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Interesting business ideas in America. American business ideas for beauty and health

Many small business ideas implemented in our country originate in America. The United States is considered an innovator in many areas entrepreneurial activity. In this publication, we have collected the best working business ideas in 2019 in the USA, which have great development potential.

Trade in goods without packaging

So, let's discuss the best new business ideas in the USA or what is currently relevant in entrepreneurial activity. Recently, companies have begun to appear in America en masse that pay special attention to protecting environment. There are many green business ideas in the USA in 2019, such as producing various products from recycled materials or restoring old things. Another popular eco-business project is a store that sells goods without packaging. At such retail outlets you can only buy environmentally friendly, unpackaged goods:

  • Bread;
  • Cereals;
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • Nuts and stuff.

All products are released into customer containers. The client can choose any product he needs and buy it in the required quantity. As a rule, all the products sold in such stores are produced by local farmers. Refusal of packaging and significant savings on delivery allows entrepreneurs to reduce product prices. According to experts, such small businesses in the United States have broad development prospects, since in the future such small shops with organic products, unlike large supermarkets, will be very popular.

Mobile applications

Do you want to know what is profitable to sell in the USA? Everything related to the Internet and mobile devices. Entrepreneurs who noticed this trend in time managed to open their business in the USA without large start-up capital and earn good money.

According to statistics, approximately 60% of users access the Internet from mobile devices. In this regard, the mobile application market began to actively grow. If you want to have your own profitable business, use this opportunity to open a successful business.

The easiest way to implement this idea is to buy a franchise. To create a mobile application using the designer, you do not need any special knowledge or special education. Such ready business costs 60 thousand rubles. You will have to pay a monthly subscription fee, approximately 10 thousand rubles. All initial investments will pay off in just one month. After you have built up a base regular customers, offer them service maintenance, for example, making changes to the application several times a year.

Mobile applications are extremely popular in the business world. Many business owners are trying to establish communication with clients through various gadgets, so the development of mobile offers can easily be called the most promising and fastest-paying business.

Sale of solar panels for gadgets

Nowadays, almost every person has various gadgets that need recharging. The simplest solution to this problem is the use of universal solar panels. Such products are included in the list of the most popular products in the United States. Solar panels can be charged anywhere. The most important thing is that the weather allows it. In addition, the solar battery can be charged from a regular network. These compact, cost-effective devices eliminate the need for users to carry chargers.

Trading solar panels is... Such a profitable business can be done in our country. Solar batteries can be purchased from Chinese suppliers for 700–800 rubles. Such products can be sold with a markup of more than 200%, for 1600–1800 rubles. It is most convenient to sell solar panels in an online store or in in social networks. You can also open a retail outlet in the market.

Delivery of goods by drones

New business ideas in the USA are characterized by unexpected and sometimes quite bold ideas. For example, Amazon has patented a new method of delivering goods to customers using drones - unmanned aircraft. Some skeptics believe that this delivery method will not become widespread due to the limited weight of the parcel. But the company's vice president claims that 86% of all purchases are no heavier than 2 kg, which means they can be easily delivered to customers using drones.

Despite the high cost of transporting goods by helicopter, the difficulties associated with obtaining permission to fly, and the great responsibility for the cargo, this idea of ​​​​business with the United States attracts many entrepreneurs. Perhaps in a couple of decades, drones will completely displace services that provide delivery services through couriers from the market.

Hourly office rental

Aspiring entrepreneurs who want to save on office rent are forced to meet with clients at home. This is associated with certain inconveniences, both for the businessman himself and for customers. Some solve this problem by renting a room in the office of another tenant, but this is too expensive, since the meeting usually takes no more than 1 hour. How to solve this problem?

One of best business ideas of 2019 in the USA is renting out offices by the hour. How to organize such a thing correctly? First of all, you need to rent an office and stipulate in the contract the right to sublease it. After this, you can start looking for clients. To do this, you need to advertise in local media or create your own business card website. average cost such a service costs 50 rubles per hour. For example, if you pay 5 thousand rubles a month for office rent, you can make a net profit after subletting the office for 10 hours.

Entrepreneurs who implemented such a business idea in the United States several years ago earned good money, purchased their own commercial real estate and continue to rent it out, since the demand for such a service remains consistently high.

