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US drum aircraft carriers. Atomic aircraft carriers of Russia and their technical specifications

The end of World War II put the Armed Forces (Sun) of the United States before the problem of reducing the personnel and technology and the need to adopt a new military strategy, based on the conditions of peacetime.

As part of the American fleet by the end of 1945 there were two heavy aircraft carriers of "Saratoga" and "Enterprise", 19 aircraft carriers of the Essex type, nine-type "Independence" and another 49 lightweight convoy aircraft carriers. At shipbuilding shipyards in different degrees of readiness there were another 36 aircraft carriers of various classes. Of these, 12 were not honored, and the three "Midway" type ships, five - type "Essvks", two - Rvina "Saipan" and 16 convoy aircraft carriers in 1947 replenished the composition of the naval forces.

By the end of the 40s, the Navy developed own strategy Arms Development. It was planned to build four fundamentally new superavicanos of UNITED STAYS, to arm deck aircraft with an empty weapon and preserve the leading role of the fleet in the US Armed Forces.

However, these plans were not destined to come true. The best means of delivery of nuclear bombs in the time were considered heavy bombers of the Air Force. Money for the construction of aircraft carriers "United Stats" from the fleet was selected and transferred to the Air Force. This decision was officially announced in April 1949, it was accomplished by the highest command of the fleet into a state of shock. The Naval Minister resigned, and at the headquarters began to walk unsplaced rumors about the transfer of naval aviation to the Air Force and the abolition of the corps of the marines. It is not known how to end the opposition of two types of armed forces, not to contact Carl Vison, while the Chairman of the Commission on the Affairs of the US Armed Forces, to the President and Congress. Within two weeks, the Congress Commission conducted an investigation by the current situation. There was no certain decision then, but sea aviation remained under the jurisdiction of the fleet.

A year later, the war began in Korea, which sobbed supporters of the fleet radical cuts. In total, 12 aircraft carriers participated in the hostilities, mostly drum types "Essex". Navy aircraft made 275,912 combat departures, dropping 163,026 tons and shot 71 804 projectiles from onboard guns. According to American data, on June 27, 1953, losses amounted to 564 aircraft, and only five of them were shot down in air combat. The effectiveness of the use of deck storms, in the exercise of air support, forced the Air Force to change the tactics of the actions of its aircraft and restore the tactical aviation command.

Already at the end of the Korean War, the fleet received long-awaited allocations for the development of aircraft carriers. Return to draft projects did not become and launched a large modernization program of the Midway and Essex ships. At the same time, a new shock aircraft carrier Forrestol was laid. Until 1959, four aircraft carriers of this type entered the unit. In 1961, they joined them the largest military ship of that time - the Atomic aircraft carrier "Enthtrprise". It was believed that since now, only atomic aircraft carriers will be built from this point, but because of their high cost, they returned to the Forrestol project, much improved him and launched a series of three aircraft carriers of Kitty Hawk. They entered the fleet until the end of 1966.

The last American aircraft carrier with a Cotlombinal power plant "John F. Kennedy" was laid in 1967. At present, exclusively atomic aircraft carriers of the Chester U.Nimitz are being built, the first ship from this series is closed on June 13, 1972.

In the post-war time, the aviance ships were conventionally divided into five subclasses: shock aircraft carriers (CVA), atomic drums (CVAN), anti-submarine (CVS), light aircraft carriers (CVL), landing helicopters (LPH) and auxiliary air transport (AVT) - Study vrollea.

In the 70s, anti-submarine aircraft carriers began to gradually withdraw from the combat composition of the fleet. The fulfillment of their tasks was placed on strike, after which the latter were reclassified into multipurpose (CV) and atomic multi-purpose (CVN).

Shock aircraft carriers like "Essex"

The most numerous type of drum aircraft carriers are "Essex" type ships - project 27. Since 1941, they were built 24 units: 17 - during the war and seven - in the post-war period (see Table 1).

Angar aircraft carrier accompanied 80-100 aircraft. Organizationally, they were reduced to the airgroup consisting of four squadrons: two - jet fighters, one - attack aircraft and one - piston fighters. All aviation-technical equipment of ships, except for the catapult, was calculated on airplanes with a taking weight of up to 14 tons. The airways took off after a free runway on the deck with a length of 270.8 and a width of 39 m. For the take-off, the Hydropneumatic catapults mounted in the nose part of the ship could be used. To recharge the catapult and the start of the next aircraft required two minutes. A large number of accidents when planting aircraft forced constructors to constantly increase the number of cables of the azrophinishers and emergency barriers. On Essexes, the number of cables reached 12, and the barriers - five. Despite this, the accident was still frequent. On July 4, 1950, four damaged "skayider" of the 55th assault squadron returned from a combat job. One of them, who had damaged from the fire of Korean anti-aircraft users, did not reduce the speed at the landing approach, slipped all 12 cables, five emergency barriers and crashed ahead of standing aircraft. As a result, nine cars received various damage, and three of them turned out to be completely broken. According to the instructions, the landing took place with the engine turned off. If the hook did not catch the finisher cables, then the plane could not eat and go to the second round. For this reason, a landing with open lamps of Cabin entered the tradition of deck aircraft, then the crew appeared at least some chance to survive.

The ship is equipped with three aircraft - one onboard and two decks. Open hangar was under deck. An open hangar was well ventilated and illuminated, but at the same time excellently looked at a number of passing ships. The weak point of the aircraft carrier in a constructive attitude was considered a nose with a buckling deck over the visor. In the stormy weather "Visor" often broke, pulling a ship in order.

Artillery armament of aircraft carrier included 12 guns by caliber 127 mm and a large number of small-caliber (20-mm, 40-mm) anti-aircraft automatic guns.

The maximum speed of aircraft carriers of this type - 30 nodes, the total displacement reached 33 T. Sailing range at speed of 15 nodes - 12 Miles LLC.

In order to increase the impact opportunities and providing the basing of heavy attack aircraft "Savage", Oriskani aircraft carriers completed on a modified project - 27a, with a reinforced deck. Already built "Hancock" and "Bon Homm Richard" and "Bon Homm Richard" were subjected to similar modernization, so they are often distinguished in a separate type - "Orcani".

High emergency and bad seaworthy qualities, as well as the invention by the British of the angular deck and the steam catapult, forced to modernize the aircraft carriers of the 27th project. The angular deck was a rectangular area located at an angle of 10.5 ° to the longitudinal axis of the housing (standard for all American aircraft carriers), designed for landing. Even if the plane is not clinging for the finisher cables, he no longer represented no danger to the standing aircraft and could go to the second round. The landing technique on the deck has changed: the engine was no longer turned off, and they tried to maintain the speed of the aircraft on which he was well listened to the steering wheel. Such landing was called "speed". The width of Ayurosal deck up to 52 m. The number of cables of the aerofinisher decreased to four, and emergency barriers to one. In addition, the new project provided for the restructuring of the nasal part of the ship, the so-called "storm nose". Now the nasal part of the deck was securely fixed and the front of the hangar is completely closed from water from entering water. They got rid of the fodder deck aircraft-nickname, which was considered potentially dangerous, as his jams deprived airplanes opportunities to sit on the deck. The carrying capacity of self-lifts was brought to 36.5 tons. The steam catapults allowed to use heavier jet aircraft, the reflectors of the jet jet were installed behind the catapult. In the 1950s, most aircraft carriers have passed the next modernization and were reclassified into anti-submarine. After 20 years, almost all of them got and scrap metal, there were only five ships of this type: four Essex aircraft carriers were listed in reserve and one - "Lexington" was used by the Fleet and the quality of the training. As of 1991, only one aircraft carrier "Lexington" was located as part of the fleet. Two other aircraft carriers: "Bon Homm Richard" and "Oriskani" were challenged. Currently, all aircraft carriers of this type are derived from the fleet.

