Business plan - Accounting. Treaty. Life and business. Foreign languages. Success stories

Project of agrotourism. Investment project of the organization of rural tourism in Kuvian

The aggressive medium of megalopolises is extremely tedious to humans, so many citizens seek to acquire dacha and rural estates where they are sent to relax at each other case. For those who, for various reasons, cannot afford the purchase and maintenance of a country house, agriculture can become an excellent way out - a relatively new direction that implies accommodation in countryside Away from large cities, with the possibility of participating in various cultural and leisure events.

Considering rural tourism as a business, it should not be noted that it is equally of interest both for vacationers and farmers who have enough resources for comfortable accommodation of several guests. Moreover, tourists perceive the processes familiar to local residents as exoticism, and therefore willingly take part in the field work, care for animals, rent boats for fishing and collect mushrooms, thereby bringing the owner of a village hotel a good additional income.

Business features

The main feature of rural tourism is to accommodate: guests are located in vintage log houses or in stylized vestments of estates located in areas with untouched nature, away from industrial enterprises and multi-storey concrete buildings. With the exception of complexes with full historical reconstruction, such village hotels provide visitors at the resort apartment level: the rooms have bathrooms, air conditioning, televisions and refrigerators, and three meals are provided in the dining room.

The main meaning of a similar type of rest lies in the separation of residents of megacities from the usual bustle and immersion in a leisurely and measured rural life. In addition, tours are also cognitive: many citizens never saw a genuine folk costume, did not sit with a fishing rod at dawn and did not make a cow.

In Russia, rural tourism attracts mostly women whose share in the target audience reaches 70%. Accommodation in the village can be interesting and other residents of megacities - married couples with children and young people who prefers healthy lifestyles and environmental purity.

Another pretty extensive category of tourists is foreign citizens who want to familiarize themselves with the cultural traditions and folklore. For such guests, the natural natural environment, the national flavor and authenticity of rural life, are sometimes more important than the availability of the TV. Considering that foreigners select seats for recreation predominantly via the Internet, it is necessary to develop their own multilingual site with colorful photographs, descriptions of services and the price list, and also regularly post ads in foreign tourist forums and in social networks.

Collective trips on nature are also common in a corporate environment: the leaders of various companies buy similar tours for their employees to conduct activities aimed at strengthening the command spirit and work out ways of interaction between employees. Such customers usually rented the hotel for a period of several hours to two or three days and pay for it much more than ordinary private visitors.

Finally, the concept of the development of rural tourism implies close interaction with tour operators: companies interested in cooperation on favorable terms will not only place information about the services of the homely hotel on their website and in promotional materials, but will also help in developing a quality tourist product, a transfer and entertaining program.

Types of rural tourism

Customers of domestic hotels make different requirements for organizing their recreation: someone simply wants to spend time in nature, others are interested in hunting and fishing, others come to the village for exploring the folklore and folk crafts. In accordance with the list of cultural and leisure activities, several most popular programs of rural tourism are allocated:

  1. Medical tourism. Its aim of learning funds and methods of traditional medicine, collecting medicinal plants, as well as holding health procedures, in demand by people with various diseases;
  2. Historical tourism. It is a complete immersion in an authentic vintage life, including accommodation in reconstructed skeners with minimal amenities and food with old-circuit dishes;
  3. Rural environmental tourism. It implies accommodation in a remote village with a disconnected telephone, without television and the Internet. Full immersion in rural life promotes various cultural events;
  4. Sports tourism. In this case, the countryside is used as a platform for various sports, hiking, orientation on the ground, rock climbing, alloys in mountain rivers, horseback rivers;
  5. Educational tourism. This type of rural tourism involves the study of classic folk crafts - pottery, art painting, wood threads, weaving products from the vine, embroidery;
  6. Agricultural tourism. Includes active recreation with the ability to take part in the main agricultural processes, including grazing, harvesting of firewood, field work, haymaking, hunting, fishing, garbage or berries;
  7. Folklore tourism. Aims to study folk creativity, rituals, oral ledges and songs, visiting historical sites and museums, as well as festivals and fairs are held in the countryside;
  8. International tourism. This species Tourism in the countryside may include one or more destinations that are interesting for foreign guests - the study of folklore and folk crafts, stories and medicine.

Advantages and disadvantages

An entrepreneur who considers how to open a business in rural tourism should pay attention to characteristics This activity and take into account their positive or negative impact on the work of the enterprise as a whole.

The advantages of agrotourism include the following factors:

  1. To open a homely hotel at a farm, you do not need to receive a hotel license - just register as KFH or IP;
  2. This direction is considered priority, thanks to which the entrepreneur is available to participate in the program of development of rural tourism;
  3. In the presence of utility farm It is possible to reduce the cost of food to the guests using environmentally friendly products of their own production;
  4. The owner of the hotel should not pay for rent;
  5. Using the surrounding natural resources and the potential of the region, it is possible to make a fascinating program of cultural and cognitive events;
  6. On the this stage The industry is characterized by a low level of competition;
  7. For the organization of rural tourism, it is not necessary to possess experience or special knowledge in this area.

At the same time, negative factors are able to significantly complicate the work of the entrepreneur and entail additional resource spending aimed at overcoming the effects of their influence:

  1. In rural areas, there is often no necessary infrastructure and resources necessary for a comfortable stay;
  2. Domestic hotels are not regulated by law;
  3. Under the influence of urbanization, rustic residents quickly forget traditions and lose their originality;
  4. The development of rural tourism in Russia prevents the rapid decrease in the number of working bodies of villages and villages.

Required resources

Of course, not every village will be attractive for tourists: in some locations, there are no attractions or interesting natural resources in principle. Therefore, it is advisable to open a home hotel in the region known for its cultural traditions, crafts, architectural monuments and beautiful landscape.

The big advantage will be the presence of nearby forest array and any reservoir - lake, pond or river: visitors will be interested in such an active holiday as fishing, bathing, hikes for mushrooms or berries. Accordingly, the entrepreneur will be able to earn at the provision of various equipment - boats and catamarans, bicycles, fishing rods, mushroom sets.

