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Calculate small business. Business plan

A project business plan is necessary for investors considering the possibility of investing their
funds to the project, and to the direct implementers of the project at the operational level. Investors should see in the business plan a mechanism for generating income, understanding and trust in which are for them a guarantee of a return on their investment, and managers will be guided by the business plan when implementing the project. The problem of business planning is too broad. Therefore, we will focus on one of the aspects, namely the basic formulas for calculating the effectiveness of a business plan.

Assessing the effectiveness of a business plan is designed to determine how much the size of investments corresponds to future income, taking into account the risks of the project. The main indicators of the effectiveness of an investment project include:

* Cash Flow;
* net present value of the project (NPV);
* internal rate of return (IRR);
* investment profitability index (PI).

Cash flow

The most accurate Russian definition of Cash Flow would be “Flow Money". The most important task of analyzing a business plan is to calculate future cash flows arising from the sale of industrial products. Only incoming cash flows can ensure the implementation of the project as a whole.

When assessing various projects investors have to summarize and compare future costs, capital receipts and financial balances at different planning intervals. Before comparing and adding up the indicated capital flows, it is customary to bring them into a comparable form (discount, i.e. bring the future value to the present moment) on a certain date. In the discounting process, the future amount (inflow, outflow and balance) is divided into two parts:

1. today's equivalent of the future amount (i.e. Present Value);
2. accruals on PV for a given number of years at a certain interest rate.

The definition of Cash Flow is of great importance in calculating the effectiveness of a business plan, since it is the basic criterion on the basis of which others (for example, NPV) are calculated. On the other hand, this is the resulting indicator from the point of view of the budget approach.

In a business plan, Cash Flow is calculated as follows: Inflow (sales revenue for the period) minus Outflow (investment costs, operating costs and taxes for the same period). To obtain the value of the cumulative Cash Flow, you need to sum up its values ​​for each period on an accrual basis.

Net Present Value (NPV)

Net present value is the value obtained by discounting separately for each year the difference of all outflows and inflows of funds accumulating over the period of operation of the project.

All cash flows are recalculated using reduction factors (DF), the values ​​of which are found using special tables calculated in advance for various discount rates and planning intervals. In practice, this looks like multiplying the estimated Cash Flow values ​​for each period of implementation of the investment project by the corresponding reduction coefficient and their subsequent summation.

Economic sense of pure current value can be represented as the result obtained immediately after the decision to implement this project is made, because when calculating it, the influence of the time factor is excluded. A positive NPV value is considered to confirm the feasibility of investing money in a project, while a negative one, on the contrary, indicates the ineffectiveness of their use. In other words:

If NPV If NPV = 0, then if the project is accepted, the welfare of investors will not change, but the volume
production will increase;
If NPV > 0, then investors will make a profit.

The absolute value of net present value (NPV) depends on two types of parameters. The first characterizes the investment process objectively and is determined by the production process (more products - more revenue, less costs - more profit etc.). The second type includes the comparison rate (RD), the inverse of the reduction coefficients. Determining the value of the comparison rate is the result of the subjective judgment of the compiler of the business plan, i.e. the value is conditional. Therefore, when analyzing an investment project, it is advisable to determine NPV not for one rate, but for a certain range of rates.

The net present value of a project (NPV) is, of course, influenced by the scale of activity, expressed in “physical” volumes of investment, production or sales. This leads to a natural limitation on the use of this method for comparing projects that differ in this characteristic: a higher NPV value will not always correspond to a more efficient investment option. In such cases, it is recommended to use the return on investment ratio, also called the net present value ratio (NPVR). This indicator is the ratio of the net present value of the project to the discounted (current) value of investment costs (PVI).

Internal rate of return (IRR)

In practice, any enterprise finances its activities, including investment, from various sources. As payment for the use of advanced capital, it pays interest, dividends, i.e. bears reasonable expenses to maintain its economic potential.

The indicator characterizing the relative level of these expenses can be called the “price” of the advanced capital. An enterprise can make any investment decisions, the level of profitability of which is not lower than the current value of the “price” indicator of the advanced capital. It is with the price of advanced capital that the internal rate of return (IRR) calculated for a specific investment project is compared. It is often identified with the discount factor, since the former most often acts as a guideline, indicator and expresses one of the values ​​of the latter.

In Russia, IRR is also known as:

* internal return on investment ratio;
* cash discount factor;
* internal rate of return;
* rate of return of discounted cash flow;
* internal rate of return;
* internal rate of return;
* verification discount.

