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What to do if there is an intriguer in the team. Psychological discomfort at work

We spend a lot of time at work, and therefore any conflict in the work team greatly complicates our lives. We argued with our boss about the timing of the project, discussed in a raised tone with our colleagues what temperature to set the air conditioner to - and now our favorite activity is no longer as satisfying as before. How to avoid conflicts in a team?

To avoid headaches from “showdowns” with colleagues, listen to the advice.

Scandal – “the engine of progress”?
It is customary to condemn office conflicts: it is believed that conflicting employees are simply brawlers who do not know how to get along with people. Meanwhile, conflict specialists have long proven that no social system, including a work collective, can exist without disagreements and quarrels. Moreover, it is often conflict that becomes the “engine of progress.”

For example, one department in a company is constantly in conflict with another due to the fact that the necessary information is not transmitted on time. The result of resolving such a conflict may well be the establishment of a new software for fast data exchange. However, not every problem can be resolved constructively. Particularly dangerous in this regard are those conflicts in which the participants, as they say, become personal, hurting the self-esteem of their colleagues. Therefore, conflictologists recommend, if possible, preventing conflicts in work teams, and if they arise, learning to resolve them profitably.

Only 5% of workers involve the team in solving the problem and only 2% turn to their superiors.

Why do we conflict
Conflicts in work teams are divided into two types - vertical (bosses and subordinates do not get along) and horizontal (employees of equal status quarrel). There are many reasons for quarrels at work, one of the most common is that the responsibilities of employees are not clearly defined. Who is in charge of the conference preparations – the marketing director or the PR director? Why do two accountants receive the same salary if one is responsible for literally everything, and the second only prints bills? To prevent such conflicts, experts recommend drawing up job descriptions for specialists as specifically as possible, indicating the boundaries of responsibility.

Another common cause of problems in a team is various kinds of innovations. New system electronic document management, changes in deadlines for submitting reports, an unexpectedly introduced strict dress code - all this can provoke conflicts. Such changes, conflict experts assure, must be accompanied by an explanation of their expediency. Unequal conditions for specialists of equal status are another possible source of conflict in a team. Brothers, spouses, and friends of superiors often enjoy special privileges. The result is accumulating tension, which may one day develop into open conflict.

Finally, the cause of quarrels in a team is sometimes the different, sometimes incompatible psychotypes of colleagues working together. An employee who, due to his natural temperament, does his job slowly, albeit professionally, may become an object of dissatisfaction from more efficient colleagues.

Giving in does not mean losing
Whatever the cause of the conflict, psychologists reduce the ways of behavior in it to several tactics: you can agree with the opposite side, insist on your own, “bury your head in the sand” or agree on a compromise.

So, option one is to agree with the opposite side. In what cases might this tactic be useful? When the enemy is much higher than you on the career ladder, when you are not confident in your rightness or in your abilities to open dispute. Why argue with general director, if he is an authoritarian person and does not want to listen to other opinions? Is it worth proving that a colleague is wrong if you haven’t made this clear first? You can also give in if the cause of the conflict is too minor to get involved in a serious dispute over it.

We insist on our own: calm plus arguments
The second option is to insist that you are right. This is not an easy tactic, often requiring considerable strength of character from a person. Psychologists advise not to overuse this technique, even if you are the boss: excessive authoritarianism is not the most productive model of leadership behavior.

And yet, in some cases, insisting on your own can be useful - mainly when you are absolutely sure that you are right, and a mistake can seriously damage the common cause. In such a situation, you can argue with both colleagues and the manager. If your position is considered correct and you subsequently turn out to be right, an extra career trump card will be in your hands.

Ostrich tactics
The third behavior option conflict situation called the ostrich tactic: the party (or parties) prefer to ignore the disagreement, avoiding an open resolution of the conflict. “I’ll still lose”; “I don’t have enough nerves for this showdown,” people who choose the ostrich tactics think something like this.

Avoiding conflicts has both advantages (saving energy in situations that are obviously losing for you) and disadvantages (unspoken problems mean constant stress). Psychologists warn: you cannot constantly avoid solving problems, otherwise your work colleagues will no longer perceive you as a serious specialist with their own point of view.

Are compromises easy to achieve?
Finally, the most difficult, but very productive conflict resolution tactic is compromise. As they say, the ability to get along with people comes with fatigue from conflict. Sometimes it can be difficult to come to a common denominator, but the ability to negotiate with colleagues and partners is an extremely useful skill. Mutual concessions or developing a new course take much more time and effort than any other tactic, but sometimes it is this method that leads to positive changes throughout the company.

How to resolve a conflict that has arisen in a team is up to you to decide. Each specific case has its own tactics: in some cases it is better to remain silent, and in other cases it is better to insist on your own or try to reach an amicable agreement with colleagues. We wish you only a constructive resolution of all work conflicts!

An employee who constantly ridicules more timid co-workers, discussing privacy management or colleagues, feels great in a team. The same cannot be said about other representatives of the company and especially about the manager of this employee. Such people are said to have an “evil tongue.” Is it worth fighting “evil tongues” in a team, why and by what methods? These are the topics of our article.

“Evil tongues” - harmful or good for business?

