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The purpose of obtaining a position in a resume, what to write. The purpose of employment in a resume - How to correctly indicate the desired position

In the process of consulting and writing a resume, I rarely get a question about what purpose to indicate in the resume. However, there are situations when you have to talk about this in some detail. Therefore, in this note I will try to cover this issue systematically and in detail.

Common mistakes

Before I give examples of resume objectives, I want to outline some common mistakes.

Phrase from resume Comments
“Find an interesting job in HR” When I see such a phrase in a resume, I always clarify: “interesting - what is it?” Any HR manager will also be wary when he sees such wording.

Therefore, do not wish for yourself [ interesting, promising, creative or any other] positions. Remove unnecessary adjectives.

In this case, it is better to write: “Find a job in the HR field.”

“Get a job in HR with the opportunity for professional and career growth» There is always an opportunity for growth (career or professional) in all companies. Don’t write banal things, this raises unnecessary questions and “frustrates” the HR manager.

What should you write in your resume objectives if you still want to emphasize that you want to grow? Don't write about it in the "goal" column. Better compose a tasty cover letter - the effect will be stronger.

"Get a good one, high paying job in a large manufacturing company" Lack of specificity is evil. No one will figure out for you what you want, what you can do and what kind of job you are looking for. Therefore, first decide what you want, and then write it in your resume in the “goal” column.

Be concise

Personally, I think that the “desired position” column in the resume is enough. In this form, the resume is easy to read and looks simple and clear. Additional information and your specific wishes for the job can (and should) be written in a cover letter.

If you download your resume from, you will not find the goal column there. There is a column for the desired position.

If you still want to write something in the purpose of your resume, then be more concise and simpler. Briefly describe the essence. The goal is for the HR manager to quickly read these words, understand your intentions, and continue reading the resume.

Examples of resume objectives

  • Find a job in HR.
  • Get a position as an accountant with the functions of a financial director.
  • Find a job as a production director (mechanical engineering).
  • Find a job as head of the sales department (household or computer equipment).

You will get +100 points to your karma if you write specifically enough. Employers value the narrow specialization of applicants and especially those who are suitable for them.

Indicating the purpose of work in a resume is comparable to the key with which the opportunity to find the most suitable job. If you correctly formulate the purpose of your activity, then in this case you can count on receiving business proposals that will interest the applicant. The objective section of a job search resume is of great importance and should never be overlooked.

A resume is one of the most common and reliable generally accepted ways of informing an employer about your abilities, existing skills, and possession of certain experience. It allows the employer to understand the potential of the applicant. Properly specifying your job search goals can attract the employer’s attention, and this is already a good bonus for a positive decision.

It is no secret that having a goal speeds up the solution to the issue of employment. A goal-oriented approach to any task is a good sign of thoughtfulness and adequacy in finding a favorable path leading to the established goal. But when you go blind, there will be little hope for good results.

When consulting and then drawing up a resume, few people wonder what the purpose of the work should be indicated in it. But there are cases when the applicant should familiarize himself with this issue in more detail.

When filling out the document, one column about the desired position is enough. The document is obtained in a simple and clear language, and is easy to read. A Additional Information along with specific wishes for future work better suited for a cover letter.

  1. I would like to work in the HR field.
  2. I am looking for a job as an accountant.
  3. Need a job as a production director in the field of mechanical engineering.
  4. I can work as the head of the sales department of household and computer equipment.

By indicating specific goals, the applicant receives additional points to his karma. Employers value specialists with a narrow specialization, especially those who are one hundred percent suitable for them.

First, you need to decide on your goal, imagine what kind of company you would like to work for, and how your activities will benefit it. Therefore, the main focus should be on the final product of your participation. What can a specialist do? What kind does he have? If the applicant is a road builder, then the final product will be a high-quality constructed or repaired road delivered on time.

How can you prove yourself as a secretary, accountant or manager? In this case, it is better not to pay much attention to the current work process; it would be better if you tell what benefits the applicant can bring while staying in the company, in other words, keep the focus on the final product. Only in this case will the employer have an understanding that the applicant is well aware of his purpose for his company. For example, if a person worked system administrator, then they will be very willing to read in his summary about the goal:

  1. We need a promising, constantly developing company that is interested in a well-functioning IT structure.
  2. I organize precise work computer network, including all specialized programs along with the Internet. I will optimize and create maximum convenience for users. This will reduce their time expenditure and focus their attention as much as possible on completing the main tasks.

