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Reflection of processes occurring in the Russian language in the names of various city objects and signs Research work on the Russian language of a student. Unmotivated names of urban objects and the phenomenon of linguistic shock Small written genres


1.1. The concept of “ergonym”. The place of ergonyms in the onomastic space of the Russian language.

1.2.The problem of the meaning of ergonym.

1.2.1.Basic interpretations of the semantics of a proper name.

1.2.2. Stages of nominative development of the meaning of an ergonym.

1.3. Features of nomination in ergonymy, its types.

1.3.1 Natural and artificial nomination in ergonymy.

1.3.2. Objective and subjective factors in ergonymy.

1.3.3. Principles of nomination in ergonymy.

1.3.4. Classification of ergonyms of Novosibirsk in accordance with the principles of nomination.


2.1.Main problems of the theory of ergonym formation.

2.2. Word-formation potential of modern ergonyms of Novosibirsk.

2.2.1. Semantic onymization of ergonyms.

2.2.2. Ergonyms of Novosibirsk, created using methods of word production.

2.3. Retrospective analysis of ergonyms in Novosibirsk.


3.1.Features of the interpretative approach in ergonymics.

3.2. Pragmatic aspect of ergonymy in Novosibirsk.

3.2.1. Functional diversity of ergonyms.

3.2.2. Pragmatic functions of names of urban objects.

3.2.3. Features of the functioning of ergonyms-abbreviations: synchronous and diachronic aspect.

3.3.Communicative aspect of erponymy.

3.3.1. Analysis of the results of a survey of residents of Novosibirsk.

3.3.2. Analysis of communication interference with the participation of ergonyms.

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Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Names of urban objects in Novosibirsk: structural-semantic and communicative-pragmatic aspects”

This dissertation research is devoted to a multi-aspect (structural-semantic and communicative-pragmatic) study of the names of urban objects: enterprises, institutions, organizations, firms and companies. This layer of proper names is traditionally called ergonyms (A.B. Superanskaya, I.V. Kryukova, 1M.Ya. Kryuchkova, G.A. Donskova). Ergonym is studied in this work, following A.B. Superanskaya (1985), as the name of a complex object. Due to its attachment to a place, an ergonym is close to a toponym (the proper name of a geographical object), and due to its connection with professional associations of people - to the designations of groups - socionyms.

Research in recent decades has been distinguished by its attention to the problems of the peripheral zones of onomastic space - ergonymy and pragmatonymy. Works devoted to the structural description of these units (A.B. Bespalova, S.B. Zemskova, etc.) are supplemented by studies of the features of their functioning (D.A. Yalovets-Konovalova, N.V. Shimkevich, G.A. Donskova, I.V. Kryukova, D.S Yakovleva).

The ergonymy of the city as a specific layer of the vocabulary of the modern Russian language reflects all the fundamental changes that have occurred and are occurring in Russian society. As a result of these processes, old names of urban objects are being replaced by new ones that meet current needs and are competitive. Compare: "Furniture Factory No. 1" and furniture factories "Kameya", "Sibir", "Ninex", "Pivvinkombinat" and production companies "Krasny Vostok", "Vorsin", "VINAP" ("wine, drinks, beer ); “Shop Ks 100” and stores “Sotyi”, “Berezovy”, “Magic of Light”,<сАвтозапчасти для друзей», «Визави». Демократизация номинативных процессов в области эргонимии позволяет говорить о своевременности изучения данной группы имен собственных.

Thus, the relevance of this dissertation is connected, first of all, with the need to study the system of names of urban objects at a certain stage of its formation; assessing the role of ergonyms as objects of interpretation from the point of view of the nominator and the addressee. A comprehensive description and analysis of the trends of this formation are important tasks of modern Russian onomastics and at the same time can become material for research in the field of nomination theory, interpretive and cognitive linguistics.

The study is within the framework of an anthropocentric approach to linguistic facts: on the one hand, we take into account the position of the speaker who creates the name and thereby interprets reality using language; on the other hand, we are interested in the position of a person who perceives and comprehends an already created sign. The analysis of these interpretations allows us to observe ergonymy as a dynamic phenomenon.

The relevance of the topic under study lies in the fact that the names of urban objects have a high degree of reproducibility in the modern communication process: having entered the consciousness of a native speaker, they participate in the formation of his picture of the world. In this regard, it is important to study the cognitive capabilities of this subsystem of proper names and the specifics of the semantic-structural properties of its components.

Description of Novosibirsk ergonyms, often reflecting the social orientation of the nomination (the "Inexpensive" store, the "Oligarch" boutique), gender and age factors (clothing stores "Women's View" and "For Tep"; hypermarket of children's goods "Banana-Mama" and the teenage club " Seeker"), also has sociolinguistic significance.

A comprehensive study of ergonyms is especially significant for a modern linguist-semasiologist: it makes it possible to expand the understanding of the substantive diversity of a verbal sign, its specificity in the border zone between proper and common nouns of objects and phenomena.

The object of the study is modern Russian ergonyms. The choice of Novosibirsk ergonymic names is determined by the following factors:

Nominators and recipients of modern names are available for psycho- and sociolinguistic research;

The city of Novosibirsk is a large administrative, cultural, economic and transport center, so the conclusions drawn on the basis of this material can be extrapolated to the system of Russian ergonyms as a whole.

In this study, the structural and semantic analysis of ergonyms of the city of Novosibirsk was preceded by the author’s work with nominators (owners, founders and employees of enterprises and organizations), as well as the study of archival data. First of all, the card index included ergonyms known to a wide range of individuals (based on oral surveys and questionnaires of the population), namely: the names of government agencies, social services, educational and medical organizations, trade and service enterprises.

The subject of the study is the structural-semantic and communicative-pragmatic features of modern ergonyms of Novosibirsk: mechanisms of nomination, types of interpretation of ergonyms.

The sources are the city information database “DoubleGIS” from 2002 to 2006, a card file of ergonyms of the city of Novosibirsk, collected by the author during the study by direct selection of names with subsequent addition from written sources (reference books, diagrams, maps). A total of 6,000 units were analyzed and systematized.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the study. The study of ergonyms in this work is carried out within the boundaries of the disciplines of the linguistic cycle: lexical semantics (semasiology and onomasiology), word formation, linguistic semiotics, cognitive science, linguoculturology, pragmalinguistics, communication theory. The theoretical and methodological basis of the dissertation was the work of domestic and foreign researchers: general theoretical works in the field of onomastics (V.N. Toporov, A.V. Superanskaya, V.I. Bolotov, V.D. Bondaletov, V.I. Suprun), works in the field of ergonymy (I.V. Kryukova, S.V. Zemskova, D.I. Yalovets-Konovalova). In the analysis of the semantics of ergonyms, we rely on classic generalizing works on problems of meaning (J. St. Mill, A. A. Ufimtseva, N. D. Arutyunova), studies that examine individual issues of the theory of reference (A. D. Shmelev, D.I. Ermolovich), works on the semantics of proper names (V.I. Bolotov, V.A. Nikonov, Yu.N. Karpenko, A.V. Superanskaya). In the study of the semantic nature of the processes underlying the formation of ergonyms, we rely on works on issues of semantic and word-formation derivation (D.N. Shmelev, L.O. Butakova,

I.E. Elesevich), as well as research on the theory of artificial secondary nomination (M.E. Ruth, M.V. Golomidova). In word-formation analysis, generalizing works on the theory of the formation of common nouns are used (E.A. Vasilevskaya, Z.A. Potikha, V.V. Lopatin, V.N. Nemchenko, I.S. Ulukhanov, E.A. Zemskaya), research , which discuss individual issues of the formation of onomastic units (I.A. Vorobyova, M.N. Gorbanevsky, N.V. Podolskaya, 1990).

The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze the derivational-functional potential of modern ergonymy. This goal is achieved by solving the following tasks:

1) analyze systemic relationships within this corpus of names;

2) determine the specifics of the ergonomic nomination;

3) identify the features of lexical-semantic and word-formation derivation of ergonyms;

4) trace the dynamics of development of the ergonymic system of Novosibirsk;

5) evaluate the communicative potential of ergonymy;

6) describe the peculiarities of interpretation of city names by the addresser and the addressee.

