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What can you do besides your main job? Additional income in your free time

Many people barely have enough pay until the next one. What to do if you need to not only spend money on food, but also buy things, furniture, pay for children’s education and make many other expenses? Take out loans? But this is not always convenient, and the percentage of overpayment can be quite high.

Constantly borrowing from friends and relatives is also not a very good option, because it only saves you for a while. Your income is much lower than your expenses. Therefore, you have to borrow again and again. It turns out vicious circle. What to do? Of course, you can cut some expenses, introduce a strict economy regime, or try to find a second job and combine it with your main one.

The way out of poverty

Today, no one is surprised by the fact that every second working person is looking for an opportunity. There are many more options for this than some people assume. How to find a part-time job? What actions need to be taken to achieve this? What can we do to ensure that our knowledge and skills bring additional, and most importantly - stable income? Is it possible to find part-time work from home? First things first.

How to find a part-time job

  1. Before you look for a job, you need to determine what you can do. That is, what services can you offer an employer. You can take a sheet of paper, draw it into two halves: in one, write the virtues and traits of your character, and in the second, what you know and can do well.
  2. When you know exactly what skills you have, it’s easier for you to look for part-time work.
  3. Now you need to start looking for options future work. Moreover, the more there are, the greater the likelihood that you will find a part-time job. You can search for options on special sites, of which there are a large number on the Internet; buy newspapers with job advertisements; through social networks; through friends.
  4. Post job search advertisements.

Find a part-time job in Moscow

In big cities, the opportunity to find additional income increases several times. The most popular options:

  • There is a website on the Internet called "Hackwork Database. Part-Time Jobs in Moscow." For ease of use, all offers are divided into groups: work for students, in the evening, hourly work, etc. Every day the database is updated with hundreds of new offers from employers. All you have to do is register, leave your resume and wait. If you don’t like this option, you can search for options yourself in the “Hackwork Database” and leave requests.
  • Offer to passersby In an hour or two you can earn from 100 to 1000 rubles.
  • Buy newspapers with advertisements about how to find part-time work.

Some ideas

  1. There are a huge number of sites on the Internet that offer good product very low prices. If desired, this can be used as a source additional income. You buy things at one price, then make a small markup and resell them. Many people prefer to see the product first and then pay money for it, so you can easily find people willing to buy something.
  2. Sometimes parents of small children really want to go to the cinema, theater or just take a walk alone, but there is no one to leave the kids with. They'll be happy to pay a certain amount for the opportunity to be alone for a few hours. Such families, as a rule, exist in every home.
  3. In big cities, you can rent out a room for tourists for a while.
  4. If you know languages ​​well, then you can always find your services useful for both schoolchildren and students.
  5. Recently, the work of the so-called secret shopper has become very popular. You come to the store, make purchases and pay attention to the quality of service. Of course, you can’t make a lot of money here. But even if you recoup some of your costs in the store, that's already good.
  6. Do you have a computer and Internet access? Therefore, problems with solving the question “how to find a part-time job” should not arise. There are many options here - from writing various articles to creating your own website. The main thing is to have free time and the desire to do something.

Advantages of working on the Internet

  • No special education required.
  • Travel time and money are not wasted on transport.
  • A free schedule that the employee sets for himself.
  • At any time you can take a rest break or take a day off.
  • The amount of income is unlimited, it all depends only on your knowledge and a certain amount of luck.
  • Opportunities for creative growth.

5 professions that are the most successful for finding part-time work

  1. Medical workers. Range paid services very wide. From conducting medical procedures (injections, IVs, etc.) to providing advisory professional assistance.
  2. Drivers with personal transport can earn extra money as a taxi driver.
  3. Teachers usually do tutoring.
  4. Educators. People with pedagogical education can offer their services to young parents, who very often have no one to leave their children with, even for a short time.
  5. Lawyers offer lawyer consulting remotely.