Internal rate of return (IRR) is the discount rate at which the net present value of the project (NPV) is zero, i.e. This is the comparison rate at which the sum of discounted cash inflows equals the sum of discounted cash outflows.

When calculating IRR, full capitalization of the net income received is assumed, i.e. all free funds generated must either be reinvested or used to pay off external debt. This is the lower guaranteed "threshold" of the profitability of investment costs, and if it exceeds average cost capital in this sector of investment activity, then the project can be recommended for implementation, i.e. IRR is the marginal interest rate separating efficient and inefficient projects.

IRR determines the maximum rate of payment for attracted sources of financing for a project, at which the latter remains break-even. In the case of assessing the effectiveness of total investment costs, this may be the maximum permissible interest rate on loans, and when assessing the efficiency of using equity capital, this may be the highest level of dividend payments. For example, if the IRR is 18%, this is the upper limit of the interest rate at which a firm can recoup a loan to finance an investment project. Therefore, to make a profit, the company must find financial resources at a rate of less than 18%.

All components of IRR are determined by internal data characterizing the investment project, i.e. none expert assessments, introducing subjective elements. Consequently, IRR contains a lower level of uncertainty than NPV, which is especially important when analyzing the effectiveness of large projects.

IRR, compared to other indicators, better shows the advantages of higher results: the difference between IRR and the discount rate directly shows the internal reserves of the project (within the difference, the investor’s requirements regarding the rate of return on invested funds can be increased, since the income received exceeds the minimum required rate recoil).

Of course, IRR also has disadvantages:

* sometimes there may be more than one IRR indicator in the calculation;
* incommensurability with the criterion of net present value;
* does not take into account differences in the scale of compared projects (i.e. in the amount of investment

Objectivity, lack of dependence on the absolute size of investments and rich interpretative meaning make the internal rate of return indicator an extremely convenient tool for measuring the efficiency of investment.

When using IRR, keep in mind that:

* investment projects in which the difference between income and costs is positive or the ratio of income to costs is greater than 1 are subject to analysis;
* projects with an IRR of at least 15–20% are selected for analysis;
* IRR must be compared with the interest rate in the monetary market;
* when justifying IRR, adjustments for project risks, inflation and taxes should be taken into account.

Investment Profitability Index (PI)

It is the ratio of return on capital to the amount of capital invested. PI shows the relative profitability of a project or the discounted value of cash flows from a project per unit of investment.

Consideration of the PI criterion is useful when:

* current organizational costs are high in relation to investment costs;
* in projects where reliable income begins to arrive at a fairly early stage of project implementation.

Most often, PI is calculated by dividing the net present value of a project by the cost of the initial investment. In this case, the decision-making criterion is the same as when making a decision based on the NPV indicator, i.e. PI > 0. This criterion- a fairly advanced tool for analyzing the effectiveness of investments. In this case, three options are possible:

PI > 1.0 - investments are profitable and acceptable in accordance with the selected discount rate;
PI PI = 1.0 - the direction of investment under consideration exactly satisfies the chosen rate of return, which is equal to IRR.

Projects with high PI values ​​are more sustainable. However, we should not forget that very large values PI does not always correspond to a high NPV value and vice versa. The fact is that projects with a high NPV are not necessarily effective, which means they have a very small profitability index.

When calculating efficiency important has a choice of threshold profitability value (Minimum rate of return). The higher the threshold value of profitability, the more the generalizing indicators take into account the time factor, since it is the threshold value of profitability that is used as a reduction standard for the time factor (discount rate RD). Income and expenses that are more distant in time have less and less influence on their modern assessment.

The profitability threshold increases with increasing risk. According to the classification of investments generally accepted in world practice, the threshold value for risky capital investments is 25%. Other studies note that for ordinary projects a value of 16% is acceptable, for new projects in a stable market - 20%, for projects with new technology - 24%.

As can be seen from our article Formulas for calculating a business plan, each of the considered indicators carries a certain semantic and economic load. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out a comprehensive calculation of the efficiency of investing funds for all of the listed indicators. It is in this case that you can clearly determine whether the investment in the project will be successful.

The BiPlan website team wishes you success and good luck! We hope our article Formulas for calculating a business plan helped you!

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It is difficult to imagine a business plan for which you would not have to create calculations. All parts of the business plan require certain calculations: marketing, operational, production.

But the most important in terms of calculations is the financial part of the business plan. It is this that allows us to determine how profitable and sustainable the created business will be.