Research methods. The starting point is the descriptive method, which includes the collection, cataloging, systematization of material, and allows us to identify its types from the point of view of seme and word-formation analysis. Elements of the statistical method are used to count the number of ergonomic units corresponding to each model. When surveying nominators and recipients and processing the data obtained, sociolinguistic techniques are used; Pragmatic analysis of communications is used to reconstruct nominative strategies and motivations when creating ergonyms. Certain techniques of comparative and contextual analysis are used to study the peculiarities of the functioning of ergonyms in a literary text.

Scientific novelty of the work. New factual material (names of urban objects in Novosibirsk), systematized in the form of a structural-semantic classification, which made it possible for the first time to consider the specifics of onymization as an end-to-end process in the formation of names of urban objects using ergonymic material, has been introduced into the circulation of linguistic research. The boundaries of the ergonymic nomination are clarified and the hierarchy in the semantic-functional space of the names of urban objects is revealed. The dynamics of development of the Novosibirsk ergonym system is presented. A communicative-pragmatic analysis of urban ergonymic names made it possible to identify the specifics and types of their interpretations. Specific linguocultural features of ergonyms are identified, due to different stages of development of Russian-speaking society in the 20th - early 21st centuries.

The theoretical significance of the study lies in the creation and testing of a comprehensive methodology for the analysis of ergonymic material, integrating structural-semantic and pragmatic-interpretive approaches and allowing us to describe the units of this layer of onymic vocabulary from a unified theoretical and methodological position. As part of the study of onymization of ergonyms, the idea of ​​D.N. is developed. Shmelev about the commonality of the mechanisms of lexical and word-formation derivation. The study expands the understanding of the specificity of the content of a linguistic sign in the border areas between a proper name and a common noun, which clarifies knowledge about the variety of manifestations of the content structure of a nomination in general and, in particular, an artificial nomination. The work makes a certain contribution to the development of ideas about metonymy as a linguistic and cognitive phenomenon of nomination, the semantic basis of the processes of ergonym formation. The types of motivations when naming urban objects are clarified. The work contributes to the development of the theory of proper names, motiveology, pragmalinguistics, and linguoculturology.

Provisions submitted for defense.

1. Ergonyms are the area in onomasiology in which modern nominative processes are reflected and by which one can judge both the linguistic personality of an individual nominator and the linguistic environment of the city as a whole.

2. The end-to-end process of ergonym formation is onymization as the transition of a common noun into a proper name; onymization may be accompanied by lexical-semantic and word-formation derivation. Ergonyms demonstrate the commonality of these processes in the light of cognitive views on the essence of a verbal sign.

3. The leading functions of ergonyms (nominative and identifying) are complemented by an informative function, according to which it is possible to distinguish directly informing, indirectly informing and conventional names of urban objects. Conventional ergonyms, while motivated by the nominator, do not provide an idea of ​​the properties of reality and require decoding by the addressee.

4. Recently, the functions of linguistic influence (expressive, attractive, mnemonic, magical and playful) have become important for ergonyms; When creating expressive names of urban objects, the factor of the addressee is actively taken into account and the creative potential of the nominator is most fully revealed.

5. The communicative nature of the ergonymic nomination determines the possibilities of interpretative study of these units: identifying the hierarchy of intentions of the nominator, the reflection of the addressee and the interpretation of the philologist-researcher analyzing the degree of success of the name of an urban object.

6. In the linguistic situation of the city, mutual understanding between the nominator and the addressee of an ergonymic nomination can be complicated by both interference from the “plan of expression” and the “plan of content” of the ergonym.

Practical value of the work. The semantic and word-formation capabilities of the formation of urban ergonymic names identified in this work make it possible to correlate (and thereby clarify) existing scientific data about this area of ​​the onomastic space of the language. The interpretative approach in the description of ergonyms can become a precedent for the beginning of generalizations about the communicative and pragmatic potential of the ergonymic sign. A linguopragmatic analysis of ergonymic nominations is necessary to develop specific recommendations for creating names of urban objects that meet the aesthetic taste of their users. The material and conclusions of the study are useful for university educational work: when teaching special courses on onomastics, conducting special seminars on the language of the city, in lexicographic practice, as well as in the field of management.

Approbation of the work: the main provisions of the dissertation research were discussed at the scientific conference held annually by the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University

Problems of interpretation in linguistics and literary criticism" (Novosibirsk, 2004 - 2006), at the conference "Philological support of professional activity" at Barnaul State Pedagogical University in 2006, as well as at meetings of the Department of Modern Russian Language of Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University. The content of the work is reflected in 6 publications, 1 of them is in the publication recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for publications by doctoral students and graduate students.

Structure of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three research chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography and five appendices.

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Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Russian language”, Nosenko, Natalya Vladimirovna

So, in our understanding, the interpretative approach, combining communicative and pragmatic principles in the study of the names of urban objects, is the angle of view that allows us to answer the most complex and pressing questions of modern ergonyms: why the nominator chooses this particular name (this or that method of formation, one model or another) by which he is guided in his choice. Since V.A.’s thesis is correct for ergonymy. Nikonov, that the name “characterizes not so much the object itself, but the namers” [Nikonov, 1987], then this approach allows us to understand how the name characterizes the linguistic personality of the author of the ergonym and the recipient. And here is the point of intersection of interpretive and communicative linguistics and modern pragmatics, since all these directions focus attention on the linguistic personality.

Our study confirms the thesis about the importance of the pragmatic function (with the obvious functional diversity of ergonyms), focused on the relationship between a person and a sign, for ergonymy. The current situation indicates that the traditional opposition of commercial enterprises to non-profit ones is losing its relevance, since non-profit enterprises such as schools (for example, language schools “Ya”, “Inotext”; private schools “Eco-school”, “Eureka”), studios, clubs based on interests, sports teams, etc., having lost state support, are forced to conduct commercial activities and enter into competition, and therefore, such teams need competitive names.

The beginning of the pragmatic function - magical - is manifested in the ergonymy of Novosibirsk and testifies to the vitality of the attitude towards naming as a sacred act. Each nominator, when giving a name, hopes that it will bring good luck, as evidenced by such nominations as “Fortune”, “Fortune’s Smile”, “777”, “Treasure Island”.

Structural and semantic analysis of the system of city names (in synchrony and diachrony), the results of a survey of city residents, experiments on free associations and experiments on the creation of nominations allow us to say that in the ergonymy of the city of Novosibirsk several opposite, but not mutually exclusive processes take place simultaneously.

On the one hand, a large number of ergonyms are created according to the traditional scheme, known since the 20s. XX century are abbreviations and complexly abbreviated nominations that reflect the location, status and profile of the organization. Abbreviated ergonyms have previously caused (judging by the works of I. Ilf and E. Petrov) and now continue to cause a negative attitude among recipients. This is apparently one of the reasons for the desire of modern nominators to create expressively colored abbreviation names, namely, euphonious ones (“IRSO”), coinciding with well-known abbreviations (“CIA”, “BTR”) or words (“MAG”, “KIT”).

Nominators rely on the Russian language, rich in bright, juicy, expressive words, using expressive-figurative lexemes, for example deminitives with a connotative positive assessment: “Rodnichok”, “Olyushka”, “Ivushka”, words with a positive denotative assessment enshrined in the language : “Success”, “Good choice”, “Favorite”. However, the creativity of the creators of the nominations is not limited to the use of bright ready-made lexemes, more and more often among the ergonyms of Novosibirsk we come across contaminant ergonyms (“Champion”, “Obuvanchik”, “Molodezhka”, “Sportugal”), ergonyms-rhymes (“Shury-Mury”, “Amur-Timur”, “Tutti-Frutti”) and nominations in which false roots are actualized (“Tulle-Pan”, “PyNenebelnaya kitchen”, “MasterOK” ), that is, the creative potential of the Russian language system is used and the game function of ergonyms is updated.

The addressee today needs a nomination that will evoke a chain of polyassociations in the potential recipient, so in his choice he often chooses a complex sign, for example, a complicated metaphor and metonymy. However, due to the specificity of the addressee of the ergonymic nomination, this complex sign should be easily understood by the recipient, its meaning should lie on the surface, and this is proven by the comparison of the functioning of contaminants in poetic and journalistic texts and ergonyms-contaminants, which we undertook in this chapter. In this regard, it is important for ergonymy that the addressee must understand that ergonym-occasionalism is not a mistake, but a well-thought-out invention of the addressee. To achieve this kind of mutual understanding, the addressee and the sender of the EN must have a close picture of the surrounding reality, interpret the events of reality in a similar way and have a common set of explicators for expressing important components of concepts.

