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Lido "Lee" Yakokka

Lido Anthony "Lee" Yakokka (English Lido Anthony "Lee" iacocca) is a living icon of business and marketing, and his works "Where did all the leaders be treated?", As well as the "Career Manager" for businessmen are no less important than the cult "capital" of Karl Marx. It is they who decorate the tables of the leaders of world concerns. This man lived a very interesting and rich life, having passed the way from a simple engineer to Ford's president and head of the Board of Directors of Chrysler.

Lido Anthony "Lee" Yakokka

Childhood and youth

A future giant of the automotive business was born on October 15, 1924 in the Nikola family and Antoinette Yakokka, hereditary Italians emigrated to America. Yakokka lived in Pennsylvania, in the town of Allentown. Lido, like his whole family, a very religious person.

From 10 years old, he went to work by a pedestronous fruit and vegetables, and his father, burned during the Great Depression, again took up the business. It was Nikola Yakokkka, she instilled his son sharply negative attitude towards debts and a sense of leaning.


Lido received an excellent education, graduating from school, college and Likhai University with a degree in Engineer. Already in those years, he dreamed of working at Ford, as he saw that McCormick Gurdhart comes to the university every year in luxurious Lincoln and selects the best student.

The fact that did not hit the front during World War II due to rheumatism (although Yakokka himself was eager to go to fight) gave him the opportunity to start his way in the automotive business.

Carier start

And whether the dream was realized - as the first student's performance was taken to the company's staff. However, almost immediately, he received an invitation from Princeton University, where he could get a master's degree. Lido chose her studies, especially since McCormick Gurdhart gave him a promise to reserve a place for him in the corporation. But he ordered it to make it documented and a little later went to the army, and when Yakokka called the company, he received a refusal. But after a conversation with the senior manager, he was able to solve the issue of his hiring. In 1946, he entered the service to the Ford Corporation Engineer.

But such work he did not sit down - Lido was interested in marketing. However, no one given a dealer place, because it was considered extremely profitable - the huge demand for cars was very far from satisfaction. As a result, the opportunity to buy a new car dealers received huge bribes. But over time, the situation has changed, many managers quit and began a real battle for customers. Then Lido and got his chance.

Work in Ford


At first, whether it was not lucky and after some time his area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility became the last in the list of sales. But his chief Charlie Beich treated the newcomer favorably, supported and taught selling cars. Lee Yakokka called customers who bought cars in about a month and was interested in how friends responded about the car. This was supported by buyers, and also received the addresses of potential customers. And things went up.


Whether Yakokku was transferred to the south, where he received the position of head of the Philadelphia district (the latter in terms of sales). Here it happened his breakthrough! In the 50th sales actively fell, since the market was oversaturated. But Lido came up with a brilliant idea of \u200b\u200b"56 for 56". That is, the client had the right to pay only 20% of the cost of a car when buying, and the remaining amount to give for 3 years to $ 56 per month. And in just 3 months, the Philadelphic district from Outsider turned into a leader!

The corporation appreciated the idea of \u200b\u200bYakokki and introduced such a system to all dealerships, which allowed to sell an additional order of 75,000 cars, and Lido himself was transferred to Washington. There he began to earn good, having a percentage of sales.

At this time, with his bride, they decided to get married and buy a house, but just a week before the celebration came to report on the translation of Lido to Detroit - the center of Ford Corporation. There, Yakokka first met with Henry Ford II.

Epopea with Mustang

Lido showed himself in all the brilliance, quickly understood that the reason for the failure of the model "Edsel" was his senile design (although the model itself was quite decent), completely unacceptable youth, and Yakokka from the very beginning spoke against Edcela. As a result, the concern suffered huge losses.

After that, Lido proposed to create a new car on the chassis "Edcela", but with a rapid and aggressive design. And although the idea was perceived in the bayonets, Henry Ford gave good. The designer group created a number of layouts, and won an employee Dave Eshche. Test models shown by the public surpassed all expectations, and the preliminary reviews were the most flattering.

As a result, the model, named after the long debate ", was processed, and on March 9, 1964, the first copy came out from the conveyor. It started something unimaginable! According to the most bold calculations, the first year planned to realize about 75,000 cars, and the reality of the same figure was several times higher!

In the zenith of glory

After that, Yakokka raised the Division of Lincoln-Mercury to the proper level, which strongly poured "Cadillac", which is part of General Motors. Lido waited for himself a post of president of the company, but in his place was appointed Simon Knudsen, however, for a while. Soon Yakokka was appointed president with a salary of $ 1,000,000 per year.


But his disagreements began with Ford, who accepted voluntaristic solutions, not believing with the situation. Yes, and failure with the model (the wrong location of the gas tank) affected the position of the president of the Corporation. It all ended with a gradual dismissal of Yakokki's associates from the company, and then his own.

Work in Chrysler

Difficulties and their overcoming

At that time, the situation of Chrysler was catastrophic - problems with car quality, a whole line of unsuccessful models (Dodge St. Regis, Plymouth Volare and Dodge Aspen), the ill-conceived company of the company and the energy crisis set "Chrysler" under the threat of bankruptcy.

In 1987, Yakokk's invited in 1987 went to an unprecedented step - he asked the government of $ 1,500,000,000. Many did not want to provide "Chrysler" such a service, considering this state intervention in business, but Lido was able to convince the government that in the case of the closure of such a concern America is waiting for a real social explosion, as tens of thousands of people work at the enterprise factories.

After receiving the loan, the Yakokki team started creating a new model - she simply had to become a mega-popular to pull the company from the pit. The model "K" was created, and a thoughtful advertising campaign and the competent steps of the leadership were able to promote it. As a result, already in 1983, Chrysler was able to pay a loan.

Yakokka headed this company until 1995.

Life after

Yakokka retired, but could not sit, folded his hands. As a result, he took up public activities, wrote memoirs, spoke with lectures in famous universities, and for each of them received about 50,000 - $ 60,000. In addition, he has invested a lot of funds to e-commerce and still actively explores this market, considering it extremely promising. It is likely that he will have time to surprise the business world more.