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Business plan for an English language tutor, samples. Tutoring business: franchise and independent start

Many graduates of pedagogical universities do not want to go to work at school. It’s understandable - there are a lot of idiots, a lot of work, a lot of demands, a lot of responsibility, but they pay little money. For some reason, medicine and education are not a priority for the state. But what to do with the innate talent of a teacher? With a desire to work with children who want to learn? With the desire to educate, teach something new, enjoy children's successes, and most importantly, receive a decent salary? A great idea in this situation is to organize your own tutoring center.

Why is this a profitable idea?
The introduction of a new educational standard in schools implies the holding of State Examination and Unified State Examination. According to statistics, schoolchildren encounter problems when preparing for these exams. Sometimes there is not enough time to “practice on assignments” at school, and the teacher’s attention is not enough for everyone. Therefore, an understanding parent will place their child in the hands of a specialist who is able to prepare the child well for the exams. So, the cost of such a service ranges from 300 to 2,000 rubles per hour, depending on the city and the experience (qualifications and personal qualities) of the tutor. Suppose your child agrees to study with you for 500 rubles/hour, you study 2 times a week for a whole month. 500*2*4= 4,000 rubles (for 8 hours of work per month). Now imagine that you have not one such child, but 10 or 20?!

Organization of a rehearsal center and development prospects.
Let's assume that you are a subject specialist. For example, a mathematician practicing tutoring. Children come to you or you come to a child - it doesn’t matter, you can work both ways. In the first case, inconveniences may arise, for example, if you do not live alone, and in the second, large time costs and money for travel. An excellent way out of the situation is to register as individual entrepreneur, and renting an office, if possible closer to the city center. Since the law does not say anything about the requirements for premises, any residential or non-residential premises. Then you need to take care of furniture (at least a table and two chairs), office equipment (computer and printer) and handouts(in this example, these could be different tables, geometric bodies, etc.). If at first you plan to work without assistants, then according to the legislation of the Russian Federation it is not necessary to obtain a license; it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. OKVED codes for tutoring activities:
80.10.3 (Additional education children),
80.42 (Adult education and other types of education not included in other groups).
It is necessary to conclude an agreement with each client. (We recommend starting a tutoring business as an individual entrepreneur, already having experience as a private tutor, with contacts and a certain client base). To attract customers, you need to take care of advertising.

Available types of advertising:
notice on a pole;
advertisements on the Internet (through social networks and websites);
advertising among acquaintances and friends;
advertising among schools and educational institutions.
With big enough client base Expansion of the range of services can be considered as a prospect. For example, in addition to mathematics, study Russian and English, physics, chemistry, etc., as well as work with students. To do this, you need to find teachers of these disciplines and coordinate with them the class schedule and other work issues. You will also need a receptionist who will take customer orders. It is possible to open some kind of creative circles. Development prospects are the basis for your imagination.
So, what is needed to open a tutoring center:
individual entrepreneur registration;
office and its equipment;
customer base.

Approximate plan for the minimum required investments.
Let's give rough plan investment of a simple tutoring center in a typical city with a population of 400-700 thousand people.
Individual entrepreneur registration: ~ 2,000 rubles
Rent an office: ~ 20,000 rubles per month (let’s take 3 months for calculation)
Furniture + office equipment: from 30,000 rubles (perhaps you have something to furnish your office with, or it is rented already with furniture, you may also have your own equipment)
Advertising: ~1,000 rubles (this is the minimum, which is enough to post advertisements.
Stationery: ~1,000 rubles.
Total: 94,000 rubles you will need to start a tutoring center.
This amount will pay off in 235 hours of work or a month of hard work (based on the cost of an hour of 400 rubles).
Let's not forget that it is necessary to pay taxes, in the future to invest in expanding the center (furniture, computers, office equipment, interactive and simple whiteboards, increasing office space etc.), pay salaries to teachers and secretaries, and other personnel.
You can also consider tutoring activities under a patent. From January 1, 2013, it became possible to work under the patent taxation system in the Russian Federation. A patent provides for engaging in a certain type of activity for a certain period of time, and serves to simplify work with the tax office, replacing several taxes at once. In order to find out whether work under a patent is possible in your region, you need to contact the tax office.
In any case, regardless of the registration method, specialists in the field of education will always be in demand. It is important to organize the work correctly and create a constant flow of clients by competently presenting the full range of services. Start small and grow to achieve great results. Good luck!

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Probably, in every family, parents are faced with the problem of their child falling behind the planned study schedule (workload) at school. This problem is relevant in every country, in every home. As with any situation, there is a way out of this one; if a child cannot cope with the educational material, additional individual lessons are needed...