In the article, we will understand by “evil tongues” actions and expressions taken by individual members of the team in relation to others, aimed at their unfounded and unconstructive criticism, discussion of their qualities and lifestyle, entailing negative consequences for the psychological atmosphere in the team.

The harmful effects of “evil tongues” can manifest themselves in different ways. For example:

  • frequent occurrence of feelings of resentment among employees at whom caustic remarks were directed;
  • manifestation of antagonism between team members;
  • destruction of cohesive work team;
  • spontaneous formation of unplanned and unapproved competitive qualities in individual team members;
  • reluctance to work in an environment where there are slanderous employees, and, as a result, increased staff turnover;
  • the disappearance of such company-accepted phenomena as mutual assistance, assistance and mentoring.

All of these consequences that occurred as a result of the appearance of “evil tongues” in the team indicate an unhealthy situation in the organization, which negatively affects both the work process and its result. How can we combat this phenomenon and can it be eradicated altogether?

To combat “evil tongues” there are two groups of measures: psychological and legal.

Psychological countermeasures

  • public censure of the behavior of employees who spread gossip;
  • sharp suppression of intrigues in the team;
  • the slanderers fell from grace with the management;
  • ignoring the merits of an employee with an “evil tongue”;
  • lack of proposals from management for promotion career ladder, receiving additional education;
  • increased attention to the quality of performance of official duties of the gossiper, etc.

However, as practice shows, these measures do not lead to success in eradicating the phenomenon of “evil tongues” in a team without the use of legal methods of struggle.

Legal methods of struggle

In concept legal methods all types of measures included disciplinary liability, provided for in Art. 192 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This is a reprimand, reprimand and dismissal. And here the question arises: is it possible to punish an employee for spreading gossip and inciting intrigue? After all, this cannot be considered a violation of discipline! Let's figure out how legal measures can be used to combat this phenomenon.

To learn how to establish a smoking ban and dress code rules, read the article “Dress code and smoking ban: we establish and punish for violation” in magazine No. 6’ 2012

We announce a remark

Employers need to remember that a reprimand can be declared if the following components are present in combination:

  1. The organization must adopt and approve, in accordance with labor legislation, a Regulation on Ethics or a Code of Corporate Ethics, which directly provides for the relevant responsibilities of the employee, for example:
    • be polite to company clients and colleagues;
    • do not allow humiliation of honor and dignity when communicating with them;
    • not to commit actions that could provoke a scandal or non-competitive struggle within the team;
    • always evaluate and guide your behavior in order to maintain the company’s image and a favorable psychological environment in the team;
    • avoid conflicts among colleagues on non-work issues;
    • When solving a controversial problem related to disagreements at work, use only methods acceptable in the company: negotiations, written correspondence, discussion at a conference.
  2. The job description and employment contract must reflect the employee’s obligation to comply with local regulations employer. Direct references can be made to the Ethics Regulations and other acts, or a general indication only of the obligation to comply with all local acts, whatever they may be, can be left.
  3. With the Ethics Regulations (other local acts, providing for the style and boundaries of employee behavior), the employee must be familiarized with the job description under his personal signature.
  4. Cases of insulting colleagues or inciting a scandal in the workplace or spreading gossip must be recorded in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For example, an act. This document must describe in detail the behavior of the slanderer, from which the investigation commission will be able to conclude that he violated discipline (official duties and requirements of local regulations).
  5. The actions of the perpetrator were stopped, there were no negative consequences for the situation in the team or the external image of the company, the violation was insignificant. In this case, the employer can choose a penalty in the form of a reprimand that is adequate to the violation.
  6. To apply punishment in the form of a reprimand, normal procedure bringing to disciplinary liability, provided for in Art. 193 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

For your information

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Keep in mind that the court, when considering disputes about penalties for interpersonal conflicts in a team, may begin to be guided by the position of the European Court, according to which holding the applicant accountable and disciplinary action for expressing a critical opinion are treated as .

We reprimand

A reprimand can be issued under the same conditions as a reprimand. However, an unsightly act must have more significant consequences for the employer, for example, a scandal, a fight in the office, dismissal good specialist, customer dissatisfaction or complaints. Thus, for the adequacy of the application of a more severe punishment in the form of a reprimand, the following is necessary:

  1. Malicious behavior (not the first time he has been punished for “evil language”).
  2. Lack of awareness of the wrongness and unethicality of one’s behavior.
  3. The employee making insults against colleagues and clients, rather than just making caustic but completely harmless remarks.
  4. Negative consequences of an action. Moreover, in this case, the employer should establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the employee’s statements and the negative consequences that occurred.
  5. Not only generally accepted norms of morality and behavior must be violated, but also the norms of the employer’s local regulations (Code of Corporate Ethics, for example), i.e. the employee’s violation of discipline must be documented (similar to the previous paragraph).

Bringing an employee to disciplinary liability is carried out in the same manner as when announcing a reprimand (i.e. in accordance with Article 193 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It must be remembered that the employee will most likely decide to challenge the order of punishment, especially if it was announced for such an “incomprehensible” violation of discipline such as spreading gossip, starting a scandal, or interpersonal conflicts in the team, and will (or may lead) to dismissal in the future. And the court does not always recognize that the employer is right, both on formal grounds (failure to comply with the procedure for bringing to disciplinary liability, for example), and in essence, without finding a violation of norms of conduct in the employee’s actions.