Our analysis of the results of the survey and associative experiments with names demonstrates, firstly, the relativity of any judgments regarding the criteria for the success/failure of an ergonym: the same names are marked both as successful and as unsuccessful (the Zhili-Byli tavern, the Balamut club ", pharmacy "Hello"). Secondly, the overwhelming majority have a negative reaction to abbreviations (“NZHK”, “IMPISR”) and ergonyms based on personal names (“Natalya”, “Annushka”). Thirdly, different types of interpreters (nominator, addressee and philologist) evaluate names according to different criteria. For the nominator, the connection of the name with the profile and assortment of the enterprise (informing function) is of paramount importance. The originality of the name is important for the recipient. Having analyzed unsuccessful names, according to the survey data, from the perspective of an interpretive philologist, we identified the following types of interference that can lead to communication failures:

1) interference from the “plan of expression” (abbreviations, use of graphics of other languages, foreign language inclusions, including transliterations); 2) interference from the “content plan” (the use of names whose VF is dissonant with the type of activity of the enterprise, the use of personal names and cultural symbols, the exploitation of one of the meanings of a polysemantic word without taking into account other meanings).


The results of this dissertation research can be summarized as follows.

1. Largely due to the quantitative and qualitative changes that occur with names associated with material culture, namely ergonyms and pragmatonyms, the special attention of linguists is focused precisely on these layers of onomastic vocabulary. Our analysis of the problem of terminology existing in onomastics showed the necessity and sufficiency of the term “ergonym” for naming such urban objects as enterprises, organizations, institutions. Based on the concept of A.B. Superanskaya, we defined the ergonym as a complex lexical unit. Despite the obvious similarity with toponym and socionyme, ergonym is a separate subcategory of proper names, since it has its own, different object of nomination - enterprise, organization, etc.

Ergonyms as individualizing names, important for modern, especially urban, communication, are unconditionally included by us in the onomastic space of the modern Russian language. Some ergonyms are carriers of prototypical properties of IS (conventionality, obscured motivation): the travel agency “Aladdin’s Lamp”, the trading company “August”, the city organization of disabled people “Den”. Other names of urban objects, including common noun indexers, are closer to common nouns in the opposition “common noun - proper noun”: Municipal Educational Institution of Educational Institution “School of Arts No. 6”, Municipal Educational Institution “Office of the Judicial Department in the Novosibirsk Region”. Thus, the scope of the ergonymic nomination is clarified.

Ergonyms, as a subcategory of proper names, began precisely with descriptive forms (as evidenced by the historical excursions undertaken in our work) and gradually acquired the nuclear characteristics of proper names (conventionality, lack of full motivation); The semantic-functional features of the ergonymic name are still at the stage of formation.

The basis for understanding the meaning of ergonym was the functional approach. In the light of this approach, the lexical meaning of an ergonym consists of the same types of relations (macrocomponents) as the LL of other categories of IS and IN (denotative, significative, structural), but at the same time it has a number of features. Among the components of the ergonym significatum, the descriptive, or characterizing, component is of great importance, including a certain set of features of the referent, sufficient for the majority of educated native speakers to understand what is being said. Compared to the most studied anthroponyms, ergonyms are characterized by the importance of VF as a motivational feature underlying the name.

The study identifies official, semi-official and unofficial layers of the ergonymic system of Novosibirsk. This made it possible to identify a number of features of the relationship between artificial and natural nominations in ergonymy. Artificial nominations become the producing basis for natural (folk) names (“Novosibirsk flour mill No. /” - “Mill”, “Passenger motor transport enterprise” - “Patap”, “Patapych”). In turn, naturally formed names become official nominations, for example, stores “Under the Line”, “Under the Hours”. Natural nominations are resistant to new ideological attitudes and changes in fashion for names (for example, the popular name of a store in the Pervomaisky district “Podvalchik” wins the competition over the official nominations of this city object (“Store No. 24”, “Shopping Center”, “U Perekhodny”) for 30 years).

The analysis of the interaction between ergonym and nomenclature terms (cafe, shop, club, restaurant, etc.) undertaken in the work made it possible to describe the features of the joint functioning of these units.

The sociocultural conditionality of ergonym indexers is shown. Discourse analysis of the lexemes dining room, cafe, bar, restaurant using 2000 contexts from the works of Russian writers of the late 20th - early 11th centuries as sources. (Vasily Aksenov, Victoria Tokareva, Nina Sadur, Gaito Gazdanov, Irina Polyanskaya, Lyudmila Ulitskaya and others) revealed images of these urban objects in the minds of Russian speakers (cafes are “a place of meetings and dates, creative searches and love longings, a neutral territory where everyone is equal and more"). The images constructed in this dissertation research are the basis of ergonymic nominations and can be used by city nominators when creating names.

The classification of ergonyms in accordance with the profile of the objects of the nomination, presented in the study, clearly demonstrates that the choice of linguistic units is conditioned by the specifics of the object of the name.

The work proves that the identifying, conditionally symbolic and symbolic principles underlying the nomination of the peripheral part of the onomastic space of the Russian language [I.V. Kryukova, 1997], are also typical for ergonyms.

Based on these principles and taking into account the experience of classifying proper names R.Ya. Ivanova (based on the names of grape varieties) [Ivanova, 1973] and O.I. Strizhevskaya (based on the names of minerals) [Strizhevskaya, 1975], the ergonyms of Novosibirsk are classified into three types:

Directly informing

Indirectly informing


Ergonyms of the first type contain a direct indication of various properties of the named object: store (.(Children's clothing" (indication of the age of consumers and assortment), store ((Westfalika" (indication of ownership of the enterprise), store of audio and video equipment "From Ivan Ivanovich" (indication of the owner's name and patronymic), the company "Roofing and Insulation" (indication of the assortment). The names of this group are based on the informative principle of nomination. This class is represented, on the one hand, by descriptive names that include appellative indexers: “Municipal state enterprise of housing and communal services of Novosibirsk”, and on the other hand, mono-feature nominations associated with metonymic transfer: store “Japanese auto parts.” Directly informing ergonyms are peripheral in the general onomastic space.

Ergonyms of the second type indirectly indicate the properties of the object of the nomination: the sewing enterprise “Our Fashion”, the publishing and printing enterprise “Ofset”, the shoe store “Crystal Slipper”, the cafe “Shanghai”. The names of this group are based on the conditionally symbolic principle of nomination.

Ergonyms of the third type, being motivated for the nominator, do not give an idea of ​​​​the properties of reality, but only inform that the ergonym itself is something bright, expressive (trading company "Zenith", cafes "Shafran" and "Belovodye", dental center "Breeze" ", hairdressing salon "Virtual"). The names of this group are based on the symbolic principle of nomination. Conventional ergonyms are closer than others to the nuclear and near-nuclear subcategories of proper names.

The representation of these types actualizes the hierarchical relationships in the ergonymic space of the language and certain correspondences to the nuclear-peripheral structure of the general onomastic field.

2. Having analyzed the main problems of word formation of onyms that exist in modern Russian studies (the problem of determining the word-formation structure of a word and the motivating base, the problem of identifying tips and models of semantic derivation) and expressing our attitude in favor of the similarity of the mechanisms of morphemic and semantic derivation, we introduced the concepts of type and model of ergonymic semantic derivation. Based on the theoretical principles we defend and based on the objectives of the study, we have developed a classification of modern ergonyms of Novosibirsk according to methods of education, taking into account the percentage of identified classes and subclasses.

This classification clearly demonstrates that in the ergonymy of our city two processes compete: semantic metonymic onymization and abbreviation as a morphemic process.

1) composition - 37.5% (abbreviation - 27%, addition - 10%, contamination - 0.5%);

3) descriptive nominations - 14%,

4) transonymization, metaphorical onymization, metonymic onymization complicated by metaphorization - 10%;

5) substantivization -2%;

6) nominalization - 1%;

7) affixation - 0.5%.

Having studied the data for 1912, 1924 - 25, 1931 and 1990, we were able to imagine the dynamics of the development of the ergonymic system of Novosibirsk in the 20th century, which is characterized by a gradual departure from descriptive oanthroponymic names (“Trading office A.Ya. Yakobson”, “Sapozhnaya Sorokin’s workshop”, “Ivanov and son”, “Matukhanin with his sons”) (from 1912 to 1925 45% of all ergonyms are transonymized names) to abbreviation (in 1924 - 25 48.6%, in 1931 - about 90%, in 1991 - 50%). Thus, abbreviation remains the leading method of forming ergonyms for Novosibirsk for almost 80 years.