And Vianossy


Table 1


On-board number

Introduced into the combat composition of the fleet


Removed from the fleet

in cvs.









"Banker Hil L"




"Bon Homm









Midway type shock aircraft carriers

Ships TINA "Miduway" - the largest aircraft carriers laid down during the Second World War. Planned to build six ships. After the end of the aosina, the order was reduced to three (see Table 2).

The aircraft carriers were calculated on the basing of 100-137 aircraft with a take-off weight up to 25 tons. Airplanes were located and an open hang mark. Organizationally they boiled down in six squadrines: two - fighters (lungs and heavy) and four - attack aircraft (one - heavy). The hangar was divided by four fire-fighting partitions. The main method of the takeoff was the free rank on the deck with a length of 285 and a width of 40 m. The armored deck is equipped with a ten-cable aerofinisher, four emergency barriers and two hydropneumatic catapults. Three aircraft deliberates were located at the initial scheme of Essex aircraft carriers. Defensive weapon included 18 guns by a 127 mm caliber and several dozen 40-mm anti-aircraft guns. Turning speed 33 node, total displacement 55 LLC t, the crew of 2600 people "Miduway" began to modernize simultaneously with Essays, the project received a conditional code - 110. The large initial sizes of ships allowed to establish an angular deck of greater width, its maximum width began to reach 64 m . Ships equipped with new aviation and technical equipment, designed for a mass of aircraft up to 35 tons. Changes touched and cannonal weapons: left ten 127-mm guns, and instead of 40-mm automatic guns installed 76 mm automatic anti-aircraft guns. The increased dimensions of the jet aircraft forced to reduce their number of up to 80 units. But the shock force of aircraft carriers has increased

The last ship from the "Midway" series is the coral si aircraft carrier, the project 110a - had significant differences: it had only on-board sarases and three steam catapults (in the rest of two), one of them - on the angular deck.

In the 70s, aircraft carriers passed another modernization in order to extend the service life of up to 40 years. Anti-aircraft guns were replaced by two launchers of SPRROU SPRROU. To combat low-tech targets and anti-religious missiles, three 20 mm Volcan Falanx Systems were put. C1975, Aoshli ships in a subclass of multipurpose. The composition of the aircraft based on the aircraft carrier has changed: one squadron of attack aircraft (A-6), three squadrons of attachment fighters (F-18), four long-range radar detection aircraft (DRO), four Ca-6 refueling, four RESER EA-6 and 6 aircraft and Six helicopters SI King.

Midway type aircraft carriers

table 2




"FR. D. Roosevelt "

"Coral SI"

Shock aircraft carriers like "Forrestol"

Project 80 - Forrestol was the first implemented post-war project avianecoming ships in USA. These are the world's largest aircraft carriers with a conventional energy installation. The rolleana ship of the series was laid in July 1952, built three years and put in operation on October 1, 1955 (see Table 3).

With the ship "Forrestol", perhaps the most curious page in the history of deck aviation is connected. In October 1963, in the five hundred miles from Boston, flight tests of the GV-1 aircraft (the designation of KC-130F "Hercules" until 1962 in the Navy were launched on his board. At first, this aircraft with the on-board number 798 almost without remakes of the design made 29 imitation of landing on the deck on the type "Touch - immediate takeoff". When the pilots "Hercules" are quite strained, the main phase of tests began. Their goal is to explore the possibility of basing heavy aircraft-refinement on shock aircraft carriers. Total "Hercules" made 21 landing and 21 take-off from the deck, during which neither braking hook or starting accelerators were used. The running mass of the aircraft reached 54,430 kg (we recall that the maximum running mass of C-130 comes to 70,400 kg). However, regular flights of the machine of this class were impossible due to the small deck area and the non-permanent strength of the wind. Despite this, "Hercules" entered the story as the biggest and heavy deck plane.

On the initial project, four ships were built: "Forrestol", "Saratoga", "Rainholder" and "Independence". The last aircraft carrier is lowered in 1958.

For the first time, 80-100 jet aircraft was performed closed from all sides, except for the feed "window". The main way of takeoff is catapult. The armored deck with a thickness of 45 mm and a length of 331 m is equipped with an angular landing site, a total width - 76.8. The aircraft carrier has four steam catapults of high power, two in the nose and - two on the corner deck. Peredarndka catapult takes 25-30 s. Four on-board operationer with dimensions of the 20x16 m platforms (the last figure is 3 m more than that of Miduey) can raise aircraft with a mass of 50 tons on the deck. To stop the aircraft sitting on the deck there are an aerofinisher with six cables and an emergency barrier. Much attention in the design was given to a decrease in the size of the superstructure and the location of the chimney, trying so that the smoke did not cover the stern part of the deck.

The ship was based: one squadron of heavy attack aircraft, four squadrons - the lungs, two - fighters, one - intelligence and one - Aircraft of DRON. After withdrawing from the Fleet of anti-submarine aircraft carriers on "Forrestols" instead of two light assault squadrons, two anti-submarines were planted. Currently, heavy attack aircraft in the fleet aviation is not. And their place was taken by Rab aircraft

Defensive armament consists of eight 127-mm anti-aircraft guns.

Proturbic power supply with a capacity of 280 LLC L.S. Conducts four rowing screws with a diameter of 6.7 m, which dispersed the ship with displacement 76 T to speed 33 of the node. The aircraft carrier is controlled by three steering.

The next two ships - Kitty Hawk and Constable were built under an improved project 127a. The main differences are in the location of the upgraded superstructure and in the placement of the aircraft on the deck. One of the lifts was transferred from the end of the landing strip to the left (park) part of the angular deck, increasing the safety of flights. The number of aerofinisher cables reduced to four (standard number for all modern ships).

The further development of the Forrestol series are the ships "America" \u200b\u200band "John F. Cennedy". Both were built according to different projects (127V and 127C), with the improvements used on the En-Terraiz atomic aircraft carrier, and the same aviation equipment. "John F. Kennedy" is the last American aircraft carrier with an ordinary power plant (SU). After it, ships were built only with nuclear su. Currently, all aircraft carriers like Forrestol remain in the ranks and gradually undergo modernization. Forrestol himself was transferred to the class of training ships, and the pilots of deck aviation are trained. The crew of the Forrestol type vehicle consists of 4,200 people.

Forrestol type aircraft carriers Table 3







"Kitty Hok"




"J.F. Kennedy"

Atomic shock aircraft carrier "Enterprise"

The first nuclear aircraft carrier in the world was the ship "Enterprise" with onboard number 65. Founded on September 24, 1960, he embodied in himself all the latest achievements of the science of that time. It leads to nuclear su, consisting of eight atomic reactors of the company "Westingauz" and 32 steam generators with a total capacity of 300,000 hp Gearboxes, transmissions, etc. Borrowed from nuclear submarines. No refueling "Enterprise" swims 4,300,000 marine miles With a constant speed of 20 nodes. The atomic ship does not need to carry a large amount of fuel oil with him, and its place occupied aviation fuel, the total stock of which is 15, LLC t. This is quite enough to provide two daily combat failures of all ship aircraft during the week. Deck length 336 m, width 76 m.

Anhar "Enterprise" is designed for 100 aircraft. They are fed to the deck with four aircraft lifters with the size of the platform 26x16 m. The takeoff is provided by four steam catapults. Aerofinisher Che-tyrechtrosovoy, an emergency stop of an aircraft is carried out by a barrier from nylon tapes. The composition of the aviation wing is similar to the Forerestol type aircraft carrier wing.

