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Src="" alt="> Vibroacoustic factors and protection against them These factors include: - production"> Виброакустические факторы и защита от них К этим факторам относятся: - производственный шум; - вибрация!}

Src="" alt="> Industrial noise Noise is any sound that is undesirable for humans. Frequency range"> Производственный шум Шум – любой, нежелательный для человека звук. Частотный диапазон слышимых человеком звуков – от 16 до 20000 Гц. Звук с частотой ниже 16 Гц называют инфразвуком, выше 20000 Гц – ультразвуком (до 109 Гц), в диапазоне 109 – 1013 Гц – гиперзвуком. Воздействия шума на человека можно условно подразделить на: специфические (слуховые) – воздействие на слуховой анализатор, которое выражается в слуховом утомлении, кратковременной или постоянной потере слуха, ухудшении четкости речи и восприятия акустических сигналов; системные (внеслуховые) – воздействие на отдельные системы и организм в целом (на заболеваемость, сон, психику). Под влиянием шума у людей изменяются показатели переработки информации, снижается темп и ухудшается качество выполняемой работы. Одной из специфических особенностей шума является его маскировочный эффект – воздействие на восприятие звуковой и в особенности речевой информации.!}

Src="" alt="> Classification of noise Depending on the nature of the spectrum, noise is tonal, in the spectrum"> Классификация шумов В зависимости от характера спектра шумы бывают тональными, в спектре которых имеются слышимые дискретные тона, и широкополосными - с непрерывным спектром шириной более одной октавы. По временным характеристикам шумы подразделяют на постоянные, уровень звука которых за 8 - часовой рабочий день изменяется во времени не более чем на 5 д. БА, и непостоянные, для которых это изменение более 5 д. БА. В свою очередь непостоянные шумы делят: на колеблющийся во времени – шум, уровень звука которого непрерывно изменяется во времени; прерывистый – шум, уровень звука которого изменяется ступенчато (на 5 д. БА и более), причем длительность интервалов, в течение которых уровень остается постоянным, составляет 1 с и более; импульсный – шум, состоящий из одного или нескольких звуковых сигналов, каждый длительностью менее 1 с.!}

Src="" alt="> Noise regulation Regulatory documents: GOST 12. 1. 003 -83 * SSBT."> Нормирование шума Нормативные документы: ГОСТ 12. 1. 003 -83* ССБТ. Шум. !} General requirements security; Sanitary standards CH 2. 2. 4/2. 1. 8. 562 -96. Noise in workplaces, in residential and public buildings and in residential areas. When normalizing noise, three methods are used: standardization according to the maximum noise spectrum (sound pressure levels in nine octave bands are normalized); normalization of the sound level in BA (measurement of the total noise level on the A scale of the sound level meter, BA); normalization by noise dose (Dadd = RA add 2 ·Tr. d.).

Src="" alt="> Ultrasound is the mechanical vibration of an elastic medium with a frequency exceeding"> Ультразвуком называются механические колебания упругой среды с частотой, превышающей верхний предел слышимости, – 20 к. Гц. Ультразвук обладает главным образом локальным действием на организм, поскольку передается при непосредственном контакте с ультразвуковым источником. Длительное систематическое воздействие ультразвука вызывает изменения нервной, сердечно-сосудистой и эндокринной систем, слухового и вестибулярного анализаторов. Меры предупреждения неблагоприятного действия ультразвука: создание автоматизированного ультразвукового оборудования с дистанционным управлением; использование по возможности маломощного оборудования; размещение оборудования в звукоизолированных помещениях; оборудование звукоизолирующих устройств: кожухов, экранов из листовой стали или дюралюминия, покрытых резиной, противошумной мастикой и другими материалами; при проектировании ультразвуковых установок целесообразно использовать рабочие частоты, наиболее удаленные от слышимого диапазона, – не ниже 22 к. Гц.!}

Src="" alt="> Infrasound Usually the upper limit of the infrasound region is considered to be 16 -25"> Инфразвук Обычно верхней границей инфразвуковой области считают 16 -25 Гц. Нижняя граница инфразвука не определена. Наибольшую интенсивность инфразвуковых колебаний создают машины и механизмы, совершающие низкочастотные механические колебания или турбулентные потоки газов и жидкостей. Он может вызывать у людей неприятные субъективные ощущения и многочисленные реактивные изменения в центральной нервной, сердечно- сосудистой и дыхательной системах, вестибулярном анализаторе. Имеются данные о том, что инфразвук вызывает снижение слуха преимущественно на низких и средних частотах. Наиболее эффективным и практически единственным средством борьбы с инфразвуком является снижение его в источнике (малогабаритные машины большой жесткости, изменение режима работы !} technological equipment, limiting vehicle speeds, reducing the flow rate of liquids). Interference-type jammers have an effect on propagation paths. To preventive measures organizational plan should include compliance with the work and rest regime, the prohibition of overtime work.

Src="" alt="> Vibration is the mechanical oscillatory movement of a system with elastic connections. Sources"> Вибрация - механическое колебательное движение системы с упругими связями. Источники вибраций: различное производственное оборудование. Причина появления вибрации: неуравновешенное силовое воздействие. Вибрацию по способу передачи на человека (в зависимости от характера контакта с источниками вибрации условно подразделяют на местную (локальную), передающуюся на руки работающего, и общую, передающуюся через опорные поверхности на тело человека. Общая вибрация в практике гигиенического нормирования обозначается как вибрация рабочих мест. В !} production conditions Often there is a combined effect of local and general vibration.

