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Environmental pollution by the production of building materials. Environmental problems of polymer production Environmental problems of construction materials production

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Environmental pollution by production of building materials

1. The main sources of pollution in the production of building materials

The production of building materials is one of the oldest, but rather dynamically developing industries. There are many industrial enterprises operating on old technologies, outdated equipment is used. The impact on the environment occurs due to emissions of waste gases into the atmosphere, wastewater discharges containing a large amount of hazardous ecotoxicants. The value of fixed assets of the building materials industry is 2.8% of the value of all production assets of the country.

Recently, the annual growth in the production of the main types of building materials in kind was from 7 to 30% with a simultaneous increase in the share of domestic products satisfying modern requirements and corresponding in quality to world analogues. The construction materials industry is one of the most fuel- and energy-intensive (over 16% in the cost structure), as well as cargo-intensive sectors of the economy: in the total volume of cargo transportation by rail, road and water transport, transportation of construction goods is about 25%. The industry consumes 20 types of mineral raw materials, covering over 100 types of rocks, and is one of the largest mining industries in the Russian economy.

The construction industry is one of the most material-intensive and energy-intensive sectors of the national economy. It accounts for about 50% of the consumption of energy generated by mankind and 60% of material resources. The production of building materials to the greatest extent than other industries consumes industrial waste. However, humanity, realizing the importance of environmental problems, comes to the understanding that the scale and intensity of people's material activities have become such that the natural environment and man-made activities have ceased to be a universal absorber of production, transport, household waste and an almost inexhaustible source of raw materials and energy. There are signs of irreversible degradation processes in the biosphere. Ecosystems that have been forming for millions of years are undergoing significant changes, becoming unstable in relation to external anthropogenic influences at the global level.

Annually, up to 30 billion tons of all types of solid and liquid waste enter the biosphere. Their large number is due to the imperfection of modern technologies. According to some reports, no more than 7% of the extracted raw materials are used for the production of final products. For each inhabitant of the Earth, up to 100 tons of raw materials are currently extracted per year. Analysis of trends in modern economy shows that the amount of waste doubles every 10-12 years. The problem of recycling and disposal of waste for modern civilization is one of the most important problems of survival. The problem of waste is almost the most difficult in Russia, where about 100 billion tons have accumulated in landfills, storage facilities, landfills. solid waste, which is about 700 tons per inhabitant. Of all this mass of waste, only 5% goes to incinerators, the rest is stored. The level of waste accumulation in Russia is 10-15 tons per person per year, including toxic - 1 ton. The degree of utilization is low and does not exceed 10-25% of the total mass of waste.

In Europe today, great attention is paid to the creation of a healthy, ecologically clean living environment. That is why manufacturers of building materials, developers and homeowners are interested in maintaining high environmental standards in construction.

This problem has many components. And although one of the main ones is the construction of buildings that are able to exist without harming the environment, it is equally important what building materials are used in the construction of new buildings. After all, they have an impact on the environmental situation both inside and outside the building. Based on the fact that a modern person spends about 80% of his time either in buildings or on the way between them, one can understand how the quality of building materials affects his health, and as a result, the quality of his life.

Building materials have no less impact on the environment: according to experts, about 50% of the total volume of waste falls on the construction industry. In Europe, the construction of one house produces an average of 7 tons of waste. In the EU, 0.5 tonnes of construction waste is generated per person every year.

Since building materials are made from many different substances, both organic (plastic, wood) and inorganic nature (metals, minerals), and there are also those where both are combined, it is necessary to give an environmental assessment not only of their components, but also the entire product as a whole, that is, to assess the impact of a given building material on the environment at every stage of its existence - from production to the moment of its disposal.

Europe is currently striving to develop uniform standards for the certification of manufactured and imported building materials. Until this system is fully operational, each country has a national certification system.

The general requirements for building materials are as follows: they must be healthy, hygienic and not harmful to the environment, that is:

Do not emit toxic gases;

Do not emit radioactive radiation;

Contaminate neither water nor soil;

Waste from construction should not become an additional source of environmental pollution;

Construction materials should not contribute to the accumulation of moisture on structural parts and inside constructed premises.

Until recently, the main task of construction was to create an artificial environment that would provide conditions for human life. The environment was considered only from the point of view of the need to protect against its negative impacts on the newly created built environment. The reverse process of the influence of human construction activity on the natural environment and the built environment on the natural one has become the subject of consideration in full relatively recently. Only certain aspects of this problem, to the extent of practical necessity, have been studied and solved (for example, the removal and disposal of waste settlements...). Meanwhile, construction is one of the most powerful anthropogenic factors affecting the environment. The anthropogenic impact of construction is diverse in nature and occurs at all stages of construction activities - from the extraction of building materials to the operation of finished objects.

Speaking about the impact on the natural environment of construction, one should distinguish, on the one hand, construction as the most important branch of the agricultural sector, and on the other, construction as a product of this industry: urbanized territories, highways, etc. As an industry, construction needs a large number of various raw materials, building materials, energy, water and other resources, the receipt of which has a strong impact on the environment. Conducting work directly at the construction site is associated with serious disturbances to landscapes and environmental pollution. These violations begin with clearing the construction area, removing the vegetation layer and performing earthworks. when clearing a construction site that was previously used for development, a significant amount of waste is generated that pollutes the environment during incineration or clutters up landfill areas, which changes the morphology of the sites, worsens hydrological conditions, and contributes to erosion. The degree of impact on nature depends on the materials used for construction, technology for the construction of buildings and structures, technological equipment of construction production, the type and quality of construction machines, mechanisms and vehicles and other factors.