The financial part should answer the following questions:

  • How much money will you need to start a business?
  • How much profit will it bring?
  • How soon will the business pay off?
  • How sustainable and profitable will it be?

Each of these questions is answered by one part of the business plan. This means that the structure of the financial part of the business plan will include such sections as investment costs, profit and loss forecast, cash flow and evaluation of project effectiveness.

Investment costs

The first thing you need to do when drawing up a business plan is to calculate in detail how much it will cost to create a business. This will allow the entrepreneur to understand how much money is needed to start a business and whether it is necessary to attract loans.

In this part of the business plan, it is necessary to take into account all the cost items associated with starting a business. For clarity, it is worth referring to an example. Let's consider a business plan for the construction of a car wash with two posts. You will have to invest both in the construction itself and in the purchase of equipment. IN general view The list of investment costs for this business will look like this:

  • Design work
  • Purchase of building materials and construction work
  • Connection to electricity, water supply and other utilities
  • Equipment purchase
  • Installation of equipment

According to the owner of the Moidodyr car wash chain in Kazan, Aidar Ismagilov, the construction of a car wash will cost 30-35 thousand rubles per square meter, taking into account design work and communications. The total amount turns out to be quite substantial, which is why rental rather than turnkey construction is now more popular among novice businessmen. In this case, the investment plan will also include rental payments before opening a business, and renovation of the premises.

Equipment costs will depend on the type of wash. If the car wash is a manual type, then it will be enough to invest 400 thousand rubles for the equipment. But for an automatic car wash, the costs will be at least 300 thousand euros.

For calculations, it is better to take a certain average price for each expense item. For example, if you need to calculate the costs of renting real estate, you should take into account not the highest and not the most low price per square meter, and average price On the market. You can determine it by studying rental offers in your city.

It's another matter if the supplier and his price are already known in advance. For example, a car wash requires equipment only from a strictly defined manufacturer. Then the calculations need to include exactly the prices that he offers.

Knowing the required amount of investment will allow you not only to estimate how much money will be needed to start a business, but also how quickly it will pay off.

Profit and loss forecast

If you subtract the amount of its expenses from the amount of business income, you can find out what the net profit is. This indicator shows much better than income what the state of the business is and how much needs to be invested in its further development.

At the beginning of a business, expenses often exceed income, and instead of net profit, a net loss appears. In the first months or even a year of work, this is a normal situation. You shouldn’t be afraid of it: the main thing is that the loss decreases every month.

When making a profit and loss forecast, all indicators should be calculated monthly until the business pays off. At the same time, you should not make the forecast too optimistic: imagine that the income will not be the maximum possible, take the average indicators.

Cash Flow

For a business that is still at the starting stage, it is important to understand not only what its net profit will be. One of the most important indicators is the so-called cash flow. By calculating cash flow, you can determine what financial condition business and how effective investments in it are.

Cash flow is calculated as the difference between cash inflows and outflows for a certain period. If we return to the example with a car wash, then in order to calculate the cash flow in the first month of its operation, it is necessary to take the net profit for receipts, and the amount of the initial investment for outflows.

In this case, it will be more convenient to calculate if outflows are designated as a negative number. That is, we add a minus sign to the amount of initial investment in a car wash, and to the resulting number we add net profit in the first month of operation.

To calculate cash flow in the second month, you need to find the difference between the result of the first month and the net profit received in the second month. Since the first month turned out to be a negative number, the net profit must be added to it again. Cash flow in all subsequent months is calculated according to the same scheme.

Project effectiveness assessment

Having predicted the profits and losses, as well as the cash flow of the business, you need to move on to one of the most important sections - assessing its effectiveness. There are many criteria by which the effectiveness of a project is assessed. But for a small business, it is enough to evaluate only three of them: profitability, break-even point and payback period.

Profitability business is one of the most important indicators. In general, in economics there are many different profitability indicators - return on equity, return on assets, return on investment. All of them allow you to assess the effectiveness of a business in its various aspects.

To understand exactly what profitability indicators should be calculated in your business plan, you need to refer to the investor’s requirements or credit organization. If the goal is to evaluate the profitability of the business “for yourself,” it will be enough to calculate the overall profitability of the business.

It's easy to do. It is enough to divide the profit of a business by the amount of its income, and then multiply the resulting number by 100 to get the result as a percentage.