Src="" alt="> Vibration categories category 1 – transport vibration affecting the operator at"> Категории вибрации категория 1 – транспортная вибрация, воздействующая на оператора на рабочих местах транспортных средств при их движении; при этом оператор может активно, в известных пределах, регулировать воздействия вибрации; категория 2 – транспортно-технологическая вибрация, воздействующая на человека-оператора на рабочих местах машин с ограниченной подвижностью при перемещении их по специально подготовленным поверхностям производственных помещений; при этом оператор может лишь иногда регулировать воздействие вибрации; категория 3 – технологическая вибрация, воздействующая на человека на рабочих местах стационарных машин или передающаяся на рабочие места, не имеющие источников вибрации. Общую вибрацию категории 3 по месту действия подразделяют на следующие типы: 3 а – на постоянных рабочих местах производственных помещений предприятий; 3 б – на рабочих местах на складах, в столовых, бытовых, дежурных и других производственных помещений, где нет машин, генерирующих вибрацию; 3 в – на рабочих местах в помещениях заводоуправления, конструкторских бюро, лабораторий, учебных пунктов, вычислительных центров, здравпунктов, конторских помещениях, рабочих комнатах и других помещениях для работников умственного труда.!}

Src="" alt="> Vibration standardization When hygienic vibration standardization is guided by the following regulatory documents: "> Vibration standardization When hygienic vibration standardization is carried out, we are guided by the following regulatory documents: GOST 12. 1. 012 -90 SSBT. Vibration safety; SN 2. 2. 4/2. 1. 8. 566 -96. Industrial vibration, vibration in the premises of residential and public buildings. Sanitary standards. Indicators of vibration load on the operator are formed from the following parameters: for sanitary regulation and control, the root mean square values ​​of vibration acceleration a, as well as its arithmic levels in decibels, are used; When assessing the vibration load on the operator, the preferred parameter is vibration acceleration. The normalized frequency range is established: for local vibration in the form of octave bands with geometric mean frequencies 1; 2; 4; 8; 16; 31, 5; 63; 125; 250; 500; 1000 Hz; for general vibration – octave and 1/3 octave bands with geometric mean frequencies 0.8; 10; 1, 25; 16; 20; 2, 5; 3, 15; 4, 0; 50; 6, 3; 8, 0; 100; 12, 5; 16; 20; 25; 31, 5; 40; 50; 63; 80 Hz.

Src="" alt="> Methods for ensuring vibration safety Reduction of vibration at the source of its occurrence, ensured"> Методы обеспечения вибрационной безопасности труда Снижение вибрации в источнике ее возникновения, обеспечиваемое системой технических, технологических и организационных решений и мероприятий по созданию машин и оборудования с низкой вибрационной активностью. Конструктивные методы, которые обеспечиваются системой проектных и !} technological solutions production processes and elements of the production environment that reduce the vibration load on the operator (vibration damping, vibration damping - selection of certain types of materials with high internal friction, vibration isolation). Organizational measures. Organization of work and rest regimes, a system of work organization and preventive measures at enterprises that weaken the adverse effects of vibration on the human operator.

Src="" alt="> Methods of combating noise and vibration Reducing noise and"> Методы борьбы с шумом и вибрацией Снижение шума и вибрации в источнике достигается: заменой возвратно- поступательного движения в узлах работающих механизмов равномерным вращательным, тщательной балансировкой вращающихся механизмов, выбором малошумных материалов с большим внутренним трением и др. Звукопоглощение и звукоизоляция. Воздушные шумы ослабляются установкой на машинах специальных кожухов или размещением генерирующего шум оборудования в помещениях с массивными стенами без щелей и отверстий. В производственных условиях широко применяются средства звукопоглощения. Для помещений малого объема (400… 500 м 3) рекомендуется общая облицовка стен и перекрытий. В помещениях большого объема эффективны звукопоглощающие барьеры и объемные поглотители, подвешиваемые над шумными агрегатами. Демпфирование, при котором вибрирующая поверхность покрывается материалом с большим внутренним трением (резина, пробка, битум, войлок и др.). Поглощение аэродинамических шумов с помощью активных и реактивных глушителей. Рациональная планировка зданий. Средства !} personal protection– antiphons made in the form of headphones or earbuds. Time protection.

Src="" alt="> Problem Noise from three"> Задача В расчетную точку поступает шум от трех источников с уровнями 60, 62 и 63, 2 д. Б А. Соответствует ли суммарный уровень шума нормативному значению 65 д. БА? (Воспользоваться таблицей) Значение поправки AL при сложении уровней шума L 1 - L 2, д. Б 0 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 ΔL, д. Б 3 2, 5 2, 2 1, 8 1, 5 1, 2 1 0, 8 0, 6 0, 4!}

Src="" alt="> Solution to the problem Total noise level from two different levels"> Решение задачи Суммарный уровень шума от двух различных по своему уровню источников L = Lmax + L, где Lmax – максимальный уровень звукового давления одного из двух источников; L – поправка, зависящая от разности между максимальным и минимальным уровнем звукового давления Решение L 3 -1 = Lmax + L = 63, 2+ 1, 5 = 64, 7. L (3 -1)-2 = Lmax + L = 64, 7+1, 8 = 66, 5. Ответ: не соответствует.!}

2) methods and methods that exclude sources of beta radiation from entering the body.

Protection from X-rays and gamma radiation must be organized taking into account the fact that these types of radiation have a high penetrating ability.

The following measures are most effective (usually used in combination):

1. Increasing the distance to the radiation source.

2. Reducing the time spent in the danger zone.

3. Shielding the radiation source with high-density materials (lead, iron, concrete, etc.).

4. Use of protective structures (radiation shelters, basements, etc.) for the population.

5. Use of personal protective equipment for the respiratory system, skin and mucous membranes.

6. Dosimetric monitoring external environment and food products. When using various types of protective structures, you should

take into account that the exposure dose rate of ionizing radiation is reduced in accordance with the value of the attenuation coefficient

(To the donkey).

4.7. Vibroacoustic factors

4.7.1. Industrial noise, infra- and ultrasound

Sound is the wave-like propagation of mechanical oscillatory movements of particles of an elastic medium.

Industrial noise call a chaotic combination of sounds of different frequency and strength that cause unpleasant sensations and have a harmful or irritating effect on the body.

In accordance with GOST 12.1.003-83 “Noise. General Safety Requirements (GSRS), production noises are divided by origin into:

for mechanical noise arising from vibration of the surfaces of machines and equipment, as well as single or periodic impacts in the joints of parts, assembly units or structures as a whole;

aerodynamic (combustion in nozzles, etc.);

to turbo-hydraulic;

to structural (vibration of surfaces, walls, etc.).

The physical concept of acoustic vibrations covers both audible and inaudible vibrations of elastic media. Acoustic vibrations in the range from 16 Hz to 20 kHz, perceived by a person with normal hearing, are called sound, with a frequency of less than 16 Hz - infrasonic, above 20 kHz - ultrasonic. Propagating in space, sound vibrations create an acoustic field.

