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Development of measures to reduce the harmful effects of dust at the LLC Standard company. Measures to reduce dust in the air Medical examination of workers at enterprises at risk of occupational respiratory diseases

Figure 2.1 - Protective and dust removal casing Figure 2.2 - Dust collector

for drilling machines

Technological equipment, in particular metalworking machines, are equipped with dust collectors; the design of which is shown in Fig. 1.2

Organizational. Time protection when exposed to aerosols of predominantly fibrogenic action (APFD). To assess the possibility of continuing work in specific working conditions, and to calculate the permissible length of work in these working conditions (for newly hired workers), it is necessary to compare actual and control levels of dust load.

In the case where the actual payload does not exceed the payload, the possibility of continuing work under the same conditions is confirmed.

If the CIT is exceeded, it is necessary to calculate the length of service (T1), at which the CIT will not exceed the CIT. In this case, it is recommended to determine the CIT for an average working experience of 25 years. In cases where the duration of work is more than 25 years, the calculation should be made based on the actual length of service.

where T1 is the permissible work experience in the given conditions;

KPN25 - control dust load for 25 years of operation in compliance with maximum permissible concentrations;

K - actual average shift dust concentration;

N - number of shifts in calendar year;

Q is the volume of pulmonary ventilation per shift.

In this case, the value of K is taken as a weighted average value for all periods of work:

where K1 - Kn - actual average shift concentrations for individual periods of work;

t1 - tn - periods of operation during which the actual dust concentrations were constant.

The Q value is calculated similarly to the K value.

In the event of a change in dust levels in the air of a work area or category of work (volume of pulmonary ventilation per shift), the actual dust load is calculated as the sum of the actual dust loads for each period when the indicated indicators were constant. When calculating the control dust load, changes in the category of work over different periods of time are also taken into account.

Sanitary and hygienic measures. Internal surfaces walls, floors and other enclosures of work areas where dust may be emitted must be lined with smooth building material, allowing you to easily remove and sometimes wash off settled dust.

Dust should be removed either wet or by aspiration (industrial vacuum cleaners or suction into a vacuum line).

Therapeutic and preventive measures: medical examinations, periodic (at least 2 times a year) x-ray monitoring of the condition of the lungs of all persons whose profession involves inhaling industrial dusts. If the initial stage of silicosis or tuberculosis is detected, the patient should be transferred from work associated with exposure to dust and sent to a sanatorium, where timely treatment can begin. Patients with initial forms of silicosis must be registered at the dispensary, and after they leave work associated with dust, they must continue to be monitored to prevent the development of late silicosis and silicotuberculosis.

The main task periodic inspections– timely detection of the early stages of the disease and prevention of the development of pneumoconiosis, determination of professional suitability and implementation of the most effective treatment and preventive measures. The timing of inspections depends on the type of production, profession and dust content. Examinations by a therapist and an otolaryngologist are carried out once every 12 or 24 months, depending on the type of dust, with mandatory chest radiography and large-frame fluorography.

Among the preventive measures aimed at increasing the body's reactivity and resistance to dust damage to the lungs, UV irradiation is most effective in inhibiting sclerotic processes. Alkaline inhalations that help sanitize the upper respiratory tract, breathing exercises that improve the function of external respiration, a diet with the addition of methionine and vitamins.

Indicators of the effectiveness of anti-dust measures are a decrease in dust levels and a decrease in the incidence of occupational lung diseases.

Personal protective equipment against dust. In cases where measures to reduce dust concentration do not reduce dust in the work area to acceptable limits, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment. TO individual means protection includes dust respirators, safety glasses, and special dust-proof clothing. The choice of one or another respiratory protection device is made depending on the type of harmful substances and their concentration. The respiratory organs are protected with filtering and isolating devices. The most widely used respirator is the “Petal” type.

Figure 3.1 - Petal-type respirator

To protect the eyes, use closed or open glasses. Closed-type glasses with durable safety glasses are used for machining metals (cutting, chasing, hand riveting, etc.). For processes accompanied by the formation of small and solid particles and dust, metal splashes, closed glasses with sides or masks with a screen are recommended. In Fig. 3.1, 3.3 show some types of glasses.

Figure 3.2 - Models of eye protection glasses with and without shields

Figure 3.3 - Examples of closed glasses for eye protection

From workwear, dust-proof overalls are used: women's and men's with helmets for performing work associated with large formation of non-toxic dust, suits - men's and women's with helmets (Fig. 3.4).

