to the construction plan, equal to 10 l/s.

Required water consumption

Q= 10+0.5(0.339+43.3)=31.81 l/s

Based on the calculations carried out, the diameter of the pipeline is determined using the formula:

D=(4*Q*1000/πv) 1/2

where Q is the total water consumption for domestic, industrial and fire-fighting needs, l/s;

v is the speed of water movement through the pipeline, m/s (we assume v=2 m/s).

D=(4*31.81*1000/3.14*2) 1/2 =142.34 mm.

The estimated diameter of the pipeline is 142.34 mm. The diameter of the water supply network is taken to be 150 mm. (V=1.39; 1000i=23.3)

5.4. Calculation of the required electricity and selection of the required power of transformers.

Electricity in construction is spent on power consumers, technological processes, internal lighting of temporary buildings, external lighting of work sites, warehouses, access roads and construction areas. Calculation of the need for electrical energy is given in table. 5.

Table 5:

The required electrical energy and transformer power are calculated using the formula:

P trans =a*(K 1 ∑P s /cosφ 1 +K 2 *∑P mech /cosφ 2 +K 3 *∑P v.o. +K 4 *∑P n.o.)

where a is a coefficient taking into account network losses; depending on the

length of the network, a=1. 05-1.1;

∑Р с - the sum of the rated powers of all power plants, kW;

∑Р mech - the sum of the rated powers of the devices involved in technological processes, kW;

∑Р v.o. -total power of interior lighting fixtures, kW;

∑Р but - total power of outdoor lighting fixtures, kW;

cosφ 1 , cosφ 2 - respectively, power factors depending on the load of power and technological needs; are accepted accordingly: 0.6 and 0.75;

K 1, K 2, Kz, K 4 - respectively, survey coefficients taking into account

discrepancy between consumer loads and accepted ones: K 1 = 0.5, K 2 = 0.7, Kz = 0.8, K 4 = 1.0.

R trans =1.1*(0.5*72/0.6+0, 7*70/0.75+0, 8*0.9+1.0*4)=1 43 kW

In accordance with the obtained power value, we select a transformer. Choosing a complete mobile transformer substation KPTP-58-320

5.5. Calculation of compressed air requirements.

Compressed air at a construction site is necessary to ensure the operation of equipment (including jackhammers, hammer drills, pneumatic rammers, hand-held pneumatic tools for cleaning surfaces from dust, etc.)

Sources of compressed air are stationary compressor stations, and most often mobile ones compressor units. Calculation of the need for compressed air is made based on operating conditions minimum quantity devices connected to one compressor. The power of the required compressor unit is calculated by the formula:

where 1.3 is a coefficient taking into account network losses;

∑q is the total air flow rate of the devices, m3/min;

K is the coefficient of simultaneity of operation of devices, adopted when operating 6 devices - 0.8.

Q=1.3*0.8*12.4=12.9 m 3 /min

The receiver capacity is determined by the formula:

V=К√Q=0.4*√2.9=1.44 m 3

where K is a coefficient depending on the compressor power and accepted for mobile compressors - 0.4;

Q - compressor unit power, m 3 /min. We accept PKS-5 compressor units (selection according to the directory), in the amount of 3 pieces. The diameter of the distribution pipeline is determined by the formula:

D = 3.18√Q=3.18*√12.9=11.4 mm

where Q - estimated flow rate air, m 3 /min.

The resulting value is rounded to the nearest diameter according to the standard, and we select 15 mm.

5.6. Determination of oxygen demand.

4400 m 3 - for the oxygen demand of housing and communal services. In one cylinder (40 l.) - 6.0 m 3 of oxygen. 734 cylinders required.

8.7 Calculation of heat demand.

At construction sites, heat is consumed for heating buildings and greenhouses, for technological needs (for example, steaming reinforced concrete structures in winter, steam heating of frozen soils, etc.)

Heat consumption for heating temporary buildings

Q=qV(t in -t n)*a,

Q 1 =0.45*13827.04*(22-(-9))*0.9=173.598*10 3 kJ

Q 2 =0.8*549*(22-(-9))*0.9=51.46*10 3 kJ.

where q is the specific thermal characteristic of the building; kcal/m 3. .h.deg.

for temporary buildings is taken equal to 0.8 kcal/m 3 .h.deg.;

for permanent residential and public buildings is taken equal to 0.45 kcal/m 3 .h.deg.;

a- coefficient taking into account the influence of the calculated outside temperature on q(1.45-0.9)

V is the volume of the building in terms of external volume, m 3

t in - calculated internal temperature

t n - estimated outside temperature

Heat consumption per technological goals determined each time by special calculations, based on the given volumes of work, duration of work, accepted modes, or specific heat consumption per unit of volume or product according to available reference data.