The human ear can perceive and analyze sounds over a wide range of frequencies and intensities. The area of ​​audible sounds is limited by two threshold curves: the lower one is the threshold of audibility, the upper one is the threshold of pain.

The lowest threshold values ​​are in the range of 1–5 kHz. The hearing threshold of a young person is 0 dB at a frequency of 1,000 Hz, at a frequency of 100 Hz the hearing threshold is much higher, since the ear is less sensitive to sounds low frequencies. The pain threshold is considered to be a sound with a level of 140 dB, which corresponds to a sound pressure of 200 Pa and an intensity of 100 W/m2. Sound sensations are assessed according to the threshold of discomfort (mild pain in the ear, sensation of touching, tickling).

The noises surrounding a person have different intensities: conversational speech – 50–60 dBA; auto siren – 100 dBA; engine noise truck– 80 dBA; loud music – 70 dBA; noise from tram traffic – 70–80 dBA; noise in an ordinary apartment is 30–40 dBA.

Based on the spectral composition, depending on the predominance of sound energy in the corresponding frequency range, low-, medium- and high-frequency noise is distinguished; according to time characteristics - constant (intensity changes up to 5 dB) and non-constant (sound pressure intensity changes in a range of more than 5 dB), the latter, in turn, are divided into oscillating, intermittent and pulsed; by duration

types of action – long-term and short-term. From a hygienic point of view, great importance is attached to the amplitude-time, spectral and probabilistic parameters of non-constant noise, which are most characteristic of modern production.

Intense noise in production contributes to a decrease in attention and an increase in the number of errors when performing work. Noise has an extremely strong impact on reaction speed, information collection and analytical processes; noise reduces labor productivity

And the quality of work deteriorates. Noise makes it difficult for workers to respond in a timely manner to warning signals from internal shop vehicles (forklifts, overhead cranes, etc.), which contributes to the occurrence of industrial accidents.

IN Biologically, noise is a noticeable stress factor that can cause disruption of adaptive reactions. Acoustic stress can lead to various manifestations: from functional disorders of central nervous system regulation to morphologically designated degenerative destructive processes in various organs and tissues. The degree of noise pathology depends on the intensity and duration of exposure, the functional state of the central nervous system and, very importantly, on the individual sensitivity of the body to the acoustic stimulus. Individual sensitivity to noise is 4–17%. It is believed that increased sensitivity to noise is determined by sensitized autonomic reactivity, inherent in 11% of the population. Female

And Children's bodies are especially sensitive to noise. High individual sensitivity can be one of the reasons for increased fatigue and the development of various neuroses.

Noise affects the entire human body: it depresses the central nervous system, causes changes in the rate of breathing and pulse, contributes to metabolic disorders, the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and can lead to occupational diseases.

The following diseases occur under the influence of industrial noise: decreased hearing sensitivity, cardiac arrhythmia, increased

blood pressure, neuroses, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Through the nervous system, noise causes heart disease, and in some cases leads to chronic diseases of the cerebral cortex and the appearance of hypertension. A person working in high noise conditions develops the so-called “noise disease”, which manifests itself in a general disease of the whole organism. A manifestation of the harmful effects of noise is an occupational disease – sensorineural hearing loss.

Noise with a sound pressure level of 30–35 dB is familiar to a person and does not bother him. An increase in this level within 40–70 dB in environmental conditions creates a significant load on the nervous system, causing deterioration in well-being and long-term action, may be the cause of neuroses. Exposure to noise levels above 75 dB can lead to hearing loss – occupational hearing loss. When exposed to high noise levels (over 140 dB), rupture of the eardrums, contusion, and at even higher levels (over 160 dB) and death are possible.

Specific noise exposure, accompanied by damage to the auditory analyzer, is manifested by slowly progressive hearing loss. For some people, serious noise damage to their hearing may occur in the first months of exposure; for others, hearing loss develops gradually over the entire period of work. A decrease in hearing by 10 dB is almost imperceptible; by 20 dB it begins to seriously interfere with a person, since the ability to hear important sound signals is impaired and speech intelligibility is weakened.

Assessment of the state of auditory function is based on the quantitative determination of hearing loss and is carried out according to the indicators of an audiometric study. The main method of hearing research is pure-tone audiometry. When assessing auditory function, the determining factors are the average hearing thresholds in the area of ​​perception of speech frequencies (500, 1,000, 2,000 Hz), as well as the loss of auditory perception in the area of ​​4,000 Hz.

The criterion for occupational hearing loss is the arithmetic average value of hearing loss in the speech range,

equal to 11 dB or more. In addition to the pathology of the hearing organ, when exposed to noise, deviations in the state of vestibular function are observed, as well as general nonspecific changes in the body; workers complain of headaches, dizziness, pain in the heart, increased blood pressure, pain in the stomach and gall bladder, and changes in the acidity of gastric juice. Noise causes a decrease in the function of protective systems and the body’s overall resistance to external influences.

Noise protection measures

According to GOST SSBT 12.1.003-93, when developing technological processes, designing, manufacturing and operating machines, industrial buildings and structures, as well as when organizing workplaces, all necessary measures should be taken to reduce noise affecting humans to values ​​​​not exceeding permissible .

First of all, collective protective equipment should be used. In relation to the source of noise generation, collective means of protection are divided into means that reduce noise at the source of its occurrence, and means that reduce noise along the path of its propagation from the source to the protected object.

Reducing noise at the source is achieved by improving the design of the machine or changing the technological process. Methods and means of collective protection, depending on the method of implementation, are divided into construction-acoustic, architectural-planning

And organizational and technical and include:

changing the direction of noise emission;

rational planning of enterprises and production premises;

acoustic treatment of premises;

remote control;

application of sound insulation.

Architectural and planning solutions also include the creation of sanitary protection zones around enterprises.

The most effective PPE is usually in the area high frequencies. PPE includes anti-noise inserts (earplugs), headphones, helmets and hard hats, and special suits. In practice, earplugs MAX-1, MAX-30, anti-noise headphones 3M, EP-106, EP-107, EP-104 are used. It is important to remember when purchasing personal protective equipment:

V including for the hearing organs, about the availability of a quality certificate for the purchased products. Russian manufacturers Currently, hearing protection products are produced in a sufficient range. For example, “Profi” headphones (folding, adjustable, against repeated exposure to noise levels above 85 dB).

