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Social work in higher education. Training to become a social worker at the employment center Where they study to become social security workers

Social workers provide comprehensive assistance to people, interacting primarily with vulnerable categories of citizens. They work with refugees, orphans, and pensioners, helping them receive social, legal, and material support. The profession is suitable for those who have no interest in school subjects (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

The profession is very ancient; several hundred years ago such specialists were called philanthropists and missionaries. Part social responsibilities was entrusted to monks and nuns who provided shelter, food and a minimum level of education to poor people. Today everything has changed, and this work is carried out by authorized representatives social services, which are assigned to every person or family in need of state aid and support. The specialist primarily leads the following groups of citizens:

  • pensioners and people with disabilities;
  • children and adolescents suffering from congenital and acquired diseases, family violence and other problems;
  • women who have become victims of any type of violence;
  • dependent citizens;
  • people who lost their homes, were injured, or lost loved ones during disasters;
  • large families and others.

The social worker has direct contact with the population, checking the conditions in which children are kept and how the funds allocated by the state for a newborn are distributed. They carry food to sick people and pensioners, provide emotional support to citizens suffering from addictions (alcohol, drugs, gaming and others). The work is difficult and dangerous, because a specialist never knows what awaits him behind the closed door of a particular apartment. Social workers do not receive a very high salary; traditionally, this profession is chosen by women who are more compassionate than men.

Features of the profession

A social worker must love people. This is the first requirement that is tacitly put forward to specialists. The responsibilities of such an employee include the following list of mandatory work:

  • analysis of the entrusted area, selection of people who need social assistance and protection (temporarily or permanently);
  • working with complaints and appeals from the population, checking information, making decisions on each individual application;
  • provision of all types social services, informing citizens about their rights and responsibilities;
  • providing assistance in obtaining legal and other types of advice;
  • home delivery of food products, drinking water, medicines, as well as other goods. A social worker can keep order in the home of the people to whom he is assigned, cook or heat food, deliver ready-made food from relatives or from special canteens, pay bills;
  • assistance in filling out applications and requests for social assistance, preferential vouchers, services;
  • communication with socially vulnerable citizens and their relatives;
  • rendering additional services: first health care, psychological support and others;
  • maintaining accounting and reporting documentation.

A social worker must have minimal knowledge about medicine and be an excellent psychologist, because his work combines the main features of these professions. The segment is characterized by high staff turnover, so employees are always needed. The specialist interacts with law enforcement officials, volunteer organizations, by different groups of teachers and doctors.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. The profession has enormous social significance, because every day such specialists perform complex and important work improving the quality of life for many people.
  2. Official employment and a significant number of vacancies.
  3. Specialists are in demand in every major and small town Russia.
  4. You can get a job without higher education.
  5. Stable training and development.
  6. A large number of budget places in universities, the opportunity to get an education at the full-time, part-time or correspondence faculty.
  7. The job will be an ideal solution for humanitarians.


  1. Low paying job.
  2. Constant contact with different segments of the population, whose representatives are not always friendly and honest.
  3. Interaction with sick, dependent people can lead to infection with infectious and other types of diseases.
  4. Labor is undervalued in the CIS countries.
  5. The specialist spends a lot of time on his feet and is forced to perform a large amount of work.
  6. The schedule may be irregular.
  7. Social workers are often confronted with extreme cases of human cruelty, which can have a debilitating effect on morale.

Important personal qualities

Emotional stability and calmness are two essential qualities, which must be present in the character of a good social worker. This specialist must have excellent speech, inspire trust and respect, be able to listen and understand people. Other qualities are also important:

  • philanthropy;
  • tolerance;
  • resourcefulness;
  • self-control;
  • aptitude for working in a team;
  • a heightened sense of justice;
  • parity;
  • passion for social processes.

The character of a specialist should be free of pride, as well as greed and disgust.

Training to become a social worker

You can master this difficult profession both at a university and at a college. When entering a university, you should choose a field of study " Social work", passing exams in Russian language, history and social studies, the period of study is 5-6 years. It is also recommended to consider the following programs:

After 9th or 11th grade, you can apply to college, choosing the faculty of social work. The duration of training is 2-3 years, which depends on the basic training of the applicant and the chosen educational institution. You can get into some colleges based on your GPA without taking any exams.

Russian Institute of Vocational Education "IPO" - is recruiting students to obtain a specialty through a distance program professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and quick way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

Educational center "Verity"

A large selection of various training programs that help improve the skills of people working in the field of social assistance. Classes are provided for both individual employees and entire teams. You can gain knowledge in person or remotely. The programs include innovative development methods for children, rules of interaction with teenagers, labor protection and no less pressing issues.