Arbitrage practice

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The plaintiff appealed to the court with a demand to recognize the order to impose disciplinary liability issued by the employer, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as unfounded and illegal. This order reprimanded her with the wording “for violating the requirements of Art. 2 Codes professional ethics an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 24, 2008 No. 1138, regarding non-compliance with the principles, norms and rules of conduct established by the Code, which is the moral duty of every employee of the internal affairs bodies, regardless of their position; violation of the requirements of paragraph 4 of Art. 15 of the said Code, causing harm to the moral and psychological climate in the team, including: discussion of orders, decisions and actions of senior superiors, implemented within the limits of their authority; spreading rumors, gossip and other unverified information of a dubious nature and misleading the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.” The plaintiff did not agree with the order; she believed that she had not committed any actions that led to a violation of the requirements of the Code of Professional Ethics for Internal Affairs Officers.

The court, having studied the materials of the official audit underlying the order, found that they did not lead to an unambiguous conclusion about the cause-and-effect relationship between the actions of the plaintiff and the state of the moral and psychological climate in the team. The facts of discussion of orders, decisions and actions of senior commanders, the spread of gossip were not recorded by the audit, and the parties did not present any other evidence of this to the court. Based on the provisions of the Code, it follows that not any violation, including a formal violation of ethical standards, can entail disciplinary liability of a police officer, but only a disciplinary offense associated with a violation of professional ethical principles and norms. In this case, no such circumstances were established, including in the conclusion of the internal audit. Based on the foregoing, the court came to the conclusion that the conclusion of the internal audit was unfounded and illegal. The court satisfied the employee’s demands, recognizing both the reprimand order itself and the conclusion of the internal audit, which served as the basis for disciplinary action, as illegal and unfounded (decision of the Cherkessk City Court of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic dated March 22, 2011 in case 2-634/2011).

As you can see, a legally significant circumstance for punishing an employee is the fact that the employee’s actions constitute a disciplinary offense (see the determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2010 No. 377-О-О).

Let's fire

Let us note right away: it is impossible to fire an employee for slander and gossip, even if he has repeatedly made unethical statements. After all, there is no such basis in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The only basis that is most suitable in meaning is provided for in paragraph 8 of Part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - the commission by an employee performing educational functions of an immoral offense that is incompatible with the continuation of this work. However, it cannot be applied to employees who do not perform educational functions. In addition, the immorality of gossip and caustic statements still needs to be proven. Do not forget about the rather short period (Part 5 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). How then to part with an employee who constantly makes tactlessness towards colleagues and does not respond to verbal comments from management and officially announced punishments?

It is sad, but in most cases the employer has to go the long way: to issue reprimands and reprimands for each case of violation of discipline, expressed both in violation of the norms of the Code of Corporate Ethics and in other violations. The goal is to collect several orders of punishment during the year and apply the next violation of such grounds for dismissal as clause 5 of Part 1 of Art. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation - repeated failure by an employee to comply without good reasons labor responsibilities if the employee has a disciplinary sanction. But such a basis can be used, as a rule, in relation to a malicious offender.

And what basis can be applied to an employee who makes sharp statements in a soft and veiled form, as a result of which they cannot be classified as a violation of local regulations, for example, the Ethics Regulations? And in the case when he does not commit other violations of discipline (for example, tardiness and absenteeism)? To part with such a “slippery” employee who has a “bad language”, two grounds can be used:

  • at the initiative of the employer;
  • by agreement of the parties.

At the initiative of the employer

If it is impossible to continue working with the slanderer in a team, then any of the grounds provided for in Part 1 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (with the exception of clause 1, part 1, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, if, of course, the organization continues to operate). But when using them, you should always evaluate both the actual possibility of using the base and the risks of negative consequences.

Thus, dismissal under clause 2, part 1, art. will be neutral. 81 Labor Code of the Russian Federation - to reduce numbers or staff. However, when using it, we must not forget that:

  • the reduction must be real, not imaginary;
  • the dismissed employee should not have advantages over others, i.e. the requirements of Art. 179 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • a gossip does not fall into one of the categories specified in Art. 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in respect of which there is a ban on dismissal at the initiative of the employer;
  • an employee cannot be dismissed at the initiative of the employer during the period of vacation and temporary disability (Part 6 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

You can fire an employee, including single gross violation of labor duties by an employee(any of the grounds provided for in clause 6, part 1, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If, of course, the employer manages to “catch” the slanderer at a one-time gross violation. For example, on an employee’s birthday, catch him drinking alcohol or being intoxicated at work. Which, in general, will not be difficult, since drinking alcohol in the workplace is often unofficially permitted. As you can see, the key word here is informal. Yes, such actions by the employer may seem ugly, but a reason will be found to part with the violator of the working climate in the team. In relation to employees who do not heed repeated comments from management, such methods are also good.

