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Starting to find a high-paying job. Starting to look for a job


Today, many people prefer to work not for someone else, but for themselves, and open own business. But things don’t always go well for businessmen: either competitors are pressing, or there aren’t enough clients, or the company is simply not popular. IN similar situations individual entrepreneurs Runic formulas for business can help. Let's figure out what these staves are, what principles they work on, and in what cases their use will be useful.

What are runic formulas for business and how do they work?

At their core, runic staves for businessmen are no different from other magical formulas. The essence of runic script is always the same: there is a series of runes that are depicted in a photograph or object, and their combination in a certain way changes the situation in a direction beneficial to the person. The difference here can only be in the composition of the runes, their intention and stipulation. If, for example, symbols associated with feelings are used in ligatures to attract love, then “money” runes and signs of good luck are usually included in runic formulas for business.

Situations in which such rates are applied will always be associated with successful business. The problems with which entrepreneurs usually turn to rune magic are usually similar: pressure from competitors that reduces profits own company, lack of paying clients, low advertising of services. However, sometimes slightly different questions lead to the help of a person’s runes: for example, finding a successful direction for starting a business, personal conflicts at work, magical influences that create negative situations in the business that the person asking owns.

Exclusive bonus! If you are interested in Runes, you will definitely like our  free mini course  "Secrets Hidden in the Runes" ← Learn the features in 4 lessons safe work with runic energy, how to use the Runes of Health and Wealth, and...

Similar runic formulas for business, success in work and career act in a similar way: they create situations in a person’s life that allow him to easily solve existing problems and find a way out of a difficult situation. After successful work ligature is usually destroyed, in most cases by fire.

By the way, after the burning, the results of the work of the camp are not canceled or come to naught, which is what many ignorant people fear. It’s just that the runes, as they say, do their job, and the result of their impact remains in the long term. For example, a person activated a runic formula to attract customers in the sale of auto parts, and after a month the number of customers for his company tripled - this is the result of the action of the magical ligature. After receiving the result, the formula was burned, but the clients remained! They will continue to buy spare parts from this company, and they will also tell their relatives, acquaintances, friends about it, i.e. the effect of the stav will remain. Now let's move on to practice.

Runic formulas for attracting customers

And solvent clients are used, as you might guess, in a situation where a person is just starting to run a business or has been running it for a long time, but for some reason people are in no hurry to use the services of his company.

Becoming "Golden Antelope" to attract customers

This runic formula is quite complex, as it uses a large number of symbols. It should be applied to an object that a person will always keep near him at his workplace. You can use the back side of a business card with the logo and name of your company for this purpose, the main thing is not to accidentally give it into the wrong hands.

The following signs work as part of the runic stave to attract customers for your business:

  • Dot - symbolizes the person whose company we are talking about
  • - the rune of partnership, which will attract only profitable and useful connections to him
  • A combination of Mannaz, two Fehu and two mirror Nautiz will attract the attention of people with big money to the company. These could be sponsors, solvent clients, large customers. The most important thing is that this connection will make these people feel a conscious need to cooperate with this organization
  • Inguz will expand the company’s partnerships and make them permanent
  • The combination of Laguz, Raido, Nautiz and Turisaz will attract and stabilize cash flow and allow a businessman to easily bypass any obstacles that arise along the way
  • The pair Perth and Hyères symbolizes a “huge wallet” belonging to a person, i.e. will make sure that his money will constantly accumulate

Becoming the "Golden Dragon"

This runic formula for attracting customers in sales has proven its effectiveness more than once. Businessmen who used it claim that in a short time the number of customers they had grew by at least a quarter compared to the period before using the formula. It is spoken in its entirety, activated by breathing, and during activation and intention you need to imagine a beautiful golden dragon that soars into the sky.

The composition of the formula is as follows:

  • Teyvaz is a “magic broom” that clears the way to material well-being
  • - reliable protection from the machinations of ill-wishers
  • Evaz is a fast horse carrying a businessman towards the money
  • Dagaz is a “transformer” that sets a person up for a new, successful life in abundance
  • Mannaz is a businessman himself as part of a magic formula
  • Four Inguz - the “wings” of a magic dragon, with the help of which he will bring us the desired well-being
  • Two Laguz - “stabilizers” financial flow, making it uninterrupted

Runic formula for a successful way out of the situation

This rule can be used when some problematic situation has arisen while doing business, and a person wants to get out of it with minimal losses. By the way, this ligature can be useful not only for businessmen, but also for all people who find themselves in difficult circumstances.