The territory of construction sites becomes a source of pollution for neighboring sites: exhaust and noise of engine engines, waste incineration. Water is widely used in construction processes - as components of solutions, as a heat carrier in heating networks; after use, it is discarded, contaminating groundwater and soil.

However, the construction itself is a relatively short-lived process. Much more complicated is the situation with the impact on the nature of objects that are the product of construction - buildings, structures and their complexes - urbanized areas. Their impact on the natural environment has not yet been sufficiently studied, therefore, almost all environmental measures are advisory in nature. As for the current results, then: the number of trees decreases, water and soil are polluted due to industrial emissions and the accumulation of municipal waste, dust, gas and thermal air pollution occurs, which leads to a change in the level of radiation, precipitation, changes in air temperatures, wind regime, i.e. to the creation of artificial conditions in an urbanized area.

In addition to the listed factors, noise pollution, especially infrasound, geopathogenic zones and a number of others, have a negative impact on human health.

It is possible to reduce the negative impact of the environment on humans by creating ecologically efficient new composite materials for multifunctional purposes and their skillful use in industrial and civil construction.
Traditionally, at the design stage of construction projects, specialists are primarily interested in the physical and mechanical characteristics and aesthetic properties of building materials. For example, the choice of finishing materials is most often determined by their texture, color, color fastness, and durability of coatings.

However, the ecological situation forces, in addition to decorative qualities, to take into account the protective properties of materials that ensure the safety of human life in a particular region of his residence. Over the past decades, a wide range of new composite materials has been created that have protective properties against the effects of harmful environmental factors.

Among them are effective wall materials, heat-insulating, sound-insulating, radiation-protective, waterproofing, sealants and a number of others.

The matrix material of these composites is most often traditional and alternative mineral and organic binders, and as a filler, highly dispersed industrial wastes from a number of industries are used, which have a significant supply of free internal energy involved in the processes of structure formation of these materials in order to obtain the specified physicomechanical and protective characteristics.

Introduction to the composition of finishing materials ions heavy metals allows you to combine their high decorative and artistic qualities and reliable protection against hard ionizing radiation. Such properties are possessed by glass and ceramics, which in itself is an environmentally friendly material, since heavy metal ions are in the glassy phase and are not water-soluble. This is perhaps the only reliable way to dispose of galvanic sludge accumulated in almost all economic regions of the Russian Federation. Technological methods make it possible to regulate the nature of the surface porosity of the finishing glass-ceramic tiles modified with galvanic sludge, thereby imparting sound insulation properties. It is known that the use of conventional glazed ceramic tiles for finishing the facades of buildings only increases the noise pollution of the environment due to the high reflectivity of the coating.
In many regions of Russia, in recent years, the volume of industrial waste used by the construction industry instead of natural raw materials has been constantly increasing.

This is one of the main directions for overcoming the global and regional environmental crisis. The contradictions between man and the ecosystem lie precisely in the fact that for artificial production processes, mankind selects resources that are maximally ready for use, since they require minimal labor costs. But these natural compounds are already involved in ensuring the balance and sustainability of the environment. After their withdrawal from natural circulation, chaos occurs in many local environments, reducing the efficiency of metabolic processes. By extracting them from interconnected natural structures, a person causes an imbalance in the cycles of matter and energy. On the one hand, the needs of mankind are satisfied, and on the other hand, the systems created by nature that participate in the self-organizing processes of the Geosystem are destroyed. It is always necessary to follow the main principle of cooperation between man and nature: the rate of self-structuring in the geosystem due to natural and artificial processes should always exceed the rate of their degradation.
At present, a cadastre of industrial waste is being created through the Ministry of Natural Resources in Russia.

The purely informative function of the cadastre of industrial and solid household waste will only become effective if special organizations are created for the problems of secondary resources, which should include prominent specialists and scientists in the field of ecology, technology, environmental economics, etc.
Only in this case can concrete recommendations be given on the strategic use of large-tonnage waste and rational industries for their processing can be proposed. For especially hazardous and toxic waste, it is necessary to create methods of reliable disposal and promising development of technologies for their destruction or utilization.

pollution construction waste standardization

2. Features of the technology of production of building materials, stages of production

Work programs in the field of construction require for their implementation, along with the further development of the building materials industry, the search for new reserves for increasing the efficiency of their production. In modern construction, the need for high-strength building materials, which have a developed raw material base and are manufactured using progressive technological methods, is sharply increasing.

In the technology of building materials, works are known in which the technical feasibility and economic feasibility of the production of cementless binders are shown. Mineral raw materials for production are large-tonnage waste from metallurgical, heat power, mining, chemical and other industries.

Based on these binders, various building materials can be produced, such as: dry building mixtures, concrete blocks and slabs, concrete for monolithic construction, bricks, paving slabs, etc.

The experimental introduction of cementless binders in construction began in 1958, and production in 1964. During this time, the high technological and operational properties of such building materials have been proven, which have passed the test of time in structures in various areas of construction. For example, in 1989 a 22-storey building was built in the city of Lipetsk.

The development of building materials based on the integrated use of large-scale industrial waste is primarily due to environmental and economic factors. Firstly, a significant increase in prices for cements, natural aggregates, energy carriers and, secondly, the aggravation of the ecological situation in the country as a result of the continuing build-up, formation and accumulation of industrial waste.