The employment center will offer vacancies in accordance with the received additional education. Who has the right to retraining The right to retraining is given to those citizens who were unable to find a job, despite the fact that they were registered with the employment service for six months and regularly attended interviews in their main specialty. The main goal of retraining is to enable a citizen to gain professional skills in another field of activity so that in the future he can find a job and earn an income. This measure is necessary if it turns out to be impossible to get a job in the first specialty. The benefit is accrued monthly until retraining is completed and a person is found. suitable job with the level of salary that suits the citizen.

Free training from the employment center: specialties, reviews

Daily allowances may be issued for the time when the citizen traveled to the place of study and home.

  • Compensation for rental housing for the period of study in another region.
  • The completed training is a guarantee that the citizen will be employed elsewhere or get a job for the first time in his life in accordance with his wishes. What vacancies can be offered? In advanced training courses or regular general education courses, you can get one of the following professions:
  1. Legal assistant – lawyer (advanced training).
  2. Accountant.
  3. Seamstress.
  4. Makeup artist - hairdresser.
  5. Cook.
  6. Elevator.
  7. Masseur.
  8. Medical worker.
  9. Programmer.
  10. Tourism manager.
  11. Driver.
  12. Warehouse worker.

Upon completion of training, the citizen has a certificate in his hands, according to which he can find a job.

Social worker


New system modules allows you to train applicants with the necessary professional skills in the shortest possible time. Many teachers conduct classes in an accessible playful way. Applicants study some humanities subjects on their own.

To improve your qualifications or acquire new profession used Full-time study. Theoretical classes alternate with practical training of acquired skills. The courses offer both individual and group lessons.
Most often it depends on the set of groups. Benefits during the training period During the training period, the applicant retains the benefit provided by law. The amount of the benefit does not depend on the status of the citizen; only the assignment of the status of unemployed matters.

Moscow cities

City Center for Continuing Professional Education" conducts a socially oriented program to support the poor and unemployed "Study for free!" To undergo FREE training or professional retraining, you must complete the following steps: Select the course that is most interesting to you (all GCDPO courses are here). Register with the territorial Employment Center at your place of registration. Conclude an agreement with the Employment Center and write an application to study at our center according to the chosen curriculum.

Bring documents from the territorial central control center to our office to conclude an agreement.

What free training courses are offered at the labor exchange in 2018?

The employment service provides not only work for people, but also training. If your profession is not in great demand, then you can learn a new one. Typically, such centers offer several specialties from which you can choose the one that suits you.


Training from the employment center allows you to obtain a document with which you can get a job. Moreover, all this is provided free of charge, since for the unemployed it is financed by the budget. You just need to know what is required for this. Advantages of retraining After losing a job, a person usually turns to the labor exchange, where vacancies are offered.

Sometimes people cannot choose a suitable specialty. But for this there is free training from the employment center.

Procedure for taking courses at the employment center

Financial assistance is not accrued or its payment is terminated if:

  • The citizen arbitrarily interrupted the learning process;
  • The applicant was expelled from the course of study;
  • For the period of illness;
  • During maternity leave.

Advantages and disadvantages of courses from the Labor Exchange Center The following are the advantages of undergoing free retraining from the labor exchange:

  • The courses offer mastery of a profession in demand among employers;
  • You can try to change your field of activity and succeed in it;
  • Learning new skills that won't hurt anyone;
  • The study process is absolutely free for the applicant;
  • An unemployed person receives a “scholarship” - financial assistance from the state.

Please note that you will study the profession not with the employees of the Center for Education, but with teachers from educational institutions that won the tender for the provision of such services.

Retraining courses: what the employment center offers

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Socially oriented program “learn for free!”


An unemployed person can be offered not only retraining, but also advanced training in his specialty. Another certificate will not hurt, for example, when applying for a job as an accountant. An employer is often looking for an employee with experience that graduates of higher education and other educational institutions do not have enough.

Training in the Employment Center courses is free for students. But this educational program also has disadvantages:
  1. The employment center doesn’t care what specialty you are taught. To enroll in a course in a profession that interests you, you may need to wait.
  2. The technical base in educational institutions is often poor and outdated, especially in the regions.
  3. After retraining, the range of jobs offered expands.