The regulatory document is SN 2.2.4/ “Noise in workplaces, in residential and public buildings and in residential areas.”

Ultrasound is the mechanical vibration of an elastic medium with a frequency exceeding the upper limit of audibility of 20 kHz. The unit of sound pressure level is dB. The unit of measurement for ultrasound intensity is watt per square centimeter(W/cm2). The human ear does not perceive ultrasound. Ultrasonic vibrations occur during the operation of car engines, machine tools and rocket engines.

Ultrasound is used in medicine and biology for echolocation, to identify and treat tumors and some defects in body tissues,

V surgery and traumatology for dissection of soft and bone tissues during various operations, for welding broken bones, for destroying cells (high power ultrasound). Ultrasound therapy uses vibrations for therapeutic purposes. 800–900 kHz. Having a mainly local effect on the body, ultrasound is transmitted through direct contact with an ultrasonic instrument, workpieces or environments where ultrasonic vibrations are excited. Ultrasonic vibrations generated by low frequency ultrasound industrial equipment, have an adverse effect on

human organism. Long-term systematic exposure to airborne ultrasound causes changes in the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, auditory and vestibular analyzers. The most characteristic is the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia and asthenic syndrome. The degree of severity of the changes depends on the intensity and duration of exposure to ultrasound and increases in the presence of high-frequency noise in the spectrum, while a pronounced hearing loss is added. If contact with ultrasound continues, these disorders become more persistent. Under the influence of local ultrasound, phenomena of vegetative polyneuritis of the hands (less often of the legs) of varying degrees of severity occur, up to the development of paresis of the hands and forearms, and vegetative-vascular dysfunction. The nature of the changes that occur in the body under the influence of ultrasound depends on the dose of exposure. Small doses (sound level 80–90 dB) give a stimulating effect - micromassage, acceleration of metabolic processes. Large doses (sound level 120 dB or more) have a damaging effect.

The basis for preventing the adverse effects of ultrasound on persons servicing ultrasonic installations is hygienic regulation. In accordance with GOST 12.1.01-89 “Ultrasound. General Safety Requirements" limits sound pressure levels in the high-frequency region of audible sounds and ultrasounds in workplaces (from 80 to 110 dB at geometric mean frequencies of a third of octave bands from 12.5 to 100 kHz). Ultrasound is standardized by SanPiN 2.2.4/ “Hygienic requirements when working with sources of airborne and contact ultrasound for industrial, medical and household purposes.” Measures to prevent the adverse effects of ultrasound on the body of operators of technological installations and personnel of treatment and diagnostic rooms consist primarily of carrying out measures of a technical nature. These include: the creation of automated ultrasonic equipment with remote control; using low-power equipment whenever possible, which helps reduce the intensity of noise and ultrasound on

workplaces at 20–40 dB; placement of equipment in soundproof rooms or remote-controlled rooms; equipment for soundproofing devices, casings, screens made of sheet steel or duralumin, coated with rubber, anti-noise mastic

And other materials. When designing ultrasonic installations, it is advisable to use operating frequencies that are furthest from the audible range, not lower than 22 kHz. To eliminate the effects of ultrasound upon contact with liquid and solid media, it is necessary to install a system for automatically shutting off ultrasonic transducers during operations during which contact is possible (for example, loading and unloading materials). To protect hands from the contact action of ultrasound, it is recommended to use a special working tool with a vibration-isolating handle. If, for production reasons, it is impossible to reduce the intensity level of noise and ultrasound to acceptable values, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment - noise protection, rubber gloves with cotton lining, etc.

Infrasound refers to acoustic vibrations with a frequency below 20 Hz. This frequency range lies below the threshold of audibility and the human ear is not capable of perceiving vibrations of these frequencies. Industrial infrasound occurs due to the same processes that

And noise of audible frequencies.

The greatest intensity of infrasonic vibrations is created by machines and mechanisms that have large surfaces that perform low-frequency mechanical vibrations (infrasound of mechanical origin) or turbulent flows of gases and liquids (infrasound of aerodynamic or hydrodynamic origin). The maximum levels of low-frequency acoustic vibrations from industrial and transport sources reach 100–110 dB.

Studies of the biological effect of infrasound on the body have shown that at levels from 110 to 150 dB or more, it can cause unpleasant subjective sensations and numerous reactive changes in people, which include changes in the central

nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, vestibular analyzer. There is evidence that infrasound causes hearing loss primarily at low and medium frequencies. The severity of these changes depends on the level of infrasound intensity and the duration of the factor. In accordance with SN 2.2.4/ “Infrasound in workplaces, in residential and public buildings and in residential areas,” infrasound, based on the nature of the spectrum, is divided into broadband and harmonic. The harmonic nature of the spectrum is established in octave frequency bands by the excess of the level in one band over neighboring ones by at least 10 dB. According to its temporal characteristics, infrasound is divided into constant and non-constant. The normalized characteristics of infrasound in workplaces are sound pressure levels in decibels in octave frequency bands with geometric mean frequencies of 2, 4, 8, 16 Hz. Acceptable sound pressure levels are 105 dB in the octave bands of 2, 4, 8, 16 Hz and 102 dB in the octave band of 31.5 Hz. Wherein general level sound pressure should not exceed 110 dB. For non-constant infrasound, the normalized characteristic is the overall sound pressure level.

The most effective and practically the only means of combating infrasound is to reduce it at the source. When choosing designs, preference should be given to small-sized machines with high rigidity, since in structures with flat surfaces of large area and low rigidity, conditions are created for the generation of infrasound. The fight against infrasound at its source must be carried out in the direction of changing the operating mode of technological equipment - increasing its speed (for example, increasing the number of working strokes of forging and pressing machines, so that the main frequency of power pulses lies outside the infrasound range). Measures must be taken to reduce the intensity of aerodynamic processes - limiting the speed of transport, reducing the flow rate of liquids (aircraft and rocket engines, internal combustion engines, thermal electric steam discharge systems).

