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Scenarios for the autumn holiday in a preschool institution. Scenario for the holiday “to visit autumn” in the preparatory group of a kindergarten

In September-October 2019, kindergartens will host the Autumn Festival. Decorate the room with the children: hang balloons, multi-colored garlands, yellow and red bouquets of autumn leaves in the hall where the matinee will take place. You can place one or two congratulations on whatman paper or colored paper.

For the holiday, you can also organize an exhibition of children's drawings or crafts. The children will be pleased to see their work used to decorate the room. Don't forget to accompany each drawing or craft with a card with the child's last and first name.

Prepare interesting numbers with your children: let them learn poems, songs, dances; You can stage funny autumn scenes about autumn with the participation of preschoolers.

Short scenes at an autumn festival in kindergarten

For such productions, children will need costumes, which you can make with them yourself. We offer miniatures for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten, which your guests will certainly enjoy.

-Dear Guys! We all know that autumn is harvest time. What do you need to do to get good harvest? We will talk about this now.

At the autumn festival in kindergarten, the children will play funny scene"Fedorin's garden."

To the music of “The Procession of Senor Tomato” from the ballet “Cipollino” by Aram Khachaturian
Children dressed as vegetables appear on stage: Cabbage, Onion, Carrot, Tomato. Vegetables are planted in the garden.

- Once upon a time there lived behind a fence
Onion with red-cheeked tomato,
Cabbage and carrots.
That's what the party was like.

– And Grandma Fedora looked after them. But she didn’t take good care of the garden.

- Fedora’s dishes are unwashed,
The onion in the garden is not watered,
How come Fedora isn’t ashamed?
Oh, what a shame for us vegetables!

- You little beam, cry harder
And water me with tears,
It’s very hot for me, cabbage,
My greenery is bad.

- Look how thin I am
Not a carrot - but a disaster.
I don't have any vitamins
I'm not fit for lunch.

– Fedora doesn’t need us,
We are not important to Fedora.
We will leave Fedora,
We'll find another garden.

Music sounds, vegetables go behind the screen. In the scene at the autumn matinee in the kindergarten, another participant appears.

- Here Fedora goes to the garden,
He carries a watering can and a rake with him.

- What's happened? Why?
I don't understand anything!
No carrots, no cabbage
I can't find it in the garden.
Oh, woe to Fedora, woe! (she shakes her head).
- What happened, Grandma Fedora?

- Oh, quickly, help,
Save my garden!
After all, without tasty vegetables
I won’t even cook cabbage soup!
Ran away from the garden
And radishes and onions,
And potatoes and cabbage,
Tomato and garlic.
“The vegetables were offended by you, Fedora, so they left.”

But then the music plays, and vegetables appear again in a funny autumn scene for preschoolers.

- Fedora had a bad time,
She didn't love us.

- Didn’t weed, didn’t loosen,
She ruined us!

– I’m so angry with Fedora!
I haven’t watered the garden bed all summer.

- We are all overgrown with weeds,
The roots have been eaten by beetles.

- Oh, forgive me,
Have mercy on me!
I won't be lazy anymore
And I will work hard:
Water, loosen, dig,
I won't offend you.

This miniature at the Autumn Festival in kindergarten ends with the vegetables saying in unison:
- Well, Fedora, so be it,
We are glad to forgive you!
- So that there are a lot of vegetables in the garden,
You need to keep your garden in order.

Another number for autumn matinees in kindergarten

We offer another interesting scene for the autumn holiday for children.

– Once upon a time there lived vegetables in the same garden.
(They go on stage one by one and introduce themselves.)

- I am a cheerful fellow, I am a green cucumber.

“The garden bed is empty without me, but my name is cabbage.”

- Without me, you are like without hands; every dish needs onions.

“Children have loved delicious sweet tomatoes for a long time.”

“The owner loved her small garden and watered it every day.

The housewife appears with a watering can, “watering” the vegetables:
- I'll water my garden,
He also drinks water.

– The vegetables grew and ripened every day. They lived together amicably and never quarreled. But one day the tomato decided that he was better than everyone else and began to show off.

The main character of this autumn scene in kindergarten, tomato, states:
- I am the tastiest person in the world,
Everyone is rounder, greener.
Me adults and children
They love you more than anyone in the world.

- Listen, it's just a laugh -
Bragging that you are the best.

- He won’t understand, brothers -
It's not nice to wonder.

- And the tomato kept repeating his thoughts.

- I am the tastiest person in the world,
Everyone is rounder, greener.
Me adults and children
They love you more than anyone in the world.

- He boasted, boasted
And he fell from the bush!