Luggage storage

During the 2008 crisis, residents of many Western countries had to leave houses bought on credit because they were unable to pay the mortgage. The acquired property had to be placed somewhere for storage, and therefore this one of the new business ideas in the USA that does not exist in Russia appeared. At the moment, there are about 50 thousand companies providing such services in America.

Luggage storage can be located in residential areas and on the central streets of large cities, as well as along roads leading to megacities. This service is actively used by people who change their place of residence, go on a long business trip, or divide property after a divorce. According to experts, the volume of this market in the United States reaches 90 billion rubles, and 90% of it comes from small businesses.

Salad designer

This is one of the newest business ideas in the USA 2019, which can be implemented on the basis of any establishment Catering. It lies in the fact that visitors can make their own salads from different ingredients. You need to install a special rack, at the beginning of which there will be disposable tableware. Next, ready-made chopped ingredients for various salads are placed in special containers. The client himself will put greens, vegetables, meat or fish on the plate and season the salad with the sauce he likes. This dish costs about 300 rubles.

Salad constructors are very popular among people who lead healthy image life. In order not to eat something extra, they prefer to assemble the salad themselves from foods that are suitable in terms of calorie content. This is a great idea from the USA that has not yet been implemented in Russia, so budding entrepreneurs can easily take their place in this market segment.

Making pizza according to an individual sketch

Many Americans cannot imagine their life without fast food, and in particular, without pizza. This dish has become a part of the diet of many residents of this country, so it is not surprising that many business ideas from the USA are related to pizza.

Everyone knows that cooking is a kind of art. If a chef has artistic ability, he is capable of creating unique creations. Recently, a well-known chain of American pizzerias began selling unusual pizzas, which were made according to the sketches of the customers themselves. That is, you can draw a picture yourself, and a talented chef, using various ingredients, will transfer it to the pizza.

To implement such an interesting idea for a business from the USA, you need to create your own website on which customers can leave orders and a picture of the future pizza. Using the same principle, many entrepreneurs build a business in the United States to design cars, design T-shirts or children's toys. If you are looking for new ideas in the USA 2019, feel free to start implementing this unique project.

Repair in one day

Another good business idea in 2019 USA for small town– this is apartment renovation in one day. It is perfect for people who have experience in the construction industry - plasterers, painters, etc. In order to do this kind of work, you will need a tool and a team of universal craftsmen.

To meet the deadlines, it is necessary to properly plan the repair process. Carefully study all the customer’s requirements and the layout of the premises, and only after that start developing an estimate. You should calculate the full cost of the repair before you start work to avoid any disagreements with the customer. If the repair takes more than one day, offer a discount of 10% of the total cost of the work. This US business idea can be implemented both in a large metropolis and in a small provincial town.

Internet access in old telephone booths

Many business ideas in 2016 in the USA arose on the basis of old projects. For example, pay attention to telephone booths. Previously, there were huge queues for them, but now that everyone has started using mobile phones, they stand on the streets idle. To make phone booths useful, find a new use for them - convert them into a portal for accessing the Internet.

This year, information displays were installed in five New York City boroughs in old telephone booths, which display a city map, public transport schedules, the latest news and information on the location of various government agencies. Why not implement such a business idea from the USA 2019 in our country?

The question of which business ideas of 2019 in the USA have real potential worries not only local entrepreneurs, but also businessmen from our country. The reason for such close attention has a very simple explanation: the states have held leading positions in many economic indicators for decades, and they are home to many successful commercial projects and know-how.

List of business ideas in 2019 from the USA

These factors are interrelated, a huge number successful business ideas are the basis for the dynamic development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and therefore the entire economy of the country, including the following important components:


    filling the state budget;

    development of the social sphere;

    positive growth dynamics in other sectors of the economy.

We observe all this in the USA, and, despite the constantly growing national debt, as well as the pessimistic forecasts of many economists, the well-being of the inhabitants of this country is at the highest level, which is the main reference point for the average person. Indeed, who will be happy about GDP growth if wages are not enough for the most basic things, and buying a toy for a child becomes a real problem? Perhaps some of the issues that will be discussed in this article will help some of the readers to successfully implement their commercial project and radically change their life for the better. And although business in America differs significantly from entrepreneurial activity in our country, practice shows that the basis of any promising idea can be successfully used, regardless of your location.