This task, at first glance, is very easy, but in fact, in addition to this question, parents face the following question: “How to regularly take a child to a tutor”? And this is a very logical question, because after a certain time, transport costs will add up to a tidy sum.

One of American organizations solved the above problems, thereby improving life for myself and my teachers.

The idea is essentially very simple and logical: you need to unite all the children in one place, along with the teachers who will teach them.

The organizers of this idea created a correctional center, or a so-called mini-school.

Where after classes parents bring their children for a couple of hours. This one is a little cheaper than individual lessons, because the tutor works with a group of students (3-5 people) at once.

This kind of activity has a motivating effect on children, because everyone wants to show all their intellectual capabilities.

It is also beneficial for teachers who work for a minimum wage; this type of activity provides significant additional income. As for parents, another convenient plus is the convenience of visiting. For example, a family lives not far from a school; after tutoring, both the father and mother can come pick up the child.

Business idea No. 812: how to open a school with tutors? Business ideas here: website

In this case, one of the parents is freed from this mission and can go about their business.

Based on statistical data, this kind of practice has been successful; children have the opportunity to improve in basic disciplines and also increase self-esteem.

Professionals help children reach their full potential, which is often overlooked by teachers. secondary schools.

Tutoring schools have become very common in Russia, but their implementation is known in the form of “tutoring at home.”

Former teachers of secondary schools, or those who want to earn extra money, organize groups of 4-5 people. The effectiveness is the same, the tutoring methods are more strict in that teachers have the opportunity to prepare additional materials...

Having enough experience, knowledge and skills, many begin to earn money by tutoring. For some it is Additional income, for others the main income. Many people are moving from private lessons to opening their own tutoring center. One way or another, this type of activity is a very profitable business.

Market assessment

Today this business is in wide demand. People are ready to use the services of not only a tutoring center, but also private teachers. Most often, parents of schoolchildren resort to such services when their children either cannot keep up with the school curriculum, or it is too easy for them and there is a need to study a particular subject in depth. Applicants also search for a tutoring center or a private tutor in order to prepare for entrance exams.

Accordingly, so that your private business turned out to be competitive, you must have the appropriate education and solid teaching experience. True, we must take into account that when choosing a tutor for their child, parents often rely on the recommendations of friends and relatives rather than on diplomas and seniority teacher. But their presence still gives weight and authority to you as a tutor.

Ready for business

It is important to understand that experience and knowledge do not always guarantee success in a tutoring business. In addition, you must have a number of personal qualities. So, before you engage in tutoring, try to evaluate yourself for compliance with the following qualities:

  • Genuine interest in the discipline. Without it, it is difficult to infect a student with interest in the subject. In addition, sincere interest forces you to constantly improve in your business, improve teaching methods, and engage in self-study.
  • Ability to present material in an accessible manner. If you can't communicate complex things in simple terms, no student will hear you. Accordingly, the meaning of tutoring is reduced to zero.
  • Punctuality. The question is not only about coming to class on time, but also about being able to present the required amount of material in a strictly established time.
  • Ability to establish rapport with a student. To do this, it is important not only to be competent in your field, but also to have a certain amount of charm.
  • Tolerance and loyalty to student mistakes.

Target audience and specialization

So, when organizing a business plan, you need to focus on the following target audience:

  • schoolchildren who are not keeping up with the program;
  • schoolchildren who need knowledge of more than the school curriculum;
  • high school students preparing for final exams;
  • applicants who are preparing to enter universities;
  • final year students who plan to improve their level of knowledge before starting work;
  • Working adults who want to improve their knowledge in a specific area.

The most in demand is tutoring in the field of teaching. foreign languages. Most often they are looking for a teacher of English, German, French or Spanish. Biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, Russian language and literature are in demand in the school curriculum.

Conducting classes

Unlike the corresponding center for the provision of tutoring services, a private teacher is more mobile and can provide educational services different ways in any territory.

At the teacher's home

The easiest and most convenient way for a teacher is to organize a business at home. Then you don’t have to waste time and money on travel, all the methodological literature is always at hand. However, not everyone can allocate a separate room in their apartment for classes. In addition, if the teacher does not live alone, he will have to take into account the opinions and schedules of his household, which, by the way, can distract him from work.

At the student's home

The problem with household members is solved if classes are organized at the student’s home. However, under such circumstances, the teacher will have to spend money on travel, taking into account the travel time and possible traffic jams. This question is irrelevant if you find clients close to your home. But if you come across a client who lives remotely, the cost of training includes the cost of travel. Another difficulty that cannot be solved by other variations is the need to carry all the methodological literature with you.

Rented premises

In fact, these are prerequisites for organizing your own center. But running a business in this format is only possible when you have many students and each one requires separate teaching aids. A rented room allows you to expand the possibilities of lessons by including the use of computers, a blackboard, a projector, posters, and audio equipment in the work plan. In addition, having a separate equipped room, you can include training in mini-groups for 2-3 students at a time in your work organization plan. This way, you can cover the inevitable costs of renting the premises.