Free courses in Moscow at employment centers

  • Auditor;
  • Auditor;
  1. Working professions:
  • Locksmith;
  • Milling operator;
  • Plumber;
  • Tiler;
  • Turner;
  • Collector of furniture;
  • Picker;
  • Machine operator;
  1. Service specialties:
  • Assistant Manager;
  • Confectioner;
  • Hairdresser;
  • Manicurist;
  • Waiter;
  • Baker;
  • Bartender;
  • Lifter;
  1. Private enterprise;
  2. Computer techologies:
  • Programmer;
  • Website layout designer;
  • Graphic Designer;
  1. Medical professions:
  • Nurse (nurse);
  • Pharmacist.

Accurate information regarding the list of specialties for which you can retrain for free will be provided by the local labor exchange.

Social worker courses are intended for students who want to work in government agencies social services, in specialized social centers, in boarding schools and rehabilitation centers.

A social worker implements social assistance programs, provides public services, and assists clients in solving their personal and social problems.

The training program for social workers is developed in accordance with Federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation"and Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2013 No. 499 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional professional programs."

The Social Worker Vocational Training program is based on the requirements professional standard“Social worker” (approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2013 No. 677n “On approval of the professional standard Social worker”), as well as on all-Russian classifier classes OK 010-20141 (MSKZ-08) and requirements modern market labor.

The goal of the professional training program for social workers is to develop the professional competencies of employees of social welfare centers, as well as all interested parties.

The course for social workers consists of theoretical lectures, interactive presentations, video lessons, tests and situational tasks.

As part of the training for social workers, you can consult for free with a personal manager on the subject of the course, receive a free electronic course guide, and promptly send educational documents upon completion of training.

At MCPE you will be able to undergo training for social workers at a time convenient for you. Training social workers has become even more convenient with the distance learning program.

MCPE offers to study the social worker course remotely.

The course is intended for:

Persons wishing to master the vocational training program “Social Worker” who have higher (bachelor’s, specialist’s) or secondary vocational education.

Benefits of the course:

1. The training of social workers lasts 2 months, you can undergo training at any time convenient for you and from any time. mobile device, without interruption from production.

2. If you do not have time to pass all internal exams, you can extend your studies for an indefinite period for a nominal cost.

3. You can always return to a lecture or video course to consolidate the material, or use the electronic library.

Requirements for students:

1. Complete secondary education.

2. Copies of documents required for completing training and issuing a certificate of advanced training:

  • Document on complete secondary education;
  • A copy of the work book;
  • Copy of the passport;
  • A document confirming the change of surname, if it has changed.


After you submit an application or our manager contacts you, an invoice is issued to you, if you are a legal entity, or a receipt is generated for payment in any bank, or you can pay for the service yourself by adding the course to your cart using the Robokassa service. An invoice, receipt, contract and program of the selected course will be sent to you at email specified in the application.

Non-profit educational institution additional professional education, in accordance with Russian legislation is not subject to state accreditation. Only higher education institutions are subject to state accreditation educational establishments. MCPE is an institution of additional professional education.

Within a day, from the moment of receiving payment, an agreement with your signature and a package of applications for creating a personal file. Access is provided to your personal email.

You will receive an email notification about the end of the course. Either upon completion of the course in your personal account An email notification will appear indicating successful completion of the course. If nothing happens, then you need to contact your personal manager, tutor, write to the technical service - you will promptly be provided with information about the status of your training.

It all depends on the program you choose. Each program is designed for a certain number of hours. For example 288 ak. h. – designed for 2 months. But you can complete the training faster by passing all the tests and solving situational problems and cases. If you do not have time to complete the program within the time period established by the contract, YOU can purchase unlimited access to the program. Its cost depends on the program you choose. For example, purchasing unlimited access to the programs “Medical Massage”, “Exercise Therapy”, “Nursing” 288 and 504 academic hours costs 7,000 thousand rubles; as part of the purchase of unlimited access, a contract is concluded with you additional agreement to your contract for the provision educational services.

If you purchase long-term certification or professional courses, you will need not only to undergo an internship, but also to write thesis, and pass the qualifying exam. The exam can be taken remotely as part of an online conference on the appointed day, or you can come to the in-person certification exam at the ICPE. If you are a resident of Moscow and Moscow Region, we can send you to practice with our partners completely free of charge. Depending on the course, you may need a medical book to complete the internship. Check with your personal manager for details.

You will receive documents from 3 to 14 calendar days. We work with the EMS (Russian Post) courier service at the Customer’s expense, and also send documents by Russian Post free of charge.

If you want to receive documents faster, we can send them at your expense using the courier service you specify. Please inform your personal manager immediately about the courier service.

