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Duty station post centralization. Duties of officials at the station involved in the organization of train traffic control and shunting work Labor protection requirements during work

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Duty station post of centralization

8 - 9 digits

Job responsibilities. Organizes shunting work and ensures traffic safety in the served area of ​​the station in accordance with the requirements established by the Rules for the technical operation of railways of the Russian Federation, Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on railways of the Russian Federation, Instructions for signaling on railways of the Russian Federation, technical and administrative act and technological process of the station. Performs operations for preparing routes for shunting movements from the control panel for devices for electrical interlocking of arrows and signals. Controls the correctness of the preparation of routes according to the indications of control devices, the fixing of trains and cars on the station tracks by braking devices in the manner and according to the standards established by the technical and administrative act of the station. Requests consent to shunting movements from the duty officer railway station when rearranging wagons outside the serviced control area. Uses electronic computers in his work to obtain (input) operational information. Participates in the implementation of the shift work plan of the station. Ensures the implementation of orders, instructions and instructions of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, the railway, the railway department for the organization of train traffic and shunting work, traffic safety, labor protection and safety regulations. Provides operational management of train compilers and shunting locomotive drivers in the serviced area. Controls their observance of labor and technological discipline. Responsible for maintaining inventory.

Must know: Rules for the technical operation of railways of the Russian Federation; Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation; Instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation; Instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic during the performance of work on maintenance and repair of signaling devices; Instructions for ensuring the safety of train traffic in the course of track work; orders, orders and instructions of the Ministry of Railways of Russia, the railway, the department of the railway; methodological, normative and other guidance materials on the terms of reference; technical and administrative act and technological process of the station operation, the principle of signaling and communication devices and the rules for using them; rules and regulations on labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation; Fire safety rules for railway transport; Regulations on employee discipline railway transport Russian Federation; fundamentals of economics and production management; Regulations on working time and rest time for railway workers.

Requirements for qualification in the ranks of the payment. Secondary vocational (technical) education and work experience in positions related to the organization of transportation in railway transport, at least 3 years.

8th category: when performing official duties of a station centralization post on duty at stations of class I;

9 category: when performing official duties of the station centralization post on duty at out-of-class stations.

Traffic lights and route indicators on LEDs

Railway traffic light with LED light-optical systems

A railway traffic light is the main signaling device on a railway track. This is an optical device that signals day and night with the color of one or more lights.
A traffic light with LED light-optical systems allows you to:
  • significantly increase the parameters of reliability of operation (time between failures - at least 50,000 hours);
  • increase the level of train traffic safety by optimizing the luminous intensity and color coordinates of railway traffic lights;
  • reduce the need for routine and repair work to ensure a working state.

Route signs

Alphabetic, digital and position route indicators are intended to indicate the route of reception, departure or direction of trains and shunting trains.

When implementing LED route indicators:

  • power consumption is reduced by 4 times in the daytime mode, 10 times - in the night mode by reducing the power consumption of LED cells to 10 W;
  • operating costs are reduced by 10 times due to the elimination of technical operations of periodic maintenance;
  • service life is increased by 2 times (up to 20 years);
  • the visibility of the signal indication is increased, the visibility range.

Types of modern signaling devices at stations

Centralization is designed to control all arrows and signals located at the station or in its separate area, from one point - the centralization post.

Electrical interlocking is a system of centralized control of objects using electrical energy.

Microprocessor centralization of arrows and signals - MPC EBILock950

(joint Russian-Swedish technology)

The EBILock 950 MPC has been implemented on the Russian railway network since 1999. It is designed to ensure the safety and control of train traffic at stations and spans of any size, configuration and purpose, including docking stations various kinds train traction. The system integrates the functions of automatic (ABTC-E) and semi-automatic blocking, remote control of areas and parks of stations, as well as the possibility of remote monitoring and integration with top-level systems (dispatching centralization and control).

Advantages of the MPC EBILock 950:

Full compliance with both European (CENELEC SIL 4) and Russian safety standards.

· Contactless control of arrows and signals based on intelligent object controllers.

· Reservation of the main components of the system.

· The organization of communication on the loop principle, redundancy of a communication channel.

· Advanced diagnostics of the system, allowing to identify pre-failure states of equipment.

· Possibility of the centralized or decentralized placement of the equipment.

·High level of readiness: the use of typical industrial modules, testing of the software and hardware complex is carried out in the factory, fully tested and debugged equipment is delivered to the facility.

· Modular principle of construction, the possibility of increasing the number of managed objects.

Technical support of the system:

24/7 technical support service;

Service centers in Moscow, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk and Krasnoyarsk;

Educational and training complex.

Structural diagram of the MPC EBILock 950

The core of the EBILock 950 MPC is a central processing unit (CPU) and a system of centralized or distributed object controllers.

The EBILock 950 MPC CPU collects information about the status of various floor objects, processes the centralization data and sends orders to the corresponding object controllers, which, in turn, control the floor objects.

The data transmission system ensures the transfer of orders from the CPU to the object controllers and status messages about the status of outdoor objects to the CPU through redundant channels.

Central processing unit MPC EBILock950 (centralization dependency processing system)


EBILock 950 R3 CPU - One CPU manages and controls up to 150 logical objects

EBILock 950 R4 CPU - One CPU manages and controls up to 3000 logical objects

CPU EBILock 950 R4M in industrial design - the ability to work in difficult operating conditions: temperature range from -20 to +70ºС; resistance to dust and suspensions in the air; does not require internal cooling and ventilation systems. One CPU manages and controls up to 800 logical objects.

To ensure security conditions in the central processing unit, the principle of duplication of hardware with diversification is applied. software.

The CPU consists of two identical half sets, each with independent power supply and network connection. One of them works by performing control functions. The second is constantly in the "hot standby" mode, processing the same information. At any time, if the active half-set fails, the backup is ready to take over its functions, ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the system.

Each half set contains three microprocessors: two main processors operate using diversified software; the third performs service functions.

The diversified software is developed by two independent groups of programmers, strictly following coding conventions. Programs have identical functions and should get the same results from those functions.

The system carries out a continuous exchange of information between the CPU and objects of control and monitoring.

MPC EBILock 950 has a built-in system for diagnosing the state of centralization hardware and control and monitoring objects.

Duplication of the CPU can also be organized according to the principle of "cold standby".

Object controller system

(interface to outdoor signaling objects)

System of object controllers MPC EBILock 950

Object controllers perform the functions of managing and controlling outdoor objects, such as traffic lights, arrows, crossings, track circuits, etc.

Each object controller can manage one or more objects.

Object controllers can be installed centrally or decentralized (in containers or cabinets in close proximity to floor objects.)

There is no maximum distance between object controllers and the CPU.

With a decentralized way of placing object controllers, the use of cable is minimized, and the risk of induced / induced currents that cause interference in the operation of signaling devices is also reduced.

In the event of a pre-failure condition or failure, the built-in self-diagnostic system automatically localizes the damaged element to a separate printed circuit board.

The system can be equipped with surge protection devices.

Set of surge protection devices

Command and control system

(automated workplaces of the station attendant, electrician, operator of the wagon maintenance point, operator of the local switch control)

automated workplace station duty officer (ARM DSP)


Archiving and logging the actions of operational personnel in managing facilities, the train situation at stations and hauls, as well as the status of all objects of management and control;

The possibility of obtaining from the archive the operation parameters of floor-standing signaling devices for subsequent prediction of their condition or planning for repairs and adjustments, preventing complete failures in the operation of these devices.

To ensure the uninterrupted operation of the AWP systems, they are backed up.

Implemented in the MOC EBILock 950 features:

· Dual control of turnouts and traffic lights of shunting areas without limiting options for transferring to local control.

· Management of brake emphasis (local).

· Closing and opening of high-speed train routes.

· Fencing of tracks for the performance of work on the inspection and repair of rolling stock.

Blocking of way sections, traffic lights, arrows to exclude, in necessary cases, the ability to manage them.

· Coordination with stations with "zero" hauls.

· Management of remote stations and parks of stations.

Integration with systems:

Dispatching centralization "Dialogue", "Neva", "Tract", "South", "Setun";

Automatic brake control;

Bridge and tunnel signaling;

Diagnostics of APC DK, ASDC, ChDK;

Automatic and semi-automatic blocking of all types used on Russian railways;

Alerts working on railway tracks;

Control of the gathering and the presence of dragging parts of the rolling stock;

Control of violation of the gauge of the rolling stock;

Hump ​​automatic centralization and hump automatic locomotive signaling.

Microprocessor centralization EC-EM

The Russian system of microprocessor interlocking ETs-EM with integrated auto-blocking based on the control computer complex UVK RA developed by JSC Radioavionika is designed for centralized control of grassroots and local automation objects at small, medium and large railway stations and adjacent sections in compliance with all traffic safety requirements trains The architecture of the UVC RA is based on a three-channel structure operating on the basis of the majority principle (two out of three).

Structural diagram of the EC-EM system

The most important elements of EC-EM are:

Controlling computer complex of microprocessor interlocking of arrows and signals UVK RA;

Combined supply unit SPU.

UVK RA collects, processes and stores information about the current state of centralization objects in real time. Based on the information received, technological algorithms for centralized control of floor-standing station equipment are implemented with the formation and issuance of control actions.

UVK RA Control Computing Complex

At the same time, continuous diagnostics of the state of the system is carried out with the formation and prompt transmission to the workplace of the station duty officer (RM DSP), to the systems of dispatch control and dispatcher centralization of information to display the state of centralization objects and the results of diagnosing the microprocessor means of the system.

The EAF RM contains three industrial computers, one of which is in operating mode, the second is in a "hot" standby, and the third is in a "cold" standby. At stations divided into control zones, each zone has its own set of RM EAF. The composition of the RM DSP may include a board for collective use, on which the mnemonic diagram of the station is displayed in an enlarged way.

RM chipboard set

Automated workstation of an electromechanic (AWS SHN) together with supervisory control systems provides:

Monitoring of operation of electronic modules and communication lines EC-EM;

Monitoring the operation of outdoor equipment;

Monitoring the operation of uninterruptible power supplies;

Monitoring the values ​​of electrical parameters (voltages, currents, etc.);

Monitoring of the state of linking UVK RA with the relay part;

Access to the archive of EAF operation protocols, technological and system messages of UVK RA;

Processing and analysis of archival information about the work of the EC-EM, drawing up protocols for the operation of the system;

Providing background information.


Microprocessor centralization of arrows and signals MPTs-I

The domestic MPTs-I system developed by CJSC NPC Promelectronica implements all the centralization functions necessary for the safe control of the technological process at the station.

AWP chipboard

The structure of the MPC-I includes:

Reserved workstation for the station attendant (AWS DSP) with a user-friendly interface that ensures a comfortable user experience;

Interlocking control controller (UCC) with a central dependency logic program for the implementation of routed movements around the station. The control controller for the centralization of the redundant MPTs-I system (by default) is made according to the principles of hot, unloaded redundancy (“two plus two”);

Automated workstation of an electromechanic (AWS SHN) to provide the possibility of remote monitoring of the state of the MPC-I objects;

Telecommunication cabinet ShTK. ShTK ensures the operation of all automated workstations at the station (with full automatic redundancy of all equipment), provides the ability to easily link with any of external systems, including DC, APCS, and also provides information security, logging and archiving of equipment operation and personnel actions;

Backup control panel for direct-wire control of the switches in the event of malfunctions of both sets of AWS EAF or UCC. The backup control panel is not used in the redundant MPTs-I system;

Centralization objects (rail circuit equipment, axle counting, traffic lights, electric drives, shunting columns, technical inspection panels, etc. floor equipment mass-produced by industrial plants), signaling cable network, as well as object controllers or interface relay circuits for controlling them .

For the power supply of microprocessor devices MPTs-I, arrows and traffic lights, the station has developed an uninterruptible power supply system SGP-MS.

