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Bokarev Andrey Removich went on a drinking binge. Everything would not have turned out "Bokarev"

Andrey Bokarev, co-owner of UMMC and head of Transmashholding, is steadily strengthening his position. He is known not only as the "junior partner" of Iskander Makhmudov, the "king of the state order" and the new favorite of those in power, but also as a successful manager, a generous philanthropist. His success in business is also evidenced by the Forbes rating, according to which Bokarev's fortune for 2017 was $ 1.7 billion - 52nd place in the list of "The richest businessmen in Russia."


  • Date of Birth: October 23, 1966
  • Education: Moscow Financial Institute.
  • start date entrepreneurial activity/age: unknown.
  • Type of activity at the start: unknown.
  • Current activity:

    Chairman of the Board of Directors of ZAO Transmashholding;

    Member of the Board of Directors of OAO Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company;

    President of the Freestyle Federation of Russia.

  • Current state:$1,700 million, according to Forbes, for 2017.

A serious man in a white suit, white crocodile boots with a hard look and a firm step. This is Andrey Removich Bokarev. With a sweeping movement, he opens the doors of his Rolls-Royce, which, of course, also white color. In every movement, word, you can feel the confidence of the winner, who knows exactly what he is doing and where to go next.

Rice. 1. Andrei Bokarev (right) feels like a winner in a white suit.
Source: social networks

He never aspired to become a leader or a public figure. I just did my job and moved on. For a long time he remained in the shadows - in the shadow of the glory of his "senior partner".

But more and more often Andrei Bokarev can be seen not only at secular parties, but also among his colleagues in the workshop - famous billionaires.

Rice. 2. Russian billionaires at the congress of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP).

In the photo from left to right: - founder of USM Holdings, Andrei Bokarev - chairman of the directors of Transmashholding, - chairman of the board and David Yakobashvili - president of Orion Heritage LLC.

Such confidence is connected not only with friendship with influential oligarchs and Andrei Removich’s billion-dollar fortune, but also with the support of the authorities - Bokarev has been considered the “king of state orders” over the past 3 years, as well as the businessman’s philanthropic activities.

“... significant support in Bokarev's business projects is provided by the special services, and even after the change of the director of the FSB, this connection remained strong. However, there is no special scenario: the authorities are already working with big business, and now there is no need to distribute additional bonuses,” HSE professor, political scientist Oleg Matveychev.

But this is only the tip of the iceberg - it is well known that Bokarev is a co-owner of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, Transmashholding and Kuzbassrazrezugol, Transoil and Transgroup, Metrovagonmash and Mosmetrostroy, and even the Kalashnikov Concern . But even more is hidden under the thickness of muddy water - white spots and criminal stories in short biography Andrei Bokarev is more than enough.

He did everything so that his name was included in the book of the annals of construction " new Russia»: Bokarev invests in a previously closed for private investors gun business, supports Olympic and skiing, is present in almost all strategic industries countries and even, without fear of sanctions, promotes its projects in the Crimea.

Could just "junior partner" Andrey Bokarev achieve such success in business without possessing business acumen, foresight, and perseverance?

Rice. 3. Andrei Removich tries to delve into all the details.

Life shows that the entrepreneur is trusted. And not only management own business, as happened more than once with Iskander Makhmudov, but also the implementation of strategic state projects - preparation for the Olympics in Sochi, the construction of the Moscow Metro.

Whether Andrei Bokarev is satisfied with his achievements is hard to say. After all, he is not a public person, and does not like to talk not only about his successes, but also about his plans. But the Forbes rating eloquently tells about his successes, where Bokarev first got back in 2006. It cannot be said that he systematically increased his fortune, but in 10 years he was able to increase his capital by exactly $ 1 billion.

The fluctuations in Bokarev's state are visually displayed in the graph.

Rice. 4. Graph of the change in the state of Andrey Bokarev in 2006-2017.
Source: Forbes

What was at the beginning or unanswered questions

The life of Andrei Bokarev until 1995, when he graduated from the Moscow Financial Institute and was immediately appointed to the post of acting. about. Chairman of the Board of the National Investment Bank - a solid blank spot.

It is known for certain that he is a native Muscovite, born in October 1966. But who his parents were, how Andrei grew up, what he dreamed about, history is silent. It is not clear why Bokarev entered the university at the age of 24, what he did and on what means he lived before that.

