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Modern technologies in business. Manufacturing ideas

The developed industry and high level of the country's economy are key factors influencing the wealth and well-being of its population. Such a state has great economic opportunities and potential. Manufacturing is a significant component of the economy of many countries.

What is modern production?

It is a type of material production based on the application of science and technology. Intensive changes in traditional production occurred in the mid-90s, when the industry began to use technical innovations and developments of world scientists of the 20th century. All areas of modern production depend on science and information.

Structure of modern production

Modern production is divided into two types of activities:

  1. Material production, which includes industries National economy, producing material goods: agriculture, industry, construction, etc.
  2. which, in turn, is divided into two types:
  • material services are aimed at satisfying the physical needs of the consumer, continuing the production process, providing necessary conditions For entrepreneurial activity. These include food production, transportation, communications, trade, storage of goods, tourism, maintenance of processes in enterprises, housing and household services;
  • intangible services - actions aimed directly at a person and his surrounding conditions. The result of such services does not take substantive form. These include insurance, social services, healthcare, scientific activities, spiritual and intellectual services, hospitality, entertainment, education and counseling.

This structure of modern production is due to the rapid development in recent years of various types of services and information technologies.

Features of modern production

Modern production is characterized by the following features:

  • increasing the importance of services in production processes;
  • the ability to satisfy not only the current needs of the consumer, but also his potential requirements;
  • development of information technologies that underlie production processes;
  • The economy of many countries depends significantly on intangible spheres: culture and art.

Factors of modern production

  1. Personnel - an enterprise uses the labor of specially trained people to create goods or change natural objects to meet the needs of society.
  2. Means of labor are various kinds of material things with the help of which goods and services necessary for humanity are created. These include technology (machines, tools, equipment, various apparatus and tools), natural resources (for example, water at hydroelectric power plants). Thanks to the means of labor, natural resources are transformed into useful objects and benefits.
  3. Objects of labor are things or a combination of them that humanity uses to satisfy its needs. They are divided into natural substances that have not been altered (coal seam), and raw materials that have undergone some processing (broken ore).
  4. Information - recently it plays a decisive role in production processes. Even if a company has the first three factors, without information it is doomed to close.

Production technology

The production technology of an enterprise is a set of special techniques and knowledge that are used to produce goods of appropriate quality. The use of technology must be accompanied by documentation describing all the requirements, conditions and quality standards that the enterprise is guided by in the production process.

A manufacturing company applies a set of input factors that shape the technology of the enterprise. For example, the owner of a confectionery shop uses the labor of hired bakers, raw materials in the form of flour, sugar, various additives and capital - equipment, ovens, different equipment for the production of bread, pies and confectionery.

Modern technology is more progressive, and the enterprise can make some adjustments to it in order to increase the volume of finished products with a set of standard production factors. So, the owner calculates what is more profitable: a labor-intensive manual production process or the use of capital-intensive equipment.

Modern ones play a key role in operational efficiency. For this reason, the world actively disseminates and exchanges advanced know-how. Thus, economists have identified information as a new special factor of modern production.

Information as the key to success

Information is a set certain knowledge and information. All areas of modern production largely depend on it. Information plays vital role, providing software control of equipment, organization of the production process and its control, the ability to quickly make changes, instant dissemination of progressive ideas and technologies, improving the skills and knowledge level of workers.

The importance of knowledge in all areas is growing every day. Economists have identified this trend as a separate process, which they called the information revolution. It was this that caused the transition of developed countries from an industrial type of society to an information one.

Types of modern production

The 21st century is characterized by great diversity production activities. Largest enterprises compete to develop new market niches, creating previously unknown goods and services.

It is very difficult to list all types of production that exist today. But depending on the topic of activity, all of them are combined into the following groups:

  1. Food production.
  2. Construction.
  3. Production of consumer goods.
  4. Recycling.
  5. Production of building materials.
  6. Production of material base for enterprises.
  7. Chemical production.

In each country, the development of these may differ and depends mainly on the availability of the necessary raw materials and production capacity.

Organization of modern production

The organization of production processes is the unification of all processes and elements of production, ensuring their interaction, creating conditions for the implementation of the economic goals of the enterprise and the social needs of workers.

Thanks to rapid technological development and the development of new types of activities, the organization of production itself has changed significantly.

So, in the era industrial society was considered the main branch of the national economy industrial production. It was based on mass production, which went down in history as Fordism - on behalf of Henry Ford, who first used this method of organization at his automobile plant. The key components of mass production at that time were:

  • rationalization - the breakdown of each labor action into the simplest operations and the determination of their sequence that would lead to the fastest production;
  • standardization of parts and processes - reducing the variety of operations in order to reduce time costs;
  • conveyorization of continuous production - increasing the volume of manufactured products and reducing its cost.

Thus, mass production provided a large increase in labor productivity and significant savings in resources.

However, in the future, society faced the first problems of such an organization. Mass production of goods oversaturated the market with similar products, and consumer demand increasingly shifted towards exclusive goods. This individualization of demand forced most industrial enterprises to change and begin to use multi-purpose software controlled equipment, which is still used today.

The widespread introduction of such flexible production systems is the main feature of the organization of modern production. Due to this, production volumes can still be large, but the product has a diverse range.

Problems of modern production

IN modern conditions economic development manufacturing enterprises face important problems:

  1. Any type of production requires constant technical modernization. For activities to be effective and profitable, it is necessary to ensure production growth, increase competitiveness, and expand markets for goods. To achieve these tasks, technological modernization should be applied.
  2. Lack of funding and material and technical base. In such conditions, enterprises do not have the opportunity to develop, introduce new technologies and innovations, or master the highest level of production.
  3. Insufficiently developed research work in enterprises. This problem negatively affects the state of the industry as a whole. Imperfect knowledge, lack of development and modern research lead to a gradual decline in activity and a decrease in the growth rate of production.
  4. Deterioration of social conditions at the enterprise, which leads to a sharp outflow of qualified personnel. The lack of specialists has a negative impact on the development of industry.