- But then the hostess came to collect vegetables for lunch. I took all the vegetables, but didn’t notice the tomato.

IN funny scene about autumn for preschoolers, the Mistress appears on the stage again, taking away with her all the vegetables except the tomato.

- A raven flew past.

- Kar! Kar! What a disgrace! Nightmare!
I didn't want to be friends with them
No one will need you!

– The tomato felt ashamed. He cried and blushed with shame.

– You, friends, forgive me.
Take me with you!

At the end of this issue children's holiday autumn presenter says:
“The hostess heard these words, took pity on the tomato, returned and took it with her. Believe it or not, but since then, every autumn the tomatoes turn red...

All we have to say is that staging such scenes for an autumn holiday for children is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The characters in these miniatures speak short lines, so even small children can learn their words without much difficulty.

Select the appropriate props and musical accompaniment, rehearse the performances by role - and these miniatures will certainly please the audience at the autumn matinee in kindergarten.

Holiday scenario for children in kindergarten

Scenario of an autumn matinee in kindergarten for children 5-7 years old “Autumn Festival”

Molchanova Lyubov Pavlovna, teacher of the State Budgetary Institution of the Russian Federation "RC for children with disabilities" Sayanogorsk

Goals and objectives: create a festive mood and emotional uplift in children; expand knowledge about the signs of autumn; show the uniqueness and significance of autumn gifts for humans. Cultivate a love for nature


If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,

If the birds flew to a distant land,

If the sky frowns, if the rain pours -

This time of year is called autumn


Autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow,

The leaves on the birch tree burn golden

Autumn paints groves and forests with gold,

The wind tears red and yellow leaves,

A colorful round dance circles and circles in the air


The sun is warming, the rain is falling,

vegetables grow and ripen faster,

green cucumber, red tomato.

start an intelligent and serious argument.

Vegetables come out, and the Vegetable Queen comes out with them.

Scene "Vegetable Dispute".

Vegetable Queen:

Which of you vegetables is both healthier and more necessary?

Who will be more useful to everyone in case of all illnesses?

The peas popped out, what a braggart!

Polka dots:

I'm such a good little green boy!

If I just want, I’ll treat everyone to peas

Queen: The beetroot grumbled, blushing with resentment.

Beet (important):

Let me say a word,

Listen first:

You need beets for borscht

And for the vinaigrette.

Eat and treat yourself -

There is no better beet!

Cabbage (interrupting):

You beet, shut up!

Cabbage soup is made from cabbage!

And how delicious

Cabbage pies!

Trickster bunnies

They love stalks.

I'll treat the kids

Sweet stalk.

Cucumber (perky):

You will be very pleased

Eating a lightly salted cucumber!

And a fresh cucumber

Everyone will like it, of course!

It crunches on the teeth, crunches...

I can treat you

Carrot (coquettishly):

The story about me is not long.

Who doesn't know vitamins?

Always drink carrot juice and chew

carrot -

Then, my friend, you will be strong,

strong, dexterous!

Vegetable Queen: Here the tomato pouted and said sternly:


Don't talk nonsense, carrot.

Shut up a little!

The most delicious and enjoyable

Of course, tomato juice! (Slaps stomach)

There are a lot of vitamins here

Everyone drinks it willingly!

I am the seasoning in every dish

And always useful to people.

I'm not your enemy, but only your friend,

And my name is simply - onion


I, potato, am so modest

She didn't say a word.

But everyone needs potatoes:

Both big and small.

Vegetable Queen: It’s time to end the argument, it’s useless to argue!

A knock is heard on the door. Vegetables crouch on the floor in fright.

Onion: Someone seems to be knocking.

Aibolit enters.

Potato: This is Doctor Aibolit!


Well, of course it's me.

What are you arguing about, friends?

Vegetable Queen:

Which one of us, from vegetables,

Everyone is tastier and more necessary?

Who with all the diseases

Will it be better for everyone?


To be healthy and strong,

You need to love vegetables

All without exception!

There is no doubt about it.

Each has its own benefit and taste,

And I don’t dare decide

Which one of you tastes better?

Which one of you is more needed?

Where are the sick?

Leading: What are you, what are you, our children are healthy!

Aibolit: So, I got into trouble, I got the address wrong.

Where did I end up? (Takes a letter out of his pocket)

Who will read it? And I won't find my glasses (Glasses on forehead)

Leading: Shh one minute, where is the letter, the guys will read it.

A child reads “We invite you to the autumn festival”

Leading: Doctor, you came to our party, we invited you. Our vegetables were arguing, oh, you judged them, thank you.

