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Report on trade union work for the year. Report on trade union work for the year Report of the trade union for the year

2016 was full of various events; difficulties arose, but they were overcome through the joint coordinated actions of trade union members. The past year has required high level of organization, creativity and energy from members of the primary trade union organization. Job primary organization was aimed at consolidating the results that have already been achieved and improving those forms and methods of work that are used traditionally. The difficulties encountered in the course of work require the chairman of the trade union organization and members of the trade union committee to introduce new forms of work that meet modern requirements.



Open (public) report on the work of the primary trade union organization MBOU KR NGO "Cherkassy secondary school" for 2016.

2016 was full of various events; difficulties arose, but they were overcome through the joint coordinated actions of trade union members. The past year has required high level of organization, creativity and energy from members of the primary trade union organization. The work of the primary organization was aimed at consolidating the results that had already been achieved and improving the forms and methods of work that are traditionally used. The difficulties encountered in the course of work require the chairman of the trade union organization and members of the trade union committee to introduce new forms of work that meet modern requirements.

The primary trade union organization in our institution has been functioning for quite a long time. Today (December 2016) the trade union organization includes 45 people out of 53 employees, which is 85% of total number full-time employees. A register of members of the trade union organization is kept; for the operational registration of trade union members, an electronic database has been created, which is checked and updated annually.

The trade union committee leads great job on maintaining trade union membership and involving workers of public education and science in the Trade Union Russian Federation new members. In 2016, 6 members were accepted into the trade union organization MBOU KR NGO “Cherkasy Secondary School”, 1 person left due to dismissal from work at will.

The trade union committee builds all its work on the principles of social partnership and cooperation with the school administration, resolving all issues through constructive dialogue in the interests of workers.

The main instrument of social partnership between the employer and the Trade Union organization is the Collective Agreement, which regulates issues of working conditions, organization of recreation, provision of benefits and guarantees to employees of educational institutions. All school employees, regardless of trade union affiliation, enjoy social benefits provided to them in accordance with the collective agreement.

The agreement allows us to expand the scope of current labor legislation, provide additional funding for labor protection measures, improve working conditions for workers, and provide them with financial assistance.

The chairman of the trade union organization promptly brings to the attention of the staff and the director the decisions and resolutions of the higher trade union organization.

During the year, orders and regulations relating to the social and labor relations of school employees (labor standards, wages, work on holidays and holidays) were agreed upon with the trade union committee. holidays, issues of labor protection, issues of organizing the health and recreation of workers, etc.).

Skoblyakova A.S., chairman of the primary trade union organization, took part in the work of the commission to conduct special assessment labor. In 2016, 3 jobs (5 teachers) were assessed. Conducting a special assessment at all workplaces is impossible due to insufficient funding, so this procedure is carried out in stages.

In all classes of the school there are instructions on labor protection individual species works The instructions are approved by the school director and agreed upon with the chairman of the primary trade union organization based on the protocols of the decision of the trade union committee.

The total number of trade union activists is 21 people. The trade union committee brings together the most active members of the trade union organization. The work of a trade union organization consists mainly of representing the interests of workers at all types of meetings and meetings.

During the reporting period, at meetings of the trade union committee (20 meetings in total) issues were discussed covering all areas of trade union activity (monitoring compliance with the collective agreement, socio-economic issues, information work, labor protection, employee health, cultural work, etc.).

Monthly non-cash collection of membership fees was carried out with their transfer to the account of Orlovskaya regional organization trade union of workers of public education and science of the Russian Federation, which was carried out in full accordance with the provisions of the Collective Agreement. Every year in union card a note is made regarding the payment of union dues.

Meetings of the trade union committee are held regularly on issues of payment of material assistance to union members, minutes of the meeting of the trade union committee are drawn up, documents are registered (applications for membership, payment of financial assistance, etc.).

It has become a good tradition to congratulate employees on professional and calendar holidays, and on anniversaries. On such days there are kind word and material support. At the expense of membership fees in 2016, financial assistance was provided in the amount of 13,500 (thirteen thousand five hundred) rubles.

The trade union does not leave veterans of teaching work without attention. On the occasion of the anniversary, O.N. Pozdnyakova, a former technology teacher, had a congratulation published in the Zarya newspaper and a celebratory bouquet was presented. Funds in the amount of 700 (seven hundred) rubles were allocated for congratulations.

An important direction The activities of our trade union committee include cultural work, since good rest contributes to efficiency and increased vitality.

The traditional holidays are Teacher's Day, New Year, February 23, March 8. For the celebration of Teacher's Day, funds in the amount of 3,000 (three thousand) rubles were allocated from trade union funds. Money in the amount of 16,700 (sixteen thousand seven hundred) rubles was spent on purchasing New Year's gifts.