Choosing, where to start rural tourism in such an area, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of any such resources and assess the possibility of their use to develop a program of cultural and leisure events. In addition, for maintenance and entertainment of tourists, you can use:

  • Estate. There are several rooms for guests to stay in the house, and the surrounding area is put in order, there are flower beds and lawns here, it is installed arbors, mangals and swings, equipping parking spaces;
  • Pets. Service, feeding and grazing chickens, sheep, pigs, cows and horses will become part entertainment program, and the use of animal products will provide visitors with fresh milk, meat, eggs;
  • Garden. For urban residents, ordinary agricultural works will be active and informative rest - many of them have never seen potatoes, carrots or corn in natural environment. In addition, dishes from these vegetables can be submitted to the table in the evening;
  • Orchard. Work in the garden, harvesting and processing can also be interested in tourists. Fresh apples, pears, plums, cherries are eaten or used for cooking various desserts - pies, jams, jams;
  • Russian bath. Bath procedures apply in health purposes, complementing their homemade kvass or herbal tea. Extreme recreation lovers will want to jump from the wage to a snowdrift or into a hole with ice water;
  • Craft, hobby. Various master classes devoted to weaving from the vine, a pottery case, wood processing, soap, and other works characteristic of rural life will help to attract customers;
  • Special knowledge. The hotel owner needs to explore the art of receiving guests, familiarize with local historical, architectural and landscaped attractions for excursions, master the preparation of national cuisine, and improve the skills of communication in foreign languages \u200b\u200bto serve foreign guests.

Arrangement of rooms and territory

The estate applying to the role of a home hotel is fairly high demands designed to ensure the maximum comfort of guests to stay. Therefore, with the improvement of the local area, it is necessary:

  1. Remove the entire garbage from the site, repair the tracks, falling grass with grass and flowers, if possible, find and install as elements of the decor of carts, wheels from them, ancient agricultural mechanisms;
  2. Equip place for parking cars of visitors;
  3. Clear and put in order the track to the well, a spring and water;
  4. Avoid the neighborhood with abandoned and dilapidated houses, garbage and dung, livestock farms and other sources of unpleasant odor and noise;
  5. Provide availability telephone communication, satellite television and the Internet (many guests will want to immediately publish photos in social networks);
  6. Install artificial lighting on the site;
  7. Establish a resting place, install gazebos and garden benches, suspend hammocks.

Rooms intended to accommodate guests should be equipped with ventilation systems, lighting and heating, bathrooms and shower cabins. Of course, some tourists in pursuit of historical accuracy will want to live in a chimney heating, wash out the stream and sleep on the reagents, but the main mass of visitors will prefer this minimum set of amenities:

Equipment of residential rooms

Name Number of Price Sum
Bed 9 8 000 72000
Cabinet 3 4500 13500
Cabinet for linen 3 6000 18000
Chair or stool 9 1 000 9000
Dining table 3 2500 7500
Chandelier or Wall Lights 3 2000 6000
Television 3 9 000 27000
Air conditioning 3 18 000 54000
Router 3 1500 4500
Electric kettle 3 1000 3000
Mini fridge 3 6500 19500
Bedspread 9 2 000 18000
Pillows 9 500 4500
Blankets 9 2 000 18000
Linens 18 500 9000
Toilet bowl with Bachkom. 3 4 000 12000
Shower cabin 3 12 000 36000
Mirror 3 2 000 6000
Sink washbasin 3 8 000 24000
Mixer 3 1 000 3000
Boiler 3 5500 16500
Towel great 18 500 9000
Little towel 18 300 5400
Mat 3 500 1500
Dryer for linen 3 1 500 4500
Sadkin tent 3 3500 10500
Set of garden furniture 3 6 000 18000
Mangal 3 700 2100
Set of dishes 3 5 000 15000
Hammock 3 1000 3000
TOTAL: 450000

The area of \u200b\u200bguest rooms is chosen at least 6-7 m² per person for double rooms, or 5-6 m² per person for triple.


The three-time nutrition is included in the basic service pack of the home hotel. For its organization, it is necessary to equip a small dining room for 10-12 people, in which you can also install a samovar and decompose sweets on the dishes to organize tea drinking at any time of the day. It is possible that this place will be the center of communication and impressions after a busy day.

The basis of the menu for tourists is made up of simple and unpaid rustic dishes made from farm products. This may include:

  • Vegetable salads, homemade pickles, fresh greens;
  • Homemade milk, sour cream, cottage cheese and cheese;
  • Cutlets, meatballs, homemade sausage, dumplings, kebab;
  • Fish and fish dishes;
  • Various porridges, Pasta Falls;
  • Baked potatoes, boiled with greens stewed with mushrooms;
  • Ear, soup, bridins, vegetable and cold soups, borschy;
  • Homemade eggs, omelets and scrambled eggs;
  • Pies, honey gingerbread, pancakes, pancakes, homemade jam;
  • Compote, herbal and fruit teas.

You need to be prepared for the fact that some guests from among those who adhere to a vegetarian or therapeutic diet will find the unacceptable village menu and wish to prepare their own dishes from the products brought or purchased from farmer products. For their convenience, it is necessary to equip a separate kitchen equipped with all necessary utensils and household appliances:

Equipment of guest kitchen

Name Number of Price Sum
Set of saucepan 2 3500 7000
Set of pan 2 3000 6000
Set of knife 2 500 1000
Forks, spoons 2 2900 5800
Gas stove 1 6000 6000
Cutting boards 2 800 1600
Kitchenware 3000 3000
Food processor 1 3000 3000
Refrigerator 1 15000 15000
Washing 1 600 600
Mixer 1 1000 1000
TOTAL: 50000

Organization of leisure

Few guests will be satisfied with the opportunity to just live away from the city noise, swim in a clean river, shape the bath and look at living cows: usually people interested in agrotourism attract some other purposes - immersion in the village life, active rest, participation in agricultural work. In addition, many buy family tours and brought into the village of children who have grown in the city and never seen wildlife. Therefore, guests are developing a set of different cultural and leisure activities, including them in a base package or offering as additional services:

Agricultural leisure:

  • Collection of berries, vegetables and fruits, work in the field and in the garden;
  • Pumping honey, an hour's excursion;
  • Feeding and pasture animals in the pasture, work as a shepherd;
  • Baking homemade bread;
  • Arrangement of smokehouse, smoking meat or fish;
  • Collecting sour cream and whipping oil;
  • Trees rolls and wood harvesting.


  • Hunting and fishing;
  • Horse riding, on a sleigh, an excursion to coniferm;
  • Water procedures, bathing in the river or lake;
  • Hiking and cycling;
  • Bath Health Procedures;
  • Picnics;
  • Access to inventory for rest - balls, badminton;
  • Conduct photo sessions.