Ideas for small business

Let's consider commercial ideas that were created in the states, but are of practical interest for our entrepreneurs.

    Disposal of old household appliances. Of course, this idea is of more interest to states where a substantial fee is charged for the removal of unnecessary equipment, but in our country such a business also has a chance of successful development. It’s hard to even imagine what’s in old Soviet televisions, radios, etc. You can find metals that cost a decent amount of money. Taking apart the discarded household appliances, there is a chance to receive a stable income of at least an average level.

    Training courses on the use of narrow-profile computer programs. Today creation and development software happens at such a pace that the average user does not have time to learn even the basics of how these useful developments. Therefore, courses in which you will be told how to use programs for processing photographs, audio information, creating designs and other highly specialized areas are guaranteed to provide you with a stable flow of clients, and therefore high profits. To implement such a commercial project, you do not need large investments; this business idea from America requires that you have a good understanding of this issue and be able to explain it clearly necessary information visitors to your seminars. In addition, you will need a spacious room in which you will conduct classes. To save money (depending on the seminar schedule), you can rent a room for several hours a day. At the same time, it is recommended to organize courses on working with computers and various mobile devices for older people who do not want to lag behind progress, but cannot master modern technology without outside help. This will not significantly affect the size of fixed costs, but total profit will increase by at least 30-50 percent.

    Providing information about medical services oh in your city. We can say that some business ideas from America, at first glance, seem absolutely meaningless and even absurd to us, but if you think carefully, your opinion about them will most likely change completely. In this case, it is proposed to engage in the sale of any information related to the provision of medical services: who is the most best doctor in this direction, who is better not to contact at all, where you can quickly and inexpensively get a general examination, how much it costs to do a blood test, etc. Such a service is in great demand in our country. No one will ever save money on health. Therefore, we can predict with a 100% guarantee that if a person needs to contact medical institution, he will gladly use your service so as not to waste energy, time and money, and also not to experiment with his own health by turning to an unknown specialist. To implement this commercial project, you do not need large financial investments. It will be necessary to create a complete database on this issue, and then continue to update it and find clients.

    Development of mobile games for preschool and younger children school age. We can confidently say that there is a fairly high level of demand for these products. Children love to play with modern mobile devices, quickly mastering even complex programs, so creating “toys”, both entertaining and educational, is a very promising business. To start, you will need smart, promising programmers who can be found on the freelance exchange, modern Internet marketing tools, as well as a desire to earn money. And if to implement such a business idea in the USA you will need to first register entity, and then work in the chosen direction, then we can simultaneously work on creating a trial version of the game and organizational issues.

    Providing big companies services that consist of checking the use of mobile devices by employees. Perhaps someone plays their favorite game all day long, ignoring their work obligations, while another employee, with the help of mobile phone transfers confidential information to competitors commercial information. The company's management will be very interested in learning about such facts, so they will not spare money to pay for these services. Without delving into the technical nuances of this business, we can say that large financial investments are not needed to start it, and the expected income allows us to claim great prospects for such activities. Although, unlike the USA, some of our people are confused by the moral aspect of such “control”.

    Considering the high pace of development international business, knowledge foreign languages can become the foundation for a promising business of your own. Especially, recently the demand for translating information from the Internet has increased, as well as the creation of absolutely identical sites in different languages. This business also does not require huge capital investments, and the search for clientele is not limited to any one country. To work, you don’t even have to meet your customer in person. The completed translation can be sent by e-mail, and receive a fee using any payment system convenient for you.

    Mobile cafes, hairdressers and beauty salons. Similar businesses ideas from America and Europe are designed for countries with high level income, and no one studied their prospects in the territory of the former union. Therefore, no guarantees can be given that these commercial projects will bring you real profit. Perhaps it makes sense to try to open a mobile cafe or hairdresser in some big city, and at first this idea, due to its originality, will generate good income. But to implement such a project, a fairly large start-up capital is required, as well as overcoming a huge number of bureaucratic obstacles that will certainly arise in the process of creating such cafes or hairdressers.