MPC-I software and hardware provides:

Division of large stations into an unlimited number of control zones (both permanent and seasonal);

Allocation at the station with shunting operation of areas for temporary local control (both with the organization of an additional workplace, and with the help of control from the switch post);

Integration of low-activity stations into joint control posts without the help of DC central posts and without the need to install DC line points on them, while leaving the possibility of local control;

Organization of multi-level hierarchical control systems of the "zone - station - section - road" type with the possibility of prompt transfer of control to the appropriate level if necessary.

The built-in automatic subsystem for measuring insulation resistance and other electrical parameters of monitoring devices makes it possible to use the MPTs-I system as a means of measuring or monitoring the parameters of signaling devices (including remote ones).

Implementing a wide range of functions, MPC-I is one of the most compact centralizations. If it is not possible to build a post building, it is possible to place the MPC-I equipment in transportable modules, as well as in the vacated premises of existing buildings.

Availability of computer-aided design (CAD) system. allows, firstly, to reduce the complexity of design by several times, and secondly, trained operational personnel with the appropriate rights can independently and promptly make adjustments to the MPTs-I software when changing the track development project at the station .

The work of adapting the MPC-I is quite simple thanks to the friendly CAD interface, although it requires certain specific knowledge and responsibility.

Microprocessor centralization MPTs-MZ-F

MPTs-MZ-F is a centralized hardware and software complex designed for remote control and monitoring of the status of arrows, traffic lights and other station facilities, as well as for issuing operational, archival and regulatory information to the station duty officer with logging the operation of devices and personnel actions ("black box").

MPTs-MZ-F is a project-assembly product built according to a hierarchical principle with the possibility of using the system at stations of any configuration.

The MPTs-MZ-F system optimally combinesbasic hardware platform, represented by a specialized ECC control computer manufactured by the German company Siemens, and technological software developed by specialists of a Russian-German joint venture ZAO Foratek AT.

Structure of the MPC-MZ-F

The equipment of the system complies with the safety requirements according to SIL 4, according to the European standard EN 50129, which is confirmed by the Testing Center for Railway Automation and Remote Control of the Petersburg state university means of communication (PGUPS).

High availability is achieved by using three identical processor modules in a two-out-of-three pattern. To ensure security, processing is only carried out if at least two computing channels produce the same results.

ECC control computer manufactured by Siemens

Cabinet UVK

This solution allows you to fix the failure of any of the three processor modules and disable it. At the same time, the system continues to work in the two-out-of-two mode, and information about the error is recorded in the database. A damaged module can be replaced and put into operation without shutting down the entire system. System failures are prevented at the hardware and software levels. Algorithms and methods are used to identify equipment malfunctions and transfer the system to a safe state.

The main and backup AWS EAF based on two personal computers of industrial design

When designing stations, an automatic design system (CAD) is used, which can significantly reduce the time for developing technological software for new stations. The system has been put into permanent operation and recommended for replication on the Russian railway network in two versions: with relay-contact and non-contact control of turnout electric drives and traffic lights.

Types of modern signaling devices on hauls

Automatic blocking (AB) and automatic locomotive signaling (ALS) are the main types of signaling devices on hauls for regulation, ensuring the safety of train traffic and the necessary bandwidth.

Auto-blocking of ABTC with centralized placement of equipment

At ABTC, the main part of the equipment that performs all auto-blocking dependencies is centrally located in the premises of the EC stations that limit the run, or in transportable modules. On the stage, traffic lights, way boxes are installed, in the presence of crossings - relay cabinets for controlling crossing signaling devices. To connect the post and floor equipment, as well as the mutual linkage of the ABTC equipment sets located at neighboring stations that limit the stage, are used cable lines. On hauls with a length of more than 15 km, ETs-TM transportable modules are used to accommodate the equipment.

ABTC is used on single-track and multi-track hauls with any type of traction.

Monitoring of the state of track sections is carried out by track circuits (RC) of tone frequency. Carrier frequencies of Hz and modulation frequencies of 8 and 12 Hz are used.

Main specifications

Characteristic name


Maximum traffic light control range (via cable), km

Maximum range of track circuit control

(by cable), km:

with autonomous traction

with electric traction

Carrier frequencies, Hz

420, 480, 580, 720, 780

Modulation frequencies, Hz

Microprocessor-based auto-lock system ABTC-M with centralized placement of equipment, tone track circuits and redundant information transmission channels

The main advantages of the system:

Increasing the reliability of work due to:

Redundancy of the main nodes of the system;

The use of a more reliable element base;

Reducing the number of system elements, including the consumption of the signal cable.

Increasing the readiness factor (survivability) due to:

Use of a backup channel for transmitting information to and from the locomotive;

Possibilities of reconfiguration of building a system in case of failure of its individual nodes and sensors;

Building a redundant power supply system.

Improving the safety of train traffic on the haul due to:

The use of additional coding of signals in track circuits in order to exclude mutual influence;

Using the logic of train passage along the stage;

The possibility of influencing the distillation devices (the inclusion of prohibitory indications at traffic lights, etc.) by the station attendant or the dispatcher in order to protect and limit the speed of movement in the work area, etc.

ABTC-M system with mobile block sections

The interval control system for trains with moving block sections based on the ABTTs-M equipment makes it possible to increase the throughput and reduce the inter-train interval of passing traffic. The location of a train is determined with an accuracy of one track circuit with an average length of 250 m. including ALSO.

Scheme of building a system for interval control of train traffic with moving block sections without traffic lights with extended functionality

Automatic locomotive signaling with a continuous communication channel ALS-EN

To improve the conditions for running trains and improve traffic safety, increase the capacity of the line and improve the working conditions of locomotive crews, automatic locomotive signaling (ALS) is used. These are special devices that complement the automatic blocking, with the help of which the readings of the track lights are transmitted to the locomotive traffic light installed in the driver's cab as the train approaches them.

ALS is characterized by the number and number of signal indications. According to the method of transmitting signals from the track to the locomotive, ALS devices are divided into ALS of a point type (ALST) ALS of a continuous type (ALSN)

Along with the three-digit system ALSN, Russian railways are implementing a promising multi-digit (192 commands) system for transmitting information to the locomotive - ALS-EN. To reduce the transmission time of information and ensure high noise immunity, the ALS-EN system uses double phase-difference modulation of the carrier frequency of 174.38 (+/-0.1) Hz, which allows organizing two independent phase subchannels. Each of the subchannels uses 8-bit combinations of a self-synchronizing modified Bauer code.

The use of double phase-difference modulation and anti-jamming coding in the ALS-EN system can significantly reduce the power of transmitters, since the required level of the useful signal at the receiver input is achieved at a signal current 5-8 times less than in the ALSN system.

Unlike classical ALSN, ALS-EN allows transmitting various information to the locomotive (traffic light indication, straight or deviated movement, permissible speed, number of free block sections, etc.), which is necessary to ensure high-speed and high-speed movement. Therefore, ALS-EN is used on the high-speed line Moscow - St. Petersburg.

Block FS-EN for ALS-EN

Automated hump complexes KSAU-SP

To disband trains at marshalling yards, marshalling humps are used, which are technological devices consisting of a sliding part located on an anti-slope and a lowering part having an accelerating slope, along which the cars roll down under the action of gravity. The thrust of the train on the hill is carried out by the shunting locomotive wagons forward. The composition is compressed on the counterslope of the sliding part, which allows special worker- for the speed controller to unhook the next group of cars - unhook from the train according to the dissolution program. When the center of gravity of the retriever passes through the top of the hill (the most high point), it is separated from the train and rolls down the accelerating slope of the sliding part of the hump onto the track of the marshalling yard, determined by the position of the controlled turnouts.
The speed of cuts rolling is controlled by controlled pincer-type wagon retarders, which compress the side surfaces of the wheels of cars of passing cuts.

According to the processing capacity and the number of tracks in the subhill (sorting) park, sorting yards are divided into:

  • high-capacity humps with more than 3,500 wagons per day or more than 30 tracks in the marshalling yard;
  • humps of medium capacity with processing from 1500 to 3500 wagons per day and the number of tracks in the marshalling yard from 17 to 29;
  • humps of low capacity with processing from 250 to 1500 wagons and the number of tracks in the marshalling yard from 4 to 16;
The largest marshalling yards with over 5,500 wagons per day are classified as high-capacity yards.

The management of the disbanding of the trains on the hump is carried out from the hump control panel, on which there are switch switches, control handles for car retarders and buttons for controlling hump signals.

Power supply devices UEP-MPK-ShPT

The UEP-MPK-SHPT complex is intended for power supply of electrical interlocking systems, mechanization and automation posts of hump yards, centralization shunting posts and provides power supply for relay circuits of electrical interlocking and linkages, computer equipment (UVK, AWP, TsVS), outdoor equipment, etc.

UEP-MPK-ShPT includes an uninterruptible power supply system based on a DC bus, which ensures the continuity of operation of critical devices during interruptions and switching of external power supply. It is used with input devices with a separate IT for each feeder and with a common IT, and can be powered from both single-phase and three-phase power feeders.

AC sources are input into the UEP-MPK through input devices of the VUV-MPK. As a third feeder, a DGA with auto-start can be used in case of loss of all external power sources.

All UBPs are connected by a common DC bus (SHPT). The voltage on the ShPT is selected based on the power of the station loads from a range of 48, 110, 220 V. If necessary, it is possible to increase the power of the UEP-MPK-SHPT by connecting several UBPs in parallel.

The supply voltage for uninterrupted loads of the signaling system is formed using one or more inverter blocks, the number of which is reserved according to the n +1 scheme, the voltage 24V for the post-operating devices of the ZHAT is formed using a converter block, the number of which is also reserved according to the n +1 scheme.

Power supply devices UEP-MPK-ShPT in 2012 were put into permanent operation at the Khonykh station of the Krasnoyarsk railway.

Microprocessor-based electrical centralization MPC-MPK

The system of microprocessor interlocking of electrical interlocking MPC-MPK is new development in a family of computer systems based on micro-computers of programmable controllers, designed to control and monitor railway automation devices at stations using computer technology developed by TsKZhT PGUPS (St. Petersburg).

In 2012, the MPC-MPK was put into permanent operation at the Khonykh station of the Krasnoyarsk railway.

Information exchange between system components is based on standard protocols of computer systems and local networks. The use of modern standard computer technology for input and display of information does not require the manufacture of specialized controls and controls.

A distinctive feature of the system from analogues is a safe non-contact interface for managing and monitoring objects, which is designed on a fundamentally new approach to the functional signal conversion.

The equipment of the central computing system (CCS) has a 100% redundancy and consists of two parallel and independently functioning secure computing sets - the "main" and "backup" included in the local area network. Each of the kits consists of two PC-compatible industrial controllers and a circuit to control the functioning of the kit. Normally, both sets are connected to the code lines of communication with the equipment for interfacing with the objects of control and monitoring of the MPC. One of the sets is active and carries out the implementation of the control action on the objects and the transfer of information about the state of the controlled objects via the communication channel to the EAF workstation, and the second set of the CVS is passive and is in the "hot" standby. Additional function controllers are also reserved.

The automated workplace of the station attendant is designed to organize a user interface for the management and control of microprocessor interlocking objects at the station. AWP chipboard in the minimum configuration is made on the basis of two PCs (sets A and B), combined local network. This network also includes the workstation of an electromechanic, and, if necessary, other users of information about the movement of trains at the station (workstation of the operator, shunting, station dispatchers, etc.) can be included. To send the utility train and the pusher to the stage, a shield of wand keys is installed in the control room of the chipboard. Additionally, AWP EAF can be equipped with remote plasma panels.

The EAF workstation equipment has a 100% reserve and consists of two parallel and independently functioning sets - "A" and "B", included in the local area network. One of the sets is active and implements the control action on the objects and receives information about the state of the controlled objects via the communication channel from the KTS MC. The second set of AWP EAF is passive, it is used only to display current information and is in a "hot" standby. Both sets in the course of work exchange information among themselves on a LAN.

Relay-processor centralization of arrows and traffic lights ROC-E

The system of relay-processor centralization of arrows and traffic lights RPTs-E was developed by Bombardier Transportation (Signal) LLC.

