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Logo attention. What is a logo

Many people confuse a logo with various signs that can be used to identify a company or its products. What is it and why do we need a logo - important question, which is decided when the company creates its own style and defines its mission.

The logo symbolically or allegorically expresses the essence of the company. This can be done using graphic as well as verbal techniques.

The meaning of the name of any organization is encrypted in a few letters (not to be confused with an abbreviation!). A drawing or ideogram may also be used. To understand the basics of creating a logo, it is best to look at examples.


There are 3 main types that are widespread everywhere. All the variety of logos can be classified by image. Each belongs to one of the following sections:

  • picture
  • text
  • picture + text

Organizations, especially trading ones, most often use the latter type. It is the most convenient because it can combine the logo and the short name of the company.

The meaning of logos

Having understood what a logo is, it is easier to understand its meaning. This mainly depends on the company's mission. Trade groups use it as a trademark that participates in the promotion of goods. Other enterprises and organizations create a logo that matches the style, tasks, and purpose. Most often, a small logo reflects activities or products.

Why do you need a logo?

There are several functions that a logo performs (Table 1).

Video about creating logos:

Helps you stand out

Just like a person, at first any organization is “met by its clothes.” That is, they pay attention to appearance. Memorable logos help you find familiar companies among hundreds of others. A clearly formulated idea of ​​the company, enclosed in the emblem, helps to focus attention on it.

Legal guarantee of ownership

The logo cannot be repeated by two companies that, for example, produce the same product. This is the property of the company, which is protected by law.

If it is used as a trademark, then no one has the right to make the same one. Otherwise, a company that violates the rules will be subject to administrative or criminal liability.

Buyer Confidence

Almost every manufacturer has its own logo. If a company monitors the quality of a product or service, it will purchase regular customer. People often distinguish products only by brand logos.


Each enterprise has its own characteristics, which it is advisable to transfer into graphic or verbal form when creating a logo. Any unusual idea, contained in the logo, allows you to attract customers and make them stop at this particular product.

Help with promotion

Only a logo that is endowed with the following qualities: originality and literacy in execution. In this case, the buyer will remember the product by its logo.

The most famous logos

One of the most famous logos Apple. Everyone knows the famous apple, but it did not appear immediately. First there was an engraving of Newton under an apple tree. After some time, only one bitten fruit remained.

Samsung's logo is an ellipse with the name written in the background. Simple, but memorable. The same can be said about Pepsi Cola. Its logo in blue, red and white colors is known throughout the world.

Own logo

But not only global manufacturers, but also small companies need their own logo. After all, in essence, their tasks are the same: to gain fame among consumers and become memorable.

Errors during creation

The main mistake when creating a company logo is piling up a large number of details.

The client appreciates simplicity of presentation, so it is necessary to abandon unnecessary pretentiousness. The eye should calmly perceive what is encoded in the logo. Nothing should be annoying: neither the combination of colors, nor the amount of information.

Stages of creation

The logo itself may be very simple, but it takes a lot of time to design and create. The creative process can be divided into several stages:

Each of these steps is important in its own way. Without preliminary, logo creation will be superficial. The second stage is needed to ensure that the logo is simple and stylish. The final stage is needed to check the effect of the created logo and, if anything happens, correct it.

After completing the second stage, you need to check the logo for compliance with several categories. If it has the following properties, then the main work is completed:

In order for the work to be done efficiently, it is necessary to entrust its implementation to trusted companies with a good reputation and guarantees.

To get a high-quality logo, it must meet all the requirements listed above. Therefore, its creation is considered not only a creative process. Ultimately, such a sign should both decorate and maintain the prestige of the company.

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Company logos I play important role in their promotion and development. In the eyes of an attentive consumer, a company’s corporate identity decides a lot, if not everything. At different stages of their history, companies use different variations of theirs, which emphasize its values, loyalty to tradition, community and other qualities.

Often, the emblem only symbolizes a product or quality that is already well known to a wide range of consumers. For example, the golden arch on the McDonald logo instantly brings to mind a delicious Big Mac and French fries. When they see the BMW logo, many people imagine a prestigious car, which indicates the high social status of its owner. Moreover, the logo shapes the consumer’s opinion about the company and what it produces.

We were faced with a difficult task - to select Top 25. But we did it! The authors of some logos are unknown, while the names of several designers are associated with other emblems. Some companies changed their logos so often that we simply could not devote time to each variation and decided to concentrate only on the main variants. The development of company logos is a reflection of the development of world culture and studying this process is interesting not only from the point of view of design, but also from the point of view of history!


Year the company was founded: 1964
Year of logo creation: 1971
Logo designers: Carolyn Davidson (1971), Nike (1978, 1985, 1995)
Company founders: Bill Bowerman, Philip Knight

The history of Nike begins with the importing company Blue Ribbon Sports, which in 1971 decided to expand the scope of its activities and began producing sports shoes, laying the foundation for the Nike brand we know. The legendary “tick” on the company logo did not make much of an impression on one of Nike founders Philip Knight, who said: “I don’t like this logo, but I’ll get used to it.”