If you include a search for such premises in your business plan, it is not necessary to rent it outright. It is enough to find a suitable room for hourly pay. Typically, such classes are rented in educational institutions, where the necessary furniture and other teaching equipment are already installed. If you are ready to open your own center, you can look for premises with full rent.

Distance learning

The easiest and most cost-effective way is distance learning via the Internet. The only thing that needs to be included in the spending plan is the purchase of a computer and payment for the services of an Internet provider. Classes are held live via Skype or by correspondence. Such a business allows you to expand your search for clients who can handle different corners peace. Payment for services can be received at bank card or to an electronic wallet.

Such classes are convenient for both the teacher and the student. They can be held at any time convenient for both, there is no need to go somewhere. However, such training has its own difficulties. For example, testing the level of knowledge can only be done in writing. In addition, training can only be carried out effectively on an individual basis.

However, it must be taken into account that the preparation plan for such classes requires a lot of time. There are also a number of areas in which this type of training is impossible. In addition, there are some difficulties in using teaching materials. For example, copying, including scanning, is considered a copyright violation. methodological manuals. Therefore, you do not have the right to provide students with such copies of manuals if you are not their author. You can only recommend that they purchase such benefits personally.

Payment for services

Your business plan should provide for the formation of tariffs for payment for your services. They are set based on your experience, qualifications, level of knowledge, professional achievements. If your performance in these parameters is low, the cost of one lesson is usually set at 250-500 rubles. The exact figure depends on the region where you operate your business. Over time, when you gain experience and also collect a solid number of positive recommendations, prices can be increased.

Classes vary in length depending on the age of the student. Yes, for preschoolers and schoolchildren junior classes one lesson should last no longer than 40 minutes. Optimally - half an hour. Older children are able to absorb information within an hour. For adult students, the time can be set to 90 minutes.

Search for clients

The client search plan must be worked out immediately and in as much detail as possible. First of all, you can use traditional tools, hanging advertisements on boards on the street, distributing leaflets near educational institutions, and placing advertisements in print media.

But most effective advertising today is the Internet. First of all, these are advertisements on free boards, as well as on thematic forums. Alternatively, you can create your own blog or website through which you can also accept orders. Over time, these tools lose their relevance, giving way to " word of mouth" Of course, if your services have competitive level. A traditional advertising ploy is to make the first lesson free so that the student can evaluate how comfortable he is working with you and how suited your teaching style is to him.

Organizational matters

As already mentioned, before drawing up a plan for tutoring activities, you need to be confident in your level of knowledge and experience. Although there are no strict requirements for this aspect, at a minimum you must have an appropriate diploma higher education. It is also advisable to collect reviews and recommendations from former employers and clients. This will only give you weight in the eyes of potential clients, and will also give you reasons to place high prices for your services.

If your plan does not include organizing a tutoring center, then you can limit yourself to registering an individual entrepreneur. In principle, you can start with this form of organization, even if you have an ambitious plan to open such a center in the future - if necessary, you can re-register the form of activity.

On initial stage organizational matters this can be completed. But to open a center in the future you will need to register as a non-governmental educational institution. This form of organization requires obtaining an appropriate license. The document will give you the right to issue state school diplomas to your students.

Business nuances

When organizing a business with an eye to its development and expansion, you need to take into account a number of nuances that will help you open and organize in the future successful work center. Among others, the following should be taken into account:

  1. Once you have completed your work with each student, obtain written recommendations and feedback from the student (or their parent).
  2. Do not stagnate at the achieved professional level, constantly educate yourself. To do this, it is important not only to read new literature and get acquainted with new products in your field, but also to visit thematic exhibitions, seminars, master classes, and take advanced training courses. Demand the same from teachers who will work for you in the future. Be sure to display your diplomas in your booth so students and potential clients can see them.
  3. Organize your work time. You need to understand what you have limited opportunities on recruitment and training. But you also need to consider the capabilities of your clients. For example, only those who work or study in the evening can study in the morning and vice versa. At the same time, from 12.00 to 15.00 there is usually the smallest flow of customers. Therefore, in the morning hours they usually put clients on individual sessions, and the most large groups recruited in the evening. However, illiquid time can be used in advertising purposes, offering discounts on it.
  4. Despite the fact that methodological and scientific materials are quite expensive today, you should not skimp on them. If you plan to work with students of approximately the same level of knowledge, you can buy sets of textbooks in bulk, saving on them. But if you have students different levels, average teaching aids not worth it. You also cannot save on office equipment and auxiliary materials. They shouldn't let you down at the most inopportune moment.