The RPTs-E system is designed for partial modernization of existing stations with any number of switches equipped with electrical interlocking, both with the preservation of the executive group (all existing standard albums for designing), and with the construction of a new executive group, made according to the MRTs-10BN album. The system allows you to keep the existing outdoor equipment in full.

Also, RPC-E is easily integrated with the EBILock 950 MPC, for example, when building a new park and equipping it with microprocessor interlocking devices. At the same time, the chipboard has a single workplace, and the operator controls the MPC and EC devices in the same way.

ROC-E consists of automated workstations for DSP and SHN, which have all the functions implemented in microprocessor centralizations, the ROC-E server implemented on industrial computers, as well as distributed USOs. The latter are made on the basis of industrial controllers in a design that allows them to be placed both on the front and on the mounting side of the cabinet with access to the existing mounting.

The system has a hot standby of all components.

In the course of the modernization, the typesetting group (if any) and the existing control panel are dismantled. The station is equipped with automated workstations. The system provides linkage with other systems via data transmission channels.

In 2012, the ROC-E was put into permanent operation at the Abakan station of the Krasnoyarsk railway. (114 arrows).

Added to site:

1. General requirements for labor protection

1.1. This Instruction has been developed in accordance with the rules for labor protection in the transportation sector and establishes the basic requirements for labor protection when performing work by the operator of the centralization post of Russian Railways (hereinafter referred to as the operator of the centralization post).

Based on this Instruction, in accordance with the Rules for the development, construction, design and designation normative documents on labor protection, approved by order of Russian Railways OJSC dated December 29, 2011 N 2849r, and other regulatory documents of Russian Railways OJSC, the head of the structural unit organizes the development and approves an instruction on labor protection for the operator of the centralization post, taking into account local conditions for a particular workplace and job responsibilities.

1.2. To independent work in the position of operator of the centralization post, the following are allowed:

persons who have reached the age of eighteen;

having at least secondary vocational (technical) education;


mandatory preliminary (when applying for a job) medical examination;

introductory and primary briefings on labor protection and fire safety;

internship in labor protection;

initial test of knowledge of labor protection requirements.

In case of a break in work at the position for more than 1 year, the operator of the centralization post must undergo an internship in labor protection and an examination of knowledge of labor protection requirements.

1.3. In the process of labor activity, the operator of the centralization post, in accordance with the established procedure, passes:

periodic medical examinations (examinations);

repeated briefing on labor protection (at least once every three months);

unscheduled briefing on labor protection;

training in labor protection during technical training and advanced training in the profession;

another test of knowledge of labor protection requirements.

1.4. The operator of the centralization post is obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations established in the structural unit, to know his rights, obligations, to bear responsibility in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for failure to perform or improper performance of his duties.

It is not allowed to perform labor duties by the operator of the centralization post in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication. If the operator of the centralization post is identified, who is at the workplace in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication, he is suspended from work and removed from the territory of the unit in the manner determined by the structural unit.

When working outdoors during the cold season at low temperatures, breaks for heating are provided to prevent cooling and frostbite. The duration and procedure for providing such breaks are established by the internal labor regulations or a local document of the structural unit.

1.5. The operator of the centralization post must know in the scope of his duties:

Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

internal labor regulations;

regulatory documents of Russian Railways, the railway, the Central Directorate of Traffic Control on the organization of train traffic and shunting work;

technical and administrative act and technological process ( technological map) work of the railway station;

rules and instructions for labor protection, sanitary norms and rules, including the requirements of this Instruction;

the impact on a person of dangerous and harmful production factors that arise during work, and measures to protect against their impact;

safe work practices;

visible and sound signals that ensure the safety of train traffic, as well as the procedure for fencing an obstacle to train traffic that has arisen on the railway track;

requirements for electrical safety, fire safety, fire regime, industrial sanitation;

actions during liquidation of emergency situations with dangerous goods;

issues of civil defense and action in emergency situations;

methods and measures to provide first aid to victims;

location of primary fire extinguishing equipment, storage of first aid kit;

instructions and other regulatory documents establishing the duties of the duty officer on the hill.

1.6. The operator of the centralization post is obliged:

perform the work included in his official duties and entrusted by the heads of the railway station and shift;

apply safe practices when performing work and technological operations;

comply with the requirements of prohibiting, warning, indicating and prescriptive signs, inscriptions, visible and sound signals;

be extremely careful in places of movement of railway rolling stock and vehicles;

pass through the territory of the railway station along the established routes of the service (technological) passage, pedestrian tunnels, bridges and crossings;

comply with fire safety requirements, have the skills to use fire-fighting equipment and inventory;

know and follow the safety measures and the procedure established by the technological documentation and this Instruction;

fulfill the obligations of an employee in the field of labor protection, established by Article 214 Labor Code Russian Federation, including:

compliance with labor protection requirements;

proper use of personal and collective protective equipment;

training in safe methods of performing work and providing first aid to victims, briefings on labor protection, internships and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements;

immediate notification of their immediate or superior manager of any situation that threatens the life and health of people, of each accident that occurred at work, or of the deterioration of their health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute occupational disease (poisoning);

passing obligatory preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic medical examinations.

1.7. In the process of work, the operator of the centralization post may be affected by the following hazardous and harmful production factors:

moving railway rolling stock, vehicles;

increased noise level;

high or low air temperature;

high humidity and air movement.

In the event of an emergency, the operator of the centralization post may be exposed to hazardous factors of explosion, fire, and chemicals.

1.8. To prevent or reduce the impact of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors, as well as to protect against pollution, the head of the structural unit ensures the purchase at the expense of the unit and the issuance of certified funds to the operator of the centralization post personal protection(special clothing, special footwear) in accordance with the established "Model norms for the free issue of certified special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to employees of railway transport of the Russian Federation engaged in work with hazardous and (or) hazardous conditions labor, as well as at work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution "of October 22, 2008 N 582 / n:

Set "Dvizhenets-L" or

Suit "Defectoscopist-L"

Raincoat for protection against water

1 for 3 years

Yuft boots with polyurethane soles

Boots made of PVC or

Rubber boots

Combined gloves or

Polymer Coated Gloves

Signal headgear

1 for 2 years

Signal vest 2 protection class

In winter additionally:

Set for protection against low temperatures "Dvizhenets" or

on belts

Suit for protection against low temperatures "Defectoscopist"

on belts

Short fur coat or

on belts

Fur-lined short coat, or

on belts

Jacket with fur lining

on belts

Hat with ear flaps with sound-conducting inserts

on belts

Warm mittens or

on belts

Warm gloves

on belts

Yuft boots insulated with oil and frost-resistant soles or

on belts

Felt boots (boots felted) with a rubber bottom

on belts

1.9. Personal protective equipment (PPE) issued to the operator of the centralization post must be appropriate for the size, gender of the worker, as well as the nature and conditions of the work performed by him.

In order to ensure timely washing and dry-cleaning of special clothing, it is allowed to issue two sets of special clothing to the operator of the centralization post for a double period of wearing (the procedure for issuing is regulated by the administrative document of the head of the structural unit).

1.10. personal and work special clothing and shoes should be stored separately in wardrobes. During the operation of personal protective equipment, the operator of the centralization post must monitor their serviceability, keep them clean and tidy.

1.11. The operator of the centralization post is not allowed to perform work without personal protective equipment, as well as in faulty, unrepaired and contaminated PPE.

He must notify the head of the railway station about the failure (malfunction) of personal protective equipment.

During the performance of work on the railway tracks (in the territory of the railway station), the operator of the centralization post is obliged to wear an orange signal vest with stripes of retroreflective material with stencils "DS" on the back, indicating belonging to the unit, and "D" on the left side of the chest, indicating belonging to the directorate (hereinafter referred to as the signal vest).

(the paragraph was introduced by order of Russian Railways OJSC dated 09.12.2014 N 2902r)

1.12. Special clothing and footwear issued to the operator of the centralization post is the property of Russian Railways and is subject to mandatory return at the end of the wearing period, as well as upon dismissal or transfer to another job, for which the issued personal protective equipment is not provided for by standard norms.

1.13. The operator of the centralization post must comply with the following fire safety requirements:

smoking in places specially designated for this purpose, with the inscription "Smoking Area", provided with fire extinguishing equipment and equipped with bins or boxes with sand (defined by the local document for the unit);

operate household equipment authorized by the head of the structural unit, in accordance with the instructions (passport) for its operation;

do not leave unattended electric heaters connected to the network.

1.14. The operator of the centralization post is prohibited from:

use faulty, self-made, with loose and bare wires, with damaged or lost the protective properties of electrical wiring insulation of household electrical appliances, switches, knife switches, plug sockets and other electrical equipment;

use electric stoves, electric kettles and other electrical appliances that do not have protection devices, without stands made of non-combustible materials;

store explosive substances, flammable and combustible liquids in office premises;

approach rolling stock, track machines, flammable materials and containers with flammable and combustible liquids with an open flame.

1.15. In the process of work, the operator of the centralization post must comply with the rules of personal hygiene, sanitary requirements for storage and eating. Eating should be in canteens, buffets or in specially designated rooms (places) with appropriate equipment. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before eating.

The operator of the centralization post should drink boiled water stored in special closed tanks (tanks) protected from dust and other harmful substances. It is allowed to use bottled water or unboiled water from the domestic water supply system if there is a permit for this consumption from the center of state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance.

1.16. While on the railway tracks, the operator of the centralization post is obliged:

during the passage through the territory of the railway station, be vigilant, listen to loudspeaker announcements and warning signals, distribute your attention between the movement of rolling stock and the implementation official duties;

pass along specially established routes of service and technological passages;

comply with the requirements of safety signs, visible and audible signals and warning colors applied to structures and devices, pay attention to devices and objects located on the route: limit posts, turnouts, drainage trays and wells, signaling devices, centralization and blocking, contact networks, oversized places and other obstacles (the list of oversized and dangerous places of the railway station is indicated in the instructions for labor protection for the operator of the centralization post, developed at the railway station);

when passing along railway tracks, go in the middle of the inter-track, along the side of the subgrade or away from the railway track no closer than 2.5 m from the outermost rail, while you must carefully monitor the movements of the rolling stock on adjacent tracks, for objects protruding beyond the outline of the dimensions rolling stock (open doors, wagon sides, wire and other items);

when a rolling stock approaches or during shunting movements, it is required to move to the side of the track or to another inter-track at a safe distance in advance so as not to be between moving units simultaneously moving on adjacent tracks, and not to be in the area of ​​an oversized (dangerous) place, wait for the passage or stop rolling stock and then continue moving;

upon detection (visual or sound) of an approaching rolling stock, employees who find themselves on the train route in the dimensions of the rolling stock must move away from the railway tracks to the side of the subgrade, including the adjacent railway track, remove tools, fixtures, materials, products at a distance not less than 2.5 m from the edge rail at set train speeds up to 120 km/h, at least 4 m from the edge rail at set speeds of 121-140 km/h and at least 5 m from the edge rail at set speeds of more than 140 km/h;

when you are on the track adjacent to the train passage route with a speed of over 140 km/h, after reporting the train passage no later than 10 minutes, work must be stopped, you must move to the side at a distance of at least 5 m from the outermost rail the path that the train must follow;

when employees are on the tracks of railway stations, it is allowed to move to the middle of a wide inter-track (in the case of a train moving along an adjacent railway track);

if you are forced to stay between the tracks between trains moving on adjacent tracks, locomotives and other mobile units, you must immediately squat (squat) or lie down on the ground in the between tracks parallel to the railway tracks;

one should cross the railway tracks in the established places (on pedestrian bridges, tunnels, decks), and in their absence - at right angles to the axis of the track, after making sure that there is no approaching rolling stock, stepping over the rails, not stepping on the rails and the ends of the sleepers;

crossing a railway track occupied by standing rolling stock should be carried out in the absence of an approaching rolling stock (shunting) on ​​the adjacent track along serviceable transition platforms of wagons, having previously made sure that the handrails, steps and floor of the platform are in good condition, that they are not iced, snowed;

rise and leave the transition platform of a standing car should be facing the car, holding the handrails with both hands, while the hands should be free from any objects, having previously examined the place of the descent and making sure that there are no approaching rolling stock along the adjacent railway track and obstacles in the middle of the track or on the side of the track (in the dark, this place should be illuminated with a hand lamp);

before starting the ascent to the transition platform of the car, you should make sure that there is no permissive indication of the traffic light and sound signals given by the locomotive before departure;

bypassing groups of wagons or locomotives standing on the railway track should be at a distance of at least 5 m from the automatic coupler of the outermost wagon or locomotive;

pass between the uncoupled units of the rolling stock should be at a distance between their automatic couplers of at least 10 m, in the middle of the gap;

follow the readings of traffic lights, sound signals, signs, the position of the arrows and warnings transmitted via park two-way communication about the movement of trains and shunting movements of rolling stock;

be attentive and careful when on the tracks, especially in case of poor visibility, heavy snowfalls, fogs, strong noise generated by working machinery or passing rolling stock, in winter, when headgear impairs the audibility of signals.