By agreement of the parties

Employers, taught by the bitter experience of long litigation with employees dismissed on controversial grounds, often prefer to come to an agreement and fire the slanderers under clause 3, part 1, art. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation ( By at will ) or according to clause 1, part 1, art. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation ( by agreement of the parties). The main thing that is required in this case is the manager’s ability to competently negotiate, avoiding offense on the part of the employee, but ultimately achieving his goal. Agree, this is a rare skill. Not every HR manager or ordinary person can do this. personnel worker. However, by studying the relevant literature and certain experience, this is achievable.

Example 1

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To part with an ambitious employee who shows disloyalty to colleagues, but does not commit violations of discipline or failure to fulfill management’s assignments, you can use the following conversation scenario.

Part 1. Positive assessment of the employee’s business qualities. Example of wording: “I, as a manager, see your efforts and appreciate the success that you achieved in completing my last task. It was difficult, but very important for the company. You did a great job with it!”

Part 2. Notes in the work. Example of wording: “But at the same time, one cannot help but notice that when you appeared in the team, a certain tension and silence arose, and the initiative of the employees sharply decreased. Moreover, staff turnover has increased with unclear justifications for the need for voluntary dismissal. When completing your last task, you were unable to correctly distribute the workload and responsibility among the personnel entrusted to you. Because of which many went unnoticed, many will not receive bonuses at the end of the year.”

Part 3. Unjustified expectations. Example wording: “When we hired you, our ultimate goal there was the development of a department/sector head, which we briefly discussed during the interview. However, we also voiced the qualities that we expect from such a leader. It was not only about business qualities, which we really found in you, but also about personal qualities head of a large department/sector: the ability to establish contact with each subordinate, correctly distribute tasks among employees depending on the level of qualifications and speed of work. However, we still haven’t seen these qualities in you. You are a leader, but instead of building a strong team, you act alone, remaining not the center, but somewhere parallel to the team. You can even feel the negative atmosphere in the team. Considering that we have clear parameters for a leader, we are forced to admit that we were unable to raise such a leader from you. Of course, the position you occupy also has weight, and you are quite happy with the leadership in it. But we cannot offer you more. How much do you need what is unpromising for career growth The place is up to you. Although, on the other hand, what is keeping you in this place without any prospects?”

Part 4. Proposal to break up. As a rule, it is at this point that the employee understands the employer’s hidden desire to leave. If an employee directly asks the question: “Do you want me to leave?”, it is important to answer loyally. For example: “We didn’t say this, but we think it would be the right decision.”

Part 5. Solution. It is not always that an employee with an “evil tongue” decides to leave of his own free will. In this case, all is not lost for a peaceful separation from him. If the employer has material resources, he may well offer the employee to part ways by agreement of the parties (clause 1, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) with payment of compensation (usually no more than 2-3 salaries).

As practice shows, dismissal precisely for unethicality and outrageousness is still possible.

Example 2

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The media heatedly discussed the dismissal of the Mayak radio station presenters V. Kolosova and A. Veselkin, with whom employment contracts were terminated due to an on-air discussion in a mocking tone of the symptoms of a serious illness, often leading to death in childhood. A scandalous incident occurred in October last year, when the program “Sores” aired as part of the morning show, in which the hosts discussed the problems of cystic fibrosis with a guest doctor. During the conversation, the presenters ridiculed the symptoms of the disease, and one got the complete impression that they were out of their minds, the jokes were so cynical. Of course, at the request of the public, both the presenters themselves and the management of the radio station made a public apology. However, this did not influence the management's decision to part with the employees. The grounds used by the employer for dismissing these individuals were not publicly disclosed.

The response is unexpected

Analysis judicial practice shows that an employee can challenge not only the legally significant actions of the employer (disciplinary action up to dismissal), but also the methods of struggle. In particular, in his opinion, they can affect his honor and dignity and be offensive. Therefore, employees often go to court to demand compensation for moral damages. Although it is very, very difficult to prove the derogation of honor and dignity through actions and statements.

Courts, examining all the evidence presented in the case, more often come to the conclusion that any harm caused by the employee, in respect of whom legal measures have been taken to combat his habit of gossip and scandal, has not been proven. Nevertheless, even with such negative practice for employees, disputes with similar subjects of claims occur regularly.

Arbitrage practice

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The employee filed a claim against the employer for protection of honor and dignity and compensation for moral damage. The essence of the case was as follows: the plaintiff was fired from work for absenteeism, but was reinstated by the court due to a violation of the disciplinary procedure. After being reinstated for violation of discipline, he was reprimanded, which, upon the protest of the prosecutor, was declared illegal due to the delay in punishment. After the illegal order was issued, many employees became aware of its contents, rumors and gossip began to spread, which caused the applicant enormous distress and moral suffering, in connection with which he asked to recover compensation for moral damage from the defendant. In addition, the plaintiff indicated that his work currently involves moral education cadets who might have a negative opinion about him business reputation. The court examined the evidence presented and did not find in the employer’s actions the dissemination of information about the applicant, as well as the defamatory nature of this information. The applicant did not present any significant evidence confirming these facts, and therefore the claim was not satisfied (Pavlovsky’s decision district court Krasnodar region from 03.03.2011) .

