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Choosing a free text editor for a copywriter. Choosing a free text editor for a copywriter Training articles for copywriters and editors

If you think that the only tools a copywriter has are a text editor, a keyboard and a monitor, then you are mistaken. But that doesn't mean you need too many tools to get the job done. This review contains just a few useful applications that will allow you to effectively and professionally prepare various texts for posting on the site.


The copywriter has been expanding his lexicon, but no one is perfect. Don't be afraid to use different sources to find synonyms - both online and traditional paper dictionaries. Are you starting to write in a new industry and don't understand some of the terms? Don't avoid them, but try to find a definition. Try also working with foreign materials. If you want to understand the general meaning of a text in a language you don't understand, use Google Translate.

Graphic arts

In order for the content of a website page to attract a potential reader or customer of your service, it must be supplemented with multimedia elements. A real source of inspiration and tool ready-made solutions is With the help of templates, you can prepare memes, graphics designed for specific media, presentations, even posters and business cards. Sometimes just pictures will be enough. Be prepared to take advantage free promotions. But the following portals offer free photos for free use - and


Virtual notepad (for example, GoogleKeep or Evernote) or in paper version - the decision is yours. Do you use information when preparing text? Write down links to articles you like on the Internet. This way, when preparing a similar article in the future, you won’t have to start your search again. useful materials. Yes, besides, in the work of a copywriter, additional links are always needed as a source of inspiration. Don't give up on them, don't forget - a notepad is an ideal tool that can bring unexpected benefits!


The professionalism of a copywriter is manifested in his ability to control time, and his income largely depends on the pace of writing an article. Install a stopwatch app on your phone or put a clock on your desktop. It is important that you learn how to make the best use of your time. You can use the online stopwatch at

Simple pleasures

Don't forget that your most important tool is your brain and your entire body. No program will help you achieve maximum performance. Therefore, a copywriter should use a cup of his favorite tea, a plate of healthy food, or a glass of water to recharge. And will allow you to create pleasant sounds of nature 😉


You wrote the text within the set time, did not forget about inspiration, enjoyed the work... But the task is not yet completed.

Don't forget to check:

  • punctuation (Microsoft Word is always ready to help you with this);
  • readability (adequate readability means no sentences are too long, it is calculated based on the ratio of words to sentences - use the ratings on;
  • uniqueness of the text (you need to make sure that your text is not a copy of another text posted on the Internet (text uniqueness check service, and, at the same time, protect yourself so that someone does not steal your rights to intellectual property. Use original texts from Yandex and for this);


The copywriter must be up to date. In order not to waste time browsing dozens of portals, collect everything that interests you in one place. Use an RSS feed or, ultimately, add groups of sites that interest you to your Facebook news feed.

In this article I will not describe 18 alternatives to Word and 5 best anti-aplagiarists. I will write about the tools that I use myself. Not all of them are related to the text, but I believe you will find something useful. Go!

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Work with text

Google Docs

What is this? A text editor, an analogue of Word, works in the browser. Automatically saves every character entered. Everything is stored on the cloud and is not lost even if the computer dies.

How do I use it? I write any text in Google Docs: longreads for Texterra, posts for social networks, sketches of landing pages. I never work in other text editors at all.

What is this? A text editor that is convenient for working with HTML. Removes garbage from the code that Word and Google Dox shove there. Converts text to HTML code and vice versa.

The service works on the website of Artem Lebedev

How do I use it? I copy the text here before publishing it on the site. In 2 clicks I put non-breaking spaces in the right places (Typograph) and convert it into HTML code without garbage.

Sublime Text 3

What is this? An editor for working with text, HTML and code in any language. Free, but constantly asking me to buy the full version.

Very light and starts in a couple of seconds. A cool feature is that the interface can be completely customized to suit you. Initially, there is almost nothing in Sublime - you can’t even log into the FTP server. New features can be added free of charge via Package Control.

How do I use it? I layout pages, edit CSS, and write simple programs. Before this, I used a bunch of editors, but Sublime was my favorite.

Scripts for those who work with text and code

What is this? Small programs for Windows that I wrote. They are needed to work faster using hotkeys. There are three scripts in total:

  • HTML - frames selected text with HTML tags
  • Typograf - puts the correct quotation marks, non-breaking spaces and normal dashes in the selected text
  • Snippet - saves the selected block of text to a file, and then inserts it into the document using hotkeys.