When employees are in the area of ​​movement of high-speed and high-speed trains, it is required to comply with the Rules for labor protection when servicing high-speed and high-speed railway lines of Russian Railways and additional security measures established by local documents.

(clause 1.16 as amended by the order of Russian Railways OJSC dated 09.12.2014 N 2902r)

1.17. While on the railway tracks, the operator of the centralization post is prohibited from:

cross (run across) railway tracks in front of a moving railway rolling stock or immediately behind a passing train without making sure that a railway rolling stock is not moving along an adjacent railway track;

climb on the steps of the wagons and get off them while moving;

climb on locomotives;

to crawl (crawl) under standing wagons, climb on or under automatic couplers, cross railway tracks along wagon frames;

stand or sit on the rails and the ends of the sleepers, electric drives, way boxes, wagon retarders and other floor and ground devices;

be in the middle of the track when the trains run on adjacent railway tracks;

cross railway tracks within turnouts, put a foot between a wit and a frame rail, a movable core and a guardrail, or into the gutters on a turnout;

when passing rolling stock, be in oversized places marked with signal coloring and / or a sign indicating an oversized place in the gauge of the rolling stock;

enter the inter-car space;

use cell phone and radio telephone connection, audio and video players and other devices not provided for by the technological process of the railway station.

(clause 1.17 as amended by the order of Russian Railways OJSC dated 09.12.2014 N 2902r)

1.18. When entering the railway track from premises, due to rolling stock, buildings, structures and structures and in winter, when headgear impairs the audibility of sound signals, as well as in heavy fog, heavy rain, snowfall, blizzard, which impede visibility, audibility of warning signals and approaching rolling stock, before crossing the railway track, the operator of the centralization post is required to:

first make sure that there is no rolling stock moving along it (on both sides) to the crossing point;

in the dark, in addition, wait until the eyes get used to the darkness, wait until the visibility of surrounding objects is established and then continue moving, in places with limited illumination - use a flashlight;

when the rolling stock is approaching, stop in a safe place, let it pass and then continue moving.

(clause 1.18 as amended by the order of Russian Railways OJSC dated 09.12.2014 N 2902r)

1.19. When on electrified railway tracks, the operator of the centralization post must comply with the following safety requirements:

do not climb onto the supports of the contact network, the roof of the wagon, container or locomotive located under the contact wire;

do not approach yourself or with the help of tools and devices used to live and not fenced wires or parts of the contact network at a distance closer than 2 m, and to broken wires touching the ground - closer than 8 m;

do not touch broken wires of the contact network and foreign objects located on them, regardless of whether they touch the ground and grounded structures or not;

Do not step on electrical wires and cables.

1.20. The operator of the centralization post is prohibited from:

be in the performance of duties in a state of alcoholic, toxic or narcotic intoxication;

touch broken and bare wires, contacts and other live parts of electrical equipment;

start one-time (on the instructions of the head) work that is not related to direct duties, without receiving instructions from the head on security measures and methods of implementation;

to allow the presence of unauthorized persons and foreign objects in the office premises;

use faulty tools and equipment in work.

1.21. The operator of the centralization post must store the tools (inventory) and equipment used in the work in specially designated places.

1.22. About each accident at work, the operator of the centralization post must immediately:

inform the head of the shift or railway station (if present at the station);

provide first aid to the victim (in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development dated May 4, 2012 N 477n "On approval of the list of conditions in which first aid is provided and the list of first aid measures") in case of: unconsciousness, respiratory arrest, external bleeding, ingress of a foreign body into the upper respiratory tract, injuries to various areas of the body, burns, effects of exposure to high temperatures, thermal radiation, frostbite and other effects of exposure to low temperatures and poisoning;

take measures to organize the delivery of the victim to medical institution;

until the arrival of the head of the railway station, keep the situation at the workplace and the condition of the equipment as they were at the time of the incident (if this does not threaten the life and health of the surrounding workers and does not lead to an accident), if it is impossible to save the situation, fix it (draw up diagrams, make photographs, take other measures), take urgent measures to prevent the development of an emergency and the impact of traumatic factors on other persons.

1.23. Upon detection of violations of this Instruction, as well as situations that endanger people's lives or are a prerequisite for an accident, the operator of the centralization post must immediately report this to the shift manager or railway station (if present at the station).

1.24. Knowledge and compliance with the requirements of the rules and instructions for labor protection is the official duty of the operator of the centralization post. In case of failure to comply with the requirements of this Instruction, he shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. The working area of ​​the operator of the centralization post is the territory of the railway station (routes of the service passage, between the tracks and the shoulders of the railway station), sanitary and service premises (according to the technology of the work performed and job duties). The working area in relation to local conditions is determined in the instruction on labor protection of the unit.

2.2. The location of the target briefing on labor protection for the operator of the centralization post before starting work is determined in the instruction on labor protection of the unit.

2.3. Following the operator of the centralization post to the workplace for receiving duty and to the amenity premises is carried out along the established routes of the service passage (the procedure is indicated in the instruction on labor protection of the unit).

2.4. Before starting work, the centralization post operator must:

check the serviceability of special clothing and footwear, a signal vest with reflective overlays and the logo of the structural unit and put it on;

fasten overalls with all buttons, tuck in loose ends clothes so that they do not hang down and do not hamper movement;

put on a signal vest over clothing, fully fasten;

free pockets from foreign objects with sharp edges, leave a mobile phone and other electronic devices that reduce attention in the domestic room;

check, according to the technological process and the inventory, in the presence of the employee handing over the duty, the serviceability of the equipment, inventory, radio station, lamp, signal accessories, the condition of the workplace, lighting, and, in addition, check the presence and serviceability of seals on the devices;

make sure during external inspection that the lamp housing and light-transmitting glass are intact, and also check the operation of its switch;

receive information about the location of the rolling stock on the tracks of the station at the time of accepting the shift, the necessary instructions on the specifics of work, taking into account weather conditions, report to the shift leader about taking the duty and agree on their further actions.

2.5. When on the railway tracks during working hours - the headgear of the operator of the centralization post should not impair the audibility of sound signals; overalls and safety shoes must be worn in a complete set.

2.6. When working, the operator of the centralization post must have an official certificate, a warning ticket for labor protection.

2.7. In the cold season with severe frosts, the operator of the centralization post must, before leaving the premises, lubricate exposed areas of the body with a special ointment or frostbite cream, and also cover the face with a jacket collar (scarf) and use insulated gloves. In severe frosts, in order to avoid frostbite, do not touch metal objects and parts (rails, fasteners, tools, equipment) with bare hands.

2.8. At stations that have automated workstations equipped with personal computers (PCs) and video display terminals (VDTs), operators of the centralization post are allowed to work, who have undergone initial training on labor protection instructions when working with PCs and VDTs.

2.9. The operator of the centralization post must report all identified violations in the maintenance of the workplace and deficiencies in labor protection (when accepting a shift and during work) to the shift manager or the employee of the railway station, determined by the local document of the structural unit, in order to take measures to eliminate them. In the event of a danger to life and health, do not start work until the violation is eliminated.

(as amended by the order of Russian Railways OJSC dated 09.12.2014 N 2902r)

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. The operator of the centralization post must perform the work that is defined by him. official duties, was entrusted with the shift leader. When performing work, he must comply with the requirements of the technological process of the railway station, these Instructions.

3.2. The operator of the centralization post, before the start of the technological break in work, must report to the immediate supervisor about his location, and after it ends, about his readiness to start work.

3.3. While on the railway tracks of the station, the operator of the centralization post is obliged:

follow the established routes of service and technological passage;

comply with the established safety requirements while on the railway tracks;

at the time of shunting work or train movement on the tracks of a railway station - carefully monitor the movements of the train (locomotive), the signals given by the locomotive driver, the head of shunting work (train compiler, freight train conductor), use information transmitted via loudspeaker and radio communication, leave in a timely manner to a safe place;

take precautions when staying in the zone of oversized (dangerous) places on the station tracks (marked with warning signs "Caution! Oversized place" and standard coloration in the form of alternating yellow and black stripes of equal width at an angle of 45 degrees);

at night or in conditions of poor visibility, use a hand torch.

(clause 3.3 as amended by the order of Russian Railways OJSC dated 09.12.2014 N 2902r)

3.4. In the case of finding (carrying out) work near guarded military echelons located on the railway tracks, it is necessary:

follow all the commands of the guard, give the name and position,

present a certificate, in the dark, allow the guard to illuminate the face to verify the identity with the photograph on the certificate;

after the permission of the guard to continue working next to the composition in the presence of the guard.

3.5. The operator of the centralization post (when cleaning centralized turnouts, checking the freeness of the turnout from the rolling stock, switching the turnout with a kurbel, etc.) must:

perform work after coordinating their actions with the duty officer of the railway station or other employee specified in the TRA of the railway station;

report the end of work to the duty officer of the railway station (another employee) in person.

3.6. If it is necessary to be on a centralized switch (translation by kurbel, checking the correctness of the preparation of the route, inspection if it is impossible to transfer it from the control panel - in the event of a malfunction of the signaling devices), the operator of the centralization post must:

follow the established routes of the service (technological) passage to the switch,

when switching arrows, be located facing the electric drive in the inter-track or on the side of the track, without moving inside the track gauge;

during the switchover, monitor the movement of trains and shunting trains;

listen to messages via loudspeaker and radio communication,

at night and in conditions of poor visibility, use a hand torch.

3.7. During the passage of trains and shunting movements of the rolling stock along turnouts and railway tracks, the operator of the centralization post must move to a safe place in advance to the side of the track or the middle of the track.

3.8. Security measures when cleaning centralized turnouts (when these duties are assigned to the operator of the centralization post by a local document for the unit).

It is allowed to clean the turnouts during the breaks between the movement of trains, shunting movements and the dissolution of cars from the marshalling yard, as a rule, during daylight hours, at night - only in cases of emergency caused by adverse meteorological conditions (snowfall, snowstorm, hurricane) . In this case, as well as during the day with poor visibility (fog, blizzard), inside the track, the operator of the centralization post must install a lit hand lamp with red glass and during daylight hours - protect the place of work with a red signal. The work is carried out in a team together with a signalman, who ensures safety measures during work.

During the cleaning of centralized turnouts, the operator of the centralization post must:

warn the duty officer at the railway station about the start of work,

to carry out work after fencing the place of work, in mittens and using serviceable equipment,

be located in the middle of the track or on the side of the track, without moving inside the track, facing towards the expected departure of the rolling stock,

carry out work with extreme caution and within the frame rails between the retracted wit and the frame rail against the electric drive rods - lay a wooden insert,

report the end of work to the duty officer at the railway station in person.

3.9. In the event of a disruption in the operation of radio communications (lack of response from the station duty officer), the centralization post operator must take measures to stop work, contact the railway station duty officer through another employee who is free from technological operations, and report the lack of communication. Agree on the procedure for further work and replacement of the radio station (if possible).

