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Charcoal preparation technology. Charcoal production equipment

Beginning entrepreneurs are always primarily interested in a business that does not require special knowledge and significant capital investments. One of these areas is production charcoal. Statistics speak about the attractiveness of the business: during the season, one average cafe burns up to 4 tons of this fuel.

What is charcoal

Before starting a business, it is worth clarifying what you will have to deal with. Charcoal is an environmentally friendly fuel that produces a lot of heat. It is readily used for cooking shish kebab on an open fire, for barbecues and barbecues, as well as in rural ovens and fireplaces.

In addition, coal is widely used in metallurgical and chemical industry for lighting an industrial furnace. In the construction industry, coal is used as an insulating material and is also used to make paints and varnishes. In addition, coal is used as a feed additive for various domestic animals.

Due to such a variety of uses, coal has several varieties:

  • Red, which is made from softwood using the soft charcoal method.
  • White is made from elm, hornbeam, oak, birch and other hardwoods.
  • Black is made from poplar, alder, willow, linden, aspen and other soft woods.

Based on product quality requirements (GOST), coal is divided into three types: A - highest grade, B - first, C - second.

Business registration

To start a business producing this material, you need to draw up a business plan. First of all, it includes mandatory registration of production. There are several options for business organization forms. Which one to choose depends on the scale of your production and plans for its development. If you have a relatively modest production plan, you can go with a simple organizational formindividual entrepreneur. To register it, 800 rubles are enough. to pay the state fee and five working days to review your documents.

If you have an ambitious plan to conquer the market or the company will have several founders, it makes sense to register an LLC.

Production room

While your business is going through the official registration procedure, you can begin searching for suitable premises. To save on buying or renting it, you can rent a room outside the city or in the suburbs. Business will require a small space. Installation of one furnace takes 20 square meters. m of open area. In addition, you will need warehouse space and utility room for staff and equipment storage. In total, approximately 200 square meters should be included in the business plan. m. total area.


Operating a furnace is not difficult, so there is no point in spending money on highly qualified personnel. To service the oven, no more than three workers will be required, including loaders. In addition to them, it is necessary to hire a manager who will deal with the supply of raw materials and the sale of finished products. You will also need the services of an accountant. At first, they can be outsourced. But the wider your production, the more complex the accounting will be. Then it is more cost-effective to hire a specialist on staff. Another important employee at the enterprise is the warehouse guard.


The material is made in a special retort furnace or, as it is also called, a charcoal kiln. The burning process itself takes place in a separate chamber. This is where the material is dried. The advantage of such a furnace is that the vapors of various gases that are released during combustion are used to further heat the furnace.

At the initial stages of production, you can get by with one oven. If you take low-power charcoal production equipment, you can produce up to 100 tons of coal per year. Over time, production can be expanded and equipment with a capacity of 150-200 tons of products per year can be installed.

Such a stove costs approximately 350 thousand rubles. very simple configuration and inexpensive manufacturer. But you can find equipment for 750 thousand rubles.

Please note that retort ovens operate on solid wood. If you want to work with waste from the wood processing industry, you need to use a slightly different technology.

The coal produced in this case is valued even higher than that produced by pyrolysis.

Raw materials

Charcoal is made from wood waste, namely:

  • wood fragments;
  • stumps;
  • pieces of wood with branches;
  • wood chips;
  • peat;
  • furniture production waste;
  • sawdust

You can organize the supply of raw materials with furniture production, logging, wood processing enterprises. The raw material consumption plan per ton of coal depends on the nature of the wood species. So, soft rocks are taken in the size of 11-12 cubic meters. 7-8 cubic meters of birch is enough.

Production technology

The technology for producing charcoal is distinguished by its simplicity. First, sawdust, wood chips, hemp and other raw materials are sent to the oven. There it is heated to 550 o C by pyrolysis, that is, without access to oxygen. When the coal has cooled, it goes through the briquetting stage. The finished material is allowed to cool, after which it is packaged in paper bags. That is, all the work of manufacturing the product is done by the oven. Therefore, anyone without special qualifications can control production.

In addition to the furnace, the production will need the following equipment:

  • hydraulic device for splitting firewood – 55 RUR/piece;
  • chainsaw – 5 thousand rubles;
  • electric generator – 20 thousand rubles;
  • electronic scales – 5 thousand rubles.