Cognitive holiday:

  • Acquaintance with local customs, rituals and folklore;
  • Participation in celebrations, invitation of folklore groups;
  • Holding master classes for folk crafts and crafts;
  • Excursions in museums, inspection of architectural and natural monuments.


When developing a business plan for rural tourism, it is necessary to consider that work on the arrangement of the home hotel is not limited to repair in the rooms: to ensure an acceptable level of comfort and leisure activities, guests will have to put in order from the reception area, establish air conditioners and satellite antennas, buy inventory. It is also desirable to have at its disposal a small minibus for the delivery of tourists to the place of recreation and the organization of excursion trips.

The list of expenses related to the creation of a hotel of three triple rooms will include the following positions:


Name price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Amount, rub.
SPD registration 2000
Repair of guest rooms 75000 3 225000
Guest room equipment 150000 3 450000
Kitchen equipment 50000 1 50000
Landscaping of the yard 150000 1 150000
Installation of septica by 6 m³ 80000 1 80000
Tourist bikes 10000 4 40000
Boat 40000 3 120000
Sports equipment 20000
Development of the information site 20000
Transport, minibus 350000 1 350000
TOTAL: 1507000

Unfortunately, the farm owners employed by the provision of rural tourism services physically not enough time to service guests, animal care and field work at the same time. Therefore, it is necessary to take several hired assistants to the staff:

  • Technical worker for washing, cleaning in rooms, washing dishes;
  • Animator-guide for excursions and master classes;
  • Cooks to work in the kitchen.

Costs per year

Name Amount, rub.
Communal payments 36000
Repair of equipment 20000
Marketing expenses 30000
Property insurance 10000
Fare 24000
Salary of cook 180000
Salary Tour Animator 180000
Salary cleaner 180000
Flus tax 164700
Administrative expenses 24000
Food 369000
Insurance premiums IP 27600
TOTAL: 1245300

Income and profitability

Agrotourism as a business involves the formation of a tourist product from a whole complex of basic and additional services. By default, this includes accommodation in a separate room, three meals, the ability to contact with animals, engage in active recreation and agricultural work. When developing pricing policies, tariffs of similar rural hotels located in the Perm Territory, in Karelia and Altai, should be taken into account: here every day a tourist is 1200-1500 rubles.

Green rural tourism: where to start ...

To increase the competitiveness of the enterprise, it is recommended to reduce the cost of services during periods of falling tourist activity and to attract customers who want to save on vacation. Thus, taking into account the seasonal fluctuations in attendance, a farmer that makes a lease of three triple rooms may receive an income of 1.74 million rubles during the year:

Profits home hotel

Guests in the middle Man-days Tariff, rub. / Day Income, rub.
Summer 80% 7,2 648 1300 842400
Fall 30% 2,7 243 1000 243000
Winter 40% 3,6 342 1200 410400
Spring 30% 2,7 243 1000 243000
TOTAL: 1738800

Enhancing the profitability of the enterprise contributes to the provision of a set paid servicesThe list of which is formed depending on the resources available in this area: for example, in the presence of horseradish, you can organize horse rides, and in the presence of a water branch - to rent a boat and fishing rods. Composing a business plan of agrotourism, it is necessary to analyze all the opportunities available, and then develop a price list, taking into account the depreciation of the equipment and the cost of cultural and leisure activities:

Additional income

Thus, the total annual turnover of the home hotel will exceed 2 million rubles. Given the current costs, it is possible to calculate the main economic indicators of the project and the expected payback period:

Calculation of economic indicators


Conduring the development of rural tourism, it is impossible to stop on the achieved. In order for visitors to the hotel annually to the hotel, it is necessary to constantly improve the quality of service, landscaping the surrounding area, think over new excursions and entertainment events. However, the most important factor contributing to increasing the loyalty of guests is the special home environment that needs to be created on a farm by constant manifestation of hospitality, benevolence and readiness at any moment to give guests the necessary assistance. At the same time, gratitude and enthusiastic customer feedback will serve as a worthy remuneration for the efforts.

14 Voted. Evaluation: 5,00 out of 5)


Investment size

The project involves the construction of a water park in Kaluga, on the land plot of 2.5 hectares, located on the right bank of the city, in the immediate vicinity of the ecopark, the ski complex of the ice isna and the golf club.
The water park will have an estimated area of \u200b\u200b3-5 thousand m2.

Shopping and entertainment complex

Investment size

The project involves the construction of a shopping and entertainment center in Kaluga, on the land plot of 1 hectare, located on the right bank of the city, in close proximity to MKR. Good and walkers.
The shopping center will have an estimated area of \u200b\u200b4-5 thousand m2 and include supermarkets, retail space, food court, cafes and restaurants, children's entertainment area, recreation area and cinema.
The volume of investments will be designed depending on the project parameters.

OP LLC "Sphere"

Investment size

As part of OP Ltd. "Sphere" there is a modern repair and mechanical complex and fitness workshop. The company is equipped with equipment that allows producing products of large-pasted housekeeping and a wide range of products of general reinforced concrete: hollow, road, foundation plates, piles, weightlifiers for a gas pipeline and other reinforced concrete products and metal structures. Specialization is the manufacture of products of large-pasted house-building and reinforced concrete products.

Requirements for the investor: Providing assistance in the preservation of the enterprise. Investment of funds from 20 million rubles.

"Smart City"

Investment size

"Organization of outdoor lighting management in the smart city"

The main idea is the equipment of light sources with a new functional device, which, in addition to the main function of illumination of the object, performs the following functions:

  1. automatically reacts in the dark on movement near the light source
  2. automatically changes the mode of operation of the light source by increasing its brightness

"Protection of power lines, transport and other objects from ice and snow"
The principle of removal of snow and ice is to automatically define ice or snow and removing them with vibrating generators.

"Protection of people and technology from blinding them with different sources of powerful radiation"
Focused on solving the task of preventing car drivers, pilots of aircraft due to the exchange of radio signals on vehicles that are in dangerous proximity to each other.

Investments: 1,000,000 dollars (the first stage is $ 700,000, the second stage is 300,000 dollars).

Terms of implementation: Organization of production within 2-3 months. Payback - 1.5-2 years

Northern Russian Serengeti.

Investment size

Area: 2-5 thousand hectares on the basis of hunting. The territory of the park fully must copy the natural habitat of animals (forests, meadows, lakes, rivers, artificially created mountains, dams). Part of the territory will be fenced. Various routes will be organized on the park: hiking, horseback, cycling.