Minimization of the environmental consequences of industrial waste can only be achieved by their complete disposal. Therefore, many developed countries have taken the path of using not natural, but man-made materials as mineral raw materials and making fundamentally new types of high-quality products from them. Russia, in this regard, is significantly inferior. For example, ash and slag waste from TPPs is used only by 8%, steel and ferroalloy slags by 50%, ultrafine silica, which is a waste in the production of silicon-containing alloys, by 10%, mining industry waste by 27%. Research shows that the widespread use of industrial waste would expand the mineral resource base of the construction industry by 15-20%.

The chemical and mineralogical composition of the listed waste, for the most part, is excellent for the production of cementless binders. In addition, their distinctive feature is the ability to be chemically activated by substances, which in turn can also be waste from other industries.

Industrial waste should be viewed not as a traditional industrial landfill, but as a stable and renewable resource base for the production of high-quality cheap building materials.

Features of building materials technology are as follows:

The use of industrial waste;

Use of chemical hardening activators from local waste;

Simple hydrothermal treatment at atmospheric pressure;

The technology allows the production of volumetric colored building materials.

The main stages and directions of development of the building materials industry. V Russian Federation Over the past few years, it has been possible to achieve a constant growth in the volume of industrial production, but although the annual increase in the output of building materials averaged about 10%, the volumes achieved do not fully meet the needs of modern construction, which is mainly caused by the low technical level of enterprises and wear and tear technological equipment.

The production of certain types of building materials is characterized by a high capital intensity of production facilities and requires significant construction time, which reduces their investment attractiveness.

In the basic industry for construction - the cement industry, the volume of investments per 1 ton of cement will increase from $ 5-6 per ton of capacity per year while maintaining and repairing existing capacities to $ 250-300 per ton during the construction of new plants.

The wear rate of technological equipment in the cement industry is 70%. As a result, the capacity of 45 operating cement plants is officially estimated at 71.2 million tons, but in fact - according to independent evaluations- the factories in their current state can produce a maximum of 65 million tons of cement per year.

To provide the construction complex with sufficient cement for commissioning 80 million sq. M. housing per year, the industry should reach the level of 90 million tons of cement per year in 2010, which will require the commissioning of additional production capacities. Large one-off investments in total for the industry are estimated at 5.1 - 6.3 billion dollars.

Production of thermal insulation materials. Currently, the domestic industry produces about 9.0 million cubic meters. m of thermal insulation products of all types.

The main type of heaters produced in Russia is mineral wool products, the share of which in the total production volume is more than 65%. About 8% falls on glass wool materials, 20% - on foamed plastics, 3% - on aerated concrete.

The need for insulation has increased sharply after the introduction of new requirements for heat loss of building envelope. The total demand for insulation for all sectors of the country's economy is estimated to be up to 50-55 million m3 by 2010, including 18-20 million m3 for housing construction.

3. Production of roofing and waterproofing materials

The all-Russian market for rolled roofing and waterproofing materials is currently estimated at 450-460 million square meters, for "soft tiles" - 3.3-3.5 million square meters. According to the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, in 2005 the production of soft roofing and waterproofing materials amounted to 477 million square meters.

Improving the range of products manufactured is a priority task for the roofing and insulation materials industry.

In this regard, a significant change in the structure of production is necessary, aimed at a significant increase in the share of modern high-performance materials (bitumen-polymer, polymer, including those based on polymer fibers), which have a higher (5-7 times) durability and reliability. ...

Also, a change in the structure of production of roofing materials, as well as an increase in their quality is impossible without modernization or replacement of obsolete and physically worn out technological equipment.

Glass production. The volume of flat glass production in Russia is currently 120 million square meters. meters, including 74% of glass is produced using modern float technology (thermoplastic). The deficit of high-quality sheet glass today is about 35 million square meters. meters.

One of the main tasks is the organization of large-scale production in Russia of modern energy-saving glass with hard and soft coatings.

Production of wall materials. The volume of production of wall materials in Russia in 2005 was brought to 15 billion pieces. conditional brick.

According to Rosstroy RF, the demand for wall materials in 2006 will increase to 16-17, and by 2010 it will reach 27-28 billion pieces of standard bricks.

The priority directions in the production of wall materials consist of the construction of technological lines for the production of aerated concrete of autoclave and autoclave-free hardening, first of all, at the existing factories of silicate bricks, and the construction of lines for the production of foam concrete and foam polystyrene concrete must be carried out at the existing factories of concrete goods and efficiency.

Manufacture of ceramic tiles and sanitary ceramic products. The technical level of the majority of Russian enterprises of building ceramics lags behind the level of most foreign firms due to the equipment of production with morally and physically obsolete equipment. The wear rate of the equipment of some enterprises is over 60%, especially in the mass preparation departments.

The main directions of the development of the ceramic industry is the technical re-equipment and reconstruction of enterprises for the production of ceramic tiles and sanitary ceramic products with the installation of progressive imported equipment, which has a significant advantage over the domestic one.

Concrete and reinforced concrete production. Currently, world practice proves that precast reinforced concrete is used in construction more and more and, as a result, the main directions of development in the field of concrete and reinforced concrete are:

Development, research and improvement of concretes in terms of improving construction and technical properties, providing guaranteed service life of buildings and structures for at least 50 years, including especially dense, frost-resistant, corrosion-resistant, acid-resistant, polymer, fiber-reinforced, fine-grained, etc.;

Development and organization of production of new types of cements, primarily fast-hardening and high-strength, allowing in the future to abandon the heat treatment of concrete, nonshrinking and chromate-free cements, cements of low water demand.