Tutoring is a great job for a student or person who enjoys teaching others. If you decide to become a tutor, then you will need to find clients to realize your goal. Private tutors cannot do without advertising their services. Select a job profile, create promotional materials and start posting advertisements.


Part 1

Think about the general points

    Select an item. Teach subjects you are strong in, so think about which subjects you are best at. If you have excellent grades in different subjects, then it is better to narrow it down to your favorite disciplines.

    • It is important to have a good understanding of the subject as you will be teaching others.
  1. Outline the level of competence. Most tutors work with students in specific grades or grade levels (e.g., junior high, high school, or just geometry). Choose the optimal level for yourself.

    • Go online, review assignments for different levels, and assess your readiness.
    • Consider subjects you've taken recently (like math or physics you took last school year).
  2. Write a resume. Include all of your tutoring experience, including working with friends and family members. Remember situations when you explained a subject to your classmates. This will help you compose effective announcement and explain to your students' parents why they should choose you.

    • Indicate your membership in clubs and clubs if they are relevant to your chosen subject. For example, you should include a math club if you want to teach mathematics, or a literature club if you want to teach language and literature.
    • Indicate studies in classes with in-depth study subject, certificates and awards for success.
    • If you don't have experience, try becoming a volunteer or helping someone you know. Suggest free help to gain experience for your resume.
  3. Determine your rates. Find out the cost of tutoring services in your area. Determine your rates based on those of other tutors whose knowledge and skill level is comparable to yours.

    Choose a location. You can work from clients' homes, your own home, or an off-site location like a coffee shop or library. Choose your preferred location or base it on the client's wishes and indicate this fact in your ad.

    Part 2

    Create promotional materials
    1. Make business cards. Business cards can be given when meeting with potential clients. If a person complains about poor performance at school or wants to study for an exam, then give him your business card. You risk losing customers if they don't remember you. You can also leave Business Cards in cafes and libraries.

      • If you have a printer, you can make business cards at home. Card blanks are sold in department stores, office supply stores, and online.
      • You can also order inexpensive professional business cards from the appropriate service.
    2. Make brochures. The brochures provide more information about services and may be helpful if there are many tutors in the area. Additional information will show clients that you are more experienced and qualified. Having a brochure will give you a special shine.

If you have knowledge in any field, as well as organizational skills and a desire to try opening your own business, you can open a tutoring center. Currently, due to the holding of State Examinations and Unified State Examinations and a number of entrance exams to various educational institutions, students are often forced to turn to tutors who, having good experience, will prepare a student or applicant for tests. This is not a bad business idea. These services are becoming increasingly popular and well paid.

In order to - a tutoring center - you will need:

Premises for a tutoring center

Most the best option To do this, rent an apartment, preferably a two- or three-room apartment. The apartment will need to be equipped in a special way: for each classroom, purchase a sufficient amount of stationery, put in tables, chairs, a blackboard, a TV, as well as office equipment - computers, printers and a copier. Each class should have a computer and a printer, another computer should be at the reception by the secretary who will receive clients - schoolchildren and students.

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Tutoring center, business plan

Write a business plan for your tutoring center. As with organizing any other enterprise, it is necessary to make calculations of all necessary investments.

In order for your tutoring center to be successful, it is necessary for potential clients to know about it.

  • Possible types of advertising:
  • outdoor advertising;
  • advertisements in the press;
  • advertising on the Internet (for example, on your website);
  • advertising among friends and acquaintances;

To open a tutoring center, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur. If you run a business without proper registration, you may encounter problems with the law. Russian Federation up to a criminal case.

Enter into an agreement with each client.

First, you need to find teachers of different disciplines and agree on working issues with them: working conditions, work schedule, payment, etc. The work plan should be drawn up as follows: morning time should be allocated for individual classes, afternoon and evening time - for group classes. In order for the tutoring center to provide maximum productivity, it is advisable to use all days - work both on weekdays and on Saturday and Sunday.

Create a lesson plan that will take into account the child’s workload educational institution, think about your work schedule.

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Minimum required investment in a tutoring center, approximate plan

With a tutoring center working schedule of 12 hours a day, allocating 2 hours per lesson (with a 30-minute break) you can conduct 6 lessons a day. Based on this, 180 classes can be conducted per month.

The average cost of an hour of lessons is 300 rubles, of which you will give 30-40% to the tutor. If there are 5 people in the group, you will make a profit: 5X300X12=18,000, of which the tutor will receive 5,400 rubles. Your profit will be 12,600 rubles.

Additionally, you will need to hire 2 secretaries (for example, in 2 shifts or with a work schedule of 2 in 2 days), average wage which will amount to 15,000 rubles.

These expenses will also have to include contributions to Pension Fund, fund social insurance and taxes.