Yes. We have official agency offices in Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar and a branch that carries out educational activities by extension “Cosmetology” in Yekaterinburg.

Certainly. Our managers organize training for on-site cycles corporate department. Educational process debugged for outbound cycles. If necessary, a mobile simulation center is activated. We consider each organization’s request individually and offer a reasonable and profitable solution to our partner.

Yes, sure. Our center is accredited for all electronic platforms. We constantly participate in procurement under 44-FZ.

Our Center operates without VAT. Educational services non-profit organization additional professional education " International Center Vocational Education» in accordance with paragraphs. 14, paragraph 2 of Art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are not subject to VAT (not subject to taxation (VAT) is the sale on the territory of the Russian Federation of services in the field of education provided by non-profit educational organizations for the implementation of general educational and (or) professional educational programs(main and (or) additional), professional training programs specified in the license, or the educational process, as well as additional educational services corresponding to the level and focus of the educational programs specified in the license).

If you terminate the contract for the provision of educational services before the start of training, we will return you 100% of the amount you paid, without any deductions. To process a return Money you need to fill out a letter to letterhead Your organization or a personal statement, indicating the payment details, the reason for the return, the bank details to which the funds need to be returned, and send us a scanned copy, and either bring the original to the Central Office, or send it by letter with notification by Russian Post, having notified your personal manager Refunds are made within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the citizen’s written request and registration of this application by the quality manager.

The MCPE does not have a special student employment service. However, employers and partners often turn to us with a request to provide qualified personnel. We inform our listeners about such vacancies, or place advertisements in groups and social groups in the Internet.

For listeners who don't have medical education MCPE has developed special programs: “Medical massage. Comprehensive course”, “Children’s massage. Comprehensive course." As part of these courses, students will receive maximum information for the purpose of self-improvement, and will receive a diploma of the established form.

You can also get education in related areas, for example exercise therapy and SPA operator, which will make you even more competitive in the labor market.

Currently, the profession of a social worker is in high demand in the labor market. All more people need help, especially now in times of economic instability. This specialty is more of a vocation than a profession. The peculiarity of the profession of a social worker is that only compassionate, humane people who are ready to help the disabled, orphans, the elderly, and mothers of many children can do it. These most vulnerable segments of the population can receive advice from social specialists on questions various advantages and benefits. Social workers will not ignore people suffering from diseases such as drug addiction and alcoholism. In addition, workers in this area draw up all Required documents.

To identify those in need of material and everyday assistance, social workers conduct research. In their work, they try in every possible way to involve public and government structures and seek their acceptance necessary decisions. Among other things, the social worker is responsible for the program for the implementation of rehabilitation measures.

For those people who find it difficult to cope with problems of any nature on their own, representatives of this profession provide moral, legal and psychological support. We are talking about people who suffered in environmental disasters, military operations, fires, international conflicts, family quarrels, etc.

Social workers will purchase and deliver food and medicine, take things to the dry cleaner or laundromat, clean up the house or apartment, and even make repairs in living quarters for those who cannot do this on their own. Representatives of this profession will measure the temperature and blood pressure of their patients, apply mustard plasters, etc.

Unfortunately, despite the large scope of work, social workers have rather low salaries. And the role of such employees who strive to improve the living and material conditions of life of unprotected and vulnerable segments of the population is invaluable. This can be attributed to the advantages of the profession of a social worker. The downside is that such work is not considered prestigious by today’s youth.

Social workers celebrate their professional day on June 8th. It is on this day that people of this profession are thanked for carrying out a special mission.

Personal qualities of a social worker

Representatives of this profession are distinguished by such qualities as kindness, responsiveness, attentiveness, and the ability to empathize. To effectively perform his duties, a social worker must be sociable, emotionally and stress-resistant, neat, organized, restrained, honest, and fair. To win the trust of his clients, a social worker must have such qualities as hard work, dedication and responsibility.

What should education be like?

Anyone who chooses the profession of a social worker must be knowledgeable in moral, social and humanitarian issues. In addition, knowledge of such subjects as sociology, medicine, economics, psychology, psychotherapy, and ethics is required. To give legal advice, you should also have certain knowledge.

The type of activity a social worker has depends on what kind of education he or she has. To work with children, you must have teacher education. Persons involved in solving legal issues need a law degree. A psychologist's education is necessary for those who will conduct telephone consultations. And those who will care for people with disabilities will need a medical diploma.

Place of work and career

There are quite a lot of places where representatives of this profession can work. This

  • nursing home;
  • social protection committees;
  • orphanages;
  • branches pension fund;
  • veterans' councils;
  • social service centers;
  • guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

With increasing length of service and experience, a social worker is assigned a rank and salary increases.