The runic formula “Successful way out of a situation” contains only three symbols: Soulu, Dagaz and. Despite its simplicity, many runologists note the amazing effectiveness of the stave. You can stipulate it either in runes or in its entirety, putting into the combination of runes the message that you require. carried out by any of the existing methods.

Despite the fact that businessmen already have a job, the formula is still worth mentioning in this article, since circumstances vary. Someone wants to open their own business, someone wants to join someone else's business, and someone may be thinking about a new direction for their current activities. It would seem that there cannot be a universal “recipe” suitable for all these cases, but this is not so. It exists, and these are two runic formulas for finding a good job.

Becoming "Work"

The first ligature includes the runes Dagaz, Mannaz, Fehu, two Yera, Thurisaz, and two Nautiz.

Becoming “Work” helps a person change the direction of his activity or find a new job, while his new occupation will bring him not only good material income and emotional satisfaction, but also a feeling that he is in the right place.

Runic becoming “Take root”

The second formula, called “Putting down roots,” will help the questioner strengthen his position in his current place of work, or find an area of ​​activity that will become more profitable and enjoyable.

It includes Eyvaz, Dagaz, Evaz, Fehu, and two Uruz runes.

Runic bets to close the road to competitors

“Cutting off the road to competitors” helps you fight your business rivals. It is highly recommended that you bet on yourself before using such bets so that you do not receive a return from your competitors.

Simple becoming "Destruction of the road"

This formula is extremely simple and consists of only a triplet of signs: the Raido rune surrounded by two Hagalaz.

There is no need to even explain anything here: the Hagalaz destroy the path (Raido) and create various kinds of obstacles for a person so that he cannot get to the place. The main thing is to specifically tell who and what you are cutting off the path to with this formula during the slander. By the way, we can talk not only about the road in the sense of a path, but also about the path to a position, to success.

Runic formula “Road Closing”

This ligature is useful if you want to prevent your competitor from coming to an important meeting, not showing up at some event, ruining a deal, etc. Contains:

  • Mannaz to indicate an opponent who needs to be thwarted
  • in the form of a rhombus (one of the possible rune designs) to disrupt a planned meeting, trip, event
  • Reverse Raido - to close the road
  • Icelandic rune “Broken Ice” for freezing the path along which a competitor must pass or drive

Runic formulas for success in work and career

Such staves can be drawn on an object that you will carry with you as an amulet, or on the business card of your company. There are a huge number of such ligatures, so we will give only the simplest ones:

  • A combination of Fehu, Uruz, Otala, Dagaz allows a person to build successful career businessman and turns his business into an endless “cycle” that brings in money
  • The four of Teyvaz, Uruz, Odal and Soulu will allow the company to stay afloat in the face of fierce competition
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Magical runes for work help you get the desired result in a very short time. Work and career growth are almost the most important point V modern world. We realize ourselves as individuals, we show ourselves through our work.

But sometimes a person’s attempts to find something worthy workplace end in failure. Neither availability huge potential, nor good creative abilities do not help. What is the problem and how to solve it?

Rune symbols that work tirelessly give tangible results. All we need is patience and faith in success.

Runes for job search

There are several situations in which runes will be useful for your work:

  • A symbol that will help you find a suitable job - Soulu.
  • Thanks to its magical effects, you will finally understand your own thoughts and wishes. Rune sign for a successful interview - Gebo
  • . It helps to find a common language with the strictest boss. Isa.
  • - the undisputed winner among Scandinavian symbols in cases where you need to improve relationships in the work team. In second place is Algiz If you dream about career growth, , they will come to the rescue Evaz Inguz.
  • or career growth Turisaz Becoming a leader among your colleagues is your dream. Use magic.



