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In Buryatia, a scandal broke out among applicants for the “Good People” state award. Larisa Irintseeva about the competition for the state award: “I found myself embroiled in a scandal” Two Belgorod residents have been nominated for the state award “Good People of Russia”

Published: 10/17/2017 10:57 Author: Elena Zachepa

Two Belgorod residents nominated for the “Good People of Russia” state award

Two representatives of the Belgorod region nominated for the state award " Good people Russia." Yulia Uglyanskaya and Mikhail Bazhinov work as part of the region’s Public Board and are active social activities.

As reported by the press service of the Public Chamber of the Belgorod Region, Yulia Uglyanskaya heads the Stary Oskol Crisis Center for women in difficult life situations. They receive shelter and humanitarian aid here. Soon the center will be able to offer jobs to its wards - equipment for the production of frozen semi-finished products has already been purchased with the help of the won presidential grant. While mothers are working, their children will be looked after at the Angel family center. This is another one social project Yulia Uglyanskaya, also implemented with the help of grant funds after successfully defending the project at the federal level. Mothers who find themselves in difficult life situations can leave their children at Angel (including with disabilities) under the supervision of specialists while working or solving other problems.

Mikhail Bazhinov represents the Belgorod region in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Before the elections on September 10, 2017, he headed the working group for monitoring the electoral rights of citizens of the Public Chamber of the Belgorod Region. In October, he initiated the creation of an interdepartmental working group, which will deal with the problem of bankruptcy of the poor. The region will create a register of people who have fallen into debt and do not have the means to get out of it or pay for bankruptcy proceedings, and will also develop a set of measures to provide real assistance in each situation.

You can get acquainted with the biographies of the nominees and vote for representatives of your region on the page tsfo.dobroyelyudirossii.rf. Voting will last until October 31.

Elena Zachepa

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“I found myself embroiled in a scandal. Ugly, artificially inflated, discrediting,” the famous TV presenter “Arig Us” Larisa Irintseeva wrote today on her Facebook page. She and four other kind benefactors were nominated for the award by the Public Chamber of Buryatia. Since then, special attention has been paid to this topic in the Buryat segment of social networks, since there can only be one winner, and the amount of the state prize is 2.5 million rubles. Not all “good people” passed the test of copper pipes.

Larisa Irintseeva told the public that she had received a letter from another contender for the award, Nadezhda Gershevich: “All my friends are generally surprised how you decided to participate in this,” writes Gershevich. - After all, the conditions say for contribution to charitable activities. You practically didn’t do this, you issued used items and now you rarely issue them periodically, not as you write, every Saturday, why are you lying?”

The letter goes on to say that she, Larisa Irintseeva, “ clever man” and understands that “ it is not fair and honest to receive a state bonus simply for distributing used things. If you receive a bonus, won't you be ashamed to receive it? Know that this is an unfair victory? God is your judge".

Next, Larisa Irintseeva says that in in social networks Comments also began to appear, the essence of which boiled down to the fact that her “charitable activities are nothing more than PR. They accused me of appropriating other people's merits and summed up that giving things away is a simple and frivolous matter. Unworthy of a state award."

According to the TV presenter, she became the leader of the vote in the Siberian Federal District, “and the catch-up began.” The media, the clergy and even the leadership of the republic joined in to interrupt its result. “It helped, but still wasn’t enough,” states Larisa Irintseeva and adds that “in the eyes of the public, we have become rivals and rivals in the fight for 2.5 million rubles.”

Larisa Irintseeva explains that when the Public Chamber of Buryatia included her in the list of nominees for the award, she had no idea that the competition would be so tough that people would be asked to vote, and the amount of the award itself would be so impressive. The presenter also notes: “Nadezhda Gershevich and I are on the cover of a respected weekly magazine! Against each other, like boxers in the ring. Title: “Irintseeva vs. Gershevich.” But I would just change the names. Because I don't mind. She is against it. And I'm in favor. For normal human relations. For respect for people's work. For an adequate perception of what is happening."

The nominee for the “Good People” award wonders how it was possible to vulgarize and distort a noble idea so much? Or some simply couldn’t stand it and showed their true colors? And others picked up and carried this “howl” further to the masses? In general, horror. I just want to say: “Yamar is a nightmare!”

Larisa Irintseeva concludes: “It is unlikely that the Public Chamber, which nominated as many as 5 candidates out of good intentions, could have imagined what this would lead to. I tried twice to get out of this race, but they didn’t let me, they said there were no mechanisms. As they say, I thought I would “take part in the crowd” of a beautiful event, but found myself in the center of an ugly scandal.”