3. The results of studying the features of the structure, semantics and functioning of ergonyms, presented in our study, prove the communicative significance of the names of urban objects. On this basis, the communicative aspect of ergonymy can be identified and described, which cannot be completely separated from the pragmatic aspect and the interpretive approach that “connects” them.

The work substantiates the possibility of using an interpretative approach in the study of city ergonymy. This approach, relevant for modern Russian studies, is based on an understanding of the communicative and pragmatic features of the creation, perception and use of ergonyms. The researcher focuses on problems related to the characteristics of the sender and recipient of an ergonymic nomination, how the latter interpret names, and those factors that help and hinder mutual understanding between the nominator and the recipient of the name. It was precisely this formulation of the problem that made it possible to clearly see the points of intersection of the interpretative approach and modern pragmatics, focused on the study of linguistic languages, which, in turn, allows the use of developments in the field of pragmatics (for example, analysis of the functioning of ergonyms) to assess the interpretative potential of nominations.

Our analysis showed the functional diversity of ergonyms. At the same time, in addition to the main ones, the pragmatic function (function of influence) is important for all ergonyms. In Novosibirsk ergonymy we find manifestations of a magical function, which is historically the source for a group of pragmatic functions: casino “Fortune”, “777”.

Pragmatic includes the expressive function, which is important for modern ergonymy. It includes more specific functions: evaluative, emotional-evaluative, gaming, attractive, etc.

The expressive function of Novosibirsk ergonymy correlates with the concept of “expressiveness” as a semantic category. The specificity of its manifestation is that the nominators of Novosibirsk, from among the common nouns, choose lexemes with a positive assessment enshrined in the language: “Good choice”, “Success of a summer resident”, company “Best Windows”; lexemes with diminutive suffixes: kindergarten “Solnyshko”, stores “Ivushka”, “Rodnichok”. It is relevant to use the expression of neologisms - ergonyms-contaminants (stores "Champivon", "Obuvanchik", "MolOdezhka", "Sportugaliya"), ergonyms-rhymes (confectionery store "Shara-Bara", coffee shop "Moka-Loka") and nominations , in which false roots are actualized (“Tulle-Pan”, “Pzkenebelnaya kitchen”, “MasterOK”). Thus, in modern ergonymy the creative potential of the Russian language system is used and the play function of ergonyms is updated.

4. Based on the analysis of the results of the survey and experiments, we have developed some signs of successful names for urban objects of various profiles and can give recommendations for the nomination of objects of this type.

The ergonymic nomination is based on the idea of ​​an object that exists in the minds of Russian speakers: for example, the lexeme bar evokes associations with strong drinks, which is reflected in the names of Novosibirsk bars: “Thirst”, “Beer Friends”, “Pinta”.

The majority of respondents noted the importance of a good name for any organization, as well as the fact that the name should be original, consistent with the type of activity of the enterprise, evoke positive associations and attract attention.

During the study, it was found that the above requirements are most fully met by a name based on a complex sign, for example, on a metonymy complicated by a metaphor (wine and vodka store “Fortress”, shoe store “Under the Heel”), or on an expressive composite (contaminant, acronym). The most fully pragmatic function is performed by “riddle ergonyms” that make you think about the motivation for the nomination, for example: the Ostrovok supermarket, located on the street. Equator, associated with “Island on the Equator”. Wed: store “15 builders” (on Stroiteley Avenue, 15).

The prospect of our research may be further work to determine the relationship between concepts and the corresponding ergonyms as their explicators, as well as identifying the features of the interpretation of foreign language transplants as part of ergonymic vocabulary.

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What is a sign? N.V. Kozlovskaya, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen proposed the following definition: “Urban signs are small-form texts in which the linguistic personality of the author is often expressed, that is, a person or group of people who create the name of an urban object.”

Who is right? S.I. Ozhegov gives definitions based on the functions of this phenomenon - information. In the definition of N.V. Kozlovsky’s emphasis is transferred to the person creating the sign, since in the modern world it is impossible to attract attention without catchy and memorable advertising, especially if you are surrounded by numerous competitors. Modern signs are not just information about an object, they are a way to attract the attention of potential consumers of services.

The purpose of my work is to find out by what principles modern city signs and names are created and how to prevent the further emergence of monster names created by authors who lack linguistic tact, philological education, and linguistic intuition. The study examined more than 60 names existing on the streets of the city of Khabarovsk and the village of Luchegorsk, which allows us to draw a conclusion about the trends that have developed in the field of nomination of modern urban objects.

Unmotivated names do not have obvious associative connections with the object of the name and the sphere of urban life to which they are “assigned”. For example: “Flamingo”, “Goliath”, “Space”, “Continent”, “Harmony”, “Sail”, “Maria”, “Empire”, “Coral”, “Vivat”, “Breeze”, “Elena”, “Ninel, “Beryozka”, “Sudarushka”, “Metelitsa”, “Assorted”, “Kalinka”, “Irina”, “Iris”, “Nadarovka”, “Adonis”, “Svetlana”, “Roman”, “Lotus” .

Motivated names Names of objects should easily reveal any motivating connections with the object of the name. Based on the materials I collected, the following groups can be distinguished: names based on urban toponymy; names motivated by thematic and lexical-semantic connections of words; names reflecting the specialization of urban facilities by functionality, assortment and type of product; names that allow one to detect motivating associative connections with the object of the name.

The second group of names, motivated by thematic and lexical-semantic connections of words, can be represented by the following signs: “Azbuka Mebel” - a chain of furniture stores; “Diary” – goods for schoolchildren; “World of Plumbing” is a plumbing equipment store.

Unmotivated names Unmotivated names do not have obvious associative connections with the object of the name and the sphere of urban life to which they are “assigned”. Among such names, one can distinguish several broad thematic groups that occur more often than others: names using numbers and numbers (sometimes in combination with letters and other graphic elements); naming using names and titles; letter and syllabic abbreviations; names of animals, birds, insects as part of the name of the object; religious, mythological, fairy-tale, fantastic humanoid creatures and magical objects; names of plants and other plant organisms; natural phenomena and objects; use of foreign language vocabulary; mixing words from different languages; names written in foreign languages.

Names using numbers and numbers (sometimes in combination with letters and other graphic elements) are used in a wide variety of fields. It is impossible to explain the reason for the name of the grocery store “21st century”. Why is a clothing store called “Eva+”?

No less rare are names that include the names of religious, mythological, fairy-tale, fantastic humanoid creatures, magical objects and objects. Nouns of this group are very often used to name objects for various purposes.

The Russian language has always been open to expanding its vocabulary from foreign language sources. The borrowing of words widely known in the West - internationalisms - is sometimes accompanied by a distortion of their meaning. Names written in a foreign language or being foreign words written in Russian letters cause difficulty in establishing associative connections with the profile of the nominated object. They force us to spend time determining the language in which they were created (And we may not know this language or not recognize the word written in Russian letters!), Find a translation that corresponds to the meaning inherent in this name.

Names - “Linguistic shock” Linguistic shock (as defined by Professor V. Belyavin) is a condition that causes an extreme degree of surprise, laughter or embarrassment that occurs in a person when he hears in speech linguistic elements that sound strange, funny or indecent in his native language .

Results of the study Extensive and interesting material - signs - made it possible to identify a large number of thematic groups of words, traditionally and recently, used in the Russian language to create the name of an object: names using numbers and numbers, names of animals, birds, insects as part of the name of the object, religious, mythological, fairy-tale, fantastic humanoid creatures, magical objects and objects, names of plants and other plant organisms, natural phenomena.

Research results The reason for the emergence of unmotivated and shocking names is the process of declining literacy in modern society, the decline in general and linguistic culture, the psychological and emotional state of modern man, the unreasonable borrowing of vocabulary, and the use of words written in a foreign language in signs. Unmotivated and shocking names also arise when the owners of a company, salon or other object strive for unusualness, catchiness and originality of the name, achieving this in any way, even violating language norms.

N.V. Kozlovskaya,
Candidate of Philology,
Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A.I. Herzen, St. Petersburg

City signs are small-form texts in which the linguistic personality of the author is often expressed, that is, the person or group of people who create the name of the city object.

Over the past decade, the linguistic and cultural space of the city has been dominated by a tendency towards renaming, characteristic of periods of social and economic transformation. Due to the desire for maximum differentiation of urban objects, communication participants are faced with an ever-increasing number of urban names and their types.