In 2016, the school’s trade union committee traditionally organized trips to theaters in the city of Orel: “Russian Style” and “Free Space”.

On New Year's holidays, children of trade union organization members aged 6 to 12 years have the opportunity to visit New Year's performance organized by the Regional Trade Union Committee.

One of the main areas of work of the school trade union committee is the health improvement of employees and their children. In 2016, 1 member of the trade union organization T.F. Kolcheva, teacher foreign language, took advantage of social support from the trade union. She, along with her husband, rested and maintained their health at the Lesnoy sanatorium, and also took advantage of the right to reimbursement of monetary expenses from the district trade union in the amount of 5,000 rubles. Each member of a trade union organization can exercise this right once every three years.

During the year, the chairman of the trade union committee participated in staffing, in the work of the award commission, in meetings of the commission on the distribution of incentive payments, bonuses teaching staff.

The school trade union committee received Active participation in social and political events and regional events:

  • rally in support of Crimea;
  • demonstration on May 1st, May 9th.

In our educational institution wonderful specialists work: 13 teachers have higher qualification category, 18 – first qualification category. Every year, work is carried out to improve the qualifications of teaching staff: in 2016, 4 teachers were certified to the highest qualification category (Skoblyakova A.S., Sukhova O.V., Rekova T.V., Visyagina S.V.), Astapova I.M. – certified for the first category, Penzev E.A., Golokolosov G.S. – confirmed the first qualification category. All employees undergo advanced training in a timely manner - once every three years.

Every year, employees whose children go to first grade receive gifts for first graders. These gifts contain all the necessary school supplies, which is excellent social support for members of the trade union organization. 2016 was no exception; 2 employees of our institution took advantage of this support.

The Central Council of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education declared 2016 the Year of Legal Culture. In our trade union organization, within the framework of the Year of Legal Culture, events were held to increase the level of legal knowledge of employees. In order to widely inform workers and increase their legal literacy, the work of the trade union circle “I want to know everything!” has continued in the educational institution.

Skoblyakova A.S., chairman of the trade union organization in February 2016 took part in a competition of essays of trade union activists, and in November participated in a video meeting (webinar) for heads of educational institutions and chairmen of primary organizations on the issues of strengthening special assessment of working conditions, on changes in labor legislation and actions of institutions, territorial and primary trade union organizations to amend the information contained in the unified state register legal entities(EGRL) in accordance with the newly approved All-Russian classifier species economic activity(OKVED).

Participation of teachers in professional competitions and the shows contribute not only professional growth, but also the creation of a creative atmosphere in the team. Our teachers take part with great pleasure in the competitions “Teacher of the Year”, “Teacher of the Year”, “I Give My Heart to Children”, “ Best program extracurricular activities”, “Young Masters” and many others. Receiving well-deserved awards morally and financially supports the contestants.

In 2016, veteran of pedagogical work, honored teacher Dontsova A.V. received a Certificate of Honor for the Grant from the Governor of the Oryol Region. D.N. Khokhlova was awarded a Certificate of Honor for the Grant from the head of the Kromsky district administration. Astapova I.M. took part in the regional stage of the competition for extracurricular programs. and Skoblyakova A.S., who took 1st and 2nd places, respectively. In addition, Astapova I.M. For active work in the work of the trade union organization she was awarded a Certificate of Honor. Mertsalova E.A., a young specialist from our school, took part in the regional competition “Young Masters”, in addition she was awarded letter of thanks Department of Education of the Oryol Region for training the student.

In connection with Teacher's Day, D.N. Khokhlova, teacher, was awarded Certificates from the education department of the Kromsky district primary classes, Smetanina I.V., teacher-organizer, Sukhova O.V., primary school teacher, Sorokina A.S., primary school teacher, Zherdeva E.V. Chief Accountant.

The school's trade union committee does a lot of work to highlight the activities of the Trade Union through visual campaigning. At the disposal of the trade union committee to inform the members of the trade union, as well as the entire public of the school, the following are used:

Personal website of the chairman of the trade union organization (My);

Website of the school trade union organization;

Information stand of the trade union committee.

The work of the school's trade union committee is presented on the website , which is constantly updated and supplemented with the necessary information.

The information stand of the workers' trade union committee introduces trade union members and other school employees to by individual parties life and activities of the trade union organization.

Along with modern means, traditional methods of conveying information to trade union members based on personal contact are also deservedly popular: meetings, trade union circles, meetings on topics of interest: “How to get an early labor pension”, “How to get an early labor pension”, etc.

Posting information on the trade union information stand schools are run by members of the trade union committee responsible for this work. These are plans, decisions of the trade union committee, announcements, congratulations, etc.