Labor Code Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) contains many articles in which we're talking about about harmful working conditions. They provide guarantees and compensation for work - milk or therapeutic and preventive nutrition, increased wages, additional leave, a shortened working week, and a preferential pension. Persons entering work in hazardous working conditions must undergo preliminary medical examinations, throughout labor activity- periodic. Such workers are entitled to free distribution of cleaning and neutralizing agents, special clothing, shoes and other personal protective equipment (hereinafter referred to as PPE). However, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not define the concept of “harmful working conditions”, and its interpretation among officials, workers and experts differs. Everyone cleverly exploits misconceptions about harmful working conditions - from workers to officials, trade union leaders and certification organizations. Let's figure out what harmful working conditions are.

Harmful working conditions in the USSR

From legal framework In the USSR, we received all kinds of lists and lists of jobs and professions with harmful working conditions, which provide for employees to receive various benefits, guarantees and compensation. The country has been gone for more than 20 years, but many workers still associate harmful working conditions with these Soviet lists and lists. What were their developers based on?

In the USSR understanding harmful conditions labor was different than it is now.

Our information. According to the Hygienic Classification of Labor (in terms of harmfulness and danger of factors in the working environment, severity and intensity of the labor process), approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on August 12, 1986, harmful and hazardous conditions labor are the conditions and nature of work under which due to violation sanitary standards and rules perhaps exposure to hazardous and harmful factors in the working environment in values ​​exceeding hygienic standards, and psychophysiological factors of work activity that cause functional changes in the body, which can lead to a persistent decrease in performance and (or) impairment of the health of workers.

Harmful working conditions were considered to be the possibility (probability) of exceeding the maximum permissible values ​​of the production factor. In this regard, the logic of compiling lists and lists of harmful and dangerous work becomes clear.

Here are excerpts from some of them. So, when executing next works additional payments were established for unfavorable working conditions in institutions and organizations of the USSR state education system:

Maintenance of refrigeration units operating on ammonia, chlorine and other refrigerants based on chemicals of hazard classes 2-4;

Applying plaster mortar to the surface manually, grouting the surface manually;

Bending sheets of steel, aluminum alloys of any thickness and shape on presses, machines and bending rollers in a cold state;

Work in clinical diagnostic laboratories (analysis of urine, feces, sputum, etc.).

Additional payments to workers for working conditions at enterprises producing musical instruments could be established when performing the following work:

Hot bending of blanks and parts of musical instruments made of wood using bending devices by hand;

Applying a design or ornament to musical instruments using nitro paints;

Stringing of red-copper wire strings by hand;

Assembly of reed musical instruments with gluing of parts using synthetic adhesives containing vinyl acetate, acetic acid and dibutyl phthalate.

Such work had to be carried out in strict accordance with sanitary standards and rules. But no one could not exclude the possibility of them violations. Work in which such a possibility occurred was combined into lists and lists for various industries and industries; working conditions in such work were considered harmful.

Each of these documents contained a condition: annually lists and lists should be revised in connection with measures to rationalize jobs, mechanize manual labor, and improve its organization and conditions. If working conditions improved, the amount of compensation should have been reduced or canceled completely. It would seem that everything is logical: the country developed, technological processes were automated, production equipment was improved, workplaces were equipped with collective protective equipment, while the size and number of lists did not decrease, but increased. As soon as any profession or type of work was included in the list, the workers associated with it received “reinforced concrete” harmful working conditions for the rest of their working career. In other words, harmful working conditions in the USSR are the working conditions of workers whose work, one way or another, was subject to lists and lists.

Such “listed harmfulness” was relevant precisely for that time, because in the USSR there was only one employer - the state. And, if you imagine the country as one large factory, everything becomes logical: the “employer state” singled out certain jobs and professions in its “factory state”, called the working conditions in them harmful, difficult or special and provided workers in these professions with various, to put it in modern language, bonuses - additional payments, additional holidays, abbreviated working week, milk and other benefits.

Harmful working conditions in the Russian Federation in the period 1991-2013.

After the collapse of the USSR, in addition to the state, other employers appeared. And the Soviet approach to defining harmful working conditions has become irrelevant. The interpretation of this concept has changed.

Our information. According to R 2.2.013-94 “Hygienic criteria for assessing working conditions in terms of harmfulness and danger of factors in the working environment, severity and intensity of the labor process,” approved by the State Committee for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation on July 12, 1994, hazardous working conditions are working conditions that are characterized by the presence of harmful production factors exceeding hygienic standards and having an adverse effect on the body of the worker and (or) his offspring.

That is, if in the USSR the possibility (probability) of violation of sanitary norms and rules was already considered harmful, then in the Russian Federation the production factor must consistently exceed its hygienic standard, and only in this case the working conditions in the workplace are considered harmful. Although according to Art. 24 Federal Law dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (as amended on December 31, 2014) individual entrepreneurs And legal entities are obliged to suspend or terminate their activities or the work of individual workshops, areas, the operation of buildings, structures, equipment, transport, the performance of certain types of work and the provision of services in cases, If when implementing specified activities, works and services sanitary rules are violated.

To determine how a harmful production factor correlates with its hygienic standard, it is necessary to identify it in the workplace, carry out instrumental measurements and compare it with the hygienic standard. Certification of workplaces according to working conditions (hereinafter referred to as AWP) served for these purposes. This procedure appeared in the USSR, but acquired its familiar form in 1997, after the release of Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated March 14, 1997 No. 12 “On certification of workplaces according to working conditions.” The procedure for conducting AWP changed in 2008 and 2011, but its essence remained approximately the same.

The definition of hazardous working conditions specified in R 2.2.013-94 was also used in the period from 1997 to 2013, it is given in P 2.2.2006-05 “Guide to the hygienic assessment of factors working environment and the labor process. Criteria and classification of working conditions". Noteworthy is the phrase « have an adverse effect on the employee’s body and (or) his offspring.”. How to quantify the adverse impact on the offspring of such harmful production factors as, say, noise, pulsation coefficient and labor intensity, P 2.2.2006-05 does not give an answer, but you cannot erase words from the definition, just like from a song.

Classification of working conditions as harmful or acceptable was carried out in the manner established by P 2.2.2006-05. It was approved by the main state sanitary doctor RF, and classification of working conditions is based on the results of medical research.

Based on the degree of deviation of the actual levels of working environment factors and the labor process from hygienic standards, working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and danger, according to P 2.2.2006-05, are conditionally divided into 4 classes: optimal, permissible, harmful and dangerous.