How do I use it? I use HTML for layout. If I need to make up a page from scratch, I put the text into Reformer and get the finished code. And when you need to fix something, the script is very useful.

The situation is the same with Typograph. I type the large text in Reformator. And if you need to quickly prepare a post on a social network for publication or edit something, the script helps.

I use Snippet most often. If I need to write the same thing more than three times, I create a snippet. I have:

  • Template answers for different cases
  • Ready code blocks
  • Saved links that I often send to people
  • And many other things

In addition to the three scripts in the public domain, there is one more that I made just for myself. In it, I assigned the necessary links to hotkey combinations. Now I can quickly open services and blogs without even looking at the monitor.

Chief editor

What is this? Service for checking text for stop words. Highlights anything that could be a stop word.

How do I use it? I use it if I’m tired and deadlines are running out, but I need to proofread the text. I just go through the highlighted words and think whether they should be removed or not. If I have time, I rest for a few hours and proofread the text without the Editor-in-Chief.


What is this? A service for checking text for errors and typos. Highlights jambs with color. recommends corrections. Costs 300 rubles per month.

How do I use it? I put the finished text into Spelling to find errors and typos.

Working with Images

Adobe Photoshop

What is this? The most popular raster graphics editor I know. I'm sure you've heard about it, so I won't describe it.

How do I use it? I process photographs, make memes and banners for advertising, and draw illustrations.

This is where I make a GIF animation from the recorded video.

In Photoshop I made these funny captions for VKontakte posts:

Adobe Illustrator

What is this? Graphic editor for working with vector graphics. The coolness of a vector - it can be infinitely increased, decreased and deformed without loss of quality.

How do I use it? I work with icons, draw in vector, make page prototypes. In Illustrator I drew an old menu for my VKontakte group:

Ashampoo Snap 9

What is this? Application for capturing and designing screenshots. Knows how to write videos. Automatically adds a cool shadow to screenshots. Captures the color of any element on the screen. Can take a screenshot of an entire page.

The service costs 2800 rubles. I used Ligthshot before - it's completely free.

How do I use it? I take screenshots, draw arrows, and highlight the required text.

Joxi for Chrome

What is this? Another screenshot app that takes a screenshot of a selected area or entire page. I use a plugin for Chrome.

Tiny PNG

What is this? A free online service that compresses images without noticeable loss of quality.

How do I use it? I run all the images that I upload to the site - my own or a client's - through it. They weigh 30-80% less than the original ones.


What is this? Convenient color palette. Clicked on the colored square - the RGB or HEX code was saved to the clipboard.

A palette of beautiful and rich colors that go well with each other

How do I use it? I select color combinations when I make some illustrations. My favorite is the Flat UI Colors palette.


You can search for images by keywords or categories

How do I use it? I'm looking for illustrations for articles or just getting inspired.

Game center

What is this? Application for downloading online games from Can launch broadcasts and record video from the screen.

How do I use it? I use this program to make videos. I like it better than Ashampoo Snap.

Working with social networks


What is this? Parser for VKontakte with the largest number of tools that I have seen.

The service costs 500-800 rubles per month, but you can work for 2 days for free. To do this, register on home page enter my promo code.

Promo code - Webtxt

In addition to the free demo, you will be given 2 months of subscription instead of one when you pay for the service.

How do I use it? I am gathering an active audience for displaying advertisements on VKontakte. I find live thematic groups. In general, this is an indispensable tool for SMM.

The service automatically collects the most active copywriters on VKontakte for me so that I invite them to my communities or show them the announcement of a new article.


What is this? VKontakte application that monitors activity in selected communities and sends notifications.

How do I use it? If someone comments on a post from two months ago, I will see it. If someone writes the word “f*ck” in a discussion, I will see it. If someone sends me a text for analysis, I will see it.


What is this? VKontakte application, which allows you to create and edit wiki pages without dancing with a tambourine. You can also look at the source code of someone else's page.

How do I use it? I create and edit pages, see how complex cool things are made.

Wiki pages in my community

Online VKontakte

What is this? A self-written application that measures online in the specified VKontakte communities every half hour.