Calculation part

To determine the feasibility of a business, you need to draw up a plan for income and expenses. So, the expenditure part will consist of the following items:

  • marketing, advertising, transport - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • raw materials – 1200 rub./m3;
  • staff salary – 120 thousand rubles. in year;
  • purchase of equipment – ​​400 thousand rubles;
  • rental of production and warehouse premises – 200 thousand rubles. in year.

In total, you will need about 770 thousand rubles to start. Finished products can be sold for 17-10 rubles/kg. You can earn 80 thousand rubles per month from sales. The project will pay for itself in about a year.

Charcoal is a completely organic material used as fuel. Its high environmental properties are known for the fact that when smoldering it does not emit poisonous and toxic fumes, since it consists entirely of carbon.

It is widely used in industry metallurgical complexes and chemical plants, in agriculture it is used as a mineral supplement. Such high need in carbon fuel, combined with its unique qualities, contributed to the development of technological processes for its production.

Charcoal is produced using a soft charcoal system, which is characterized by low temperature conditions. There are three main types of charcoal:

  1. Black, obtained from the processing of soft wood.
  2. White, made from hardwood.
  3. Red, produced from coniferous trees.

When producing coal, any wood waste (paper waste, furniture industry waste, stumps, twigs) is used as a consumable material. Moreover, white coal is valued in Japan, and red coal is valued for private use.

This universal product has found adequate application in almost all spheres of human activity. Being alternative view fuel, it is still actively used in household. The industrial dimensions of its application are huge and multifaceted, they affect the following areas of its active use:

  • metal smelting;
  • water purification;
  • as a trap of harmful and toxic gases;
  • in medicine for poisoning;
  • feed for animals and birds;
  • in systems Catering;
  • as a fertilizer.

Depending on the quality, it is divided into three grades, assigning letter designations A, B, C.
The technological process for obtaining this product is simple, but requires additional knowledge and skills. Therefore, this type of activity is often used as profitable business. But it should be borne in mind that with a clear understanding of the role of correct compliance with all stages of the process, the percentage of yield of a quality product increases.

The charcoal production technology typically includes 4 main stages: drying, pyrolysis, calcination, cooling. Until recently, its production caused serious harm environment. But modern technologies have solved this problem by introducing new unique equipment.

Equipment for the production of

The basis of the production process for the production of charcoal is the following mechanisms:

  1. Device for splitting firewood using hydraulics.
  2. Chainsaws.
  3. Scales.
  4. Charcoal kiln.
  5. Electricity generator.

To build a furnace, an open and level area should be equipped, and the furnace itself should be High Quality, ensuring the impossibility of oxygen penetration. Otherwise, some of the raw materials will not be processed, but will burn.

Video: furnace for making charcoal.

A good furnace is designed in such a way that the gases produced during oxidation are fed into the firebox, burned there and directed to maintain the required temperature. This energy saving is environmentally friendly and economical.

There is also equipment in which it is possible to use only one container. In this case, the process of continuity technological production charcoal is disrupted and downtime occurs. This situation is solved by the presence of removable containers in which you can separately dry, oxidize firewood and leave it to burn out.

Modern technologies used to make charcoal are waste-free, environmentally friendly and ergonomic. The equipment does not require additional or specific maintenance. In production, as a rule, 3 people work, responsible for the continuity of the process and the automatic adjustment of machines.

The equipment differs in its variability, but they can be grouped into 3 main types:

  1. Mobile installations;
  2. Stationary mechanisms;
  3. Auxiliary equipment.

The first and second groups of equipment differ from each other in the presence and absence of the ability to transfer it. Moreover, some types of equipment have a single function for performing drying and pyrolysis.

Charcoal kilns weigh from 6 to 80 tons. When choosing mobile equipment, you should choose small models that will allow you to change their location. The choice in their favor is due to the lack of opportunity to systematically supply consumables to a specific location. Mobile units consist of modules and are quickly assembled and dismantled. They can be located without creating additional canopies and protective spaces.

Stationary installations, on the contrary, require the allocation of a separate adapted room, which can be used simultaneously as a storage facility for finished products.

Installation of equipment must be carried out by specialists and comply with the provisions of GOST. All installations must meet safety and environmental requirements, since waste and carbon residues are burned in the furnaces.

Auxiliary equipment is desirable to purchase because it significantly reduces costs, primarily of a temporary nature. These types of mechanisms include a weighing and filling dispenser and a separator.