Chairman of the primary

trade union organization Skoblyakova A.S.

“Report of the chairman of the trade union committee on the work done for 2016. The primary trade union organization today is the only organization that...”

Municipal state preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten" Gorny village

Report of the chairman of the trade union committee on the work done

work for 2016.

The primary trade union organization today is the only

an organization that protects the labor rights of workers, seeks

fulfillment of social guarantees, improves the microclimate in the team.

1.Organizational work.

Primary trade union organization in our institution

has been operating since 1970. Today there are 26 people in the trade union organization (23 people work in preschool educational institutions, 3 people are pensioners, two of them are veterans of teaching work).

In 2016, 5 people joined the union.

A reconciliation of union members was carried out in March of this year.

During the reporting period, 12 meetings were held. Issues covering all areas of trade union activity were discussed (monitoring compliance with the collective agreement, socio-economic issues, information work, labor protection).

The trade union committee builds all its work on the principles of social partnership and cooperation with the administration of the preschool educational institution, resolving all issues through constructive dialogue in the interests of workers.

Registration of documents (applications for membership, etc.) is carried out. The trade union committee uses the following to inform trade union members, as well as the entire public:

1) website of the district trade union organization;

2) information stand of the trade union committee “Trade Union Corner”;

3) the “Our Trade Union” page on the website of the MKDOU “Kindergarten” in the village of Gorny.

The information stand of the workers' trade union committee introduces trade union members and other employees to certain aspects of the life and activities of the trade union organization.

Along with modern means, traditional methods of conveying information to trade union members, based on personal contact: meetings, meetings, are also deservedly popular.

The trade union committee of the MKDOU "Kindergarten" in the village of Gorny is working to preserve trade union membership and attract new members to the Trade Union.

It is becoming a good tradition to congratulate employees on professional and calendar holidays and anniversaries.

During the reporting period, 12 meetings of the trade union committee were held, at which the following main issues were considered:

Organizational work;

Collective agreement and its implementation;

Carrying out cultural and sporting events;

Joining a trade union;

Legal protection of the interests of trade union members.

In mid-2016, the trade union committee was renewed. Trade union members Terekhova Valentina Fedorovna and Eidemiller Marina Yuryevna left the trade union committee. Members of the PC included: Kuzevanova Marina Konstantinovna, Lomakina Elena Kuzminichna, German Olga Fedorovna.

2. Occupational safety and health.

1) In April of this year, the Achinsk territorial (district) organization of the Trade Union insured all members of the Trade Union and their families against tick bites and tick-borne encephalitis in the Nadezhda Insurance Company under a corporate agreement with a significant discount. Comprehensive insurance was no more than 250 rubles per person (without discount - 320 rubles).

2) In connection with the Resolution of the district committee of the Achinsk territorial regional organization of the Trade Union No. 1-3 dated December 24, 2014 “On participation in the “Improvement” program of the Krasnoyarsk regional organization of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education for 2015-2019,” the district Trade Union periodically offers cheaper vouchers for members Trade Union kindergarten.

Information notifications are periodically updated in the trade union corner of the preschool educational institution. The cost of tours is brought to our attention constantly.

Vacation options on the Black Sea are being studied, but so far there has been no information about the conditions.

3) On October 1, six trade union members took an active part in the Spartakiad of education workers in the Achinsk region.

4) No accidents were registered during the reporting period.

3. Protection social rights and guarantees for trade union members.

The trade union committee exercises legal control over the activities of the administration in accordance with the Charter of the trade union and Labor Code.

The administration coordinates with the chairman of the trade union committee the development of regulatory documents.

The chairman of the trade union committee is a member working group on amendments to the Charter, defends the interests of employees when discussing issues of changing the management structure.

The chairman of the trade union committee takes part in the work of the certification commission in order to protect the interests of certified workers.

Every employee has the free right to read labor safety instructions.

Tariffs are agreed upon with the administration of the kindergarten and the issue of distribution of the incentive portion is discussed monthly wages.

The preschool educational institution team is familiar with the vacation schedule for 2017!

4. Measures to protect the socio-economic interests and rights of workers.

The main instrument of social partnership between the employer and the Trade Union organization is the Collective Agreement, which regulates issues of working conditions, organization of recreation, provision of benefits and guarantees to employees. The agreement allows us to expand the scope of the current labor legislation, provide additional funding for labor protection measures, and improve the working and living conditions of workers.

The chairman of the trade union organization brings to the attention of the staff and the head the decisions of the higher trade union organization.

During the year, orders and regulations relating to social and labor relations of employees of the MKDOU "Kindergarten" in the village of Gorny were agreed upon with the trade union committee (labor standards, wages, work on pre-holidays and public holidays, labor protection issues, certification issues, etc.).