    Repair of smartphones and other gadgets. The constantly growing number of modern equipment automatically increases the demand for repair services. Even the most reliable things from well-known manufacturers tend to break. Neither Chinese counterfeits nor original gadgets are immune from this. If you understand this issue, then it makes sense to turn your knowledge into a stable source of income. Moreover, to open a workshop, you do not need large financial investments and expensive licenses for the right to engage in such activities.

    Permanent crisis phenomena in the development of the world economy became the reason for the emergence of such a business idea from the United States as an independent foreman. This was preceded by mass bankruptcy of small construction companies. And if finding workers to build a private house or store is not a difficult task, then take care of organizational issues, coordination of actions, purchasing materials, etc. only a professional can. It is for such situations that an independent foreman is needed who will be responsible for completing all construction work, as well as for their quality.

    When considering foreign business ideas, one cannot ignore such activities as testing web resources. Today, almost every company has its own website, online store or other resource that performs a lot of functions aimed at promoting and advertising the company and its products. By providing website testing services, you provide its owner with complete information about the quality of the resource from the point of view regular user. Like most previous commercial projects, the presented activity does not require large financial costs. The main expense items are: company registration and advertising of the services provided.

    One of the most promising business ideas this year, according to many authoritative analysts, is outsourcing. Constant crises and unsatisfactory trends in the development of the world economy have become the reason that even large companies began to transfer part of their production functions or certain processes to other firms specializing in these matters. For example, an organization, instead of maintaining a legal department, transfers all its issues, which were previously resolved by its lawyers, to another company, naturally, for a fee. Such promising ideas for business in the United States have been used for several years; they affect production processes, accounting, marketing research, advertising activities, IT sphere. The prospects for the development of this type of activity in our country are difficult to calculate, given the fact that the salaries of domestic specialists are several times lower than those of their American colleagues, outsourcing is most likely not among the profitable and interesting commercial ideas.

    If you have start-up capital, but absolutely no ideas for your own business, take advantage of ready-made offers: buy a franchise. The economic term involves the acquisition of a ready-made business scheme, trademark, name, etc. In other words, you are buying an established business in order to operate according to certain rules under someone else’s name. In such commercial transactions there is how positive sides, as well as negative aspects. The first includes the fact that you do not need to invent anything, calculate, analyze, study competitors, establish business connections, etc., in fact, you get a completely ready-made business, the second - you are practically deprived of freedom of choice, every action must correspond terms of the contract, and their violation is fraught with serious financial sanctions.

Non-standard ideas for business

Continuing to consider interesting ideas for business from the USA, we have divided into a separate group proposals that are distinguished by their originality and were invented by people with unconventional thinking. It is difficult to judge their practicality and possibility of use in our country without detailed economic analysis, but perhaps one of the readers will become interested and implement a commercial project they like.

    Making keychains with electrical tape. This product will help you always have such an important little thing as electrical tape on hand. Of course, the idea has excellent prospects, both at home and in our country.

    Stand for standing work. The presented invention is a real salvation for people who work time carried out standing. The stand stimulates micro-movements and blood circulation, strengthens the leg muscles, and almost completely relieves all pain in the back and lower extremities. After spending the whole day on your feet, you will feel much more comfortable if you use this stand. In addition, the invention reduces the risk of diseases of the legs and back.

    It should be noted that small businesses in the United States, ideas for which we are considering, operate much more dynamically than in our country. And if in our country, in order to launch the industrial production of coasters, you need to overcome a lot of bureaucratic obstacles and issue dozens of permits, then in the states all this is done much faster.

    Production of women's jewelry intended for teething babies. In this case, combining the beautiful with the useful, we create something that can give a lot of positive emotions to both the baby and his mother. The idea may be of interest to investors in America, Europe and post-Soviet countries.

    Some new business ideas that have every chance of success in the USA are unlikely to bring normal profits in our country. For example, a temporary store selling “advanced” and unique items and accessories for gadgets. A store operates only a few weeks a year so that potential buyers can get to know the product better and, as they say, “touch it with their hands.” Direct sales of products are carried out via the Internet. It is difficult to understand why this scheme attracts Americans so much, but similar commercial projects work and bring good profits to the owners.