The chimney on the ship is not, and the add-in, respectively, has a small size. It is performed in the form of a cube. At its faces, antennas of the Review RLS are installed. Interestingly, a copy of this superstructure (with the same antennas) had a missile cruiser "Long Beach". He and the Bainbridge's nuclear cruiser, together with Enterprise, accounted for the first American atomic high-speed aircraft carrier, formed in early 1963. The main task of cruisers was to ensure the aircraft carrier anti-sidoid defense.

Own defensive armament of the aircraft carrier consisted of the "terrier" SPC. Already after the reconstruction of the ship in the 80s, the Terrier was removed and replaced with a diploma SPEM - Sisparrow. The superstructure was rebuilt, now it has a completely different appearance, while losing its characteristic antennas. Currently, Enterprise is in the combat composition of the fleet.

Atomic shock aircraft carriers like "Nester U.Nimitz"

The first ship of the series was laid in 1968 and commissioned in May 1972. In the fighting, there are Aosight ships of this type. In the construction there is another such ship (see Table 4).

Chester U.Nimitz aircraft carriers are the largest military ships in the world. Nuclear power plant perfect typeThan "Enterprise". It consists of all of the two reactors that are refueling with nuclear fuel once every 13 years. Reactors are located in the holds, almost in the middle of the housing in two independent hermetic compartments. Flight deck with a length of 332.9 m and a maximum width of 76.8 m is covered with rubber-based material. The angular landing site on which the four cables of the Aerofinisher and the emergency barrier are installed, equipped with two steam catapults. The perimeter of the deck is installed vertical, leaving the radio antenna.

On the right side on the deck there is a seven-story superstructure with antennas of radio engineering systems. It contains flight control, chassis, cabins of the captain and commander of the aircraft.

Before starting flights, airplanes are served on the deck with four aircraft. Two of them are located in front of the superstructure, closer to the nasal catapults. There is a traffic office from which you can adjust the speed to which the starting aircraft accelerates. Before departure, the outfit machine is weighed, fixed on the shuttle catapult, the weight is entered into the control device of the catapult, and after readiness the plane takes off. In the case of using all four catapult, a group of 20 aircraft can be raised into the air in 5-6 minutes.

Airplanes are equipped on the deck, for this it provides three elevators. automated system Amusement of ammunition, filling posts and power connectors.

Under the flight deck there is a gallery deck. It provides a pass-through pass along the entire length of the ship, because during flights to the "top" for the majority of crew members is prohibited. On the gallery deck are placed posts of control of the catapults, finisher, cabins and a combat department. Below the gallery there are still ten decks various destination. The main one is angry. The height of the hangar is about eight meters, the capacity is 90-100 aircraft, in case of fire it is automatically divided into three hermetic compartments

Full displacement of aircraft carrier 91 500 tons, maximum speed Stroke 30 knots. The ship can conduct fighting away from bases without supply for 16 days. Avicrylola (96 aircraft), located on the aircraft carrier, consists of nine squadrons: two fighter, three assault (fighter assault), one Rab, one drill and two anti-submarine (aircraft, helicopters). Defensive armament - three SPRROU SPRROP SPC and three settings "Volcano Falanks". The total number of crew is 3300 people. Only 850 people are engaged in the service of landing equipment, lifts and preparation of aircraft, and 300-400 people are engaged in the repair of aircraft and equipment. Special division provides preparation and suspension of weapons, etc. All who participate in flights and is on the deck, wear protective helmets and headphones. Adjustments indicating the direction of movement by airplanes, wear yellow jackets or T-shirts (in summer). The least noticeable techniques of aircraft look (in a brown uniform) and the auxodifiers of deck machines (green). Officers serving the catapult and the finisher wear a blue jacket. For transportation of aircraft on the deck there are special yellow tractors. During flights on the deck near the landing strip there are duty tractors and a fire engine.

Chester U.Nimitz aircraft carriers Table 4



"Chester U.Nimitz"

Dwight Eisenhower

"Karl Vinson"

"Theodore Roosevelt"

"Abraham Lincoln"

"George Washington"

"John Stennis"

"Harry Truman"

Ronald Reagan

Even in peacetime and, regardless of the tactical situation, the aircraft carriers are in constant combat readiness. During swimming in the air there are anti-submarine plane and aircraft drill. As with the "land" airfields, a couple of fighters is on duty on the aircraft carrier all the time, most often they are standing in the superstructure area.

A.Chchin, Kharkov

"Model-designer" No. 9 "99

Aircraft carrier class "Nimitz"

Nimitz aircraft carriers - a series of American aircraft carriers with a nuclear power plant are the largest military courts in the world. The class was called according to the first built aircraft carrier "Nimitz".

The first atomic multi-purpose aircraft carrier of the Nimitz type was laid on June 22, 1968. Construction lasted four years, the transfer of the fleet took place on May 3, 1975.

In total, since 1968, 10 ships were built. A series of ships "Nimitz" has become the largest in the post-war period. All aircraft carriers of this type were built and continue to be built on shipbuilding shipyard in Newport News, Virginia.

Main characteristics

Length: 333 m
Width of the Flying Deck: 76.8-78.4 m
Displacement: 98 235 tons, maximum 104 112 tons with full load
Speed: 30 nodes (about 56 km / h)
Power installation: two A4W reactors, four mines
Aviation: Maximum 90 units, including 64 aircraft (including 48 percussion and 16 support aircraft) and 26 deck-based helicopters
Team: Crew 3200 people + Aviced 2480 people
Lifecycle: more than 50 years
The time of operation of reactors without replacing energy carriers: about 20 years.

In accordance with the classification of vehicles of the US Navy, all vessels of this type have a side number, such as the first ship of this class has the CVN-68 number, where the designation CVN is a multi-purpose aircraft carrier with a nuclear power plant, and 68 is the ordinal number of the aircraft carrier in the US Navy.

All vehicles of the class "Nimitz" are constructively practically the same, but starting from the fourth, have increased displacement, precipitation and the period between the rehabils of the fuel of nuclear reactors (up to 20 years). They may differ in the composition of the aerosalvolev operating with them, the complex of radio-electronic weapons, as well as the presence of additional equipment. For example, a gym has a gym on the aircraft carrier "Karl Vinson", which allows to work out teaching and combat missions.

Nimitz aircraft carriers are built by classic schemeBut at the same time have a number of features: the body is welded from steel sheets, and the main carrying structures, including the flight deck, are made of armor steel.

Complete displacement of the ships late (starting with CVN72) buildings is 102,000 tons. The power plant consists of two A4G / A1W water-water reactors, which operate for four steam turbines with a total maximum capacity of 280,000 hp. Turbines rotate four five-wing screws. Auxiliary power plant consists of four diesel engines with a total capacity of 10720 hp

The ship has more than 4,000 premises for various purposes.

The ship's crew consists of 3184 people (203 officers) of the ship's ship, 2800 people (366 officers) AviaGroup, and 70 (25) a person of the command of the aircraft carrier strike group. A total of more than 6,000 people can be placed on the ship.

Currently, standard aircraft includes 78 aircraft and helicopters: 20 fighters F-14B / D "Tomcat", 36 fighters-bombers F / A-18 "Hornet" or "Super Hornet", 8 anti-submarine defense airplanes (D) S-3A / B "Viking" (often used as scouts or flying tankers), 4 aircraft DROL E-2C "Hokai", 4 aircraft of the radio electronic struggle of the EA-6B "RUBLE", 4 Helicopters PO SH-60F "Sivi Helo" and 2 Rescue helicopters HH-60H "C HOK".