  • Runes for good luck at work Each runic sign plays its role, let’s look at what they are responsible for:
  • Fehu- provides good income.
  • Inguz Uruz
  • – assistant in the implementation of ideas.– will not let you stray from the intended path.
  • Ansuz– her strength helps to become more attentive in order to timely unravel the deceptive maneuvers of her partners.
  • Raido– an excellent companion on work trips.
  • Rune sign for a successful interview - Kenaz
  • – supports in all endeavors.– responsible for communication skills. Vunyo- source
  • Have a good mood(which is also important, you agree).
  • Hagalaz– will destroy all old prejudices and clear the path to a new life.
  • . Nautiz
  • – will lead a person to understand what is happening.– will stop the real world for a moment to give you the opportunity to think about your choice again.
  • Yer- assistant in big matters.
  • Eyvaz– if you cannot move from your home for any reason, then this rune will push you to take decisive action.
  • Isa Perth
  • Soulu– will awaken the creative personality in you.
  • - will provide protection.- you will believe in yourself.
  • Teyvaz– will help convey your point of view in the work team.
  • career growth Berkana
  • Becoming a leader among your colleagues is your dream. Use magic– will create a favorable atmosphere for full development.
  • - will remove obstacles.- all circumstances will be lucky for you.
  • , they will come to the rescue– will not allow you to stop halfway.
  • Dagaz– a strong symbol that turns the situation in the opposite direction.
  • Odal– you will believe in yourself thanks to the energy of this sign.

Article on the topic:

Runic staves for work

Many of us at least once in our lives have had the following questions in our heads: “Does rune magic help you find a job?”, “Which runes should I use to get promoted at work?”, “How not to make a mistake when choosing a formula?”, “Will runes help? find a job with money?

Runostav "Work"

Tested runes for finding a job and slander to them also have enormous magical power. In this runescript, it is important that you know what you want. It's about about a specific place of work, about a position, about wages.

The formula consists of the following series of signs:

  • Dagaz– entails changes that are so necessary at this stage of life.
  • Becoming a leader among your colleagues is your dream. Use magic- this is a symbol of the person himself, the performer of the stave.
  • Runes for good luck at work and double – will lead a person to understand what is happening.– provide a stable and decent income.
  • Inguz– will remove all obstacles that may arise on the path to success.
  • Double Hagalaz– helps to mentally gather, concentrate and tune in to a good result.

Rune became a “Keymaker”

This formula is suitable for those who, in principle, are in demand among employers. But for one reason or another, the working conditions do not suit them. For example, the company is located far from home or the schedule does not coincide with the public transport schedule.

Thanks to runic symbols, circumstances are such that the desired company will find you. This does not mean that it will be enough for you to lazily lie on the couch in front of the TV and wait for the call. Keep searching to find a decent option.

An important point: when drawing up a reservation, take into account all the wishes - a good team, high wages, a kind boss.

The runescript looks like this:

Ansuz – Gar (Northumbrian rune) – Fehu – Soulu – Vunyo – Nautiz – double Raido

Runostav “I want money and a job”

There are many positive feedback, regarding the magical effect of this formula. Many have experienced the magic of runic spells. There have even been recorded cases where the performer of the runescript found the workplace of his dreams within a few hours after the ceremony.

Article on the topic:

No one says that this will happen to you too - but this is further proof of the effectiveness of the formula. According to statistics, most often people received a position after one or two weeks.

Included in becoming runes for job search:

  • Raido– builds a list of possible options.
  • - will remove obstacles.(double) – energy recharging of the formula.
  • Fehu– turns desires into reality.
  • Becoming a leader among your colleagues is your dream. Use magic- personifies a person.
  • Runes for good luck at work– helps you choose the most worthy place from the offered places.
  • , they will come to the rescue– will support you in difficult moments.
  • – will lead a person to understand what is happening.- a symbol of good luck.
  • Isa– develops an inner sense that will allow you to see profitable offers.
  • Raido– reveals the places where they pay the most.

Runic formula “Find a good job”

Sometimes the reason why we fail to get a good job lies in energy blocks. What should you do in this case?

Without help Higher Powers indispensable: they will open all mental channels and correct the current situation. The runescript has been developed for the instant fulfillment of a wish.

They make up a rune formula for work and career that has been proven over the centuries:

  • Madr is a runic sign that is part of the Younger Futhark series. His job is to destroy energy blockages.
  • Inguz– paves the way to new successes.
  • Yr is a symbol of the Icelandic people. It transforms reality, changing it for the better.
  • Ansuz– guides a person, helps to find a way out of current circumstances and get the desired result.
  • Runes for good luck at work- will remove obstacles.– it is this combination that works on the level of energy charge of the formula.
  • Ass– ensures the success of the ritual.
  • Soulu– strengthens the runescript several times.
  • – assistant in the implementation of ideas.– helps to establish contact with the Universal Mind.