In conclusion, we note that the presence of employees with “evil tongues” in a team is undoubtedly harmful to the working atmosphere. Unlike the competitive instinct, deliberate and unreasonable belittling of a colleague’s merits does not bring a positive effect to the work process in general and the development of an individual in particular.

There are psychological and legal methods of combating “evil tongues.” The latter achieve results faster and more effectively in the form of stopping or reducing the amount of gossip, scandals and grievances in the team. They are based on the application of punishment for specific actions of the employee, which can be qualified as a violation of the employer’s local acts containing the standards of ethics, behavior and treatment of colleagues established at the enterprise. It must be remembered that a legally significant circumstance for punishing an employee is the fact that the employee’s actions constitute a disciplinary offense.

When using legal countermeasures, the employer has the right to apply various grounds for dismissal provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, choosing the most appropriate one depending on the specific circumstances of the case. However, when an employee is punished for an “evil tongue” and a legal dispute arises, there is a risk that the court will recognize the employer’s actions as illegal when the judicial authority applies the position of the European Court on a similar dispute, according to which holding an employee accountable and disciplinary action for expressing a critical opinion is equivalent to interference in his right to freedom of expression.

In general, it is possible to eradicate the phenomenon of “evil tongues” in a team if there is a desire to do so and the use of psychological and legal methods in combination.


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Probably every school class has its own “scapegoat”. As a rule, it becomes a student who is not like the others. Moreover, the team does not always need a good reason for bullying. In my class, for example, a girl with large feet was bullied.

An office is the same as a school, only adults are under psychological pressure. The first study of this phenomenon was carried out in Sweden in the early 1980s by psychologist Dr. Hanz Leiman. He called this behavior mobbing(from the English mob - crowd) and described it as “psychological terror” in the workplace.

The moments spent by the full-time “scapegoat” in the office “whistle like bullets at the temple.” Victim mobbing every minute there is a catch, a setup, an attack: from the head of the company, the immediate superior (vertical mobbing) or from colleagues ( horizontal mobbing).

Sooner or later, even employees who are loyal to the victim are drawn into bullying started by one person: after all, the situations in which the “stranger” is placed by sophisticated mobbers, there are really funny ones. Even the kind and decent cannot restrain a smile: “Of course, it’s a sin to laugh, but this is really funny.”

Mobbing reduces productivity: Many employees start going to work first of all to find out what else this eccentric colleague will get up to, how he will react to new tricks and get out of freshly dug holes. Mobbing brings together not the workforce, but the office crowd, and helps people feel safe.

Anyone can become a target of mobbing, say the researchers. But as long as the office “witties” direct the fire of their emotions at the outcast, the rest are not in danger of being bullied. It is not surprising that no one is in a hurry to defend the outcast. The principles of “my house is on the edge” and “don’t fight off the team” work. Most often, managers turn a blind eye to what is happening in the team. And some even support mobbers. I saw how the boss in one publishing house in general procedure batted balloon on behalf of a humiliated subordinate. He tried to smile, trying to show that he was not experiencing discomfort. As a result, he was transferred to a lower position, and he still quit.

However, not everyone prefers nursing. Mobbing is meanness and dirt, but they need to pass the test with dignity, many believe. People do not want to admit they are defeated; they strive to survive at all costs. It's not their style to give up - that's what they'll tell you if you ask them why they didn't quit right away. Others do not leave because they are afraid of not finding a job.

It is clear that in the latter case, a person’s self-esteem is close to zero. But she will sink “below the plinth” if she delays dismissal. The vicious circle is sometimes broken by managers: the “surviving” employee is fired for some reason, often far-fetched. “And don’t tell me the report file was deleted from the computer. You just didn’t prepare him,” the boss will say.

And the mobster dogs will be a little sad about the escaped “delicacy” and will begin to look around in search of a new victim. “I think the newcomer is acting strange? He just despises us, let’s put him in his place!” The mobbing virus, once activated, will manifest itself again and again, achieving the complete disintegration of the collective.

Sources of infection by mobbing

Most often, mobbing originates in groups when following conditions:

There are family/intimate connections in the team.
There are older employees who are afraid of losing their jobs.
Duplicate positions.
They tolerate intriguers and gossips.
Limits of responsibility and official duties- vague.
Work is unevenly divided (some work hard, others have eternal lunch break).
There are no opportunities for career growth.
The boss is a coward and a weakling, who benefits from discord in the team: it seems to him that it is easier to manage him this way.

Anyone can be a victim of mobbing, however best chance in several groups:

Extraordinary individuals, those who stand out from the crowd.
Emotionally open simpletons.
Arrogant individualists.
A newcomer perceived by veterans as a competitor.
Those who are especially favorably treated by their superiors.
An employee appointed as a superior to his former co-workers.
An employee who has been abruptly demoted.
A new boss who is rapidly introducing innovations. His assignments can be unanimously sabotaged, the result being dismissal as someone who could not cope with management.
An employee who wants to be “merged” from the company.
A colleague with whom you suddenly have to share work.
A “lucky” provincial, a representative of a different nationality.
Employees resisting boss/coworker sexual harassment.