Aibolit: I am so glad that everyone is healthy, and you are ready to solve riddles


I tried all summer -

Dressed, dressed,

and when autumn came,

She gave us some clothes.

A hundred clothes

We put it in a barrel. (cabbage)


An orange root sits underground,

it stores a lot of vitamins,

Helps children become healthier

What kind of vegetable is this, can you tell? (carrot)

There is grass above the ground,

Underground burgundy head (beet).

The grandfather is sitting, wearing a hundred fur coats,

Who undresses him?

He sheds tears (onion)

She is the queen of all vegetables,

He is proud of his size.

Looks like a melon from a distance

The red ball is huge too (pumpkin)

It happens, children, different -

Yellow, grass and red.

Sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s sweet,

You need to know his habits.

And in the kitchen - the head of spices! (pepper)

There are red fruits on the greenhouse bushes,

Fat, pot-bellied, do you recognize them?

How big berries hang on the branches

Eagerly asking for vegetable salad (tomatoes)

In the summer - in the garden,

Fresh, green,

And in winter - in a jar

Strong, salty. (cucumbers)

Leading: And now we’ll play with the Queen and Aibolit, don’t you agree?

The game “Collect Vegetables” is being played

Leading: Guys, today we met beautiful vegetables and the Vegetable Queen and Doctor Aibolit is here with us, but would you like to meet the beautiful Autumn? Let's invite her to visit.

Children: (together) Autumn, autumn, we invite you to visit us! (coming out autumn)

Autumn: Are you talking about me? Here I am, hello my friends. I came to your holiday to sing and have fun, let’s all sing a song together.

(Song about autumn)

What poems do you know about me?


In a golden carriage

What's wrong with the playful horse?

Autumn has galloped

Through forests and fields.

Good Witch

Everything changed,

Bright yellow color

I decorated the earth.

Sleepy month from the sky

The miracle is surprising

Everything around is sparkling,

Everything shimmers.


Leaf fall, leaf fall,

Yellow leaves are flying.

Yellow maple, yellow beech,

Yellow circle in the sky of the sun.

Yellow yard, yellow house.

The whole earth is yellow all around.

Yellowness, yellowness,

This means that autumn is not spring.


Autumn is coming in our park,

Autumn gives gifts to everyone:

Red beads - rowan,

Pink apron - aspen,

Yellow umbrella - poplars,

Autumn gives us fruits.


We are at our holiday,

Let's spend time together

We will dance with the leaves,

And we’ll invite guests into the circle.


Autumn, you are our dear!

There is no one more beautiful in the world than you,

Aibolit and the Queen

Come out quickly!

(Everyone dances the leaf dance together)

Leading: The conversation of the fallen leaves is barely audible:

We are from maples...

We are from apple trees...

We are from cherries...

From the aspen tree...

From bird cherry...

From oak...

From a birch...

Leaves are falling everywhere: Frost is on the verge!

Leading: Our holiday has come to an end, let's say goodbye to our heroes and sing a final autumn song.

(music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by L. Paliy - Song about autumn)

Target: Creating conditions for the formation of social and personal qualities of older preschoolers through their inclusion in different kinds activities.


Development of imagination, mental activity, horizons, memory, speech, and motor activity in preschoolers.

Contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers and adults.

Developing children's interest in seasonal changes in the world around them.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand near the chairs.

Presenter: - Once again, autumn has come to our doorstep, decorating the leaves in yellow, brown and crimson colors. She is glad that her time has come.

First child:

Autumn flew into kindergarten in the morning,

Throwing new leaves onto the path.

The leaves rustled: “Flying, goodbye!

Autumn will color us, no matter how much.”

Second child:

In a kindergarten, a birch tree is crying at the gate,

I fluffed up my braids. The rain pours and pours.

And here Autumn is dancing with the rain again.

No, she's not crying. Why should she be bored?

Everything around is in order, everything is going smoothly.

That is why Autumn dances and sings.

Third child:

Autumn comes unnoticed

He walks towards us with a cautious step.

Paints the leaves on the branches,

He will collect migratory birds.

The wind sweeps the paths

And rustles the fallen leaves.

You came to us, golden autumn,

We are glad to meet you again.

Fourth child.

And paths and paths

The sun's ray gilded.

Rain crystal tears

Dropped it on the leaves.

Leaves flying from the branches,

They are circling in a motley crowd.

This is golden autumn

Makes us happy with beauty.


1 child:

Autumn, autumn outside the window:

The rain is falling like peas,

The leaves are falling rustling...

How beautiful you are autumn!

The leaves are embroidered with gold,

The paths are washed by the rain,

Mushrooms in bright caps.