Runostav “Quick job search”

In addition to the fact that runic signs are activated in this runescript, hex signs are also involved here. This feature turns the formula into a special tool of magic.

Analyze the runes on Good work a photo will help, and the description of the stave looks like this:

  • In the center there is a dot symbolizing a person who is looking for a job.
  • The circle inside the figure reflects the inner microcosm of the personality - thoughts, experiences, emotions.
  • Eyvaz- will remove obstacles.– the combination of symbols is responsible for an effective search for a workplace.
  • Odal– helps you decide from the options provided.
  • Runes for good luck at work– ensures success.
  • Double Victory symbol works together with Runes for good luck at work and enhances its energy background.
  • The outer circle is connected with the surrounding reality, it attracts the right people and necessary events.

Many people are now looking for work. This article is about how to find a job using the runic formula. And at the end of the article, look for three ways to make money on the Internet today (as a bonus, there is no work yet).

Let's move from words to action. For those who will be working with runes for the first time, I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules and precautions:

What you will learn from the article:

How to find a job using runes

1. think carefully about what kind of work you need. Take a sheet of paper and write down on it point by point all your wishes for your upcoming place of employment. This list might look like this:

*I can easily and quickly get hired permanent job for a vacant position

  • + with a high (preferably in numbers) salary
  • +co free schedule and the opportunity to sometimes work outside the office
    +with a nice friendly team
  • + with a well-equipped workplace
  • +s social insurance employees
  • +with the possibility of rapid career growth
  • +with an office location close to home (or in a place with good transport links)
  • +no dress code
  • +and so on

Try to think through and write down everything that is personally important to you in work in general and in particular in your future work.
Once the list is complete, move on to the next step.

2.use runic job search formula. This is a whole ligature that will help bring the desired result closer in your search for a job. Draw this formula (as exactly as possible as in my drawing).

3.give the formula your intention - orient it towards the most suitable result for you. Below is an approximate intention, you can adapt it to suit yourself. But thanks to the runes, the validity period of the formula is a must.

This runic formula helps, without harm to me and others, to change the situation in my life so that the job described and desired by me (read your list, which one) appears in my life as soon as possible with minimal effort and time expenditure on my part. This runic formula is valid from the moment of writing until the result is ideal for me. I thank the runes for their help for the common good - mine and everyone around me!

I shared with you runic job search formula, which helped my friend find a place that satisfied 90 percent of her wish points (from the list that I recommend to you). Use the power of runes if you are wondering how to find a job quickly and one that makes you want to go to it. And of course, don’t forget to mention your desired income (without embarrassment - no one except the runes will see your figure).

3 ways to make money on the Internet today: for sociable people and for hardworking people

By the way, while you are looking for a new job, you can try your hand at selling affiliate products on the Internet or simply liking and commenting on the proposed products.

All you have to do is post information about products that interest you personally on social networks, on your blog, or simply recommend them to your friends through your affiliate link in ICQ, on Skype or Viber, WhatsApp.

There is a huge variety for this affiliate programs, by recommending products from which you can earn money without leaving your computer.

In addition, if you know how to write, freelance exchanges can help you - Advego, freelancer. You register, complete tasks, and later simply find your regular customer and work remotely as a freelancer. There are also freelance exchanges where not only those who write work. Designers, SEO specialists, artists and even accountants - everyone can find a remote customer. Here is any work that can be done remotely.

And there is another service where you can get money into your account right today if you don’t know how to write, but you have social networks. Here you can earn money from likes, comments, filling forums and the like. There is no deception - you get paid for the work done. Many earn up to 15 thousand rubles, or even more, from this service. But these are those who devote at least two to three hours a day to work. Of course, at first it may seem like this is work for pennies. BUT in fact, if you treat it like a job and devote decent time, then this is a great option. If you are interested, then

In general, everything is simple here - you quickly register - that is, create your account with your account and in two minutes - the tasks there are not difficult - you can already earn your first money ! True, you will have to write a mini-exam - a comment, which the system will check for grammatical errors. Therefore, if you doubt yourself, check your text with some literacy testing service.