The work of the trade union committee during the reporting period was carried out in accordance with the main directions of activity of the primary trade union organization of the MKDOU "Kindergarten" in the village of Gorny.

Social activities of the trade union committee together with the district trade union this year were carried out in the following areas:

Carrying out cultural, sports and recreational events;

Providing financial assistance to trade union members. (Durneva L.N., a former laundry operator at a preschool educational institution, based on a statement from the chairman of the trade union organization, due to the deterioration financial situation, financial assistance in the amount of 3,000 rubles was allocated).

Financial assistance to trade union members is provided in accordance with the Regulations on the allocation of financial assistance.

The reasons for which financial assistance is provided are as follows:

death of a trade union member or close relative (mother, father);

treatment for a period of at least 3 months and the need to purchase expensive medications;

a sharp deterioration in financial situation due to unforeseen circumstances);

Allocation of funds to veterans of teaching labor, in connection with the celebration of Victory Day, who worked in education during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War and after its completion;

Held annually extensive work on appeals and decisions on payments utilities for teaching staff of educational institutions under Article 55 of the Russian Federation of July 3, 1992 for free living space with lighting and heating.

Teaching staff are annually allocated regional subventions for solid fuel.

In 2016, funds in the amount of 2 thousand rubles were allocated from the trade union for the celebration of anniversaries (55 years), for gift cards.

In September 2016, the district trade union organization allocated money to celebrate Preschool Education Worker Day.

5. Suggestions for improving the work of the trade union committee.

The trade union committee has something to work on. In the future, there will be new projects to motivate people to join a trade union, to organize mass cultural work, to develop information policy and social partnership at all levels.

Recently, due to various changes in the education system, as well as in the system of remuneration for teaching labor and sick leave, more and more knowledge of labor legislation is required.

Every member of the primary trade union organization understands that a single, united, constantly developing trade union is capable of solving the most important task - making the profession of a teacher and kindergarten worker prestigious.

We have to work on the noted problems, try to express ourselves even more actively, about the role of the primary organization in the life of the team. The main directions in this work remain: protecting the rights and interests of employees of the institution, compliance with the law, increasing responsibility for the results of their personal work and the work of the team as a whole.

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About the work of the primary trade union organization MBOU Vozdvizhenskaya Secondary School for 2014

Our trade union organization is an important part of civil society, constantly developing and improving, and has become a trade union organization of a new formation, whose activities continue to be aimed at active participation in the life and development of the institution, upholding and protecting the rights and interests of its employees, active participation in the creation safe working conditions, organization of recreation and cultural leisure for workers and members of their families, issues of remuneration and other important issues.

The trade union committee of the primary trade union organization in 2014 carried out its activities in accordance with the work plan of the school trade union organization for 2014.


Implementation of the statutory tasks of the trade union for the representation and protection of social and labor rights and professional interests school employees;

Coordination of the actions of Trade Union members to achieve the common goals of the trade union organization;

Trade union control over compliance with labor and labor protection legislation in schools;

Improving the financial situation, strengthening the health and raising the standard of living of workers;

Information support for members of the Trade Union, explanation of measures taken by the Trade Union to implement the statutory goals and objectives;

Organization of admission to the Trade Union and registration of Trade Union members, implementation of organizational measures to increase the motivation of trade union membership;

Creation of conditions that ensure the involvement of Trade Union members in trade union work.

Union membership coverage

A strong trade union organization is an association of active, conscious and competent workers.

Only through a strong organization will you have the opportunity to:

· Conduct decent negotiations with the employer.

· Achieve better conditions labor.

Receive a decent salary.

Joint organizational work, provided for by the above plan, was carried out to strengthen trade union membership. This work has its results: we have 100% trade union membership

Now the total number of our organization is 17 people.

Activities of the primary trade union organization MBOU "Vozdvizhenskaya secondary school"

The priority areas of the organization’s work at present are popularizing the ideas of the trade union movement among young people, improving work on motivating trade union membership, improving forms of information activities;

increasing the role of public control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, intensifying work on health protection and creating safe working conditions, expanding the forms of physical education and recreational activities.

All activities in general and current work were built in accordance with the Main Directions of Activities of the Primary Trade Union Organization. We regulate our activities by the following documents: collective agreement, labor legislation of the Russian Federation, regulations on labor regulations, local acts and provisions.

The relevance of the activities of the trade union organization of our school can be judged at least by the list of some issues included in the agenda of the trade union committee meetings, these are:

“On the state of readiness of school premises, compliance with conditions and labor protection by the beginning of the school year”;

“On the approval of employee tariffs for the new academic year”;

“On coordinating the vacation schedule for school employees”;

“On the participation of the trade union committee in the certification of teaching staff”, etc.