These problems can be solved by investing in modern production technologies. To do this, you can use the internal capital of the enterprise or attract financing from outside.

Modern production and ecology

Manufacturing has a lot to do with nature. Modern industry uses natural resources in large quantities. As a result, nature is depleted, people's health and their living conditions deteriorate. This problem is so urgent that the governments of all countries have set themselves the task of mandatory accounting of the environmental factor.

This decision made significant changes to production modern enterprises. They are forced to switch to non-waste and use protective and purification devices, conduct scientific development and research on environmental protection.

Almost every day new discoveries occur in the modern world.

The result is products and technologies that humanity only dreamed of just ten years ago. Their use opens up new horizons not only in everyday life, but also in business.

The use of innovative solutions as a new stage in the development of entrepreneurship

Today you won’t surprise anyone with new technologies in small business. But in practice they are used relatively infrequently. Although their use brings business to high quality new level.

Thanks to innovative solutions, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to borrow a certain niche in the market. Moreover, if the product is new, then at first there is nothing to be afraid of competition. In addition, new technologies allow increase labor productivity levels, save on energy and make the product better.

On modern stage refusal to implement innovative solutions is equivalent to inevitable defeat. After all, the stability of the business as a whole, as well as its prospects for the future, is directly related to new technologies.

If an entrepreneur does not use them, then competitors will inevitably push him out of the market, offering the consumer a new interesting idea or a better product at a affordable price.

Considered especially valuable exclusive ideas, the implementation of which is actually equivalent to the creation of a new direction. This situation promises the entrepreneur huge income and bright prospects for the future. And if he patents a new technology, he will be able to constantly receive passive income.

It should be noted that innovative solutions It is much easier to implement in a small enterprise than in a large company.

This situation is explained by the fact that large organizations work according to a clear plan, which, as a rule, is written several years in advance. In addition, they have an extensive material and technical base. These factors make it much more difficult to restructure production processes. In contrast, small businesses are quite mobile and can easily reformat if necessary. That is why they are an ideal option for introducing new technologies.

Examples of use in various fields of activity

Construction sector has traditionally been one of the areas in which the use of modern technologies brings the most tangible results. Thus, a new approach combined with innovative techniques made it possible to create such Construction Materials How foam concrete, artificial stone, liquid roofing etc. Due to their quality and affordable price, they have already gained wide popularity in the market.

The production of these materials does not require large financial investments from a beginning entrepreneur. By and large, you can start the production process at home, which will reduce the level of initial costs to a minimum. At the same time, if you master their production, establish sales, and also provide additional installation and construction services, then in a short time you can create a completely prosperous construction organization.

In addition, today it is very fashionable to use a variety of decorative materials to decorate a room. This is about mosaic, decorative stones imitating marble, malachite etc. They are used to decorate fireplaces, decorate facades and interior spaces of homes. The creation of these materials became possible only through the use of new technologies. They do not require significant capital investments, but at the same time they provide an opportunity for an entrepreneur to set up production of products that are in great demand today.

If speak about production sector, then it should be noted that creating a business from scratch based on untested technology is a rather risky undertaking. Therefore, the optimal solution would be to expand the already established production using modern technologies.

For example, an enterprise that produces building materials can open new line for the production of decorative furniture fittings. An ordinary wooden flooring can literally be transformed if you cover it with suede, velvet or velor. The introduction of new technologies will not be expensive, and all costs will be recouped very quickly due to the consistently high demand for such products.

Other ideas for using modern technologies in production for small businesses are discussed in this video:

Unusual and creative ideas

You can successfully use it in almost any field of activity. innovative approach. Old ideas adapted to modern requirements are especially popular. A striking example of this is vancelling, which translated from English means trade from wheels. This is exactly how our ancestors traded in the distant past. And today this method is very convenient, since virtually all the goods are with the seller. The advantage of such trading is the speed of customer service and increased sales.

Every parent strives to preserve as pleasant reminders of their child’s childhood as possible. In this they will be helped by a wonderful technology that allows them to produce plaster casts small arms and legs. And imprinting congratulatory wishes on the flower petals will make any bouquet a truly exclusive gift.

Some ideas have been successfully used on the market for quite some time. But their slight improvement will help take your business to a whole new level. For example, almost everywhere today you can see vending machines through which trading is carried out a variety of products. In most cases, the consumer is offered various drinks or sweets. But with their help you can sell other products, even fresh salads.

The main thing is not to make mistakes when determining the needs of the target audience.

If the product is chosen correctly and the entrepreneur is constantly working to expand his activities, then he has every chance of becoming a real monopolist in a certain market segment.

Andrey Byakov, General Director of the company “Picturesque Brushes”, Kirov

After reading this article, you will find out

  • How to achieve German quality and Chinese cost in production
  • Introduction of new technologies into production: 14 principles of success

First Vimplementation of new technologies in production I produced in 1998. Then we produced very simple brushes for painting. Our consumers (these are wholesalers and Retail Stores) I was more interested in price rather than quality. Still, I tried to make my products better than other manufacturers. We purchased a simple device that allows us to apply beautiful inscriptions. At that time, only the number was indicated on the brushes - we also included the name of the hair in the marking.