It is difficult to name the optimal indicator of business profitability. It largely depends on the size of the business and the type of activity of the company. For a micro-business with revenues of up to 10 million rubles, a profitability rate of 15 - 25% is considered good. How bigger business, the lower the percentage received may be. In the case of a car wash, the normal profitability indicator is from 10 to 30%, says Aidar Ismagilov.

Another indicator that needs to be calculated is break even. It allows you to determine at what income the company will fully cover its expenses, but will not yet make a profit. You need to know this to understand how strong the business is financially. To find the break-even point, you first need to multiply the business’s income by its fixed expenses, then subtract variable expenses from the income, and then divide the first number obtained by the second.

Fixed costs are those that do not depend on the volume of goods produced or services provided. The business incurs such expenses even when it is idle. In the case of a car wash, these costs include the salaries of accountants and administrators, public utilities and communications, depreciation, loan payments, property taxes, and so on.

Variable costs are everything that changes with changes in production volume. For example, at a car wash, costs that change with an increase or decrease in the number of cars washed are the cost of car chemicals, water consumption, and piecework wages.

Having received a certain number as a result of the calculations, you can correlate it with the profit and loss statement. In the month when the business's income reaches or exceeds the amount obtained as a result of calculating the break-even point, it will be reached.

Most often, the break-even point is not reached in the first month of business operation, especially if it is related to production. According to Aidar Ismagilov, in the case of a car wash, reaching the break-even point depends on the season. If the car wash opened during the dry summer season, when there is little demand for services, they will be unprofitable throughout that season. If the opening occurred during the high demand season, then the break-even point can be reached in the first month.

Payback period business is one of the most important indicators not only for the entrepreneur himself, but also for his potential investors. For example, if the payback period of a business is too long, then getting a loan for it from a bank becomes much more difficult.

The easiest way to calculate the payback period is if the cash flow has already been calculated. In this case, you need to find the month in which, after adding the positive number of net profit with the negative number of initial investments, a positive number was obtained. This will mean that the profits from the business have fully covered the initial investment in it.

It is for this reason that it is necessary to calculate cash flow, as well as profits and losses, at least until the payback period is reached. The payback period for investments largely depends on the amount of investment costs. In the case of a car wash, the minimum period is 3 years.

Here are the main indicators that will need to be calculated in a business plan at the start of any business. Of course, this is far from an axiom, and depending on the requirements of investors, the state of the enterprise, its type of activity and other features, additional calculations may be required. Most of them can be done independently.

Financial plan. For many new entrepreneurs, this part of writing a business plan seems daunting. The mind immediately imagines complex graphs, long and painstaking hours at the computer, searching for errors that have crept into the calculations out of nowhere, and, of course, nerves and more nerves. Can significantly facilitate the process and even make it enjoyable and exciting mobile app“Business calculations” from the company “1000 ideas”.

The mobile application was created to simplify financial settlements when preparing business plans. It allows you to determine all key parameters with high accuracy investment projects. Using it, you can easily calculate all the main financial indicators of the project, including revenue, net profit, constant and variable costs, payback period, cash flow (cash flow), and secondary ones. For example, make a more thorough and serious assessment of your project using so-called discounted performance indicators.

Working with the “Business Calculations” application is convenient in that the user can quickly estimate the prospects and profitability of a project by entering and changing the financial parameters of the type of business he has chosen. The final calculation is generated automatically based on user input, divided into nine steps. The results themselves can be viewed both in the application itself and by sending them more detailed version to yourself by email.

We invite you to familiarize yourself step by step with the operation of the “Business Calculations” application using the example of compiling financial plan for the project “Cafe-Pancake House”.

Stage 1. Choice of taxation system. First, we introduce the most suitable taxation system. If you do not know which tax system will be less burdensome for your type of activity, you can change the choice after receiving the results, and then compare the final calculations for different systems and rates.

In the case of the pancake cafe, we chose a simplified taxation system, the object of taxation of which is income, and where the rate is 6%.

Stage 2. Entering initial data. After choosing a taxation system, you must enter the initial data: the start date of the project, the start date of sales, the approximate date for reaching the planned sales volumes, as well as the refinancing rate.

If in principle everything is clear with the first three points, then the value of the refinancing rate should be found using the link provided in the application. From January 1, 2016, its value is equal to the key rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the corresponding date. In any search engine we find the value of the key rate for today. In our case, it turned out to be 9%.

Stage 3. Investment costs. The next step is called “Investment Costs”. In it you must include all the initial costs invested in real estate, for example, in the purchase or renovation of premises, in the purchase and installation of equipment and intangible assets.