Rice. 5. Andrey Bokarev - MFI graduate.
Source: social networks

By the way, the Moscow Financial Institute in the 90s was one of the most prestigious universities, where it was not so easy to enter, even with connections and money. It is difficult to say whether it is possible to conclude from this fact that Bokarev's youth did not proceed like that of average guys.

But the fact that Bokarev's name surfaced in May 1995 in a case involving the explosion of Sylvester (Timofeev), the leader of the Orekhovskaya organized criminal group, speaks volumes. "Bandit" was blown up in the "Mercedes", which belonged to our hero. Then Bokarev was mentioned as the chairman of the board of Transexpobank.

The founder of this bank was Sergey Petrovich Alpatkin, one of the leaders of the Transexpo Union. The Industrial and Financial Company Meta-Service was affiliated with the Union of Entrepreneurs, director of which in 1994-1996. was Iskander Makhmudov.

Most likely, it was at this stage that fate brought Bokarev to Makhmudov. Since 1998, Andrey Bokarev's business history has been inextricably linked with Makhmudov's projects.

Rice. 6. Iskander Makhmudov and Andrei Bokarev.
Source: social networks

Big ship big voyage

It all started with the appointment of Bokarev to the post of deputy CEO"Kuzbassrazrezugol" - one of the largest. Makhmudov acquired the enterprise from Sergei Rodionov in 1998. Here Andrey Removich supervised export deliveries. In the same year, he headed the Australian company Makhmudov "Crutrade".

Rice. 7. Ambitious leader big business.
Source: RBC website

Member of the Board of Directors large companies his patron:

  • JSC HK "Kuzbassrazrezugol";
  • OJSC Altai-Koks;
  • LLC "UMMC-Holding";
  • OAO Rosterminalugol.

For a long time, the exact data on the shares in the assets owned by Makhmudov were not advertised. It was rumored that the billionaire has a "shadow partner" in the copper business.

How great was the surprise in business circles when the KRU investment memorandum was advertised. Makhmudov's mysterious partner turned out to be Andrey Bokarev, who for a long time was considered only "Makhmudov's manager for coal affairs."

Moreover, Bokarev was called not just a small investor, but a co-owner of KRU.

But our hero became a shareholder of UMMC only in 2013, although at unofficial social events he was called the owner of this business long before that.

Rice. 8. For a long time, Bokarev was considered just a lucky manager.

But not the coal business and not even the copper holding played leading role in the history of Andrei Bokarev. Transmashholding is a corporation with which its name is inextricably linked.


In 2004, the partners united disparate engineering plants. The company includes more than 15 factories that manufacture products for railway. Bokarev headed the association in 2008 and to this day holds the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Today Transmashholding is a leading player in the railway equipment market. Up to 70% of the products of Russian Railways are purchased at Bokarev's enterprises, where they produce:

  • shunting and main diesel locomotives;
  • industrial and main electric locomotives;
  • locomotive and marine diesel engines;
  • cars of electric trains and metro;
  • passenger and freight cars;
  • rail buses;
  • wagon casting, etc.

Kirill Lipa, General Director of the enterprise, talks about the achievements of Transmashholding in an interview:

"King of the state order"

Assessing the prospects transport business, Bokarev, together with his senior partner, began to expand the empire, moving in this direction.

Since 2014, they have been leaders in the ranking of "kings of state orders".

Bokarev Andrey Removich(born October 23, 1966, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian businessman. Co-owner and chairman of the board of directors of ZAO and OAO, member of the board of directors of OAO (UMMC), OAO Altai-koks, FC Lokomotiv. President of the Freestyle Federation of Russia.

In 1995 he graduated from the Moscow Financial Institute (MFI) and became acting chairman of the board of the National Investment Bank, having worked in this position until 1997. In 1997, he became Deputy General Director of Rosexportles.

In 1998, as Deputy General Director, he began to oversee the export deliveries of Kuzbassrazrezugol, a company acquired by Iskander Makhmudov from Sergey Rodionov, Bokarev's senior partner. In the same year, he headed the Austrian company Krutrade AG (the main beneficiary is ). In 1998-1999, he was the General Director of the Krutreidag Company.

Since 1999, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of OAO Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company. In 1999-2000, he was a member of the Board of Directors of OAO Holding Company Kuzbassrazrezugol. In 1999-2004, he served as Deputy General Director for Foreign Market of CJSC Management Company STIN Holding. In 2000-2005, he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Holding Company Kuzbasrazrezugol.