I naively hoped that store clerks would appreciate the innovation. Imagine my surprise when they first quietly warned that they didn’t like my modernization, and then completely abandoned our brushes. At one point the company was left without a sales market. It turned out that both wholesalers and retail stores made money by re-grading small goods: they bought cheap products without labeling and sold them at a high price as high-quality ones. With my innovation, I deprived them of excess profits. Since then, I have learned that any product improvements - even those that seem undoubtedly useful - must be agreed upon with consumers. Our company in 1998 carried out modernization for modernization, and not for the consumer. And this is completely unacceptable.

In 2002, the time came to think about the larger-scale implementation of new technologies in the enterprise. Having visited a specialized exhibition in Frankfurt, I realized that technologically we are 15–20 years behind our German colleagues. I had a dream to catch up with the “decaying capitalists”.

Two years later, a German company offered us to buy machines from them. The production of brushes in Germany became unprofitable - the Chinese took the dominant position in the industry. The Germans began to sell off their equipment. Of course, these were machines of yesterday, but along with them they sold technologies that did not yet exist in Russia at that time. Our company was too small to purchase a plant with 40 machines. Therefore, we began to look among our neighbors (competitors) for those who could do this, hoping with their help to gain access to German technologies.

In Kirov, about 10 companies are engaged in the production of brushes. I called the largest of them to be my allies. At the same time, it was clear to me that two scenarios were possible. First: we will sign a cooperation agreement, together we will find money to buy machines, and as a result, each of us will get a chance to introduce new technologies into production. In this case, all responsibility for the success of the initiated campaign would lie with me. Second option: the partner will be interested in German technologies, thank me for the information and conclude a deal with the Germans without my participation. That's what happened in the end. And to some extent I was even glad that they threw me: I understood the complexity upcoming work and didn’t want to get into credit bondage. And so I received enough information about machines and technologies without spending a penny. After that, less than two years passed before I was able to purchase modern equipment without any loans.

Probably, my constant desire to modernize production is caused by the desire to create an oasis of well-being around my company and prove to the business community that you can successfully work and pay taxes in Russia. Now the company's goal is to show Western competitors that Russian companies can produce brushes better than them. Our products must be of better quality than German ones and cost less than Chinese ones. And for this we need to increase production efficiency. We have already been able to prove that this is possible.

I will list the basic rules for introducing new technologies into production. I formulated all these principles based on my own experience.

14 principles for introducing new technologies into production

1. Be patient. According to statistics, only every third modernization of production produces a significant effect. Over the past 12 years, our company has completely replaced the machine park in the woodworking shop four times. And we have already stopped counting small updates of individual pieces of equipment.

2. Be prepared for the worst. Before you decide to buy new equipment, imagine that you paid money, but the equipment did not arrive. If this scenario does not disrupt the normal course of business of the company, you can complete the purchase.

3. Study the technological process in detail. This is a must for any CEO who wants his production to be truly efficient. Otherwise you will have to find other competitive advantages. By completely trusting the production director, you risk getting your own “Lame Horse” - after all, modernization there, too, was entrusted to specialists.

4. Dismantle old equipment. Otherwise, work on the new machines already installed will never begin. The manager’s determination, as well as the stress that employees will experience when production stops, will spur them to master new technology.

5. Avoid the arms race. By purchasing new equipment, you unwittingly provoke your competitors to also modernize. Make sure that a rival company, looking at you, does not acquire more efficient equipment and leaves you behind.

6. Try not to attract the attention of inspectors. Updates in production attract the attention of various regulatory authorities. If it is not possible to remain unnoticed, you can send the workers home and announce to the inspectors that there is a crisis at the enterprise and there is no money to pay salaries. It is impossible to verify this. There is hope that you will be added to the list of organizations that make no sense to go to.

7. Do not have illusions about the modernity of the equipment. Even when buying new equipment, you must understand that this is yesterday. It takes at least 10 years from development to the start of serial production, so new machines also require urgent modernization.

  • Labor productivity: how to increase it

8. Plan for additional expenses. The purchase of imported equipment will entail a chain of costs. For example, labor protection requirements and sanitary standards In our country it is stricter than in Europe. Therefore, machines manufactured in Western Europe will have to be improved in accordance with Russian standards. (Of course, these standards may not be observed, but you still need to know about their existence.) In addition, you will have to purchase a number of machines to service the new equipment. You also cannot avoid the costs of staff training.

9. Convert imported machines to work on domestic raw materials. Don't buy consumables abroad! This means that only the frame will remain from the imported equipment - all the attached parts will need to be made anew. Such re-equipment will also require additional costs.

10. Train employees to think every minute about how to work more efficiently. The introduction of new technologies into production is a continuous process. You can, of course, come up with more or less conventional dates for its start and end - but only so that there is something to tell about the history of the enterprise.

11. Abandon the salary system. Payment should be piecework or a percentage of the result of work.

12. For each introduced invention, pay the employee the maximum remuneration. Even the thought of reducing wages after the launch of new equipment is a crime.

13. Reward for merit so that the whole company talks about it. My experience shows that the best reward that can be given to a proletarian is a trip abroad for his entire family. Among other things, he will spend a lot during the trip, which means that upon his return he will start working even harder.

14. Identify people in your team who take on tasks with interest new job. Do not keep them in the main production. Set challenging tasks for them and be interested in the result of the work, even if it is not important to you today. But when the need arises, such people will be able to quickly master new machines and transfer knowledge to colleagues.

"Painterly Brushes"
Field of activity: production of painting brushes under the Roubloff brand.
Form of organization: LLC.
Location: Kirov.
Number of personnel: 70.
Market coverage: TM Roubloff is known in Russia, the CIS countries, Western Europe, North and South America, and Australia.
General Director's participation in the business: owner.
General Director's length of service: since 1988 (since the company was founded).