The author of the logo was not anyone famous designer Carolyn Davidson, who received only $35 for her work! Davidson's logo was inspired by the ancient Greek goddess of victory, Nike, and the “swoosh” symbolizes the movement and speed associated with that goddess. In 1978, Nike updated the logo, adding a bolder font and slightly moving the swoosh. No one expected that the “tick” would become one of the most recognizable emblems in the world and would become such an autonomous symbol that in 1995 it would even displace the company name from the logo!


Year the company was founded: 1886
Year of logo creation: 1886
Logo Designer: Frank Mason Robinson (1886), Lippincott & Margulies (1969), Desgrippes Gobe & Associates, Turner Duckworth
Company Founder: John Pemberton

The author of the legendary Coca-Cola logo is Frank Mason Robinson, who, by the way, had nothing to do with graphic design, but was in charge of the company’s accounting. Most characteristic feature The logo is the Spencerian script, which was widely used in official documents and correspondence at the end of the 19th century. In 1890, the company visually complicated the logo, enlivening the lettering with serifs and swirls that resembled cherries hanging from the capital letters “C.” The new design didn't catch on - predictably - and today we still associate the company with Robinson's beautiful old logo. Agree, you can hardly think of anything better here!


Year the company was founded: 1903
Year of logo creation: 1903
Logo author: Childe Harold Wills (1909)
Company founder: Henry Ford

It is noteworthy that Ford Motor became the third automobile company founded by the legendary Henry Ford. The first business went bankrupt, and Ford left the second company (which later became famous as the Cadillac brand). The original Ford Motor logo was an overly detailed circular icon with the company's name and location. In 1927, the logo redesign was timed to coincide with the release of the Ford Model A car: now the automaker settled on the familiar blue oval, which can safely be called synonymous with taste and style.


Year the company was founded: 1976
Year of logo creation: 1976
Logo authors: Ronald Wayne (1976), Rob Janoff (1977), Apple (1998-2013)
Founders of the company: Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, Ronald Wayne

The history of Apple's corporate identity begins with an ornate logo invented by one of the company's founders, Ronald Wayne. Wayne's logo was inspired by Newton's discovery of gravity. The logo was decorated with the quote “Newton...The mind that forever sails the uncharted seas of thought...Alone” and the company name “Apple Computer Co.” Steve Jobs, however, was not delighted with such a complex composition and demanded that the logo be changed to something “not so pretty.” So in 1977, Rob Janoff developed a beautiful new design with an image of an apple and the word “Apple”. The new logo was aimed at a younger audience and symbolized the computer's unique ability to display colors. And so that the apple would not be confused with a cherry, it was decided to make it bitten.

In 1984, with the release of the Apple Macintosh, Apple management decided that the logo had already gained enough prominence to represent the company alone, without the brand name. This decision turned out to be correct. Since 1984, the company has not changed its legendary symbol, experimenting only with colors and shadows.


Year the company was founded: 1893
Year of logo creation: 1898
Logo authors: Gould & Associates (1965), Landor Associates (1996), Arnell (2009)
Company Founder: Caleb Bradham

The author of the Pepsi logo, which is destined to become one of the visual symbols of modern culture, is the company's founder, Caleb Bradham. The concept turned out to be so successful that it was only in 1962 that the logo underwent its first significant change, saying goodbye to the word “cola” in the name. So the only thing left on the logo was the word “Pepsi” on a red, white and blue background (which, by the way, symbolized the Pepsi bottle cap). Between 1971 and 2005, the emblem continued its path to simplification, each time becoming more minimalistic and stylish.


Year the company was founded: 1926
Year of logo creation: 1902
Logo authors: Gottlieb Daimler (1909), Henrion Ludlow Schmidt
Company founders: Karl Benz, Gottlieb Deimler

It’s hard to believe, but once upon a time the DMG (Daimler Motors Corporation) logo, invented in 1902, was not at all similar to the legendary three-pointed star that each of us recognizes today. Then it was an oval icon with the word Mercedes. Why Mercedes? That was the name of the daughter of the company's founder, Gottlieb Daimler. And only seven years later, in 1909, Daimler registered the three-pointed and four-pointed stars as DMG trademarks. A three-pointed star was chosen as the brand’s trademark, which became a symbol of the growing era of motorized vehicles “on land, water and air.” So, since 1910, all DMG cars have had a three-pointed star on the radiator. In 1916, it was decided to enclose the star in a circle: this is how the Mercedes-Benz logo we know came into being.

It should be noted that from 1916 to 1921 the logo also featured an inner circle with the word Mercedes inside. The simple silver star set in a circle as we know it today was first introduced in 1921, but soon gave way to an emblem reminiscent of the 1916 design. In 1926, the two auto giants DMG and Benz & Cie merged. Thus the Mercedes-Benz brand was founded, the new corporate image of which was something between the logos of the two companies: the three-pointed star of DMG and the laurel wreath of Benz. Along the inner edge of the circle were the words Mercedes and Benz. This design solution lasted until 1996, when the company realized that nothing could be better than the minimalistic DMG emblem of the 1921 model. And we completely agree with this!