Defensive armament of the ship includes three zenith rocket complex Si Sparrow and the four 20-millimeter anti-aircraft artillery complex "Volcano - Falnks". Onboard weapons are intended to ensure the protection of the ship mainly from the air enemy, which broke the far and average airflow of the aircraft shock group. Two three-pipe 324-millimeter torpedo vessels serve to combat torpedoes located along the brilvater trail.

Radio electronic means include radar stations Detection, air traffic control and navigation, SATCOM Satellite Communication Station, Digital Communication Line, Radioelectronic Station, and Interference Station, SPC Station, and Tacan Navigation System. The latter provides simultaneously to a hundred aircraft data about their location within a radius of three hundred miles from the aircraft carrier.

List of aircraft carriers of the "Nimitz"

"Nimitz" (CVN-68) - commissioned on May 3, 1975
Dwight Eisenhuer (CVN-69) - commissioned on October 18, 1977
"Karl Vinson" (CVN-70) - introduced into the fleet on May 13, 1982
"Theodore Roosevelt" (CVN-71) - introduced into the fleet on October 25, 1986
"Abraham Lincoln" (CVN-72) - introduced into the fleet on November 11, 1989
"George Washington" (CVN-73) - enrolled in the fleet July 4, 1992
"John K. Stennis" (CVN-74) - introduced into the fleet on December 9, 1995
"Harry Truman" (CVN-75) - introduced into the fleet on July 25, 1998
Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) is introduced into the fleet on July 12, 2003.

The tenth and last ship of this class "George Bush" will be lowered in January 2009. The solemn ceremony of commissioning a new atomic aircraft carrier will be held on January 10 at the Norfolk naval port (Virginia).

CVN77 will be a "transition" ship from the type "Nimitz" to the new CVX aircraft carriers. On this ship, it is planned to work out promising technologies, intended to use in the CVX design. The aircraft carrier will have a changed design of the housing and island, reduced radar visibility, improved catapults and aircraft maintenance systems, as well as a reduced crew. CVN77 will replace the last American aircraft carrier with a non-nuclear power plant, CV63 "Kitty Hok", whose service life will be 47 years old.

The largest military ships can be called aircraft carriers. Already out of the name it is clear for which such a ship is needed - along with a large number of stationary weapons and military equipment he holds out different kinds Martial aircraft and helicopters. Airplanes need a large platform for overclocking - the take-off strip, which is why all powerful aircraft carriers have a huge size. Each strong power seeks to have an in service with at least one such ship to ensure independence on the world arena and respect from other countries. To date, only ten countries have such vessels.

History of the creation and development of aviance courts

In 1910, the American pilot was for the first time to raise the plane from the cruiser. This year is considered the beginning of the emergence of aircraft carriers. A special wooden elevation was installed on the Birmingham ship (Birmingham), which turned out to be accelerated and take off. After one year, the same pilot managed to land the aircraft on the ship, equipped again equipped with a temporary enlarged platter. In the following years, the British joined the development of such ships, they began to experiment on the rise from the moving ship. Initially, sea aviation was supposed only in intelligence expeditions.

The main difficulty for engineers was to create sufficient length of the runway. In 1915, American officers developed a special steam catapult to launch aircraft from the board of the ship. Due to this, it became possible to launch aircraft equipped with military equipment. Later were created electromagnetic, which made it possible to increase the size of aircraft and weapons. In addition to takeoff, there was a landing problem, and the point here is not only in the skills of pilots, but also in the length of the landing strip. In the period I, World War, Britain began re-equipment of their commercial vessels in ships with an enlarged deck. For the braking of the aircraft began to apply special devices that have almost changed to this day. It is on the ship for which the plane clinged when I made a landing.

In 1922, Japan first lowered the first ship on the water, originally designed as the aviance cruiser, and not alteration of another ship to the analog. 5 years later, the United States included in the list of countries with new combat ships with airplanes on board. In the same period, floating stations for seaplates were actively used. Aviation made a rise and landing from the water, and with the help of special devices, the aircraft raised or lowered on board the ship.

The period of the Great Patriotic War

In the period of World War II, the United Kingdom had 7 aircraft carriers, France had 1 aircraft carrier, in the USA - 8 and in Japan - 6 units. This war is rightfully considered to be the war of marine battles. Japan and America already had full-fledged combat aircraft carriers at that time. These countries have determined that the collateral of victory over the enemy will perform not ordinary warships, but aviation. Send a plane through the entire quiet ocean did not make sense. Excellent output served the above cruiser. In February 1942, Japan for the first time in the world managed to sing the American aircraft carrier. In the same period, in response to the aggression, the US military during the operation "Raid Dulittla" launched aircraft from the Hornet and attacked Tokyo. This story was based on the plot of the popular Pearl Harbor film.

For the first time in the world in nautical battles, the ships were placed at far distances from each other and did not even see the enemy. Military actions were conducted with the aircraft with an aircraft carrier. It was a truly war of two nautical titans. At the end of the battle, the military power of the winning countries did not stop the development of marine arms. So, in 1945, the United Kingdom first planted the jet plane on board the ship. This led to a new impetus in the construction of aircraft carriers - a new beveled deck was born and a more powerful steam catapult to start. The leaders in the sector of shipbuilding at this moment were considered US, England and France. In the post-war period, they began to design the vessel for marine battles, where they were based combat aircraft and helicopters needed for rescue activities.

Underwater aircraft carriers

During World War II, Japan used submarines with an airplane inside, located there in a disassembled state. It was quite uncomfortable weapons that required long-term assembly and disassembly. However, on the third year, the plane made a rise from the underwater and dropped two incendiary bombs to the Oregon State District in America, hoping to provoke massive fires in the forest area. The tragedy managed to avoid, but the appearance of the aggressor was sudden and seriously scared the power of America due to the fact that it was not clear how an enemy aircraft could imperceptibly get into the airspace of America. Such submarines also stood in service with England and France.

The next stage of the development of military developments was the war in Korea. Fighters rising from the ship for the first time attacked ground targets in North Korea. In 1960, America lowered the first aircraft carrier with an atomic reactor. And just two months later she informed the world about the second such vessel. The next important experiment was the round-world swimming cruisers without refueling on the shore. Today, aircraft carriers can perform a long-term autonomous stay in the ocean without having to enter ports for refueling.

Russia also tried to keep up with other countries. Back in 1904, the ship "Rus" acquired from the Germans was equipped with 8 aerostats aircraft. However, the ship was not used in any and subsequent battles. After the various development of aircraft carriers were created, but none of these projects were implemented. During the First World War, several steamers were converted into hydroaviavianos, however, this technique could not keep any comparison with the maritime weapons of Britain and the United States.

In the Soviet Union, the aircraft carriers were considered an aggression instrument - in their opinion, a very vulnerable aggression. The main blows during combat clashes were applied on them. The first was launched only in 1985 and armed in Russia in Russia in 1991.

Modern aircraft carrier fleet includes about 1250 aircraft and even more helicopters. At the same time, a significant part of them is based on American courts. In addition to aviation, ships are equipped with multiple rocket equipment and air defense systems. The length of all aircraft carriers ranges from 182 to 342 meters. The vehicle body is made of steel, its thickness reaches several centimeters. Under the take-off stripe there are large hangars for storing aircraft and helicopters, as well as repair work. Move from deck on deck aircrafts With special cranes. Under the bottom of the hangars are machine compartments and others office premises. Given the fact that the main purpose of such ships is to ensure takeoff and landing of aviation, the command post, radar devices and antennas are placed on a small so-called "island", which is almost always located on the right side of the board. This is due to the fact that at the beginning of the 20th century, the British military researchers have proven that in the event of an unsuccessful landing, all pilots automatically rotate the plane to the left when trying to enter the second occasion.