The modern world is characterized by complexity, nonlinearity and dynamism of ongoing phenomena and processes. The scale of social space is expanding every year, and the speed of social time is increasing at an incredible pace.

The basic law of civilizational development is evolution, that is, constant improvement, complication, transition to ever new levels of organization. Accordingly, the production sector in the modern world is also experiencing rapid development of various technologies that make it possible to optimize basic business processes.

The use of modern technologies in small businesses as a new stage of development

New technologies are designed, first of all, to solve the main problem associated with the organization and functioning of small businesses - to ensure receipt maximum profit with minimal costs.

Not only the efficiency and stability of a business depends on the choice of innovations, but also its future long-term development associated with the introduction to the market of a new product that the consumer needs.

Many entrepreneurs have some fear of switching to advanced technologies, which is based on a natural fear of everything unknown. Indeed, in a number of cases, the introduction of new technologies requires significant financial costs and a complete reorganization of production. However, it should be understood that here the risk is justified, since material investments will quickly pay off due to the transfer of production to completely different development cycles.

New technologies allow entrepreneurs achieve the following benefits:

Where to look for ideas, developments and ready-made new technologies

The sphere of new technologies is constantly updated, and various people try to quickly convey information about creative ideas. thematic printed publications , both domestic and foreign transfers.

In addition, experts constantly talk about new technologies and methods of their application. various exhibitions and presentations. There, entrepreneurs have a wonderful opportunity to agree on the possibilities of introducing new technologies in their production with the managers of the relevant companies.

A favorable information environment for the dissemination of new technologies is Internet. The virtual space contains many economic and popular science sites that talk about both high technologies themselves and successful options for their application around the world. Of course, the lion's share of such information comes from foreign platforms, so knowledge of foreign languages ​​will be useful for using advanced technologies. By the way, the Internet itself is unique technological development, which has made life easier for billions of people around the globe.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way do this using online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your company and save a lot money and time. All reporting is generated automatically and signed electronic signature and is sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Examples of application in various fields of activity

Unique technologies can be successfully applied in any field of activity: manufacturing, construction, agriculture, waste processing, light industry, food production, services, beauty industry, etc.

Often on the latest developments and technology based jobs for small businesses. They are characterized by ease of maintenance, compactness, mobility, and good production volumes. It is in the small business sector that the introduction of advanced technologies may be less painful, since it is easier to rebuild established processes.

The use of modern 3D printers for business is discussed in the following video:

If we're talking about about the construction business, here the use of modern materials and techniques makes it possible to achieve high Construction and installation work can be improved using materials such as cement-based foam concrete, gypsum-based cellular concrete, carbamide foam, artificial stone, liquid roofing, insulation, wall blocks, seamless materials, etc. It is quite possible to organize the production of such products on a mini scale. -factories, the main condition is its strength and environmental friendliness.

A promising area of ​​new technologies is recycling from wood, metal, and other materials and the creation waste-free production the most important goods.

May be in demand products and technologies for “smart home”. Housewives will be especially grateful for these innovations.

Gaining more and more popularity decoration of interior and exterior spaces in exquisite ways: using a mosaic pattern, decorative stone imitating expensive analogues: malachite, marble, etc.

A winning idea is pool production made of polypropylene and aquariums on a frameless base of the highest quality and low.

It will become relevant for agricultural producers installation of greenhouses and greenhouses various configurations from modern materials.

You can make a solid profit by setting up equipment production for mini-factories and small workshops using new technologies from scrap materials.

The real idea of ​​the future is receiving business alternative sources energy, for example, in the production of solar panels.

The installation of massage chairs for people’s relaxation can also be considered new technologies. These types of businesses exclude the maintenance of service personnel.

In the field Agriculture modern technologies for processing raw materials into finished products can be applied (production of meat, fish, vegetables, canned milk, feed for birds, animals, fish, etc.).

At home there is an opportunity to engage in low-cost and highly profitable production of blister packaging and plastic cards.

The creative idea is production of advertising soap on individual orders for beauty salons, fitness centers, cafes, restaurants.

Optimization of business processes using cloud services is discussed in the following video clip:

Unusual creative ideas

To such methods of organization modern business can be attributed:

Usage example modern technology chemical metallization is presented in the following video:

Progress never stands still, and advanced technologies will, without a doubt, gradually conquer the whole world. Introduction of new technologies V different kinds production is a natural process that allows, first of all, to achieve significant savings for the consumer due to the cheaper cost of manufactured goods.

Having decided to move to new technological conditions, it is not necessary to open completely new unexplored production areas. Many of the newest technologies are aimed primarily at improving existing industries. The determining factor here will be the ability to produce original, unique products. It’s also better to start your business with interesting creative ideas and productive technologies.

All processes and phenomena of the modern world are complex, dynamic and contradictory. The annual expansion of social space entails incredible growth rates of social time. Evolution, as the basic law of the development of civilization, forces us to continuously improve, climbing the steps of progress. This means that the formation and new technologies for business are vital in the activities of advancing enterprises.

How new technologies affect the company's business processes

New technologies for small businesses make it possible to organize production more rationally in order to increase the profitability of the enterprise while simultaneously reducing its costs. In his own business, every entrepreneur tries to get stability and maximum efficiency from his production. This makes it possible to introduce modern innovations and efficient forward-looking logistics systems into business.

The continuous development of the market and the constant growth of competition require the creation of competitive products as an incentive for further business expansion, especially if it has won consumer recognition.