In our case, in the “Real Estate” section we will enter the cost of repairing the rented premises (500 thousand rubles), in the “Equipment” column - a list of production and commercial equipment for the production of pancakes (389 thousand rubles), and in “Intangible assets” (115 thousand rubles) - the costs of registering an LLC and obtaining permits from various authorities (SES, Gospozhnadzor), as well as the costs of conducting a starting advertising campaign.

Stages 4-5. Selecting a method for calculating income and entering income. Next, you have to choose one of three methods for calculating income: “Calculation of income from the production and sale of products and services”, “Calculation of income based on the average check amount”, “Calculation of income based on planned monthly revenue”.

The most convenient way is to calculate income based on the average check amount. By varying the size of the average check and the number of customers per day, you can quickly estimate under what conditions the business will be highly profitable and under what conditions it will not be profitable. big income or it will be completely unprofitable.

Please note that for the indicator of the size of the average check and the number of customers per day, you can set seasonality coefficients by clicking on the corresponding icon on the right and entering percentages between months.

For example, if in the summer the number of buyers of pancakes is halved, then 50% is entered in the columns “June”, “July” and “August”. At the same time, if 70% more customers buy pancakes in the autumn, then 170% should be recorded in the corresponding months. Similarly, you can vary the size of the average check if it is subject to seasonality.

The simplest option for calculating income is calculating based on planned monthly revenue. It is suitable if you already have an idea of ​​what amount of revenue can serve as your guide. Taking it as 100%, you can also enter seasonality coefficients for planned revenue.

The third option for calculating income is calculation depending on the production and sale of products and services. It is primarily convenient for manufacturing companies. In it, you can calculate revenue by entering planned sales volumes for each product you sell.

To do this, you need to fill in the fields “Product name”, “Unit of measurement”, “Sales cost per unit. rub." and “Sales volume per month, units.” For example, in the case of pancakes, we can separately set sales plans for grilled pancakes, pancakes with salmon, pancakes with salami, pancakes with sweet fillings, and so on. If your product pricing and sales figures vary by season, you also set seasonality factors for these metrics. Once you have completed filling out the data for one product, you can add the next product by clicking on the orange “+” icon.

Stage 6. Variable costs. After filling out your income data, you will be asked to enter your variable costs. The content of this step will depend on which of the three income calculation methods described above you choose. For example, with a simplified entry based on revenue, you will be asked to indicate only a single average amount of variable costs. If you are making calculations based on the size of the average check, then you will need to determine the costs of average bill. If calculations are made for each product separately, then variable costs will need to be indicated for each product.

In our example with a pancake cafe, to simplify the calculation, we took the cost of the most popular grilled pancake on the menu, which costs 135 rubles, as the size of the average check. Having calculated the cost of the ingredients included in one pancake (flour, milk, eggs, sugar, vegetable and butter, chicken meat, onions, tomatoes, cheese and white sauce in the required proportions), and also adding to this the cost of packaging, we determined the cost in the amount of 37 rubles. This amount became our cost for the average bill.

Stage 7. Fixed costs. The next step is called “Fixed costs”. Fixed monthly expenses must be included here. This could be rent, advertising, utilities, telephony and the Internet, office supplies, household equipment, depreciation, fuel and lubricants, etc. Much of this you can choose from a pop-up list. If the required column is not available, you can select your option. Fixed expenses also provide the ability to set seasonality coefficients for any expense item.

The key expense items for the pancake cafe were rent, advertising and utility bills (87 thousand rubles). We combined all other minor expenses into the “Other” item (6.8 thousand rubles).

Stage 8. Employees. Next, enter information about the company’s personnel. For convenience, the application is divided into administrative, trading, service, main and accounting. You need to indicate the position of the employee, his wages and the number of employees holding a similar position. If employee salaries vary depending on the season, it is possible to indicate this using seasonality factors.

Accordingly, in the example of a pancake cafe, we include all the necessary administrative personnel in the person of the general director and administrator, the main one in the person of the cooks, the sales personnel in the person of cashiers, and the service personnel in the person of cleaners. For the first time, to reduce costs, we choose a self-service format, so there is no need to include waiters in the service staff. By the way, if you suddenly want to add more employees or make any adjustments to the project after some time, you can always find it in the archive of the “Business Calculations” application.