Skills that will help you find extra income

  • The ability to do massage, supported by a special certificate, will give you unlimited opportunities. Even if you are at your main job during the day, finding a part-time job in the evening will not be difficult.
  • Do you like to cook? Can be sold finished products. Perhaps at first you will offer lunches and delicious cakes and pies to your friends and acquaintances, and later the circle of clients may expand significantly.
  • Do you know how to make beautiful hairstyles and know a variety of braiding options? In this case, you can easily find part-time work at home.
  • The ability to take good photographs is in great demand these days. Any holidays, family celebrations and memorable events can become an occasion for a photo shoot, and the question of how to find part-time work for the weekend will be resolved.
  • When doing any kind of needlework - embroidery, beading, knitting, etc. - remember that your hobby can become a source of additional income.
  • Do you like to organize holidays for your family, come up with entertainment, games, quizzes? Try yourself as a host of various events and family celebrations.

Any of your skills and abilities can give you the opportunity to find a part-time job for a while, and perhaps become a source of your main income.

We told you only about some types of part-time jobs; in fact, there are many more. If you spend at least 15-20 minutes every day looking for additional income, you will definitely find it. Still don't know where you can find a part-time job? Use the following tips:

  • Pay attention to parents with children walking near your house. Perhaps they will happily agree to leave the kids under your care for a while for a fee.
  • In stores, pay attention to advertisement stands: you can find the necessary information there. You can contact employees and find out about vacancies, as well as whether there is an opportunity to find part-time work.
  • Use various options search.
  • Write your resume correctly. Key points worth paying attention to: professional skills, personal data, education, wishes for the employer. The absence of grammatical errors and brevity of presentation will increase your chances of success.
  • Appearance must be impeccable: hair clean and neatly combed, clothes ironed. A neat person evokes sympathy and a desire to continue communication, always remember this.
  • A smile helps to win over almost any person. If you have an interview, smile more often.
  • Find a prayer for getting a job, learn it and say it to yourself often.
  • After looking through all the options, select a few and, after weighing all the pros and cons, choose the most suitable option.

Hi all! Today we will continue the topic of making money and touch on part-time work or extra income. After the article about and about that, they began to ask me questions about how to find a part-time job in my free time, so that the work would be offline and even with daily payment. The question is quite logical, because not everyone is good at making money online, but in real life can do some part-time work. In general, this article is for you!

Nowadays the demand for additional part-time work in their spare time, because the standard salary (not to mention a stipend or benefits) has become scarce, so more and more people are looking to earn extra money to earn more money and, perhaps, apply your knowledge that is unnecessary at your main job.

Below I will tell you about additional income, where you can find a part-time job and how much you can earn!

What kind of extra income is this in your free time?

These are any jobs that are performed in your free time from study or main work, and for which you don’t even always need special skills. The most common types of services that fall under the category of additional part-time work include:

  • courier delivery – prompt transportation around the city of correspondence, parcels, flowers and gifts, groceries and ready-made meals;
  • “home handyman” services - assistance with plumbing or electrical wiring repairs, apartment renovation services, furniture assembly services, etc.;
  • cleaning services - cleaning apartments and offices, washing windows, dry cleaning carpets and furniture;
  • construction work - mainly surface finishing services in residential and commercial premises;
  • household services - washing, ironing, sewing and repairing clothes, cooking, nanny and nurse services;
  • repair of equipment, electronics, power tools;
  • promoter services - distribution of leaflets, flyers, participation in tastings, etc.;
  • caring for animals - walks, trips to the veterinarian or for a haircut, foster care;
  • services of a cosmetologist, hairdresser, manicurist and pedicurist;
  • organization of holidays - services of a photographer, cameraman, animator, presenter;
  • computer assistance - minor repairs, operating system installation, connecting and configuring equipment.
  • and much more!

As can be seen from this list, the majority of the services included in the concept of part-time work in your spare time are in demand among ordinary citizens - people who urgently need to deliver a parcel, clean the apartment, fix a faucet, or look after their children while their parents are at work. Considering the number of similar needs that arise daily, we can say with confidence that the demand for the services of a master of any specialty is very large and, most importantly, stable. You just need to intelligently approach the search for part-time work offline.

Where to look for part-time work in your free time

Paradoxically, for a modern person, the fastest and most profitable way to look for an offline part-time job is online;) Simply put, through specialized sites. They enable customers to express their needs and find appropriate specialists.