According to GOST 29057-91 “Men’s suits for protection against non-toxic dust. Specifications" and GOST 29058-91 "Women's suits for protection against non-toxic dust. Technical specifications" for the manufacture of overalls and helmets, bleached and plain-dyed molexin is used

Figure 3.4 - Anti-dust suits - male and female with helmets



Time protection.

One of the measures to limit the impact of harmful dust on the human body is time protection.

The main indicator for assessing the degree of impact of APFD on a worker’s respiratory organs is the dust load.

Actual average shift concentration of metal dust at turner workplaces (2 workplaces) K = 5.6 mg/m3: MPC = 4 mg/m3.

The dust load (DL) on a worker’s respiratory system is the real or predicted value of the total exposure dose of dust that the worker inhales over the entire period of actual (or expected) professional contact with dust.

The dust load on the respiratory organs of workers (2 turners) is calculated based on the actual average shift concentrations of APPD in the air of the working area, the volume of pulmonary ventilation (depending on the severity of work) and the duration of contact with dust:

PN = KNTQ, mg

where K is the actual average shift dust concentration in the worker’s breathing zone, mg/m; K = 5.6 mg/m3;

N is the number of work shifts worked in a calendar year under conditions of exposure to APFD; N = 248 shifts;

T - number of years of contact with APFD;

turner 1 – T = 5 years;

turner 2 – T = 8 years;

Q is the volume of pulmonary ventilation per shift, m. It is recommended to use the following average values ​​of pulmonary ventilation volumes, which depend on the level of energy levels and, accordingly, the categories of work in accordance with SanPiN (“Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises”); for work of category IIa-IIb Q = 7 m.

PN = 5.624857 = 48608 mg

PN = 5.624887 = 77772.8 mg

The obtained values ​​of the actual DP are compared with the value of the control dust load (CPL), which is understood as the dust load formed under the condition that the average shift MPC of dust is observed during the entire period of professional contact with the factor.

Control dust load for the same period:

CPN = MPCcc NTQ, mg

where MDCSS is the maximum permissible average shift concentration of dust, mg/m3

For turner 1:

CPN = 424857 = 34720 mg

For turner 2:

CPN = 424887 = 55552 mg

The multiple of excess of control dust loads indicates the class of hazardous working conditions according to the factor – dust. We calculate the amount of excess of the CIT.

For turner 1:

For turner 2:

The class of working conditions is determined in accordance with R 2.2.2006-05.

Table 3.1 - Classes of working conditions depending on the content in the air of the working area of ​​aerosols of predominantly fibrogenic action (APFA) and dust loads on the respiratory system (multiplicity of excess of MPC and CPN)


Class of working conditions



Highly and moderately fibrogenic APFD*; dusts containing natural (asbestos, zeolites) and artificial (glass, ceramic, carbon, etc.) mineral fibers

Low-fibrogenic APFD**

* Highly and moderately fibrogenic dusts (MPC 2 mg/m).

** Slightly fibrogenic dusts (MPC 2 mg/m).

*** Organic dust in concentrations exceeding 200-400 mg/m poses a fire and explosion hazard.

The class of working conditions for a turner is 3.1, i.e. working conditions are characterized by such deviations in the levels of harmful factors from hygienic standards that cause functional changes that are restored, as a rule, with a longer interruption of contact with harmful factors (than at the beginning of the next shift) and increase the risk of harm to health.

d) We determine the control dust load for the period of 25-year contact with the factor (CPN25):

CPN25 = 4248257 = 173600 mg

e) We determine the permissible work experience in these conditions using the formula:

T = KPN25/ (KNQ), years

T = 173600 / (5.62487) = 17.9 years

Thus, the permissible work experience of a turner under these conditions is 17.9 years.

A turner’s work experience is 1 – 5 years, which means that he can work in this profession for no more than 12.9 years

A turner’s work experience is 2–8 years, which means that he can work in this profession for no more than 9.9 years.

Technical events

We suggest using local ventilation.

Let us determine the amount of air required to continuously remove dust from the cutting tool. We carry out calculations according to

gb=gc / kg/h,

where Gc is the amount of chips separated from the workpiece - Gc, kg/h (machine time); because We do not have the opportunity to measure this value directly at the turner’s workplace (2 workplaces), then we take Gc = 110 kg/h in the calculation;

Mixture concentration, kg/kg, take 1, according to ;

gb=110 / 0.6 = 184 kg/h,

Let's determine the minimum volume of air required to transport chips at one workplace:

LВ=GB/B, m3/h

where B is the specific mass of air at the temperature of the transported mixture, kg/m3, take 1.2 kg/m3, according to.