The composition of animals is 35-45 species of large and medium-sized herbivorous animals including exotic total numbers from a few hundred to several thousand heads, as well as bears, and large cats, large birds. For tourists will be offered hotels, houses, educational and entertainment centers, outdoor activities, ethnographic villages, riding a sleigh (deer, dogs, horses), contact zoos (with homemade and small wild animals).

Requirements for the investor: Investment. The volume of investments is 500-700 million rubles.

Production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages

Investment size

The organization on the basis of an existing production complex of the release of beverages in the range and franchise bottling of alcoholic beverages with Kaluga symbolism and their implementation on the territory of the Kaluga, Bryansk and Moscow region.

The first stage implies bottling of water, stronger soft drinks in glass block with a capacity of 0.5 liters. The second stage: Additional vodka formulations will be developed for the second half of the year and the range of non-alcoholic beverages will be worked out, which will naturally increase sales of minimum 1.5 times. The amount of investment in the first stage: 25-30 million rubles, at the second stage: 150-200 million rubles

Terms of implementation: 1 stage - the first half of the year

Motherland Hleb

Investment size

Construction of a modern interactive National Historical and Cultural Comlex / School of Bakers and Mukomolov, a tourist association with art objects, agrotourism and interactive involvement of visitors to the process of baked bread, a local farmer market (in the city of Tarusa by 46 hectares of land).

The creation of the largest of Russia the thematic information internet portal about bread and its baking on the website www.rodinamyleb.rf, with the possibility of webinars on learning bread, assessing the quality of bread-based products and data collection for the ratings of mucomols, bakers and produced in Russia. With the ability to search for the location of bakers, mucomols and produced bread products by geolocation (single Russian base data). The portal will stimulate a visit to the homeland of bread in Tarusa.

Creation of the "Guild of Mukomolov and Bakers of Russia" on the basis Kaluga region representing the interests of all small and medium-sized bakery entrepreneurs and mucomols; At the moment, the "All-Russian Guild of Bakers and Confectioners" represents the interests of only large boss, the interests of mucomols, small and medium bakers are not taken into account and are not stimulated in the industry, they are not included in agricultureSince they are recyclables. Through the guild, it is possible to develop a unified stimulating plan for the development of handicrafts in Russia on the example of the countries of France, Spain and Italy.

Terms of implementation: 1-3 years

Creation of the Missantus Engineering Center of the Laboratory of Clonal Microdifies and the factory for the production of disposable cellulose dishes from biomass

Investment size

The project implies the creation of a laboratory for cloning and reproduction of seedlines and factory for cleaning disposable utensils. This production will be imported. At the moment, on statistics, imports of disposable dishes reaches 3 billion dollars per year. Our products are twice as cheaper and high-quality analogs.

Terms of implementation: 2018 year
Requirements for the investor: Financing the initial stage of the project for 10-20% of the total value on the terms of equity participation or debt financing.

Project "Ecosystem"

Investment size

Organization of joint productions of thermopadals, facade tiles, roofing plates and non-removable formwork "Artfasad» .

The purpose of the project is to organize a product manufacturing network"Artfasad" In the project's boundariesEcosystem TechnoNIKOL - GK Artfasad.

Artfasad organizes production shops in the regions of the Russian Federation for the release of extrusion polystyrene foam XPS, manufactures necessary equipment, Conducts technology, teaches worker personnel, provides the necessary technical documentation and launches these production.

TechnoNIKOL assists and assistance in the sale of products with the involvement of its own dealer networkand also provides the necessary technical support.

The total cost of the project is 100 million rubles. Taking into account the organization of 5 manufacturing workshops and their full-scale development.

To implement this project, it is necessary to make basic equipment sets:

  • a semi-automatic line for the production of facade tiles thick. 10 mm with special mortgages with a capacity of 8-10 thousand m2 / month. for the manufacture of artifasad heat supply systems;
  • automatic 16 spindle line for the manufacture of thermal stalls from sheet polystyrene (conveyor milling plates of extruded polystyrene foam size 1015x515x80 (100,120,150) mm).

Read more about the project

Terms of implementation: 6 months - access to the design capacity from 18 to 24 months - full refund to the investor
Requirements for the investor: Investment. Required volume of investments for one production shop from 10 to 20 million rubles.

Investment size

Modern outdoor food format. The cafe will be made of a converted marine container. The location in the very center of the city will give the opportunity to cover the most different audience of consumers. Project goal - Creating quality food fast food, for reasonable prices. The team of professionals is already collected and ready to embody the most bold ideas.

Terms of implementation: 1 month
Requirements for the investor: Investment.
  1. Summary project.
  2. Description of business features.
  3. Plan of initial investments.
  4. Client attraction plan.
  5. Organizational plan.
  6. Plan of income and costs.
  7. Risk factors, ways of their leveling.
  8. Project efficiency indicators, Results.

Why do you need a business plan of agrotourism?

  1. The business plan will help take into account all the risks at the planning stage and prevent their appearance in work.
  2. Business plan will determine the optimal concept of agribusiness.
  3. The business plan will allow you to quickly and without special difficulties to get a loan, grant or subsidy.
  4. The business plan will provide an opportunity to control the project at each stage of its implementation.

An example of a business plan of agrotourism

Suitable option


with financial calculations
With financial excel model

With adjustments

Standard Business Plan Option

Advanced business plan for agrotourism with complete analysis Business I. financial plan for 5 years

Detailed financial model of agrotourism

  • Calculation of break-even point
  • Analysis of profit and profitability in the context of individual business trends and products
  • Analysis of risks and stock of business strength in terms of sales, cost and loan load
  • Sales forecast quarterly for 5 years
  • Expenses Forecast for 5 years
  • Calculation of the conditions for obtaining and returning a loan
  • Calculation of break-even point
  • Motion Report Money quarterly for 5 years
  • Analysis of financial and investment indicators

Correction of a business plan for your figures by our analysts for 5 working days

Business Plan: 30 p. Business Plan: 80 p. Business Plan: 80 p.

10 000 rubles.

20 000 rubles.

39 000 rub.

This kit is ideal for those who need a business plan to obtain a loan or attracting investment.


An extended business plan includes a financial model of agrotourism in Excel format.

The business plan is designed to meet the practice of assessing projects in russian banks, as well as taking into account the requirements of investors and fund support funds in the Russian Federation. It will provide justify management decisions on investing in the creation and development of agrotourism, to predict it financial results and evaluate risks.

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Business organization

Relax in nature, feel all the delights of rural life today, they want more and more urban residents, tired of noise, bustle and pace of metropolis. In this regard, the mass popularity acquires such a direction as agrotourism. To organize activities in this area, you will need a business plan for agrotourism.