With love and wishes for a wonderful job, Polya Joy

I propose to use a complex mechanism: we combine the classic “money mill” with the search for work, so that a good and desirable job is found, and in the meantime the mill grinds and brings us all sorts of benefits through work.

After all, in ancient times a person who had a mill was always provided with both a house and bread.

Let's try how my invention works. You will need to build two layers of cardboard or plywood: on the first you draw all the runes, and on the second only the “mill” (three green Feu). Then you need to connect them so that you can spin the “mill” with your finger in the place where it is supposed to be positioned. There are such children's toys and books. The core can be connected with a nail, toothpick, wire or pin.

In general, the “money mill” talisman is usually promoted to launch cash flow. So we will try to promote it if work is needed.

Mannaz (blue) – you, who searches for and finds a good job, takes your place in society. You can specify what kind of place you are looking for.

Odal (brown) - the work itself. We describe your dream job in detail.

Kenaz (yellow) – an impulse that helps to find a job, lights the way on the way to work.

Then we take our “money mill” (if someone now tells me that he is looking for a job not for money at all, I will be very surprised) and begin to spin clockwise so that it starts the process in addition to money (by the way, do not forget to specify the desired income level) brought:

Gebo (orange) – a good team, reliable colleagues, reasonable management.

Vunyo (red) – joy from the process of work itself, so that you like the work (because if work makes you sick from the heart, you want to hang yourself).

Inguz (purple) – so that the work bears good fruit, so that there are many projects that bring results and satisfaction from them. Here, think for yourself what you regard as a result in your work.

And when everything has been discussed and scrolled through, we stipulate Yeru (blue) – so that the job search ends successfully, the job is stable, so that you can be there as long as you want.

I propose to apply all the runes at once (so as not to remove the “mill”, painting on the runes that will be under it, and Yeru), then begin to specify each one separately, then we begin the work of the “mill” with the reservation of itself and those that it draws behind him, and then Hyera.

I don’t see the need to turn to the Gods here; you can only turn to the power of the Runes. Activation - this will be exactly the moment of promotion of the “mill”. So let me stipulate: this runostav was activated by the movement of the “money mill”, the power of the Runes and my (in the sense of your) word.

The runostav will be deactivated when I find the job I wish for and work there…. (months) or year…. (in such and such a way) with gratitude.

I promise to pay for the help within such and such a time frame (deadlines will be discussed below!) in such and such an amount!

I thank the Power of the Runes and believe in them

And so be it!

I advise you to keep this talisman for another year after getting a job. About the terms of payment: from the first salary necessarily! And depending on your job. It is possible only with the first salary, it is also possible after graduation probationary period

, if you have one. Size: as usual - from 1% to 10%, as your money spirit tells you. For example, he is very greedy and swears very much if I donate more than 5% (he begins to create all sorts of money dirty tricks). Some may be even more greedy, while others will have to fork out more. The same as usual: on a bench in the park, to help animal shelters, a sick child, an old person, prisoners, etc. As my conscience dictates! And there is one more nuance! Which, by the way, I recommend using even when you didn’t use a stav and didn’t cast spells at all for a job, but it found itself. In general, for any new job


. From the first salary we spend the same way - from 1% to 10% - on ourselves. Only for yourself! Not for the house, not for the child to buy new boots (even if he really needs it!), nowhere. Only for yourself! Because it's up to you to work! And if you don’t thank yourself for finding a job and working, then you are showing an attitude towards yourself: you’re plowing and you won’t get anything pleasant for it, work is a solution to problems, but there’s no joy. Next time, you will easily and naturally block your access to a new job with this attitude. So we thank the Gods, but we don’t forget ourselves. Searching for a job can sometimes drag on for quite a long period of time. Unfortunately, even very good specialists Sometimes it can be difficult to find a vacancy that suits you in all respects. And just finding one is not enough - you also need to successfully pass an interview and prove in many ways better than other applicants for this position. Runic becoming "Get the right job

quickly" will help you if you have been looking for a long time or want to find your dream job as soon as possible.