3.10. The operator of the centralization post must carry out work to secure the cars on the railway tracks after they are completely stopped, coordination of actions with the workers involved in the technological operation, using serviceable brake shoes (brake stops).

When securing standing cars, the brake shoe must be taken by the handle, work must be done with combined gloves (mittens).

When securing wagons on the tracks, it is prohibited to install brake shoes:

immediately before the rail joint and at the rail joint;

in front of the crosspiece of the turnout;

on the outer rail of the curve.

The operator of the centralization post is prohibited from:

install a brake shoe under moving cars,

when laying the brake shoe, go into the track track,

place foreign objects under the wheelsets instead of brake shoes to secure the wagons.

Remove the brake shoes with a special hook or with a hand in combined gloves (mittens), holding the handle of the brake shoe.

It is forbidden to use brake shoes:

with a broken head;

with a warped and curved sole;

with a broken, broken, flattened or curved toe of the sole;

with a loose fastening of the head with the sole;

with or without a bent and broken handle;

with damaged or significantly worn sole edges.

The operator of the centralization station must store the brake shoes used in the work on special racks (in office premises) in accordance with the requirements of the technical and administrative act of the railway station.

3.11. In winter, the operator of the centralization post must clear the assigned territory and the route of the service passage from snow and ice, as well as sprinkle sand in between work and in the absence of shunting work, having previously coordinated this work with the shift supervisor.

4. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

4.1. Actions in the event of an accident or emergency.

4.1.1. The operator of the centralization post, who received information about the emergency, must act in accordance with the approved plan for the elimination of accidents.

If there are victims, immediately take part in providing the victims with first aid, removing them from the danger zone, in compliance with personal safety measures.

4.1.2. In the event of an incident (emergency) in freight wagons loaded with dangerous goods, the operator of the centralization post, who has detected signs of an emergency situation: steaming, pungent odor, hissing of compressed gas, leakage of dangerous goods, must immediately report this, using any means of communication, to the shift manager or railway station.

In case of fire, leakage, spillage of a hazardous substance, damage to containers or railway rolling stock with dangerous goods and other incidents that can lead to an emergency (explosion, fire, poisoning, radiation, diseases, burns, frostbite, death of people and animals, dangerous consequences for natural environment), as well as in cases when in the area of ​​the accident on railway turned out to be wagons, containers or packages with dangerous goods, the operator of the centralization post must act promptly, in compliance with the security measures established by the requirements of regulatory documents on the transport of dangerous goods, the transportation of radioactive substances and the procedure for eliminating emergencies with dangerous goods.

In an emergency with dangerous goods, the centralization post operator must take into account the main forms of manifestation of the transport danger of goods, specific safety measures and precautions that must be observed in the elimination of emergencies with dangerous goods, given in group or individual emergency cards.

In the event that the operator of the centralization post on the territory of the station detects a spill or spillage of hazardous or harmful substances from the rolling stock, in order to avoid evaporation, particles of these substances on the skin, it is necessary to bypass the dangerous place on the opposite side of the wind direction, immediately report the incident to the shift manager or railway stations.

4.1.3. In the event of a violation of the loading or unloading gauge on the railway tracks, the operator of the centralization post must report to the duty officer at the railway station (shift leader), if necessary, to the train compiler (freight train conductor).

4.1.4. If suspicious items are found, access to them must be isolated and immediately reported to the shift supervisor or railway station. It is forbidden to carry out any actions with a detected suspicious object.

4.1.5. In the event of unauthorized movement of wagons along the tracks, the operator of the centralization post must immediately, if possible, direct the wagons to a dead end from the control panel, report the departure to the duty officer at the railway station, indicating the number of the track and the direction of movement of the wagons.

4.1.6. In the event of a situation that threatens the lives of people or the safety of train traffic, the operator of the centralization post is obliged to give a signal to stop the train or shunting train, immediately take measures to protect the dangerous place and report to the head of the shift or railway station.

4.1.7. The operator of the centralization post, who has discovered a break in wires or other elements of the contact network, as well as foreign objects hanging from them, is obliged to immediately take measures to fence off the obstacle and inform the duty officer of the railway station (shift leader) about this. Before the arrival of the repair team, the dangerous place is protected by any improvised means and makes sure that no one approaches the broken wires at a dangerous distance closer than 8 m.

In case of getting into the zone of "step voltage", it is necessary to leave it, observing the following safety measures: connect the feet together, slowly, move in small steps, not exceeding the length of the foot, and, without taking your feet off the ground, leave the danger zone.

4.1.8. During a thunderstorm, in order to avoid being struck by lightning, it is not allowed to hide under trees, lean against them, and also approach lightning rods or high single objects (pillars) at a distance of less than 10 m, stay on elevated places and open plains, keep or carry tools and others metal objects. It is necessary to take shelter in enclosed spaces, and at a distance from them - in small depressions on the slopes of hills or slopes (slopes) of embankments or excavations.

4.1.9. To prevent emergency situations, the operator of the centralization post must comply with the technological process (map) of the station and the requirements of this Instruction.

4.2. List of first aid measures

1) Take measures to assess the situation and ensure safe conditions for first aid:

identify risk factors for own life and health;

identify threatening factors for the life and health of the victim;

eliminate (if possible) threatening factors for life and health;

stop (if possible) the effects of damaging factors on the victim;

estimate the number of victims;

remove the victim from vehicle or other hard-to-reach places (if possible);

move the victim (if necessary).

2) Call an ambulance (if necessary - other special services, whose employees are required to provide first aid in accordance with federal law).

3) Determine the presence of consciousness in the victim.

4) Take measures to restore the patency of the respiratory tract and determine the signs of life in the victim:

tilt your head back with a chin lift;

protrude the lower jaw;

determine the presence of breathing with the help of hearing, sight and touch;

determine the presence of blood circulation, check the presence of a pulse on the main arteries.

5) Carry out measures to conduct cardiopulmonary resuscitation until signs of life appear:

hand pressure on the chest of the victim;

artificial respiration "Mouth to mouth";

artificial respiration "Mouth to nose";

artificial respiration using a device for artificial respiration.

6) Carry out measures to maintain airway patency:

giving a stable lateral position;

head tilt with chin lift;

protrusion of the lower jaw.

7) Carry out measures for a general examination of the victim and temporary stop of external bleeding:

general examination of the victim for the presence of bleeding;

digital pressure of the artery;


maximum flexion of the limb in the joint;

direct pressure on the wound;

applying a pressure bandage.

8) Carry out measures for a detailed examination of the victim in order to identify signs of injuries, poisoning and other conditions that threaten his life and health, and to provide first aid in case of detection of these conditions:

conducting a head examination;

examination of the neck;

conducting a breast examination;

performing a back examination;

examination of the abdomen and pelvis;

examination of the limbs;

applying dressings for injuries of various areas of the body, including sealing for chest wounds;

immobilization (with the help of improvised means, using medical products);

fixation of the cervical spine (manually, with improvised means, using medical devices;

termination of exposure to hazardous chemicals on the victim (gastric lavage by taking water and inducing vomiting, removal from the damaged surface and washing the damaged surface with running water);

local cooling in case of injuries, thermal burns and other effects of high temperatures or thermal radiation;

thermal insulation against frostbite and other effects of exposure to low temperatures.

9) Give the victim an optimal body position.

10) Monitor the condition of the victim (consciousness, breathing, blood circulation) and provide psychological support.

11) Transfer the victim to the ambulance medical care, (if necessary - to other special services, whose employees are required to provide first aid in accordance with federal law).

4.3. Actions to provide first aid to victims

4.3.1. Assistance in cardiac and respiratory arrest (resuscitation).

When the heart and breathing stop, vital functions (heartbeat, breathing) must be restored within 4-5 minutes.

To carry out resuscitation, it is required to lay the victim on a flat hard surface, free the chest from clothing and conduct an indirect heart massage, artificial respiration.

An indirect heart massage is required to be carried out with palms superimposed on one another, with straight arms and sharp jerks, pressing on the region of the lower third of the sternum (pressure frequency 60 - 70 per minute).

When performing artificial respiration, it is required to free the victim’s mouth (with gauze or a handkerchief) from foreign bodies (blood clots, mucus, vomit, etc.), pinch the nose, grab the chin, tilt the victim’s head back and make a quick full exhalation into the mouth (preferably through gauze or scarf). After two or three deep blows into the mouth of the victim, it is necessary to produce 4-6 pressures in the chest area.

Resuscitation measures must be carried out before the arrival of medical personnel or until the victim has a pulse and spontaneous breathing.

4.3.2. When a victim receives a mechanical injury, accompanied by bleeding, it is necessary to stop the bleeding.

a) In case of arterial bleeding (scarlet blood flows out of the wound in a pulsating stream), it is required to press the artery (carotid, brachial, femoral, etc.) with fingers or a fist, apply a tourniquet. Pressing the artery is carried out through clothing for a short period of time, followed by the application of a tourniquet. The pressure points of the arteries are located on the limbs - above the site of bleeding, and on the neck and head - below the wound or in the wound.

b) It is forbidden to apply a tourniquet on a naked body. Before applying the tourniquet, it is required to straighten the clothes on the limbs or put a fabric without seams, take the tourniquet, put it behind the limb and stretch it with effort, make a coil around the limb above the wound, as close as possible to it. After pressing the first turn of the tourniquet, you need to make sure that there is no bleeding and apply the next turn of the tourniquet with less effort and secure it - you can not overtighten the limb. Under the upper loop of the tourniquet, you need to put a note about the time of its application (date, hour, minutes). A tourniquet on a limb is allowed to be applied for no more than 1 hour. During long-term transportation (after 40 minutes in warmth, after 30 minutes in cold), it is required to gradually loosen the tourniquet for several minutes, until drops of blood appear on the wound, and again tighten it slightly higher or lower than the previous place. Attach a note again indicating the time of re-application of the tourniquet.

In the absence of a tourniquet, you can use a belt (scarf, thick rope), twisting it with a stick with an effort to stop the bleeding. If the tourniquet is incorrectly applied (blue skin and swelling of the extremities), the tourniquet must be immediately applied again.

When applying a tourniquet on the neck, it is required to put a tampon on the wound (package of a bandage, a folded handkerchief), raise the victim's hand from the opposite side of the wound and apply a tourniquet so that the coil of the tourniquet simultaneously covers the arm and neck, pressing the tampon on it.

When applying a tourniquet to the thigh, it is required to press the wound with a bandage pack (rolled napkin), over which a tourniquet is applied to the limb.

c) In case of venous bleeding (blood is darker than with arterial bleeding, flows out of the wound slowly, in a continuous stream), it is required to raise the limb, apply a sterile napkin, a pressure bandage, to the wound.

d) In case of nosebleeds, it is required to compress the wings of the nose, apply a large cotton swab moistened with water or gauze (fabric) folded in several layers to the nose, apply cold to the bridge of the nose.

d) bleeding from internal organs(pallor of the skin, general weakness, rapid pulse, shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting), it is required to lay the victim down, create peace for him and put cold on his stomach.

4.3.3. Assistance in traumatic limb amputation.

In case of traumatic amputation of a limb (its individual segments), it is required to apply a tourniquet that presses on a gauze bandage, fix the limb with a splint or improvised means (in case of damage to the arm, it is necessary to raise the hand above the level of the heart), give an anesthetic, lay the victim down, provide him with peace and take measures to the preservation of the amputated segment. The amputated segment of the limb must be washed, wrapped in a wet cloth (sterile if possible), packed in plastic bag and cover with ice (snow). Ensure the delivery of the amputated limb segment together with the victim to a specialized medical facility.