Best article of the month

The first half of 2018 is ending - it’s time to sum up the interim results. Even if the company's commercial performance has increased compared to the previous period, make sure that there are no hidden difficulties in the company's work that could cause trouble.

To diagnose problems, fill out the checklists from our article and find out which side of the business to pay attention to.

An expert assessment of the transition to new technologies for business in 2017 is expressed as follows.

  • The entrepreneur feels the natural risk of transferring his brainchild to new technological processes due to habit and the difficulty of abandoning a long-established business process.
  • Of course, any innovation in industrial technology, together with a change in the organization of production, requires large expenses, which raises concerns about unknown investments.
  • Newest ways business development and modern industrial technologies cover the risks of businessmen with a quick return on investment, which is confirmed by the proven methods of specialists that raise small businesses to a higher level of commercial development.

Advantages of a business process using new technologies:

  • optimization of business activities in a selected market segment after using innovations;
  • increasing efficiency commercial activities;
  • improvement of energy consumption indicators towards their reduction;
  • reduction of overall production costs;
  • improving the quality and competitive potential of products;
  • improving environmental standards of small enterprise production processes.

For which areas is it important to use new technologies in business?

New technologies for small businesses are applicable in various areas of entrepreneurship, such as:

  • production processes in small enterprises;
  • production and consumption of modern materials in construction;
  • production of agricultural products;
  • processing of secondary raw materials;
  • showrooms and workshops in light industry;
  • production of products for the population;
  • providing quality services to Russians;
  • production of cosmetic products;
  • other areas of activity.

A lot of innovations have been provided to mini-factories, which are very popular among entrepreneurs in many fields of activity. For them, the key benefits of development are:

  • compactness of production facilities;
  • enterprise mobility;
  • actual production volumes that provide tangible profits.

Where to look for new technologies for business

The scope of innovation is constantly being updated, and exclusive innovative ideas are promptly published by a mass of thematic publications, both Russian and translated foreign.

In addition information Technology new businesses and methods of their implementation are reflected at various presentations and exhibitions. These events allow entrepreneurs to immediately discuss the possibility of introducing the latest technologies into their own production with representatives of companies of interest.

But the best information environment for promoting innovation is the Internet. In the virtual field there is a great variety of popular science and economic resources that tell not only about the highest technologies. They illustrate examples of their successful application around the world. Of course, a colossal flow of such information is published by foreign portals, so in order to use advanced techniques it is necessary to master foreign languages. In addition, the Internet also belongs to the unique developments of technologists and makes life easier for most of the population of our planet.

Examples of new technologies for business

1. New technologies in construction

Recently, new technologies for business are being introduced at an accelerated pace in construction. Of all the variety of innovations in this industry, the most important ones are highlighted.

  • Frame house construction

This type of house construction implies a separation of the roles of each structure. The load-bearing function is performed by a rigid frame, for the construction of which horizontal beams are used, vertical racks and diagonal braces. It is assembled from wood or metal, and the walls are simply used for fencing. The most elementary method of such construction is frame-frame construction. The main frame with wall filling is mounted on the construction site, moisture-resistant slabs are used for external cladding, and all voids and gaps are filled with heat insulation.

  • Using 3D panels

3D panel construction came to us from America. The frame of the building consists of polystyrene foam panels, wrapped with reinforcing mesh and fastened with diagonal rods. Such rods are welded to the mesh at the desired angle, thus creating a three-dimensional structure. The panels are then covered with a layer of concrete, creating a monolithic shell.

  • Permanent formwork

Fixed formwork made of blocks, slabs or panels is placed according to the design, after which it is combined with special fasteners. The resulting voids are filled with durable reinforcement and poured with concrete. Subsequently, the formwork is not removed; it serves as thermal insulation and form-building material. With this technology, the supporting functions of the structure are performed by monolithic reinforced concrete.

  • Removable modular formwork

This new business technology is used in low budget construction. All modules are connected using a hand drill and do not require underlying mortar. Due to the triviality of this technique, it was nicknamed folk construction.

2. New technologies in production

Any type of industry experiences the enormous impact of innovation, and here new technologies for small businesses most often become reality.

In terms of investment volumes and small business opportunities, it is unlikely that you can find a completely new direction, not counting, for example, very expensive 3D printers with the same inaccessible consumables.

Of course, starting serial production of plastic hooks using such a printer is a direct path to bankruptcy, since the cost of the finished product will be sky-high. But setting up their production on the basis of conventional classical equipment is very realistic for the average entrepreneur.

Let's discuss a number promising directions, into which modern, relatively cheap equipment “broke in.”

  • Milling machines

Innovations in production are mainly aimed at high precision and environmental protection.

A striking example of high-precision equipment - familiar to us milling machines, which have served people for many decades. They process metals, stone, wood and other materials.

Precision machines are available for 3D (2D) milling, and their scope of application is quite wide:

  • furniture facades with carvings of varying complexity;
  • curved cutting of furniture parts;
  • carved parts for fireplaces, stairs and skirting boards;
  • door and window sculptural elements;
  • decorative elements for wooden buildings;
  • unique products - souvenirs, figurines, panels and frames;
  • vacuum cliches, forms;
  • advertising emblems, logos, letters.
  • Production of polyethylene crumbs

New technologies for small businesses have also affected this type of entrepreneurship, such as the production of polyethylene crumbs - the result of processing PET waste.

Since in European countries much attention is paid to the impact of polyethylene on the environment, the market quickly filled with high-tech and relatively cheap devices for its processing costing from $2000.

This direction is actually relevant and very popular.

Finished PET crumbs, packaged in bags sorted by color, are purchased by manufacturers of plastic products. Packaging is very necessary, without it the price will be reduced by three times.