Goals at work: example

Each applicant for a position pursues a specific goal, which may differ from the goals indicated by other applicants. If the applicant has extensive professional experience, then instead of a goal, he can briefly describe his career achievements. For young professionals and beginning workers, only the correct formulation of the goal will help in finding a free job.

For example, what can be written on a resume as an objective for any type of job:

  1. Beginning labor activity in the service sector.
    I want to get a job in the service sector of a reliable company in order to take advantage of my skills and abilities that I gained from my previous work experience.
  2. Working as an editor.
    I want to work as a newspaper editor with practical application your experience and skills.
  3. An example of a common goal for all applicants.
    I am coming to work with you to realize my enthusiasm, high performance, experience and responsibility gained as a result of working in the following areas: (listing of skills indicating experience).
  4. Working as a cashier.
    I have five years of experience in this field of activity, I am a diligent, hardworking cashier with extraordinary responsibility.

Purpose of an accountant's work

Possessing certain skills and experience, an applicant can show his advantage in the labor market, bypassing the required minimum with a general set of skills inherent in most specialists. If there is a predominance of such skills, then all this should be reflected in the resume. Let's look at an example:

  1. I create accounting and tax accounting from scratch, or restore it, correct mistakes made by other accountants;
  2. I will bring accounting automation to new companies;
  3. I can drive freely personnel records management, create and maintain personal files of company employees;
  4. I develop job descriptions;
  5. I participate in the liquidation of companies;
  6. I can manage several legal entities;
  7. I carry out economic analysis companies.

An important point is to add your importance to the employer by mentioning in your resume not only your skills, but also your achievements in the same block.

Here is an example of reflecting professional achievements:

  1. I will ensure the correct calculation and timely transfer of payments to the accounts of the state and local budgets;
  2. I will prepare and submit tax and accounting reports independently and in a timely manner;
  3. I will develop the company’s accounting policy, taking into account the minimization of taxation.

Objective of a resume without a specific position: example

There are often cases when the applicant has nothing to say about a specific goal. This indicates. That he has no focus and goals at all, and he cannot navigate the issue of formulation. Therefore, in order to figure out what professional goal should be indicated in the resume, you should decide on your own professional interests. Everything that the applicant can extract from his intentions must be carefully laid out in one sentence. Usually there is a certain relationship between them and a common focus that falls within the same profession.

Below are examples of defining professional interests.

Give answers to questions for yourself:

  1. what list of professional tasks do I wish and can solve;
  2. what methods will I use in doing so?
  3. what results do I want to achieve as a result of my work activity;
  4. who will my work help?

State your goal using:

  1. owning one's own experience;
  2. analyzes and forecasts of problems professional activity;
  3. presenting the expected result of your work that will satisfy you.

Objective in a resume, what to write

There should be a clear and concise statement of purpose in the resume. This part of the section must be filled in no more than two or three lines.

In the goal section, you don’t need to use general and vague phrases, for example: “I want to get a job in large company with high pay, with further professional and career growth”, “Looking for a prestigious job with further growth and promotion”, etc.

Some examples of resume objectives:

  1. I am looking for a position as a chief accountant in a financial company.
  2. I would like to get a job as an economist (indicate the desired level).
  3. I am applying for the position of manager in the banking sector.

The description of the purpose in the resume is an important component that the hiring manager will be interested in. To increase your chances of getting an invitation to an interview, you need to take a serious and responsible approach to writing your resume.

Objective in a resume for a student

Provided that the student has never had to work before, he still has practical skills. Often they receive them during internship - when the student has to work in production. Even in the process of short practice, this is first-hand contact with the profession, and not with theory.

It is advisable to mention the internship in your resume: where it took place, how long it lasted, what tasks were performed, what responsibilities were borne and what results were achieved. It would be nice to add to all this recommendations with reviews from people with whom you had to collaborate (from the practice management).