Mobbers can pursue a variety of goals. So, for some, this is an opportunity to “unwind”, brighten up boring workdays, and practice their wit. Others want to take revenge on a colleague for being successful and being different. And still others consider mobbing in a good way punish a colleague who rejected advances. By the way, the lack of personal life among employees is a very significant factor for the emergence of mobbing.

Some features can enhance an already negative mobbing effect on the sacrifice. The key one is a lack of interests outside of work, an obsession with the office. In addition, the tendency to increased anxiety and depressive reactions seriously aggravates the situation.

Consequences of mobbing

Consequences of mobbing for the team. The mobbing team is slowly rotting. Employees lose their shame and conscience, and against the backdrop of deteriorating performance indicators, self-esteem rises critically.

Consequences of mobbing for the victim: nervous breakdown, mental trauma, physical illness due to prolonged stress, decreased self-esteem, inferiority complex.

Consequences of mobbing for a company: Mobbing that happens once and is allowed to develop successfully will metastasize. Expect new outbreaks, new victims and forget about high labor productivity: if you don’t have time for work, we’ll poison you!

How to deal with mobbing?

If you have become a victim of mobbing, you need to observe what is happening in the team, notice changes in attitude towards you, and analyze the reasons. Don't be surprised if no objective reasons are found.

It is important to find those who have refrained from mobbing, who like you, and try to win them over to your side, not become isolated, and maintain friendly relations with those with whom this is possible. You can track down the “leader” of the mobbers, try to talk, ask for help (if, of course, you can talk to him about something at all). It is also better to immediately contact the HR department for help.

Be modest, calm and friendly, but in such a way that your high professional level is obvious. Avoid open squabbles and hysterics: this only inspires mobbers. But if mobbing is at the initial stage, you can let the aggression come out just once.

If the situation is advanced and it is difficult to reverse it, save your nerves and quit.

Bullying: one on one fight

There are two characters in bullying: the persecutor and the victim. A bully boss may have more victims. The goals and means are the same as in the case of mobbing. After the victim quits, the bully finds a new target to pursue.

Serial bullies are very dangerous. Characteristics: a virtuoso liar, capable of impromptu. He easily takes on the image of a good-natured person, hiding his vindictiveness behind it. He is correct in the presence of management, but behaves disgustingly with subordinates. He pays great attention to positioning: he is an erudite, a successful manager who can bring profit to the company. In fact, he is arrogant and narcissistic. He talks a lot and can subsequently interpret what is said in a way that suits him.

Today, situations often arise in teams when there are employees, but there is no team. As a rule, the absence of a team is associated with conflicts between people. Subject interpersonal relationships– one of the most basic, in my opinion. She needs to devote more time and issues related to the conflict are not resolved very quickly. This is long work for the manager and subordinates. Considering that managers are almost always busy with something more global, they sometimes don’t have time to deal with conflict resolution. In this case, a psychologist or conflict specialist hired from outside will not hurt. But still, let's talk about what a leader can do to prevent conflict or resolve disagreements that have arisen to the benefit of everyone.

Conflicts are felt especially acutely during periods of change, restrictions, and changes in usual conditions. And we live in a time when effective relationships in a team are very valuable, since they directly affect the results of the company.

What is conflict?

The first thing that is important to understand is that conflicts are very useful, you should not be afraid of them. If there is a conflict in a team, it means it is “alive”, people are not indifferent to their activities, and they are most likely interested in maintaining their place, in this case there is a chance to create an effective team. In addition, conflict is an excellent channel for the release of accumulated negativity within each employee. As every psychologist knows, you cannot keep negative emotions to yourself. Of course, it’s better not to pour them all out on the victim, but to “talk” them out, for example, first to a psychologist, but if the employee couldn’t resist, then what to do?
First: minimizing the possibility of conflicts.

In general, the first step towards minimizing conflicts is conscious recruitment. A manager should think about what kind of employees he wants to see next to him. Usually, a person’s character and his behavioral tendencies can be revealed during an interview with the help of all sorts of tests and cases. It is also important to understand during the interview whether the employee supports the goals, values, mission and usual work process of the company, so to speak, whether he is on the same wavelength with it. Find out what the employee’s plans are for his service, what he can offer the company for development? How does he see his work in it? How can it be useful? See if your views on the company’s activities and its future development coincide.

It is also important from the very beginning to familiarize the employee in detail with job responsibilities. Any abstraction in an enterprise can lead to conflict. The more clarity there is in the work, the less likely it is.

Second: overcoming barriers

In my opinion, there are two types: communicative and perception.
Communication barriers include: misunderstanding of the goals of related departments or the goals of employees from these departments, and therefore conjecture of non-existent facts about their activities. People do not have the habit of clarifying and finding out what their colleagues are doing, what problems and tasks they are solving, what difficulties there are, and how they can be useful. As a result, information is distorted during its transmission. Also, internal attitudes towards rivalry are often triggered. People forget that they are working towards a common goal and result. Instead of sitting down at the negotiating table, they compete, argue, and conflict.