That's it, you give us autumn!

2nd child:

Forests are turning

In painted sails.

Autumn again, leaves again

Without beginning, without end

Behind the river and at the porch.

Here they are floating somewhere -

Now back, now forward.

From dawn to dusk

The wind tears them apart.

It's been raining all day long

Pulling threads through the forests

As if they were repairing painted ones,

Golden sails...

3rd child:

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous

The air invigorates tired forces;

Fragile ice on the icy river

It lies like melting sugar;

Near the forest, like in a soft bed,

You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!

The leaves have not yet had time to fade,

Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.

4th child:

Look like in the picture

The scarlet grapes are burning.

These are thin mountain ash

Trying on their outfit.

The sun scatters sparks,

The leaves began to spin.

And on golden branches

The raindrops are trembling.

5th child:

The wind died down. Stopped

There are clouds in the blue sky.

The sparrows gathered in flocks.

And the river gurgles and gurgles.

All the paths and paths,

As if in motley shreds.

It's autumn carefully

He walks around with paint in his hands.

Presenter: - Today, on this wonderful autumn day, I will tell you amazing story, which I heard from the birch tree when it rustled its leaves and told it to her friends. It all happened last fall in one small village. Once upon a time in this village there lived a very kind and cheerful girl - Nastenka. Only now trouble came to her - her sister Mashenka fell ill. And you can help this trouble if you give Mashenka hot tea with viburnum. But where can you get this viburnum? What kind of berry is it and where does it grow? Nastenka decided to go and find this berry herself. She took the basket and set off on her way. The path ran through the forest...

Dance: autumn paths

Nastenka: - I’ll find this magic berry anyway, I need to help Mashenka. Oh, it’s just scary... But I’ll move on anyway!

Presenter: - Nastenka entered the forest and gasped.

Nastenka: - How beautiful it is in the forest! And this leaf is so beautiful and big. Oh, oh, he moved...

Mushroom: - Don’t be scared, Nastenka, it’s me, Borovik the mushroom. I hear someone's steps. I was wondering if the mushroom pickers had come?

Nastenka: - No, Grandfather Borovik! It's me, Nastenka.

Mushroom: - Why did you wander so far into the forest? It's not a good idea to come here alone.

Nastenka: - My sister got sick - Mashenka. We urgently need to find one berry for it, it’s called viburnum. Only she will help her.

Mushroom: - You have a kind heart, Nastenka. Oh, and your journey will be long. I’ll tell you, but you also help me. My sons are playing up and my daughters don’t want to go home, but mushroom pickers are walking around the forest, I’m afraid I won’t count them.

Nastenka: - I’ll help you as much as I can, just tell me how.

Mushroom: - Find them all and put them in baskets.

Nastenka: - Do you have many of them, daughters and sons?

Mushroom: - Oh, a lot... I lost count.

Nastenka: - How can I make it in time, it’s already getting dark...

Presenter: - Don’t worry, Nastenka, the guys will help you.

Nastenka: - Here, grandfather is your mushrooms, sons and daughters.

Mushroom: - Thank you, Nastenka, and thanks to the guys! They were quickly found and collected. Now listen. If you go to the right, there is a swamp. Don’t be afraid: jump from hummock to hummock, and you’ll cross the entire swamp. And then you’ll find your own way! It's time for us. Goodbye, bye everyone.

Nastenka: - Thank you, good mushroom Borovik!

Presenter: - Nastenka turned right, and there, indeed, the swamp is gray, inhospitable... Let's help Nastenka cross it.

Presenter: - Nastenka crossed the swamp and was glad. She walks along the path and even starts singing a song. The frogs heard her, and let's dance along. There was even a whole dance.

Dance of the Frogs

Nastenka: - Goodbye, funny frogs, you are real musicians! I'll go along the path to the left. It’s strange, I walked out into a clearing - was I really lost? And who here forgot a basket full of colorful leaves?

Autumn comes out to the music.

Autumn: - It's me, Autumn! Hello, Nastenka. I know where you are heading, and I will show you the way further if you complete my autumn task. The autumn breeze blew the leaves out of my basket, and now I need to find them and put them in the basket.

Nastenka: - How can I find these leaves alone?

Presenter: - Don’t be sad, Nastenka, we will help you. After all, we are your friends!

Dance with leaves

Nastenka: - thank you guys for your help, that’s how many pieces of paper we collected.

Autumn: - I’m very happy for you, because it’s wonderful to have so many friends. Here is a maple leaf as a reward for you, it will show you the way. Follow him boldly and you will find what you are looking for. And you guys, help us out with a fun song.