Year the company was founded: 1940
Year of logo creation: 1940
Logo Designer: Jim Schindler
Company founders: Richard MacDonald, Maurice MacDonald

At the very beginning of its star journey, the McDonald company was known as McDonald's Famous Barbeque. In the 1940 logo, burger lovers could see the company name, in which the word Famous was underlined twice. In 1948, the company changed its name to McDonald's Famous Hamburgers, and from 1948 to 1953, Chef Speedy served as its visual identity, until it was replaced in 1960 by the famous golden arches that formed the letter “M.” The author of the arches was Stanley Meston.

But the adventures of the emblem did not end there. In 1968, the company simplified the “M” and made the McDonald’s lettering black. This composition lasted until 1983, when the company opted for a logo that today is unmistakably associated with the largest fast food restaurant chain in the world. There was a white inscription and golden arches on a red background. In 2003, under the letter “M,” the slogan “i’m lovin’ it” appeared, which today can be seen on the packaging of the company’s products. As part of the 2006 redesign, McDonalds decided to simplify the logo as much as possible, leaving only the golden letter “M”.


Year the company was founded: 1850
Year of logo creation: 1890
Logo author: Landor Associates (1969)
Company founder: Levi Strauss

Today, the Levi's logo exists in two versions: a simple white lettering on a red background and an image with two horses. This logo is still used on Levi's jeans patches as a symbol of their durability. The equally famous red emblem was invented only in 1940 in an attempt by the brand to stand out among other manufacturers. In 1969, Levi's introduced its new logo in the shape of wings. bat, which was designed by the design bureau Walter Landor & Associates. The new icon is loved by fans of the denim brand no less than the previous two.

Burger King

Year of company foundation: 1954
Year of logo creation: 1954
Logo author: Sterling Brands
Company founders: James McLamore, David R. Edgerton

As the second-largest fast food chain in the world, Burger King has managed to create a strong visual identity that is second only to McDonald's Golden Arch. But, to be honest, it’s not a shame to lose to such an opponent! And it all started with a rather complex emblem, in which the king (the same Burger King!) was sitting importantly on a burger. Although the character is still used in the brand's advertising, the logo itself underwent a major change in 1969, when the idea of ​​two halves of a bun was invented. This image turned out to be so successful that it still remains the main element of Burger King's corporate identity. However, in 1998, the emblem was modified: its composition was expanded to include a blue circle and became more voluminous.


Year the company was founded: 1998
Year of logo creation: 1997
Logo designer: Sergey Brin (1997, 1998), Ruth Kedar (2000, 2010)
Company founders: Larry Page, Sergey Brin

The history of the Google logo begins in 1997, when one of the founders of the company, Sergey Brin, developed its design in the graphics program GIMP. This was a “raw” version of the modern Google logo. Then the logo was changed and an exclamation mark was added to it (in imitation of the Yahoo! logo). In 2000, designer Ruth Kedar improved the logo by removing the exclamation point. The new logo served the company until 2010, gaining incredible popularity in 11 years. In 2015, the company presented its latest logo.

Warner Bros.

Year the company was founded: 1918
Year of logo creation: 1923
Logo author: Saul Bass (1972)
Company founders: Albert Warner, Harry Warner, Sam Warner, Jack Warner.

The shield, familiar to every movie fan, adorned (in one form or another) the emblem of the Warner Bros. film company. throughout its history. This emblem first appeared in 1923: above the letters WB, which formed the shape of a shield, was a photograph of a film studio. In 1929, it was decided to abandon the photograph: now the words Warner Bros. were located above the abbreviation WB. Pictures Inc., and below it is the word Presents. In 1936-37, the film company removed all the words from the image, leaving only the shield. In 1937, the shield became three-dimensional. This logo lasted until 1948, when a real revolution took place in cinema: the image became color.

From 1948 to 1967, the three-dimensional gold abbreviation WB was located on a blue shield with gold borders. In order to most successfully demonstrate the new color capabilities of cinema, it was decided to expand the shield and add brightness to the shades. In 1967, the emblem underwent dramatic changes: a controlling stake in WB was transferred to the Seven Arts film company. The famous shield became simpler and more angular, and below it was the name Seven Arts. The icon existed in this form from 1967 to 1970. In 1970, the Warner Bros.-Seven Arts film company became the property of Kinney National Company, and the inscription A Kinney National Company now appeared above the shield. In 1972, Warner Bros. briefly used a logo very similar to its old 1948 logo. That same year, designer Saul Bass created a new logo that lasted until 1984. The new emblem was much simpler than previous variations: this time the letter “W” was stylized in such a way that it began to resemble three intertwined arched lines. In 1984, the company returned to the blue and gold shield of the 1948 model, but this time the colors became brighter and the composition itself more stylish. The movie giant did not change this beautiful logo until 2013. Over the past few years, the logo, while maintaining its basic elements, has changed from film to film, becoming a field for experimentation with different color and animation solutions.