Such sites at one time made a revolution in the labor market - after all, before that, customers of services had to scroll through dozens of advertisements in search of the right specialist, entrusting the work to a person chosen literally at random. Performers also spent a lot of time looking for part-time work, often not finding anything interesting for themselves. It’s a little easier for contractors; they can place an ad on Avito, but customers cannot leave a request there.

We can note at least three significant services in Russia that allow you to find additional part-time work in your free time quickly and for free: these are YouDo, and the young but promising project “Throw the Kabanchik”. There may be more, but I only highlighted 3.

YouDo – service operating in Moscow and Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region.

To register on it as a performer, you need to undergo a personal data verification, verification proxies, testing for knowledge of the rules, telephone interview. Every day, tasks appear on the site in various categories (including those mentioned above). The commission for using the service is paid by the contractor - from 5 to 15%, depending on the amount of payment for the completed task.

Porucheno – agency of special assignments.

A project designed to fulfill orders from customers in regions located remotely from its location. To become an Agent (performer) of the site, you need to go through several test tasks, get the minimum rating. Recently, there has been a small number of orders on the site with a critically large number of registered agents.

Throw the Hog (daughter of a successful Ukrainian serviceKabanchik ) modern project, which allows you to quickly and practically without wasting time finding a part-time job in any available direction in any major city in Russia.

Registration of a performer on a project takes a few minutes, and verification consists of online testing and an interview via Skype, during which a project representative will check the passport details of the new user. If you immediately indicate the categories in which you plan to provide services, you don’t have to waste time looking for part-time work, since all current offers will be sent to the specified email address performer.

Each performer has a personal profile in which you can indicate your advantages and attach photos with examples of work. Customer reviews and ratings are also displayed on your profile and visible to other customers. If you do your work conscientiously, accumulate positive recommendations and have a high rating, you can over time increase the number of part-time jobs and the profit from them.

How much can you earn

Additional part-time work, depending on the type of activity and intensity of work, can bring either a small “maintenance” income or become an equivalent source of income at the same level as salary. The simplest and at the same time the lowest paid job is distributing leaflets or Courier services. However, this is the best option for students as these services do not require a lot of time and effort.

The services of specialists are paid higher - especially when we are talking about apartment renovations, renovations household appliances, the services of a cosmetologist or, for example, a massage therapist. To be specific, on average, working part-time in your free time allows you to earn from 4,000 to 50,000 rubles per month. As a part-time job, this is quite enough. The numbers are approximate, some may have more!

In addition, I will say that in these services you can also find part-time work on the Internet, and not just offline. And also if you are interested daily payments, then there are a lot of such options for part-time work!

  1. Register on one or more of the above sites to find part-time work in your spare time.
  2. Be responsible when filling out information about your qualifications, skills, and advantages.
  3. If possible, create a portfolio.
  4. Don't be upset if they don't choose you. Keep applying for interesting projects.
  5. Build up ratings and reviews - and they will start working for you.
  6. Improve yourself.
  7. Don't take on multiple projects - it's better to finish one thing before taking on another.
  8. Don't deceive employers. A satisfied customer will recommend you to friends and acquaintances - this way you will gain a stable circle of customers and be able to earn good money.


Well that's all I wanted to tell you today. Now you know how and where to find a part-time job, which means you’ll start earning more! I look forward to your additions, questions and wishes in the comments under the article;) I wish you good luck and every success in all your endeavors!

Best regards, Schmidt Nikolay

“Only a Russian person, sitting at work, thinks about where he can earn money” - this joke has long ceased to be funny, because it is an actual truth of life. The economic crisis is devouring the funds of ordinary citizens, leaving virtually nothing left. Working for a boss does not bring the desired income, but own business difficult to set up. What to do? Many people are looking for ways to get additional income. But this is also not always so simple. In addition to desire, you need to have time, an idea, necessary knowledge and skills to implement the idea. However, there are ways to earn money that allow you to get additional income without having any special skills, or to quickly learn a new job.

Where and how to make money - ways and types of additional income

Part-time work can be done both at home and outside the home. It all depends on which one you choose. Of course the best option There will be work from home. After all, in this case you manage your time yourself, and can also do household chores during breaks. In addition, time and money are saved on traveling to the workplace.