    Mini-farm for city residents. A wall-mounted rack, consisting of three shelves and special holes, will help residents of large cities not only grow their small crops, but also become more familiar with this process. All your actions are controlled by the computer, which eliminates the possibility of making any mistakes and significantly increases the chances of trying cucumbers or tomatoes grown by yourself. This new business was invented in America in 2015, judging by the demand for mini-farms, the author of the idea created an excellent commercial project. It’s hard to say whether our city residents will be interested in the prospect of growing radishes and tomatoes in their apartments. marketing research, which will show how promising this idea is in our country.

    Jeans charging a mobile device. The idea is not bad, but only for Americans whose salaries allow them to spend several hundred dollars on purchasing such a “toy.” For residents of post-Soviet countries, this is a very expensive thing.

    "Smart" trash can. This invention will not only warn you about the need to take out the trash through a special mobile application, but will also collect all the dust and crumbs located near it.

    Many small business ideas in the United States are aimed not only at making a profit, but also at preserving the environment. Production of bricks from industrial waste is one of them. The developers of this technology claim that it is cheaper than the traditional production of building materials from baked clay, and this economic indicator guarantees the project great prospects not only in America, but throughout the world.

    Providing technical advice by telephone. It’s a little surprising that no one has come up with this service before. With the help of modern mobile device You will be able to explain to your clients how to install the program, how to work with electronic payment system, register an account, etc.

    A tie that can be used to wipe the screen of your gadget. Original, cheap, practical and does not affect your appearance.

    A blanket that will fit in your pocket. We can confidently say that there will always be a demand for this large item, both in America and here.

    Production of edible cards. By sending such a postcard to a friend or relative, you are making a double gift: a heartfelt congratulation and a small delicious dessert for tea or coffee. This commercial project has great prospects, but they depend on the cost of producing such postcards.

    Coffee at night. Many lovers of this wonderful drink cannot deny themselves the pleasure of drinking it late in the evening, despite possible sleep problems. New coffee has a hypnotic effect, which does not in any way affect its taste. Now you can start and end your day enjoying the aroma of your favorite drink.

    Concluding our consideration of business ideas from America, many of which can be implemented from scratch, that is, without a huge production base, special equipment and qualified specialists, it is necessary to mention an automatic water leak alarm. This device, in the event of a breakdown of water pipes or faucets, will help you not only preserve your property, but also protect your neighbors from floods. The principle of its operation is quite simple: if the movement of water through the pipes increases (this is what happens during accidents), a mechanism is triggered that shuts off the main ball valve, and you also receive a message on your phone about this unpleasant incident. As a result, the apartment is saved, the owner is warned, all that remains is to call a specialist to eliminate the accident.

Of course, it is physically impossible to consider and analyze all business ideas that can bring profit in 2019, both in the USA and in our country, within the framework of one article. But among the presented commercial projects there will definitely be an option that will be of interest to domestic entrepreneurs and investors.

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If you are having difficulty finding interesting and non-standard idea to start your own business, maybe you should take a closer look at what they are doing in other countries?

So, business ideas from the USA They are distinguished by their originality and freshness, but at the same time, some of them can take root here, we just need to adapt them to our market conditions.

The advantage of adopting American business ideas is that here you will not have competitors, and if there are any, then in minimal quantities.

The downside may be that you will most likely encounter misunderstanding among potential clients, and due to this, the business can “burn out”.

Therefore, let's look at several options for business ideas from the United States that have successfully proven themselves in their homeland, and, perhaps, can take root in the post-Soviet space.

What are business ideas from the USA based on?

First of all, it should be noted that business in the USA has a number of features.

    American business is shaped by a culture that consists of the traditions of many nations.

    For this reason, business ideas from the USA may not be accepted in our countries.

    The service sector is extremely developed in the United States.

    Entrepreneurs always try to make life easier for residents, and creative thinking helps them in this.

    The main component of Eco BLAC bricks is ash.

    It makes up 70% of the total mass.

    The remaining 30% consists of clay, lime and sodium hydroxide.

    To get this famous construction material, no oven is needed, it is formed at normal temperature thanks to alkaline reaction technology.