In 2001-2006, he was a member of the Board of Directors of OAO Altai-Koks. Since 2003, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of CJSC Transmashholding and LLC UMMC-Holding. In 2004, Makhmudov and Bokarev merged disparate machine-building plants into Transmashholding. Since 2004, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of OAO Rosterminalugol. From the fall of 2004 to 2006, together with Iskander Makhmudov, he owned a 50% stake in the Rodionov Publishing House. Since 2005 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO coal company"Kuzbasrazrezugol" and a member of the Board of Directors of JSC "Novosibirskenergo".

From 2007 to March 2010 - President of the Federation of Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding of Russia. In September 2007, he was appointed a member of the Development Council under the President of the Russian Federation physical culture and sports, elite sports, preparation and holding of the XXII winter Olympic Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi. In 2008, he became Chairman of the Board of Directors of Transmashholding. In 2008-2009 - Chairman of the Board of the Interregional public organization Federation of Russian billiards. Since June 2010 - President of the Freestyle Federation of Russia (FFR). In October 2010, together with Makhmudov, he re-registered the ownership of 25% of Aeroexpress LLC personally to himself.

Married, has a son.

Everything would not have turned out "Bokarev"

The UMMC co-owner is selling his assets. Did you feel something was wrong?

According to The Moscow Post correspondent, Andrey Bokarev, co-owner of the Ural mining and metallurgical company and Transmashholding company (UMMC), intends to sell 30 percent of the shares of the Kolmar coal company in the Republic of Yakutia (Sakha).

The businessman bought this stake and a stake in the Ust-Luga Oil oil product terminal in 2015 from Gunvor, which was previously co-owned by Gennady Timchenko, who fell under US sanctions (owns 30% of Colmar).

Thus, Andrei Bokarev is systematically getting rid of assets that are undesirable from the point of view of the current market situation. Recall that a little earlier, Bokarev, together with his long-term partner Iskander Makhmudov, decided to withdraw from the ownership of the Kalashnikov concern, which fell under Western sanctions three years ago.


Andrey Removich Bokarev always knew how to adapt to circumstances. He managed to arrange things in such a way that he received double praise from ... it’s scary to say who. He was praised twice by the President of the country in one day.

For the first time, Vladimir Putin named him among the patrons who financed the Olympic facilities. The Sverdlovsk residents considered the Shayba ice arena built in Sochi to be a UMMC project, but it followed from the president’s story that it was Bokarev who was behind the project and it was he who agreed to give the complex free of charge to whomever the head of state indicated.

The second gratitude came at the end of the "interrogation" of the president, who was trying to get an answer to the question of who exactly pays for the coverage of the world sporting event - the first in the history of the European Games. It turned out that public sector entity channel "Russia 2" pays for this with the money of a dollar billionaire from the Forbes list.

The ongoing dialogue, observers believe, captures the sympathy that the president feels for a non-public businessman - a shareholder of UMMC and chairman of the board of directors of CJSC Transmashholding.

Few managed to get to a personal meeting with the president last year. Bokarev was in Novo-Ogaryovo twice: in February and November. The number of Putin's meetings with Rostec CEO Sergei Chemezov, for example, turned out to be exactly half that.

Ural intrigues

As evil tongues say, Andrei Bokarev was almost a freelance adviser to the newly appointed governor Sverdlovsk region Kuyvashev. According to rumors, it was Bokarev who brought Kuyvashev together with the real owner of the Ural life, one of the main shareholders of UMMC Andrey Kozitsyn.

Since then, Kozitsyn has been considered almost best friend Kuyvashev. And this, as they whisper, is entirely the merit of Andrei Bokarev. Many consider the latter to be almost a gray eminence of the Sverdlovsk power circles.

Maybe that's the way it is. Andrei Removich can position himself perfectly.

Land issue

Nine years ago a few individuals filed a lawsuit with the Krasnogorsk City Court of the Moscow Region, among the defendants in which was, in particular, the state institution "Tetkovo Health Complex" of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation.

The plaintiffs contested the transfer to this enterprise federal agency for the management of federal property of a land plot with an area of ​​1,975,700 sq. m not far from the village of Petrovo-Dalnee. The lawsuit argued that the rights of permanent perpetual use of these lands by the enterprise of the Department Manager are illegal.