TV presenter and public figure Larisa Irintseeva- a participant in the state award competition “Good People of Russia” commented on the scandalous situation around the online voting, during which between the main contenders from Buryatia.

She was nominated by the Public Chamber of Buryatia to participate in a competition of philanthropists from all over Russia. In total, five candidates from the republic are participating. The main struggle was between two of them - Nadezhda Gershevich and Larisa Irintseeva. At the same time, the head of Buryatia himself asked to vote for the latter on social networks Alexey Tsydenov and Metropolitan of the Ulan-Ude and Buryat diocese Savvaty.

Residents of Buryatia heatedly discussed what was happening on social networks, and it seems that the abundance of unpleasant speculation forced Larisa Irintseeva to reveal the background of what was happening. She wrote about this on her Facebook page in an attempt to set the record straight. She also quoted a message that her “main rival” wrote to her at the time the situation became scandalous. Here is the text of the message in full.

“Sorry, friends, it’s painful.

I found myself embroiled in a scandal. Ugly, artificially inflated, discrediting. You probably already understand that it is associated with the State Philanthropy Award.

It all started with a call from the Public Chamber of Buryatia. The apparatus reported that I was included in the list of five nominees from the republic. I refused due to the short duration of the job, lack of time to write a resume, etc. But the calls continued and in the end I agreed. I admit, I didn’t take this very seriously. Even the text about the work of the Foundation was written by another person, in a hurry, so it is rather “clumsy”, it contains inaccuracies and does not reflect the entire work of our public organization. I had no idea that this information would be made public and had no idea that there would be a VOTE.

I found out about this later, when the mechanism had already been launched. Then I became aware of the names of other nominees and the amount of the award. I understood that she was “not in the cards” for me, but I was filled with joy from just participating in the process.

However, this joy was short-lived. Soon I received a letter from Nadezhda Gershevich. In it, a kind, believing woman brought down her righteous anger on me.

Quote: “All my friends are generally surprised how you decided to participate in this... after all, the conditions say, for contribution to charitable activities, for Active participation etc. You practically didn’t do this, you carried out the issuance of used items and now you periodically issue them... rarely, not as you write... every Saturday, why are you lying? People can see that this is not true. You are a smart person, I think you understand that simply receiving a state bonus for distributing used things is not fair and not fair to other funds that have really been working all day long for many years! If you receive a bonus, won't you be ashamed to receive it? Know that this is an unfair victory? God is your judge, best reward and the prize is from God!” - end of quote.

Then almost identical comments began to appear on social networks. Their essence in general boiled down to the fact that my charitable activities are nothing more than PR. At the same time, commentators showed rare awareness of the creation of the Foundation, the personal lives of its founders, accused me of appropriating the merits of others and summed it up - distributing things is a simple and frivolous matter. Unworthy of the State Prize.

Meanwhile, I became the voting leader in the Siberian Federal District. And the “catch-up” began. NG tried its best: it involved the media, the clergy and the leadership of the Republic. It helped, but still wasn’t enough. What happened was that in the eyes of the public we became rivals in the fight for 2.5 million rubles.

Here another nominee enters the battlefield. His interests are represented by the well-known lawyer AM in Buryatia. The woman reproaches the journalistic community for inattention to a modest rural philanthropist, Nadezhda for using the leverage of her father, me for fame and attractive appearance. (!!!) At the same time, she echoes the above-mentioned commentators - the distribution of used clothes is a common thing. “This is the norm for a level person,” says AM.

And the apotheosis of history! NG and I are on the cover of a respected weekly magazine! Opposite each other, like boxers in the ring. The title is “Irintseeva vs. Gershevich.” This is glory, friends, this is success! But I would just change the names. Because I don't mind. She is against it. And I'm FOR. For normal human relationships. For respect for people's work. For an adequate perception of what is happening.

If anyone hasn’t realized yet, voting does NOT decide the fate of the award. It is held to attract attention to the activities of philanthropists and to gain popular support for their initiatives. Then what is all the fuss about? What caused all this pandemonium?! How can an idea be so vulgarized and distorted? Or did some, thinking that the fate of 2.5 million was being decided by voting, simply couldn’t stand it and showed their true colors? And others picked up and carried this “howl” further to the masses?