Tutoring and consulting

Tutoring services are very popular today due to people's desire to improve themselves and learn, so if you can provide these services, you shouldn't give up on this idea. Not only certified specialists, but also students pursuing a suitable specialty can earn extra money in this way. For an hour of work you can earn from 200 to 1500 rubles. Having collected client base, you can completely abandon your main job. If you have a legal or economic education, or another sought-after specialty, feel free to offer your services. They are always relevant and needed by the population when solving important problems.

Opinion polls and work as a promoter

Many people take Flyers the promoters purely out of a desire to help. But it’s for the better. After all, leaflets are not always interesting to people passing by. And yet, promoters manage to give them away and get paid for it wages. As a rule, payment is made hourly and amounts to approximately 80-300 rubles, depending on what kind of advertising campaign is being carried out. After all, promotion is not limited to handing out leaflets. Hourly payment good because you can choose free schedule work and manage your free time as you wish.

Part-time job as a tour guide

Working on the Internet

Working on the Internet, which does not require investment and really allows you to earn money, includes:

  • Copywriting/rewriting;
  • Typing;
  • Web design;
  • Creation and/or promotion of websites;
  • Work on services that allow, etc.

In addition, the Internet can be used as a platform for making transactions for the sale or resale of various goods. But today it’s not so difficult.

Tailoring and repair of clothes and shoes

A part-time job that is suitable for both women and men. Main criterion– essential skills that are easy to master. Of course, having skills and free time is not enough. Some investment in renovation materials and advertising may be required. By the way, advertising can be done very simply by placing a sign near the road to your house with a note about the address and telephone number and, of course, submitting advertisements in a newspaper or posting it on the Internet.

Diplomas and coursework to order

Some students do not have time to complete their coursework or dissertation work on time. In these cases, they turn to people who have experience in writing such works and are able to quickly find and process necessary information, and also format it correctly. If you are one of these people, feel free to take on orders. If not, learning this is not difficult and will not take long, the main thing is to have patience and be diligent. Such work can be found on special exchanges, in groups in in social networks by placing an ad in a newspaper or on an Internet bulletin board.

Additional income in free time for men

Every man has his own hobby, and there are a whole variety of purely male activities. It’s great if with the help of such an activity you can also earn money in your free time from work.

Auto repair shop

If you understand cars and have your own garage, why not build your own business on this basis? You probably won't even need to invest in tools if you have own car. But even if not, the devices and tools are not that expensive, and you can buy them gradually or as needed. In addition, you can work abroad, and not just at home.

Construction and renovation

Many modern men are jacks of all trades, including in the construction industry. Repairs are often done with your own hands and you choose the materials for this yourself. If you are one of these male craftsmen, then you may well be able to provide repair and construction services. In addition, on the Internet and in newspapers there are many offers to join the ranks of any construction or repair team. With them, you will not only always be involved in work and receive stable high income, but also learn new necessary skills.

Private transportation

It is worth noting that private transportation- not the best easy profession. However, its advantage is that to work you only need a driver's license and a car, which you most likely have if you are interested in working as a taxi driver. It is necessary to maintain the order and cleanliness of the car, and it is also worth monitoring your own culture of behavior. Knowing the city and installing a navigator in the cabin wouldn't hurt.

Husband for an hour

This type of part-time job is suitable only for those who are truly a jack of all trades or are at least learning to do so. To work, you will need to set a time frame for your employment and a price list describing the services. A detailed advertisement can easily be placed on a special bulletin board or other advertising platforms.

Extra income - ideas for women

Many women, unfortunately, also do not always receive the wages they would like. Therefore, they are also constantly looking for ways to earn extra money. You can do tutoring or handicrafts, or you can open your own small business at home. Who likes what more?

Evening nanny

Children are the flowers of life. But sometimes there are situations when they have absolutely no one to leave them with to solve their problems and affairs. Often parents resort to the help of friends, forgetting that they can hire a nanny for a couple of hours. If you provide such services and actively advertise them, you will certainly find yourself in demand. It's better if you have Teacher Education, but this is not always necessary.


Why not set up a small home business selling goods made with my own hands? If you do handicrafts and like to create original things, feel free to offer your services. You can do Stuffed Toys, jewelry and other things to order. It's convenient and profitable. You can also set prices yourself.