The total amount of heat is determined by summing up heat costs for individual needs, taking into account the inevitable heat losses in the network in kcal and converted to kJ (1 kcal-4.2 kJ):

Q total =(Q 1 +Q 2)*K 1 *K 2,

Qtot =(173.598*10 3 +51.46*10 3)*1.5*1.1=371.346*10 3 kJ.

Where Q 1 is the amount of heat for heating buildings and greenhouses, kcal/h.

Q 1 - the same, for technical needs;

K 1 – coefficient taking into account heat losses in the network (approximately K = 1.15);

K 2 – coefficient providing for an addition for unaccounted heat costs, K = 1.10 is taken.

8.8 Calculation of the need for warehouse space.

A set of issues related to the organization of warehousing includes determining stocks of materials and calculating the area of ​​warehouses.

Material stocks

Where Q is the amount of material required to perform this type of work;

T – estimated duration of work, days;

n – material stock rate (when transporting material by road, it is assumed to be 2-5 days);

K – coefficient taking into account uneven supply, taken equal to 1.2.

P 1 =(1597.1/64)*3*1.2=89

The required warehouse area is determined based on the expression:

S=(P/r*K II)*n*K,

Where P is the amount of material to be stored;

r – storage rate of material per 1 m 2 area;

K II – coefficient taking into account passes.

S=(27/6*0.5)*3*1.2=32.4 m 2

Name of materials Unit Change Need Storage norm per 1m2 The coefficient teaches.
Warehouses general we store View
Square Small prefabricated reinforced concrete elements 0,4 0,5 m 3 32,4
open Small prefabricated reinforced concrete elements 0,7 0,5 m 3 37,6
Bricks Steel pipes 433,5 0,5-0,8 0,6 m 3
T Steel pipes 1,6-1,8 0,6 Armature
canopy Ruberoid 1 roll - 20m 2 Weight 24 kg. 15-22 0,5 7,2
rub. Small prefabricated reinforced concrete elements 929,5 3-4 0,7 m 3 10,28
Gravel, crushed stone Small prefabricated reinforced concrete elements 643,5 3-4 0,7 m 3 10,28

Slag, sand

· the total duration of construction of the facility should not exceed established standards (SNiP. 1.04.03.-85) or guidelines;

· the intensity of use of leading types of production resources at the facility (maximum number of workers per day, number of workers in leading professions per day, number of driving machines, daily need for non-stored materials, for example, concrete, electricity, etc.) should not exceed established limits. If the options do not satisfy the listed restrictions, they are discarded or improved. Improvement

can be done by changing:

ü interconnection of works;

ü number of grips; ü technology and consistency;

carrying out construction and installation works ü the number of labor and;

technical resources

ü deadlines for completing individual organizationally related work within the time reserves, etc. Options that satisfy the above restrictions are evaluated primarily by uniformity of use labor resources . For this purpose, a usage schedule is built under the construction and installation work schedule work force

by calendar days of construction. Average number of workers

on construction and installation work is determined by the formula

where Q PR is the total design labor intensity of the construction of the facility

(total area of ​​the labor force utilization schedule), person-days;

t – duration of construction, days.

3rd shift N

2nd shift N

The general schedule for the use of labor must be divided into parts in accordance with the accepted shift of work (Fig. 4). This technique allows you to determine the average quantity in different work shifts.

An indicator assessing the degree of uniformity in the use of labor is unevenness coefficient:


where N MAX is the maximum number of workers according to the diagram

use of labor resources (see Fig. 4), people.

The coefficient of uneven use of labor should not exceed 1.5-1.7 for the conditions of new industrial construction and 1.7-2.0 for the conditions of reconstruction of existing enterprises.

Similar types of graphs can be constructed separately for groups of workers in leading professions. The coefficient of uneven use of workers in leading professions should not exceed 1.15 - 1.20.

The most rational option should be considered the option of organizing the construction of a facility, in which the labor intensity and cost of construction and installation work will be minimal. IN course project As a criterion for the rationality of the calendar plan and the corresponding option for organizing the construction of a facility, one should take the indicator of uneven use of labor (K NEP - min, taking into account all restrictions on the duration of construction, intensity and timing of resource consumption, etc.).

The calculated version of the linear calendar plan for the construction of the facility, obtained after optimization, satisfying the specified criteria, is drawn on the sheet.

1. Calculation of the number of construction personnel.

The list of workers at the construction site includes workers directly involved in the construction process, as well as in transport and service facilities. The basis for calculating the composition of construction personnel is the general movement schedule of workers. The maximum number of workers (determined according to the calendar) schedule is 85% of the total number of personnel employed in construction per shift.