4.3.4. Providing care for injuries.

Protection of the wound from infection and contamination is achieved by applying a bandage. When applying a bandage, it is forbidden to remove foreign bodies from the wound if they do not lie freely on its surface, rinse the wound with water, pour alcohol and any other solutions into the wound (including "brilliant green" and iodine). It is necessary to do the dressing with clean hands (treated with alcohol or cologne). After wiping the skin around the wound with alcohol (cologne), making movements in the direction from the wound, lubricate the edges of the wound with iodine tincture, apply gauze pads (sterile if possible), bandage the wound tightly, given that the bandage should not cut into the body and impede blood circulation.

a) In case of a penetrating wound of the abdomen, it is required to close the wound with a gauze cloth (sterile if possible) and bandage the abdomen, but not too tight so as not to squeeze the insides.

b) In case of injury to the chest, it is required to close the wound with a napkin (if possible sterile) with a thick layer of gauze and fix an air-tight material on top.

c) In case of eye injuries with sharp or piercing objects, as well as eye injuries with severe bruises, the victim should be sent to a medical institution. The victim needs to be put in a horizontal position, cover his eyes with a clean napkin (handkerchief), fix the napkin with a bandage, be sure to cover the second eye with the same bandage (to stop the movement of the eyeballs), give an anesthetic. Do not wash stab and cut wounds of the eyes and eyelids.

4.3.5. If a foreign body gets into the eye, it is required to remove it with the tip of a handkerchief or rinse the eye with a stream of water directed from the outer corner of the eye to the nose, drip 3-4 drops of eye drops into the eye. If it is impossible to remove the foreign body, it is necessary to apply a bandage to both eyes. Do not try to independently remove scale, metal chips from the eye.

4.3.6. Help with fractures.

In case of fractures, it is required to release the victim from the effects of traumatic factors, give an anesthetic (for open fractures, stop bleeding and apply a bandage), fix the limb with splints or improvised means (board, plywood, etc.). Splints should be applied to the injured limb with fixation of the joints below and above the fracture.

In case of hip fractures, the victim must be given a horizontal position, splints are applied on both sides of the limb (outside, the splint is applied from the foot to the armpit), fixed tightly, evenly, but not tight. In the absence of a tire, the injured leg is bandaged to a healthy limb, laying soft material between them (folded clothes, cotton wool, foam rubber, etc.).

In case of fractures of the bones of the upper limbs, it is required to fix the arm in a bent position, bandaged to the body (under clothing).

4.3.7. Help with head trauma.

In case of a head injury, it is required to lay the victim on his stomach and turn his head to the side from which more fluid is released. If there are wounds - put a bandage on the head, apply cold, provide peace, apply heat to the legs, limit the intake of fluids to the injured. It is required to monitor the pulse and respiration until the doctor arrives, if the pulse and respiration disappear, proceed to resuscitation.

4.3.8. Assistance with pressure on the limb.

When pressing the limb, it is required to release it (if the limb is pressed for more than 15 minutes) to impose ice packs (snow, cold water), give an anesthetic, plentiful warm drink, apply a tourniquet to the crushed limb above the place of pressing. It is impossible to release the squeezed limb before applying a tourniquet and ingesting a large amount of liquid by the victim, to warm the squeezed limb. If it is impossible to apply a tourniquet before releasing the squeezed limb, it is necessary to immediately apply a tourniquet after releasing pressure, tightly bandage the injured limb, apply cold, give plenty of warm drink.

4.3.9. Help with broken bones.

In case of damage to the bones of the pelvis and hip joints, it is necessary to provide the victim with complete rest, put a roller of clothing under the knees, cover from the cold, remove blood and mucus from the mouth and nose.

In case of spinal fractures, it is required to ensure complete rest in the supine position, on a hard shield.

In case of fractures of the pelvic bones, hips, spine, do not remove clothes from the victim, do not allow him to move.

In case of dislocation, it is necessary to fix the limb in a stationary state; in case of sprain, it is necessary to apply a tight bandage to the sprain site and apply cold.

For minor wounds and abrasions, treat the skin around them with an alcoholic solution of iodine, apply a bactericidal adhesive plaster or bandage.

4.3.10. Help with burns.

a) Thermal burns.

For first-degree burns without violating the integrity of the burn blisters, it is required to substitute the burned part of the body under a stream of cold water for 10-15 minutes or apply cold for 20-30 minutes. It is impossible to lubricate the burnt surface.

In case of second-degree burns (bubbles filled with liquid form), it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage to the burned area of ​​the victim, apply cold. You can not rip off the remnants of clothing from the burnt skin, wash the burn surface, sprinkle, lubricate with something, bandage, apply a plaster, open burn blisters, peel off the skin.

In case of severe burns, a sterile bandage should be applied to the burned area, cold should be applied and the victim should be immediately sent to a medical facility.

In case of eye burns with flame, steam, water, oils, combustible mixtures, it is necessary to rinse the eye under running cold water, give the victim an anesthetic.

b) In case of a chemical burn (exposure to acid, alkali, solvent, etc.), it is required to immediately remove clothing soaked in the chemical, rinse the burn surface abundantly under running cold water, give the victim plenty of drink in small portions (cold water, solutions of drinking soda or salt - 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). Do not use solutions of acids and alkalis to neutralize the chemical agent on the skin of the victim.

In case of burns with phosphorus (phosphorus flares up on the skin and causes a double burn: chemical and thermal), it is necessary to immediately wash the burned area under running cold water for 10-15 minutes, remove pieces of phosphorus with an object, apply a bandage.

In case of burns with quicklime, it is required to remove the lime with a piece of dry cloth, treat the burn surface with vegetable or animal oil. Lime must not be allowed to come into contact with moisture (a violent chemical reaction will occur, which will increase the injury).

In case of eye burns with acids, alkalis, household chemicals, aerosols, carefully open the eyelids and put the eye under a stream of cold water so that the water flows from the nose to the outer corner of the eye, drip 3-4 drops of eye drops into the eye and give the victim for oral administration anesthetic. Neutralizing liquid must not be used.

In case of eye burns with lime, calcium carbide, potassium permanganate crystals, it is required to quickly and thoroughly remove particles of the substance from the eye with a cotton swab. Do not wet eyes and rinse with water.

4.3.11. Assistance in case of poisoning.

In case of poisoning with gasoline, kerosene, solvents, cleaners (characteristic breath, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, unsteady gait, in severe cases, loss of consciousness, convulsions), in the absence of consciousness, it is required to put the victim on the stomach, apply cold to the head, if consciousness is present - give up to 3 liters of cold water to drink, induce vomiting in order to cleanse the stomach, offer the victim to rinse his mouth, give 20 - 30 tablets activated carbon(in case of poisoning with gasoline, kerosene, etc.), drinking plenty of water (2 - 3 liters of sweet tea). You can not use milk, kefir, vegetable and animal fats, which enhance the absorption of the poison.

In case of poisoning food products it is necessary to induce artificial vomiting in the victim and rinse the stomach, letting him drink a large amount (6 glasses) of warm water tinted with potassium permanganate, or a weak solution of baking soda, give 5 tablets of activated charcoal to drink.

In case of acid poisoning, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the stomach with water and give the victim an enveloping agent: milk, raw eggs.

In case of gas poisoning, the victim must be taken out of the room to fresh air or a draft should be arranged in the room by opening windows and doors.

In all cases of poisoning, the victim must be sent to a medical facility.

4.3.12. First aid for electric shock.

It is impossible to start providing first aid without freeing the victim from the action of electric current and without ensuring your own safety.

In case of electric shock, it is necessary, observing safety measures, to stop the effect of electric current on the victim (at voltages up to 1000 V - turn off the voltage, drop the wire from the victim with an insulating rod (dry non-conductive object); above 1000 V - put on dielectric gloves, rubber boots or galoshes, take an insulating rod or insulating tongs, short-circuit the wires of the 6-20 kV overhead line by a snap method according to special instructions), without touching the victim with bare hands, drag him by dry clothes at least 8 meters from the point where the wire touches the ground or from the equipment located under tension.

If the victim is at a height, then releasing him from the action of the current can cause a fall from a height, therefore, it is necessary to take measures to prevent additional injuries - to provide lighting from another source (taking into account the explosion hazard of the room), without delaying the shutdown of the installation and rendering assistance.

When staying and moving in the zone of "step voltage" (within a radius of 8 meters from the place where the electric wire touches the ground), it is required to move in dielectric boots or galoshes, or in a "goose step" (the heel of the walking leg, without leaving the ground, is attached to the toe of the other legs). You can not take your feet off the ground and take steps that exceed the length of the foot.

After the release of the victim from the action of electric current, depending on his condition, it is necessary to provide him with first aid. The victim should unfasten clothing, provide fresh air. When breathing stops and the heart stops, the victim must do artificial respiration and chest compressions until natural breathing is restored, or until the arrival of a doctor. After the victim regains consciousness, it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage to the place of the electric burn and take measures to eliminate possible mechanical damage (bruises, fractures). The victim of electrical injury, regardless of his state of health and the absence of complaints, should be sent to a medical institution.

4.3.13. First aid for health-related conditions.

a) In case of fainting (causes of occurrence - lack of oxygen in the air, drop in blood pressure, blood loss, including internal bleeding, pain and mental trauma), it is necessary to put the victim in a supine position, unbutton his clothes and belt, provide access to fresh air and an elevated position of the lower extremities, give ammonia for inhalation, press on the painful point under the nose or massage it. If the victim does not regain consciousness within 3-4 minutes, it is necessary to turn him over on his stomach and apply cold to his head. For pain in the abdomen or repeated fainting (possible internal bleeding), it is required to put cold on the stomach (a bottle or a bag of cold water or snow). When hungry faint - give sweet tea and ensure peace (do not feed).

b) In case of heat, sunstroke (weakness, drowsiness, headache, thirst, nausea, rapid breathing, fever, loss of consciousness are possible), the victim must be transferred (transferred) to a cool place, apply cold to the head, neck, chest (you can pour a bucket of cold water on the chest). With convulsions - turn the victim on his stomach and press the shoulder girdle and head to the floor. In case of loss of consciousness for more than 3-4 minutes, it is required to turn the victim on his stomach.

c) In case of an epileptic seizure (sudden loss of consciousness with a characteristic cry before falling; often dilated pupils, convulsions, involuntary movements, foamy discharge from the mouth, involuntary urination, after an attack - short-term memory loss), it is required to move the patient away from dangerous objects and turn on his side, place a soft object under your head.

d) In case of hypothermia, it is required to cover the victim, offer a warm sweet drink or food with a high sugar content, quickly deliver to a warm room, in the room - remove clothes, rub the body, if possible, place the victim in a bath with water at 35 - 40 ° C or cover him plenty of warm heating pads ( plastic bottles), cover the victim with a warm blanket, put on warm dry clothes and continue to give warm sweet drinks.

e) In case of frostbite of the limbs (the skin is pale and cold, there is no pulse at the wrists and ankles, loss of sensation), it is required to deliver the victim to a room with a low temperature, do not remove clothes and shoes from frostbitten limbs, cover the injured limbs from external heat with a cooled heat-insulating bandage with a large amount of cotton wool or blankets, clothes and give a plentiful warm drink, make you move, give an anesthetic. Do not rub or lubricate frostbitten skin with anything, put frostbitten limbs in warm water or cover them with heating pads.

4.3.14. In case of insect and snake bites, it is required to wash the bite site (for a bee sting, remove the sting safely). When a snake bites, it is necessary to lay the victim down, provide him with peace, put a bandage on the bite (not too tight), when biting a limb, be sure to put a splint and give the limb an elevated position, give plenty of drink (sweet or salted water). In case of loss of consciousness, it is required to put the victim on his stomach, turn his head to one side. In the absence of breathing and heartbeat, proceed to resuscitation, prevent cooling and warming of the bite site.

4.3.15. In all cases of electric shock, mechanical injury, severe thermal and chemical burns, poisoning with poisonous liquids, gases and eye injuries, the victim must be urgently taken to the nearest medical facility.