In the field of construction production, machinery and equipment, the main directions of development are:

Development of competitive domestic equipment for factory production and installation of precast concrete structures;

Expansion of the range and development of new types of modular formwork;

Creation of automated and mechanized equipment for the preparation of concrete and mortar mixtures, including dry mixtures of a wide range, and fiber-reinforced concrete.

Development of large-panel housing construction. Changes in the structure of housing construction with an increase in the share of individual housing in recent years, as well as the introduction of increased requirements for thermal protection of enclosing structures led to a sharp decline in the use of industrial housing construction at the end of the last century.

Mineral resource base for the nonmetallic industry. The volume of production of nonmetallic building materials used in capital, housing and road construction Russia in 2005 amounted to about 257 million m3, which is 0.7% less than in 2004.

The technical level of the industry equipment lags behind the world, the degree of automation of production processes is low. There is a constant shortage of equipment in the industry; a number of progressive machines and equipment are not produced in our country.

Simultaneously with the decline in production, labor productivity decreased, specific energy material costs and production capacity.

This state of affairs in the building materials industry gives rise to doubts about the possibility of implementing the National Project without state support on time and in the required volumes.

When investing in the construction industry, the final effect will be multiplier economic growth in construction industry and related industries, while the funds will be "tied" in long-term projects, which will not cause a surge in inflation, which is characteristic of direct budget spending.

In connection with the significant capital intensity of the building materials industry, the initial impetus for its dynamic and sustainable development should be a program that creates, at the first stage, the initial conditions that should ensure guaranteed attraction of investors to the market.

4. Characteristics of pollutants and their impact on the environment

The production of building materials is a source of dust pollution in the air. The wrapping and paper industry emitted such toxic compounds during production: sulfurous anhydrite, hydrogen sulfide, carbon disulfide. Tile, glass, and earthenware industries emitted hydrogen fluoride.

The production of cement and other building materials is also a source of dust pollution in the atmosphere. The main technological processes of these industries are grinding and chemical treatment mixtures, semi-finished products and obtained products in the streams of hot gases are always accompanied by the emission of dust and other harmful substances into the atmosphere. Atmospheric pollutants include hydrocarbons - saturated and unsaturated, containing from 1 to 3 carbon atoms. They undergo various transformations, oxidation, polymerization, interacting with other atmospheric pollutants after being excited by solar radiation. As a result of these reactions, peroxide compounds, free radicals, hydrocarbon compounds with nitrogen and sulfur oxides are formed, often in the form of aerosol particles.

In the building materials industry, the greatest "contribution" to environmental pollution is made by cement, glass and asphalt concrete production.

In the process of glass production, among the pollutants, in addition to dust, lead compounds, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, nitric oxide, arsenic - all these are toxic waste, almost half of which ends up in the environment.

Building materials industry. The production of cement and other binders, wall materials, asbestos-cement products, construction ceramics, heat and sound insulation materials, construction and technical glass is accompanied by emissions of dust and suspended solids (57.1% of the total emissions), carbon monoxide (21.4%) into the atmosphere. ), sulfur dioxide (10.8%) and nitrogen oxides (9%). In addition, hydrogen sulfide is present in the emissions (0.03%).

The most important indicator is the utilization of pollutants, which means the amount of pollutants returned to production, used to obtain a marketable product or sold outside.

One of the reasons for the high "digestibility" of pollutants, apparently, is that in the total amount of pollutants, a large proportion is occupied by solids, which are better amenable to collection and utilization than liquid and gaseous ones. Solids occupy 93% of the total volume of pollutants (158.2 and 147.2 thousand tons) and insignificant - 7% (11.0 thousand tons) - gaseous and liquid. From solids, 1% was thrown out without purification, and from gaseous and liquid substances - 93%. In general, in the region for all industries, solid pollutants make up 33% of the total volume of pollutants, while gaseous and liquid pollutants make up 67%, and 2% and 70%, respectively, are thrown out without purification.

Of the gaseous and liquid substances, half was carbon monoxide (51%), and the second half was represented by sulfur dioxide (27%) and nitrogen oxides (20%).

5. Measures to protect the habitat from the impact of the production of building materials

Air pollution control measures can have a positive impact on the industrial structure and activities of individual construction companies.

The development of low-pollution technologies and the investment in them usually reduce the cost of production over the long term, while reducing emissions. Mandatory emission standards encourage the replacement of old plants with new ones. Clean technologies can also reduce capital investment and operating costs compared to previously used processes, mainly through savings in energy and raw materials.

The complexity and severity of environmental problems make it necessary to seek new reserves of protection from anthropogenic impact both in everyday economic practice and in the future. Insufficient efficiency is already evident today. traditional methods environmental protection through the purification and neutralization of emissions from pollutants, the use of new, more rational, low-waste and non-waste technologies is required, the introduction of the results into economic and production activities scientific research aimed at optimizing the interaction between man and nature, substantiating environmental standards that ensure the preservation of the environment and human health, as well as the rational use of natural resources.

Environmental expertise can be used as a tool to justify correct decisions. Its main tasks should be the assessment of sanitary and hygienic, physical and technical, socio-economic impacts of objects. economic activity on the environment and analysis of possible options for this activity.

The increased range of tasks related to solving the environmental problem requires an analysis of the anthropogenic load, in particular, of enterprises in the building materials industry on the biosphere and the associated environmental pollution.