Stages of work for opening a business:

  1. Development of business concept.
  2. Designing buildings, premises, territory (depending on the selected activity direction).
  3. Construction works.
  4. Acquisition of furniture, equipment, equipment, agricultural animals, etc.
  5. Selection and hiring staff.
  6. Organization of an extended marketing program.
  7. Preparatory activities.
  8. Start of work.

Agrotourism implies not easy accession to the countryside, but also active participation in agricultural work: pets, fishing, cheese, oil, fermented milk products, harvesting berries, mushrooms, medicinal herbs, etc.

As a rule, for accommodation guests are built at home in traditional style, taking into account SanPiN, food is organized.

A variant of creating a tourist agrorist based on an existing farm or from scratch is possible.

Market analysis and description of the project of agrotourism

Agrotourism is a new business direction, in which the competition is extremely weak. At the same time, the interest of Russians to this type of recreation is growing steadily. Problems in international tourism, Trend on the development of domestic travel, the search for cheap alternative holiday options.

Produced Products / Services

Recreation center, daily nutrition, excursions in the forest with the collection of mushrooms, berries, medicinal herbs, the possibility of participation in the activities of the agrichelm (oil block, daisy cows, etc.).

Potential clients


Below are calculations of the example of a business plan of agriculture. It is assumed to build a recreation center for 12 guest houses, 1 small dining room building and recreation area, buildings for animal and inventory.

Financial part of the business plan of agrotourism


InvestmentsTimingAmount, thousand rubles

Registration of documents and registration

Rent a land plot (for the construction of a mini farm and guest houses)

Design work

Construction of buildings and premises

Conducting heating, water supply, sewage, electricity, etc.

Marketing events

Acquisition of equipment, equipment, equipment, farm animals

Acquisition of furniture, kitchen utensils, machinery and other accessories for comfortable relaxation


Obtaining permits

Other costs

According to a business plan for agricultural investment in business to make up about 20 - 25 million rubles.


The average revenue will be about 30 - 35 million rubles annually (when loading 80% of the database load on 12 guest houses).


Annual expenses - an average of 50 - 55 million rubles.

Profit, payback and profitability of the business:

The payback period of the project is about 2.5 years, profits - an average of 8 - 13 million rubles, and profitability - 28%.


The development of agrotourism is very perspective direction Business not requiring global investments. If you decide to bet on the organization of a rural holiday, you definitely do not lose. After all, this business will bring you not only income, but also pleasure. To run from the start, indeed, a profitable and efficient project, you will need a well-thought out business plan.

Download the agritourism business plan template, and you can:

  • Alone to calculate the main performance indicators based on your own spectrum of services and other features of your business.
  • Integrate with your project of potential investors and lenders, and get the necessary financing on favorable terms.

Hello! I suggest you for consideration short description Project "The Black Sea Manor" of the development of land in the suburbs of the resort town Gelendzhik. Plots are located on the border of the village of Vinograde from the village of Kabardinka, at a distance of 7-8 km. From the resort town Gelendzhik and 4-5 km. to the airport.

At the first stage, we offer: redeem some of the land plots to create small peasant farms on them, the construction of the territory of the cascade reservoir, the construction of a cascade reservoir, the construction of cascade reservoirs. Acquisition of equipment and technology.

Our idea of \u200b\u200bKFH: A house of (log house, samana, etc.) is built on a plot of 8-10 acres.) The adjacent gelegogetary or alternative (gardening, crop production, animal husbandry and much more), also provide for the firefighter with a reservoir.

The market value of the finished CFC (8-10 acres) can be from 5,000,000.

Since we are located on the picturesque territory of one of the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, we have the opportunity to receive profits from the development of alternative recreation, agrotourism, in other words, short-term rental of KFH. To date, this is pretty demanding direction in the holiday business. Thus, when purchasing CFC and cooperation with the company "Chernomorskoye Manor", the owner receives not only real estate in the resort, but also a constant income from its operation.

The concept is the creation of a seasonal eco-tourist complex that provides an alternative to a traditional sanatorium and beach holiday.

Target audience - citizens with an active life position that do not want all their holidays to lie on the beach and drink beer. They are looking for new impressions, new knowledge and skills. That is, besides recreation, we provide people with the possibility of learning and receiving practical experience on any stated topic (activities of the complex). Age without restrictions.

The main source of profit extraction - creation and sale ready business, Ecotourism, Extreme Tourism, Sale of tribal young, production and sale of eco products.

The proposed activities and the corresponding structures and designs:

1. Production, recycling, selling Eco products.

Heliogetary (multifunctional non-volatile greenhouse) with adjacent storage and industrial premises. If you wish, you can use as a green supermarket (greenhouse, where buyers can roast the fruits with bushes), this feature makes sense to attract tourists and buyers.

2. Agricultural tourism.

Ecootel - Building in Ethosal for the placement of people who have come to simply relax or on a training seminar. It is advisable to build it energy efficient (minimizing the heat of loss and energy consumption) and non-volatile (independent sources of energy supply). In addition, it is important that the building is built from environmentally friendly (wood, stone, clay and so on).

3. Extreme tourism. Jiping, Trophy, horse riding riding, donkeys, las and camels.

For this destination, it is necessary to register routes to natural and historical attractions and put intermediate mini-bases on the routes (shelters).

4. Livestock. Breeding exotic and decorative animals.

The goal is to attract tourists. And besides: getting goat milk and production of cheeses from it, obtaining valuable wool from Lam and Alpac and the production of functional souvenir products from it (knitted healing things); Breeding and sale of tribal young valuable animals. For animals, premises are built corresponding to their needs.

5. Poultry farming. Decorative, exotic and productive bird.

The goal is to attract tourists and the production of poultry products, as well as the production and sale of tribal young people. Poultry houses and enclosures.

6. Handicraft.

City of masters. All related to folk and applied creativity. Functional crafts. Residential premises (hostel) for masters and workshops.

7. Wellness (trainings) Center.

Classical Russian bath with the whole complex of procedures, massage (, accumuating, location). Good computer diagnostics. Room with cabins for reception.

8. Fair.

All products produced on the territory of the complex and remote partners are sold at reasonable prices (the entire chain of resellers, weighing prices). Playground equipped with ethno-style.

9. Providing space for corporate events and various seminars, conferences, trainings, etc.

10. Little dendropark from red book plants. Breeding red-book plants and animals gives the company the status of environmental and fully or partially frees from taxes.