4.4. Actions in case of fire.

4.4.1. The operator of the centralization post upon detection of a fire must:

immediately report this to the fire brigade by phone to send a message in the prescribed manner (in this case, you must name the place of occurrence of the fire, as well as give your last name), the shift supervisor in accordance with the requirements of the instructions on fire safety measures (local),

take measures to extinguish a fire (except in cases of ignition of dangerous goods) with the available primary fire extinguishing equipment, as well as evacuate people and property, official documentation.

4.4.2. When using air-foam (powder, carbon dioxide) fire extinguishers, direct the jet of foam (powder, carbon dioxide) away from people. If foam (powder, carbon dioxide) gets on unprotected parts of the body, wipe it off with a handkerchief (cloth) and rinse thoroughly with clean water.

In rooms with internal fire hydrants, two workers must be involved in extinguishing a fire: one unrolls the sleeve from the faucet to the fire site, the second, at the command of the unrolling sleeve, opens the faucet.

When extinguishing a flame with sand: a scoop, a shovel should not be raised to eye level in order to avoid sand getting into them.

When a person’s clothing catches fire, it is necessary to extinguish the fire as soon as possible, but at the same time it is impossible to knock down the flame with unprotected hands. Inflamed clothing must be quickly discarded, torn off or extinguished by pouring water. A thick cloth, blanket, tarpaulin can be thrown over a person in burning clothes, which must be removed after the flame is extinguished.

4.4.3. In the event of a fire near the contact network, it is necessary to immediately inform the duty officer of the railway station (shift supervisor) or the head of the railway station.

4.4.4. Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of more than 8 m from the contact network and overhead power lines that are energized is allowed by any fire extinguishers without removing the voltage. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the jet of water or foam does not approach the contact network and other live parts at a distance of less than 2 m.

Extinguishing burning objects located at a distance of less than 2 meters from the contact network is only allowed to be carried out with carbon dioxide and powder fire extinguishers. Extinguishing burning objects with water, chemical, foam or air-foam fire extinguishers is possible only when the voltage is removed from the contact network, after it is grounded in the prescribed manner. When using carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, it is forbidden to take hold of the fire extinguisher socket and bring the socket to the contact network closer than 1 m.

In case of ignition of non-de-energized electrical equipment with voltage up to 1000 V, powder or carbon dioxide fire extinguishers should be used.

When extinguishing energized electrical installations, it is necessary to maintain a safe distance from the spray nozzle to live parts in accordance with the recommendations of the fire extinguisher manufacturer. It is forbidden to take hold of the fire extinguisher socket.

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

5.1. At the end of the work, the operator of the centralization post must:

put signal accessories, inventory and devices in places specially designed for them or transfer them to a shift worker,

hand over the duty in accordance with the established procedure to the employee taking over the shift,

wash your hands, face with soap and water or take a shower,

take off your overalls and put them in the closet,

follow the service aisle route from work.

5.2. The operator of the centralization post must hand over contaminated and faulty special clothing and footwear for washing, dry cleaning or repair in the manner established in the unit.

5.3. To keep the skin in good condition after work, the operator of the centralization post must use various protective ointments and creams (set according to the results of certification of workplaces for working conditions).

5.4. All violations of the production process, internal labor regulations and labor protection requirements discovered during work, and the measures taken to eliminate them, the operator of the centralization post must inform the shift manager.

The structure of the operational management of the Minsk-Sortirovochny station is shown in Figure 3.1. The shift manager at the station is station dispatcher (DSCS). He is promptly subordinated to: DSP, DSPG, DSPP, DSPO, employees of the VET, PKO, STC, shunting and drafting teams, employees of the commodity office.

Station dispatcher (DSCS) provides:

  • – development of current plans for the train and freight work of the station for 3-hour periods in accordance with the forecasts of train formation issued by the ACS SS;
  • – organization of the implementation of the shift plan for the reception and departure of trains and cargo work;
  • – coordination of actions of employees of other farms that ensure the operation of the station;
  • – efficient use technical means station, wagon and locomotive parks;
  • – operational management of the work of sorting humps and shunting locomotives, rational distribution of sorting work;
  • - well-coordinated work between DSP, DSPG in matters of the order of reception, departure, disbandment of trains and transfers, the passage of locomotives;
  • - timely organization of the delivery of local cargo;
  • – control over the fulfillment by employees of changing the requirements of PTE and IDP, as well as safety rules;
  • – performance of adjustment tasks;
  • - monitoring the implementation of the plan for the formation and schedule of trains;
  • – control of the state of labor and technological discipline in the shift;
  • - provision of "windows" for repair, replacement, preventive inspection of technical facilities;
  • - adjustment of the specialization of the tracks of the marshalling yard;
  • – keeping records of the implementation of the shift and current work plans using the data of the GIR;
  • – presentation of local transfer trains in SP-2 for commercial inspection (PKO-2);
  • – informing the employees of PTO-3, PTO-4 about the completion of the formation of a local transfer train on the tracks of SP-2;

In the process of work, the DSCS in the program module of the schedule of work performed (GIR) is obliged to record all delays in the advancement of car traffic, indicating the reasons:

  • - failure to comply with the schedule of passenger trains;
  • – untimely export of trains;
  • – delays in the circulation of transmissions in the node;
  • – difficulties in the operation of the sorting hill;
  • – delays of train locomotives;
  • – non-compliance with the specified norms of idle time of wagons;
  • – identification in the departure parks of non-approaches of the centers of the axles of the automatic couplers of wagons.

At the end of the duty, the DSCS reports on the work to the head of the station or his deputy with a call, if necessary, to the workers of the station or other farms who are guilty of non-fulfillment of the shift work plan or violation of discipline.

The management of the reception, departure, passage of trains, shunting work and processing of trains in the parks of the DSCS is carried out through the DSP, DSPG, DSPP, DSPO. The orders of the DSCS to ensure the timely and safe reception, departure and passage of trains, the performance of maneuvers, as well as the uninterrupted operation of the station's technical facilities are mandatory for employees of all facilities associated with the processing, reception and departure of trains.

The DSCS is responsible for the tasks and functions assigned to it, ensuring traffic safety and safety of transported goods, organizing the reception, departure, passage of trains according to the train schedule, ensuring labor discipline of subordinates.

The operating technology of the Minsk-Sortirovochny station is based on the method of dispatching control over the disbanding and formation of trains and local work, which ensures the best use of technical means and the shortest time spent by cars at the station. The method is based on a dynamic model of the station operation, implemented on the ACS SS computer and providing a numbered record of the presence and location of cars on the station tracks.

Guided by the current work plan, information about the approach of trains, the presence and location of cars on the tracks and station points, as well as the recommendations of the ACS SS, the DSCS establishes the order of disbanding and forming trains, rationally distributing work after the end of the formation between sorting devices.

To reduce the time spent at the station by cars that require accelerated delivery to their destination, a priority mode of their processing can be applied, which provides for priority maintenance, disbanding, formation and departure of trains containing such cars, as well as (until the upcoming arrival of such cars at the station) accumulation of a group passing wagons in such a way that the arriving wagons of accelerated delivery complete the accumulation of the train.

For the smooth passage and processing of car flows, the DSCS carries out regulatory measures for the processing and departure of trains, the redistribution of work between individual sorting devices, shunting areas and parks.

The most effective measures are:

  • - timely processing of trains, determining the rational sequence of their disbanding, taking into account the completion of the accumulation of trains in different bundles of the marshalling yard, the maximum reduction of interoperational intervals;
  • - timely release of tracks for receiving trains by combining short trains on one track;
  • – release of a hump of medium capacity from the processing of local wagons, wagons from repair, etc.;
  • – release of hump locomotives from carrying out operations for upsetting wagons due to the maximum use of locomotives operating on exhaust tracks for pulling up wagons in the depth of the marshalling yard;
  • - redistribution of shunting facilities with the allocation of an additional locomotive to work on the hill;
  • – organization of work of 2 hump locomotives by the flow-ring method with the organization of parallel thrusting of trains onto the hump;
  • – advance preparation of the tracks of the shipping yard for rearranging the trains accumulated in the marshalling yard.

By the end of the duty, the DSCS must create the conditions for normal work for the incoming shift, including:

  • - to ensure the availability of free tracks for the unhindered reception of trains;
  • - prepare the compositions for dissolution;
  • - prepare the tracks of the marshalling yard for the dissolution of the next trains;
  • - prepare trains for departure at the beginning of the work of the next shift in accordance with the operational plan and timetable.

In order to carry out effective operational control over the work of the main areas of the station, the workplace of the DSCS is located in the control room of the Central Control Post in front of the information board. It is equipped with the following devices:

  • - a personal computer included in the ACS SS network;
  • – direct telephone communication with DNCU, DSPP-3, DSPP-4, DSPC-4, PTO-1, PTO-3, PTO-4;
  • - radio communication with the drivers of shunting locomotives, train compilers and PKO workers;
  • – two-way parking communication.

Station attendants (DSP).

Reception, departure and passage of trains, performance of shunting work within their area while ensuring traffic safety and safety of transported goods, as well as the passage of train locomotives, is carried out solely by DSP-1 and DSP-2 in their area in accordance with the station's TRA. To ensure the assigned tasks, the DSP are obliged to:

  • – to negotiate on the movement of trains with the DNC TsUP, DSP of neighboring stations and TCHD;
  • - manage the reception and departure of trains, prepare routes for the reception and departure of trains;
  • – carry out the passage of locomotives from the depot and to the depot.
  • – carry out intra-station rearrangements of trains from park to park;
  • - transfer centralized arrows to the local control operator MP-3 (for DSP-2);
  • - keep a journal of inspection of tracks, turnouts, signaling devices, communications and contact networks (form DU-46);
  • - when switching to telephone means of communication, control the issuance of DSPP-3, DSPP-4, DSPO-3 permits for the passage of prohibitory indications of exit (route) traffic lights and the occupation of the haul;
  • – control the issuance of DSPP-3, DSPO-3, DSPP-4 warnings for trains departing at Baranovichi, Brest, Molodechno, Osipovichi, Gomel, Orsha and Minsk-Passenger stations;
  • – control the presentation of wagons and trains for maintenance and commercial inspection of DSPP-3, DSPO-3, DSPP-4;
  • - control the work of the operator with the DSP for maintaining a train traffic log (form DU-3), a log of train telephone messages (form DU-47 when switching to telephone communications), a log of dispatching orders (form DU-58), a book for recording warnings for trains (f. DU-60);
  • - notify the operator of the centralization post about the arrival of trains at CP-1, the operators of MP-2 and MP-6 about the arrival of locomotives on the track at the direction of the DSPG;
  • - turn on and off from the control panel the disconnectors of the contact network with motor drives;
  • - to control the fixing of trains and cars on the tracks PP-1, POP-3, POP-4 according to the report of the park attendants and the operator of the centralization post;
  • - transfer registered orders to park duty officers for issuing permits to occupy a haul or pass a route (exit) traffic light.
  • - when performing track work at the station, notify employees of adjacent farms about the movement of trains, locomotives, etc.

Workplaces of the chipboard are located in the CPA building.

Operators at DSP.

Timely and reliable input and transmission of information related to train operation in the ACS SS and maintaining the established forms of accounting and reporting are performed by operators at the DSP.

In order to perform the functions assigned to them, the operator at the DSP is obliged:

  • - keep a train traffic log in the AWP (form DU-3);
  • - to accept dispatcher orders with their entry in the journal of dispatcher orders (form DU-58);
  • - before the arrival of each train, receive information from train dispatchers about arriving trains;
  • - notify the station worker about the time of arrival of the train, about the route of train locomotives from arriving trains and the need to deliver documents;
  • – after the train has departed, enter information about the dispatched train into ASUSS.
  • – to negotiate on the movement of trains (for receiving, proceeding and departure with the attendants of neighboring stations);
  • – keep a book of wagons uncoupling from the trains of its formation in the POP-3 and POP-4 depots;
  • - in the event of a malfunction of the auto-blocking action and the transition to telephone means of communication, keep a log of train telephone messages (f. DU-47);
  • - enter information in a timely manner into the software module for generating a schedule for the work performed, in accordance with existing orders and instructions;
  • – to keep records of the downtime of train locomotives at the station upon arrival, departure and turnover using the GIR or manually;
  • – Negotiate with DNCU and depot attendant on tying locomotives to departing trains;
  • - receive telegrams-applications for warnings through the ETEL software;
  • - on the basis of telegrams, verify and enter warnings into the AWP Prev in accordance with the requirements of the PTE and IDP;
  • – display for DSCS composition formation forecast;
  • – enter the text of telegrams into the ETEL software and transmit them at the direction of the station management and DSCS;
  • - timely enter information into the ACS SS about the arrival, departure and passage of trains;
  • - at the direction of the chipboard, issue warnings to train and locomotive drivers.