In this short note we would like to talk about two phenomena related to nomination processes in the field of urban objects: unmotivated names And names that cause linguistic shock(term by V.P. Belyanin). As material we will mainly use the names of urban objects of modern St. Petersburg.

Most of the names of urban objects easily make it possible to detect any motivating associative connections with the object of the name: the store “On Peski”, the sports club “Narvskaya Zastava”, “Okhta Park”, the restaurant “Lesnoy” (names based on city toponymy); “Great Furniture of Spain”, “World of Bags”, “Upholstered Furniture”, “Clothing from Germany” (names reflecting the specialization of urban objects by functionality, range and type of product); perfume shop “Charm”, group of companies “Karavay”, pharmacy “First Aid”, musical instrument store “Sinkopa” (names motivated by thematic and lexical-semantic connections of words).

Unmotivated titles do not have obvious associative connections with the object of the name and the sphere of urban life to which it is “assigned”. Among these names, several broad thematic groups can be distinguished.

    Naming using numbers and figures(sometimes in combination with letters and other graphic elements) are used in a wide variety of areas. Here are some examples: cafe “2 & 2” – Kamennoostrovsky pr., 37; bistro “51” – Sadovaya street, 28-30 (perhaps this name is motivated by real toponymic connections: the former building number of Apraksin Dvor); auto parts manufacturing company "33"– Yakornaya st., bldg. 5; thrift store "928"– Sredneokhtinsky Ave., 15.

    Letter and syllabic abbreviations. LLC "REK" (air conditioning equipment) - Polyustrovsky Ave., 39, office 405; company "InRo" (cable products) - st. Badaeva, bldg. 1; UPTK "AOKS" (shot blasting and shot blasting chambers) - Ninth January Ave., 19.

    Names of animals, birds, insects. Some animal names are used in the act of nomination more often than others, so the associative nature of the name is difficult to identify. For example, in 2007 in St. Petersburg, 22 names with the noun “bars” were officially registered, for example: “Bars-hydraulic”, “Bars-computers”, “Bars” ( cars – parking lots and garages); "Bars" ( weapons - trade and repair); optics "Bars"; "Bars-Stroy" ( floor coverings).
    The word “elephant” in the linguistic consciousness should apparently be associated with the concepts of “large size”, “power” or associated with Indian culture. Practice shows that this name is often used without relying on real connections of the associative-verbal network, cf.: this name in St. Petersburg is assigned to a beauty salon, a sex shop, a restaurant serving European cuisine, a building materials store and a company that produces electrical and installation equipment. electrical work.
    Or this example: “Elephant+”, marine and freshwater aquarium systems – from design to service; Zanevsky Ave., 51, bldg. 2.
    We use the phrase “names of animals” in a broad sense, which allows us to include in this group of names the word “newt”, which is also very often included in nomination acts. This name is given to: an advertising agency, a company selling office supplies, a chain of laundries. Only one name seemed to us motivated by the lexical-semantic and associative connections of the word: “Triton”, production of dismountable kayaks, sailing catamarans, accessories for water tourism; Volkovsky pr., 146, bldg. 1. Semantic connections of the word “Triton” indicate its possible use as a designation of elements of the water or sea elements. According to the Russian Semantic Dictionary, newt is “an aquatic tailed amphibian of the family of true salamanders,” in this meaning the lexeme is included in the lexical subset “Snakes, lizards, crocodiles, frogs and other animals” along with such words as alligator, anaconda, echidna, toad and others. It is unlikely that these connections become the motivating basis for the nomination, although it is precisely this meaning that, in our opinion, is basic for Russian linguistic consciousness. The word has another meaning: “A sea deity in the form of a man with a fish tail instead of legs, raising or calming the waves.” In this meaning, the lexeme is included in the subset “Religious, fairy-tale, fantastic humanoid creatures / in ancient and medieval European mythology” and has thematic and associative connections that determine its “nominative activity”, cf.: genie, titan, siren, sphinx, Amazon.

    Religious, mythological, fairy-tale, fantastic humanoid creatures. Such nouns are very often used to name urban objects for various purposes - apparently, this is due to their wide associative potential, “beauty” and some veiled meaning. Here are a few examples: “Amazon” (in Greek mythology: a female warrior, a representative of a special tribe that lived separately from men) - beauty salon, travel agency, production and supply of stationery. “Centaur” (in Greek mythology: a supernatural creature in the form of a half-man, half-horse with a violent, intemperate temper) - trade in auto parts, welding equipment, metal structures. “Zombie” (in African folk beliefs: a dead person acting at the will of the one who calls his spirit) - martial arts club. Perhaps the most surprising thing is the name fruit and vegetable wholesalers“Angel” - Sofiyskaya st., 92.

    Names of plants and other plant organisms. These names, as a rule, are unmotivated, that is, “appropriated”, and are often used in combination with adjectives, mainly qualitative: “Acacia" ( aviation instruments and equipment) – Zastavskaya st., 31, “Baobab” (cafe) – Nepokorennykh Ave., 74; “White Rose” (bistro) – Konstantinovskaya st., 25; “Kalinushka” (cafe) – Nepokorennykh Ave., 63. One of the most “demanded” in the act of naming without sufficient motivation is the noun “Astra”: 34 urban objects in St. Petersburg are named exactly like that ( dental clinic, fur shop, publishing house, bookmaker's office, translation agency, European restaurant). Noun - the name of the flower can be part of complex names: “Astra broker”, “Astra furniture”, “Astrapak”, “Astra-electric”.

    Natural formations. There are many such designations; they have been used traditionally, dating back to Soviet times: shopping and entertainment complex“Continent”, store “Zarya”, etc. The noun “Lagoon”, for example, is used to refer travel company, plumbing equipment store, cafe, companies supplying hydromassage baths, furniture and equipment for the kitchen, office supplies.

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Dissertation - 480 RUR, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week and holidays

Mikhailyukova, Natalya Vladimirovna. Texts of city signs as a special speech genre: based on the language of Vladivostok: dissertation... Candidate of Philological Sciences: 02.10.01 / Mikhailyukova Natalya Vladimirovna; [Place of protection: Nat. research Volume. state University].- Vladivostok, 2013.- 249 p.: ill. RSL OD, 61 14-10/226


Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations for the study of the sign genre 10

1.1 City language as a linguistic problem 10

1.1.1 History of the study of the city’s language (sociological and linguogeographical studies) 12

1.1.3 City vocabulary in the context of nomination theory 20

1.2 Problems of modern theory of speech genres 26

1.2.1 The concept of speech genre 28

1.2.2 Parameters for identifying speech genres 34

1.2.3 The problem of small written genres 39

1.3 Small written genres and the problem of defining text 40

1.3.1 Approaches to text description 40

1.3.2 The concept of text and its characteristics 46

1.3.3 Defining text boundaries. Primitive texts. Creolized texts 51

Chapter 2. Genre of signage in the communicative space of VladivostokabO

2.1 Linguistic aspect of the description of sign texts 60

2.1.1 Sign text structure 60

2.1.2 Grammatical features of sign texts 65 Signs represented by one word form 65 Signs represented by a combination of words 71 Signs represented by verb clause h

2.1.3 Lexico-semantic features of sign texts 75 Motivation for the names of urban objects 75 Metaphor and metonymy as methods of nomination 82

2.1.4 Using language games in sign texts 97

2.2 Sociolinguistic aspect of the description of sign texts 109

2.2.1. Social conditioning of sign texts 109

2.2.2 Reflection of social differentiation of language in the texts of Vladivostok signs 122

2.2.3 Texts of signs in the aspect of linguoecology and linguoaxiology

2.4 Linguistic and cultural aspect of the description of sign texts

2.4.1 Theoretical foundations of linguistic and cultural analysis of the text of signs 154

2.4.2 Representation of the linguistic and cultural space of Vladivostok in the texts of signs Reflection of globalization processes in the names of Vladivostok objects 159 Reflection of Russian and Soviet culture in the texts of Vladivostok signs 163 Far Eastern specifics in the mirror of Vladivostok signs 167 Reflection of East Asian culture in the texts of signs 171

Conclusion 180


Introduction to the work

The language of the city, considered as a complex interaction of various linguistic components, is the subject of fundamental research in modern linguistics. Within the framework of the anthropocentric paradigm, this phenomenon is studied not only in the linguistic itself, but also in the sociolinguistic, communicative, semiotic and linguoculturological aspects. The language of a city is a collection of heterogeneous linguistic formations (living speech of citizens and urban epigraphy), interacting with each other and forming a complex unified system within a particular city. Among the most relevant are studies of small written forms in the linguistic appearance of the city, since they record social, economic, cultural and political changes occurring in the life of society. This study presents an analysis of sign texts as a special speech genre.