Using the oven

The central mechanism of the entire process is the oven. A modern charcoal kiln, or, as it is also called, a retort kiln, differs significantly from its predecessor at the beginning of the twentieth century. Its transformations took place against the backdrop of growing scientific and technical knowledge, as a result of which the equipment used now is excellent both in terms of external characteristics, and in terms of the quality of product output.

Various modifications of furnaces are used, differing from each other in the way the coolant is supplied to the raw materials. Since it is located in an isolated chamber, contact with the flue gas is leveled. The material supply process is carried out through the loading hopper and the activation compartment. To supply raw materials, a trolley is used as an auxiliary mechanism.

Loading depends on the type of equipment selected and may involve manual or automatic feeding. In automatic mode, it is produced using a mechanical conveyor. After being fully loaded, the trolley is driven into a chamber for drying-pyrolysis.

The chambers, equipped with separate furnaces, can accommodate three trolleys at a time.
After laying, the raw materials are dried, the gases released during the process are transported to a separate chamber and burned there.

In order to increase production efficiency, the heat remaining from the pyrolysis compartment is directed to the drying chamber. Next, the chambers change roles and drying performs the functions of pyrolysis. All condensate is discharged through specially equipped pipes. Thus, the dual functioning of these cameras saves time and energy resources. After this is over technological stage, trolleys leave the chambers with finished products.

The separator helps sort the finished product into piece sizes. Using a weighing dispenser, you can quickly pack it into bags coarse coal. If the production involves the use of a packaging dispenser, then fine coal is used for packaging and it is carried out in an open package.

The finished material can also be briquetted, for which auxiliary equipment is used.

The production of charcoal briquettes also consists of the order of following stages - grinding coal, creating briquette mass, pressing briquettes, drying and calcination.

Charcoal, called charcoal, is a product of the thermal transformation of wood, which occurs without access to air so that normal combustion does not occur.

Production technology involves the use of special equipment. To make charcoal with your own hands, you need not only skill, but also a complete understanding of the essence of the process, as well as suitable units and devices.

What is charcoal

Wood charcoal, like any other, contains predominantly carbon. The main characteristic of charcoal, which determines the scope of its use, is high porosity. During a thermal reaction in an environment without or with little oxygen, a carbon frame is formed, which is very similar to the natural structure of capillaries in a tree trunk.

The presence of a large number of microscopic cavities explains the excellent absorption capacity of the product. If oxygen is present in the pores, the material burns easily, releasing heat.

The mass fraction of carbon in similar objects is:

  • charcoal – 50%;
  • peat – about 60%;
  • hard coal – a little more than 80%;
  • anthracite – about 95%.

In freshly obtained charcoal, the total content of oxygen and nitrogen reaches 44%, which is the maximum value when compared with coal fossils.

When stored in warm air for one hour, charcoal freshly extracted from wood can increase in mass by 2% due to the absorption of oxygen. If the portion volume was initially large, then spontaneous combustion reactions cannot be ruled out. Therefore, a product made from wood raw materials is first stabilized in a special mode, then packaged and stored in safe conditions.

Process technology

People learned to produce coal mass from wood intuitively in ancient times, first by placing firewood in pits, then in piles on surface areas. The collected wood was covered with earth on top, leaving small holes. The process was called charcoaling. The name has been preserved to this day to denote semi-handicraft production technology or artisanal, sold at home.

Over time, the equipment and automation of the carbonization (charcoalization) reaction acquired a civilized form, making it possible to exclude the access of air, ensure controlled heating of the reaction mass to the required temperatures, and maintain a constant thermal regime.

Note! The process of producing charcoal using modern technologies called pyrolysis.

With mechanized thermal destruction, gases and liquids formed in parallel are removed from the working area. From them, valuable products are obtained or burned, using the resulting heat to heat the reactor.

Due to the differences in the technologies for producing charcoal by pyrolysis and charcoalization, the standard stipulates the specifics of raw materials allowed for processing.

Two groups of rocks are allowed for pyrolysis:

  • the first consists of birch, beech, ash, hornbeam, elm, oak, and maple wood;
  • the second - raw materials from aspen, alder, linden, poplar, and willow.

Three groups of rocks are used in charcoaling, the first of which is the same as for pyrolysis, the second consists of wood coniferous trees, the third consists of source materials from aspen, alder, linden, poplar, and willow.

Product labeling

The difference in approaches is explained by the high content of resin-like substances in coniferous raw materials, which, if the pyrolysis reactor is sealed, will complicate the implementation of the technology.