Nastenka: - Thank you, Autumn, for your kindness. It's time for me to move on.

Presenter: - And Nastenka went further through the forest. Tree by tree, tree by tree, he sees an old stump standing.


Oh, I'm tired of walking.
There's a stump on the way,
I'll sit down and rest
I'll wait out the rain here.

Presenter: To make Nastenka more fun, let’s sing a song.


The hedgehog runs out.


I am a prickly gray hedgehog,
And I can’t bear to know:
Where are you going, girl?

Nastenka: - My sister is sick, Mashenka. We urgently need to find a berry for it, it’s called viburnum. Only she will help her.

Hedgehog: - Nastenka, sing a song for me, and I will show you the way.

Nastenka: - You, friends, help me, sing a song for the hedgehog.


Presenter: - You see, Hedgehog, we sang a song, and you tell Nastenka the way.


You go to the left - there is a forest,
Petya the Cockerel lives there.
He will help you
Of course, whatever he can.
Well, I'll go to the hole
Sleep through the long winter.

Nastenka: - Thank you, Hedgehog, for the advice, and for the hint...

Nastenka: - Where is Petya the Cockerel?

Cockerel comes out

Cockerel: -Where are you going, girl?

Nastenka: - Who can tell me, who can tell me where Kalinushka grows?


Ku-ka-re-ku! Ko-ko-ko!
It's here, not far away.
Turn it by the bump
And then diagonally,
There at the edge of the forest
The viburnum bush is growing.

Presenter: - And Nastenka walked diagonally, turned the hillock, and saw...


Here it is, here it is, a viburnum bush!
Autumn bush, beautiful bush,
Let me pick some berries,
To give to my sister.


Pick some delicious berries
Put it in hot tea,
Mashenka will be healthy
And he will laugh again.

Nastenka takes viburnum berries and puts them in a basket.


Thank you, my dear friends,
Without you I would not have found the viburnum.

Thanks to everyone who was with me!

Presenter: - And now for all of you, our merry dance.


Nastenka: - Thank you, friends, you have fun and I’ll run to treat Mashenka.

Presenter: - Nastenka gave her sister hot tea with viburnum berries, and the illness disappeared as if by hand. What a miracle - a berry! Mashenka became cheerful and healthy again.

- How glad I am that the viburnum berries in my autumn forest helped Mashenka. And for you, my friends, I brought the juiciest, sweetest, ripest apples.

And next year
Autumn will come to you again,
Autumn will come to you again,
He will bring a fairy tale again.



Autumn Festival in kindergarten AUTUMN HISTORY. Scenario

Target : Creating conditions for the formation of social and personal qualities of older preschoolers through their inclusion in various types of activities.

Tasks :

Development of imagination, mental activity, horizons, memory, speech, and motor activity in preschoolers.

Contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers and adults.

Developing children's interest in seasonal changes in the world around them.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand near the chairs.

Presenter: - Once again, autumn has come to our doorstep, decorating the leaves in yellow, brown and crimson colors. She is glad that her time has come.

First child:

Autumn flew into kindergarten in the morning,

Throwing new leaves onto the path.

The leaves rustled: “Flying, goodbye!

Autumn will color us, no matter how much.”

Second child:

In a kindergarten, a birch tree is crying at the gate,

I fluffed up my braids. The rain pours and pours.

And here Autumn is dancing with the rain again.

No, she's not crying. Why should she be bored?

Everything around is in order, everything is going smoothly.

That is why Autumn dances and sings.

Third child:

Autumn comes unnoticed

He walks towards us with a cautious step.

Paints the leaves on the branches,

He will collect migratory birds.

The wind sweeps the paths

And rustles the fallen leaves.

You came to us, golden autumn,

We are glad to meet you again.

Fourth child.

And paths and paths

The sun's ray gilded.

Rain crystal tears

Dropped it on the leaves.

Leaves flying from the branches,

They are circling in a motley crowd.

This is golden autumn

Makes us happy with beauty.


1 child:

Autumn, autumn outside the window:

The rain is falling like peas,

The leaves are falling rustling...

How beautiful you are autumn!

The leaves are embroidered with gold,

The paths are washed by the rain,

Mushrooms in bright caps.

That's it, you give us autumn!

2nd child:

Forests are turning

In painted sails.

Autumn again, leaves again

Without beginning, without end

Behind the river and at the porch.

Here they are floating somewhere -

Now back, now forward.

From dawn to dusk

The wind tears them apart.

It's been raining all day long

Pulling threads through the forests

As if they were repairing painted ones,

Golden sails...