The volume of investments depends on the case market, we are ready to consider various options.

With respect, Igor's climans.

Bouotova Evgenia

This work tells about the possibilities of the development of rural tourism in the Kesovo district. The preferential parties to the implementation of the project at the participation level of local authorities are considered.



Municipal General Education

Kesovo Middle Secondary School


"The development of rural tourism in Kesovo"

Project Type: Social,

practical oriented

Subject: Geography,

regional science

Perched student 10 "b" class


Bouotova Evgenia

Project Manager: Geography Teacher


Galkina Marina Anatolyevna

Introduction ......................................................................3

  1. What is agrotourism. ............................................. 5

1.1. The development of rural tourism in Russia ..............................7

1.2. The development of agrotourism in the Tver region ......................10

  1. Opportunities for the development of rural tourism in the Kesovo district ................................................................................ .14

Conclusion .................................................................17

Sources of information ................................................ 19



Recently, people living in big cities bored in nature, in life in natural, environmentally friendly conditions. The desire to learn how everything grows on Earth, as our ancestors lived, to communicate with nature created a new tourism industry. There were such concepts as rural tourism, ecotourism (ecotours), agrotourism (agro shot).

All these concepts are similar in essence and offer rest in nature in the natural environment of the farmers, peasants and rural residents.

It can be said that the increased interest of tourists to the countryside is associated with the change in the conditions of the existence of a modern person. Because of the lives in big cities, health deteriorates, the need to restore it. In addition, rest in rural areas can help both mental recovery.

Accommodation in the countryside in the house of people who work on Earth or dilute animals will be interesting and informative for any urban resident. Many of them do not even have ideas how potatoes, cucumbers or strawberries grow. Despite the country boom of Soviet times, many have no opportunity to leave the city and plunge into rural life.

Hypothesis: Kesovogorsky district has necessary resources (Natural, Economic, Social) for the development of agrotourism.

The goal of the project is to explore the possibility of developing agrotourism in Kesovo; Suggest options for the development of rural tourism in the Kesovo Earth.

1. To study the phenomenon of agriculture.

2. To explore the level of tourism development in the Tver region.

3. Explore the resource capabilities of the Kesovo-district in the development of rural tourism.

4. Design the variant of agrotourism using the village of Khyshevo Kesovogorsk district.

Subject of research: rural tourism (agrotourism)

Object of study: D. Kharyshevo (Kesovo-district)

Research methods:

  1. Work with documents;
  2. Generalization of the materials obtained;
  3. Drawing up and design work.

The novelty of the work is that this form of tourism is not yet organized in the district. Agrotourism is a new, having a big potential for activity in tourism and in modern agriculture.

Actual one can determine that agrotourism raises the role of localism, will help solve the problems of the development of the village.

  1. What is agrotourism

Agrotourism is quite a new direction of the tourist industry. It is still customary to call rural, ecotourism or green tourism.

Rural tourism is a tourist sector focused on the use of natural, cultural and historical and other resources of rural areas and its specificity to create an integrated tourist product.

  • Expected results from the sale of rural tourism:
    - increase in the inflow of tourists;
    - attraction of investments;
    - an increase in the number of small businesses in rural areas;
    - development of personal subsidiary farms;
    - reducing the migration of rural residents in the city;
    - creation of additional jobs;
    - income growth and raising the life level of rural residents with relatively small financial costs;
    - increasing the welfare of the rural population and the achievement of financial and budget self-sufficiency of the districts in general;
    - an increase in revenues to regional and local budgets;
    - an increase in the sale of products of personal peasant farm and farming;
    - development of the service sector due to the expansion of the range of travel services;
    - maintaining local attractions, local customs, folklore, folk crafts.

A prerequisite for the implementation of this product is that the means of placing tourists (as a rule, individual, as well as specialized) were in rural areas (or small cities without industrial and high-rise buildings).

The population of the countryside, (possibly urban), including farmers who have empty houses, rooms or floors in their own homes provide them with minimal furniture and availability (dishes, bed linen, towels, etc.) for rent from two days up to several months. To create a more friendly hosting, additional services can offer guests: organizing entertainment events (bath, joint walking on kebabs, berries and mushrooms, fishing, hunting, riding, etc.); Attracting a guest for assistance in simple agricultural work, such as, for example, animal feeding, harvesting berries or cucumbers, is not excluded assistance to the supervision of guests of guests, etc.

Today, it is actively developing both around the world and in Russia.

For the first time appeared in Europe even at the beginning of the 19th century. The ecology of large cities has worsened, life accelerated, as a result, constant stress, fatigue - citizens with terrible force pulled to the roots: to traditions, to the prefers of naturalness and simplicity. Prestigious resorts on the seashore, in the mountains - have already become bored. From the variability and bustle of modern life, people ran into the village, hide behind the constancy of patriarchal life. Since then, environmental tourism has only gained momentum.

He received the greatest distribution in our time in the Czech Republic, Hungary and the United Kingdom. These, as well as some other European states under the auspices of the Council of Europe, even united into the Central Eastern European Federation on the Development of Rural Green Tourism.

Europeans have long realized that the organization of recreation on the village can bring although not very large, but stable income. In countries, according to some estimates, agrotourism brings 10% - 20% of the total income of the tourism industry. Moreover, such a vacation in Europe prefers about 35% of the population.

Without a doubt, the whole Western world is experiencing a boom of ecological tourism now. A number of objective factors are very promoted. First, it is a truly family vacation. Families with children become the main clients of the peasant houses. It is children who think that the boards grow on trees, and milk produce immediately in tetrapaks, they open a lot of new things for themselves, get a lot of interesting, vivid impressions. Secondly, attracts the cheapness of agrotures - from 10 to 20 dollars a day. Thirdly, the tributary of citizens in the village contributes to improving the infrastructure of the depth. New roads are built, at home, modern communications are being laid, cafes and shops appear - all that, without which the citizen cannot feel fine. It is because of the increase in the level of service, many experts, despite today's flourishing, predict the speed of ecotourism in Europe. Urbanization of the village will destroy rural tourism. The city dweller goes for new impressions, behind the smell of hay and cow's manure, but finds the same type of houses, dry lats, ornamental pigs and butt peasants with fake smiles - as with illustrations to feta poems. Why did the worker to settle the land, if the citizens are entertaining easier and more profitable? The main condition is natural - destroyed. Where to find it in a synthetic western world? Another thing, unknown and wild expanses of Russia.