Cakes and pastries to order

Another business idea for women, which can also be organized at home. However, such an idea requires not only the ability to do confectionery beautiful, but also professional skills. After all, a cake or sweets to order should not only be delicious according to the recipe, but also have a very presentable appearance. Perhaps this is the only difficulty. Such a business does not require much investment.

Site moderator

The moderator of any site must maintain order on the Internet resource and select the necessary materials for publication. Moreover, these materials can be offered not only by management, but also by site users. The difficulty is that you will have to learn how to work with the CMS. But there's nothing wrong with that. In addition, the experience of a new activity will never hurt and will contribute to self-development.

Advice: Before choosing an occupation for a part-time job, you need to consider not only the amount of free time, but also what you are good at and what you like. No wonder they say: “ best job“It’s a well-paid hobby.”

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The need and desire to earn more money constantly pushed people to seek additional income. Some are trying to open their own business, while others take low-paying jobs in order to somehow fill the gap in finances. You should still understand that you can find a lot of options for earning extra money, but you need to choose based on own desires and skills. Then your earnings will grow steadily, and you will gain financial support and perhaps even a desire to quit your main job.

In contact with

Where to look for a part-time job

There are several basic tools for finding part-time work. The most popular and reliable are special job sites:,,, etc. To filter out full-time job offers, you just need to select the appropriate filter. Communication with the employer can occur both within the work site system and outside it.

It should be noted that the record audience of first-tier work sites also has a downside. Number of responses to good vacancies part-time jobs can be overwhelming, so it is important to interest the employer at the response stage. To do this, just follow a few universal rules:

  • We carefully study the conditions described in the vacancy. An employer may be put off by the fact that, for example, when asked to “contact strictly by e-mail» the applicant will start calling the HR department;
  • It is better to provide a short response to the vacancy cover letter with greeting, main part and farewell;
  • You should not apply for dubious vacancies.

In addition to large job sites, as a rule, each region has its own regional resources specializing in job search. Their printed counterparts – newspaper advertisements – should also not be discounted.

In addition, do not underestimate such a channel of information as personal acquaintances. For example, it will be easier to find a part-time job as a lawyer if you ask friends who work in legal, notary and consulting organizations about possible additional volumes. As a rule, a good recommendation from a company employee is worth more to a manager than a colorful multi-page resume on a work website.

Who finds it easier to find a part-time job?

Success in finding a part-time job is directly related to the set of competencies, skills and abilities that the applicant possesses. The more areas of activity, the wider the choice of options. The higher the professionalism for each of them, the greater the chances of getting a part-time job.

However, just understanding this formula for success is not enough. Specialization itself is also important. Strictly speaking, representatives of almost any profession have a chance to find a part-time job. Doctors may take on additional workload in other medical institutions, teachers find themselves in the field of tutoring, and drivers work in taxis outside of working hours.

Practice shows that the easiest places to find part-time work are for lawyers, journalists, personnel officers, engineers and designers. Despite the large number law firms full cycle, there is still a high demand for one-time legal advice. Journalists with a highly specialized field of activity have a chance to receive additional volumes in third-party editorial offices, and also act as PR consultants for legal entities. Construction companies and design bureaus often bring in outside specialists during periods of high workload.

“It is not the employer who pays the salary. The employer only manages the money. The client pays the salary.” G. Ford

In our unstable times, anyone comes up with ideas about searching additional options income. And there are already quite a lot of people who can boast of good profits received from various sources. Where to look for ways to earn extra money, these magical bottomless wells filled with finances?

Mystery shopper

Recently, this position has been gaining popularity, especially in cities with a developed supermarket chain, where management does not have time to monitor the work of employees. This is the responsibility of the Mystery Shopper - checking the quality of service.


Do you understand electricity, plumbing, assemble furniture or repair household appliances? Or maybe you know a computer very well and are a good photographer? Capitalizing on your expertise by offering services in familiar areas are great ideas for making extra money.

Quick legs

Courier service is important and necessary. Posters of advertisements, distributors of leaflets, and promoters are also in demand. And someone also needs to clean up the garbage after mass city events. The method is not easy, but it pays quite well.