Optimal working conditions (class 1) are conditions under which the employee’s health is maintained and the prerequisites are created for maintaining a high level of performance. Optimal standards for working environment factors have been established for microclimatic parameters and workload factors. With regard to other factors, working conditions in which there are no harmful factors or do not exceed the levels established as safe for the population are considered optimal.

Acceptable working conditions (class 2) are characterized by such levels of environmental factors and the labor process that do not exceed established hygienic standards for workplaces, and possible changes in the functional state of the body are restored during regulated rest or by the beginning of the next shift and do not have an adverse effect in the immediate and future. in the long term on the health of workers and their offspring. Acceptable working conditions are generally considered safe.

Harmful working conditions(class 3) are characterized by the presence of harmful factors, the levels of which exceed hygienic standards and have an adverse effect on the worker’s body and (or) his offspring.

Harmful working conditions, based on the degree of exceeding hygienic standards and the severity of changes in the body of workers, are conventionally divided into 4 degrees of harmfulness:

  • 1st degree, 3rd class (3.1) - working conditions are characterized by such deviations in the levels of harmful factors from hygienic standards that cause functional changes, which are restored, as a rule, with a longer interruption of contact with harmful factors than at the beginning of the next shift, and increase the risk of damage health;
  • 2 degree 3 class (3.2) - working conditions with levels of harmful factors that cause persistent functional changes, leading in most cases to an increase in occupational morbidity, which can be manifested by an increase in the level of morbidity with temporary disability and, first of all, those diseases that reflect the condition organs and systems most vulnerable to these factors, the appearance of initial signs or mild forms occupational diseases(without loss of professional ability), arising after prolonged exposure, often after 15 years or more;
  • 3rd degree 3rd class (3.3) - working conditions characterized by such levels of working environment factors, the impact of which leads to the development, as a rule, of occupational diseases of mild and moderate severity (with loss of professional ability to work) during the period of working activity, the growth of chronic occupationally caused pathology ;
  • 4 degree 3 class (3.4) - working conditions under which severe forms of occupational diseases can occur (with loss of general working capacity), there is a significant increase in the number of chronic diseases and high levels morbidity with temporary disability.

Hazardous (extreme) working conditions (class 4) are characterized by levels of working environment factors, the impact of which during a work shift (or part of it) creates a threat to life, a high risk of developing acute occupational injuries, including severe forms.

Please note that P 2.2.2006-05 is a departmental regulatory and methodological document of Rospotrebnadzor, it is not regulatory legal act and has nothing to do with labor legislation. It is impossible to state unequivocally that harmful working conditions according to P 2.2.2006-05 are the same harmful working conditions referred to in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, due to the fact that there were no other documents on assessing working conditions at that time, they turned a blind eye to this.

It would seem that with such a definition of harmful working conditions, and even in the light of Art. 24 of Federal Law No. 52-FZ, there should be few jobs with hazardous working conditions, but this was not the case. P 2.2.2006-05 standardizes a huge number of production factors. At the same time, Soviet lists and lists in the period from 1997 to 2013. also continued to act in part that does not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, increasingly misleading the working population. After the AWP, working conditions in almost any workplace could be considered harmful.

On November 20, 2008, the famous Decree of the Government of Russia No. 870 “On the establishment of reduced working hours, annual additional paid leave, increased wages for workers employed in hard work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special conditions labor" (hereinafter referred to as Resolution No. 870).

from Resolution No. 870

1. Establish the following compensations for employees engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions, based on the results of workplace certification:
- reduced working hours - no more than 36 hours per week in accordance with Article 92 Labor Code Russian Federation;
- annual additional paid leave - at least 7 calendar days;
- increase in wages - at least 4 percent tariff rate(salary) established for various types work under normal working conditions.

Class 3.1 could be installed in almost any workplace, and after the publication of Resolution No. 870, the epic of “office compensation” began. In many office workplaces, an excess of such a factor as light pulsation was detected.

Our information.According to clause 6.14 of SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 “Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work,” the pulsation coefficient at the PC user’s workplace should not exceed 5%.

Office workers began to receive compensation on an equal basis with representatives of blue-collar professions. Employers did not like this situation, especially due to the fact that the government did not comply with clause 2 of Resolution No. 870:

from Resolution No. 870

Ministry of Health and social development of the Russian Federation, within 6 months after the entry into force of this Resolution, establish, depending on the class of working conditions and taking into account the opinion of the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations, for workers engaged in heavy work, work with harmful and (or) dangerous and other special working conditions, reduced working hours, the minimum duration of annual additional paid leave, the minimum amount of increase in wages, as well as the conditions for the provision of these compensations.

As in the USSR, in the Russian Federation the number of “pests” did not decrease, but only increased. Only if in Soviet time While blue-collar jobs were considered “harmful”, in the Russian Federation office jobs also began to be classified as “harmful.” The situation had to be corrected somehow. To solve the problem in the least expensive way, it was decidedreplace the automated workplace with a special assessment of working conditions(hereinafter referred to as the SUOT).

Fundamental changes in the assessment of working conditions. Our days

On January 1, 2014, the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 426-FZ “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions” (as amended on June 23, 2014; hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 426-FZ) came into force and for the first time in Russia at the legal level the definition of hazardous working conditions was fixed.

Our information. According to paragraph 4 of Art. 14 of Federal No. 426-FZ, harmful working conditions are working conditions under which the levels of exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors exceed the levels established by standards (hygienic standards) for working conditions.

Working conditions according to the degree of harmfulness and (or) danger are also divided into 4 classes by Federal Law No. 426-FZ - optimal, permissible, harmful and dangerous working conditions.

On January 1, 2014, with the exception of certain articles, the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 421-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Adoption of the Federal Law “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions”” (hereinafter referred to as — Federal Law No. 421-FZ). In accordance with Federal Law No. 421-FZ, the concept of automated workplace was excluded from the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts and replaced with SOUT. Changes were made to key articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation concerning compensation for work in hazardous working conditions. After the entry into force of Federal Law No. 421-FZ, we can say lists and lists of the USSR ceased to be valid. True, in fact, no one has canceled them, it’s just that now it’s not possible to use them.