From the pyrolysis products of the first group, coal is obtained, marked with the letter A, with a maximum carbon concentration reaching 90% and a minimum content of mineral components (2.5%).

If a mixture of raw materials from the first two groups was subjected to pyrolysis, then the maximum carbon content in charcoal labeled B reaches 88% with the same ash content.

If a mixture of all rocks is subjected to charcoalization, a coal conglomerate is formed, marked with the letter B. The concentration of skeletal carbon in it reaches a maximum of 77%, mineral components - 4%, many other parameters are not standardized.

Note! Products of grade A have the best characteristics, therefore they are used for subsequent activation to obtain sorbents.

Coal of group B demonstrates good qualities; it and products of grade A are used in industrial organic synthesis.

The result of implementing charcoal technology has acceptable properties to meet the needs of most consumers if the process is carried out correctly. Those who want to cook valuable product a lot of wood. There are far fewer people willing to delve into the specifics of implementing an idea in practice, which can lead to unpleasant consequences with unpredictable outcomes.

How to make at home

How is charcoal made in an artisanal way, locating production on a personal or summer cottage? There are two most common methods.

In the hole

You can dig a hole in the yard in a place located away from buildings. If you need to get two bags of coal, the depth of the hole should reach half a meter, the width should be 80 cm. The bottom should be well compacted with feet or a special device. When the hole is ready, you can light a fire in it from small branches, gradually adding medium-sized firewood.

Important! Do not allow bark to fall from trees. When burning, it emits a lot of smoke and deteriorates the quality of the charcoal being prepared.

A new portion should be added when the previous part has burned out and has significantly decreased in volume. Within a few hours, you need to completely load the pit with firewood, compacting it periodically. When the firewood has burned through the entire height of the pit, you need to cover it from above with fresh grass, a layer of earth and compact it again. In this form, the homemade “reactor” will cool down for a couple of days, after which the finished coal can be removed.

In a barrel

If you have a thick-walled metal barrel on your farm that does not contain chemical or petroleum residues, you can do without digging a hole.

If the volume of the barrel is large, it makes sense to lay a layer of fire-resistant bricks at the bottom, then build a fire between them and constantly add firewood, not forgetting about compaction. When the layer of bricks is completely covered, a grate is placed on top of the wood pile, which allows heat and flame to pass through well. You can immerse another portion of firewood into the barrel on the grate until the container is full.

When the top layer ignites, the structure must be closed almost tightly sheet metal, leaving a very small gap on the side. There is no need to achieve complete tightness, and it is impossible to do so. The emitted smoke will at some point begin to acquire a grayish color, at which time the sheet must be moved so that the gap closes. Charcoaling can be considered completed. As soon as the barrel has completely cooled down, you can remove the finished product.

Another technology for preparing charcoal also involves the use of a barrel, bricks and a metal or any other heat-resistant lid.

The difference comes down to the fact that the fire is lit not inside, but on the ground between the bricks on which the container is installed. In order for the wood inside to ignite, the fire outside must burn intensely and for a long time. In the lower part of the barrel, holes must first be made to allow a certain volume of air to enter. The barrel must be kept tightly closed throughout the entire time; only at the end of charcoaling can the lid be removed and the formed coal removed.

In the oven

If the need for firewood is not very great, you can be content with a conventional stove. When looking into the firebox, you should wait until the firewood becomes completely red, then pull it out with tongs and immerse it in a metal bucket or ceramic container, which you need to quickly and tightly close with a lid. After cooling, the coal will be ready.

To increase the resulting portion of charcoal, you can load a large amount of firewood into the firebox, wait for complete combustion, and then close the ashpit, doors, dampers and wait 10 minutes. After this time, you can open the doors and carefully remove the coal pieces.


Charcoal is produced in small quantities on an industrial scale and at home.

A homemade product is most often used as a fuel, which releases a large amount of heat during combustion. The amount of energy is twice that generated from ordinary wood. Kebab lovers place such coal in their barbecues to obtain a stable flame that burns evenly without emitting toxic gases. An additional advantage of such fuel is that it burns completely, leaving no ash.

Industrially produced wood charcoal is activated to produce a well-known sorbent. The original carbon itself already demonstrates a high absorption capacity, which makes it possible to use it in filters, as a component of animal feed and as a food additive in human food.

A significant concentration of carbon makes the pyrolysis product a strong reducing agent, which allows it to be used in metallurgy, chemical, glass, paint and varnish and electrical industries.