3rd child:

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous

The air invigorates tired forces;

Fragile ice on the icy river

It lies like melting sugar;

Near the forest, like in a soft bed,

You can get a good night's sleep - peace and space!

The leaves have not yet had time to fade,

Yellow and fresh, they lie like a carpet.

4th child:

Look like in the picture

The scarlet grapes are burning.

These are thin mountain ash

Trying on their outfit.

The sun scatters sparks,

The leaves began to spin.

And on golden branches

The raindrops are trembling.

5th child:

The wind died down. Stopped

There are clouds in the blue sky.

The sparrows gathered in flocks.

And the river gurgles and gurgles.

All the paths and paths,

As if in motley shreds.

It's autumn carefully

He walks around with paint in his hands.

Presenter: - Today, on this wonderful autumn day, I will tell you an amazing story that I heard from a birch tree when it rustled its leaves and told it to my friends. It all happened last fall in one small village. Once upon a time in this village there lived a very kind and cheerful girl - Nastenka. Only now trouble came to her - her sister Mashenka fell ill. And you can help this trouble if you give Mashenka hot tea with viburnum. But where can you get this viburnum? What kind of berry is it and where does it grow? Nastenka decided to go and find this berry herself. She took the basket and set off on her way. The path ran through the forest...

Dance: autumn paths

Nastenka appears, walks and speaks.

Nastenka: - I’ll find this magic berry anyway, I need to help Mashenka. Oh, it’s just scary... But I’ll move on anyway!

Presenter: - Nastenka entered the forest and gasped.

Nastenka: - How beautiful it is in the forest! And this leaf is so beautiful and big. Oh, oh, he moved...

The Boletus mushroom rises from under a leaf. A child in a suit covered with a yellow cloth plays a mushroom.

Mushroom: - Don’t be scared, Nastenka, it’s me, Borovik the mushroom. I hear someone's steps. I was wondering if the mushroom pickers had come?

Nastenka: - No, Grandfather Borovik! It's me, Nastenka.

Mushroom: - Why did you wander so far into the forest? It's not a good idea to come here alone.

Nastenka: - My sister got sick - Mashenka. We urgently need to find one berry for it, it’s called viburnum. Only she will help her.

Mushroom: - You have a kind heart, Nastenka. Oh, and your journey will be long. I’ll tell you, but you also help me. My sons are playing up and my daughters don’t want to go home, but mushroom pickers are walking around the forest, I’m afraid I won’t count them.

Nastenka: - I’ll help you as much as I can, just tell me how.

Mushroom: - Find them all and put them in baskets.

Nastenka: - Do you have many of them, daughters and sons?

Mushroom: - Oh, a lot... I lost count.

Nastenka: - How can I make it in time, it’s already getting dark...

Presenter: - Don’t worry, Nastenka, the guys will help you.

Competition game “Collect mushrooms”.

Nastenka: - Here, grandfather is your mushrooms, sons and daughters.

Mushroom: - Thank you, Nastenka, and thanks to the guys! They were quickly found and collected. Now listen. If you go to the right, there is a swamp. Don’t be afraid: jump from hummock to hummock, and you’ll cross the entire swamp. And then you’ll find your own way! It's time for us. Goodbye, bye everyone.

Nastenka: - Thank you, good mushroom Borovik!

Presenter: - Nastenka turned right, and there, indeed, the swamp is gray, inhospitable... Let's help Nastenka cross it.

Game-competition “Cross the swamp”.

Presenter: - Nastenka crossed the swamp and was glad. She walks along the path and even starts singing a song. The frogs heard her, and let's dance along. There was even a whole dance.

Dance of the Frogs

Nastenka: - Goodbye, funny frogs, you are real musicians! I'll go along the path to the left. It’s strange, I walked out into a clearing - was I really lost? And who here forgot a basket full of colorful leaves?

Autumn comes out to the music.

Autumn: - It's me, Autumn! Hello, Nastenka. I know where you are heading, and I will show you the way further if you complete my autumn task. The autumn breeze blew the leaves out of my basket, and now I need to find them and put them in the basket.

Nastenka: - How can I find these leaves alone?

Presenter: - Don’t be sad, Nastenka, we will help you. After all, we are your friends!

Dance with leaves

Nastenka: - thank you guys for your help, that’s how many pieces of paper we collected.

Autumn: - I’m very happy for you, because it’s wonderful to have so many friends. Here is a maple leaf as a reward for you, it will show you the way. Follow him boldly and you will find what you are looking for. And you guys, help us out with a fun song.


Nastenka: - Thank you, Autumn, for your kindness. It's time for me to move on.

Presenter: - And Nastenka went further through the forest. Tree by tree, tree by tree, he sees an old stump standing.