How many aircraft carriers in the world?

At the moment, there are only 22 ships of this class in the world. Consider more active types:

  1. The first place in terms of the number of existing ships in service are, they include 11 aircraft carriers. As already mentioned above, there are about 1,000 aircraft in their composition, the length of each ship is from 250 to 331 meters, the speed of movement from 31 nodes, the crew of each vessel is from 2000 to 5,000 people.
  2. Next, italy and Spain are occupied by the number of aircraft carriers - they have 2 units of weapons in their composition;
  3. The third place is occupied by countries having one such ship. These are Russia, China, Brazil, France, Thailand, India and the United Kingdom.

In service with Russia there is one heavy aviance cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov", its displacement is 70,500 tons, the length is 304 meters. The vessel has 24 aircraft and 42 helicopters, the speed of movement reaches 32 nodes.

Number by country

  • USA (11 ships) is the type "Ford" (1 ship Gerald R. Ford) - in service since May 2017. The launch of production is 2005, after 8 years, launched on water, followed by testing and staffing. Predecessor this ship Became the legendary "Enterprise", which served over 40 years and participated in many military missions committed by America. Now this is the biggest aviating cruiser in the world, on its construction took about $ 13 billion - respectively, Gerald R. Ford is also the most expensive aircraft carrier in the world.
    Type "" (10 ships) - a vessel with a nuclear reactor, also owned by the United States. In 1975, I was put into operation instance, and by 2009 the tenth. The ships of this class were widely used in armed clashes on the territory of the former Yugoslavia and in Iraq. The cost of each such an aircraft cruiser is about 4.5 billion dollars.
  • Italy (2 ships) - "Cavour" - located as part of the fleet since 2007, 8 aircraft and 12 helicopters have on board, the vessel length is 244 m, the speed of 30 nodes.
    "Giusepé Garibaldi" is another flagship of the Italian fleet, launched into the water in 1983, has a length of 180 m, the speed of 30 nodes.
  • India (1 ship) - the Indian aircraft carrier "Vikrammitia" was purchased from Russia in 2013. The former name "Admiral Gorshkov". The length is 274m, the maximum speed of 32UNEL, accommodates up to 20 aircraft and about 10 helicopters. In 2018 and 2023, 2 other air cruisers are planned to enter into the Navy.
  • China (1 ship) - the Chinese aircraft "Liaoning" was purchased from Ukraine in 2012 for $ 20 million. The former name "Varyag". Its length is 304 m, the composition of aviation includes 24 fighter and 12 helicopters.
  • Spain (2 ships) - the aircraft carrier "Juan Carlos" is in service with the Navy of Spain, is in the ranks since 2010, the length of 230m, it is in service with up to 30 aircraft and helicopters.
  • France (1 ship) - Atomic aircraft carrier "Charles de Gol" - is the flagship of the military forces of France. Commissioned in 2001, the size in length is 261m, includes up to 40 aircraft.
  • Brazil (1 ship) - São Paulo - aircraft carrier is operated since 2001, the length of 265 meters includes 14 aircraft and 11 helicopters;
  • Thailand (1 ship) - is represented by the aircraft carrier "Chakri Narrow" - has the smallest size among the now existing analogues, the length is 182 meters, the aviation group consists of 14 aircraft and 12 helicopters. Operated since 1997.
  • United Kingdom (1 ship) - Type "Illastriz" - one of the oldest acting aircraft carriers, participated in World War II. Length 205 m, in service 33 aircraft. Currently, new aircraft carriers are preparing for descent, which should replace the current copy.
  • Russia (1 ship) "Admiral Kuznetsov", the last in the list, but not significantly and power. Used since 1991, length 270m, number of aviation: 50 aircraft and helicopters. Below will look at it in more detail.

Comparison of the best aircraft carriers of the world

Consider ten powerful and largest aircraft carriers in the world in the entire history of the existence of these courts. Let us dwell in more detail at each of them.

  • Enterprise (USA) - this atomic major aircraft carrier rightfully takes first place. It was put into operation back in 1961, over the next 50 years there was never a replacement for this combat monster. In the middle of the 20th century, it was planned to build another five such ships, however, given the ship's too high cost, it was decided to leave it in a single copy. Thanks to the nuclear fuel, it can up to 13 years old in an autonomous state in the ocean. The largest aircraft carrier in the world has a length of 342.3 meters, accommodates up to 80 aircraft, the crew consists of 3,000 people. Atomizer includes four steam catapults that allow you to run one by one by one of 15 seconds each. An installation of four cables that helps operate brake cylinders was carried out on the runway. Also, the ship is equipped with a special nylon grid, which in case of problems when braking the aircraft, it will be able to catch it and prevent an accident. The ship participated in wars with Cuba, Vietnam and Iraq. In 2012, it was removed from the American fleet. Another 5 years, the legendary aircraft carrier Enterprise was written off. In return came to him new ship Gerald R. Ford, who plans to arise the US Navy by 2020. Prior to this period, the ship will make several outlets into the open sea to confirm its combat readiness. The ship costs the country about $ 13 billion, this is the most expensive aircraft carrier in the world. According to its armament, the vessel does not differ from the predecessor, but it significantly exceeds it by the level of automation, which reduces the number of crew. New technologies have also been used, providing ship's inconsistency when an attempt to detect it with radar.
  • Nimitz (USA) is another example of an atomic aircraft carrier, its first copy was manufactured in 1975. The release lasted until 2009. Currently, the United States consists of 10 such ships. Its length is 330 meters. Such vessels were actively exploited during the period of hostilities in Yugoslavia and Iraq. The ship's cost is about 4.5 billion dollars. The atomic reactor allows the ship to be in autonomous swimming for about 25 years. The period of operation is 50 years.
  • (USA) - the first similar aircraft carrier was lowered in the distance in 1955. The length was 325 meters. To date, this configuration ships no longer consist of any country in the world. However, the vessel still takes the third line in the list of the biggest aircraft carriers in the world.
  • (USA) - the length of the aircraft carrier of 320 meters, the copy is known for the large number of accidents that took place related to fires. As a result, 135 people burned out one of these tragedies. Removed with weapons in 1993.
  • John Kennedy (USA) - the short-term janning cruiser is also 320 meters, was removed from the US Navy in 2007. The ship communicated for about 40 years, carrying out tasks mainly in the Mediterranean. During his service, several marine clashes suffered.
  • (USA) - the length is 305 meters, was produced in 1945, he was the first heavy American aircraft carrier. Since 1992, he has been removed from weapons, today fulfills the role of the fleet museum.
  • Admiral Kuznetsov (USSR-RF) - the ship is built in the city of Nikolaev in 1985, today consists in service with the Northern Fleet of the Navy of Russia, the length of the aircraft cruiser is 300 meters.
  • Lexington (USA) is a vessel of the World War II period, but in 1946 he was flooded after it was held with nuclear tests.
  • Cruiser Varyag / Liaoning (USSR-Ukraine-China) - was lowered in 1988 in Nikolaev. During the collapse of the Union on board the construction continued. Accordingly, the ship transferred to Ukraine, however repair work During this period were discontinued. Subsequently, the unfinished aircraft carrier was sold to China for $ 20 million. To date, the Chinese Navy is armed.
  • Sinano (Japan) - was built in 1942 and participated in the war against America. The length of the vessel was 266m - until the end of the 50s of the last century it was the world's largest aircraft carrier. In November 1944, during the battle with the American military, the vessel was flooded, and together with him a 1435 crew.