Since April 8, 2014, Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated January 24, 2014 No. 33n “On approval of the Methodology for conducting special assessment working conditions, Classifier of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, report form for a special assessment of working conditions and instructions for filling it out” (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology, Classifier, respectively). The methodology replaced the still valid P 2.2.2006-05.

A quick analysis of P 2.2.2006-05 and the Methodology allows us to conclude that nothing has fundamentally changed in the assessment of working conditions with the introduction of an OSMS, the responsibility of experts has increased, the mechanisms for establishing compensation for work in hazardous working conditions are now clearly spelled out, but not everything is so simple. A more thorough comparison of P 2.2.2006-05 and the Methodology reveals that a number of production factors have been excluded from the list of production factors to be measured, and for some of them the standards have been increased. Let's take a closer look at these changes.

Vibroacoustic factors (noise, infrasound, ultrasound, general and local vibration). When carrying out special assessment of environmental conditions in accordance with the Classifier, vibroacoustic factors are identified as harmful and (or) dangerous only in workplaces where there is technological equipment that is the source of these factors. The Methodology does not explain what is meant by such technological equipment. Are the technological equipment a PC and a printer? What to do with vehicles? Representatives of many working professions, such as mechanics and electricians of various qualifications, use exclusively hand-held electric and (or) pneumatic tools in their work. Can a tool be classified as technological equipment? The Methodology again does not provide answers to these questions.

Let's move on to rationing. When carrying out automated work, vibroacoustic factors were normalized by the relevant sanitary rules and regulations. For various types of work and premises, they established maximum permissible levels (hereinafter referred to as MPLs) for the impact of vibroacoustic factors. When carrying out SOUT according to the Methodology, the types of work are not taken into account, and the maximum allowances for many factors are increased. Table 1 shows the difference in the standardization of noise and vibration when carrying out automated workplaces and special environmental control systems.

Table 1. Standardization of noise and vibration when carrying out automated workplace and special equipment

Name of profession (position)

Noise, remote control, dBA

General vibration, equivalent adjusted level of vibration acceleration, dB, along the axis Z



Car driver


Electrician repairing electrical equipment

Let me remind you that vibroacoustic factors are measured in decibels (dB). A decibel is a logarithmic value, and a difference of even 6 dB is quite noticeable.

Microclimate. During the AWP, the microclimate was assessed at all workplaces. According to the Classifier, microclimate is identified as a harmful and (or) dangerous production factor in workplaces located in closed production premises , which have technological equipment, which is an artificial source of heat and (or) cold (with the exception of climate control equipment not used in the technological process and intended to create comfortable working conditions).

It turns out that when carrying out SOUT at office workplaces, in ticket sales premises, in trading floors and other similar rooms without sources of heat and cold, the microclimate is not assessed. Also excluded from the assessment is the microclimate in the open area. Workplaces for janitors and linemen main gas pipelines, operators of technological equipment located in open areas are deprived of their “harmfulness”.

It is not clear what to do with vehicles. Can the engine room on a ship or the cabin of a tractor be considered a closed production facility? Answers to these questions cannot be found in the Methodology and Federal Law No. 426-FZ.

Illumination of the working surface. According to the Classifier, this factor is identified as harmful and (or) dangerous only when performing precision work with the size of objects of discrimination less than 0.5 mm, in the presence of blinding light sources, when carrying out work with objects of discrimination and working surfaces with directionally scattered and mixed reflection , or when implementing underground works, including work on the operation of the subway. According to the Methodology, the standard value of illumination of the working surface is established in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1/ “Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings”. This document does not contain standard values ​​for industrial premises. This means that it is not possible to assess the illumination of the working surface at the workplace of turners, millers, painters and other representatives of blue-collar professions.

Illumination pulsation coefficient. The main production factor, due to which the workplaces of many office employees in our country were harmful when carrying out automated work, is excluded from the list of subjects to be measured when carrying out SOUT.

Electromagnetic fields at the workplaces of PC users. Another production factor of “office hazard”. If the computer was connected to electrical network without grounding, by this factor an excess was detected. After the abolition of AWP, the situation with harmfulness changed.

According to the Classifier, in workplaces where workers are exclusively employed on PCs and (or) operate desktop-type copying equipment, single stationary copying machines used periodically for the needs of the organization itself, other office organizational equipment, as well as household appliances, not used in the manufacturing process, exposure levels to electromagnetic fields are not assessed.

Natural light factor. Just like the pulsation coefficient, this production factor is no longer subject to measurement when conducting OHS. And these are already jobs for metro employees, people performing underground and mining work, including miners. These categories of workers received well-deserved guarantees and compensation for working in hazardous working conditions. Now they need to explain that their work in conditions of insufficient natural light is no longer harmful to health.

Direct gloss and reflected gloss. According to the Classifier, these factors are identified as harmful and (or) dangerous only when performing precision work with the size of objects of discrimination less than 0.5 mm, in the presence of blinding light sources, when working with objects of discrimination and working surfaces with directionally scattered and mixed reflection , or when carrying out underground work, including work on the operation of the subway. However, in Appendix No. 16 to the Methodology, which provides the procedure for assigning working conditions to classes (subclasses) of working conditions when exposed to a light environment, gloss (direct and reflected) is not mentioned; this document does not have a normative meaning for it.

The severity of the labor process. When carrying out SOUT according to the Classifier, the severity of labor is assessed only at workplaces where workers perform the stipulated technological process(labor function) work on lifting and carrying loads manually, work in a forced position or a “standing” position, when moving in space. The standard values ​​and procedure for assessing the severity of work when carrying out special labor conditions in comparison with automated workplaces have not changed. However, during the AWP, unlike the SOUT, severity was assessed at all workplaces.

The tension of the labor process. When carrying out SOUT according to the Classifier, labor intensity is assessed when performing work on dispatching production processes, including conveyor-type ones, at the workplaces of technological (production) equipment operators, and when driving vehicles.

During the AWP, labor intensity was assessed using 23 indicators at all workplaces. As for the SOUT, the Methodology and Classifier limit the range of workplaces at which labor intensity is assessed, and the number of indicators is reduced to 6.