I won’t give you this service, but there is a free replacement for it -

How do I use it? I use it to understand at what time there are a lot of people online in order to adjust the content plan.

I used the service when I conducted .

Notes and plans


What is this? Free task manager. Works in a browser, there are applications for different operating systems and mobile devices.

Wonderlist has a convenient interface, there are reminders, and you can attach files and voice notes to tasks.

You can add emojis to folder names to quickly find what you need

How do I use it? A task has appeared - added to Wonderlist. I have folders for work projects, my website, books, shopping, and so on.

I have a leaky memory, so I create tasks for everything: respond to a client, check if an advance payment has been received, write an article, pay for the Internet.

I also write ideas here if they can be formulated in one sentence. For example, “an article about the services I use.” Then I'll take this idea into OneNote.

I also write shopping lists on Wonderlist when I go to the store. I bought some potatoes, tapped my phone, and the task with the potatoes chimed and disappeared. Very comfortably.

If you are interested in Wonderlist, read my colleague's blog.

What is this? Free notes from Microsoft, similar to the popular Evernote. Works in a browser, there are applications for computer and smartphone.

Here you can create tasks and reminders, write and draw notes, and attach files to them.

What is this? Free notes from Google. They work in a browser, there is an application for a smartphone.

You can attach an image to a note, draw a picture, write something, or add a link. Not much different from OneNote. But you can open it directly on the Google Docs page and simply drag and drop notes into the text.

How do I use it? Just like OneNote - I write ideas, save useful links. I still can’t decide which service is more convenient, I’m working with two. One day there will only be one left.


What is this? Task manager for teamwork. You create thematic board sections, assign tasks to them, and assign responsibility. You can attach files, chat, and many other things to a task.

How do I use it? I use it when I work in a team with someone. We create tasks, write ideas, attach the necessary files - nothing gets lost and everything is in plain sight.


Google Drive

What is this? Cloud file storage. Here you can store any information: photos, documents, archives, psd sources. You can connect to your cloud from any device, so everything you need is always at hand.

There is a client for the computer that creates a special folder. All files from the cloud are automatically downloaded to it. And if you put something in a folder, it will be saved on Google Drive.

Google Doc files do not take up disk space. Images and videos too, but you need to turn on the Google Photo service.

How do I use it? I keep everything related to my work: documents, prototypes, mind maps, source code, recordings of conversations with clients. I can work from any computer or phone and am not afraid that the death of the hard drive will destroy my projects.

And here is my library: books and recordings of purchased webinars and conferences. I can look at it from my phone at any time.

Google Sheets

What is this? An analogue of Excel for working with tables. Has the same advantages as Google Dox.

Doesn't handle large amounts of data well. It is better to work with a table with several thousand cells in Excel.

How do I use it? I create a content plan, a semantic core, keep track of income, and create tables for competitor analysis.

Google Forms

What is this? Online service for conducting surveys and creating questionnaires:

  • You are doing a survey
  • Send the link to the person
  • He answers questions
  • You are looking at statistics

How do I use it? I conduct surveys and collect people’s contacts. In Google Forms, I made a convenient interface for filling out an income table.


What is this? Paid VPN - allows you to “leave” to another country in order to access a blocked site. Of all such services, this is the fastest and most convenient.

How do I use it? I live in Crimea. We have a lot of sanctions here necessary services does not work. For example, Google Analytics. That's why I use a VPN. Well, you can also go to sites blocked in Russia, like Rutreker or Flibusta.


What is this? RSS reader. Collects new articles from specified blogs in one place.

Feed with new posts from selected blogs

How do I use it? When I want to read something, I open Fidley and see what's new. Here I have blogs on marketing, SEO, editing, science, news and a bunch of other things.


What is this? Application for drawing mind maps. There is a free version, which is quite enough for work.

How do I use it? I draw mind maps when... They are more convenient than tables.


What is this? Plugin for Chrome browser. Makes very cool and convenient bookmarks. Stores everything in the cloud, so bookmarks will not be lost after reinstalling the browser.

By default the background is white, but I like it dark

How do I use it? I save useful sites and services, client projects, social networks, links to interesting articles and books that I want to buy in Toby.

Amolto Call Recorder

What is this? Application for recording conversations on Skype. Works in the background and starts automatically when a conversation starts.