LВ=184 /1.2 = 154 m3/h

Since there are two workplaces, then LВ = 154 2 = 308 m3/h.

We choose an electrostatic filter FVU-2400, the technical characteristics of which are presented in Table 3.2

Table 3.2 - Specifications, operational parameters and overall dimensions of FVU-2400

Technical characteristics of FVU-2400

Parameters of FVU-2400

Productivity, m³/hour,

Size of captured particles, microns,

Degree of purification for solid particles, %, not less

Active filtering surface, m²

Weight, kg, no more

Overall dimensions, mm

Number of serviced posts

Installed power, kVA, no more

Type of supply current

AC three-phase

Current frequency, Hz

Voltage, V

Control circuit voltage, V

Voltage at the corona electrode, V

Voltage at the collecting electrode, V

Corrected sound level
power, dB, no more

Vibration characteristics

Do not exceed the limits
values ​​for category 3 type
"a" according to GOST 12.1.012-90

Supply type electrical network And
grounding systems

TN-C-S by

Prevention should be carried out in a number of areas and includes:

a) hygienic standards;

b) planning;

c) technological measures;

d) organizational;

e) sanitary and technical;

f) personal protective equipment;

g) therapeutic and preventive measures.

Hygienic standardization. The basis for carrying out measures to combat industrial dust is hygienic standards.

The basis for carrying out dust control measures is hygienic standards. The requirement to comply with the maximum permissible concentrations established by GOST is the main one in the implementation of preventive and routine sanitary supervision. Systematic monitoring of the dust level is carried out by sanitary and epidemiological surveillance laboratories and factory sanitary and chemical laboratories. The administration of enterprises is responsible for maintaining conditions that prevent an increase in the maximum permissible concentration of dust in the air.

Regulation dust content in the air is carried out depending on its chemical composition. Sanitary rules provide permissible levels for more than 130 types of various industrial aerosols. Maximum permissible concentrations for dusts of various chemical compositions are established according to the lowest threshold of biological effect. For toxic aerosols, they are set depending on the degree of toxicity. For non-toxic aerosols - depending on the content of free silicon dioxide. Dust dispersion is taken into account when justifying maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) in accordance with Methodological recommendations Ministry of Health of the USSR “Substantiation of the maximum permissible concentration of aerosols in the working area” No. 2673-83. IN various countries the upper limits of the “respirable” fraction are 5,7,10 microns, etc. In Russia, hygienic regulations for dust content are established by weight (mg/m3). Considering that among aerosols of predominantly fibrogenic action (APFA), the most aggressive is dust containing free silicon dioxide, the maximum permissible concentration of such dusts, depending on its percentage, is 2 mg/m 3 (up to 70%) and 1 mg/m 3 (over 70 %). For other types of dust, MPCs are set from 2 to 10 mg/m3. The requirement to comply with established MPCs is fundamental in the implementation of preventive and ongoing sanitary supervision. In accordance with the hygienic standards “Maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of harmful substances in the air of the working area,” the maximum permissible concentrations of substances related to aerosols of fibrogenic action are average shift values ​​(MAC ss). APPD should be monitored based on shift average concentrations (Kss). At the same time, the list of maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances for some APFD also indicates the maximum single concentration.

Ксс – aerosol concentration, determined based on the results of continuous or discrete sampling in the breathing zone of workers or the working area for a period of time equal to at least 75% of the shift duration, during main and auxiliary technological operations, as well as breaks in work, taking into account their duration during the shift.

These concentrations are determined according to the frequency medical examinations, as well as when changing technological process, sanitary devices.

The class of working conditions and the degree of hazard during professional contact with APFD are determined based on the actual values ​​of K ss APFD and the multiplicity of excess of the maximum permissible concentration ss (Table 4).

Table 4

Classes of working conditions depending on the content of APFD in the air of the working area, dusts containing natural and artificial fibers, and dust loads on the respiratory system

7. Prevention of diseases resulting from inhaled dust

Effective prevention of occupational dust diseases involves legislative measures, technological measures, sanitary and hygienic measures, personal protective equipment and therapeutic and preventive measures.

Legislative events

The main legislative document regulating measures to improve working conditions is GOST 12.1.005--76 "Air in the working area. General sanitary and hygienic requirements." This document establishes the levels of maximum permissible concentrations of dust in the air of the working area, i.e., those at which the possibility of developing not only pneumoconiosis, but also dust diseases of the respiratory tract in general is not allowed. The MPC values ​​of dust in the air of the working area, depending on the chemical composition, biological activity and other factors, range from 1 to 10 mg/m3.