For example, you decided to try yourself as a manager related to the purchase of goods, and you have experience as a counselor. No matter how there is a direct connection here, it may have happened that while working as a counselor, your responsibilities included planning purchases, or you had resources available to you at your disposal, and you were planning their expenses. Otherwise, you still have some experience working with people. And almost any position is connected with this issue.

This kind of work is associated with great responsibility, composure, the ability to make quick decisions... The set of these qualities is universal and useful in most cases, so their presence in a resume is highly desirable.

Sales manager resume objective

The sales manager has a great responsibility, since he is the face of the company, because he has direct contact with customers. To create an effective resume, you first need to list your qualities, how to quickly find common ground with clients who have different age-old categories. Particular attention should be paid to the willingness to go on business trips and the seriousness of one’s attitude towards one’s responsibilities, and also to mention the willingness to donate personal time and effort in achieving the tasks assigned to you.

The column about personal qualities should be filled in with a list of whether you are a persistent and purposeful person in achieving the required result, since the employer needs an employee who wants and strives to earn money. Because sales managers are most often paid a percentage of their sales.

Objective in a lawyer's resume

The main task of a lawyer is to be a company’s guide in the whirlwind of legality and legal relations. Everyone and everything trusts such a specialist. His responsibilities include not only consulting, but also directly carrying out the employer’s instructions, which includes documenting the main points of law in the work of the company, as well as being an expert in the work of the organization under contracts. An experienced employer reads a lawyer's resume with passion, since this specialist will need to be scrupulous, demanding and comply with the law.

A lawyer, as a specialist in the field of law, ensures that all the company’s work is in strict compliance with legal rules. Therefore, a lawyer should write his resume without exaggeration. In this regard, it will be difficult to find officially established forms and recommendations, but a set of unwritten rules for making a successful written presentation has been developed through practice. They work on the principles of compiling business documentation, interspersed with individual information about employers' perceptions of applicants for positions.

  • work in a large trading company;
  • realize your increased efficiency, organizational skills and enthusiasm in a distribution company;
  • get an interesting job in a large manufacturing company;
  • applying for a position in a stable company, getting the opportunity to demonstrate your skills.

Please note that the specific goals for applying for different positions vary significantly. Therefore, you should think about what purpose you should indicate in your resume when applying for a job. Depending on the proposed vacancy, your goal can be formulated as follows:

Resume purpose: example

Remember that your personal information should be brief, truthful and not turn into something like a novel. What is the purpose of a resume? Create a positive first impression of you, convince the employer that you are the right person to do the job perfectly.

However, if you have prepared your profile for self-posting on job portals on the Internet or for sending to a newspaper, then the general purpose of the resume without a specific position is allowed. You can specify several related specialties. In this case, it is better to present the positions that interest you in priority order. So, the purpose of the resume (example): filling the vacant position of sales manager, advertising manager, HR manager.

Objective in resume

In the “Purpose” section of the resume, the applicant indicates one position or several (close in functionality) for which he is applying. If desired vacancies different directions, BU for example, sales manager, driver, economist, then it is better to create separate resumes for each position. In this block you can also specify the desired level wages.

In the “Goal” section of the resume, there is no need to place vague general phrases, for example: “Obtaining an interesting, highly paid job in a stable large company with the prospect of professional and career growth", "Search promising work with the possibility of further growth and promotion,” etc.

How to write a cover letter for a resume without work experience

On a work site, a separate field is usually provided for the accompanying text. It is clear that it is not entirely appropriate to write that “you were recommended. "and how did you find out about the vacancy, since you are answering on the site. Usually you don't know the recruiter's name. It will be great if you figure it out:

Anna, I would really like to participate in your company’s projects. Develop in a team of professionals. I would like to become one of the the best specialists. I believe I will quickly get up to speed and contribute to the common cause. I learn very quickly.

We define the career goal in the resume correctly

This may include your employment goals, job search goals, or goals for a specific position. These fields should include goals that reflect both the applicant's personal and professional intentions. Combining goals will not harm the overall image of a person. At the same time, it is strongly recommended that you pay special attention to demonstrating your professional intentions. This will help you quickly find a high-paying job, since managers love people who strive to work for the benefit of the enterprise.