The trade union committee and the administration at our school build their relationships on the principles of social partnership. We must pay tribute and say that our director Shevchenko Z.V. is not interested in tense relations and resolves a number of social issues in the interests of workers.

Together with the school director, the trade union takes an active part in the development, conclusion and amendment of a collective agreement, defending the interests of employees. The approval of local acts and Regulations is coordinated with the PC, and also a lesson schedule, regulations on NSOT, certification of teachers, awards for school employees are drawn up, a vacation schedule and summer holidays for children are jointly drawn up.

If we talk about the remuneration system at the MBOU Vozdvizhenskaya Secondary School, we should note a number of achievements of cooperation between the trade union committee and the administration in its development and implementation:

Openness and transparency of the collaboration process;

Accrual of all additional payments provided for in the Collective Agreement;

Creation of a commission to establish incentive payments.

The purpose of such remuneration is to ensure improved quality and productivity of teachers. The implementation of this goal set us the task:

Strengthening the teacher’s material interest and motivation in improving the quality of the educational and educational process.

Our team believes that material incentives for the quality of teaching work are effective, but far from the only motivator of creative, innovation activity teachers. Along with external, financial and material conditions for improving the activities of teachers, it is necessary to take into account the role of internal motives - professional values ​​and interests, conviction in the demand for the teaching profession, and the role of external, non-material motives - public recognition, respect from colleagues and administration, satisfaction from social and psychological climate in the team.

In order to improve the professional level of teaching staff, in compliance with all social rights and guarantees, school employees promptly improve their professional qualifications and undergo certification on time. Advanced training courses are of great importance for developing the potential of teachers.

This year we had 3 trade union meetings and 8 trade union committee meetings.

(protocols available)

Occupational Safety and Health

The PC carried out work in this area in accordance with the labor protection agreement. No accidents were registered in the educational institution during the reporting period.

The main share of funds from the trade union budget is directed to ensure organizational measures related to the implementation of statutory functions

For holidays, evenings and relaxation - 1000 rubles

For financial assistance to trade union members - 1600 rubles

Information support for the work of the primary organization MBOU "Vozdvizhenskaya secondary school"

· Informing members of the Trade Union is carried out through trade union corner in the teachers' room, where members of the team get acquainted with the work of the higher bodies of the Trade Union, the decisions they make on all main areas of activity, the work of the primary trade union organization, etc.;

· Over the past few years, subscriptions to the newspapers “Trade Unions of Altai” and “My Trade Union” have been carried out. Review of newspaper materials (newspapers are sent to the school address and stored in the library) is carried out at PC meetings and trade union meetings.

Participation in solidarity actions.

The staff of our school has repeatedly taken part in actions of solidarity: “For decent work” they sent telegrams, collected signatures addressed to the President of the Russian Federation, collected funds for charitable foundation help,victims of floods in the Altai Territory,"Let's Help Children" campaign.

Organization of cultural, mass and sports work in a team.

An important direction in the activities of the trade union committee is cultural, mass and health-improving work, since good rest contributes to efficiency and increased vitality. Unfortunately, none of our school employees took advantage of the sanatorium treatment

The team has developed its own traditions:

Day of Knowledge

Teacher's Day

New Year's light

Defender of the Fatherland Day

International Women's Day

Rest day at the end of the school year

Also throughout the year we organized congratulations to birthday people and anniversaries

These events are very popular among trade union members and create the necessary conditions for informal communication.

Mass cultural and sporting events unite, unite people, bring bright diversity into our lives, and trade union members simply like them.

The Commission for Cultural Work under the trade union committee is doing a lot of work aimed at uniting team members, paying attention to both young and veteran teachers.

Also, when grief comes to the families of our trade union members, the team provides moral and material support

The school staff is very friendly. We are all heartbroken for each of its members, everyone is ready to help at any moment, be it happy or sad. I would like to thank the team for their sensitivity and understanding.

Public report of the chairman of the primary trade union organization MBOU KR NGO "Cherkassy secondary school"

Skoblyakova A.S.about the work done in 2015.

    Measures to protect socio-economic interests and rights of workers

The main instrument of social partnership between the employer and the Trade Union organization is the Collective Agreement, which regulates issues of working conditions, organization of recreation, provision of benefits and guarantees to employees of educational institutions. The agreement allows us to expand the scope of the current labor legislation, provide additional funding for labor protection measures, improve the working and living conditions of workers, and provide them with financial assistance.

The chairman of the trade union organization promptly brings to the attention of the staff and the director the decisions and resolutions of the higher trade union organization.

During the year, orders and regulations concerning the social and labor relations of school employees were agreed upon with the trade union committee (labor standards, wages, work on pre-holidays and public holidays, labor protection issues, issues of organizing the health and recreation of workers, etc.).