Technical and sanitary measures

Measures of this kind are crucial in the prevention of dust diseases, as they are aimed at eliminating the causes of dust entering the air.

In some cases, it is possible to achieve complete elimination of dust formation by streamlining the technological process. For example, by using a wet method of crushing, grinding, and mixing materials, dust formation can be completely eliminated during these processes in the production of silica bricks, cement, metlakh tiles and some other industries.

Rationalization of the technological process when cleaning castings by using metal shot instead of sand sharply reduces dust formation, and the use of hydro- or hydro-sand cleaning completely eliminates the formation of dust.

The main requirement for combating dust in a factory environment is, first of all, the mechanization of all dust processes: crushing, grinding, sifting, mixing bulk solids, transportation, packaging, etc. With mechanization, it is possible to stop and remove dust at the point of its formation. Stopping dusting processes is carried out by using a cover for dusting equipment with air suction from under the cover, due to which a vacuum is created that prevents the release of dust in the atmosphere of the room.

The introduction of continuous processes instead of periodic ones is of great importance in the fight against dust formation. For example, periodic loading of bulk solids is always accompanied by greater dust emissions than continuous loading. It is also important that in a continuous process it is easy to apply automatic control, which does not require the presence of people in places where dust is generated.

If technologically possible, dust suppression is carried out by sprinkling materials with water by spraying it with special nozzles or humidification with water vapor. Water vapor is used only in shelters, while water irrigation can be used both in shelters and open method for wetting materials, for example, in coal preparation crushing and screening factories, etc.

An essential point in the fight against dust in production is the organization of the correct operation of sanitary installations and systematic monitoring of indoor air pollution with dust.

Methods for controlling dust during underground work at mining enterprises are somewhat different from those used in factory conditions.

Radical ways to combat dust during mining are primarily the rationalization of the technological process, machinery, and methods of extracting minerals.

Hydraulic mining and hydrotransport of coal completely eliminate dust formation. Coal mining without people in the face (remote control of machines) saves people from inhaling dust. Systems for extracting ore by caving in large blocks, the use of cutting mechanisms and drill bits operating on the principle of large chipping, dramatically reduce dust formation.

The main means of preventing the formation of dust and suppressing dust suspended in the air during mining operations is the use of water. Currently, drilling is carried out everywhere and the borehole is flushed with water. Adding certain substances to water increases its wetting properties. Wet drilling reduces air dust levels by 10-50 times. Particularly effective is the simultaneous irrigation of water on combines and the moistening of coal layers in the massif.

Medical and preventive measures

Preliminary and periodic medical examinations of workers are of great importance in the prevention of dust diseases.

Preliminary medical examinations of workers are carried out in order to prevent persons with health problems from entering work involving exposure to dust. In this case, you must follow the list medical contraindications for employment in production areas that generate dust. The purpose of periodic medical examinations in deadlines is the early determination of the effect of dust on the body and the detection of diseases such as pneumoconiosis and silicotuberculosis. Identified patients are transferred to another job that is not accompanied by dust emissions, and they are provided with dispensary observation.

Individual preventive measures include the installation of inhalers for the prevention and treatment of the upper respiratory tract by inhalation (usually alkaline solutions).

Biological silicosis prevention measures are becoming important.

Deep inhalation of aerosols of alkaline solutions is used. The effectiveness of this measure has been experimentally proven.

Irradiation with ultraviolet rays in a suberythemal dose is being widely introduced. The beneficial effect of ultraviolet rays is explained by the normalization of the body's reactivity.

It has been experimentally shown that a predominantly protein diet delays the development of silicosis in animals. Creating a specific regimen and diet for miners is very useful for the prevention of silicosis.

In recent years, the effectiveness of a number of polymers has been shown, the introduction of which into the body prevents the development of silicosis.

Individual preventive measures also include dust respirators. The most widespread are respirators with paper filters with a large surface area for inhaling air. For underground mining, a moisture-resistant paper filter is used. The Petal respirator is widely used. Safety glasses are used to protect the eyes from damage from dust particles.

Finally, to prevent skin diseases, in particular pyoderma, it is necessary to maintain personal hygiene. Washing your body every day in the shower after work is very effective in this regard. Very important event is workwear made of dust-proof fabric and appropriate cut to prevent dust from penetrating under clothing. Systematic washing of workwear is mandatory, since if it gets dirty it can cause pyoderma.