Year the company was founded: 1911
Year of logo creation: 1886
Logo author: Paul Rand (1956, 1972)
Company Founder: Charles R. Flint

The year of birth of the IBM logo is considered to be 1924, when the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company changed its name to the more solid and sonorous International Business Machines. It is logical that the change of name was followed by an update of the corporate identity: the ornate, difficult-to-read CTR emblem of the 1911 model gave way to a new icon on which the name International Business Machines was located in the shape of a globe. In 1947, the modernization of the computer giant required another revision of the company's visual style. So the globe was replaced with a minimalist IBM inscription, which remains the unchanged symbol of the company to this day. In 1956, designer Paul Rand made the abbreviation more weighty, emphasizing the reliability of the company and its high status. In 1972, in response to changes in the company's positioning, Rand introduced a lighter, “striped” logo, which this time symbolized speed and dynamism.


Year the company was founded: 1958
Year of logo creation: 1958
Logo credits: James Modarelli (1959, 1992), Danne & Blackburn (1974)
Company Founder: US Government

The first NASA logo dates back to 1958, when the US National Aeronautics Advisory Committee was reorganized as NASA. It turns out that NASA has not one, but three emblems: an icon (the so-called “meatball”), a logo (“worm”) and a seal. The seal was approved by President Eisenhower himself, and then President Kennedy made some changes to it.


Year the company was founded: 1975
Year of logo creation: 1975
Logo author: Scott Baker (1987)
Company founders: Bill Gates, Paul Allen

The first Microsoft logo was created in 1975 and was used until 1979. The emblem was developed in accordance with current design trends of the time. In 1980, the company opted for a simpler and stylish logo: This time the Microsoft inscription was placed in one line. In 1982, the world saw the updated Microsoft logo with a fancy letter “O”. The new image was very popular with consumers, and its decommissioning “to the archive” in 1987 caused a flurry of indignation. The visual history of the brand continued with the laconic “Pac-Man logo”, created by Scott Baker: the slot between the letters “O” and “S” evoked associations with speed and rapid development. The computer giant's heyday was in the late 90s and early 2000s, and its simple, even inconspicuous logo became one of the most recognizable design ideas in the world.


Year the company was founded: 1920
Year of logo creation: 1949
Logo authors: Adi Dassler (1949), Käthe and Adi Dassler (1971), Peter Moore (1997)
Company founder: Adi Dassler

The logo of the sports shoe manufacturer Adidas was designed by the company's founder, Adi Dassler, who had the idea to decorate the shoes he produced with three stripes. The emblem gained instant popularity and remained unchanged for many years (only the shape of the stripes changed slightly). In the 60s, Käthe and Adi Dassler came up with another emblem for clothing in the form of a trefoil. In 1997, the company introduced a cool new corporate symbol: three sloping stripes arranged in the shape of a mountain, symbolizing the difficulties the company faces and the goals it sets for itself.


Year the company was founded: 1971
Year of logo creation: 1971
Logo Designer: Terry Heckler (1971, 1987, 1992), Lippincott and Starbucks International Creative Team (2011)
Company founders: Jerry Baldwin, Gordon Bowker, Zev Siegl

In 1971, while looking for inspiration for their signature style, the founders of the coffee shop came across a 14th-century woodcut depicting a mermaid (siren) with two tails. This image was destined to become famous throughout the world. Based on the rare find, Terry Heckler designed an emblem with a naked siren, whose head was crowned with a fancy crown. It is noteworthy that at that time the company bore the long name Starbucks Coffee, Tea, and Spices. Subsequently, Heckler improved his creation more than once. The first redesign dates back to 1987, when II Giornale and Starbucks merged into one company. Then in 1992, Heckler further refined the emblem: the siren now smiled shyly, and her crown and tails became less pronounced. Last changes were made in 2011, when the design team removed the outer circle from the emblem, leaving only the image of a beautiful mermaid, and changed the background color from black to the signature green. Such a bold step was justified by the fact that over the 40 years of the logo’s existence, the siren became so strongly associated with the coffee brand that even people who prefer tea recognized it.


Year the company was founded: 1937
Year of logo creation: 1939
Logo authors: Franz Xavier Reimspies (1938), Meta Design (2007)
Founder of the company: German Labor Front

The Ferdinand Porsche company held a competition for best logo for a new Volkswagen car. The winner of the competition was designer Franz Reimspies, who, by the way, improved the engine for the Beetle model in the 30s. The original black and white logo included the abbreviation VW and a swastika, which was a reflection of the then dominant Hitler regime in the country. The second logo no longer contained a swastika and was shaped more like a wheel than a fan (as was the case with the previous version). After World War II, the automaker was taken over by the British, who renamed it Beetle and redesigned the logo. The VW abbreviation remained, but the circle was not censored due to its association with the Nazi flag. But there were no buyers for the Volkswagen factory, and the company had to be returned to the German government. Over time, the company abandoned black and white color range, and the automaker's modern icon features friendlier blues and grays.