One of the most specific materials used by many people in Everyday life, is charcoal, it is also called activated carbon. The use of such raw materials as fuel has been practiced since ancient times. At that time, simple, time-consuming manufacturing methods were used in its production; coal production volumes were small. But as you know, demand creates supply!

Nowadays, especially in forested regions, industrial production of charcoal is developed. The technology, equipment, new ideas and solutions used today are modern and wide-ranging. In total, this situation allows you to quickly obtain high-quality raw materials; such a business is profitable and has great prospects.

Properties of charcoal

Charcoal is a solid, porous, high-carbon raw material. Charcoal is produced from wood material by heating in the absence of oxygen (possibly with a small amount of it); retorts, ovens, and heaps are used for this. The raw material mainly consists of carbon, which shares its properties with coal.

Both of these substances are obtained from wood. Only in case coal The starting material is wood of natural origin, which decomposes in the absence of air over several centuries. Coal is produced by partially burning wood with limited air access. Such raw materials are recognized as one of best views fuel, it is distinguished by its environmental friendliness; the smoke released during combustion does not carry harmful effects for the environment.

The raw material has high porosity, which explains its good sorption properties. This allows for the purification of water, gases, and alcohol. What is important is that chemical and physical properties raw materials can cause spontaneous combustion (enters into active interaction with oxygen). The substance has high thermal conductivity, which is significantly affected by humidity and temperature; it is almost the same as that of coal.

High-quality raw materials after the end of the production cycle have a clear shine with a bluish tint. When crumbling such a product, you can notice that the wood structure is preserved, the raw material is riddled with cracks.

The yield when processing dry wood material will be up to 40% of the original mass.

There are special criteria for assessing the quality of charcoal

Scope of application of charcoal and its types

Charcoal comes in the following types:

  1. Red– light carbonization of pine needles is used in production.
  2. Black– made from aspen, willow.
  3. White– use: oak, beech, birch, ash, hornbeam. On initial stage production, slight charring occurs, then a jump to high temperature (1000 degrees). However, unlike other types, white charcoal does not retain its bark.

Raw materials various types has become widespread in various fields both for the purposes of the national economy and in industrial production in the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

The raw material contains virtually no phosphorus or sulfur, which makes it invaluable for metallurgy.
Metal products are subjected to carburization with coal, this makes it possible to increase the carbon content, thereby improving their properties and avoiding oxidative processes. The largest share in terms of consumption of raw materials is occupied by enterprises producing carbon disulfide and silicon products.

There are a number of other areas that are in dire need of charcoal, let’s name the main ones:

  1. Chemical industry, during production:
  • varnishes;
  • paints;
  • artificial fibers;
  • glass products;
  • chemicals and poisons;
  • plastics;
  • filter elements;
  • cellophane products;
  • antiseptics.
  1. Building sector as a means of absorbing moisture and odors.
  2. In electrical engineering raw materials are valued for their resistance to radiation and toxins - they are used to create various parts, conductive elements, and electrodes.
  3. Medicine distributes raw materials in tablet form as a medicinal product.
  4. The agricultural industry uses raw materials in the following areas:
  • food additive for birds;
  • food additive for cattle;
  • food additive for small livestock;
  • increasing the nutritional properties of the top layer of soil.
  1. Floriculture- as an organic element.
  2. Food industry– as a dye, it is marked on the packaging of the finished product with the letter and number E 153.
  3. The cosmetics industry uses raw materials in products for the face, skin, body, and hair.

In the territory Russian Federation– the classic purpose of raw materials is fuel for lighting home stoves and when preparing food. The production of birch charcoal makes it possible to obtain heat without causing a flame. It is not recommended to start a fire using chemicals, but you can avoid harmful and unpleasant odors. Roll up the paper and place a circle of wood chips in the shape of a hut. When a hut catches fire, it is necessary to place wood material. After this, fill the structure with coal. As soon as the coals have flared up, distribute them evenly over the entire area, wait until the last flames disappear and the coals acquire a gray tint.

There are different technologies for producing charcoal

Production technology

The production of charcoal consists of a number of sequential operations:

  1. Drying raw materials.

Despite the fact that dried wood can be used in the production of charcoal, it is necessary to remove residual moisture from the material, which, one way or another, is present in the base raw material. So, immediately after reducing the size of the base raw material, it is subjected to a drying process. In order to effectively dry the raw material, it is placed in a special container that is specifically designed for coal, then the raw material is processed using hot smoke. To reduce costs, the drying container is placed as close as possible to the pyrolysis oven, which produces the necessary heat.