In general, horror. I just want to say: “Yamar is a nightmare!” It’s unlikely that the OP, who nominated as many as 5 candidates out of good intentions, could have imagined what this would lead to. I tried twice to get out of this race, but they didn’t let me, they said there were no mechanisms. As they say, I thought I would “take part in the crowd” of a beautiful event, but found myself in the center of an ugly scandal.

For information, the Parents Committee Foundation was created by my husband in 2012. I became a manager exactly 12 months ago. During this time we dressed 3,200 people. This coverage was made possible thanks to my recognition. People come to me as if they were a good friend, they trust me, they are not shy. The work is carried out through social networks, almost half the city is involved in the process, citizens and entrepreneurs bring clothes, we distribute them and send them to the districts. There were even remote farm sites.

I breed, sort and distribute clothes myself. Anyone who thinks that this is easy, or that this is PR at someone else’s expense, welcome to our warehouse on Saturday at 11.00. Let's see how long you can last!

And in conclusion. I am very pleased that members of the OP of Buryatia noticed our work and included us in the list of nominees next to people I respect who have been involved in charity work for many years. None of them, with the exception of one person, expressed dissatisfaction with this matter. I will be sincerely glad if one of them receives a state award! For me, just participating in the process is already a victory, and the support of my fellow countrymen is simply priceless!

That's all I wanted to say. All the best!”

Note that the current voting leader in the Siberian Federal District is the director of the Irkutsk charitable foundation"Amulet" Alexander Sobolev. At the end of September, he admitted that he launched a fake about a bag of money - it was 1,017,500 rubles - which was allegedly thrown at the doors of the fund by an unknown person. Sobolev hid the truth from police and journalists for three days.

Let us remind you that this fall all of Russia had the opportunity to celebrate those who do good deeds from the bottom of their hearts. You just need to vote on the portal of the State Prize in the field of charity dobroyelyudirossii.rf, which was launched by the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. From October 1 to October 31, this can be done by following the link and in your federal district, casting a vote by clicking for the candidate you consider worthy.

The Public Chamber of the Russian Federation has opened a portal for voting: good people of Russia.rf

On the website DobroyelyudiRossii.rf, every citizen can support a candidate nominated for the State Prize in the field of charity from his region.
To vote, you need to find a candidate from your district and click on the “Vote” button. You can only cast your vote to one candidate and only once.
From October 1 to October 31, 2017, online voting will take place on the portal.
The results of the online voting will be sent to the Public Commission under the President of the Russian Federation, which includes the Secretary of the Public Chamber Valery FADEEV, members of the RF OP Diana GURTSKAYA, Vladimir VINNITSKY, Galina GORBATYKH and Galina OSOKINA.

Secretary of the RF OP Valery Fadeev explained:
— The goal of the Public Chamber of Russia is to make as many people as possible involved in the State Prize more people. It is awarded to individuals engaged in active and fruitful social activities. The status of the State Prize is extremely high, and we must treat it accordingly. Promoting the award into the public consciousness is what public primaries were invented for.
We are launching a popular voting module so that any citizen can support candidates for the State Prize, and exceptional and very worthy people will be nominated for it, and they should be known.
The State Prize in the field of charity was established in 2015 and is awarded to individuals engaged in active and fruitful social activities.
The first laureate of the State Prize Russian Federation for outstanding achievements in the field of charitable activities in 2016 became the CEO of the autonomous non-profit organization"Children's Hospice" Alexander TKACHENKO. He is also the Chairman of the RF OP Commission on Philanthropy, Civic Education and Social Responsibility.

Among the nominees this year are Yakutians. Among all the nominees from the Far Eastern Federal District, the leader is Galina Nikolaevna PAVLOVA, Deputy general director Russian jewelry company"KIERGE". Galina Nikolaevna is an economist by training, worked for more than 20 years in state treasury bodies, worked on taxes, budgets, financing, and wrote a Ph.D. thesis.

The jewelry company "KIERGE" is today the only company not only in the republic, but also in the Russian Federation, that provides all types of jewelry services: from the manufacture of jewelry according to customer orders, engraving and repairs to exchange fund services and purchasing. The company supports more than 50 individual entrepreneurs from all over the republic - it supplies them with raw materials, sells their products, which they cannot sell on their own in such volumes. For example, for two years it was transferred individual entrepreneurs 63 million rubles. In this way, the company creates jobs and supports emerging and talented jewelers.