In measures to protect the environment from the impact of the production of building materials, a set of issues is considered various activities human, aimed at eliminating the impact of anthropogenic factors, improving and rational use of natural resources. In human construction activities, such activities include:

Urban planning measures aimed at the environmentally sound placement of enterprises, settlements and the transport network;

Architectural and construction measures that determine the choice of environmental space-planning solutions;

Selection of environmentally friendly materials in design and construction;

Construction and operation of treatment and disposal facilities and devices;

Land reclamation;

Measures to combat soil pollution;

The use of waste-free technologies, etc.

To prevent pollution of the Earth's surface, preventive measures are needed - to prevent soil contamination with industrial and domestic wastewater, solid household and industrial waste, sanitary cleaning of the soil and the territory of populated areas where such violations have been identified are needed.

So far, the only way to significantly reduce environmental pollution is low-waste technologies. Currently, low-waste industries are being created in which emissions of harmful substances do not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations (MPC), and waste does not lead to irreversible changes in nature. The complex processing of raw materials, the combination of several industries, the use of solid waste for the manufacture of building materials is used.

New technologies and materials are being created, environmentally pure species fuels, new energy sources that reduce environmental pollution.

List of used literature

1. Avramenko S.V. Contemporary problems of ecology. M., 2004.

2.Israel Yu.A. Ecology and control of the state of the natural environment. - M., 1994.

3.Malakhov A.G., Makhanko E.P. Release of toxic metals into the atmosphere and their accumulation in the surface layer of the earth. M., 1998.

4.Poryadina A.F. Environmental auditing of industrial enterprises. M., 1997.

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Recently, there has been a noticeable trend in construction towards the use of ecological technologies that do not harm the environment. Enterprises engaged in the production of building materials are subject to stringent requirements for compliance with environmental safety. And this is not a tribute to fashion, but a necessity dictated by life itself. By giving preference to environmentally friendly building materials, we simultaneously take care of our health and the health of our descendants.

Despite the fact that there is clearly not enough information about the degree of environmental friendliness of certain building materials, we all know that some materials are harmless, while others, on the contrary, pollute the environment to one degree or another.

Harmful or non-environmentally friendly building materials are those materials for the production of which synthetic materials are used that have a detrimental effect on the environment. In addition, such production requires more energy consumption. Natural self-decomposition or recycling of the obtained building materials is out of the question. After use, they are thrown into landfills, where they continue to pollute the air and soil.

Non-environmentally friendly building materials:

  • Polyfoam - emits a toxic substance styrene, which provokes the occurrence of myocardial infarction and venous thrombosis.
  • In insulation materials (extruded polystyrene and expanded polystyrene), taking into account the technology, HBCDD (hexabromiocyclododecane) is added to reduce their flammability. Not long ago, the European Chemicals Agency declared HBCDD one of the most dangerous among the 14 known toxic substances.
  • Thermal insulation boards are made on the basis of polyurethane. They contain toxic substances isocyantes.
  • Linoleum, vinyl wallpaper and decorative films are widely used materials in construction, which are responsible for the content of heavy metals in the air. These substances, accumulating over time in the human body, can cause the development of tumors.
  • Poor quality paints, varnishes, mastics are considered the most hazardous to health, since they contain lead, copper, as well as toluene, xylene and cresol, which are narcotic substances.
  • Concrete is known for its density and strength. Unfortunately, it is the density of concrete that prevents free air penetration and enhances electromagnetic waves.
  • Reinforced concrete has the same disadvantages as concrete, but additionally also shields electromagnetic radiation. As a result, people living or working in homes and offices built from these materials often suffer from fatigue.
  • Polyvinyl chloride is a part of many varnishes and paints. In contact with air, with the assistance of sunlight, it decomposes, releasing hydrochloride, which in turn provokes diseases of the liver and blood vessels.
  • Polyurethane foam in the dust has a bad effect on the skin, eyes and lungs.

When buying materials for the construction of your house, demand that you be issued a sanitary-epidemiological certificate for them. This conclusion will give you an idea of ​​the degree of toxicity of your chosen building material.

Fortunately, there are other materials, the presence of which in the room not only does not harm, but, on the contrary, has a positive effect on the physical and mental state of a person - environmentally friendly building materials.

Eco-friendly building materials

Eco-friendly (environmentally friendly) building materials are materials that are not affected by the environment during their manufacture and operation. They are divided into two types: absolutely environmentally friendly and conditionally environmentally friendly.

Absolutely environmentally friendly building materials are generously presented to us by nature itself. These include wood, stone, natural adhesives, rubber, cork, silk, felt, cotton, natural leather, natural linseed oil, straw, bamboo, etc. All these materials have been used by man to build houses from time immemorial. Their disadvantage is that they do not always meet the technical requirements (not hardy enough and fireproof, difficult to transport, etc.).

In this regard, at present, conditionally environmentally friendly materials are widely used in construction, which are also made from natural resources, are safe for the environment, but have higher technical indicators.

Conditionally ecological building materials include:

  • brick
  • tile
  • roof tiles
  • foam concrete blocks
  • materials made of aluminum, silicon

The brick is made of clay without the use of chemical additives and dyes. Walls made of this material are strong, durable, and resistant to harmful environmental influences. The least energy-intensive type of brick is considered one that is made of clay with the addition of straw reinforcing it. After drying in the sun, such a brick is ready for use. More than a quarter of the world's population lives in houses built of this kind of brick. In dry climates, they are especially durable.