    Therefore, if you are somehow connected with construction, then take note of this idea.

    Our countries also need bricks.

    5. Dish designer - as a business idea from restaurants and cafes in the USA

    In the USA, such constructors extend to the preparation of salads. The meaning is this:
    • at the beginning it is proposed to choose the basis for the future salad;
    • then you can start choosing the main ingredients;
    • At the end, spices and dressing are selected to taste.

    This concept of catering establishments is inspired by the fashion for healthy eating.

    Not many people sticking proper nutrition, want to eat salads with mayonnaise or spicy seasonings.

    So why not give your customers a choice?

    You don't have to limit yourself to just salads.

    Create a menu of several dishes in which you can “play” with ingredients.

    And it is worth opening such establishments in large cities near business centers, universities, as well as in other crowded places.

    The video below describes 3 unusual American business ideas:

    6. Business ideas from the USA related to pets

    “The most important thing in business is to focus on creating something important. I just worked on things that I would like to use myself.”
    Mark Zuckerberg

    Americans love to travel, but they can’t always take their animals with them.

    That's why they came up with hotels for pets.

    In Russia and Ukraine, such a business is also not a novelty.

    But in the USA, in addition to hotels, there are also taxis for animals.

    This may sound funny, but such a business is extremely popular in large American cities.

    So, not every owner can take his pet to the veterinarian or to the hairdresser, which is why he resorts to the services of such a service.

    If you are interested in this idea, then it can be implemented in Russia, but it will only be relevant in large cities, as well as among wealthy and extremely busy people.

    This idea can be tried by private veterinary clinics or salons.

    You can offer taxi services to your clients who do not have time for such visits.

    As you can see, business ideas from the USA affect many areas of people's lives and really make it easier.

    It is within your power to implement any of the proposals.

    Know that you have prospects, and perhaps you will be the “pioneer” in the domestic market.

    Analyze our conditions, draw up a detailed business plan and start your own business.

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Business ideas from America - features of doing business in the USA + 8 interesting ideas+ how applicable they are for us.

Which country has the most original and amazing startups? Of course, USA!

It is here that many business ideas are born, which soon find fans around the world: vending machines, delivery services, dry cleaners, laundries, mobile coffee shops.

But today we will look new business ideas in America that appear there on a regular basis.

It seems that the creative thinking of the guys from the States will never dry up. But will new products be able to adapt to our realities of life?

Let's figure it out together.

Features of business in America

It's no secret that many American citizens are not employees, but have their own business. At the same time, in the States it is quite
, having a small starting capital. In addition, in the future you can count on support from the state.

So, what accompanies business ideas in America:

  • laws are written for everyone, therefore, everyone is equal before them, which is a definite plus for starting your own business;
  • Americans are constantly looking for a way make your life easier, therefore, many business ideas are related to this aspect;
  • mixing of different cultures also left its mark on business development in the United States;
  • Tough competition due to the large number of entrepreneurs forcing them to constantly come up with different marketing gimmicks;
  • outsourcing is highly developed, that is, the transfer of certain powers to another company - accounting, legal, advertising services, which significantly speeds up many processes in doing business, besides, these issues will be resolved by specialists in their field;
  • taking out a loan is commonplace here, Americans are not plagued by debt.

It is also worth dwelling on US tax policy. Here she is one of the most loyal in the whole world.

As an example, the tax burden on small businesses here is 7 times less than in Russia.

So we see that the pleasant ones tax rates, the ability to take out a loan at a low interest rate, as well as the desire to simplify your life, allow you to generate various ones in America.

At the same time, entrepreneurs invest a lot in marketing, both monetary and mental resources, since the consumer here is extremely spoiled and is no longer so easy to surprise.

Business ideas from America: 8 striking examples

Well, now we move on to considering the business ideas of America, which have already managed to conquer the inhabitants of this country. Moreover, some of them are quite simple and obvious, while others are quite extraordinary and original.

1) Joint viewing of matches in the virtual space is a new business idea in America.

Watching football while with friends at a bar or on the couch at home is quite fun. But if it is not possible for everyone to gather in one place, but you still want to cheer for your favorite team with a large group, then platform virtual reality LiveLike VR.