Prevention of occupational diseases among pharmacy workers

A major role in improving the working conditions of pharmacy workers is played by sanitary facilities: air conditioning systems, adequate lighting, timely supply of cold and hot water, a rational ventilation system that allows timely removal of gaseous impurities and dust from the air of production premises, as well as not polluting the air of administrative premises. and household rooms.

An important preventive measure is the correct layout of premises. Their relative position should ensure the impossibility of the penetration of polluted air from one room to another. Thus, the aseptic unit should be located far from the washing, assistant, and packaging rooms, and the administrative premises should be isolated from the production ones.

It is necessary to use minor mechanization of such heavy and labor-intensive processes as packaging liquids from large containers to small ones, filtering, sifting, grinding, etc. This reduces the contact of drug dust on the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory tract. Thus, for grinding solid medicinal substances, instead of mortars, the use of which causes large dust emissions, small-sized devices of various designs have been proposed, in particular a mill designed by Islamgulov. To dispense powders, a DP-2 dispenser is used. For packaging powders, capping bottles, and packaging liquids in small containers, it is necessary to use semi-automatic machines that significantly reduce the contact of workers with harmful substances.

The use of personal protective equipment for the respiratory system and skin is mandatory. Particular care must be taken when working with potent drugs and poisons. You must not violate the rules of personal hygiene; you must wash your hands thoroughly after working with toxic substances. It is prohibited to eat in production premises, especially in the assistant's room and storerooms.

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In the USSR, the prevention of occupational diseases is state task regulated by general and special government regulations, orders and instructions of individual departments.

Measures to prevent diseases arising from exposure to dust can be divided into three groups: 1) technological and technical; 2) sanitary and technical; 3) medical and preventive.

Technical and sanitary measures include measures mainly aimed at eliminating the causes of diseases, i.e., combating the formation and spread of dust. Medical and preventive measures are mainly in the nature of personal prevention.

Technical and sanitary measures

Measures of this kind are crucial in the prevention of dust diseases, as they are aimed at eliminating the causes of dust entering the air.

In some cases, it is possible to achieve complete elimination of dust formation by streamlining the technological process. For example, by using a wet method of crushing, grinding, and mixing materials, dust formation can be completely eliminated during these processes in the production of silica bricks, fireclay products, cement, metlakh tiles and some other industries.

Rationalization of the technological process when cleaning castings by using metal shot instead of sand sharply reduces dust formation, and the use of hydro- or hydro-sand cleaning completely eliminates the formation of dust.

The main requirement for combating dust in a factory environment is, first of all, the mechanization of all dust processes: crushing, grinding, sifting, mixing bulk solids, transportation, packaging, etc. With mechanization, it is possible to stop and remove dust at the point of its formation. Stopping dusting processes is carried out by using a cover for dusting equipment with air suction from under the cover, due to which a vacuum is created that prevents the release of dust in the atmosphere of the room.

The introduction of continuous processes instead of periodic ones is of great importance in the fight against dust formation. For example, periodic loading of bulk solids is always accompanied by greater dust emissions than continuous loading. It is also important that with a continuous process it is easy to use automatic control, which does not require the presence of people in places where dust is generated.

If technologically possible, dust suppression is carried out by sprinkling materials with water by spraying it with special nozzles or humidification with water vapor. Water vapor is used only in shelters, and water irrigation can be used both in shelters and in an open way to wet materials, for example, in coal preparation crushing and screening factories, etc.

An essential point in the fight against dust in production is the organization of proper operation of sanitary installations and systematic monitoring of indoor air pollution with dust.

Methods for controlling dust during underground work at mining enterprises are somewhat different from those used in factory conditions.

Radical ways to combat dust during mining operations are, first of all, rationalization of the technological process, machinery, and methods of extracting minerals.

Hydraulic mining and hydrotransport of coal completely eliminate dust formation. Coal mining without people in the face (remote control of machines) saves people from inhaling dust. Systems for extracting ore by caving in large blocks, the use of cutting mechanisms and drill bits operating on the principle of large chipping, dramatically reduce dust formation.

The main means of preventing the formation of dust and suppressing dust suspended in the air during mining operations is the use of water. Currently, drilling is carried out everywhere and the borehole is flushed with water. Adding certain substances to water increases its wetting properties. Wet drilling reduces air dust levels by 10-50 times. Particularly effective is the simultaneous irrigation of water on combines and the moistening of coal layers in the massif.

Medical and preventive measures

Preliminary and periodic medical examinations of workers are of great importance in the prevention of dust diseases.