They say that behind this story with an attempt to take away the land from the Presidential Administration was the former senator from the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the "vodka king" Alexander Sabadash, member of the Federation Council Leonid Lebedev, businessmen Iskander Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev, who waged scandalous wars among themselves over the redistribution of available they have land in the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region.

Siberian traces

It is known that Iskander Makhmudov owns a stake in OAO Kuzbassrazrezugol (KRU) and, through it, in OAO Transmashholding. They say that he appears at social events of the governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev, as well as in Moscow clubs and in the French ski resort of Courchevel.

However, there is no exact data either about Mr. Makhmudov himself or about his exact share in controlled assets. They say, for example, that he has a "shadow partner" in the copper business.

According to a KRU investment memorandum obtained by Business Guide, this mysterious partner is none other than Andrey Bokarev, previously considered "Makhmudov's manager for coal affairs" (he heads the board of directors of KRU).

However, in the KRU ownership structure, Mr. Bokarev is named a co-owner of this business along with Makhmudov himself, and at one of the non-public social events he was directly called the owner of the UMMC.

King of government orders

Andrei Bokarev and his senior patron Iskander Makhmudov have long been known as the kings of state orders. In particular, the already mentioned company Transmashholding, in some strange way, actually without a tender, received a contract for the supply of more than 800 cars for the Moscow metro.

Andrey Bokarev

The amount of the contract turned out to be quite good - 144 billion rubles. A little later, Andrei Bokarev's company Transmashholding received another contract from the metro for the supply of cars and their maintenance for thirty years - worth 130 billion rubles. Good business, is not it?

As some media wrote, in terms of the number of government orders, Bokarev was ahead of even the friends of the country's first person, the Rotenberg brothers and Timchenko.

Laundering business?

Evil tongues claimed that through the firms of Bokarev and Makhmudov, the criminal money of the Izmailovsky criminal group was laundered. Not quite clean were, in their opinion, and financial flows Bokarev through the world's largest coal company Kuzbassrarezugol.

Through the European firms UMMC and Kuzbassrazrezugol, the proceeds from the sale of Russian natural resources, and then could be divided among the members of the group.

Thus, some publications claim that the leader of the Izmaylovskys, Anton Malevsky, together with Iskander Makhmudov, controlled the coal trader KRUTrade in Austria, which accumulated all the money from the sale of Russian fuel.

Iskander Makhmudov

Here is such a character who sells his shares in the Yakutsk coal company. Did Andrei Removich sharpen his skis to distant and warmer climes? After all, the hour is uneven, stern guys in civilian clothes may turn up and start asking not very pleasant questions.

Andrey Removich Bokarev is both a big businessman and a sports functionary. This is evidenced by the following facts - he is on several boards of directors various enterprises and is the President of the Freestyle Federation of Russia.


Andrei Removich was born in Moscow on October 23, 1966. After graduating from school, he entered one of the oldest universities in the country - the Moscow Financial Institute (MFI). In 1995 he graduated from the university.

Business career

Literally right after graduation young specialist offered the position of acting chairman of the board of the National Investment Fund. He worked in this position for two years - until 1997.

In the same 1997, Bokarev became the Deputy General Director of Rosekspertles.

In 1998, Iskander Makhmudov became the new owner of Kuzbassrazrezugol and Bokarev was invited to work here. And having received the position of Deputy General Director, he began to oversee the export deliveries of the company.

By the end of 1998, our hero heads the Austrian company Krutrade AG. This proposal came from Iskander Makhmudov, who is the main beneficiary of the Austrian company. Bokarev worked at the head of this company for a year.

In 1999, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the following companies - OAO Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company and OAO HK Kuzbassrazrezugol.

1999-2004 Andrey Removich is Deputy General Director of CJSC STIN Holding Management Company. Under his control were all contacts of the company on the foreign market.

2000-2005 is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of OA HC Kuzbassrazrezugol.

2001-2006 - Member of the Board of Directors of OAO Altai-Koks.

Since 2003, he has been a member of the board of directors of such companies as UMMC-Holding LLC and Transmashholding CJSC.

In 2004, Bokarev and Makhmudov merged their machine-building plants into one company - Transmashholding.

Also, together with Makhmudov, he was the owner of a 50% share of the Romanov Publishing House.

2004 - Membership in the Board of Directors of OAO Rosterminalugol.