Today, all school employees, regardless of trade union affiliation, enjoy social benefits provided to them in accordance with the collective agreement. The agreement allows us to expand the scope of the current labor legislation, provide additional funding for labor protection measures, improve the working and living conditions of workers, and provide them with financial assistance.

Skoblyakova A.S., chairman of the primary trade union organization, took part in the work of the certification commission to conduct a special labor assessment. In 2015, 3 jobs and 7 teachers were assessed.

In all classes of the school there are instructions on labor protection for certain types of work. The instructions are approved by the school director and agreed upon with the chairman of the trade union committee on the basis of the protocol of the trade union committee’s decision.

II. Organizational work

The primary trade union organization in our institution has been functioning for a fairly long period of time. Today (December 2015) the trade union organization includes 41 people out of 48 employees, which is 85% of the total number of full-time employees. For operational registration of trade union members, an electronic database has been created, which is constantly checked and updated.

Monthly non-cash collection of membership fees was carried out with their transfer to the account of the Oryol regional organization of the trade union of workers of public education and science of the Russian Federation, which was carried out in full accordance with the provisions of the Collective Agreement.

During the reporting period, at meetings of the trade union committee (12 meetings in total) issues were discussed covering all areas of trade union activity (monitoring compliance with the collective agreement, socio-economic issues, information work, labor protection, employee health improvement, cultural work, etc. ).

The trade union committee builds all its work on the principles of social partnership and cooperation with the school administration, resolving all issues through constructive dialogue in the interests of workers.

The total number of trade union activists is 21 people. The trade union committee brings together the most active members of the trade union organization. The work of the trade union organization consists mainly of representing the interests of workers at all types of meetings, meetings, development and approval of the “Collective Agreement”, participation in the work of the district trade union organization, regional plenums.

During the year, the chairman of the trade union committee participated in staffing, in the work of the award commission, in meetings of the commission on the distribution of incentive payments, and bonuses for teaching staff.

In our educational institution, work is underway to improve the qualifications of teaching staff: in December 2015 Dontsova A.V. – confirmed the highest category, Khokhlova D.N. – defended for the highest category, Brechkina N.V. and Ananyeva E.A. – certified for the first category, Sorokina A.S. – confirmed the first qualification category. All employees undergo advanced training in a timely manner - once every three years.

As part of supporting young specialists, Mertsalova E.A. received a one-time monetary compensation in the amount of 55,000 rubles.

Meetings of the trade union committee are held regularly on issues of payment of material assistance to union members, minutes of the meeting of the trade union committee are drawn up, documents are registered (applications for membership, payment of financial assistance, etc.). In 2015, financial assistance was paid in the amount of...

The school’s trade union committee took an active part in social and political events and regional events:

    rally in support of Crimea;

The school's trade union committee does a lot of work to highlight the activities of the Trade Union through visual campaigning. At the disposal of the trade union committee to inform the members of the trade union, as well as the entire public of the school, the following are used:

Personal website of the chairman of the trade union organization (My chairman of the primary trade union organization);

Website of the school trade union organization;

Information stand of the trade union committee.

The work of the school's trade union committee is presented on the website, which is constantly updated and supplemented with the necessary information.

The information stand of the workers' trade union committee introduces trade union members and other school employees to certain aspects of the life and activities of the trade union organization.

Along with modern means, traditional methods of conveying information to trade union members based on personal contact are also deservedly popular: meetings, trade union circles, meetings on topics of interest: “Payment of sick leave”, “New in pension fund" and etc.

The placement of information on the school's trade union information stand is carried out by members of the trade union committee responsible for this work. These are plans, decisions of the trade union committee, announcements, congratulations, etc.

The school's trade union committee is doing a lot of work to maintain trade union membership and attract new members to the trade union.

One of the main directions of the school’s trade union committee is the health promotion of employees and their children. In 2015, 4 members of the trade union organization exercised the right to reimbursement of costs for sanatorium and resort treatment in the amount of 5,000 rubles. Each member of a trade union organization can exercise this right once every three years.

An important area in the activities of our trade union committee is cultural work, since good rest contributes to efficiency and increased vitality.

It has become a good tradition to congratulate employees on professional and calendar holidays, and on anniversaries. On such days, there is a kind word for everyone, and sometimes material support.

In 2015, the school’s trade union committee organized trips to the Russian Style and Free Space theaters.