The free version only writes audio to mp3. The paid version costs $30 and records video.

How do I use it? I write down all conversations with clients so as not to forget or lose anything.


What is this? An email client with the most user-friendly interface I've found. In the free version you can connect 1 box, in the paid version ($45) - as many as you like.

How do I use it? I have mail here. I hate email, I hate email client interfaces. But this one is quite convenient and hardly annoys me.

Unlike other email clients, the interface of this one does not infuriate me


What is this? Browser plugin that translates words from in English. If you study at Lingvaleo, you add unfamiliar words to your training dictionary.

How do I use it? I translate unfamiliar English words with a double click of the mouse.

UTM tag builder

What is this? A simple link generator with UTM tags.

How do I use it? I add UTM tags to links to track the effectiveness of different advertising channels.

What is this? A service for finding clients on social networks and message boards. It parses records, finds advertisements for freelancers and places them in the desired thread.

How do I use it? Previously I used it to look for clients. Now I have enough clients, I don’t need to look for them.

What is this? Shows what the site snippet will look like in Google results.

I indicate the Title, Description, link - and see what happens

How do I use it? I open it when I write Title and Description for pages to see how everything will look in the end. Not only positions are important, but also clicks. To get clicks, the snippet needs to be attractive.

Yandex Wordstat

What is this? Yandex statistics on queries - how many times this or that phrase was searched for a month, what else people are interested in, what similar queries there are.

Which service will help the customer check written articles for compliance? technical specifications ? What does a performer need to check the results of copywriting? What program can you simply not do without?

  • 1 Microsoft Word- an indispensable service for copywriters
  • 2 Uniqueness check? Etxt Anti-plagiarism will help you!
  • 3 How to check keywords and phrases? Contact TEXTUS PRO for help
  • 4 Information generation? Generating The Web to help you!
  • 5 Shingles Expert will help you compare texts
  • 6 Conclusion

Microsoft Word is an indispensable service for copywriters

The user receives:

  1. in automatic mode:
    • error correction;
    • checking spelling and punctuation marks;
    • counting the number of words and characters (with and without spaces);
  2. in manual mode:
    • replacing words with synonyms - the “Synonyms” option;
    • counting keywords (direct occurrences and word forms) - “Find” option;
    • counting the number of uses of any word - the “Find” option;
    • replacing words and phrases - the “Find and Replace” option;
    • format the text - add a table, drawing, photo, video;
    • text formatting (paragraph, font, headings, highlighting in different colors, background, etc.)

Disadvantages - checking text for uniqueness using Word is impossible. Uniqueness must be checked using special programs, and this is the only thing that cannot be checked in Microsoft Word.

Uniqueness check? Etxt Anti-plagiarism will help you!

There are enough services on the Internet to check the uniqueness of texts, paid and free, online and offline. Choose whatever you like. But we recommend that you get acquainted with the Etxt Anti-Plagiarism service. This program is extremely easy to use and multifunctional.


    • highlights non-unique sections of text in different colors (depending on the degree of matches);
    • you can edit the text in the window;
    • checks for copies;
    • identifies semantic coincidences (rewriting);
    • Batch scanning of text files is provided;
    • checking the uniqueness of the article;
    • checking the uniqueness of information on a given site.

Do you know how to express your thoughts beautifully?

🔹Can't stand spelling mistakes?
🔹 Are you able to write an article that you want to read to the end?

Default settings (express check):

  1. sample - 10 (words);
  2. samples - 100 per 1000 words;
  3. references to the sample - 3;
  4. There are 3 words in a shingle.

For more accurate checks of the uniqueness of copywriting, the user can tighten the settings. The verification time will increase, and the accuracy of the results will become much higher.

How to check keywords and phrases? Contact TEXTUS PRO for help

It is important to control the number of keys in the text. There are free online services and programs you can use. One of these services is TEXTUS PRO.


  • keeps statistics on the use of keywords - frequency and density;
  • keeps statistics on the use of words in the text - frequency and density.

User-specified settings:

  • font selection;
  • counting the number of words and characters;
  • checking the “nausea” of the text.

The program greatly helps writers and simplifies copywriter job, if you need to enter keys into the article. With its help, the customer can easily and simply check the accuracy of the order.

Generating information? Generating The Web to help you!