The number of office workers, engineering and technical workers and junior workers is taken to be 2%, 8% and 5%, respectively, of the total number of workers employed in construction per shift. The total number of personnel employed in construction is determined by the formula:

Ntotal=(Nmax*100) /85=(73*100) /85=86 people.

NITR=0.08*N=0.08*86=7 people.

Nservice=0.02*N=0.02*86=2 people.

NMOP=0.05*N=0.05*86=4 people.

2. Determination of the need and selection of types of inventory buildings.

The basis for selecting the nomenclature and calculating the need for space in inventory administrative and cultural and social temporary buildings is the duration of construction of this facility and the number of construction personnel.

In the process of forming inventory buildings, it is necessary to determine their quantity and quality characteristics, which should

satisfy construction conditions at any time, as well as specified restrictions.

The number of workers is calculated as follows:

for the proslavery

Nforeman =0.5*(NITR+NMOP) =0.5*(7+4) =5.5=6

for sanitary premises:

Nsanitary life = 0.7*Nmax + 0.8* (NITR + NMOP” + Nservice) =0.7*73+0.8*(7+4+2) =61.5=62

for dressing room

Table 1. Calculation of inventory buildings.

Number of staff Norm for 1 person Estimated area, m2
Unit The value of the indicator
Construction office (foreman) 6 m2 4 24
Checkpoint m2 - 10
Wardrobe 73 m2 0,6 43,8
Shower room 62 24
Warming room for workers 62 m2 0,1 6,2
Clothes drying room 62 m2 0,2 12,4
Dining room 73 m2 1,0 73
Toilet 73 15
Health center m2 12 12

Table 2 Explication of inventory buildings

Name of inventory buildings

Estimated area,

Dimensions in plan, m Number of buildings

Accepted area

Construct hr-ka Typical design used
Proslavery 24 3.1x8.5 1 24,3 Forward PK-5
Checkpoint 10 2.3x5.5 1 11,5 Forward Orgtekhstroy Ministry of Construction Lit. USSR
Wardrobe 43,8 2.9x8.8 2 47,6 Forward Trest Leningradorgstroy
Shower room 24 3.1x8.5 1 24,3 Forward PD-4
Warming room for workers and drying room 18,6 2.7x9.0 1 22,0 Cont. UTS 420-01-13
Dining room 73 6.9x12.0 1 75,5 Cont. UTS 420-04-33
Toilet 15 2.8x8.2 1 21,5 Forward SAT
Health center 12 2.7x6.0 1 14,3 Cont. UGS 420-04-23

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This lesson aims to determine the duration of each process and the number of workers employed at the site.

Determining the number of people on a calendar plan

When compiling, for each cycle it is necessary to select workers who will perform it. To do this, the recommended composition of the link from the calculation is combined with other compositions (when combining related work). For example, if for one job you need a 3rd grade mason. - 2 people

And for others: mason 4p - 1 person, 3p - 1 person, crane operator 4p - 1 person, carpenter 4p - 1 person, 2p - 2 people. mason 4p - 1 person, 2p - 1 person.

Then in one link you can include: mason 4p - 1 person, 3 jobs - 2 people, 2p - 1 person, carpenter 4p - 1 person, 2p - 2 people. It is important to note that sometimes all workers from the calculation are not included in the link. For example, one assistant can replace another, etc.

If the number of people in the team cannot complete the work in short term, then it is advisable to take the number of people as a multiple of the normative one, for example, as in our example, not 7, but 14.

Duration of cycles on the calendar plan

Let us explain what is in the picture: we posted it in new leaf. We calculated labor intensity in hours and days in the same way as calculation. However, now it is necessary to calculate the accepted labor intensity, and this is done very simply: 10-15% is subtracted from the standard, divided by the number of workers. The resulting number is days, the time it takes to complete the construction cycle, rounded up and multiplied again by the number of people. Thus, we find the accepted complexity.

Attention! The accepted labor intensity should be less than the standard by no more than 15%.



The standard structure and standards for the number of engineering and technical workers and employees are intended for use in construction, installation, repair and construction departments and self-supporting areas of the industry.

The development of a standard structure and headcount standards is based on:

guidelines and regulations for the development of regulatory materials of the Labor Research Institute;

results of the analysis of technical and economic indicators and the state of labor organization and production management of construction, installation and repair and construction organizations;

technical calculations using methods of mathematical statistics;

collection "Typical structure and standards for the number of engineers and employees of construction, installation and repair and construction organizations of the oil industry." - M., VNIIOENG, 1978.

The standard structure and standards for the number of employees are established for the management staff and production divisions of construction, repair and construction departments and self-supporting areas.

The headcount standards are calculated by establishing its relationship with the main standard-setting factors for the following management functions arising from the content and nature of the work performed by engineering and technical workers and employees of the management apparatus of construction, installation and repair and construction departments.