  1. Pyrolysis process.

Processing of raw materials at this stage involves heating it to a certain temperature. Pyrolysis assumes that the process takes place without access to air, while the raw materials are processed at high temperatures to form coals, and fire is excluded.

  1. Calcination.

During calcination, the temperature rises to more than 400 degrees; the process allows you to completely eliminate resin and gases from the raw material.

  1. Cooling of raw materials.

This is the last step in making charcoal and involves gradually cooling the raw material.

Upon completion of the cooling process, the raw materials are packaged and moved to the warehouse. The described technological operations make it possible to produce high-quality products, which for supply to the market can simply be packaged in paper containers of various sizes.

The production technology, despite its simplicity, requires strict adherence to safety precautions and fire safety measures. Be sure to install a fire alarm and have the required number of fire extinguishers on hand to ensure safety; these measures will allow you to quickly localize it in the event of a fire.

The most suitable material for the production of charcoal is wood in lumps up to 60 cm in size. When purchasing solid log material, there is a need for an additional worker, whose task will be to grind the material to the required size.

Charcoal can be produced both on an industrial scale and at home.

Making at home

It is necessary to understand that home production- This perfect solution, if a small amount of raw material is needed. This environmentally friendly fuel is great for small blacksmith shops, cooking shish kebab and barbecue; purchasing raw materials for these purposes costs a pretty penny. Charcoal kilns for the production of charcoal, used in mass production, have large dimensions and at a high price– not suitable for home use. In practice, the following methods are widely used:

  • burning in a metal barrel;
  • burning wood in a pit.

Using a metal barrel stove

Let us examine in detail how charcoal is produced using a metal barrel. The barrel must be made of thick metal. It is unacceptable to use containers containing chemicals. If oil-containing products were previously stored in a barrel, the container must be treated.

Temperature-resistant bricks are placed at the bottom of the container, in the space between the bricks, and a fire is placed until the coal is at the height of the bricks.

After this, it is necessary to install the grate, and wood material is tightly laid on its surface.

To speed up the process, you need to make a small hole in the bottom of the container; air can then be supplied through it using a vacuum cleaner. But this part is not particularly important for the overall process.

Control the color of the smoke coming out. After it turns gray, the gap at the top must be eliminated. Next, the container is left until completely cooled, after which the resulting raw materials are sifted and packaged.

Burning out in the pit

The ancient technology of producing charcoal using a pit is discussed in detail below. The advantages of this method include its simplicity and the absence of additional costs for the production of raw materials. It is necessary and sufficient to prepare the wood material and dig a hole in the shape of a cylinder.

The vertical sides of the pit must be made vertical, the radius of the pit is 40 cm, the depth is up to 50 cm. The lower part of the pit must be thoroughly compacted, this will prevent mixing of the soil and the finished raw materials.

A fire is lit directly in the pit; it is important not to use chemicals. After the bottom of the pit is completely filled, pre-prepared wood material (cleared of bark and sawn into pieces up to 30 cm) is placed in it.

When the laid wood burns out, it is necessary to replenish it with a new portion, repeat the laying until the pit is completely filled with coal. This method takes about 3 hours.

The completely filled hole is covered with grass and earth and compacted. Allow the raw materials to cool for 48 hours, after which the finished coals are sifted and packaged. From one pit, up to 2 bags of raw materials come out. The quality of raw materials depends on compliance with all nuances technological process, however, what type of wood is chosen to obtain raw materials has a greater influence.

Industrial production

Industrial production of charcoal occurs today using two technologies, which require different equipment:

  • burning wood material using continuous cycle kilns;
  • burning wood using cyclic kilns.

What equipment to use depends on:

  • method of organizing the firing process of the initial product;
  • what type of wood is used to obtain the finished product.

Not long ago on domestic market There was an acute shortage of equipment for the production of charcoal. There were two main directions: affordable Chinese-made stoves, which entrepreneurs avoided due to dubious quality; much more expensive analogues from European countries - entrepreneurs simply could not afford to purchase such equipment.

Today there is a way out of the situation - equipment from a domestic manufacturer; in terms of cost and quality, the product is well suited for the Russian consumer. Thus, the issue of purchasing high-quality and affordable equipment is resolved simply. However, the issue of complex organization of profitable industrial production of charcoal is a more complex task.

When producing charcoal, fire safety regulations must be observed.