To plunge into virtual space, You will need Samsung Gear VR glasses and a downloaded application on your phone, through which the match will be broadcast.

The application works on iOS and Android platforms.

I would also like to note that the developers are working on the possibility of viewing matches in 360 degrees, as well as inviting friends through the popular social network Facebook.

Official website of the program:

2) Farm at home: the Edn project as a business idea in America.

This business idea from America is aimed at apartment residents, as well as those who do not have their own plot of land to grow vegetables and fruits.

The point of this project is to give such people the opportunity to grow plants right at home. In this case, they will be used modern technologies.

What is a home farm?

This is a rack with several shelves on which holes for growing plants are placed.

The owner of such a “vegetable garden” will need to sow seeds, fill containers with water, and connect it to the system using an application on the phone. It, in turn, will send alerts about what needs to be done and when to harvest.

Now on the official website of the project There are two options for organizing a home farm:

The creators of the business idea project from America claim that you can grow any plants that can later be transplanted outside or into larger pots.

But the home farm is best suited for growing greens: basil, rosemary, spinach.

3) Edible cards Eat the fine print - a new business idea in America.

For those who want original congratulations to those with a sweet tooth, as well as lovers of unusual gifts, edible cards were invented.

Such new idea business has not yet expanded beyond America, but this does not mean that it cannot take root in other countries!

A postcard that can be eaten looks the same as a paper one. At the moment, manufacturers offer 4 flavors: blueberry, lime, strawberry and orange. The period during which it can be eaten is one year. It can then be kept as a keepsake.

The cost of such a delicious gift is $9, and it is delivered in a plastic bag. The adequate and relatively low cost of the goods made this business idea from America quite successful and profitable.

Americans can purchase it on the official website:

4) Apparatus for pouring beer.

All over the world there are true beer connoisseurs who pay a lot of attention to drinking the drink, turning this action into a real ritual.

Many people know that the taste of an intoxicating drink is affected not only by its quality and serving temperature, but also by how it is poured into the glass. And for this reason, a business idea was developed in America to create a special device called Fizzics.

Its meaning is that the drink processed using special technology using ultrasound, which produces bubbles of the same size. Due to this uniform distribution of bubbles and the correct pressure, thick and stable foam is obtained, as well as the taste of the drink improves.

The cost of such an American device for connoisseurs of delicious beer is $200. But on the official website you can often stumble upon lucrative discounts.

The official website of the developer of this business idea from America:

5) Thermal stones: brilliant new business ideas in America.

Thanks to coffee lovers, many business ideas have appeared in America. And this is not surprising, because there are many lovers of this strong drink.

This business idea was inspired by the fact that over 20 million liters of coffee are poured down the sink to keep it cold. And this happens every day. Imagine, a delicious drink ceases to be so for its lovers, because it has become cold.

And so two friends, who later formed a company in New York called Coffee Joulies, came up with the idea of ​​​​developing special stones that could maintain the optimal temperature of the drink so that it would not cool down so quickly.

They are made of food steel and by appearance resemble coffee beans. Their use is very simple: you need to immerse the capsules in the bottom of a cup or glass, after which you can enjoy the drink for some time.

Also, such stones can be placed at the bottom of a thermos and used to maintain the desired temperature for other drinks.

6) GymPact: a business idea from America for lazy athletes.

There are more and more fans of sports and training, because the fashion for beautiful and toned bodies is only strengthening its position. But still, many people lack some kind of motivation to go to the gym, which is why some skip classes.

And especially for such undisciplined athletes it was developed mobile application that gives cash rewards those who don’t miss classes and confidently move towards their goal.

Project budget for this new business ideas from America is formed from fines paid by those who did not show up for class.

How to understand that you are not a penalty box?

At the gym that has been chosen for training, you need to “check in” according to the schedule. Those who do not miss training and even exceed their weekly limit receive a pleasant reward.

This motivation system works in two directions - don’t skip workouts, so as not to lose your money, and go to them, so that in the end.

Official website of the resource:

7) Vending machines for salads: a business idea from America.

Vending business ideas from America will not surprise anyone.

But Luke Saunders was able to come up with something new, and filled the vending machines with fresh salads. This solution immediately found its fans, because now there is a widespread fashion for proper nutrition and sports, which is a good competitor to fast food.