Preliminary medical examinations of workers are carried out in order to prevent persons with health problems from entering work involving exposure to dust. In this case, it is necessary to follow the list of medical contraindications for employment in industries associated with the emission of dust. The purpose of periodic medical examinations at a scheduled time is to early determine the effect of dust on the body and detect diseases such as pneumoconiosis and silicotuberculosis. Identified patients are transferred to another job that is not accompanied by dust emissions, and they are provided with dispensary observation.

Individual preventive measures include the installation of inhalers for the prevention and treatment of the upper respiratory tract by inhalation (usually alkaline solutions).

Currently important take measures to prevent silicosis that are biological in nature.

1. Deep inhalation of aerosols of alkaline solutions is used. The effectiveness of this measure has been experimentally proven.

2. Irradiation with ultraviolet rays in a suberythemal dose is being widely introduced. The beneficial effect of ultraviolet rays is explained by the normalization of the body's reactivity.

3. It has been experimentally shown that predominantly protein nutrition delays the development of silicosis in animals. Creating a specific regimen and diet for miners is very useful for the prevention of silicosis.

4. In recent years, the effectiveness of a number of polymers has been shown, the introduction of which into the body prevents the development of silicosis.

Individual preventive measures also include dust respirators. The most widespread are respirators with paper filters with a large surface area for inhaling air. For underground mining, a moisture-resistant paper filter is used. Currently, the Petal respirator is widely used. Safety glasses are used to protect the eyes from damage from dust particles.

Finally, to prevent skin diseases, in particular pyoderma, it is necessary to maintain personal hygiene. Washing your body every day in the shower after work is very effective in this regard. A very important step is to wear protective clothing made from dust-proof fabric and appropriately cut to prevent dust from penetrating under clothing. Systematic washing of workwear is mandatory, since if it gets dirty it can cause pyoderma.

The fight against dust in production and the prevention of diseases developing from exposure to aerosols is carried out by a complex of sanitary-hygienic, technological, organizational and medical-biological measures.

The basis for dust control measures is hygienic regulation of the content of aerosols in the air of the working area. So, for example, for aerosols that can cause severe pneumoconiosis, the MPC does not exceed 1...2 mg/m 3 ; for aerosols that have a moderate fibrogenic effect - 4... 6 mg/m 3, for aerosols with slight fibrogenic effect - 8... 10 mg/m 3. The level of permissible dust content with a pronounced toxic effect for most substances is significantly less than 1 mg/m3. Currently, maximum permissible concentrations have been established for more than 100 types of dust that have a fibrogenic effect.

Technological measures are the most effective in combating the formation and spread of dust. These include:

Introduction of continuous production technology, in which there are no manual operations;

Automation and mechanization of processes accompanied by dust emissions;

Rationalization of the technological process, processing of dusty materials in a wet state, for example, the introduction of wet drilling in mining and coal industry(drilling with flushing the channel with water);

Remote control;

Installation of local ventilation suction, exhaust or supply and exhaust ventilation. Dust is removed directly from dust generation areas. Before being released into the atmosphere, dusty air is cleaned using dust collectors of various designs.

For example, common types Works during which there is intense air pollution with dust include transportation, loading, unloading and packaging of dry, dusty materials. Improving working conditions in these processes is achieved by switching to closed methods of transportation and mechanization of individual operations. Pneumatic transport, i.e. movement of materials through pipes using compressed air, sealing of equipment for loading and unloading operations, modern machine methods of filling and packaging finished products- all this is widely used in many industries and gives a good hygienic effect.

Shortened working hours have been established for mining workers, additional leave, retirement at age 50. Time protection is used when working in dusty conditions. In accordance with Russian labor legislation, persons under 20 years of age are not allowed to work in underground conditions, since pneumoconiosis at a young age develops earlier and is more severe. It is mandatory to conduct pre-employment and periodic medical examinations. Contraindications to employment associated with exposure to dust are all forms of tuberculosis, chronic diseases of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, eyes, and skin.

Personal protective equipment - respirators, special helmets and spacesuits with clean air supplied into them are used in cases where it is not possible to reduce the dust content of the air in the work area to acceptable limits by more radical technological measures. Personal protective equipment against dust also includes safety glasses, special anti-dust clothing, protective pastes and ointments.

Medical and biological measures are aimed at increasing the resistance of the human body and accelerating the removal of dust from it.

Resistance to the development of dust damage increases with ultraviolet irradiation in fotariums, the use of alkaline inhalations and special nutrition.