I. General guidance

II. Production and technical.

III. Occupational health and safety.

IV. Repair and energy services.

V. Technical and economic planning.

VI. Organization of labor and wages.

VII. Accounting and financial activities.

VIII. Logistics.

IX. Selection, placement and training of personnel.

X. Office work and business services.

XI. Design and organizational (design and estimate) work.

Standards for the number of production (line) personnel in areas of industrial construction, civil engineering, electrical installation work, auxiliary production, etc. are presented by the total number for each division depending on the performance indicators of the work performed.

The standards for the number of engineers and employees of the management apparatus (N) are determined separately for each function depending on the following standard-setting factors:

The annual volume of work performed on our own, taking into account the correction factors for the types of work provided for by Decree of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated March 16, 1971 N 88/8 for classifying organizations into the group for remuneration of management and engineering workers. Amounts attributable to regional coefficients for wages, northern allowances and costs for procurement and warehouse work, million rubles;

- annual volume of work on general contracting (management or self-supporting area), taking into account correction factors for types of work, minus the volumes attributable to regional wage coefficients, northern allowances and costs for procurement and warehouse work, million rubles.

If SMU (RSU) does not perform general contract work, then the factor is accepted.

- the annual volume of work of the site, carried out on its own, taking into account correction factors for types of work, minus the volumes attributable to regional wage coefficients, northern allowances and costs for procurement and warehouse work, million rubles;

- cost of machinery and mechanisms on the management balance sheet, thousand rubles;

- total number working in management, people;

- number of workers in management, people;

- number of site workers, people;

- number of areas under management, units.

The standard number is determined by formulas. When receiving a fractional value, values ​​of 0.5 or more are rounded to the nearest whole number, and values ​​less than 0.5 are discarded.

The standard number for the management as a whole (SMU, RSU, SU, etc.) is determined by summing up the corresponding standard values on management functions and production areas designed for planned volumes of work.

If individual indicators are not planned, their actual values ​​for the year are accepted.

The number of employees engaged in performing the functions of labor regulation and accounting in production divisions (sites) is provided for by the standards for the number of management personnel.

If in management as a result high level labor organization and production management, the implementation of the production plan is carried out by a smaller number of engineering and technical workers and employees than provided for by these standards, the number should not increase.

The standard structure and standards do not provide for the number of road construction (road repair) departments and road sections included in the construction, repair and construction departments, as well as mechanized works departments.

The following are not covered by the regulations: structural units, groups and positions included in the construction, installation and repair departments: security personnel, housing services, motorcade (garage), gamma flaw detection laboratories, industrial gymnastics instructors, civil defense workers, cleaners office premises, couriers.

The number of guards is set within the approved labor limits for this category of workers. The number of personnel at communication centers is established depending on the availability of communication means (switchboard, teletype, walkie-talkie) within the labor plan. The number of civil defense workers is determined on the basis of the relevant Regulations, and the number of industrial gymnastics instructors and methodologists is determined in accordance with the resolution of the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of April 22, 1956.

The names of positions in the collection are established in accordance with the current reference books: "Qualification directory of employee positions." - M.: Research Institute of Labor, 1979 and current schemes official salaries, provided for by Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of December 29, 1968 N 1045.


Name of structural divisions

Annual volume of construction and installation work in million rubles.

from 1.9 to 3.2

from 1.2 to 1.9



Chief Engineer

Deputy Chief


Production and technical


Planned production (in the absence of production, technical and planned)

Labor and wages


Production divisions

Construction, construction and installation, repair and construction sites

Ancillary production

When establishing the structure of the management apparatus of construction, installation and repair and construction organizations, it is necessary to be guided by the following conditions:

departments of the management apparatus of construction, installation and repair and construction organizations are created with a staff of at least four people, including the head of the department;

if there is a production need, related or related functions may be combined in one department if the number of each of them is less than the established minimum for creating a department;

if the department provided for by the standard structure is not created, specialists of this profile are provided in other departments or under management;

the position of deputy head of the department is provided for if the planned annual volume of work performed on its own is over 2.5 million rubles;

the position of deputy head of a department is introduced if there are at least seven employees in the department, and at least five in the accounting department;

if the number of engineers and employees by function is four or more people, and the standard structure does not provide for a department, the creation of a department due to production needs is permitted with the permission of a higher organization.


1. General guidance

Job titles: chief, Chief Engineer, deputy chief.

Number standards for the annual volume of work performed on our own (), million rubles: up to 2.5 - 2 units; over 2.5 - 3 units.

2. Production and technical

Job titles: department head, senior engineer, engineer, technician.

Number standards:

Number of employees (), people.

Amount of work performed in-house (), million rubles.

3. Occupational health and safety

Job titles: Senior Occupational Health and Safety Engineer, Occupational Health and Safety Engineer.