Intellectual loads (content of work, perception of signals (information) and their evaluation, distribution of functions according to the degree of complexity of the task, nature of the work performed), sensory loads (size of the object of discrimination, observation of video terminal screens), emotional loads (degree of responsibility for the result of one’s own activities, the significance of errors, the degree of risk for own life, the degree of responsibility for the safety of other persons, the number of conflict production situations per shift), monotony of workloads (duration of production tasks, time of active actions), work mode (length of the working day, work shifts, regulated breaks).

Harmful working conditions due to tension during automated work were established in the workplaces of senior management of organizations, metro employees, medical and teaching workers.

Biological factor. With AWP, the biological factor was assessed without measurements at the workplaces of medical workers and workers servicing sewer networks, with the assignment of class 3.2 and higher.

When carrying out SOUT according to the Classifier, the biological factor (working with producing microorganisms, living cells and spores contained in bacterial preparations) is identified as harmful and (or) dangerous depending on the excess of the actual concentration of producing microorganisms, bacterial preparations and their components in the air working area compared to the maximum permissible concentrations established by the relevant hygienic standards.

The biological factor (working with pathogenic microorganisms) is identified as harmful and (or) dangerous only in the workplace:

  • organizations carrying out activities in the field of using pathogens of infectious diseases of humans and animals and (or) in closed systems of genetically engineered modified organisms of III and IV degrees of potential danger in the presence of appropriate permits (licenses) for the right to carry out such activities;
  • organizations operating in the field of using genetically engineered modified organisms of II degree of potential danger in closed systems;
  • medical and other workers directly involved in medical activities;
  • workers directly involved in veterinary activities, state veterinary supervision and (or) conducting veterinary and sanitary examination.

Thus, according to the results of the OSMS, plumbers involved in the repair and maintenance of sewer networks will remain without any “harm.” Subway employees working on sump units and removing dirt from the subway's water collectors (dirt collectors) will be affected.

Briefly considered changes in the assessment of working conditions are presented in table. 2.

Table 2. Changes in the assessment of working conditions that occurred in 2014


Factors of the production environment and labor process

Changes associated with the introduction of SOUT


Vibroacoustic factors

Promoted standard values

Electromagnetic fields at workplaces of PC users

Microclimate in production premises

The range of workplaces at which the factor is subject to assessment is limited

Microclimate in the open area

The factor is excluded from the list of things to be measured

Illumination of the working surface

The range of workplaces at which the factor is subject to assessment is limited

Daylight factor

The factor is excluded from the list of things to be measured

Ripple factor

The factor is excluded from the list of things to be measured

Direct gloss and reflected gloss

Standard values ​​have not been established, from which it can be concluded that the factor cannot be measured

The severity of the labor process

The range of workplaces at which the factor is subject to assessment is limited

The tension of the labor process

The range of workplaces at which the factor is subject to assessment is limited.

The number of assessed indicators has been reduced from 23 to 6

Let us also draw attention to the fact that, according to paragraph 6 of Art. 14 of Federal Law No. 426-FZ, in the case of the use of effective PPE by workers employed in workplaces with hazardous working conditions, the class (subclass) of working conditions can be reduced by a commission based on the opinion of an expert of the organization conducting the occupational safety and health system by one degree in accordance with the Methodology reduction of the class (subclass) of working conditions when workers employed in workplaces with hazardous working conditions use effective personal protective equipment that has passed mandatory certification in the manner established by the relevant technical regulations. It was approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 5, 2014 No. 976n. After its entry into force (May 25, 2015), the classes of working conditions for such factors as noise, local vibration, chemical, aerosols of predominantly fibrogenic action and others may be reduced as a result of the implementation of special labor safety standards.


What happens? The automated workplace was replaced with SOUT. It seems that the definition of hazardous working conditions has not changed, and the classes of working conditions have remained the same, but in connection with the above-mentioned innovations in the standardization of production factors, as well as the exclusion of certain factors from the list to be assessed, working conditions throughout the country are improving without any special financial costs.

The “improvement” of working conditions in Russia in connection with the introduction of special labor conditions can be represented using an exaggerated example with diabetes mellitus- the author’s fantasy, used solely to make the current situation clearer. According to the International Diabetes Federation, there are about 12.7 million people with diabetes in Russia. Normally, sugar in capillary blood on an empty stomach is contained in an amount from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol/l. According to the logic of the developers of Federal Law No. 426-FZ and the Methodology, instead of fighting the disease, it is enough to simply raise the norm to 10 mmol/l. There will be no need to invest money in the development of drugs, salaries medical workers, equipment, etc. Everything is much simpler.

Assignment of working conditions by class (subclass) of working conditions under the influence of vibroacoustic factors

Name of indicator, unit of measurement

Class (subclass) of working conditions


Noise, equivalent sound level, dBA

Local vibration, equivalent adjusted vibration acceleration level, dB

General vibration, equivalent adjusted level of vibration acceleration, dB, Z

General vibration, equivalent adjusted vibration acceleration level, dB, X, Y

Infrasound, overall sound pressure level, dBLin

exceeding MPL up to _ dB


1. Maximum permissible levels of sound pressure, sound and equivalent sound level at workplaces are established in accordance with the following table:

Indicator name

Sound pressure levels, dB, in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies, Hz

Sound level and equivalent sound level, dBA

2. Maximum permissible levels of vibration acceleration of local vibration at workplaces are established in accordance with the following table:



Maximum permissible levels of vibration acceleration, dB, along the Xl, Yl, Zl axes in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies, Hz

Adjusted and equivalent adjusted values ​​and their levels

Local vibration

3. Maximum permissible levels of vibration acceleration of general vibration at workplaces are established in accordance with the following table:

Geometric mean frequencies, Hz

Maximum permissible levels of vibration acceleration, dB, along axes , , in octave or 1/3 octave frequency bands

Corrected and equivalent adjusted vibration acceleration levels

4. Maximum permissible levels of infrasound at workplaces are established in accordance with the following table:



Sound pressure levels, dB

in octave bands with geometric mean frequencies, Hz

Overall sound pressure level,

Performing all types of work at workplaces

For time-varying and intermittent infrasound, sound pressure levels measured on the scale of the Lin sound level meter should not exceed 120 dB

5. Maximum permissible levels of airborne ultrasound at workplaces are established in accordance with the following table:



Sound pressure levels, dB, in one-third octave bands with geometric mean frequencies, kHz

Ultrasound air