What to do after graduating from university? In reality, this question can be very difficult to answer. After all, even many teachers cannot clearly answer students what awaits them ahead. Nevertheless, for some, building a career in this field is quite interesting and even successful. Unfortunately, there are few different alternatives here. This is such a cruel specialty "Social work". What to do after graduating from university? Let's try to figure this out as soon as possible. After all, there are not so many vacancies on offer, although positions in positions, as a rule, are constantly empty.

Social worker

Of course, the first place that can be recommended is the fact that this vacancy is not particularly popular in Russia, although it plays important role for society.

You have completed your degree in Social Work. Who to work with? As already mentioned - a social worker. What to do here? You will have to help people in need, as well as identify and register them. In other words, to be in the government service of “surveillance” of social development population.

A social work specialist is far from the most promising position. Practice has shown this. After all, you won’t be able to become a boss - for this you must have connections. But anyone can become an “ordinary” employee. Only the level of salaries, taking into account the responsibility and emotional stress, is very, very small.


The job can also involve politics. The thing is that many graduates of this specialty have great prospects personal growth. And this, like nothing else, will help them achieve success in politics.

In practice, to be honest, this situation occurs very rarely. After all, the standard description of the specialty does not include any mention of political activity. As a rule, graduates are told that they will only be able to get a job as an ordinary social worker at some enterprise and work there almost all their lives.

So, don’t think that “Social work” is a death sentence. You can easily become a successful politician. Only for this you will have to make considerable efforts. But the result will please you in every sense.


Such a vacancy as a social teacher is very common these days. To be honest, this position is most often found in kindergartens. Graduates of the specialty “Social work” often become educators there. Why does this happen?

The thing is that such employees, as a rule, very quickly determine social problems in children and their parents. And if necessary, they are registered as a dysfunctional family. This in turn helps eliminate problems and improve the atmosphere. And, of course, it has a beneficial effect on the child.

But social work with children is not particularly popular among graduates and young employees. The thing is that here you will not be able to receive high wages. And with career growth, things are very difficult. Thus, only those who “have a soul” for this profession are capable of working as a (social) teacher.


You have completed your degree in Social Work. What to do after graduation? For example, such graduates have the opportunity to work as a professional caregiver for the disabled. The prospect is not the brightest, but this vacancy is almost always empty.

However, not everyone will agree to work as a nurse. Especially when you consider that, again, you will receive a low salary, but during the working day you will have to give your best. Often caregivers look like a squeezed lemon by the end of the week.

Therefore, young graduates are not particularly interested in this vacancy. They are more interested in the vacancy of a “hostel teacher.” Only in practice, people with extensive life experience are hired for such positions. Typically, this vacancy is occupied exclusively by women over 50 years of age. So young graduates have very little chance of getting this vacancy.


Sociologist-psychologist is another position that is available to graduates. But here things are a little better than with previous vacancies. The point is that you can work as a sociologist-psychologist either in government agency, and in private. In the first case, you will be in the civil service, but your salary will be meager. And there is a lot of work.

In the second case, you will not have civil service in experience, but this is the level wages will be several times higher. Additionally, the clientele is also different in the two places. In the first case, you will most likely have to work with disadvantaged families, and in the second, you will have to serve elite clients.

Of course, everyone chooses for themselves what is best for them. Only in practice it has been proven that a sociologist-psychologist is quite often chosen as a private job rather than a public one. And this is understandable - it is very important for young employees career, as well as the level of wages, which are not satisfactory in government agencies.


Your diploma says "Social Work" as a specialty. Who to work with? For example, in addition to all the listed vacancies, you can also work in medical institutions. And here there are several options for the development of events. Which ones? Let's figure it out.

For example, graduates of our current specialty can work in the so-called social medical worker. This vacancy involves supporting and helping sick people. For example, working with alcohol and drug addicts, as well as with people with disabilities of various categories. This is far from the best place for young and promising university graduates to work.

You can also work as a psychologist in medical institution. This is a nicer place. Usually, it is for this position that employees are hired for whom it is important to work in medicine, but at the same time have a diploma in sociology.


Today we figured out what kind of specialty “Social work” is, who to work for, and also what places graduates choose most often. To be honest, in practice it turns out that few people work with a diploma in this field.

Often it is enough just to get at least some higher education in order to work in one place or another. For example, sociologists are very often found as managers, waiters and cashiers. That is, with this diploma you can get a job wherever you want. But in most cases only by an ordinary employee.