Safety regulations

In accordance with safety precautions, the minimum volume of coal that can be subject to spontaneous combustion is 100 cubic decimeters. When working with volumes that are higher than indicated, measures are necessary to prevent spontaneous combustion of raw materials.

It is unacceptable to strictly limit raw materials from interaction with oxidizing substances. It is also important to prevent coal dust from accumulating.

When producing charcoal, it is necessary to adhere to labor protection rules R O-00-97.

When moving finished raw materials, steel barrels, paper bags, and polypropylene are used. Coal is stored in closed warehouses, special containers whose purpose is to protect the raw materials from precipitation. Transportation is carried out in packages, or simply in bulk in closed wagons or trucks.

Production costs

To start a charcoal production business you need about 1.5 million rubles. Main part Money necessary for the purchase of equipment (650-900 thousand rubles). Among domestically produced equipment, we recommend OD-30, OD-60 furnaces; these installations are used for the production of high-quality raw materials.

The following costs must also be taken into account:

  • rental of premises – up to 400 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of wood – up to 100 thousand rubles;
  • salaries, payment of taxes – 600 thousand rubles;
  • advertising, transport – 50 thousand rubles;
  • payment of utility bills - 50 thousand rubles;
  • paperwork – up to 10 thousand rubles.

As a result, 1.8 million rubles are needed to confidently start industrial production of charcoal.

The sale of 1 kg of finished products brings a profit in the range from 18 to 35 rubles. The monthly net profit will be about 80 thousand rubles from 100 tons of raw materials.

Activated carbon is a product that is valuable for various areas of human life. As an environmentally friendly fuel, charcoal will occupy an increasing share of the world market, despite the prevalence of gas and oil. Raw materials can be sold if not for needs domestic market, then for export. It is useful to know the process of charcoal production at least to satisfy your own needs for raw materials, although its industrial production seems to be a promising and profitable business.

Charcoal production is not only a profitable business idea from a financial point of view, but also a business idea that is good for nature. Its manufacturing technologies are constantly being improved. Thanks to the development of science and technology, it was possible to establish the production of an environmentally friendly product that does not harm the environment even when burned.

Charcoal became famous in ancient times, but became widely used only in the 20th century. Its popularity is explained by the presence of many advantages:

  • environmental friendliness (charcoal is made from natural ingredients, absolutely harmless not only to humans, but also to nature);
  • efficiency of use (actively releases energy during combustion);
  • wide scope of application;
  • versatility.

Charcoal is used not only in industrial production (for example, it acts as a reducing agent, purifies water and sugar, and allows air to be regenerated), but also in medicine and agriculture. Today, ordinary citizens are also showing a high interest in this raw material. It is used to light fireplaces and prepare barbecue outdoors.

Due to the use of charcoal, the number of harmful emissions into the atmosphere has been significantly reduced, but the issue of the ecology of the planet is the most pressing today.

The highest demand for coal is confirmed by the constant improvement of its production technologies. The installations used are modernized, thereby increasing the quality of the product itself.

Varieties of charcoal

There are several varieties of charcoal. The amount of finished raw materials will depend on what kind of wood is used for its production. The size of the output is also affected by the correct application of the technology. For example, if oxygen enters a charcoal furnace, the original product may burn out completely.

Distinguish the following types charcoal:

  1. black (softwood trees, such as linden or willow, are used to make it);
  2. white (on the contrary, it is made from hard wood, including oak and hornbeam);
  3. red (such coal can only be obtained from coniferous trees).

Production technology

The technology for producing charcoal is quite simple, but when producing the final product it is important to take into account all the nuances. Special skills and knowledge will prevent the yield percentage from decreasing to a minimum. With the right approach, the quality of the finished raw material also increases.

There are several technologies for making charcoal. But they all consist of the following stages:

  1. Drying. If you use wet raw materials, it will burn much slower.
  2. Pyrolysis. At this stage, the decomposition of raw materials occurs under the influence of high temperatures. It is important that no oxygen enters the oven during this time.
  3. Calcination. This step allows you to obtain high-quality coal without all kinds of impurities in the form of gases and resins.
  4. Cooling down.

Not so long ago, the production of charcoal was accompanied by harmful emissions into the atmosphere. But thanks to the creation of new technologies, we managed to avoid them. The coal production process is no longer accompanied by the release of harmful gases - they are used to maintain temperature in special furnaces.

Necessary equipment

You will need to purchase equipment for the production of charcoal. The total cost of the tools is about 350,000 rubles.