Farmer's Fridge offers its customers salads whose ingredients are layered. Such simple technology allows products to last longer.

But given that the machines are updated early in the morning, and after 6 pm discounts on unsold assortments begin to apply, the consumer will not “run into” expired goods.

Also distinctive feature of this vending business from America are the machines themselves, made in eco-style: wood combined with green paints.

8) Automatic water leak detector: business ideas in America.

The project of a new business idea in America called Water Hero was developed not only for those who periodically forget to turn off the water, but also simply for responsible citizens who are concerned about the possibility of a leak.

How it works?

The device is attached to the water meter, after which the sensor begins to monitor the magnetic pulses of the water meter. The obtained information about water consumption is transferred to the phone using a mobile application. If it is noticed that water consumption exceeds a certain limit, then its supply will be stopped.

In fact, such an invention not only helps households save money on upcoming repairs in case of a leak, but also has a positive effect on nature, since water will not be wasted filling the house or apartment.

Official website of the developer:

Will business ideas from America take root in Russia?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously.

It is believed that every third business idea comes from the US, and most of them adapt to different conditions, operating in many countries, including Russian ones.

If we talk about new business ideas in America, some of them will definitely not find a response in Russia, since they are completely tied to the American mentality. Some of them will work great for us, and another part will be able to adapt if they are modified to suit our realities.

For example, a certain category of consumers may be interested in a beer brewing machine, so why not become an official representative of the manufacturer. The same applies to the water leak sensor and thermal stones. The sale of salads is now more relevant than ever, because we have more and more fans of healthy and proper nutrition.

Present to your attention interesting selection

absolutely new business ideas and the USA:

Thus we see that business ideas from America They may well work for us 100%. But they can also inspire Russian entrepreneurs to create something similar, but suitable specifically for our conditions.

More than 300 million people live in the United States; only a very active and productive business can serve, clothe and feed so many people. Therefore, you should not be surprised that America became the birthplace of a huge number of business ideas, which were then replicated throughout the world. A successful idea can bring billions to an American entrepreneur, since the number of potential buyers in the country is large; In addition, in many areas, America is a trendsetter for other continents.

Urban farms

The idea of ​​using skyscrapers for growing herbs and vegetables was prompted in the United States by the demand for organic farming. The shelf life of natural plant products is short; during delivery, vegetables lose valuable vitamins. Greenhouses on roofs are organized in Canada, South America, Singapore, but it was the Americans who came up with the idea of ​​growing edible herbs using a high-rise building not horizontally, but vertically.

Enthusiasts have installed a device that resembles a Ferris wheel: instead of booths, the vertical farm has trays with plants. The electric drive rotates them, providing uniform watering and access to light. Another popular idea is to grow greens without any soil at all - using the hydroponic method. In this case, the soil is replaced with mineralized water, which is proposed to be collected during rain in special tanks on the roof.

This is interesting! Skyscrapers are located mainly near the coast, so enterprising residents of the United States use abandoned warehouses and factories for organic farms. An example is the agricultural firm FarmedHere, in an empty warehouse in Chicago; its owner, Jolanta Hardey, grows organic greens here.

It is estimated that the yield of 1 square meter of a vertical farm is 20 times higher than with the traditional method of cultivating plants. But such a small business requires additional investments - for equipment, electricity, and mineral supplements. However, urban eco-farms are considered not only popular, but also profitable, because the costs of delivery, staff salaries, chemical fertilizers, heating and irrigation systems are reduced. Plants on the innovative farm grow 2 times faster, and crop losses (due to the elements, pests, temperature changes) are minimized.


A “relative” of the previous concept is a kind of indoor mini-farms; in America they are called phytowalls. Walls made of living plants are created in institutions, hotel lobbies, and catering establishments - in the latter case, the greens can be edible and served to the client’s table directly from the wall.

The idea spun off from small businesses on vertical farms: flowers in pots were replaced by vegetation that does without land. The plant wall works for the positive image of the restaurant (hotel) and saturates the air with oxygen, so the number of customers for the new product in the United States is growing - this startup promises to become one of the most popular in the near future.