The texts of signs are one of the elements of the linguistic life of the city,

representing changes in social, economic and political

life of the city. Such texts of the urban environment reflect the linguistic and

national and cultural specificity of a particular city. Revealing the same

linguistic identity of specific cities is relevant in the context

research into the problem of territorial variation in literary

Russian language. In addition, city signs reflect and shape

linguistic and cultural space of a modern city, therefore they

consideration is related to linguo-ecological issues and

language policy.

There are several approaches to studying sign texts.

Traditionally, the names of urban objects are considered as

nominative unit, in this case the term “ergonym” is used

(L. A. Kapanadze, 1982; N. V. Podolskaya, 1988; T. V. Shmeleva, 1989, 1990 and

ate; I. V. Kryukova, 1993; N. A. Prokurovskaya, 1996; L. 3. Podberezkina,
1997, etc.). Another theory is that the names on the signs represent
is a communicative unit, a specific type of text (L.V.
Sugar, 1991; E. S. Kubryakova, 2001), which can also be considered in
context of genre studies (M. V. Kitaigorodskaya, 2003; M. V.

Kitaygorodskaya, N. N. Rozanova, 2010; B. Ya. Sharifullin, 1997, etc.).

The linguistic appearance of Vladivostok currently remains insufficiently studied. Small genre forms also deserve attention - in particular, the texts of signs, which are of scientific interest not only as a special genre of speech, but also as a fragment of the communicative space of the city, reflecting its regional specifics. Taking into account this situation, we believe that there is a need for a comprehensive study of the texts of the names of urban objects - in particular, an analysis of their structural and semantic features, as well as the identification of sociolinguistic and linguocultural specifics.

Thus, relevance This research is determined, firstly, by its inclusion in the paradigm of modern linguistic research; secondly, gaps in the theoretical development of the sign text as a special speech genre; thirdly, the need for a comprehensive study of the linguistic space of Vladivostok.

Object Our research was based on the texts of signs of the city of Vladivostok.

Subject The research focused on the structural-semantic, sociolinguistic and linguocultural features of the texts of city signs as a special speech genre.

Material the research is a card file of the texts of Vladivostok signs (photos and handwritten notes), which includes about 4,000 units; material was collected from 2009 to 2012.

Target dissertation work is to describe the texts of signs as a speech genre, identifying their genre-forming features.

To achieve this goal it was necessary to solve the following tasks:

    identify signs confirming the textual status of the name of an urban object;

    identify genre-forming features of the sign text;

3) explore the sociolinguistic features of texts
Vladivostok signs;

4) consider the texts of signs as a reflection of linguistic and cultural
space of Vladivostok.

Research methods. The starting point is the descriptive method (collection and systematization of material), which allows us to identify the main types of sign texts; elements of the statistical method were also used. To reconstruct nominative strategies and motivations for creating ergonyms, a pragmatic analysis of communication is used. The method of distributional analysis and component analysis of word meanings was used.

Scientific novelty thesis is that for the first time a comprehensive description of the text of a sign as a special speech genre is presented; Based on multi-aspect analysis, its specific features are identified. In addition, the dissertation work was carried out on previously unused regional factual material: the object of the study was the texts of signs in the city of Vladivostok.

Theoretical significance of the study. The data obtained allow, firstly, to clarify the idea of ​​a speech genre as a situationally determined type of text. Secondly, this work is a definite contribution to the theory of text - mainly in terms of defining the boundaries of the text as a unit of speech. Thirdly, a multi-aspect analysis of the linguistic content of Vladivostok signs was carried out

allows you to get an idea of ​​the regional varieties of the national Russian language.

Practical value of the work. The results of the study can be used in general and special courses on the modern Russian language, sociolinguistics, linguoculturology, etc. The collected factual material can be used in the compilation of a regional dictionary. Based on the research, it is possible to develop practical recommendations for government agencies involved in language policy issues in the city, as well as for the nominators themselves.

Provisions for defense:

    A sign is a special speech genre, which is a small-form written text (“primitive text”) located on an urban site and performing identifying and advertising functions. The text of the sign is a kind of materially designed “replica” of the name of the enterprise.

    The specificity of the sign text as a speech genre is expressed in its grammatical, lexical-semantic, sociolinguistic and linguocultural features.

    A sign is a special type of text that has semantic, structural, compositional and pragmatic features. Informativeness and a clearly expressed focus on the addressee are the most important characteristics of the sign text.

    The text of the sign is semiotically heterogeneous, as it contains verbal and iconic elements aimed at forming certain positive associations among the addressee in order to achieve a result beneficial for the nominator.

5. The texts of the signs reflect the peculiarities of the linguistic and cultural

space and socio-economic structure of Vladivostok.

Scope and structure of the dissertation determined by the purpose and objectives of the study. The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, including 297 titles, and two appendices.

Directions of modern research on the language of the city

The relevance of the study of speech genres is due to the fact that the modern scientific anthropocentric paradigm in linguistics is generally functional in nature. Interest in the study of speech genres is also caused by the fact that this concept is one of the key structural elements in modern anthropolinguistics. E. A. Zemskaya emphasizes that “the study of speech genres is of primary interest for the analysis of types of speech communication (official - unofficial, public - personal, unprepared - prepared, direct - mediated, etc.), because different types of communication have a specific set genres of speech" [Zemskaya, 1988].

At the present stage of development of linguistics, the study of speech genres is so diverse that the identification of the main approaches to the problem of speech genres in domestic linguistics is different.

Thus, T.V. Shmeleva identifies three approaches to the study of speech genres. The first of them is defined as lexical, involving reference to the names of genres: “it is most closely related to the theory of speech acts, largely based on the analysis of the use of speech steps.” The second approach is called stylistic; it “involves the analysis of texts in terms of their genre nature, including composition, selection of specific vocabulary, etc.” The third approach, which is most based on the ideas of M. M. Bakhtin, according to Tatyana Viktorovna, is called speech science, since speech genres are studied as a phenomenon of speech. A feature of this approach, T. V. Shmeleva calls the movement “from the author, his plans and preconditions of communication to the methods of linguistic embodiment of the speech genre, in which all the genre information necessary for successful communication is encoded for the addressee” [Shmeleva, 1997a].

Saratov researcher V.V. Dementyev identified three main directions of the modern theory of speech genres: linguistic study of speech genres (genre studies), pragmatic (genre studies) and “communicative genre studies”. The linguistic study of speech genres is based on the methodology and terminology of the theory of speech acts; in this direction, mainly the logical-functional aspect of speech genres is considered. The pragmatic study of speech genres is characterized by special attention to the factor of the addresser and the factor of the addressee. In communicative genre studies, based on a synthesis of the communicative nature of speech genre and language, genre is considered as a transitional phenomenon between language and speech and is understood as a means of formalizing social interaction [Dementyev, 2002].

Recently, the theory of speech genres has been developing so rapidly that we can say, on the one hand, that this theory has formed its own traditions for the study of genres (functional-stylistic, pragmatic, speech science), on the other hand, that the theory of speech genres genres is at a completely new stage of development, based on a tendency towards generalization (for example, communicative genetics).

The current problems of modern genre theory include the following: the content of the concept of “speech genre”, the problem of the hierarchical organization of a speech genre, the problem of identifying genre-forming features and the typology of speech genres, the problem of small written genres.

The discussion of the problem of speech genres in linguistics, as is known, begins with M. M. Bakhtin’s article “The Problem of Speech Genres,” in which the foundations of modern ideas about speech genres were laid and the difficulties associated with this concept were demonstrated. M. M. Bakhtin considered the speech genre a category that allows us to connect social reality with linguistic reality: it is not a product of abstract theorizing by linguists, but samples and models of speaking and writing that are actually inherent in the speech competence of native speakers. The researcher understood a speech genre as “a relatively stable thematic, compositional and stylistic type of utterance,” which depends on extralinguistic factors (addressee, goal of the speaker, specific situation of speech communication, etc.) [Bakhtin, 1979]. Further development of the theory of speech genres is associated with the study of the Russian language in the functional and stylistic aspect.