Always write data in the appropriate columns, distinguishing between professional and personal goals. Employers pay special attention to this issue, trying to determine from your resume how much you yourself can discern your own intentions, and how this will affect your activities.

Employment purpose in resume

Your resume should make it clear to the employer what you want from the vacancy they are offering. When submitting an application to recruitment agency, or before posting it on the Internet, determine the purpose of employment: in what field of activity you will be useful, and whether the vacant position can be useful to you.

  • The formulation of the purpose of employment must be quite precise. You should not expect that the employer will already understand what you want. After all, you are primarily interested in getting an interesting vacancy.
  • When specifying a vacancy, simply duplicate the position as it is indicated in the advertisement by the potential employer. With this action you will express your attention and interest in the vacancy. For example, when choosing a candidate for the position of “accountant”, it would be advisable to indicate “filling a vacant position” in the resume objective.

Professional goal in a resume: attracting the attention of an employer

Such a column in a resume as “professional goal” often scares applicants. Not everyone has a clear idea of ​​what exactly needs to be written under this heading. What exactly are professional goals and how do they differ from other goals, how to write about professional goals in a way that interests the employer, how to combine all your knowledge and skills in one sentence - these and many other questions often trouble job seekers when writing a resume. Many applicants think about the need for this column and prefer to exclude it.

The column “purpose”, which refers to the purpose of the resume, should be located immediately under the header of the resume (in which the candidate’s Last Name, First Name, Patronymic and contact information are indicated). If the resume is intended for personnel service specific company, then you need to indicate the specific position for which you are applying. If an applicant is considering several vacancies, then it is better to create a separate resume for each of them.

Purpose of resume

Above are examples of correct writing of goals. However, it is worth noting that experts advise applicants preparing a resume to avoid words and phrases such as “get a position”, “take a position” at this point vacant position", "position", "position", "place", etc. When formulating the purpose of your resume, try to focus on the word “job.” After all, you don’t come to this or that company to “borrow workplace or position”, but to work. By focusing on the word “work”, you present yourself competently to the employer.

Let's ask ourselves the main question - why is a resume written? Of course, so that the employer or HR specialist can familiarize themselves with it. Therefore, each paragraph of the resume content should briefly and concisely tell about the applicant for the vacant position. In particular, the “purpose of the resume” column is intended to inform the employer about what vacant job the applicant would like to fill.

Resume without a specific position example

As you can see, the achievements on your resume can be anything. We recommend subscribing to the newsletter “How to find Good work» and receive employment tips and other information by email important information(plus as a gift - examples of original resumes and the book Successful Employment in 5 simple steps).

As mentioned above, covering letter is not a template document, so it should be written for each specific vacancy. Before writing such a letter to a company, carefully study all the information available about this company: website, company news, other vacancies of this company, information in the press.

Sample resume without work experience

  • how easily can you fit into the team,
  • How productive are you in building relationships with your manager, colleagues, partners, clients,
  • can you be entrusted with responsible tasks,
  • Are you ready, if necessary, to move your personal plans to the background - in the interests of the company, team,
  • How susceptible are you to criticism?
  • how easily you adapt to changing conditions,
  • what motivates you at work.

Most young specialists actually have experience. You will see this if you look at job sites for examples of resumes without work experience written by other young professionals (this, by the way, is useful to understand the level of competitors). At a minimum, every student passes industrial practice. This is your experience. Volunteer activities, part-time work while studying at the university, activities in public organizations, internships are all sources of work experience that you need to highlight on your resume. If you had obvious achievements, be sure to mention them.

30 Jul 2018 1398

How does the personal at work differ from the professional? What is and what are personal goals in professional activity? How to understand and determine your personal interests and intentions? How to formulate a personal goal for?

The topic of personal matters at work is quite slippery and not always clear-cut. Many people diligently avoid it, hiding personal interests under the guise of professional intentions. Let's give examples of such metamorphoses, talk about the reason and whether it is worth openly indicating personal goals.

Let's start, as always, with the most important thing... With the answer to the question, where does the “professional” end and the “personal” begin?