The production of crumb rubber is an advanced area of ​​entrepreneurship, which new technologies for business have also not bypassed, since the idea is, in principle, not new.

The interest is that modern market is saturated with a whole series of technological lines that provide high efficiency at a price tending to stability (about 2000-2500 rubles).

Each of them is characterized by a standard set of equipment:

  • tire shredder;
  • magnetic separator;
  • rubber restructuring agent;
  • vibrating sifters;
  • Assembly line.

This business has a great future.

In addition to the fact that the recycling (disposal) of tires will be paid for by the owner of the rubber, you will receive money for delivery of the product from the end consumer in the person of asphalt concrete plant(ABZ). Such a product is always in demand and pays for itself very quickly. The above facts indicate the extreme importance of improving production technology.

The production of fuel briquettes from wood products does not require large expenditures, but is very promising. The main thing in this matter is a nearby source of raw materials and the appropriate equipment for its processing.

At first glance, this technology does not cause any difficulties. The spacious mold is filled with sawdust and filled with starch or diluted PVA glue for binding. The mass is then placed under pressure or sent for heat treatment. This process requires certain equipment and some skills.

New technologies for small businesses are being introduced here too. Due to the huge costs of imported production lines (tens of thousands of dollars), Russian entrepreneurs use own developments. For example, the production of molds from conventional jacks (the productivity of the process is low and amounts to up to two briquettes per minute), from screw compressors, etc. Thus, this is one of the most fertile grounds for the creative ideas of modern Kulibins.

3. New technologies in the service sector

This type of activity contains a large number of innovative proposals, which are formed in two directions:

  • own intellectual ideas;
  • personal transformations into available new technologies for business.

From the point of view of your own intellectual ideas, first of all, it is worth considering the software mobile devices and, first of all, various service applications.

For example, applications that monitor user health are very popular. Having the appropriate sensors, any online user will be able to monitor the main indicators of their body (pressure, pulse, temperature) throughout the day.

Most private clinics in on a paid basis offers its patients a service for monitoring their condition through a centralized computer. And the number of such services is only increasing over time.

New technologies for small and medium-sized businesses have become an effective weapon in the hands of domestic entrepreneurs! The use of existing innovations to implement personal business ideas implies their technical use for one’s own benefit in order to make a profit.

The service sector opens up a huge field of activity for this. You should carefully analyze information and skillfully introduce new products into each section of the chain of your type of activity in order to achieve the main indicator of success - the influx of consumers.

4. In other industries

Modern innovations can be implemented in almost any area of ​​entrepreneurship. You can always find a fresh or long-forgotten idea, free from competition. For example, let's call:

  • making 3D casts, allowing parents to make memorable copies of the arms (legs) of their babies;
  • production of decorative gypsum products that harmonize with any interior;
  • drilling artesian water wells in rural areas;
  • congratulatory inscriptions on flowers, giving the bouquets sold uniqueness;
  • free photocopies for back side advertising sheets with profit from advertisers;
  • sale of rare tropical plants grown independently;
  • handmade exclusive stained glass.

A typical example of the introduction of new technologies for business is social media. Just a dozen years ago it was difficult to imagine that online communication would become so popular. Now the owners of these resources have enormous profits for advertising. But once upon a time they only needed to come up with a fresh idea, put in a little effort, devote time and promote their product.

Today, there are still a lot of free niches in online business: specialized dating sites, learning rare languages, virtual consultations, etc.

Expert opinion

New technologies for business in the IT field

Manfred Reitner,

Vice President of NetApp (Sunnyvale, California, USA)

Cloud technologies are newest look outsourcing, which makes it possible to soften and reduce the cost of technical processes in every IT company. Here are some ways to optimize business operations using these technologies.

1. CRM as a cloud service

No matter how strange it may sound, even our company, as a developer of IT ideas, actively uses them from the outside. So we order cloud CRM services from You may ask why I think this solution is more advanced than purchasing your own CRM system? Everyone knows that even leading IT specialists make mistakes. It is impossible to provide complete protection of information within one company; it is difficult and expensive. But another company took care of this and purchased the necessary software and equipment. Based on the contract, it guarantees you secure storage of information. When data disappears from your company's internal resources, the only thing you can do is fire the culprit. And if the company whose cloud services you receive loses information, it will bear the consequences financial liability according to the terms of the contract.

2. Cloud technologies for data storage

Another example of the productive use of new technologies for business is saving a duplicate copy in the cloud important information(backup). Of course, for a large company, systematically purchasing new server equipment is not a problem. But for a mid-market company this is sometimes unthinkable and expensive. It is much more profitable to buy a reservation service so as not to think about the compatibility of your own systems and server equipment.

Expert opinion

New technologies in retail

Sergey Galeev,

co-founder and CEO of AddReality

Here they have endless opportunities to communicate with consumers. This is confirmed by participants in global technology expositions. Let's discuss retail innovations that have a great future.

The largest shopping centers Russia and Europe have already caught on to the trend of “digital transformation”, that is, the steady replacement of printed POS materials with digital signs. In addition to delivering relevant content, these retail innovations provide personalized interactions with customers.

Recently, services have appeared in our country that process analytics on consumer behavior (Watcom, Yandex Data Factory, etc.). The facial and motion recognition technique made it possible to display advertising videos to a dedicated audience. If a girl approaches the still screensaver, the screen comes to life with a demonstration seasonal sales youth collections, if a young man approaches, a video about new costumes and accessories is broadcast.

Using digital services, retailers receive a detailed analysis of traffic and monitor the effectiveness of promotions, which was previously problematic. Cloud systems are actively used in our country average cost 5000 rub. per one outlet.