Perception barriers mean the inability to listen and hear. This is mainly influenced by the psychological characteristics of colleagues, for example, temperament and thinking. There are business-oriented people, it is important for them to be “quick and to the point,” and there are relationship-oriented people, it is important for them to talk and create a warm atmosphere; these two categories speak “different languages.” If these features are not taken into account, it turns out that everyone's basic needs will remain ignored. Also taken into account social differences, employee education, differences in vocabulary and vocabulary different levels knowledge about the subject of discussion.
Communication barriers are mainly resolved thanks to the leader. Its task is to explain to everyone who is doing what, to clearly define responsibilities, areas of responsibility, etc., to introduce opportunities for collective communication (planning meetings, Feedback, individual meetings, corporate events), to inspire the team to fulfill a common goal and achieve a common result, and finally - material motivation of employees to achieve the goal.
To overcome perception barriers, the role of subordinates is important - their desire to hear and listen to each other. It appears after overcoming communication barriers, where the leader contributed to this.

Third: neutralization of conflicts

If the first stage has been skipped, the team already exists, the barriers have been worked out, but a conflict has arisen, then first you need to understand whether there is a desire and motivation on the part of the employees to resolve the conflict, whether there is a goal for which these relationships are needed - this prerogative remains with As a leader, he shows his team the importance and effectiveness of positive interactions. His task is to unite and inspire them with a common goal and result.
It is also worth taking into account individual characteristics personalities, understanding and acceptance of these characteristics by each member of the team and knowledge of “effective approaches” to their colleague, subordinate, and leader is a qualitative basis for the conflict to move from a dead point towards resolution.

There are things that are important for both managers and subordinates. This is the ability to get out of conflict, the so-called “paths of reconciliation”:

Accepting responsibility: apologizing, expressing regret for past behavior, accepting personal responsibility for part of the problem.
- Search for a solution: concessions on a controversial issue, offering a compromise, searching for mutually beneficial solutions.
- Accepting the interlocutor's position: expressing understanding of the other's problems, recognizing the legitimacy of the other's point of view, expressing good feelings, asking for honest feedback.
- Explanation of one’s own motives: disclosure of one’s own needs, thoughts, feelings, motives.

Responsibilities of a manager in case of conflict:

Call subordinates for a personal conversation and try to objectively assess the cause of the conflict, hear and take into account the point of view of each of the conflicting parties.
- You can try to organize a dialogue between the conflicting parties with the participation of the leader, where all complaints can be expressed in a civilized manner.
- If the conflict is difficult to neutralize, you can delimit areas of responsibility, goals, resources, responsibilities, etc. conflicting.
- Be sure to give the opportunity to express emotions. This can be done directly, or you can use more creative methods: organize a corporate competition format (paintball, bowling, quests, etc.)
- Have a sense of humor and be able to “mirror” any conflict in a positive way, with a dose of irony and wisdom.

The situation in work collective takes first place. Healthy relationships are the key to quality work done. If tension and mistrust are felt in the team, then such an environment will affect the success of the company. Intrigue and gossip are present in any job. It doesn’t matter whether you end up in a men’s or women's team. If you are just about to take a new position or have not joined the team, then you are probably wondering how to improve relationships at work? Don't think that this problem is not solvable. Everything will work out if you act accurately, carefully and purposefully.

How can a boss improve relationships in a team?

The head of a department is chosen not only for his professional skills. A competent boss manages staff and develops employees. In addition to trainings, educational programs and corporate trips, the manager is recommended to observe the behavior of subordinates. People are divided into types, under which certain behavior is hidden. If the manager uses this information correctly, he will find the key to each employee. How can a boss improve relationships in a team?:

  1. If there is a subordinate employee who is ready to argue about any issue, then he belongs to the rigid type. Such a person challenges the decisions of the boss, gets into quarrels with the team, defending what is right. How to manage such a subordinate? Present tasks not from a specific person, but give instructions or a set of rules. Such people do not listen to specific opinions, but respect the accepted rules.
  2. If an employee impresses you with his accuracy and attention to detail, then do not rush to get rid of him. Limit the person's communication with other employees. Load it with tedious and painstaking tasks. enough to resolve the issues in the best possible way.
  3. Artistic personalities are everywhere. And although office rooms are not a theater stage, they need attention. Such people give their best if the result impresses others.

    To control the demonstrative type, surround such a person with attention. Get unexpected results.

  4. Quiet employees who are ready to carry out any task unquestioningly seem to be a godsend at first glance. Over time, conflicts arise in the team. Such a person forgets about assignments, fails, and starts projects. To prevent this from happening, take advantage of the openness and sociability of such an employee. He will fit into the team perfectly if a person is placed above him who will control the execution of the work.

Don't forget that the atmosphere in the team depends on your behavior. If you call an employee into the office and discuss other subordinates with him, then expect gossip about you. Do not single out any employee in the team. This will not encourage others, you will only make it clear that this person is your favorite. Similar situation will create an unhealthy atmosphere in the team. If a new subordinate has not joined the team, then help him. Dismissal is the last resort. Accept this event as a failure in your leadership role. A competent boss does not change a person, but directs his aspects and character traits in the right direction.

How to improve relationships in a new team?