How to distinguish personal from professional?

In a certain kingdom, in a distant state, in forgotten ancient times, there lived a guy who was eager for various crafts, trades, and sophisticated sciences. And his name was... probably, after all, Ivan - he was so talented in everything he took on. And so it worked out so well for him that everyone began to come before him, and with any request - to cover someone’s roof, to someone to heal a sick person, to someone to milk a cow, to someone... in general, different things happened. And everything would have been fine, but for some time now Vanyusha began to notice that something was wrong - there were so many people before him and different things to do that he could no longer properly start or finish any of them. Ivan became sad and began to think. And one morning he went out to the people gathered and announced publicly: “Dear laymen and laywomen, fellow citizens and fellow citizens, from now on until the end of my time I declare carpentry to be my business!” From then on, everyone knew with what need to knock on Ivan’s door and with what need to turn to others. And in the Latin language a hitherto unprecedented word appeared “ profession ", What means officially declared occupation .

So, everything that he says about this matter, and tells you to contact you for assistance in solving a problem, is called “professional.” And the rest is called “personal”.

If you come across the phrase “personal professional goal,” do not rush to despair. Know that this is either the result of a mechanical mixture of two different concepts (perhaps for some specific purpose) or a not entirely correctly formulated request for information. In such a column of your resume or in response to such a question, inform about your professional goal. Subject professional intentions and goals discussed in detail in another article. Here we will talk about personal goals in professional activities.

Personal goals in professional activities

1. How is a personal goal at work different from others?

A)Information content personal goal is different:

  • availability of information about what benefits and opportunities for myself the specialist wants (intends or expects) to receive or realize through his professional activities;
  • as a rule, a lack of information about the content of the work that a person is doing (or is ready to take on) for the benefit of other people.

The first sign is the main one, therefore, on the pages of the site, personal goals in professional activities are often called “personal gain.” This name more clearly reflects the essence of personal goals, helping to better understand why personal goals at work are often “confused” with professional ones. And do you know what the reason is? “Normal” people often want to gain personal benefit from their professional activities, but are pathologically rarely willing to admit it. Therefore, they often pass off personal goals as purely professional ones. Well, it’s awkward for a person to openly declare that in his work, among other things, he is interested in salary, career, opportunity for self-realization, or something else, which, by and large, mainly benefits him . So the improvisations begin on the theme “how good everyone will be when I get it.” But you and I understand that this is unprofessional. You and I know what the word “profession” means and who should benefit first and foremost from the realization of professional goals.

However, there is nothing “shameful” about personal goals. In progress joint activities personal goals are necessary and important no less than others. The law of conservation of energy in our physical world has not been canceled. Without mutual benefit, mutually beneficial cooperation is impossible. Without open exchange reliable information business relationship nothing more than an illusion. Draw conclusions. If you want to get adequate results, learn to distinguish the personal from the professional in your work, clearly state your intentions and declare them openly.

B) Structure personal goals in professional activities are distinguished by the absence of two elements. As you already know, a professional goal can consist of 4 main elements:

  • problems (tasks) that the specialist is working on;
  • means and methods that are used to solve these problems;
  • the result of solving the assigned tasks;
  • target group, for which this result is important and necessary.

A personal goal consists of the same four elements, but 2 of them are known to everyone in advance. Therefore, they are usually not indicated in the formulation of a personal goal. What are these elements? Firstly, this is the “target group”. In this case, the specialist himself is the person most interested in the results of achieving a personal goal. Secondly, it is “the means and methods of achieving the goal.” In this case, the means to achieve the goal is employment, work in a specialty, active professional activity, high-quality performance of duties, etc. There remain 2 elements that usually appear in the formulation of personal goals of specialists and are the subject of genuine interest of their potential business partners:

  • personal problems (tasks) problems that the specialist expects to solve through employment;
  • specific result, which he expects to receive as a result of solving personal problems.

The ability to formulate this information clearly and briefly not only opens up the prospect of getting what you need, but can also add advantages during an interview (for more details, see the relevant articles).