2. Digital consultants and tags

New technologies for business and, in particular, retail methods greatly improve store service. Often, clients observe incompetence of staff, importunity of salespeople, or, conversely, their absence at the right time. These problems are easily eliminated by touch kiosks that have complete information about the product, offer the optimal color or size that is not available in a given store, and also allow you to pay for purchases out of line.

The number of retailers using RFID tags to track goods is growing. These innovations make it possible to capture barcodes from the entire batch at once, rather than piecemeal. For this purpose, a frame equipped with sensors is placed in the store. As packages pass through it, the system instantly scans each position. Famous company offers software that, using the door frame in the fitting room, displays in a mirror the goods taken away by the buyer. In addition, it broadcasts photos of models wearing these clothes, descriptions of products and the availability of sizes in the store. This retail technique increases traffic to fitting rooms. RFID checkout tags provide scanning of several products selected by the client at once.

This helps the retailers themselves to remotely control the movement of goods throughout the store, to see what is most often tried on and what is rejected. As a result, the buyer receives personal service, and the company receives detailed analytics.

3. Online upsell near the cash register

The payment area will be equipped with screens that recognize the age and gender of consumers, as well as broadcast special offers for this group of clients.

When the cashier scans the product, related offers appear on the screen. The client can add with a light click required product on the check. Thus, the cashier is not burdened with shares and additional advertising and can quickly serve visitors.

4. 3D mirrors

For retailers, touch kiosks and digital screens are not enough. They form a space where the consumer is immersed in the atmosphere of the brand. This is facilitated by digital installations, interactive games, quests, and merging with social networks. The main thing is to use everything comprehensively: sound, visualization and sensory. For the buyer, emotions and the chance to distance themselves from the outside world are very important.

New technologies in trade

The vast majority successful companies began its activities with consumer demand. In any business niche there are a huge number of enterprises working in the same direction. However, every successful entrepreneur has his own twist - significant or not, which positions him among many competitors. Here are a few ideas that, with a little modification, become original.

Idea 1. Vending

It is this new technology of trade in small business that is the most profitable and the most cost-effective. Its meaning is to sell products through a machine. It sells everything from chewing gum, drinks and coffee to exclusive products such as live crabs, which are successfully sold in Japan through the same machines. Of course, the product range depends entirely on consumer demand.

Maintaining similar business does not require personnel costs. The owner only needs to buy vending machines, place them in frequented places and ensure their timely replenishment.

Vending is interesting not so much because of the possibility of a quick start from scratch, but because of the lack of much competition. With proper selection of goods and continuous development of commercial activities, you can obtain monopolist status in any niche.

Idea 2. Frontend

Whatever one may say, trade has been and will remain the most popular in small business. To modernize your sales system, increasing its efficiency, you can introduce a frontend to your business. This is an attention-grabbing product that is usually offered for free.

If you add a second one to the product being sold free of charge, the client, having received this proposal, as a rule, makes a purchase again. What is important here is not the actual value of the product, but the fact that it is free. Samples of your products or interesting inexpensive souvenirs are suitable as this application.

For companies providing services to the public (taxi, hairdressers, beauty salons), there is always the opportunity to offer clients free service subject to certain conditions being met. For example, every tenth trip or visit to a salon is paid for by the establishment. A paid frontend is also possible in the form of regular discounts on certain products. This new trading technology will help attract customers faster and retain them more firmly, which large retail chains constantly use.

Idea 3. Wenselling

In English, van selling means “trading from wheels.” This idea is very useful for a distribution scheme for servicing dealer networks. Its meaning is to deliver (ship) goods and register the transaction in the company’s accounting system directly at the point of sale. In other words, the agent brings with him the entire offered range.

This technique greatly increases sales volumes and eliminates losses from the sale of perishable products. A big plus is also the speed of customer service due to reduced costs for processing pre-orders.

New technologies for small businesses on a global scale form the basis for the productive development of an enterprise, its successful operation and real profit. Statistics show that the introduction of various innovations in developed countries gives a GDP increase of 50-80%.

Using technology, you can raise any business to an international level. Moreover, success is determined not by the amount of financial investment, but by the originality of the idea and the timeliness of its implementation.

How to properly implement new technologies for business

Rule 1. Be patient

Statistics say that only every third production modification brings tangible results. You shouldn't pay attention to minor one-off hardware upgrades.

Rule 2. Anticipate risks

Before purchasing new equipment, imagine that you spent money and did not receive the purchased equipment. If this option does not interfere with the normal activities of the company, feel free to make a purchase.

Rule 3. Analyze your process

This is the sacred duty of every manager who wants to make his production truly effective. Otherwise, you will have to look for new competitive advantages. By completely trusting the production director, you can get your “lame horse”, where modernization was also entrusted to specialists.

Rule 4. Remove obsolete equipment

Otherwise, work on the assembled new machines will be constantly delayed. The manager’s determination and the psychological shock of the staff from stopping the work cycle will increase their desire to master new technology.

Rule 5. Avoid an “arms race”

By purchasing modern equipment, you gradually provoke your partners to modernize themselves. Do so that a competing company, following your example, does not acquire more advanced equipment and overtake you in efficiency.

Rule 6. Do not arouse interest among auditors

Updating business processes and new technologies in production always come to the attention of regulatory authorities. If you can’t do this unnoticed, send your employees home and notify the inspectors about the enterprise’s crisis and salary arrears. This is almost impossible to verify. But there will be hope that you will be included in the “black” list of organizations that make no sense to visit.

Rule 7. Don't be complacent after purchasing modern technology

Even with the latest equipment, you need to realize that this is a thing of the past. It is known that at least ten years pass from the beginning of creation to mass production, and the “new” equipment already needs urgent modification.