Hill duty officer (DSPG).

DSPG provides disbanding and formation of compositions on the basis of sorting sheets issued by ACS SS. When organizing the disbandment of trains, he is guided by the orders of the DSCS, issued on the basis of the recommendations of the ACS SS. In order to fulfill its tasks, the DSPG performs the following duties:

  • – manages the hump operators and organizes the work of the shift for the timely completion of tasks for the dissolution and formation of trains while ensuring the safety of train traffic, shunting work and the safety of rolling stock;
  • – ensures efficient use of the marshalling yard and shunting locomotives;
  • – supervises the observance by the workers of the marshalling yard of safety regulations and traffic safety.
  • - keeps a log of inspection of tracks, turnouts, signaling and communication devices of the form DU-46;
  • – controls the correct formation of trains in accordance with the PTE;
  • – controls the securing and fencing of local transfer trains in SP-2;
  • - Keeps records of the work of the marshalling yard according to the log form DU-31.

Duty officer of the centralization post (DSPC-4).

Dispatch management of the local work of the station is carried out by the duty officer of the station post MG-4 DSPC-4, who, based on the data of the number record of the location of local cars in the station parks, on the fronts of loading and unloading, forecasting the arrival of local cars at the station, plans and organizes the supply and cleaning of cars from local station points, and also supervises the work of a low-power hump, a local locomotive and a train compiler for the formation of combined trains, subforming the supply of local cars, and also supervises the work of a train compiler VChD-1 and a locomotive VChD-1 when performing maneuvers in the PMR-5 area .

The duties of DSPC-4 also include:

  • - to ensure the efficient operation of a low-power hump for the formation of prefabricated trains and a local shunting locomotive;
  • - to keep the number accumulation of cars on the tracks of the PMR-5 fleet using ACS SS;
  • – perform rearrangement of local wagons from SP-2 tracks to POP-4 tracks in ACS SS;
  • - enter data into the ACS SS about the location of the shunting locomotive of local work;
  • – supervise local work on GIR;
  • - to control the fixing of cars by the compiler of trains on the tracks of the PMR-5 fleet.
  • – accounting for the receipt of faulty cars for repairs, maintaining a special book for numbering the location of faulty cars on the VChD-1 tracks
  • – notification of customers about the supply of wagons and the closure of crossings for the time of employment of cargo and baggage acceptors;
  • - move the arrows with a kurbel in case of a malfunction of the signaling system (in case of loss of position control).

Park attendants (DSPP, DSPO).

To ensure technological operations for fixing, presenting for maintenance and commercial inspection, station document management, station parks have jobs for park attendants. The duties of DSPP-3, DSPO-3, DSPP-4 include:

  • – presentation of trains and wagons for maintenance and commercial inspection;
  • - keeping a book of presenting freight fleet cars for maintenance (f. VU-14);
  • – keeping a book of combined inspection of the transfer train “on the go”
  • – delivery of transportation documents to the driver of the train locomotive. The driver certifies the receipt of documents with his signature in Book of acceptance and delivery of transportation documents(GU-48 or DU-40).
  • - request for ready-made warnings from the AWP Pred and issue them to all freight and passenger trains departing from the station parks and stopping points of the Institute of Culture and Stolichny);
  • - in case of violation of the normal operation of the signaling devices, at the direction of the chipboard, prepare a route, check the freeness of the tracks and the correctness of the preparation of the route;
  • - according to the telephone message of the chipboard, the issuance of permits for trains to occupy the haul and the passage of prohibitory indications of output and route traffic lights;
  • – after receiving an order for the departure of a train, which includes wagons with dangerous goods, copying the order and handing it to the driver along with transportation documents;
  • – maintenance of pneumatic mail devices for receiving and sending transportation documents;
  • - transmission of information to the VChD about the composition of the train (weight, axles);
  • - fixing the rolling stock on the tracks of the fleet with brake shoes, removing the means of securing;
  • - report to the chipboard about fixing trains and cars, removing brake shoes on the station tracks.

What are the duties of a wagon speed controller during the dissolution of a train?

Regulators must remember that working conditions where they work require constant care and attention.

To ensure personal safety, the traffic controller must:

Have a good rest before duty;

Dress for work so that the clothes are tightly buttoned and do not interfere with the actions in the production of work; wear gloves;

Do not be distracted by extraneous conversations at work;

When leaving the service premises located on the inter-tracks of the station, make sure that there is no movement along the tracks, and then go in the middle of the inter-track or along the side of the subgrade, regularly looking back;

Strictly comply with the safety requirements while on the station tracks.

It is forbidden:

Cross the tracks in front of a moving train, locomotive or uncoupled wagons;

Crawl under the wagons to cross the busy track;

Pass in the space between standing uncoupled cars if the distance between them is less than 5 m;

Take the shoe from above by the support block.

During work on braking cars, traffic controllers must:

1. be on the serviced tracks by the beginning of the dissolution of the train;

2. carefully listen to the notices on the two-way park communication about the movement of cuts, as well as the signals given by the compiler, the turnouts on duty and the locomotive;

3. to be especially attentive and careful when laying the shoes on the rails, so as not to be touched by the steps, the folded sides of the platforms, the uncoupling levers of the cars of the approaching cuts, wire and other objects;

4. take the brake shoe by the handle;

5. put the shoe on the rail for braking the first wheel set of the cutter in advance, being at a safe distance from the approaching cutter or wagon. After laying the shoe, move aside from the track at a distance of up to 1.5 m, bearing in mind the possibility of ejection of the shoe;

6. put shoes under the wheels of any bogies of moving cuts only with a special fork;

7. take special care when going downhill wagons equipped with roller bearings, given that such wagons develop a higher speed than wagons with plain bearings;

8. be especially careful when braking tanks filled with acid and other caustic liquids, as well as bituminous gondola cars, since a splash through the top hatch may occur during hard braking and collision with cars on the track;

9. remove the shoe from the rail from under the car after it has stopped only in gloves to avoid burns to the hand, since the shoe gets very hot due to friction;

10. take the shoe, which is knocked out from under the wheel, only after the passage of the cut;

11. use crowbars and refills when removing jammed shoes from under the wheel in order to avoid

What should a wagon speed controller know and know to ensure trouble-free operation?

To ensure uninterrupted and trouble-free operation, each traffic controller must be fluent in braking techniques and must know well:

Location, numbering and purpose (according to specialization) of each track of the marshalling yard;

Capacity (in wagons) of each track of the marshalling yard;

The height and profile of the slide, the profile of the sorting yard tracks;

Location and power of braking positions; location and numbers of turnouts; running characteristics of wagons.

Traffic controllers must study and take into account the degree of braking of wagons under various atmospheric conditions during work and take the necessary measures to mitigate or increase braking.

Electrical safety measures at the EC posts and in the chipboard premises.

The operator of the EC post and chipboard station in the premises must comply with the following electrical safety requirements:

 know and be able to use primary fire extinguishing means;

 when leaving amenity premises, make sure that the conditions for sunbathing in them are excluded (electrical appliances are turned off, interior lighting is turned off);

 Immediately report all malfunctions of household electrical appliances, lighting devices to the station dispatcher.

Operators of the EC post and chipboard station in the premises are prohibited from:

 clutter up fire-fighting passages;

 use fire-fighting appliances (electric kettles, electric stoves, electric heaters, etc.) in places that are not equipped and not installed for these purposes;

 use temporary or faulty electrical wiring, electrical equipment, re-equip the electrical network;

 work with electrical appliances that have damage to the insulation;

 leave unattended any electrical appliances connected to the network;

 pinch electrical wires with doors, window frames, cabinet doors, drive nails between wires, and hang them on wires, switches, circuit breakers, clothes and other objects;

 unscrew electric lamps with paper or cloth, seal the wires with paper;

 arrange storerooms, workshops in the premises occupied by electrical distribution devices and shields;

 Make fires.

The traffic controller is a railway transport employee who performs the operations of braking cuts, fencing wagons standing on the marshalling tracks with brake shoes. Participates in the operations of reining the wagons from the side of the hill, pulling up the wagons from the side of the exit neck (exhaust tracks) of the marshalling yard, rearranging the wagons from track to track. In the process of coupling the wagons, when they are settling down, he removes the brake shoes from under the wheels of the wagons.

The workplaces of the traffic controllers are located on the inter-tracks and on the tracks of the station. The traffic controller is obliged to keep the workplace clean and tidy, all foreign objects must be removed, the brake shoes removed from the rolling stock must be removed from the inter-tracks and locked in the racks.

The controller is obliged to ensure that all facilities of the station facilities where technological operations are carried out are illuminated, technological paths and inter-tracks are free from permanent objects, and in winter they are sprinkled with sand or fine slag.

Personal hygiene rules

The traffic controller is obliged to know and follow the rules of personal hygiene in the performance of his official duties:

 at the workplace to be in serviceable and tidy overalls, clothes should not interfere with movements, and the buttons of the outer clothing were fastened. Headgear should not interfere with normal hearing, shoes should be on a wide low heel. A signal vest must be worn over the clothing;

 overalls, footwear at the end of the work shift must be left in the dressing rooms, dirty clothes should be stored separately from clean ones;

 individual lockers for storing overalls must be kept clean;

 it is forbidden to store foreign objects in cabinets;

 wash your hands thoroughly with soap before eating;

 it is forbidden to leave dirty dishes and leftover food on tables and refrigerators for common use;

 Take a warm shower after work.

Safety requirements for the post operator

List the duties of the operator of the centralization post during the production of maneuvers.

1. Ensure that the rolling stock is secured before the locomotive is uncoupled with brake shoes (TB) or a stationary brake device (UTS-380).

2. After the locomotive has been hitched and the train is fully ready for departure, carry out or control the cleaning of the TB or the removal of the UTS-380 on the fixed tracks.

3. To lock racks with TB on a padlock.

4. To check the safety of TB with a frequency of 1 time in 2 hours with the registration of a record of the results of the check in the "Book of accounting for fixing wagons".

5. Keep a numbered record of TB in a special journal.

6. If the slave farm has turnouts included in the EC, then transfer them from the control panel when transferring them to the local control for shunting work.

7. When leaving a train with wagons loaded with goods - VM, without a locomotive on the tracks of the park, it is necessary to fencing the train with portable stop signals and locking the arrows without fail with a bookmark and a padlock.

8. Before accepting a train to the station with side and bottom oversized cargo of 4-6 degrees, it is necessary to check that the rolling stock on adjacent tracks is diverted from the limit posts at a distance of at least 10 m.

9. Check the freedom of ways, turnouts. Translate turnouts with a kurbel, as well as make sure that the route is prepared correctly in case of disruption of the normal operation of signaling and communication devices (be sure by personal visual control).

10. Sprinkle service passages with sand under adverse weather conditions (in particular, in winter - ice, snow ...).

11. Clean up the post and adjacent territories.

12. At the direction of the chipboard, check the availability of passage along adjacent tracks.

13. At the direction of the chipboard, make sure that the train arrives in full force by the presence of a tail signal or by tail signal numbers.

14. At the direction of the chipboard, hand over to the driver (TCHM) a travel note, a written permission to receive, dispatch the cargo.

15. At the direction of the DSP, monitor the rolling stock's settling to exclude cases of its going beyond the border of the useful track length.

16. Perform other work aimed at ensuring traffic safety, labor protection and the performance of production tasks as directed by the station or chipboard managers.