The production process begins with loading wood into a specialized chamber. It is equipped with special indicators that promptly signal combustion and drying. This means that businesses must use charcoal kilns. Their number will depend on industrial scale. It is customary to distinguish between stationary and mobile varieties. The second option allows you to process raw materials not in workshops, but at the wood collection site.

The ovens used differ in the number of chambers. If there is only one, then the newly produced coal is unloaded for subsequent cooling. With a larger number of chambers, cooling occurs directly in the charcoal kiln.

Furnaces with one chamber make it possible to obtain finished products from raw materials in a ratio of 1 to 7. The use of three-chamber furnaces can significantly improve this indicator.

Finally, the coal is crushed. This requires special crushers. The size of the finished product will depend on what it will subsequently be used for. Small pieces are useful in everyday life - when lighting your own fireplace or cooking meat in the grill. But industrial coal is larger in size.

When products of the required size are received, they are packaged in bags. Due to its lightness, coal is usually used paper bags. For packaging, it is better to purchase a special packaging machine. Its cost can vary from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Your own charcoal production business can bring up to 30 batches of finished products in one month. Their overall size will depend on the volume of the furnace.

The cost of the raw materials used in production is low, but the quality of the coal itself will depend on its quality. The most budget option is to purchase sawdust and production waste from furniture and paper factories. If an entrepreneur wants to get really high-quality products, then he should purchase:

  • branch;
  • branches;
  • chopped firewood (but this option is the most expensive).

It is better to look for suppliers of raw materials among companies involved in wood processing. You can extract it yourself, but this method will be profitable if you open a large-scale production facility.

Sales channels

Charcoal production as a business is most promising if finished products are sold abroad. In Russia, the level of consumption is not as high as in European countries. There products are actively in demand not only in the industrial, but also in the domestic sense.

If coal production is small, then it will be easy to find consumers on the domestic market. It is better to focus on wholesale. Energy companies are constantly in need of raw materials. Coal can also be offered to private individuals who have large country houses with fireplaces, barbecue grills and barbecues. Additionally, you should pay attention to the following categories of possible clients:

  • blacksmiths;
  • smelters;
  • companies involved in the production of medicines;
  • big stores(regular grocery stores and those that specialize in selling goods for complete country and country holidays);
  • catering establishments (kebabs, cafes, restaurants);

When producing coal, one must not forget that to some extent this product is considered seasonal. Especially if the main buyers are shops, catering outlets and ordinary people. Working with such a contingent, on maximum profit can be counted between May and October. But the rest of the time it’s worth trying to establish contacts with other potential buyers.

To attract as many consumers as possible, you need to take care not only of the quality of the products offered, but also of recognition own brand. It is important to develop a logo and come up with an interesting name. It is also necessary to consider the design of the bags in which the coal will be sold. This way the consumer will know which product to buy next time.

If an entrepreneur wants to work with individuals directly, and not through store chains, then he can organize the sale of products through social media. To do this, it is enough to create your own page, display price lists, certificates and other mandatory documentation. This way you can maximize your profits.

Calculation of financial results

The level of profitability of coal production must be determined individually, since much will depend on the effectiveness of the chosen strategy. In itself, such a business is very promising and profitable.

An important advantage of this area is the relatively low investment required to start your own business. If an entrepreneur plans to produce about 30 tons of finished products per month, then he will need 500,000 rubles. These costs will include:

  • equipment (ovens, generators, packaging machine);
  • equipment (shovels, chainsaws);
  • raw materials;
  • bags.

In number monthly costs will include: purchase of raw materials, rental of premises, wage, advertising costs, transportation costs. In total, you will need 450,000 - 500,000 rubles.

For 1 kilogram of charcoal you can get about 20 rubles. When selling 30 tons, you can expect to receive an income of 600,000 rubles per month.

The profit level of a charcoal production business starts at 100,000 rubles. Such profitability will allow you to return the money invested in the business within 5-6 months after launch.

Let's sum it up

Charcoal production is a promising format for business. Despite the abundance of manufacturers of this product, Russian market not completely satisfied. Those entrepreneurs who have experience in the woodworking or forestry sector should take a closer look at the idea presented. This will not only allow you to quickly adapt to production conditions, but will also help reduce start-up and operating costs, while increasing profitability.

The efficiency of work will directly depend on compliance with production technologies. A negligent attitude can completely deprive an entrepreneur of profit.