Recent developments

One of the latest new products in the sphere of Navy on rumors of experts is the development of underwater aviation Russian Federation. The first atomic underwater aircraft carrier of Russia project 941-bis for rumors should be ready for 2020. The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a vessel was developed since 1991 at the Rubinsk project of transport submarines. Today on the Internet you can find a layout of such a submarine. However, this submarine and its device are strictly classified, to find out the real commissioning dates are not possible. One thing that can be said with confidence - if it is put into operation - it will be the best aircraft carrier in the world and the only atomic underwater ship with fighters on board.

As can be seen from the list of the largest aviance cruisers of the world of all time, the indisputable leading place in this form of weapons is occupied by the US aircraft carriers. Airlines are an important attribute in the naval forces of any country, at the same time they are among the most vulnerable ships with large-scale battles. Such ships are indispensable when conducting hostilities with countries that do not have modern nuclear weapons. With aggression from the side of the power of power, the aircraft carriers will remain important, but not the main component in conducting hostilities.

Martial vehicles with nuclear power plants are in the same series as the steamer, rowing screw and other great inventions that allow the naval forces to win victories over the enemy. The US Navy from the very beginning to reaches the program for the construction of nuclear vessels very seriously, and the first such vessel was the submarine "Nautilus" (SSN-571). The boat joined 10 January 1954, and followed by a number of atomic submarines of various classes followed.

Then the turn of surface ships came; However, they were significantly less. In total, only nine atomic cruisers, frigates and destroyers were built; By the end of the XX century, they were all removed from the operating fleet and shipped on scrap metal. US Navy discovered that nuclear power plants are cost-effective to equip submarines and super heavy aircraft carriers.

Evolution of the US Air Magnical Fleet

The first atomic supergigant was the aircraft carrier of the US Navy "Enterprise" (CVN-65), which entered into operation on November 25, 1961 and permanently remained in its composition until 2012, with the exception of overhaul interruptions and refueling with nuclear fuel.

The first representative of the next class of American atomic aircraft carriers became "Nimitz" (CVN-68), which entered service on March 3, 1975. Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) and Karl Wison (CVN-70) followed him. ), also belonging to the "Nimitz" class. The last in this row ship "Karl Visson" came into order in 1982 the first ship of the next series of atomic aircraft carriers was the "Theodore Roosevelt" (CVN-71), which entered service on October 25, 1986, that is, more than ten years After "Nimitsa."

The next novelty for American sea basing aviation will be a futuristic aircraft carrier, which is now the subject of lively discussions among naval specialists from the whole world. It will be the atomic aircraft carrier of the XXI century CVN-21. Of course, from practical considerations, this aircraft carrier is now wearing a side number CVN-78, the next issue after the US Navy aircraft carrier "George G. W. Bush" (CVN-77). By appearance This ship will differ little from its predecessor, but the systems inside the case will be much more modern.

The main result of the development of the US Navy at the beginning of the new millennium is the conclusion from its composition of many types of aircraft. Shot from weapons beloved by pilots and having an almost cult status of the F-14 Tomcat, the same fate suffered S-3 "Viking". On shift, these aircraft came f / a-18e / f "Super Hornet", and in the future it is expected to armared the F-35C revolutionary uniform drum fighter. The main radio electronic anti-EA-6B "Prauler" will be replaced by the EA-18G aircraft. The aircraft of the command and control E-2 "Hokai" began his service on the fleet back in 1973. Now the US Navy is experiencing a significantly improved "Hokai" E-2D, equipped with a radar with an active ads-18 grid. He must replace the Hokai E-2D plane.

In addition, unmanned aerial vehicles RQ-4 "Global Hawk", RQ-8A and MQ-8B "Fire Skout" will join the aircraft "Spriry" and Harrier. It is possible that the days when the aircraft consisted of fighters, attack aircraft, bombers, anti-submarine and intelligence aircraft, as well as aircraft tellers, were held, however, there will always be a land-based aircraft, which compensates for vulnerable places in the combat power of aircraft carriers.

Atomic aircraft carriers of the United States: brief description

Aircraft carrier Navy USA "Enterprise"

Full displacement: 104400 tons.

Length: 342.5 m; Flight deck width: 76.9 m

Energy installation: 8 A2W atomic reactors and 4 steam turbines rotating 4 screws; 4 redundant generators with a capacity of 10070 liters. from; Power on the shaft of 280000 l. from.

Maximum speed: more than 30 knots

Armament: 2 Rocket Installations "Si Sparrow"; 2 anti-aircraft missile complex; 3 Artillery Middle Falcon Settings "Falnks" Caliber 20 mm: A variety of automatic guns of 50 mm and 60 mm caliber for reflection of attacks from the sea.

Crew: 3,500 people; Airgroup: 2480 people

Deck Aviation: 85 aircraft, including uniform drum fighters F-35C; F / A-18 "Hornet"; EA-6B Puler; E-2C "Hokai"

In 2012, the Enterprise aircraft carrier was derived from the US Navy. Even during the last sailing of the aircraft carrier began unloading the ammunition from his giant cellars. Helicopters were taken by ammunition, which were then delivered to the engines running on the traverses. To export all ammunition, 1260 helicopter flights needed.

Aircraft carrier Navy USA "Nimitz»

Built by Newport News Shipyard & Drigh Dock, Newport News, Virginia.

Length: 333.1 m; The width of the flight deck: 76.9 m.

; one filling of nuclear fuel should be enough for 15 years; 4 redundant diesel generators with a capacity of 10070 liters. from.

Armament: 2 launcher missile installations (21 rocket), 3 artillery settings "Falnx" caliber 20 mm, 2 launchers MK 29 "S. Sparrow".

Deck Aviation: 90 aircraft and helicopters, although the typical airgroup consists of 72 aircraft and 6-8 helicopters.

It is expected that "Nimitz" will run the composition of the existing fleet until 2033.

Aircraft carrier Navy USADwight Eisenhower "

The second car class "Nimitz".

Full displacement: from 101100 to 104400 tons.

Energy installation: 2 atomic reactor "WestingAs" A4W, conjugate with 4 steam turbines; Power on the shaft of 260,000 l. from.

Maximum speed: more than 30 knots.

Armament: 2 RIM-7 SEA SPARROW, 2 RIM-116 SPC.

Crew: 3200 people; Air group of 2480 people.

Aircraft carrier Navy USAKarl Vinson "

Full displacement: from 101300 tons.

Energy installation: 2 atomic reactor "WestingAs" A4W, conjugate with 4 steam turbines; Power on the shaft of 260,000 l. from.

Maximum speed: more than 30 knots.

Weapons: 2 SPK 57 MOD3 SEA SPARROW, 2 RIM-116 SPC, 3 20 mm Six-power Phalanx CIWS guns designed to combat anti-religious missiles.

Crew: 3200 people; Air group of 2480 people.

Deck Aviation: 90 aircraft and helicopters.

Aircraft carrier Navy USA "Theodore Roosevelt"

Built by Newport News Shipyard & Drigh Dock, Newport News, Virginia.

Full displacement: from 101100 to 104400 tons.

Length: 333.1 m; Width: 76.9 m in the widest part of the flight deck.

ENERGY INSTALLATION: A4W nuclear atomic reactors; 4 steam turbines, one filling with nuclear fuel grabs for 15 years; 4 reserve diesel engines with a capacity of 10070 liters. from; Power on the shaft of 260,000 l. from.

Armament: Starting Rocket Installations "SI Sparrow"; 20-mm Artillery Middle Fabric Settings "Falnks"; Starting rocket systems with 21 rockets.