Each of us is capable of making our life better. According to statistics, a person spends most of his time indoors (at work or at home), about 75% of the time. Therefore, it is of great importance from what this room is built. Building your home from ecological materials or using them in the interior decoration of the premises, we create a unique and at the same time healthy atmosphere.

Tips: Wood or straw, jute, bamboo mats are best suited for interior wall decoration. As a last resort, plaster and paper wallpaper. If you decide to use parquet or laminate for finishing the floor, be sure to pay attention to whether it has the CE mark (it means that the material is made according to European standards).

Unfortunately, for quite a long time, due attention was not paid to the natural environment during its functioning. The reality is that economic development has to pay off with the destruction of flora, fauna and vast territories.

Today, it becomes extremely important to ensure the maximum possible protection of the environment from industrial facilities, which, consuming a huge amount of natural resources, are powerful sources of pollution.

Influence on nature

It is possible to talk about the effective protection of the natural environment in the process of industrial production, provided that the relationship between them is determined. Human activity in the 21st century has been a determining factor in influencing nature not only in a positive, but also in a negative way. Therefore, the protection of nature today began to be global, and not formal, as in the recent past, in nature. In conditions market economy entrepreneurs are not interested in increasing the cost of protecting the environment, which naturally leads to an increase in the cost of production, and therefore to a decrease in profits. The impact on nature is becoming more widespread every year and has led to an ecological crisis in some parts of the world. For the first time, a serious environmental crisis was observed in the 1960s and 1970s. Even then, members of the Club of Rome warned humanity about the impending environmental catastrophe, but their words were not heard. Meanwhile, the ecological crisis was already beginning to deepen, as evidenced by a noticeable decrease in the self-purification of the biosphere, which could no longer cope with the wastes thrown into it by enterprises and people.

The main direction of protecting the natural environment today is the maximum possible maintenance of ecological balance and ensuring the natural interconnections of the ecosystem. The most pressing environmental problems at present are the following:

Global environmental pollution;

Intensive reduction of natural resources;

Rational use of all types of resources;

Reasonable sufficiency of production and consumption;

Environmental education of people;

Utilization of industrial and human waste;

Ensuring normal life and human health.

Relationship with production

The interaction of industrial production and nature should be considered in unity, as a process of nature management by state institutions. It is social in nature, as it is done by people within the framework labor relations... Since production is an integral part, a social institution of any state, it is characterized by almost all problems of society. The mutual influence of industry and the environment acts as a constituent element of the "man - nature" ecological system.

Ecological problems are extremely relevant both for an individual enterprise and the entire industrial complex of the country, and for the Earth as a whole. The development of industry, on the one hand, is the result of scientific and technological progress and the production activities of people. On the other hand, industry is the main consumer of natural resources and a powerful source of pollution. Despite the fact that the environmental safety of individual industrial facilities is constantly improving, in the country as a whole, environmental protection issues are becoming more acute, which is caused by a number of many objective and subjective reasons. Quantitative and qualitative improvement of industrial enterprises as one of the elements of the ecosystem “enterprise - natural environment»Invariably leads to a quantitative and qualitative change in another element of this ecosystem - nature, and the development of enterprises takes these changes to a qualitatively new level. Thus, an increase in production capacity at an enterprise and an increase in production lead to an increase in the amount of consumed resources - and, therefore, to an increase in harmful emissions into the environment. The relationship between two parallel processes - the process of development of enterprises and industry as a whole and the process of environmental degradation - reflect dialectical negation, which shows three main directions for resolving the issue of protecting the natural environment.

First direction. Complete cessation of industrial production.

This is supported by the Green Party and the Greenpeace organization, which, while promoting the virginity of the surrounding nature, forget that the protection of nature and the progress of mankind are completely opposite or inversely proportional processes. The development of human civilization inevitably leads to the disruption of the natural environment, and, conversely, the struggle for the purity of nature requires a return to a pre-production society.

Second direction. The development and functioning of industrial enterprises while ignoring the state of the natural environment, that is, denying environmental problems. However, this inevitably leads to an ecological crisis.

These areas are the solution to the problem by destroying one of the elements of the “enterprise - natural environment” ecosystem, namely, enterprises and industry (in the first case) and the natural environment (in the second case).

The third direction is the optimal combination of the functioning of industrial enterprises while maintaining their maximum possible environmental safety. Reducing production to a reasonable sufficiency and optimizing it while protecting the natural environment.

Solving environmental problems requires a scientific approach, no matter how different the current environmental situation in the world from the situation with nature a hundred to one hundred and fifty years ago.

Environmental contradictions

In the process of interaction between industrial enterprises and nature, the following environmental contradictions exist today:

Between the number of enterprises and the amount of pollution (liquid, solid, gaseous and other waste and the level of various radiation) of the natural environment;

Between the production capacity of the enterprise and the resources consumed;

Between the number of personnel working at the enterprises and the amount of waste;

Between level environmental awareness employees of enterprises and the state of the natural environment;

Between the technological processes used at the enterprise and the level of various physical radiation (electric, magnetic, electromagnetic, thermal, vibration noise, radiation, etc.) into the environment.

In essence, these contradictions are internal (for the “enterprise - natural environment” ecosystem), basic, general and not antagonistic. Internal, as changes occur within a given ecosystem. The main ones, since they express the essence of the interaction from start to finish, causing the greatest impact at this stage. General, because the "enterprise - natural environment" is characteristic of all ecosystems. Not antagonistic, since they can be eliminated by a person.