Oh, I'm tired of walking.
There's a stump on the way,
I'll sit down and rest
I'll wait out the rain here.

Presenter: To make Nastenka more fun, let’s sing a song.


The hedgehog runs out.


I am a prickly gray hedgehog,
And I can’t bear to know:
Where are you going, girl?

Nastenka: - My sister is sick, Mashenka. We urgently need to find a berry for it, it’s called viburnum. Only she will help her.

Hedgehog: - Nastenka, sing a song for me, and I will show you the way.

Nastenka: - You, friends, help me, sing a song for the hedgehog.


Presenter: - You see, Hedgehog, we sang a song, and you tell Nastenka the way.


You go to the left - there is a forest,
Petya the Cockerel lives there.
He will help you
Of course, whatever he can.
Well, I'll go to the hole
Sleep through the long winter.

Nastenka: - Thank you, Hedgehog, for the advice, and for the hint...

Nastenka: - Where is Petya the Cockerel?

Cockerel comes out

Cockerel: -Where are you going, girl?

Nastenka: - Who can tell me, who can tell me where Kalinushka grows?


Ku-ka-re-ku! Ko-ko-ko!
It's here, not far away.
Turn it by the bump
And then diagonally,
There at the edge of the forest
The viburnum bush is growing.

Presenter: - And Nastenka walked diagonally, turned the hillock, and saw...


Here it is, here it is, a viburnum bush!
Autumn bush, beautiful bush,
Let me pick some berries,
To give to my sister.


Pick some delicious berries
Put it in hot tea,
Mashenka will be healthy
And he will laugh again.

Nastenka takes viburnum berries and puts them in a basket.


Thank you, my dear friends,
Without you I would not have found the viburnum.
You helped me, surrounded me with kindness -
Thanks to everyone who was with me!

Presenter: - And now for all of you, our merry dance.


Nastenka: - Thank you, friends, you have fun and I’ll run to treat Mashenka.

Presenter: - Nastenka gave her sister hot tea with viburnum berries, and the illness disappeared as if by hand. What a miracle - a berry! Mashenka became cheerful and healthy again.

Autumn (brings out a fruit basket):- How glad I am that the viburnum berries in my autumn forest helped Mashenka. And for you, my friends, I brought the juiciest, sweetest, ripest apples.

And next year
Autumn will come to you again,
Autumn will come to you again,
He will bring a fairy tale again.

Autumn is leaving, music is playing, everyone is leaving the hall.

Traditionally, the first matinee in kindergarten, in which children take a direct part, is dedicated to the Autumn Festival. This is a very bright and memorable holiday in kindergarten, with an original script, many interesting numbers and useful knowledge for children. Often, the script for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten is prepared within the framework of the autumn theme, highlighting the main changes taking place in the world around us and the characteristics of this time of year. In this scenario of the Autumn Festival for the youngest and senior group Preschool educational institutions differ from each other in some key points. The same applies to the scenario of the autumn holiday for children from the preparatory group kindergarten. In our article today you will find several original and interesting ideas for the Autumn Festival scenario for kindergarten, which will definitely make your matinee memorable and colorful.

Scenario ideas for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten

At first glance, the ideas for the Autumn Festival script for kindergarten may seem rather limited in topic. In fact, the name of this children's party already speaks for itself: the holiday is dedicated to the arrival of autumn and therefore should be exclusively on an autumn theme. But in addition to the traditional options for kindergarten with coverage of changes in the weather, harvesting fruits and vegetables, and major natural transformations, there are a number of other topics that can be touched upon during the Autumn Festival. For example, mention that in the fall children go to school and kindergarten and a new school year begins. In addition, in the Autumn Festival scenario for kindergarten, you can replace the traditional presentation of numbers with songs and rhymes with more interesting option. For example, put children's performance with the participation of guest animators or talented parents. Particular attention should be paid to the design of the venue for the holiday in the kindergarten, the creation of the right atmosphere, and colorful costumes. Otherwise, even the most original script The autumn holiday in kindergarten will remain only interesting idea, for the implementation of which there was not enough appropriate surroundings. We’ll talk in more detail about ideas for a script for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten below.