1.1. Development of rural tourism in Russia

Russia - Future Mecca agrarian tourism. Just still herself and does not suspect it. Most Russians do not even know that there is such a type of rest. Even less boasts that these tried tourist services on myself. Many, in the literal sense, saw a similar one only in the cinema.

SUPERPRESSIVE WE HAVE HAVE TO BAGAMA, Hawaii, Mallorca and Cyprus, at worst. At the time when the whole world is already tired of the pathos and the shrill luxury of fashionable resorts. Fragrance of freshly skip grass, invigorating river coolness, mysterious dusk forest, birds singing and the rigging of grasshoppers are a real rest for the soul and body. Only alone with nature can be felt safe and to truly relax.

Life, which is once again, presents a surprise. About ten years ago, no one could think that the grandmother's holiday in the village is not only cheap, comfortable and angry, but also fashionable. As it turned out.

Within the framework of the Moscow International Tourism Fair (MITF-2009), the fate of rural tourism in Russia was discussed. At the conference "Rural tourism as a factor in the socio-economic development of the region and public diplomacy", organized by the International Tourist Academy, were voiced by the achievements, problems and prospects for this type of tourism.

According to the conference participants, rural tourism will help the regions to survive in the crisis and will increase the standard of living of the rural population.

According to the conference participants, rural tourism is not only a business, but also the type of social diplomacy. Modern people do not want to live in hotels isolated. They want to communicate with the local population, learn the life and traditions. Therefore, the owners of houses must create a favorable image of the country, when foreign tourists come to them, and establish internal connections when guests come from other regions of Russia.

It is believed that rural tourism is best developed in the regions of the North-West Federal District. For example, in the Leningrad region there is a school to train the owners of homes. Trainings and master classes with the heads of administration are held in the Vologda region.

To help regions released a book - a guide to rural tourism.

The consumer or target group in Russia can be:

1. Families with children

2. Elderly

3. Older people with grandchildren

4. Companies of young people

5. People loving sports (with appropriate sports services, such as horse riding, ski rental, etc.)

What await tourists from rural tourism?

  • Calm and the dimension of rural life;
  • Clean air, rural silence and natural products;
  • Comfort of living conditions;
  • Home atmosphere;
  • Acceptable prices;
  • Feeling of intimacy with nature;
  • Obtaining new impressions;
  • The possibility of entertainment for children and leisure for adults.

I want to note that in Russia agrotourism has not yet managed to get such widespread as abroad. In fact, in our immense country there are still very many undeveloped places suitable for this type of rest. This niche remains free. Specialists of the turbines predict this industry is unprecedented success. I note that for this in Russia there are huge resources. Moreover, the tourists are the greatest interest to the oldest villages and villages. This is connected with the desire to be in a blind corner, untouched by civilization.

What can be done in the village?

Tourists in Russia are satisfied with fascinating hiking in the forest berries and mushrooms, bathe in the river or lake, ride boats. You can go and fishing or hunting, and how it will be nice after that fall in a real Russian bathhouse! In addition, the traditional Russian cuisine is offered on such a vacation: honey, kvass, porridge, borschy is all from natural products. In this case, there is almost complete immersion in rural life. Optionally, tourists can also take part in agricultural work. Tourists are eagerly engaged, for example, harvesting, berries, vegetables, animal feeding.

Tourists actively get acquainted with the culture of the village, life, traditions. In each area and the region of Russia they are unique. You can take part in folk holidays. Interestingly, during the rest, learn some crafts, for example, learn how to milk a cow, weave a basket from the vine, ride a horse riding or tractor.

Most often, tours are 5-10 days. In second place in demand in rural tourism there are "Weekend Tours". The preferred time of rest is, of course, summer. But winter holidays in a village, having a number of its advantages, also enjoys great popularity.

1.2. Development of agrotourism in the Tver region

Agrotourism is a relatively new direction of tourism for both Russia as a whole and for the Tver region in particular. For the first time to address issues related to the development of agrotourism in the field, the tourism committee approached in 2004, but only in 2006, with the creation of the regional union of farmers and LPH, this work received a planned and systemic nature, in the form of creation, taking into account the national project "Development APK ", subroutines" Development of agrotourism in the Tver region. "

Today in the field of agrotourism, we have a situation when the demand is far ahead of the proposal. The development and subsequent implementation of the subprogramme "Development of agrotourism in the Tver region" is designed to eliminate this imbalance.

What will the development of the agriculture of the Tver region?

First, the development of rural tourism will create the possibility of short-term and long rest in the territory of the region dictated by the environmental situation, as well as the transit position of the region. Agrotourism is an alternative way to grant temporary housing with a minimum of costs for organizing agrotourism.

Agrotourism is a comprehensive development stimulus, both rural areas and the economy of the region as a whole in the following directions:

  • the creation of a positive image of the Tver region, making it attractive not only for tourism, but also for investment in other areas of activity;
  • an increase in tax revenues to the budgets of all levels;
  • ensuring employment of the population;
  • improving the educational and cultural level of the population.

The main purpose of agrotourism in the Tver region is the development of additional non-agricultural activities of producers of agricultural products. Thus, the funds will be sent to the reconstruction and modernization of production.

The priority tasks of agrotourism are:

  • attracting tourists to the Tver region throughout the year and as a result - year-round employment of the rural population;
  • maximum consolidation of the interests of the population and business activities individuals with the interests of relevant administrative-territorial units;
  • stimulating the business initiative of the population at the expense of its own financial, property, labor, intellectual resources of the region;
  • income growth and raising the life level of rural residents with relatively small financial costs;
  • expanding the range of products of the nursery;
  • implementation at the site of products of personal subsidiary farm, in particular, finished food;
  • stimulating local attractions, maintaining local customs, folklore, folk crafts;
  • increase in the cultural and educational level of the rural population;
  • replenishment of budgets of all levels of additional receipts;
  • using regional features and convenient geographical position, natural resource potential.

The obvious advantages of agrotourism are:

  • small investments and the use of predominantly private sources of financing (rapid payback of investment);
  • promoting the involvement of foreign and national investors in the development of rural tourism;
  • creating conditions for social stability in rural regions;
  • preservation and revival in rural areas of cultural heritage (traditions, rites, crafts, monuments of nature, history, religion and culture).

Agrotourism - a very good opportunity to relax from "mad" and fast-mounted urban life, plunge into silence and the dimension of the village, feel and feel your involvement in the harmony of nature, learn the roots of national cultural traditions, try delicious healthy dishes, to get acquainted with the peculiarities of agricultural production in the Tver region .