Year the company was founded: 1970
Year of logo creation: 1958
Logo author: Greg Silveria (2006)
Company Founders: Dee Hock, Bank of America

On the first VISA logo, which dates back to the year the company was founded, the word VISA was located in two lines (the upper letters were in blue and the lower letters were in yellow). In 2006, the company opted for a more visible and recognizable font. In 2014, the entire inscription became blue. Now new logo appears on all marketing and advertising materials of the company.


Year the company was founded: 1907
Year of logo creation: 1900
Logo author: Raymond Loewy (1971)
Company founders: Royal Dutch Petroleum Company, Shell Transport & Tranding Company Ltd.

The shell has always been the basis for the Shell icon, but with each redesign the emblem resembled its prototype less and less. Back in 1900, the logo featured a simple black and white shell. In 1948, it was decided to color the image in red and yellow shades. Since then, the icon has remained almost unchanged. Over the course of several decades, only the position of the name has changed oil company, but in 1999 it was decided to say goodbye to him as an unnecessary element.


Year the company was founded: 1932
Year of logo creation: 1934
Logo author: unknown
Company founder: Ole Kirk Christiansen

The very first logo of the toy company in 1932 can easily be called an example of minimalism: it was a simple LEGO inscription. Thus, the founder of the company, Ole Kirk Christiansen, paid tribute to his hometown of Billund in Denmark. In 1936, LEGO painted its logo in bright colors, making it look like a toy itself. In 1950, the LEGO name was enclosed in a circle with the inscription Billund Danmark along the outer edge. Three years later, in 1953, LEGO introduced a new logo with white letters on a red background. In 1956, the word System was added under the company name, and the LEGO lettering itself acquired a black outline to attract attention. In 1973, it was decided to abandon the word System, and the LEGO inscription acquired another, this time yellow, outline. The modern logo of the Danish toy company has been in use since 1998, bringing joy to millions of children around the world.

Hewlett-Packard Company (HP)

Year the company was founded: 1939
Year of logo creation: 1939
Logo author: Landor Associates (1999), Liquid Agency (2008)
Company founders: Bill Hewlett, David Packard

Surprisingly, the Hewlett-Packard logo has remained virtually unchanged since its introduction in 1939. In 2011, there was talk of making the logo more dynamic by drawing diagonal lines through the letters H and P, but nothing came of this idea. In 2016, the logo was changed and now consists of four lines that symbolize the letters “HP”.


Year the company was founded: 1969
Year of logo creation: 1969
Logo author: Laird & Partners (2010)
Company founders: Donald Fisher, Doris Fisher

From 1969 to 1986, the logo of this popular clothing manufacturer was just the company name, without any additional elements. The title was then enclosed in a blue square. The audience liked this simple but self-sufficient composition so much that an attempt to modernize the emblem in 2010 caused a wave of indignation, and the company had no choice but to return to the old version.


Year the company was founded: 1937
Year of logo creation: 1934
Logo author: unknown
Company founders: Takeshi Mitarai, Goro Yoshido, Saburo Ushida, Takeo Maeda

Few people know that the original logo Japanese company Seiki Kogaku Kenyudho depicted the goddess of mercy Kannon, who was greatly revered among Buddhists. Kwanon's first camera was named in honor of the goddess. After incredible commercial success in 1935, the company expanded production and decided to update its corporate identity. So in 1956, the well-known red logo was released.


Year the company was founded: 1916
Year of logo creation: 1916
Logo author: Franz-Josef Popp
Company founder: Franz-Josef Popp

Automotive BMW company(or Bayerische Motoren Werke GmbH) was formed as a result of the merger of two factories in 1916 aircraft engines(Flugmaschinenfabrik of Gustav Otto and Rapp-Motorenwerke). The prototype of the BMW badge we know is the Rapp-Motor, which featured a silhouette of a horse and the Bavarian flag with its recognizable blue and white pattern. This is how the BMW logo was born: two white and two blue quadrants surrounded by a black circle. After the end of the First World War, the company switched from serving military needs to producing cars, but its emblem has remained virtually unchanged since 1917. The most noticeable transformation occurred in 2000, when the logo received a three-dimensional effect, which, by the way, suits it very well!


Year the company was founded: 1909
Year of logo creation: 1910
Logo authors: Lucien Bernhard, Professor Arno Drescher, Meta Design (2009)
Company founder: August Horch

The first logo of the automaker Audi was an example of the Art Nouveau style and was used from the very foundation of the company until 1932. In 1932, the four interlocking rings that anyone would recognize today were born when Audi teamed up with DKW, Horch and Wanderer to cut costs in the face of an economic downturn. The rings symbolized the unity of the four companies that were now part of the Auto Union AG concern. In 1965, the concern was renamed Audi, and then it was absorbed by the Volkswagen Group. For its 100th anniversary in 2009, Audi redesigned its logo, giving it a more beautiful and sophisticated look.

You can find more examples of beautiful logos.

What will your brand name be?

There is no need to guess; the Logaster online service has a huge database of icons in a variety of styles. Browse and test several logo designs before choosing the best one.

In fact, the existence of the logo is as old as time. But ordering a logo is very expensive these days. This is not some innovative “trick” that designers have recently learned to skillfully use and companies are raving about, but every self-respecting organization is in a hurry to order a logo, and if it goes further, then the road to a brand book is close, but first about the logo.