Traditional holidays are Teacher's Day, New Year, February 23, March 8. An amount of union money was spent on festive events in the amount of

Veterans of teaching work were not left without attention. On the anniversary of the veteran of pedagogical work R.K. Khlebtovskaya. a congratulation was published in the Zarya newspaper and a bouquet of flowers was presented at the ceremonial meeting of the Veteran club. Anniversary date of Sergeeva V.N. in November 2015, congratulations were noted in the Zarya newspaper. In June 2016, the hero of the day will be V.T. Shvetsova. The school's trade union committee will congratulate the veteran of teaching work with congratulations in the district newspaper and a congratulatory bouquet.

Sh. Proposals for improving the work of the trade union committee

The trade union committee has something to work on. In the future, there will be new projects to motivate people to join a trade union, to organize mass cultural and sports activities, to develop information policy and social partnership at all levels.

Recently, due to various changes in the education system, as well as in the system of remuneration for teaching labor and sick leave, more and more knowledge of labor legislation is required.

Each member of the primary organization already understands that a single, united, constantly developing trade union is capable of solving the most important task - making the profession of a teacher and school worker prestigious.

The trade union committee and its commissions will have to work on the noted problems, try to more actively express themselves and the role of the primary organization in the life of the school. The main directions in this work remain: protecting the rights and interests of employees of the institution, compliance with the law, increasing responsibility for the results of their personal work and the work of the team as a whole.






Trade union groups are structural divisions of the primary trade union organization (PTU).

In its work, the trade union group (trade group) is guided by the Law of the Russian Federation "On trade unions, their rights and guarantees of activity", the Charter, General provision about PPO, collective agreements.

Trade union groups are created by decision of the trade union committee of the trade union on a production basis within the primary trade union organization if they have at least three trade union members.
Trade union groups are part of the structure of primary trade union organizations of branches, buildings, and sections. For reference current work in a trade union group, a trade union group organizer (trade group organizer) is elected at a trade union meeting. The following members of the trade union group may be elected to assist the trade union manager at the meeting:

Insurance delegate;

Sports and cultural organizer;

The number of trade union activists elected to assist the trade union group is determined by the trade union committee of the PPO, taking into account the specific working conditions of the trade union group. Specific Functions trade union group are determined by this Regulation.


The decision to conduct reports and elections in trade union groups is made by the trade union committee of the primary trade union organization (PTU).
The term of office of the elected body of a trade union group is established by the Charter. The trade union organization is accountable to the meeting of the trade union group, the shop committee and the trade union committee of the primary trade union organization.

The frequency of meetings is once every 3 months, with prior notification to the PPO trade union committee. A meeting of a trade union group is considered valid if more than half of the members of the trade union group participate in it.
Decisions are made by a majority vote if a quorum is present.
Questions and proposals put forward by the meeting of the trade union group, which cannot be resolved on the spot, are submitted by the trade union group for consideration to higher trade union bodies.


Profgruporg together with the management of the enterprise:

Promotes increased labor productivity, increased efficiency and quality of work, rational use of equipment, economical use of raw materials, fuel and energy;

Carries out work to strengthen labor and production discipline, promotes professional development, development of scientific and technical creativity, invention and rationalization among members of the professional group;

Monitors the correct application of established wage and bonus systems, and timely payment of wages;

Makes proposals to higher trade union and economic bodies on material and moral incentives for trade union members;

Trade union organization with the help of selected trade union activists:

Attracts employees to social activities, promotes the development of their labor activity, conducts individual work on involvement in members of the Trade Union;

Explains to employees the statutory goals and objectives, rights, responsibilities, benefits and guarantees of members of the Trade Union,

Monitors the timely registration of newly hired Trade Union members with the Trade Union;

Together with the Occupational Safety and Health Commissioner, he monitors the employer’s compliance with labor legislation, rules and regulations on labor protection, identifies the causes of illness and injury, and raises with management the question of eliminating them and improving working conditions. In cases where violation of labor safety rules may entail a threat to the health or life of workers, immediately notify the higher trade union body and the economic manager;

Organizes home visits to sick members of the Trade Union in order to provide the necessary assistance and show attention and care to employees undergoing hospital treatment;

Requests, if necessary, before the trade union committee to purchase vouchers for members of the Trade Union for sanatorium treatment, recreation, provision of financial assistance, and to send children to children's health camps;

Provides assistance to the cultural and sports organizer in the work of involving members of the Trade Union in physical education, sports, tourism, leisure and cultural events;

The trade union group collects and prepares issues for inclusion in the collective agreement and monitors its implementation at the primary level of the organization;

On behalf of a meeting of a trade union group, a shop committee, a trade union committee, the Trade Union Group may perform additional functions based on the specific situation;

The trade union group regularly convenes meetings of the trade union group and introduces necessary issues for discussion.

Informs the trade union group about its work and decisions of trade union bodies, summarizes critical comments and proposals made at meetings, organizes their implementation and reports on this to the meeting.