It should be noted that the question of the definition of the very concept of “speech genre” still remains controversial. Even within the same thematic collection “Genres of Speech,” significantly different concepts of the theory of speech genres are presented. V. E. Goldin rightly points out this in the preface to the second issue of the collection: “The concept of speech genre is “squeezed”... between the concepts of speech act, text type, tonality of communication and some others” [Goldin, 1999, p. 4].

The concept of “speech genre” in modern linguistics is interpreted differently. The general definition of speech genres proposed by M. M. Bakhtin undoubtedly needs clarification. Linguists, relying on the concept of M.M. Bakhtin, offer various definitions of speech genres, identifying certain aspects of this concept depending on the research tasks.

In studies related to the sociopragmatic aspect of the theory of speech genres, considering a speech genre in the context of a communicative situation, based on the idea of ​​the unity of communicative and non-communicative human activity, speech genres are understood as: “verbal-sign design of a typical situation of social interaction between people” [Sedov, 2007, With. 8]; “a form of speech implementation of acts of communicative activity in a communicative event” [Borisova, 2001, p. 42]; “a type of text “cast” from the corresponding communicative situations, formed on the basis of such specific and interacting parameters as time, place, communication partners, topic” [Kitaygorodskaya, Rozanova, 1998]; “a certain situational and thematic group of texts” [Kapanadze, 1988, p. 230] etc.

Considering speech genres in the psycholinguistic aspect, by speech genres researchers understand “a script, a frame that is present in the consciousness of a linguistic personality as a guide to speech behavior and which is a socially approved system of norms for such behavior in a given specific situation of social interaction” [Sedov, 1998 b, s. 146]. In one of the works of V.V. Dementyev, the genre is called “a means of formalizing social interaction” [Dementyev, 2002].

Small written genres and the problem of text definition

The use of a qualifying component as a function of the actual name of the object is typical for signs located in remote, so-called “dormitory” areas of the city. This can probably be explained by the absence of the need to single out a given object - to differentiate - among similar ones (there is practically no competition of similar objects on the urban periphery).

The qualifying component, in the presence of an identifier or differentiator, can be considered optional, since the profile and functional features of the object can be revealed in the text of the name of the enterprise or using an iconic element. For example, the text of the sign for the Petal salon is accompanied by an image of a chamomile, informing about the profile of this salon - selling flowers.

The qualifying element can be represented by a combination of words, for example: children's clothing store, women's clothing store, luxury furniture salon, etc. In this case, the element expressed as an adjective is clarifying: it more accurately informs about the range or quality of the goods and services offered.

As our material shows, three types of models for the implementation of identifying and qualifying components can be distinguished: 1) N1 + Adj (grocery store); 2) N1 + N2 (beauty salon, shoe store); 3) N1 + N1 (grocery store). The most productive in the epigraphy of Vladivostok is the second model. In the third model, the grammatical coherence of the identifying and qualifying components is implicit, which is a characteristic feature of sign texts as a special speech genre. So, the full implementation of the text of the sign is the verbalization of the identifying, qualifying and differentiating components, for example: the children's clothing store “Fashionable Baby Doll”. This is the most productive and frequent model of the text of Vladivostok signs. A model that lacks a qualifying component can be considered less productive: cafe “Michel”, store “Moidodyr”.

Finally, the least frequent and unproductive model in Vladivostok turns out to be one in which there is only a qualifying component that performs the function of the actual name of a city object (“Fruits and Vegetables”) or only a differentiating component (“Caramel”). The use of one qualifier in the text of a sign is informative for the addressee, but is ineffective from an advertising point of view, since due to the lack of bright and figurative means, the individuality of the enterprise is not manifested. Having only a differentiating component on a sign may also be ineffective, since the purpose of an urban facility may be unclear to potential consumers (for example, “Caramel” is the name of a beauty salon). Thus, from the point of view of performing the informative and advertising function, it is optimal to explicate a minimum of identifying and qualifying components.

Most sign texts, as our observations show, contain a differentiating component, that is, the actual name of the enterprise. However, on the signs of Vladivostok there are also texts that, in addition to the actual name of the object, contain brief information of an advertising nature. For example: cafe “Retro”: weddings, anniversaries, banquets, inexpensive; Store “Leon” Fur coats Fur sheepskin coats2.

In such hybrid texts (company name + advertisement), nominative sentences are used, logical and grammatical connections between words are broken, text connections are weakly expressed; Such texts often lack punctuation. Here are some examples: children's goods store "Happy Childhood" (below) Non-children's shopping Discounts Prizes Gifts Bonuses; Wine Shop (below) Drinks from all over the world!; Beer Post beer store (below) ...more than just beer! Quality, tradition, goodness Always fresh draft beer for you Delivery anywhere in the city.

Additional advertising information can be presented in the following types: a) the use of rhyme (Gigantshina; Tires for any car; the seed store "Gardens of Primorye": In the spring and summer in the off-season, the gardens of Primorye are always with you!), b) the use of texts of a recommendatory nature (store bedding "Dargez" (below) A good morning begins at night...), c) invitations (shoe store "Real Shoe" (below) Come out and greet the warmth! beer store "Beer Post" (below) We are always glad to see you! supermarket Fresh25 (below) We are open!) (the advertising element We are open!, which serves as an invitation, has been very common in recent years on the signs of Vladivostok institutions that have just opened for citizens).

Motivation for the names of urban objects

Figurative metonymy is built on primary (non-metaphorical) imagery. According to researcher O.I. Blinova, “the properties of imagery have two classes of words: linguistic... metaphor, secondary, indirect nominations and actual figurative words, primary nominations, namely those concrete nouns, which themselves often become the basis of the image, comparison (water, grass, sun, rainbow, etc.)” [Blinova, 1983, p. 31]. In this case, the transfer of the name is carried out on the basis of the contiguity of ideas about objects and phenomena involved in one situation: for example, vivid images of the world of childhood underlie the names of children's goods stores “Vorobyshek” and “Hare”.

Conventionally, primary imagery can be seen in words denoting phenomena and objects of nature. It is the primary imagery that is associated with vivid visual representations. The names of plants, animals, and birds are often used. In the texts of signs of this type, the primary imagery creates a special emotional background. Thus, figurative metonymy in the texts of signs is created using the following thematic groups: a) zoonyms, usually in the form of a diminutive (children's goods stores "Soroka", "Hare", "Bear", "Sparrow"; preschool development centers "Lebedushka" ", "Crane", "Bees") evoke associations with childhood, since the heroes of children's literary works in most cases are animals and birds; b) phytonyms that can actualize the national-cultural component of “Russianness”, thereby causing pleasant associations among the addressee: children's entertainment center “Romashka”, grocery store “Beryozka”, hairdresser “Vasilek”, shopping center “Sunflower”, grocery store “Kolosok” "(an ear of grain is a symbol of fertility and abundance); c) names of natural phenomena and objects: preschool development center “Rodnichok”, food store “Zorka”, children’s goods store “Rucheyok”. Sign texts based on metaphor.

Metaphor (from the Greek “transfer”) is “the transfer of a name from one object (phenomenon, action, sign) to another based on their similarity” [Arutyunova, 2000, p. 296-297]. In modern linguistics, metaphor is viewed not so much as an embellishment of speech, but as a cognitive mechanism that facilitates the acquisition of new knowledge.

One of the most promising areas in metaphorology has become the theory of conceptual metaphor, which arose and is being developed within the framework of cognitive linguistics. Modern cognitive science considers metaphor as a basic mental operation, as a way of cognition, categorization, evaluation and explanation of the world. A person not only expresses his thoughts with the help of metaphors, but also thinks in metaphors, cognizes the world with the help of metaphors, and also strives in the process of communicative activity to transform the linguistic picture of the world existing in the addressee’s mind, to introduce a new categorization into the representation of well-known phenomena.

Cognitive scientists study metaphor in language and speech as a material reflection of mental processes. Metaphor is not just a “decoration” of speech. According to the general principles of cognitive science, metaphor is understood as a gestalt, a network model, the nodes of which are interconnected by relationships of different natures and varying degrees of proximity. The metaphor underlying the text of the name of an urban object connects phenomena, actions, signs, encourages the recipient of the nomination to perform a certain thought process: compare different phenomena, actions, signs, look for analogies. In the texts of signs, the informative, emotional-evaluative and playful functions of metaphors are realized [Kharchenko, 1992].