Exit to new job– this is a certain stress. In the first days, a person just takes a closer look, accepts the amount of work, and learns. Still not clearly understood established procedures and employee relations. A new person is not always received with enthusiasm. Perhaps you came to the position of an employee with whom you were friends. Or, on the contrary, you find yourself in a team where they don’t know, and there is mutual assistance. In a large office, you can get completely lost trying to figure things out. To avoid getting into trouble, you need to establish relationships in the new team. To do this, follow these rules:

  1. Don't try to be friends with everyone. Still, working relationships are different from friendly ones. Communicate with other employees kindly and confidentially, but do not reveal family secrets. In every team there is a person who knows how to win over and draw out a frank conversation. Such an employee will sympathize, give advice and may temporarily become best friend. But, any work scandal, where you find yourself on opposite sides of the barricade, is about your personal and family life the whole team will know. There are exceptions to the rules. It is at work that one meets a life partner or best friend. But before you trust a person, get to know him better.
  2. Be polite and friendly. Don't forget about simple rules. Wait for the person running up to the elevator, hold the door for another employee. If your company occupies several floors in a building, then say hello to everyone you meet. It is not necessary to know the person personally; it is enough that you work in the same company and are colleagues.

    Make small talk while waiting for the elevator or while in the meeting room waiting for the manager.

  3. Don't pay attention to gossip. Be prepared that in the new team you will be discussed. If you hear whispers behind your back or notice that your colleagues become silent in front of you, do not be upset. This is the fate of all new people. Also, resist the temptation to discuss other employees. If you notice that intrigues are woven around someone, do not get involved in such dubious activities. Do not participate in the conversation, move the conversation to another topic, or leave under an important pretext.
  4. Don't indulge your colleagues' requests. They like to push tasks that they are tired of or don’t want to do on a new person. Research by psychologists has shown that they do not occupy high positions. While such people solve other people's problems, their work remains untouched. If you don't know how to say “no,” then it's time to learn. Perform only those tasks that are part of your job description. For other requests, refuse and refer the employee to the boss. Let the manager make such a decision. Do not think that in this way you will make enemies; on the contrary, you will earn respect.

Don't ask colleagues insensitive questions. One of these is information about wages. Rarely does anyone answer such questions. And the person being asked feels awkward, especially if he has agreed not to disclose salary information.

It happens that a person who has held a position for more than one day is faced with. Changes occur as a result of changes in management, promotions, and the addition of new tasks. It happens that a trivial work issue leads to a real war between departments. How to improve relationships in a team at work?

  • Analyze the situation. Remember when your relationship with your colleagues went wrong. What is the cause of the conflict. If you were at fault, apologize to your colleagues. Then think about why the rift occurred. Perhaps you are tired, tired of work, burdened by a position or a list of responsibilities. The reasons may be personal, family troubles, a quarrel with the husband, illness of close relatives. All these factors affect performance and mood. Learn to abstract yourself from personal troubles and focus on work issues.
  • Be natural. It will not be possible to improve relationships right away, especially if you are the culprit of the quarrel. Artificial use will not work. Not the best option come the next day with a cake or pastries, treat your colleagues and pretend that nothing happened. The treats will be eaten, but the relationship will remain tense. Act carefully, after apologizing, offer to help with a difficult issue, help with a report. If you don’t get results right away, don’t go to extremes. The wrong path is to search for like-minded people and divide them into warring groups. If you do not feed the situation, then over time it will be forgotten.

  • Don't complain to your manager about other employees. Resolve issues in a businesslike manner. Send requests, offer to meet, schedule meetings. If your requests are related to work issues, then another department is obliged to fulfill them. The most important thing is not to get personal. Relationships will not improve immediately. Over time, employees will see that you don't engage in debates that don't involve work. Gradually the relationship will improve. If the situation escalates to the limit and you are fired, then show your boss evidence of your professionalism: correspondence, requests, answers from colleagues.
  • Don't start shouting. As a rule, such behavior is forced by bosses who are accustomed to expressing dissatisfaction in a raised tone. Calmly listen to the manager, give a reasoned answer, say that you will prepare a report by such and such a time. Don't show that you're annoyed, much less shout back. will fire you, and a normal boss will then make it clear that he was wrong. To relieve stress, leave the office, have lunch, drink a cup of aromatic coffee, get distracted and let go of the situation. This way you can get back to work and complete the task efficiently. If you go to discuss the situation with a colleague, you will only make things worse. The work will go on its own, you will screw yourself up even more. As a result, you will receive another scolding from the boss.
  • Start with yourself. Pay attention to how you communicate with colleagues. You arrogantly defend your point of view because you have been working in the company for 15 years. Or maybe tell each employee the truth, believing that sincerity is your main weapon? Think about how you would react to such behavior from a colleague.

    It is much easier to convey your opinion if you back up your words with facts and evidence, rather than offend and humiliate others.

When establishing relationships in a team, start with yourself. Remember that each person is an individual with character, habits, and work experience. Don’t put pressure on your colleagues, don’t give in to provocations, forget about gossip and gossip. The main task at work is to perform efficiently the tasks assigned by the manager. To do this, it is not necessary to be friends with colleagues and fulfill requests. Treat each employee with respect while maintaining a business-like relationship.