Deck aircraft: 80 aircraft, although the typical airgroup consists of 72 aircraft and 6-8 helicopters

The "Theodore Roosevelt" is expected to stay in the existing fleet until 2038. The US Navy aircraft carrier "Theodore Roosevelt" (CVN-71) differs from "Nimitsa" so much that it is considered belonging to a separate class or subclass.

Aircraft carrier Navy USA "Abraham Lincoln"

Full displacement: up to 104112 tons.

Length: 332.8 m; Width: 76.8 m in the widest part of the flight deck.

Maximum speed: over 30 nodes.

Crew: 3200 people; Air group of 2480 people.

Deck Aviation: 90 aircraft and helicopters.

Aircraft carrier Navy USA "George Washington"

Full displacement: up to 104200 tons.

Length: 332.8 m; Width: 76.8 m in the widest part of the flight deck.

ENERGY INSTALLATION: A4W nuclear atomic reactors; 4 steam turbines; Power on the shaft of 260,000 l. from.

Maximum speed: over 30 nodes.

Armament: 2 SPRP MK 57 Mod3 SEA SPARROW, 2 RIM-116 SPC, 3 20 mm Six-power Phalanx CIWS guns.

Crew: 3200 people; Air group of 2480 people.

Deck Aviation: 90 aircraft and helicopters.

Aircraft carrier Navy USA "John S. Stannis"

Full displacement: up to 103300 tons.

Length: 332.8 m; Width: 76.8 m in the widest part of the flight deck.

ENERGY INSTALLATION: A4W nuclear atomic reactors; 4 steam turbines; Power on the shaft of 260,000 l. from.

Maximum speed: over 30 nodes.

Armament: 2 SPRP MK 57 Mod3 SEA SPARROW, 2 RIM-116 SPC, 3 20 mm Six-power Phalanx CIWS guns.

Crew: 3200 people; Air group of 2480 people.

Deck Aviation: 90 aircraft and helicopters.

The aircraft carrier "John C. Stennis" refers to the subclass "Theodore Roosevelt", and one of it is not too obvious, but very effective features are armor, lightweight at 5900 tons. Due to this, the vessel body is made double, and the tests have shown that it reduces Damage, which causes the vessel to the torpedo.

Aircraft carrier Navy USA "Harry Truman"

Full displacement: up to 103900 tons.

Length: 332.8 m; Width: 76.8 m in the widest part of the flight deck.

ENERGY INSTALLATION: A4W nuclear atomic reactors; 4 steam turbines; Power on the shaft of 260,000 l. from.

Maximum speed: over 30 nodes.

Armament: 2 SPRP MK 57 Mod3 SEA SPARROW, 2 RIM-116 SPC, 3 20 mm Six-power Phalanx CIWS guns.

Crew: 3200 people; Air group of 2480 people.

Deck Aviation: 90 aircraft and helicopters.

Aircraft carrier Navy USA Ronald Reagan

Built by Newport News Shipyard & Drigh Dock, Newport News, Virginia.

Full displacement: up to 104400 tons.

Length: 333.1 m; Width: 76.9 m in the widest part of the flight deck.

Energy Installation: 2 A4W Nuclear Atomic Reactor, one filling with nuclear fuels grabs for 15 years. Power on the shaft is 260,000 liters. p., which provides a constant speed of over 30 nodes. The vessel is equipped with four reserve diesel engines with a capacity of 10070 liters. from.

Armament: Starting Rocket Installations "SI SPRROU", 20-mm Artillery Middle Fabric Settings "Falnks"; Starting rocket systems with 21 rockets.

Crew: 3200 people; Airgroup: 2480 people

Up to 90 aircraft can be based on Ronald Reagan, but the typical airgroup consists of 72 aircraft and 6-8 helicopters. The ship will be part of the current fleet for at least 50 years, that is, until 2053.

The aircraft carrier of the US Navy "Ronald Reagan" (CVN-76) on appearance is slightly different from its predecessor. Most of its internal systems are powered by electricity. As a result, Reagan is considered a representative of a separate subclass.

Aircraft carrier Navy "George G. W. Bush"

The tenth and last nimitz class ship.

Built in Newport News, Virginia, Northrop Grumman Newport-News Schipyard (the successor of Newport News Schipyard & Drudok).

Entry into operation: the ship received its name on October 7, 2007, entered service on January 10, 2009

Full displacement: over 104400 tons.

Length: 333.1 m; Width: 76.9 m in the widest part of the flight deck.

Energy Installation: 2 atomic reactor "Westingue" A4W, 4 steam turbines; Power on the shaft is 260,000 liters. from.

Maximum speed: over 30 nodes.

Armament. 2 SPR MK 29 "Si Sparrow"; 2 RIM-116 SPC; 3 20 mm Artillery Middle Mounted Falnx.

Booking: 64 mm kevlar armor around vital zones.

Crew: 3200 people; Airgroup: 2480 people.

Deck Aviation: 90 aircraft and helicopters.

The aircraft carrier "George Bush" has a number of improvements compared to its predecessors. In particular, the ship is equipped with an upgraded superstructure (the so-called "island"), which is characterized by a new radar tower with a reduced radar notice, improved by the navigation system and armored glazing.

The ship has a new design of the nasal part, which increases the characteristics of streamlining and buoyancy and reduced radar visibility. Recycled the system for the storage of aviation fuel and refueling aircraft. In general, George Bush compared to predecessors has an increased level of automation and reduced crew labor. To some extent, he can be considered a transitional step towards the aircraft carrier of a new class - "Gerald R. Ford".

US Navy Aircraftrrian "Gerald R. Ford"

Shipbuilding shipyard "Grumman Newport News Shipyard", Newport News, Virginia.

Entry: 2016.

Full displacement: probably more than 100,000 tons; Length and width are the same as CVN-77.

Speed: more than 30 knots in cruising mode.

Weapons; Rocket launchers "SI Sparrow", other rocket plants; 20-mm Artillery Middle Fabric Settings "Falnks".

The crew (including the air wing): 4660 people, 1000 less than that of the Nimitz aircraft carrier (CVN-68).

Deck Aviation: 75 or more aircraft and helicopters, including F-35C (single impact fighters); F / a-18e / f; EA-18G; E-2D; MH-60R / S and unmanned combat aircraft.

A new atomic reactor will be used; Strels technology will help reduce the radar signature of the vessel.

The ship will be able to be in the ranks without refueling with nuclear fuel almost half of his life (twenty five years). Ford will be part of the existing fleet until the very end of the 2060s

Deck aviation

The US aircraft carrier fleet has a deck aviation that has no analogues in the world in terms of numbers and combat power. As of 2013, 765 fighters-bombers F / A-18 "Super Hornet" of various modifications had 765 bombers-bombers. These aircraft are the main shock force of the American aircraft carrier.

In addition to fighters-bombers, as of 2013, US Navy has been located:

  • 85 S-3 "Viking" S-3 anti-submarine aircraft
  • 170 P-3 "ORION" P-3 patrol aircraft
  • 127 transport aircraft of various models,
  • 65 deck aircraft tradro,
  • 87 EA-6B and 1 EA-18G reb and 1 EA-18G deck aircraft
  • more than 500 deck helicopters of various models.

The organizationally deck aviation of the US Navy consists of the air forces of the Atlantic and Pacific Fleets. Those, in turn, consist of aviakrylyev who are divided into squadrons.

Consider the main types of aviation equipment consisting of the US Navy deck aviation.

AIRCRAFTF /A-18c andF /A-18.E "Hornet"

Manufacturer: Boeing Eyrkraft Company.

Energy Installation: Two Turbofuel Engine "General Electric - F414-GE-400

Maximum speed at height: 1915 km / h.