Renting an apartment

One of the most profitable ideas to make money. How to rent out housing - on long term or daily, it’s up to you. Such ideas for additional income are especially relevant for large cities and tourist centers.

Own car

It is very easy for car owners to find additional income. The easiest way is to offer driving training services. You can also taxi, but you need strong nerves and excellent knowledge of the city.

Private lessons

Good options for additional injection into the budget. You can engage in tutoring if you have experience in this field. If you are a sports professional, rent a gym and run your own section.

Other people's services

Ideal ideas for people with organizational skills. You can find a lot of specialists among your friends and arrange a meeting for them with people who need their services. Your friends will not refuse extra money, and you will receive the mediation you deserve.


Become an organizer of various events. Weddings, anniversaries, birthdays. Be able to create holidays - great way for additional income. Over time, you can create your own holiday agency.


By raising purebred dogs or cats for sale, you can get significant additional income. The demand for puppies and kittens with a pedigree of fashionable breeds is consistently high. And the price for the offspring of animals is especially valuable species sometimes it reaches $500 or more. In addition to cats and dogs, it is fashionable to keep elite parrots, chinchillas, turtles, snakes, and tortoises.

Earn money using the Internet

Online store

The most fashionable and popular type of income. You just need to create online trading platform, using ready-made models and scripts that can be found for free on the Internet. This method of earning additional income requires virtually no investment and brings good returns.

Favorite social networks

Multimillion-dollar public networks - a Klondike for profit. There is information that the income of one promoted public is equal to the number of participants/subscribers. And almost 90% of the entire population is constantly on these networks.

Your own website

Very simple and profitable ideas additional income. Now you can easily create a free website. Decide on its topic, fill it with interesting articles, which you update regularly. Your task is to attract visitors. If everything is done correctly, their number will reach 500-1000 people after 2-3 months, and they will bring in money.

The main advantage of this method is the “snowball” effect. The longer you run the site, the better it is filled, the more people visit it and profits increase.


Even inexperienced PC users can cope with this type of earning money. The implementation of the idea takes only 2-3 hours of work. What actions? Register in various affiliate programs(almost every online store has them). After registration, you will receive a unique link that you need to advertise.

Commissions come from every purchase made there by a visitor who came through your link. Interest rates can be 30-75% of the sale amount.


Every day a large number of sites appear on the RuNet that require good filling and design. This is where freelancers start making money. If you have the talent of a writer, designer, or programmer, this type of income is for you.

This kind of work requires certain knowledge and skills. But you can get a similar experience on your own, without leaving your computer.

We make money on clicks

The simplest and affordable way for additional income. The only thing you need is good speed Internet and its unlimited tariff. Register with click sponsors, receive instructions from them and earn money!

What should women do?


If you like to create something, this way of earning money is for you! Handmade is very popular and is always in demand, because souvenirs, beautiful crafts, embroidered items or cute dolls will be created in a single, collectible version. Creativity can bring very good additional income.

Your blog

Create your own online platform, blog, where you will do consulting. Cooking, floriculture, hobbies, childcare or just thinking about life topics. By regularly developing your blog and attracting subscribers, you will soon receive good dividends. Great ideas for extra income!

People have different situations that take up all their free time. They may have pets (especially dogs) that need to be walked and fed. Children who, in the absence of their mother, also need an eye. There may be several options for such additional income:

  • For the children. Look after small children, or hire children to accompany them to school junior classes. Communicating with children is very interesting.
  • For the animals. Find a part-time job looking after animals while your owners are away. Or just dog walking (owners can work late).
  • Behind the house. Many people, leaving somewhere for for a long time, do not want to leave their possessions unattended. You can earn good income by looking after the house (watering flowers, cleaning, etc.).

House, garden, vegetable garden

Owners of their own personal plot can start growing flowers, fruits or vegetables for sale. These products are always in demand. And you, doing what you love in the fresh air, will receive excellent profits.

Beauty Consultant

A very profitable additional income for women. Put your skills into practice. You can always find clients who need a good manicure or haircut at home. If you know how to sew, you can create beautiful clothes for animals or original bed linen. In the presence of medical education Massage will bring good income.


Women are sociable people. Make money on network marketing Great ideas that don’t require much investment. By having a good time chatting, talking about products and sharing news, you can make good money.