The logo is

A logo from the ancient Greek “logos” - a word and “type” - an imprint, is an original graphic image of a brand name in the form of stylized letters or an ideogram, symbolizes a product or service, and is often a trademark. Logos are subject to all requirements for proper registration, after which it is legally subject to legal protection.

The logo is the most important part of the company’s image; it serves to identify the organization in the market, reflects the concept and positioning trademark, testifies to her individuality, sets her apart from competitors and is closely connected with.

There are many companies for which a logo is a whole story or a connection with it, but in this case it is the most important object; many companies approach its stylistic changes very thoughtfully and carefully. The logo begins to work only after it becomes recognizable and remembered by consumers. What is the bearer of the logo? Almost all objects around us serve as carriers: food packaging, clothing, equipment, transport, etc.

Goals and objectives of the logo

The development and creation of a logo is the embodiment of a symbol or sign to reflect the company’s activities, its policies and essence. It should be simple, harmonious, lay the image of the product in the consumer’s mind and evoke a positive association. That is, the main purpose of the logo is to influence the company on the perception of the public, and not just on potential customers.

The objectives of the logo are simple - to create a favorable image of the company, image and reputation, to help clients identify you among other identical companies. The absence of a logo deprives you of the opportunity to compete and self-identify. A bad logo is even worse - you risk alienating your audience.

Logo functions

The logo performs important functions such as phatic, expressive, impressive, metalinguistic, distinctive, guarantee, aesthetic and advertising. Let's take a closer look at the above functions.

    The phatic function is visual contact between the consumer and the company, which is carried out by the perception of the logo image on any medium.

    The impressive function is an emotional impact that encourages the client to remember the logo.

    Expressive function is a visual message to the consumer about the purpose of the product or service and the direction of the company’s activities.

    Metalinguistic function is the consumer’s attention to verbal and symbolic perception.

    Distinctive - allows companies to differentiate themselves from each other through a logo, that is, if a logo is registered, then by law it cannot be used by others.

    Guarantee function - allows the consumer, at one glance at the logo, to form an opinion about the company or encourage them to purchase a product.

    Aesthetic function - allows the consumer to form an opinion about the company at one glance at the logo.

Advertising function - forms a positive image of the company and is closely related to the aesthetic function due to the psychological, emotional and informational load that it carries, the brand becomes more recognizable and memorable.

Historical roots of the logo

In the Middle Ages, trade and industrial emblems and guild heraldry appeared; these areas are considered examples of visual advertising; as an example, we will show the coat of arms of Canada, we hope she doesn’t mind. This is in case the term "heraldry" confuses you.

Logos were used by many ancient cultures for a variety of purposes. The Assyrian, Mayan, Egyptian, Chinese and Babylonian cultures additionally used pictograms, which can now be called ancient logos.

If we talk about Russia, the beginnings of a logo from heraldry began in 1722. And in the twentieth century, logos began to evolve and were further developed. For example, the very first and famous logo was from the insurance company “Prudential Insurance” with a picture of Gibraltar.

Let's consider the meaning of the term. A logo is the original design or abbreviated name of a company, a product group produced by a given company, or one specific product, which is produced by it.

The further the company developed, the more improvements were required, and not only in the company’s activities itself, but also in its appearance, managers began to think about the image and in a positive way, because this consolidates the organization in the market and forms a certain interpretation among the consumer. He hears the name of the company and if he immediately sees the company logo, it means he is working.

The logo can evolve with the company. It is very difficult to rebrand when the consumer has formed an image, but it still happens and most often the company leaves the old logo, it just makes some adjustments so that the old, well-recognizable image remains.

Types of logos

Currently, there are a large number of different types of logos. Their only job is to be memorable and effective. Some logos include only the name, or an abbreviation - letter (font) logos. Others consist only of an image or picture - symbolic (pictorial) logos. Still others are combined (mixed), they combine an image and a name, and there are also three-dimensional ones.

1. Letter (font logos). Letter logos represent the spelling of a company name, brand, or company founder. When creating this type of logo, we use different kinds fonts. Such logos are divided into groups:

The logo is the company name itself, for example, Coca-Cola, Panasonic, Google.

The logo is only the initial letters of the company name, for example IKEA, HP (Hewlett-Packard), H&M (Hennes & Mauritz)

The letters are presented in the form of pictograms. The simplicity of the logo makes it easy to remember such logos. (MacDonald's, Lexus, Honda).

2. Symbolic (figurative) logos. This type is developed on the basis of pictograms and totems. Many well-known companies use this type logo. In a logo, a graphic symbol carries a large semantic load and builds an association in the consumer’s subconscious with a certain process or thing. For example, Apple, Shell, Starbucks.

3. Combined (mixed). The most common type of logo. The presence of a graphic part makes the logo memorable and creates an attractive image of the company, and the font part of the logo makes it easy to remember the company name.

4. Three-dimensional logos are characterized by the three-dimensional shape of the product (for example, an original bar of soap or its packaging - a bottle, a box).