In 2005, he became chairman of the board of directors of OAO Coal Company Kuzbassrazrezugol and a member of a similar board at OAO Novosibirskenergo.

In the early spring of 2007, an agreement and cooperation was signed between Bokarev and the governor of the Kemerovo region, which was of a socio-economic nature. As part of this agreement, Bokarev promised to give about 300 million rubles for the implementation of national projects in the region.

In 2008, he became Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC Transmashholding.

In 2010, together with Iskander Makhmudov, they re-registered the ownership of Aeroexpress LLC. Now 25% of the company is in their personal ownership.

In 2011, an agreement was signed between Bokarev and the German company Tognum AG, according to which a joint venture was created in Russia that would develop and manufacture diesel engines using innovative technologies.

In the same 2011, a similar agreement was signed by Bokarev with the French company Alston Transport. Only this time, the joint venture was to be engaged in the production of high-speed low-floor trams. Production will be based at the Oktyabrsky Electric Car Repair Plant (OEVRZ) located in St. Petersburg.

Politics and social activities

In the period from 2007 to 2010, Bokarev served as president of the Russian Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding Federation.

In 2007, he was a member of the Presidential Council, which oversees the development of physical culture and sports, elite sports, the preparation and holding of 22 Winter Olympic Games and 11 Winter Paralympic Games in 2014 in Sochi.

2008-2009 Bokarev is the chairman of the board of the Interregional Public Organization "Federation of Russian Billiards".

In 2009, Bokarev was included in the so-called "first hundred" of the managerial personnel reserve, under presidential patronage.

In 2010 he was appointed President of the Russian Freestyle Federation and the Russian Skiing Association.

Bokarev bought a hotel in the Austrian resort of Schladmig. From now on, this hotel hosts the training camp of the national skiing team.

2012 he was registered as a candidate member of the Council of the International Ski Federation.

Of the personal hobbies of a businessman, it is worth noting skiing. And he mastered them at a completely professional level. If there free time, then prefers to train with the national team.

Personal life

All that is known about her is that he is married and is raising a son with his wife.

President of the Joint-Stock Company Transmashholding.
President of the Association of ski sports of the Russian Federation.
Member of the Executive Committee of the Olympic Committee of the Russian Federation.

Andrey Bokarev was born on October 23, 1966 in Moscow. After high school I got into business. Higher education received in 1995 after graduating from the Moscow Financial Institute, after which he took the post of acting chairman of the board of the National Investment Bank. He held this position until 1997. In 1997, he was appointed Deputy General Director of Rosexportles.

A year later, as deputy general director, he began to oversee the export deliveries of Kuzbassrazrezugol: a company that Iskander Makhmudov acquired from Sergei Rodionov, Bokarev's partner. In the same year, 1998, he headed the Austrian company Krutrade AG and until 1999 acted as its general director.

Since 1999, Andrey Bokarev has been elected a member of the Board of Directors of OAO Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company. A year later, he joined the board of directors of the open joint-stock company HC "Kuzbassrazrezugol" At the same time, he held the post of Deputy General Director for the Foreign Market of CJSC STIN Holding Management Company.

Since 2000, for five years Andrey Removich has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO HC Kuzbasrazrezugol. In 2001, also for five years, he was a member of the Board of Directors of OAO Altai-Koks. At the same time, since 2003, he has been a member of the Board of Directors of CJSC Transmashholding and LLC UMMC-Holding. In 2004, Makhmudov and Bokarev merged disparate machine-building plants into Transmashholding. Since 2004, for two years, together with Makhmudov, they owned a 50% stake in the Rodionov Publishing House.

Since 2005, Bokarev has been a member of the Board of Directors of OAO Novosibirskenergo. In mid-March 2007, he signed an agreement on social and economic cooperation with Aman Tuleev, promising to give almost 300 million rubles to national projects.

In the same year, Andrei Bokarev became president of the Russian Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding Federation. In September 2007, he was appointed a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of physical culture and sports, elite sports, the preparation and holding of the XXII Winter Olympic Games and the XI Winter Paralympic Games in Sochi.

In 2008, he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of Transmashholding. Until 2009, he was the chairman of the board of the Interregional Organization Federation of Russian Billiards. Since 2010, for two years he has been the president of the Freestyle Federation of the Russian Federation. On July 7, 2010, he became the President of the Russian Ski Association.