Development fee

A feature of today is the formation of a consumer society in many countries of the world. However, in accordance with the laws of conservation of matter and their circulation in nature, nothing comes from anywhere and nothing disappears anywhere. This means that if a consumer society is built and functions somewhere, then somewhere there must be a production society. And this society of production really exists, for example, in the People's Republic of China. Today, in terms of industrial production growth, China is ahead of all countries of the world, which, naturally, has given rise to many still unsolved environmental problems. Therefore, we will consider the impact of the rapid development of industry and the ecological state of the natural environment on the example of this country.

The industrialization process in China is developing more intensively than in Japan and South Korea, but the development of industry in the PRC is taking place with a great shortage of water resources. The economic costs of water scarcity are complemented by the losses caused by increased levels of water pollution. Today, at least 70 percent of water resources in the PRC are polluted, while water from fifty-two rivers flowing through urban settlements cannot be used even for drinking and irrigating land. Typhoid fever and the spread of hepatitis A have been reported in China due to the poor quality of drinking water from pollution of water sources.

The pollution of the atmosphere with dust particles and gases has reached a large scale in China. Unlike economically developed countries In Europe, where the main air pollutant is road transport, in China, the main source of harmful emissions into the atmosphere are thermal power plants, various industrial and domestic boiler houses, steam locomotives, etc., burning coal.

The main air pollutant from coal combustion is carbon dioxide, by the amount of which China is firmly ranked second in the world after the United States, in addition, unburned carbon (coal soot), fly ash and sulfur dioxide are released into the air. Industry accounts for about 70 percent of harmful gas emissions into the atmosphere. Among the 600-plus cities in China, less than 1 percent meet China's national air pollution standard, which is causing significant health damage to the country's population.

Due to intensive agricultural production, soil erosion in the PRC has now acquired a state character. It is especially great in the largest and most densely populated areas. Soil erosion not only diminishes fertility and lowers yields. As a result of soil erosion, artificially constructed water reservoirs are silted up much faster than is usually foreseen in projects, which reduces the possibility of obtaining electricity from hydroelectric power plants.

A particularly difficult situation arises when not only the soil layer is demolished, but also the parent rock on which it develops. As a result of "deep" plowing and disturbance of the vegetation cover, as well as the widespread use of chemical fertilizers, the problem of erosion of chernozems in the northeastern part of China is becoming more and more urgent and causes concern among Chinese specialists.

Another of the most serious and long-standing environmental problems of modern China, associated with the lack of water, is the desertification of the territory. Despite the fact that the problem of desertification began to be addressed by the government since the 1950s, every year the area of ​​land lost for agricultural production has steadily increased. The greatest sand control efforts have been undertaken over the past two decades. The country has 2.62 million square kilometers of desert area, accounting for 27 percent of the entire country. Currently, in some areas, this trend is under control, but the process of further desertification is proceeding at a fairly rapid pace.

Over the past twenty years, China has continued to skyrocket its economic growth at an average rate of 8-9 percent per year. The success of China's economic development is called an "economic miracle" in the world, but this "miracle" is accomplished by destroying the natural environment, which leads to environmental degradation and, according to many experts, affects not only the health of the population of China itself, but also further the country's economic growth prospects. At the same time, there is an obvious shortage of human and financial resources, inadequacy of fines and other penalties for environmental violations, which hinders the successful implementation of laws and programs of environmental improvement adopted by the relevant institutions.

Over the past thirty years, China has been actively involved in the international environmental protection process. During this time, the leaders of the PRC demonstrated their concern about the negative impact of the Chinese economy on global environmental processes and the role of China in the world community. The leaders of the country today openly admit that the measures taken earlier to stop the process of environmental degradation have not yielded the expected results. Laws on the cleanliness of the environment are practically non-existent, but the Chinese leadership and scientists are still taking action to significantly reduce environmentally hazardous emissions.

Thus, industrial and agricultural production in the PRC is developing to the detriment of the natural environment, which has already yielded negative results. In China, there are huge polluted, abandoned, "dead", lifeless territories and ghost towns, which is a prime example of the development of an environmental crisis.

What to do

The correct direction for the development of industry today is the optimal combination of industrial production and the cleanliness of the environment.

In general, the real ways of solving environmental problems are associated with studies of a complex of fundamental shifts, including scientific and technological progress, but not limited to it.

The development of science and technology provides only the possibility of solving environmental problems, which only under certain conditions turns into reality.

Modern man must and must develop harmonious relations with the natural environment of his habitat, understand all the processes of development of natural nature and dispose of them wisely, contributing to the enrichment, humanization, and harmonization of nature.

Any sane person understands that further scientific and technological progress is necessary to improve people's lives, but not everyone understands that along with progress it is necessary to remember about the protection and protection of the natural environment, which is why the basis of all development and functioning, including industrial, the interests of nature, not people, must be put. The solution of environmental problems is possible only by knowledgeable, competent specialists who foresee the result of their actions. Indeed, in any ecosystem created by humans, a person is its active element, and nature is a passive element, which is why the entire responsibility for the protection and preservation of the natural environment lies with humans.

Any human activity should be carried out only with its environmental support on the basis of modern environmental and resource-saving technologies. Environmental support of enterprises consists in the simultaneous implementation of constructive, organizational, technical and ergot measures.

Constructive measures are laid down in the design process and implemented during the construction process. Since this group of measures corresponds to the design and construction stage of the facility, then, given their duration, they often become obsolete by the time the facility begins to operate. Constructive measures can be supplemented and corrected in the process of construction, repair, modernization and re-equipment of the facility.