2. What are the personal goals in professional activities?

Friends, please stop asking questions about what your personal goals could be, or better yet, what they should be. Your own goals don't owe anyone anything. They can be whatever you want them to be. For the rest, it is important that they be true. Those. reflected your real desires, interests and intentions, and did not sparkle with “generally accepted stereotypes”. For personal purposes, by and large, there are only two rules: 1) be and 2) relate to changes in your private or professional life. Everything else, as they say, is “the boss’s business.”

Nevertheless, here is a list of the most common personal goals, interests and intentions of modern employees. We will do this for two reasons. Firstly, to make it clear what intentions are not professional, although they are often considered so. Secondly, so that you can navigate what benefits you would like to acquire through doing your work - i.e. through their professional pursuits.


Most often, the personal goals and interests of modern employees relate to:

  • acquisition of certain material goods (salary, apartment, car, etc.)
  • acquiring moral benefits (satisfaction from work, confidence in one’s usefulness and usefulness to society, respect from others, etc.)
  • acquiring some social status, i.e. a certain position in society (working, independent, manager, etc.)
  • development and implementation of their strong qualities(usually personal)
  • application of existing and acquisition of new knowledge and skills (usually professional)
  • gaining experience in some field of activity (usually professional)
  • obtaining opportunities for self-development, self-improvement and self-realization (usually professionally)
  • receiving real possibilities for career growth and advancement
  • getting the opportunity to do what you love
  • achieving public recognition (as a rule, with receiving all kinds of written and oral, official and unofficial confirmations - certificates, applause, prizes, orders, honorary titles, etc.)

All of the above points have nothing to do with professional goals. Such intentions form exclusively personal goals in professional activities. Read these options again. What would you personally like to achieve? Having chosen the points of interest, remember the main rule of formulating any goal - the goal must be stated clearly and briefly. The options listed here do not have such qualities. We can say that they reflect the “general direction”. Your task is to indicate a specific “destination” in the chosen direction.

You can see examples of professional goals that include fairly specific personal intentions: on this page.

Setting personal goals at work

Setting personal goals, in fact, like any other goals of a specialist, is divided into two stages. First, we find out our interests and intentions, then formulate them in one sentence. Remember that a personal goal usually consists of 2 main elements: A) the result you need and b) a problem in life that you can or expect to solve with the help of the result obtained. Most people do not really like to talk about their problems and most often indicate only the necessary result. However, we remind you that it is important to understand for yourself why, for what you need this or that result. To formulate what is needed as accurately as possible.

1. How to determine personal interests, intentions and expectations at work?

To determine your personal goals, expectations, and intentions in your professional activities, you can do the following.

A) Answer, for example, the following questions:

  • Why do I want to get a job?
  • Under what conditions will I agree to do the proposed work?
  • What prospects will force me to take on a job that is not very interesting (or, alternatively, completely uninteresting) to me?
  • What do I want to receive from my employer (or, alternatively, my colleagues and those around me) for the work I have done?
  • What problem in my life can I solve if I get what I need?

B) Use special techniques:

  • if you know what you roughly expect to get, take it "We set goals by exploring desires";
  • If you can more clearly express not so much what you want to get, but rather what you didn’t like in your previous jobs, use " Setting a goal to get out of the crisis" .

IN) Practice elements on specially created resources:

  • "Step by step wizard"- a virtual assistant in setting personal goals at work.

2. How to formulate a personal goal and what to write about it in your resume?

If you need to answer the question “What are your personal goals?” or fill out the column “My personal goals in work”, it is quite obvious that it is worth talking only about “personal” in the profession. Therefore, take your personal expectations and intentions, mark the most important ones among them (limit 2-3) and go to the page “ How to formulate a goal - step-by-step recommendations" As a result, you will receive a statement of personal goals that you can safely write on your resume or say at an interview.

Please remember the main thing.

Personal goals- these are the results that you personally need first and foremost. These are results that can lead to a change in the situation in your private or professional life. Sometimes we set goals that we can achieve on our own. But...

Personal goals at work- these are results that can only be obtained within the framework of mutually beneficial cooperation, thanks to the fulfillment of their professional responsibilities. This means, not without the help of those who organized your workplace or need your professional help. Always remember this. Learn to be grateful for help in achieving your goals. Take care of the people who, by the will of fate, help you achieve what you want. You know very well that the best form of care in the workplace is understanding and confidently achieving your professional goal. Observe safety precautions .