The texts of the names of establishments based on metaphorical transfer can be classified according to the type of updated information (information about the profile, specialization of the enterprise or the specifics of the setting and interior of the establishment). Let's take a closer look at each of these types of names.

Metaphorical names reflecting the purpose of an urban object represent the largest class. Several thematic groups of this type of signs can be distinguished depending on the vocabulary underlying the text of the name: a) zoonyms and other vocabulary associated with the animal world: building materials stores “2va beaver”, “Beaver”, “Ant” (beaver and ant as symbolic designation of construction, work, hard work), hair salon "Kakadu" (the cockatoo is a bird, the characteristic feature of which is the presence of elongated bright feathers on its head, symbolizes creative hairstyles), the fabric store "Peacock" (the peacock in this case symbolizes a wide selection of fabrics, since has a characteristic unusually bright plumage on the tail), the personal services agency "Bee" (the bee is associated with hard work and hard work, therefore this name is used to designate an enterprise that provides personal services: cleaning of premises, garbage removal, purchasing groceries, etc.); b) phytonyms: “Cedar” bank (symbolic signs of cedar such as strength, strength, reliability justify the use of this name of the tree as the text of the bank’s sign, since clients have positive associations); lingerie store “Wild Orchid” (the name of this flower is associated with beauty, grace, indicating in this case the features of women’s toiletries); cafe “Malina” (firstly, the direct lexical meaning of the word (“berry”) has been updated, which is associated with the purpose of the urban facility - a public catering establishment; secondly, the figurative colloquial meaning of this word (“something pleasant, giving pleasure ") [Efremova, 2000, p. 822]; cafe "Izyum" (symbolic designation of the specifics of national Central Asian cuisine). c) anthroponyms: travel agency "Marco Polo" (world-famous name of the traveler); beauty salons “Julia”, “Victoria”, “Helen”, hairdressing salons “Eva”, “Katrin”, “Isabel”, cosmetics stores “Violetta”, “Madeleine”, “Juliet”, etc. (these anthroponyms evoke in consumers associations with the special sophistication characteristic of representatives of Western culture); d) mythonyms and names associated with the Ancient World: beauty salon “Aphrodite”; hairdressing salon “Venus” (Aphrodite/Venus is the name of the goddess of beauty and love in ancient Greek/Roman mythology, evoking an association with female beauty); security agencies “Mars” and “Ares” (the gods of war, the ancient Roman Mars and the ancient Greek Ares symbolize reliable protection); gynecological center "Bona Dea" (lat. Bona Dea - “good goddess” (often “good goddess”) - in Roman mythology, the goddess of fertility, health and innocence, the goddess of women);

Representation of the linguistic and cultural space of Vladivostok in the texts of signs

In the texts of signs it is also possible to use such vocabulary that emphasizes the high status of goods and services: vip, status, class, luxury and others. For example: auto stores “AemoVIP”, “Higher Class”; clothing stores “Persona”, “Persona VIP”, “Persona Grata”, “Status”; shoe store “Status Shoes”; furniture store “Status Furniture”; beauty salon "VIP Salon", "VIP Class"; fitness center "World Class", etc.

From an advertising point of view, the use of socionyms in the texts of signs denoting people with high social status is very effective. For example, men's clothing stores "Monarch", "Aristocrat", "Tycoon", "Premier", "Diplomat", "Chancellor", "President", "Centurion"; women's clothing stores "Empress", "Patricia", "Queen"; restaurants "Emperor", "Admiral". Such texts of signs attract the addressee, since purchasing goods in such stores or visiting establishments with similar names allows consumers to increase their personal status, feel like high-ranking people, and become like the above-mentioned persons. A similar function is performed by title texts based on the names of famous historical figures and mythological heroes. Let us give examples: beauty salons “Cleopatra”, “Nifertiti”, “Aphrodite”, “Venus”; men's clothing stores "Caesar", "Apollo".

The text of a sign can create in the recipient’s mind not only a positive image of the object, but also a certain image of the consumer himself. For example: men's clothing stores “Knight”, “Cavalier”, “Sudar”; women's clothing stores "Lady", "Madame", "Madam". People who purchase goods in such stores subconsciously feel and hope that they look in their own eyes and in the perception of others as real ladies and knights.

A popular advertising technique can be considered the use of component signs in the texts, expressing the meaning of “inclusiveness”, informing potential customers about a diverse range. Such components include the following nouns: house, gallery, empire, world, planet, center. For example: “House of Shoes”, “House of Furniture”, “House of Books”; “Sofa Gallery”, “Furniture Gallery”; "Furniture Empire", "Window Empire"; “World of Windows”, “Pubmir”, “World of Books”, “World of Skin”; “Repair center”, “Furniture center”, etc. In this case, the meanings of the words house, planet, empire, world, etc. are expanded. Losing part of their lexical meaning, such words demonstrate the concept of a wide selection of goods and services, and also create the effect of creativity through the use of metaphor.

A similar function is performed by the texts of signs using numerical combinations or lexemes denoting numbers: household goods store “1000 little things”, auto store “1000 sizes”, furniture store “Million sofas”, auto stores “Hundreds of spare parts”, “Thousands of parts”. Sometimes, for the same purpose, nouns are used that have the meaning “large size, quantity”: the tire center “Gigantshina”, the building materials supermarket “Red Mammoth”, the bookstore “Sea of ​​Books”, the souvenir store “Sea of ​​Gifts”, the furniture store “ An ocean of furniture." The desire of the nominators to inform potential customers that this trading enterprise has all the necessary goods is reflected in the text of the sign, such as the “From and Do” shopping center.

This trend in the field of urban signs can be defined as the desemantization of lexical units. A similar phenomenon is observed in other Russian cities, as noted by many researchers (M.V. Kitaigorodskaya and N.N. Rozanova, V.V. Krasnykh and others).

Frequently, according to our observations, the use of constant elements with spatial-territorial semantics is used: -terra, -land, i territory, as well as city, -grad and their foreign language analogues city, burg. The inclusion of these elements in the text of the name of the enterprise is also due to the desire of the owner to inform the consumer that the richest range of goods or services is presented here, that is, “a whole land, or a city.” Let's give examples: auto shops "Autoland", "Toyotaland", "Shinaland"; “Autoterritory”, “Motorterritory”; "Carterra", "Avtoterra", liquor store "VinoTerra"; furniture stores “City of Furniture”, “City of Sofas”; "Mebelgrad", "Pivograd"; City furniture, stationery store Kanzburg, etc. The use of such lexemes in the texts of signs can be explained by the fact that “urban objects are becoming larger in the minds of people,” and this trend is noted by many researchers, in particular M. V. Kitaygorodskaya [Kitaygorodskaya, 2003 , With. 135].

The advertising function is performed by texts constructed using foreign language, predominantly English, vocabulary. A popular phenomenon is the use in texts of signs of unadapted barbarisms (foreign lexemes and their combinations), for example: Cafe Coffetory, Street Bar, ARTICHOKE grill bar, Shisha bar Grand Cafe restaurant; America Club; Brandheel shoe store; youth clothing store Forever 18; bag and accessories store La bag, beauty salon “Star”, cafe “Monte Carlo”, “Royal Burger”, “Magic Burger”, bowling club “Pool Bar”, etc.

Less frequent is the use of adapted barbarisms (words taken from other languages, but written in Russian letters): the Drive car store, the Stroy-shop store, the Baby Shop children's goods store. Particularly popular is the technique of contaminating the base of a Russian word and a foreign borrowing, while writing is possible in both Russian letters and Latin letters (Master-Soft computer workshop, Stroymart building materials store, etc.).

A fairly large group of sign texts based on English vocabulary is known to indicate an active process of globalization and the orientation of city residents towards American culture. About the reasons for the active and widespread use of the English language in the speech of native Russian speakers, V. G. Kostomarov writes this: “Like in most countries of the world, the United States in the minds of Russians, especially young people, is increasingly taking root as a center that radiates attractive technical innovations and samples public order and economic prosperity, standards of living, ideas, cultural standards, tastes, manners of behavior and communication" [Kostomarov, 1999, p. BY]. The modern focus on Americanisms in the texts of the names of urban objects, according to researchers, is partly “a consequence of the long-term suppression of the natural interaction of the Russian and world communities” [Grigorieva, 2009, p. 43]. Many people consider it especially chic to use Englishisms that are more sonorous than Russian words in the texts of signs. Business owners try to show their knowledge of English and the high status of their enterprise, and consumers try to show their familiarity with the American-Western world.