If you need a large amount of text material of passable quality, use the Generating The Web program.

Main functions:

  • text generation;
  • synonymize;
  • placing links;

We recommend: copywriting exchange This decent income for copywriters and the opportunity to order text from professional authors.

Here you can implement your creative potential or purchase unique articles for the needs of your site.

1. Generation
When generating texts, various constructions are used, the use of constants, variables and included files.

Generation settings:

  • text length;
  • maximum volume;
  • generation method (in order, random);
  • automatic text correction;

2. Synonymize
The program has a built-in synonym database and the ability to create and use your own synonym databases.

4. Settings for text uniqueness

  • delete exact matches.
  • completely matching pieces of text are deleted;
  • removal using the shingle method.

The number of words in the shingle (length) and the percentage of text similarity are indicated.

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  • by setting the shingle length shorter, you will get more unique text options after filtering;
  • reducing the length of the shingle significantly slows down the sorting of options;
  • By setting the maximum percentage of similarity high, you will get more texts after filtering.

Shingles Expert will help you compare texts

How to quickly compare several texts and determine how similar they are? Shingles Expert will do it all necessary procedures and checks the articles. It does not require installation and is quite easy to use. The test is carried out using the shingle method.

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This article provides brief characteristics and features most used by developers software products. We must clearly understand that not a single program, no matter how sophisticated it may be, guarantees 100% results according to all customer requirements.

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How to choose a free editor

Copywriter whose professional activity associated with writing a large number of texts, it does not matter which tool to use. Today, a significant portion of users have an almost standard text editor that is Word, which is part of the popular and powerful office suite from Microsoft. And no matter how one feels about the Redmond company itself, it is simply impossible not to recognize the fact of the excellent quality and functionality of MS Office.

But this software package also has one huge drawback - the price, which for large company may be low, but for the “wallet” of a small business and private user it is very impressive. In addition, it is impossible to purchase Word itself separately, outside of the full office suite, and not every copywriter wants to pay a decent amount for components he does not need.

Over the years since the appearance of the first version of the office, both large developers and individual enthusiasts have repeatedly attempted to create a fully functional competitive free product. We selected 4 alternative text editors and compared their capabilities with Word. Summary analysis can be seen in the table, but first we will briefly describe each of the text editors we selected and at the same time tell you why we chose Google Docs, LibreOffice, Wordpad and FocusWriter.

As you can see, all the editors we selected are free and this was the first criterion when selecting a program for study. The second factor that influenced the selection was the presence of a certain distinctive feature, present in each applicant. For LibreOffice it is popularity/fame/prevalence, for Google Docs it is the initial focus on working online, which allows you not to be tied to a device or OS. We chose FocusWriter for its minimalist design, interface and as a representative of a product from independent developers. As for Wordpad, it was included in the review only because it is a Windows component and you don’t need to install anything at all to use it.

We deliberately refused to consider the OpenOffice editor, because it is a close “relative” of LibreOffice with very similar functionality and interface. LibreOffice's updates and support are, according to many users, somewhat better.

To compare editors, several characteristics were selected, among which there is a list of those that are critical for a copywriter:

  • checking spelling and punctuation;
  • working with lists and tables;
  • text statistics;
  • ability to work with doc files and docx;
  • cross-platform.

We also added several parameters that simply improve and simplify the work - portability, the ability to customize the toolbar, work without Internet access, voice input. Our contenders for the title of “Word alternative” showed the following results:

Text editor LibreOffice Google Docs Wordpad FocusWriter MS Word
Free Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Spellchecking There is There is No There is There is
Checking punctuation There is There is No No There is
Working with tables There is There is No No There is
Formatting lists There is There is There is No There is
Counting characters in text (statistics) There is There is No There is There is
Support for doc, docx formats yes (sometimes formatting is lost Yes No docx - yes doc - no Yes
OS Windows, Linux, macOS All Windows Windows, Linux, macOS Windows, iOS, Android, OS X, WinPnone
Customizing the toolbar to suit your needs There is No No There is There is
Portable version There is Online version does not require installation No, it is a Windows component There is No
Built-in voice input No Yes No No No
Offline mode There is There is There is There is There is

Let's summarize:

  1. Wordpad. The value of this editor as a professional tool for a copywriter is completely equal to its cost - it is zero. The only thing worth using it for is writing various letters and notes, for this purpose the editor has functions for formatting text and inserting image files. However, the author must also have enough high level literacy, since Wordpad does not even notice ordinary typos, not to mention real errors.
  2. FocusWriter has several interesting features, affecting the productivity of a copywriter. However, even the presence of design themes, a full-screen workspace, a minimalistic interface and the ability to schedule daily work do not allow us to recommend it as a text editor that can replace MS Word. Lack of punctuation checking, inability to work with tables and lists, inadequate text formatting - all these factors completely neutralize the advantages of FocusWriter.
  3. Google Docs and LibreOffice are the hardest to write about - criticizing and describing shortcomings is always easier than praising. Both of these text editors, in our opinion, can almost completely replace the product from Microsoft. Some inconvenience is caused by the lack of a punctuation check function in standard versions - this is simply the “Achilles heel” of free editors. The problem is solved by installing the LanguageTool extension, which showed good results - it detects missing commas, small capital letters and other errors, although not always. However, to be frank, the spelling/punctuation check in Word cannot be called ideal - you shouldn’t completely rely on it. Everything else in both LibreOffice and the Google editor works no worse than in Word, which allows us to recommend them for use by copywriters as a free alternative.

Obviously, the number of text editors is tens (if not hundreds) times larger than those discussed in our article. We just took the most popular and not quite ordinary ones in order to find among them worthy competitors for Word. It's up to you to decide whether to use the editors from our review, find your own options, or continue to use an expensive but familiar product from Microsoft.

  1. Word-to-HTML converter. The service allows you to convert copied text into HTML format. At the same time, standard Word formatting is preserved: headings, subheadings, highlighting fragments in bold, italics, underlining, colored marker, and so on. Complex formatting, such as formulas, cannot be converted, but the program is very useful for copywriting.

  1. Voice notepad. The online program perceives human speech well and immediately converts it into text. To work you will need silence and a microphone. From personal experience: at a distance of 1 m from the laptop, the service perfectly distinguishes voice. Of course, you need to speak clearly (at the same time you will practice your diction J). When is this tool useful for a copywriter? If the flow of thoughts exceeds the speed of typing.

  1. Google Docs. An online analogue of Word, in which you can work from any computer, saving files in the cloud. Visually, the service is practically no different from Word and has almost the same capabilities as the offline program. In copywriting, the tool is useful if you often work from different devices. The file does not need to be written to a flash drive every time. And there are no “slips” like closing an unsaved document with 100,500 tons of text online. In addition, to send the work to the customer, it is enough to send him a link to the Google Document, having previously opened access.

  1. YandexWordstat. A useful service for copywriters that allows you to select keywords for texts for free. Using special operators (“ ”, !, “!”) you can determine the total number of impressions for a specific request, the number of impressions for a phrase match and the frequency for a given word form.

  1. Mutagen. Partially free online program for a copywriter and SEO optimizer - shows the level of competition of keywords, the “tails” of queries, the overall frequency according to Yandex Wordstat and search tips. However, you will not be able to use the service with a zero balance. Only 10 are provided per day free checks, and 100 checks will cost 30 rubles.

  1. SEO text analyzer Advego. This service for copywriters is suitable for those who write SEO-optimized texts. The online program shows the following parameters: the number of significant, unique, stop words, percentage of water content, classical and academic document nausea, frequency of word use and other data.

  1. Chief editor. The service was created to clean text from uninformative words and maintain an informational writing style. However, it is not necessary to follow all the recommendations of the program and achieve the maximum 10 points. Due to the unreasonable demands of some customers, web writers do not like this service. However, it is useful if you need to quickly “comb” the text and remove “water”.

  1. Programs for checking uniqueness. These online and offline services are designed to identify matches of new text with already published materials on sites. The goal is to detect plagiarism. Programs for copywriters to check the originality of content use different algorithms. I usually use 2 resources: Etxt Anti-plagiarism and Advego Plagiatus. The latter is a great option if you are just learning to write unique texts. However, there is no need to strive for 100% if this is not required by the task. Moreover, there are areas in which it is almost impossible to achieve 100% uniqueness without distorting the meaning of the data. Such topics include law, medicine, cooking and some others. However, showing the customer text with less than 85% originality is undesirable.,