When developing a logo, it is necessary to use a sign or symbol that carries a large semantic load, causes an associative series and memorability, and also embeds the image of a product or service in the consumer’s subconscious.

The concept of the logo should be in harmony with the company's policy, and when the name of the company is mentioned, the consumer should have an image of its logo, and vice versa, when the consumer sees the logo, he should know which brand it belongs to.

The influence of color in a logo

Corporate color is also an important component of corporate identity. Color makes corporate identity elements more attractive, better memorable, and allows for a powerful emotional impact. Certain types of products and services have specific colors that are quite firmly attached.

At the same time, it is possible to name strong associations of all activities related to the sea and water with the color blue, aviation with silver, crop production and its processed products with green, and so on.

Red is the color of strong emotions, passion and intensity. For most people, on a subconscious level, this color stimulates appetite. Therefore, it is very often used in food and restaurant logos. This color is also often used in sales as it evokes a sense of urgency and quick action.

Yellow is the color of cheerfulness, warmth, optimism, youth and creativity, which stimulates the mental and mental processes, nervous system and communication. Mainly used in logos of companies whose services are aimed at young people. Most often, the field of activity of companies with such logos is creativity, handicrafts, and design.

The color blue is associated with water, peace, calm, serenity, security and trust. This color, unlike the colors listed above, is considered a cool color, and is perceived as constancy and reliability. Blue color is most often used in corporate business due to productivity and sufficient neutrality.

The color orange reflects excitement, enthusiasm and warmth. However, for some people this color evokes aggression and represents a call to action: buy quickly or sell quickly, so

this color is aimed at impulsive buyers.

The color green has many associations: health, tranquility, money, nature, development, growth, fertility, and also depression. The human eye is most sensitive to this color and is able to distinguish most of its shades.

Purple is a color that symbolizes royalty, wealth, success, wisdom, creativity and imagination. In marketing, it is often used in products intended for beauty and rejuvenation.

Opinion of logo professionals

Future designers gain practical work experience at every stage of training. When you have enough of it, you can talk about details that become significant with experience, such as which logo design is best to use.

Distinctive feature flat design is the deliberate simplicity of the image, the absence of patterns, shadows, textures and gradients, which entails simplification and, accordingly, recognition of the image.

The main advantage of flat design is not only the external cleanliness and clarity, but also the accelerated loading speed of images on web pages, due to the ability to present them in SVG format. That is why this format is increasingly used in digital technologies.

As for negative space, this is the space around the depicted object. The ability to rationally use such space allows you to create graphics that hold people’s attention for a long time, and also makes it possible to convey more information. A logo that uses negative space resembles a rebus, a riddle. It will definitely be remembered by a person when he manages to find the secret in it.

Logo and target audience

They write about logos in textbooks. They also write about the audience and the logo in textbooks. Absolutely all textbooks for designers write about the inextricable connection between the logo and its perception by the audience.

Not knowing yours is considered a crime. Come on, if you're here, then this statement is stupidly obvious to you.

Traditional (classical) means of influencing the audience include specialized publications, the press, educational exhibitions and forums. But if we move away from the classics, then today they use event-based, creation and promotion on the Internet, this goes here. Reached its apogee and advancement in in social networks, promotion on specialized Internet portals.

As research by a certain company “Nielsen”, the world's leading expert in the field of marketing information, shows, consumer recommendations are much more effective than traditional methods of promoting goods and services - 84% of consumers in the world believe that they trust the recommendations of friends and family. This is the highest figure among other advertising media.

Therefore, for the full impact of the logo, this cell should be strictly defined and the more compressed and specific it is, the easier it will be to understand the audience and things will go uphill.

How to create your own logo

The development and creation of a logo is the embodiment of a symbol or sign to reflect the company’s activities, its policies and essence. It should be simple, harmonious, lay the image of the product in the consumer’s mind and evoke a positive association. On initial stage work, you need to study the company, namely the name of the organization. And also location, products or services, how many years the company has been on the market. Studying the direction of the company's activities is of great importance.

The initial stage does not end here; it continues with an analysis of the organization’s competitive environment; it is worth paying close attention to the appearance and corporate colors of the logos of the main competitors in order to immediately exclude possible similarities of the new logo with them.

And before you begin to develop a logo, you need to do preliminary work to collect information about the preferences, tastes, and use cases of those who will represent this logo. It is also necessary to study the materials and tools with which it can be created and the methods of its construction. Just like a logo, the technology for creating it has a list of requirements.

To begin with, it is worth studying the client, it can be one person or an entire audience, and the project becomes successful only when this same client recognizes it and remains satisfied. Do not forget that the beginning of work on any project begins with a conversation with the client.

In your own development, try to find out more about the services provided by the organization, get acquainted with its program and method of work, ask for brochures, photographs, links to resources on the Internet. Anything that can provide information in text and graphic form about the activities of an event or company.

The next point is to research the media you prefer. It is necessary to research the programs and films that the audience likes to watch, the music and sites that they use more often. In this way, it is possible to guess the expectations and desires of the audience being studied.