Galina Nikolaevna came to this business relatively recently, but already has implemented an effective marketing project: after analyzing consumer activity, she identified a certain trend of sales declines, which occurs during the lull between major holidays. This happens in all areas of the jewelry business. As a result, the idea of ​​holding annual events that could fill the “quiet” periods arose. Each of the themed weeks is accompanied by discounts on certain products. This marketing idea has turned into a powerful charity event.

As part of these jewelry weeks, assistance is traditionally provided to seriously ill children, and a certain percentage of sales is deducted. Over the two years of the campaign, more than 2.5 million rubles were transferred to those in need. To date, 26 charity evenings have already been held to help sick children. In addition, together with cultural institutions of the city of Yakutsk - the Philharmonic Society, the Diamond Circus, the Opera and Ballet Theater, the Variety Theater, at the end of each week-long marathon, a charity evening is held with a drawing of valuable prizes, which also includes fundraising for one specific child. Famous artists of various genres are invited to participate. All this creates the highest spectator, and, consequently, purchasing interest and awareness of involvement in one common big cause. Also, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Victory Day, a charity evening was organized for war and home front veterans at the Kruzhalo shopping center with the presentation of memorable gifts and souvenirs from the Kierge masters.

Galina Nikolaevna is interested in photography. A booklet with her photographs was published, and exhibitions are held.

Yakutia is also represented by Elena SHUDRYA, organizer of the public temperance movement of the RS (Y) from 1991 to 2016, member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Health of the RS (Y), member of the Public Chamber of the RS (Y).

Photo: from the website of the Public Chamber of the Belgorod Region.

...The state award “Good People” has been awarded since 2015 to people who are active and fruitful in public life. Two people were nominated from the Belgorod region - Yulia Uglyanskaya and Mikhail Bazhinov, who work as part of the Public Chamber of the region.

Mikhail Bazhinov represents the Belgorod region in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. Before the elections on September 10, 2017, he headed the working group for monitoring the electoral rights of citizens of the Public Chamber of the Belgorod Region. In October, he initiated the creation of an interdepartmental working group that will deal with the problem of bankruptcy of the poor. The region will create a register of people who have fallen into debt and do not have the means to get out of it or pay for bankruptcy proceedings. They will also develop a set of measures to provide real assistance in each situation.

Yulia Aleksandrovna Uglyanskaya, herself a mother of many children, organized and headed a crisis center for women who found themselves in difficult life situations.

Yulia Uglyanskaya came to our city back in 1995. I studied for some time entrepreneurial activity. And in 2012, on her personal initiative, she organized and headed a local public organization“Crisis center for women in difficult life situations.”

As Yulia Alexandrovna has said more than once, the words “difficult life situation” can hide a variety of circumstances: from the loss of documents to the betrayal of loved ones. The crisis center has a shelter for women and a humanitarian center. Here they provided assistance to single mothers and entire families facing difficulties. Moreover, they tried not only to support in trouble, but also to help get out of the crisis. In total, more than four thousand people passed through the kind hands and sympathetic hearts of the Center’s employees.

All these years the Center has been developing. Life suggested new ideas. For example, the Center's wards - single (and/or) mothers of many children, families where children with disabilities are growing up - sometimes simply have no one and nowhere to leave the baby for a while while the mother or both parents work, study, draw up documents, and so on Further. That is why a new project of the Crisis Center appeared - the Angel Family Center, where mothers can leave their children under the supervision of specialists. Funds for the implementation of the project appeared after winning a grant competition.

The experience of the Crisis Center is invaluable. Representatives of charitable organizations from different regions agree with this, for which trainings and consultations are regularly held in Stary Oskol.

Soon the Crisis Center will be able to implement another project. Yulia Uglyanskaya said that another presidential grant won was used to purchase equipment for the production of frozen semi-finished products. This means that the Center will be able to offer its wards a job. It is very difficult to overestimate such care!

The winners of the award are selected through Internet voting on the website dobroyelyudirossiya.rf. Voting will last until October 31. You can get acquainted with the biographies of the nominees from the Central Federal District and cast your vote for the candidate by following the link http://dobroyelyudirossii.rf/

Support your fellow countrymen!


Yulia Uglyanskaya has a higher incomplete education with a degree in psychology, she studied at the Riga state university. Married for over 25 years, their family has three children. Awarded the Order of Motherly Glory, III degree.

Yulia Alexandrovna is the initiator of many significant projects and innovations in social sphere activities, including the introduction of new, social services for the population. Over the years labor activity repeatedly took advanced training courses in the areas social services, psychology, social service of the Church. She strives to independently improve her professional and managerial level.