General rules We put all the job rates presented in the article on own photo

Exclusive bonus! If you are interested in Runes, you will definitely like our  free mini course  "Secrets Hidden in the Runes" , in some cases you can draw ligature directly on your own body. We negotiate according to the desired action, activate in any convenient way. We deactivate the formula after it has worked using fire.

← Learn in 4 lessons the features of safe work with runic energy, how to use the Runes of Health and Wealth, as well as...

Runic becoming “Work” from Runava Runic betting on good luck and luck in finding a job from a master with the nickname Runava helps to find. The main thing is that during the reservation, do not forget to say what position you want to take, what the salary level should be. You can even specify the name of the company you want to work for.

Symbols included in ligature

  • calls necessary changes so that the operator can quickly find a job
  • Mannaz symbolizes a person who likes the work he does
  • A combination of Fehu and two Yera runes provides a good income
  • Turisaz destroys any obstacles that prevent you from getting the desired position
  • Two Nautiz in the background force a person to be collected, concentrated, attentive

Runic becoming “Keymaker” for work from Kavirra

This runic focus on finding a good job will be useful in the case when a person is persistently looking for a job, but all the offered vacancies are not suitable for some reason: either the schedule does not suit him, or the salary level, or the location of the company is too far from home. The runes of this formula create a situation in which the desired employer finds you himself. Naturally, this does not mean that you need to lie on the couch and do nothing. Just keep searching and the right option will reveal itself very soon. The most important thing is to draw up the correct agreement, which will take into account even the smallest details (location of the company, conditions, level wages, expected responsibilities, team and everything else). We will not describe the runes in detail, since the formula is specified in its entirety. It will be enough to simply list them: Ansuz, Northumbrian Gar, Fehu, Soulu, Vunyo, and two Raido.

Formula “I want a job and money” from Proserpina

This amazing runic method for getting the job you need quickly has proven its effectiveness more than once. There have even been cases when a person found a vacancy that suited him in all respects the very next day after activating the formula. Of course, such lightning speed is the exception rather than the rule. But in general, in a couple of weeks it is quite possible to find an option that you like.

Working runes

  • Kenaz highlights possible employment options
  • Two Laguz feed a person with energy
  • transforms your thoughts and desires into reality, attracts the desired changes, helps you find exactly the vacancy you need
  • - operator
  • Fehu gives a person the very job he dreamed of
  • responsible for income and development
  • symbolizes a successful search result
  • helps to grasp and feel all available possibilities
  • Secondary shows a person where he can make money

Becoming “Find a good job” from Nemezida

A runic search for a job, compiled by runologist Nemezida, helps to remove existing blocks from a person that prevent them from finding the job they need. It provides protection to the Higher Powers, opens money channels and clears the way to a new job that will suit a person in all respects. Becoming sharpened enough quick search, so results can be expected in the next couple of weeks after activation.

Runes used in ligature

  • Rune of the Younger Futhark Madr destroys blocks that prevent a successful search
  • clears the way to a new job
  • Icelandic black symbol Yr changes things for the better
  • - leads a person along the road to his dream job and opens a money channel
  • Direct and mirror Fehu in conjunction with Laguz provide energy replenishment
  • The Ass rune is responsible for a positive result
  • Salt enhances the effect of the formula
  • Secondary Ansuz provides support and patronage of the Higher Powers

Becoming a quick job search from Natalie

This formula is very unusual: in addition to traditional runes, we see magical hex signs in it. Becoming allows you to as soon as possible get the right job.

Description of the runescript

  • The central point is the man himself
  • The inner circle is the inner world of this person and thoughts that can change the world around them
  • Ligament - responsible for successful search dream jobs
  • finds exactly the right job (for this rune we specify all the desired conditions for the position being sought).
  • responsible for implementing plans
  • Two Runes of Victory enhance the effect of Fehu
  • The outer circle of the hex attracts the right circumstances

Judging by the reviews, it works very quickly - within a few days, people who used it managed to successfully get a good job.

Quick runic formula “Successful interview” from Mo Flying

Sometimes it happens that we find interesting vacancies, go for interviews, but in the end, for some reason, we are not hired. In this case, we recommend that you try this runic pattern so that they hire you. It is recommended that immediately before the interview, apply runes to the person’s photograph so that Soulu is above his head, Ansuz is on his head and neck, and the rest are below.

Free mini-course “Secrets hidden in the Runes”.