Flight range with suspended fuel tank: 3300 km.

Practical ceiling: 15500 m.

Armament: 20 mm Automatic gun M61A1 / A2 "Volcano"; On an external suspension, the plane may carry over 8,000 kg of another weapon, which includes almost all bombs and rockets that are used in the US Navy.

Single shock fighterF-35C.

Perspective deck fighter-bomber fifth generation.

Manufacturer: Lokhid Martin.

Energy Installation: Forced Turbofuel Engine "Pratt and Whitney" F135 with an unfaffolding burden of 13,000 kgf, on the forplesage 19500 kgf.

Maximum speed at height: 1907 km / h.

Flight range: 1150 km.

Practical ceiling: 14400 m.

The F-35C aircraft is distinguished by large folding wings and stabilizers, which improves the flight characteristics at low speeds, as well as a more reliable chassis, well withstanding strikes when landing on the aircraft carrier deck. The wings of elevated area will increase the range and loading capacity, and with full internal tanks, the fighter will have a double flight than the F / A-18C, and will be able to perform almost the same tasks as heavier "Super Hornet." The fuselage is mounted four-sided 25-mm gun GAU-22 / A, there are 4 internal and 6 external pendants, which can accommodate a variety of rocket weapons.

Airplane DRO E-2 "Hokai"

E-2 "Hokai"

Manufacturer: Northrop Grumman.

Energy Installation: Two Ellison Turbust Engine T56.

Maximum speed: 695 km / h.

Flight range: 2975 km.

Practical ceiling: 9400 m.

Armament: absent.

The reconnaissance aircraft E-2 "Hokai" is the "heavenly eye". The latter modification of this aircraft can monitor immediately for two thousand goals (and detect twenty thousand goals at the same time) at distances exceeding 650 km, and at the same time place on targets from forty to one hundred aircraft.


Lightweight deck multi-purpose helicopter represented in various modifications: basic, anti-submarine and search and rescue.

Manufacturer: Sikorskaya.

Energy Installation: Two Turbovaya gas turbine engines 1260 KW "General Electric" T700-GE-401C.

Maximum speed: 270 km / h.

Flight range: 700 km.

Combat radius (in the anti-submarine): 185 km.

Practical ceiling: 5800 m.

Armament (in the anti-submarine): 3 torpedoes, or 3 PCR, or 4 HellFire rockets.

Content of this page prepared for the portal " Modern army»According to the book of Kit and Carolin Bonner" War ships. Power and power of the modern fleet. " When copying content, please do not forget to refer to the original source page.

Airlines are very convenient for transportation of cars from Japan ...

Bluff and reality American aircraft carrier type "Nimitz"

The shock atomic aircraft carrier "John K. Stennis", together with the ships of combat efforts, is sent to the Zone of the Persian Gulf ... The atomic aircraft carrier "George Bush" is overcome to the shores of Syria ... The third arrived at the Middle East ... From reports of news agencies for the last year. Despite the obvious threat to his shores, the Islamic Republic of Iran has chladnokrovnoly announced the launch of 180 centrifuges for uranium enrichment. American aircraft carriers consistently twisted off the coast of the Middle East and took the course to their native VBB Norfolk ...

Whenever the US Navy aircraft carriers "play muscles" to the public, in their decks inevitably forms "spit" from those whom they had to scare. "Non-democratic regimes" seems to do not notice the terrible 100,000-ton ships and conduct their independent policies, no one to be embarrassed on the "Nimitsev" raid with a nuclear power plant.

- What is the strength in, brother?

- Power is in the truth.

Why no one is afraid Atomic aircraft carriers like "Nimitz"? How are whole states sweep away from the face? Is Iran know some secret, what allows himself so easily reacting to the presence of American aircraft carriers?

Misception number 1. Pick to the coast of five "nimitsa" and ...

And American pilots are swollen blood. All reasoning about the relics of deck aviation of the US Navy is "Projecting Force", "500 aircraft", "at any time, at any point of the globe" - in fact are fantasies of impressionable inaders.

Misception number 2. Five hundred aircraft! This is not a pound of raisin!

Let's, perhaps, from the most famous myth: 80 ... 90 ... 100 (who are more?) The deck airplanes can be based on the decks of the atomic aircraft carrier, which, naturally, can break a small country into the shreds.

Alas, even role "Symbol of the military relics of the United States" to aircraft carriers turned out to be not under the power!

First, the aircraft carriers of the "Nimitz" are simply lost against the background of other important events: the placement of the American system of pro in Europe, deploying the Patriot Sprink on the border with Syria - all this causes much more global resonance, rather than another senseless campaign of the US Navy in Arabian Sea. For example, Japan's citizens are much more concerned about the incessant increasing revenge of American Morpekhov from the footer's base on about. Okinawa than the aircraft carrier ", quietly rusting at the pier in Yokosuka (American VBM in the suburb of Tokyo).

Secondly, the US Navy aircraft carriers tritely cannot fulfill the role of a "colonial cruiser in Zanzibar", due to ... the lack of aircraft carriers in Zanzibar. Paradoxically, but the fact - the main part of the life atomic giggles sleep peacefully Puppers in their rear bases in Norfolk and San Diego, or stand in a half-headed state in the docks of Brementon and Newport News. Operation of aircraft carriers so costthat the US Navy will think seven time before sending the giant to a long-range hike.

In the end, to "hover PonT" do not definitely burn expensive uranium rods and contain 3000 sailors - for the "demonstration of the flag" sometimes just a visit of one cruiser or destroying (readers probably remember how much noise has endowed the visit of the American Wattnaya Staff Sevastopol).


Problems of deck aviation Began with the advent jet engines. The growth of dimensions, masses and seating rates of jet aircraft caused the inevitable increase in aircraft carriers. At the same time, the size and cost of aircraft carriers grew significantly faster than the combat effectiveness of these monsters. As a result, by the end of the twentieth century, the aircraft carriers turned into a monstrous ineffective "Wundervafli", useless both in local conflicts and hypothetical.

The second blow to the deck aviation was inflicted during Korean War - Airplanes learned to be deftly refueling in the air. The appearance of air tankers and refueling systems on tactical aviation aircraft led to the fact that modern bomber fighters can effectively act at a thousand kilometers from their native airfield. They do not need aircraft carriers and "firm airfields" - Powerful "Strike Needles" are capable of flying La Mans overnight, rush over Europe and, pour out four tons of bombs on the Libyan Desert - and even before dawn to return to the air base in the UK.

The only "narrow" nicheIn which modern aircraft carriers can be applied - anti-air defense of the squadron in the open ocean. But to solve defensive problems, the power of Nimitsa is redundant. To ensure air defense air defense, there is a sufficiently light aircraft carrier with a pair of fighter squadrils and twery helicopters. Without any nuclear reactors and the complex catapult (the real example of such a system is the British aircraft carriers of the Queen Elizabeth type).

But the main thing, such conflicts are exclusively rare - for the age of 70, who have passed since the end of the world, the maritime war happened only one day. We are talking about the Falkland War in South Atlantic. By the way, at that time, the Argentinean cost without aircraft carriers - having the only aircraft-refill and the only aircraft of the DRU (Neptune sample of 1945), Argentine pilots on obsolete subsonic "Skyhouds", successfully acted at the disposal of hundreds of kilometers from the coast and, in As a result, a third squadron of Her Majesty was hardly "fixed".

The position of "Nimitsev" and universal landing ships of the Navy on February 20, 2013. Eight out of ten Aircraft carriers like "Nimitz" proudly demonstrate the flag in native ports (in HomePort) And at ship repair plants. Yet one walks along the coast of the United States and only one Located in position in the Arabian Sea.