Stage 9. Loan and other income. On at this stage sources must be indicated starting capital. Namely, how much was attracted own funds(filled in the “Equity Funds” section), and how much - borrowed funds (filled out in the “Credit” column). In the “Loan” section, in addition to the borrowed amount, you must also indicate the interest rate and loan term. If borrowed funds will not be raised, the fields in the “Loan” section should not be filled out. It should also be remembered that the amount of own funds should take into account not only the investment costs indicated at stage 3, but also working capital, necessary to cover losses in the first months of operation.

In our case, the Cafe-Pancake House project will be fully financed from our own funds in the amount of 1,254,000 thousand rubles, 250 thousand of which will be working capital.

Results. Depending on the data you enter, the program will calculate all the main financial indicators, made for a three-year perspective, i.e. for 3 years of the project's existence.

At the top of the screen, sometimes you can see a message in red font indicating that your project is unprofitable or some of its indicators cannot be calculated correctly. In this case, especially if the results obtained do not satisfy you either, you can return to any of the 9 stages we described and make adjustments. For example, reduce fixed or variable costs, or increase income items. In this case, the data entered in the fields of other sections will be saved and you will not need to enter them again.

In the results section you can find a brief report that shows annual indicators for revenue, net profit, and variable costs.

From the data presented above, for example, we can see that a pancake cafe, with the parameters we have entered, will be able to bring in up to 1,215 thousand rubles by the time it reaches planned sales volumes. profit (yes, yes, this may not be real, but this is just an example). Moreover, the first month of sales will be unprofitable, requiring the entrepreneur additional investments in the amount of almost 160 thousand rubles from the working capital fund.

The payback period, cash balance, and break-even point of the project are also given. From the data obtained for a pancake cafe, we see, for example, that the establishment will pay for itself after 5 months of operation, and its break-even point will be almost 120 thousand rubles.

Last update: 02/17/2020

Reading time: 24 min. | Views: 40258

Hello, dear readers of the online magazine about money “”! This article will talk about how to write a business plan. This publication is a direct instruction to action, which will allow you to turn a crude business idea into a confident one. step by step plan to implement a clear task.

We'll consider:

  • What is a business plan and why is it needed?
  • How to write a business plan correctly;
  • How to structure it and write it yourself;
  • Ready-made business plans for small businesses - examples and samples with calculations.

To conclude the topic, we will show the main mistakes of novice entrepreneurs. There will be a lot of arguments in favor of creating quality And thoughtful business plan that will bring your idea to fruition and success things in the future.

Also, this article will provide examples of finished works that you can simply use or take as a basis for developing your project. Ready-made examples submitted business plans can be download for free.

In addition, we will answer the most frequently asked questions and clarify why not everyone writes a business plan, if it is so necessary.

So, let's start in order!

The structure of a business plan and the content of its main sections - a step-by-step guide to its preparation

1. How to write a business plan: detailed instructions on how to write it yourself 📝

7. Conclusion + video on the topic 🎥

For every entrepreneur who wants to develop himself and develop his business, a business plan is very important. He performs many important functions that no other person can do differently.

With its help you can secure financial support and open and develop your business much earlier than you can raise a significant amount for the business.

Investors react mostly positively to a good, thoughtful, error-free business plan, because they see it as a way to make easy money with all the troubles invented and described.

In addition, even before the establishment opens, you see what awaits you. What risks are possible, what solution algorithms will be relevant in a given situation. This is not only favorable information for the investor, but also the right plan, if you get into trouble yourself. In the end, if the risk calculation turns out to be too daunting, you can slightly redo it, transform the general idea in order to reduce them.

Creation good business plan - This perfect solution to search for investment and develop your own algorithms for action even in the most difficult situations, of which there are more than enough in business.

That is why, in addition to our own efforts It’s worth using “other people’s brains”. A business plan involves many sections and calculations, research and knowledge, only with successful operation, which can achieve success.

The ideal option would be to study all aspects yourself. To do this, it is not enough to sit and read the relevant literature. It is worth changing your social circle, turning to courses and trainings, finding specialists for consultation on certain issues. This is the only way really figure it out in the situation and dispel all your doubts and misconceptions.

A business plan is worth writing for many reasons, but home- this is a clear algorithm of actions by which you can quickly get from point A(your current situation, full of hopes and fears) to point B(in which you will already be the owner of your own successful business stably and regularly generating income). This is the first step towards achieving your dreams and secure middle class status.

If you have any questions, you may find answers to them in the video: “How to draw up a business plan (for yourself and investors).”

That's all for us. We wish everyone good luck in their business! We will also be grateful for your comments on this article, share your opinions, ask questions on the topic of publication.