When designing an object, it is necessary to equip it with a wastewater treatment system; equip with containers for collecting hazardous pollutants, control systems for water discharged into the natural environment; provide coolers and purifiers of flue gases, as well as devices for cleaning and neutralizing industrial gases discharged into the atmosphere; exclude the consumption of resources not for their intended purpose (leaks, spills, etc.); prevent leakage of lubricants, fuel from systems and equipment.

Safety measures

Organizational and technical measures to ensure the environmental safety of industrial enterprises are developed at the design stage and adjusted during construction. Taking into account the accumulated experience of operating enterprises, organizational and technical measures can be changed and supplemented.

These activities include:

Organization of the enterprise's activities to exclude the ingress of harmful emissions into the environment;

Organization of control over the state of systems for cleaning harmful emissions and the environment;

Providing enterprises with portable means of monitoring the state of the natural environment and collecting contaminated water leaks;

Providing all enterprises with visual campaigning for environmental protection.

Ergotical measures to ensure the environmental safety of industrial enterprises are set out in the rules, instructions, manuals, manuals, directives, etc. and determine the actions of each employee of the enterprise to reduce the harmful effects of the site, workshop and enterprise as a whole on the environment, as well as primary actions to localization of hazardous accidental emissions into the biosphere. These activities are implemented in the course of the daily activities of enterprises.

The following activities are ergotic:

Correct and accurate fulfillment of all official duties, including environmental protection;

Special training of all personnel of industrial complexes in accordance with their position;

Environmental education of managers and employees;

Training of service personnel to combat environmental pollution.

Unfortunately, currently used environmental protection measures are passive, and for maximum environmental safety of enterprises, it is necessary to use active environmental protection measures, for example, the widespread introduction and use of resource-saving and waste-free technologies.

The practical implementation of the presented activities is not easy and requires a certain amount of time with the involvement of scientific potential, but it is no longer possible to postpone their practical implementation for the future.

Industrial production and the natural environment are two opposite inseparable components of the development of modern human civilization. Today, our planet is home to more than 7 billion people, and everyone naturally wants to live a better and safer life. Obviously, the only way for a person to continue to exist in the present and in the future is to live in complete harmony with the surrounding world, which implies the development and functioning of industrial production, taking into account the interests of nature.

The further development of modern civilization based on the use of the achievements of scientific and technological progress is unthinkable without environmental support, that is, without a careful and rational attitude to the natural environment.

A diagram of the environmental impact of the building materials industry (ICP).

In the conditions of intensive industrial development, construction of large and small cities, the question arises of preventing the negative impact of human activity on the environment.

A large role in solving this problem is assigned to the construction industry, in particular, the building materials industry. The impact of the building materials industry on the environment is diverse and occurs at all stages, from the extraction of raw materials to the operation of buildings and structures, i.e. throughout the entire life cycle. Many enterprises of the construction industry are sources of environmental pollution (air and water basins, the Earth's surface), cement asbestos, expanded clay and other types of dust; flue gases of thermal installations; waste water, various oils and emulsions; fuels and lubricants; waste and defective products.

Extraction of raw materials and processing into construction materials and products should be carried out using resource-saving technologies that should not have a negative impact on the environment. Therefore, a great place in the construction industry is given to the creation of low- and waste-free technologies that allow solving not only the problem of protecting the environment from technogenic pollution, but also the problem of rational use of natural resources.

Waste-free technology is the main method of production, in which raw materials and energy are more rationally and comprehensively used in the cycle of raw materials - production, consumption - secondary raw materials, so that any impact on the environment does not disrupt its normal functioning.

One of the forms of waste-free technology is the processing and disposal of waste from various industries, incl. and their own.

Waste disposal is a socio-economic problem. Removal and dumping of industrial waste means the loss of part of social labor and funds spent on production, as well as on protecting the environment from pollution.

Industrial waste pollutes the water basin and the soil. At the same time, many types of waste are valuable raw materials for the production of building materials.

Thus, the main areas of environmental protection in the building materials industry are as follows:

use of secondary mineral resources of many industries (large-tonnage waste from energy, metallurgy, chemistry, etc.), as well as our own;

rational use of fuel and energy resources with the choice of the most efficient and less polluting ones;

Transition of enterprises to low- and waste-free production;

Rational water consumption with the development and implementation of technologies that provide for a minimum water consumption, a closed water supply cycle, an effective wastewater treatment system.

Engineering support of environmental safety in the construction industry

Ensuring environmental safety in the construction industry is carried out with the help of environmental protection measures and the rational use of resources consumed in the manufacture of building materials.

To obtain objective information about the state and the level of pollution of various environmental objects (air, water and soil), it is necessary to use reliable methods of analysis. The effectiveness of any method is assessed by a set of indicators: selectivity and accuracy of determination, reproducibility of the obtained materials, limits of detection of an element and speed of analysis.

One of the most important measures to ensure effective control of the environment is an inventory of all emissions and discharges that pollute the atmosphere, water and soil.

Monitoring the state of the environment is carried out using the analysis of air, water and soil. In addition, in order to improve the environment and prevent pollution, measures are being developed aimed at the production of environmentally friendly building materials, products and structures using progressive environmentally friendly technologies.

One of the directions of stabilization and subsequent improvement of the state of the environment is the creation of a system of environmental certification of enterprises in the construction industry. The methodological basis for certification is GOST 17.00.04-90 “Passport of an industrial enterprise. Basic Provisions ". The FZRF "On technical regulation" is also aimed at this.