Personal goals at work should never replace professional goals.. These goals are fundamentally different from each other. But they have the right and should be connected to each other's achievements. Therefore, on the one hand, everything that relates to personal interest cannot be written in the columns about professional goals. But on the other hand, elements of a personal goal can be stated quite naturally when the interlocutor asks about goals that do not have the word “professional” in their name. More information about combined goals -.

Every specialist has a personal goal. But not every specialist is able to speak about it directly. Only adequate specialists who are sincerely interested in becoming or being participants in mutually beneficial cooperation talk about their goals and are interested in the goals of other people. Respect yourself, formulate and declare personal goals to real or potential partners. Otherwise, you will have a hard time finding those who can help you achieve them. And you are unlikely to like any other type of business partnership. But do not forget that

within the framework of mutually beneficial cooperation, EVERYONE SHOULD WIN, not just you.

There must be a clause about life goals. This information is often quite important for the employer, because from it he can find out what you want to achieve from life, and therefore from work. This can directly tell a potential manager about how effectively you can work and how you can be useful to the company. Does it depend on what is written in the column about life and professional goals whether you will be invited to an interview? Certainly!

Any applicant needs to know how best to communicate their goals in a resume. Your life goals on your resume can either work to your advantage or put your employer off. It is necessary to understand the difference between personal and professional goals and not confuse these concepts. In professional activities, of course, personal goals can be pursued. How to correctly formulate your life goals for your resume?

Often this topic is simply avoided when composing your labor characteristics. There is absolutely no need to do this. It will be much more fruitful to understand how to describe your life and professional goals in a way that would interest an employer.

Why Communicate Your Goals

Questions about goals, whether life or professional orientation, of course, are not asked just like that. If a manager asks you about your goals, then first of all this is done in order to understand whether you are on the right path, whether your goals and the manager’s intentions regarding it coincide.

If your goals are not interesting to the employer and do not coincide with his plans, then this is hardly a suitable option for you. But if the goals and intentions coincide, there is every chance of creating a fruitful trade union"manager - subordinate."

Such cooperation can be mutually beneficial and interesting for both parties. If the applicant is interested in finding a job that will bring not only income, but also professional growth, a fruitful tandem, it is better to immediately indicate your life and professional goals in your resume.

The goals you are pursuing

During an interview, questions are often asked that can confuse the applicant. But this does not happen in order to drive a potential employee into a corner. This is done to understand how suitable you are for the company, and the company for you. So, regarding your goals, you may be asked approximately the following questions:

  • what is your professional goal;
  • what personal goals do you pursue in your work?
  • How can you characterize the purpose of your professional activity;
  • Your life goals.

These questions are fundamentally different. However, don't panic. It is best to answer such questions directly and honestly. But to understand the difference between them and what exactly they mean is described below.

Professional goals

First of all, this phrase means the result that the specialist wants to achieve during his work. This is the product that, as a result of the work, will be transferred to the customer or manager. Professional goal must correspond to the content of the work and answer some questions:

  • what activities does the specialist perform;
  • solving what problems is the employee’s tasks;
  • How does this happen;
  • what people who contact the employee will receive.

These questions are the key that will help the applicant formulate an answer to the question about professional goals. It is best not to touch on any topics other than those mentioned above when discussing your professional goals.

Personal goals at work

When talking about personal goals, you need to indicate what you expect to receive as a result of performing your work duties. Thus, personal goals in work can be monetary compensation, moral satisfaction, prospects for the development of personal and professional qualities, gaining experience, etc. What you want to achieve is the answer to the question about your personal goals at work. In other words, personal goals are those expectations from work that will satisfy you as an employee. It turns out that your expected salary also relates to your personal goals at work.

Goals of professional activity

A general concept that includes results transmitted by others or retained for oneself. That is, these are absolutely any results that are related to work. This combines both personal and professional goals. They can be combined, or they can act as an independent unit. The purpose of professional activity does not have to be limited to a single number - there can be several of them, and they can have different directions.