Rule 8. Calculate additional costs

Purchasing imported equipment requires a whole string of expenses. Let’s say that claims to labor protection and sanitation standards in Russia are stricter than in the EU. Therefore, European technology will have to be brought into line with our standards. (By and large, it is not necessary to comply with these standards, but you still need to be aware). In addition, you will need to purchase several machines to service innovative equipment. You also need to spend money on retraining staff.

Rule 9. Convert foreign machines to use Russian raw materials

You won’t buy consumables abroad! That is, only the frame will remain from foreign equipment, and all attached elements will need to be manufactured anew. Such re-equipment also requires extra costs.

Rule 10. Train your staff to reflect on their performance every minute

Undoubtedly, the introduction of new technologies for business is an endless process. You can come up with some conditional dates that limit the period of modernization, but all this will only be useful for creating the history of the enterprise.

Rule 11. Abolish the salary system

Remuneration should be either piecework or as a percentage of the result obtained by the employee.

Rule 12. Reward employees as much as possible for each implemented idea in monetary terms

Do not allow criminal thoughts about cutting salaries after the launch of modernized equipment.

Rule 13. Celebrate merit so that the whole company discusses it

The maximum reward worthy of a good worker is a family trip abroad. In addition, during rest he will incur heavy expenses, therefore, when he returns, he will work more efficiently.

Rule 14. Look for people among your staff who are willing to take on new work.

You shouldn't keep them in regular production. Give them difficult tasks and check the result, even if it is not very important yet. But if necessary, these workers will be able to quickly master new equipment and teach others.

Expert opinion

An example of introducing new technologies into production

Andrey Byakov,

General Director of the Painting Brushes company, Kirov

I made the first introduction of new technologies for business in my production in 1998. At that time we were making very simple art brushes. For our consumers (wholesalers and retail outlets), price was more important than quality. But still, I tried to make products better than others. We bought a simple device for applying elegant inscriptions to the handles. Then all the brushes had only a number on them, and we added the name of the hair there.

Naively thinking that sellers would appreciate my innovation, I was surprised when at first they simply warned that such modernization did not suit them, after which they completely abandoned our products. The company instantly lost its market. As it turned out, all of them (both wholesalers and retailers) made a profit from the re-grading of small items. That is, they bought inexpensive products without labeling, and sold them as expensive High Quality. So, with my idea I encroached on their excess profits. Then I realized that any modifications to a product, even those that are undoubtedly useful, should be agreed upon with the consumer. In the late nineties, we made modernization for the sake of modernization, without taking into account the requests of the buyer, which is absolutely unacceptable.

Already in 2002, I had to think about the large-scale use of new technologies for business in my enterprise. Having visited a specialized exhibition in Frankfurt, I saw that at the technological level, our German colleagues were 15-20 years ahead of us. This is how my dream arose to catch up with the “decaying bourgeoisie”.

A couple of years later, one of the German companies offered us machines, since the production of brushes in the country had become unprofitable due to the dominance of cheap Chinese products. The Germans began selling off equipment. Of course, these were outdated machines, but together with them they offered technologies that did not yet exist in Russia. And our company was too weak to handle a 40-machine plant. And we began to select from the surrounding competitors those who were able to do this, thus hoping to get closer to German methods.

There are about 10 companies producing brushes in Kirov. I offered partnership to the largest of them. I understood that two scenarios of events were relevant. First: we enter into an agreement on cooperation, together we find funds for the purchase of machines, after which each of us has a chance to use German technologies in our production. Then the responsibility for the success of the launched campaign would fall on me. Second plan: the partner will be attracted to German technologies, he will express gratitude to me for the tip and will formalize the deal with the Germans on his own. In the end, this is what happened. I was even a little happy about this “kid”, since I saw the difficulties future work and did not want to plunge into credit dependence. Now I had enough information about technologies and machines, and I received them for free. Less than two years later, I was able to buy modern equipment without any loans.

I think my uncontrollable desire to modernize production is generated by the desire to create an oasis of prosperity for my company. And also to prove to Russian business that we can successfully develop and pay taxes. Today our goal is to show European competitors that Russian enterprises make better brushes than theirs. Domestic products should be better quality than German ones and cheaper than Chinese ones. It is with this goal that we increase production efficiency. Yet we have proven that it is possible.

Information about the experts

Manfred Reitner, Vice President of NetApp (Sunnyvale, California, USA). NetApp. Field of activity: production of innovative products - data storage systems and software for storing, maintaining, protecting and archiving data. Territory: head office - in Sunnyvale (California, USA); more than 150 branches - all over the world. Number of personnel: over 11,000 (in the Moscow representative office - 22). Annual revenue: US$6.233 billion (FY 2012).

Sergey Galeev, co-founder and CEO of AddReality. Sergey Galeev graduated from the St. Petersburg State Maritime Technical University and the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions. From 2007 to 2008 he was the general director of LV Produce. In 2010-2012 he headed the La Ville Produce company. Since 2011 - in current position. AddReality. The company was founded in 2011. Develops software for managing interactive communications with customers on digital panels, tablets, and electronic kiosks. Representative offices are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Dubai (UAE). Major clients include: Microsoft, Nike, Lukoil, Rive Gauche, Russian Railways. Staff: 40 people. Official website -

Andrey Byakov, General Director of the company “Picturesque Brushes”, Kirov. "Painterly Brushes". Field of activity: production of painting brushes under the Roubloff brand. Form of organization: LLC. Location: Kirov. Number of employees: 70. Market coverage: TM Roubloff is known in Russia, CIS countries, Western Europe, North and South America, Australia.