  1. Opportunities for the development of rural tourism in the Kesovo district

Kesovogorsk district, occupying 970 square meters. km, located in the eastern part of the Tver region. It borders with Kashinsky, Sonkovsky and Bezhetsky districts, as well as with the Yaroslavl region. River Kashinka and Korozhechna flow through the area. The administrative center - the village of Urban-type Kesov Mountain - an educated one from the united Posses of the Red, Hare and Grachics, is first mentioned in the chronicles in


On the territory of the current Kesovo district, on the left bank of the river Kashchiki, the State Monument of Nature is a Troitsky Park, once planted in the estate of Princess M. A. Golitsina. The historical monuments of the district include: the burial ground of the Bronze Age "Olodyinskaya Mountain" in the village of Ochino, the manor of Bolduevo Coeses of the XVIII-early XX centuries. in p. Bolduevo, windy Mill-Mill XIX century. in p. Donzhakovo. The unique architectural monuments are also preserved here: the church of the county (beginning of the XVIII century. With the XIX Iconostasis. In D. Vasilkovo), Nikolskaya Church (1791, p. Liskovo) Ilinskaya Church (1795, C. Korovkino), Church of the Virgin Virgin (1799, With. Berezhai), Mikhail Archangel Church (1819, s. Sukhodol), Evrodena Church (1828, s. Walking hill) and the introduced church (1877, p. Novo-Vednited).

The main attraction of Cesova Mountain - Nikolskaya Church (1800). Only individual buildings remained from the once majestic John the Forerun and Savior-Preobrazhensky churches, and little reminiscent are initial.

The village has a local history museum, created by the young historian-local person, local native Alexander Serov. He is the author of the books "At Kia Owl Mount" and "Golden Dome Kiaas Mountain". In 2008, the book was published another Kesovo-Korean historian Natalia Borodulina "Blagovest Ancient Caissy."

Kesov Mountain - urban-type settlement, the administrative center of the Kesovogorsk district of the Tver region of Russia.

According to the 2002 census, the population was 4,076 inhabitants (1,907 men and 2,69 women). At the beginning of 2010, the population is 3,839 inhabitants.

Distance to regional Center By road 190 km, to Moscow - 250 km.

Railway station on Savulovo-Sonkovo \u200b\u200bbranch. The village can be reached by train Moscow - Rybinsk and the local train Savölovo - Sonkovo.

Car road "Kashin - Kesova Mountain - Bezhetsk". Buses go to Kashin, Bezhetsk, Tver, Moscow, St. Petersburg.

The territory of the district is 36% busy forests.

I believe that it is ideal for the development of rural tourism in our area, a sufficient number of settlements is suitable. I will stop my choice on the village of Gorzhevo, which is conveniently located 1.5 km from the village.

About 30 people (mid and elderly people) live in the village, there are 5 empty houses that can be used as individual guest houses with a minimal set of furniture. When surveying residents about the implementation of one of the variants of agritourism on the territory of their village, the majority of the project.

The village has natural gas, water availability. Well, the main thing is clean air, forests suitable for "quiet hunting", a swimming area, you can organize bicycle walks, ski rides, boosals and much more.

The local population will be able to implement its agricultural products, as well as the possibility of stable earnings as a guard, an court assistant, at home.

Of course, it is necessary to offer a cultural program to tourists, and for this resources in our area and opportunities are available: the local history museum, where you can get acquainted with the history of the district, temples - existing, destroyed, restored; Organization of thematic festivals - Maslenitsa, Ivan Kupala, the shints with the participation of the folklore ensemble and employees of the DC.

I assume that this territory will be used actively, tourist rides are desirable to plan a period of 2 days to 5, preferably, if it is family couples with children, elderly. Special attention should be paid to people with limited featureswhich could enjoy a quiet rustic cooler.

For expanding services, it is possible to include hippotherapy, which has favorably affects the somatic and psychological health of people. There are enough opportunities and resources in the area, and this is only an example of one of the villages of Cesovojor.


There is such a branch in the global economy - rural tourism. The main reason for the occurrence and development of rural tourism is the need of citizens with an average to relax along with nature. For a long time and actively, this type of tourism is developing in Europe, is considered a profitable direction and socially significant.

Russia also has experience in using rural tourism. But as analysts say, while still demand is ahead of the proposal. Tver region also included in the implementation of implementation on the territory of agritourism, because The area has all the necessary natural resources.

In our area, the development of rural tourism is also possible. I suggest a specific object for its introduction - this is the village of Khyshevo, which has a convenient geographical position, transport links, natural premises (forest, water objects) for the development of rural tourism, a favorable environmental factor, the presence of a housing stock, the availability of natural gas, the desire of residents to take part in this project.

I believe that the participation of this settlement will be positive both for residents of the village and for residents of the village, because The authorities will need to repair the road leading to Kharyshev.

I am invited to accommodate in individual guest houses near the rural sludder, Russian cuisine with natural products, Russian Bath, etc. It is necessary to develop and event tourism, arranging entertainment events.

In this case, rural tourism is designed to solve several topical tasks:

  • ensure the sales of agricultural products of private traffic;
  • attract additional funds in the village;
  • increase the employment of the population of the Kesovo district.

The planned result in the implementation of the project: the creation on the territory of the Kesovo district of the base of rural tourism, its promotion, the creation of a system of its implementation.

But for this you need:

Development of service standards

Development of a package of regulatory and legal documentation regulating the activities of rural guest houses in the Kesovo district.

I think that for the successful implementation of the project, the complicity and administration of the district are needed not only for the rights of co-financing, but also in providing legal aid. The planned income will be stable, rolling the treasury of the district budget.

Sources of project financing:

  1. funds from the budget of the district.
  2. funds and organizations.
  3. individual entrepreneurs.

The branch of Rosselkhoz Bank, which has the credit capabilities of Rural territories, should not be absorbed.

The project is completely not completed, it is only the first step in its implementation.

I believe that the hypothesis nominated by me that the Kesovoj district has the necessary resources for the development of agrotourism, confirmed. The goal of the project is achieved, the tasks set are fulfilled.

Information sources

  1. Wikipedia
  2. N. Borodululin "Blagovest Ancient Caissy", convening, Tver, 2008.
  3. A. Serov "At Kiaasoy Mount", Tver "March", 1996.
  4. Rural tourism - technique (Internet resource)
  5. Directory - Assistance on rural tourism (demo version), Cherepovets 2010.