To be sure that the future logo will be noticeably different from competitors, it is worth understanding who the competitor is and what their advertising materials, including the logo, look like. After the analytical part, you can proceed to the practical beginning - sketches and sketches. This is where the heat begins and do you know why? Because after analytics comes complete creativity, this is precisely the nuance in which technical minds are pierced to the marrow of their bones, and creatives take everything under control.

Sketches are quick, sketchy and often unpresentable sketches that illustrate the ideas that come to the mind of the logo designer. At this stage of development, the emphasis is not on quality, but on quantity, and it is necessary to take large paper formats, they will help provide more free space for creativity and self-expression. But the sketches should be constantly checked with the name of the organization or event.

The most best ideas and associations arise between drawings and themes.

It’s worth drawing and scribbling until you run out of ideas, but you shouldn’t stop, because behind such a barrier you can reach the desired result. This is the most creative and dynamic part of all work, constant searches, each subsequent work improves the quality of the previous one.

If you are creative, then contact a graphic designer - he will develop and present all sorts of options.

After trying to produce a huge number of graphic options on a sheet of paper, you need to move to a graphic editor, which each designer chooses for himself; to do this, you need to find it and download it or enable it if you already have it.

Graphic editors provide the opportunity to use a huge variety of elements and tools to create a decent logo even with minimal knowledge of the program, for example, many have heard about the good old one, minimal knowledge and a good amount of choice - that’s about it.

After designing an emblem, picture or any other figure, there is often a need for a name next to the logo that will have corporate font. It should look organically with the visual component. How do I find a font that I can use as is? First you need to look through all the available fonts, paying attention to letters that can become initials.

If the work involves not only developing one logo, which is a combination of an icon, but also developing a word or phrase, then it is advisable to start with the icon. This approach makes sense because the icon is often the central point of the lettering, and only after its creation it becomes clear which fonts do the best job of representing the logo through aesthetic and precise thematic associations.

    Individuality. When developing a logo, this property is the main one. This criterion makes it possible to stand out and makes it possible to register a logo using a mark without violating the rights of other companies.

    Originality. This is the difference between the logo and the others. This property should evoke positive emotions and associations among potential consumers of the product.

    Versatility. When developing a logo, following modern trends fashion, you need to remember that in a few years these trends may become outdated. The logo design should be relevant even years after its creation.

    Associativity. Denotes the associative connection between the logo and the product it marks. The recognition and individuality of the logo helps protect it from counterfeiting.

    Functionality. The simplicity of the logo makes it easy to place it on letterhead, website, on souvenir products etc. Ease of perception is achieved by limiting the number of elements included in a sign or logo.

    Attractiveness. The logo should attract attention, make you want to look at it and understand the idea behind it.

The study revealed the technology for creating a logo, which is a mandatory step in the structure of working with a graphic sign:

We analyzed the technology for creating a logo and identified the main steps to creating it:

    Study of the company and its competitive environment. From this most important stage, development begins; it depends on the company’s activities what the future logo will look like and how it will affect clients, this stage is aimed at finding and creating a unique graphic sign that will differ from competitors.

    Sketch development. In order for a logo to appear, it must first be developed on paper; the principle of sketches is aimed at quantity, not quality. It is necessary to draw options on paper until ideas are exhausted - this is useful when searching for the optimal solution.

    Selecting a graphics editor. IN modern world There are a huge number of graphic editors, the only question is the personal preferences of the logo designer, the author chooses the graphic program in which he is most comfortable working, and the graphic editor also performs the function of transferring the sketch version to a digital one in order to continue working with it.

    Selecting corporate colors and fonts. Colors in a logo play a special role, aesthetic and psychological; the further success of the logo will depend on the choice of corporate colors, either it will attract and form a positive impression, or it will repel or seem boring and incomprehensible. The font should be harmoniously combined with color and reveal the essence of the company.

A logo is the basis of a future brand, its main element, so you should be very careful when creating a logo.

Logo making involves the design of the logo itself, that is, work on the concept and creative idea, which is expressed by the company sign. When an original image is created, through compositional search, the laws of composition, using means of artistic expression, as well as modern Computer techologies, which will allow you to create a creative sign.


In the case of a logo, it is important to understand the purpose that the design should effectively work towards. After formulating the goal, the actual production of the logo begins.” The search for a graphic solution for a logo takes into account the entire line of visual characteristics, such as color, font.

The role of the brand book in the context of advertising communication is becoming very important and is gaining popularity in companies in any market segment. The corporate brand is now used by the majority. First of all, the brand book forms an extremely clear vision of all the key points of the company, but the logo is aimed at attracting customers and forming a positive impression of the organization.

Very often, the customer company sets a goal for the designer to develop a logo, but time does not wait and the brand name loses its relevance and many organizations ask to remake it. The sign must be recognizable even after rebranding, so only some adjustments are made to it.

A small graphic element can not only present a company from a favorable perspective, but also make it a leader among competitive companies. Thus, the logo is the success of the organization and its prestige. Therefore, every reputable company is obliged to order a logo for itself!