Scenario of the Autumn Festival for the younger group of preschool educational institutions

Let's start with the options for the Autumn Festival scenario for little pupils of a preschool educational institution - junior group. As a rule, for them, the Autumn Festival in kindergarten is the very first matinee in their life, and therefore the most exciting. Therefore, it is very important to make sure that the kids feel as comfortable and at ease as possible, and that the matinee in kindergarten itself becomes a real holiday for them. The easiest way to achieve this is to stage a colorful performance with a fairy tale motif. At the same time, it is important that children directly take part in the holiday: they perform the simplest roles, read short poems, and dance simple dances. As a variant of such an Autumn Festival for the younger group of a preschool educational institution, you can take a scenario in which the villain Koschey (the insidious Fly Agaric, the cunning Leshy) stole all her bright colors from the beautiful Autumn and turned this time of year into gloomy bad weather. Children come to Autumn's aid, some of whom play the roles of forest animals, and some of whom remain ordinary children from kindergarten. As the holiday progresses, children return all its colors to Autumn, performing dances and reading poems about each individual shade.

Original script for the Autumn Festival for the younger group of kindergarten

Another interesting version of the scenario for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten for the younger group can be built around the changes in nature that occur with the advent of this season. It is good to involve several artistic children from older groups or invite professional animators to implement the scenario in kindergarten. They will get the main roles: Autumn, Wind, Rain, Fog, Old Borovichka, etc. The point of the script for kindergarten is to play up natural metamorphoses in the form of an impromptu meeting in the forest, at which Autumn checks the readiness of all her assistants for the new season. Each of the main characters will have their own “retinue” of children. For example, Rain will have a group of children symbolizing drops, and Old Borovitch will have children playing the roles of forest animal helpers. All groups must demonstrate their readiness to Autumn and the guests of the holiday: dance a rain dance, sing a song about the wind, read poems about forest animals and autumn. At the end of the matinee, Autumn declares its full readiness and announces the beginning of a new season in kindergarten.

Scenario of the Autumn Festival for the senior group of preschool educational institutions

In older groups DOW Holiday autumn also follows a cheerful scenario. But unlike babies, older children accept more Active participation on holiday. They not only dance and read poetry, but also play large roles in an improvised performance, dedicated to the Holiday autumn in kindergarten. If we talk about ideas for the Autumn Festival scenario for the senior group of preschool educational institutions, then the choice in this case is not limited simple options. With the help of kindergarten students, you can make a theatrical performance or hold a real amateur concert. At the same time, children themselves can act as leading, main positive or negative characters.

An interesting scenario for the Autumn Festival for the older group of kindergarten

The main theme for the script of this holiday remains autumn and everything connected with it. For example, you can prepare a script for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten, consisting of small thematic scenes: morning in the autumn forest, dance of autumn leaves, the arrival of autumn in the city, etc. Between the scenes you can insert the reading of beautiful poems and the performance of songs dedicated to the golden age . In addition, you can insert a short video presentation of autumn-themed crafts performed by students from the senior group into the script for kindergarten.

Idea for a script for the Autumn Festival in a sports style (senior group)

An excellent option for an autumn holiday scenario for seniors groups of preschool educational institutions There will also be a matinee with sports elements. For example, you can do several active competitions related to autumn themed: picking apples at speed, a relay race with different fruits, jumping in bags, etc. Such small active retreats will help diversify the scenario in kindergarten and will definitely appeal to children.

Scenario for the Autumn Festival in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution

The preparatory group of the kindergarten is attended by the oldest children who are preparing to soon become first-graders. Therefore, for them, the Autumn Festival in kindergarten should become not just another matinee, but also a kind of preparation for the beginning of school life. To do this, you can build a scenario for the preparatory group for the autumn holiday in kindergarten in the form of an introduction to the school and its rules. For this purpose, you can invite the beautiful Autumn herself, who will try to assess how ready the children are to leave their home kindergarten and join the ranks of first-graders. Evaluation can take place in the form of special competitions or amateur performances. For example, Autumn can ask children to list the animals that hibernate, or name the main signs of its arrival (decreasing daylight hours, cooling, changing foliage color, etc.).

Original script for the Autumn Festival for the preparatory group

An interesting scenario for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten can also be written in the form of a fantasy journey. For example, you can imagine that according to the scenario, Autumn has disappeared and in order to return it to the children they need to go on an adventure trip to the Land of Seasons. Along the way, kids will meet many funny characters who, in exchange for challenges and riddles, will give clues on finding Autumn. For example, children can meet the Flower Fairy, who will ask them to dance a beautiful autumn dance. Also, kids will get acquainted with other seasons - Spring, Summer and Winter. Each of these characters will take a quiz on the basic characteristics of their season. The questions should be simple, but at the same time challenging. For example, you can ask children to name all the months of summer that begin with the letter “I.” At the end of the scenario, having clearly demonstrated all their knowledge and talents, the children find Autumn, who, as it turned out, disappeared due to resentment towards them. The children ask for forgiveness and promise to love and respect Autumn no less than Summer and other seasons.