The trade union group and activists of the trade union group systematically improve their professional and cultural level in seminar schools and trade union courses, and serve as an example of a conscientious attitude to work.

Issues affecting the interests of members of the trade union group are resolved only taking into account the opinion of the meeting of the trade union group.

At a meeting of the trade union group, admission to the Trade Union is carried out on an individual basis based on the personal application of the applicant no later than one month after submitting the application. A decision is considered adopted if a simple majority of those present at the meeting of the trade union group votes for it, provided there is a quorum.

A meeting of a trade union group has the right to take the initiative to encourage members of the trade union group for labor success and active participation in trade union work established at the enterprise types and forms of moral and material incentives. The issue of imposing a penalty on a member of the Trade Union, the list, motives and procedure, which are determined by the Charter of the Trade Union, is decided, first of all, in the trade union group. If a penalty is imposed by a higher trade union body, the trade union group where the trade union member is registered is informed about this. A Trade Union member who has received a penalty has the right to appeal this decision in the prescribed manner.


Termination of the activities of a trade union group is carried out by decision of the trade union committee of the primary trade union organization, taking into account the opinion of the general meeting of members of the trade union group.

General position

about the primary trade union organization


1.1. Primary trade union organization (PTU) – a voluntary association of members o public organization - the Russian Trade Union of Healthcare Workers, working (studying), as a rule, in one organization, its branch, representative office and other separate structural unit, created at local levels of social partnership, regardless of the form of ownership, organizational and legal form and its subordination . The primary trade union organization can be united.

The primary trade union organization is created at the constituent meeting (conference) by the decision of at least three citizens, working, as a rule, in the same organization, representative office and other separate structural unit, studying at an educational institution, and the decision of the relevant body of the higher organization of the Trade Union, which determines the place of organization of this organization for trade union registration (service).

Decision on necessity state registration The primary trade union organization is accepted by the Trade Union bodies that made the decision to create it.

In an organization, representative office or other separate structural unit, only one primary trade union organization can be created.

A primary trade union organization can unite workers working in one or more organizations, representative offices and other separate structural units.

Primary trade union organizations of all levels are registered with the trade union at a higher organization of the Trade Union, determined by the Resolution of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union. The registration of the total number of members of the Trade Union is carried out by committees of higher organizations of the Trade Union, in accordance with the Instructions on the registration of members of the Trade Union, approved by the Central Committee of the Trade Union.

The procedure for interaction and division of functions between organizations of the Trade Union is established by the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union.

1.2. Members of the Trade Union, united in primary trade union organizations, form the basis of the Trade Union. The rights, duties, responsibilities of members of the Trade Union, as well as their accounting, conditions and procedure for admission and termination of membership in the Trade Union are established by the Charter of the Trade Union.

1.3. The primary trade union organization is part of the organizational structure of the Russian Trade Union of Healthcare Workers and operates in accordance with the Charter of the Trade Union, local regulations and other acts of the Trade Union, as well as decisions of the higher bodies of the Trade Union and the General Regulations on the primary trade union organization.

1.4. The primary trade union organization is independent in its activities from executive authorities, local governments, employers, their associations (unions, associations), corporations, political parties and other public associations, and is not accountable or controlled by them.

1.5. The decision on the name of the primary trade union organization is made by the elected collegial body of the higher organization of the Trade Union.

1.6. A primary trade union organization may, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and by decision of the bodies that decided on its creation, acquire the rights of a legal entity in the event of its state registration.

The legal capacity of a primary trade union organization as a legal entity arises from the moment of its state registration, carried out in accordance with the Federal Laws “On trade unions, their rights and guarantees of activity”, “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs”.

A legal entity is recognized as a primary trade union organization that has separate property in ownership and operational management and is liable for its obligations with this property, can, in its own name, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court. Legal entities must have an independent balance sheet or estimate, as well as a seal, stamp and forms approved by the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union.

The rights and obligations of the primary trade union organization as a legal entity are implemented by its elected trade union bodies, acting within the limits established by law, the Charter of the Trade Union and the General Regulations.

1.7. Reorganization or termination of the activities of the primary trade union organization is carried out by decision of a higher trade union body in the manner determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Trade Union, the General Regulations, and its liquidation as a legal entity - in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.8. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, judicial protection of the rights of the primary trade union organization is guaranteed. Cases of violations of the rights of the primary trade union organization are considered by the court on the basis of a statement of claim or complaint from the relevant body of the Trade Union, the primary trade union organization, or at the request of the prosecutor.

1.9. Employees who are not members of the Trade Union have the right to authorize the trade union committee of the primary trade union organization to represent their interests in relations with the employer (his representatives).


2.1. The main objectives of the primary trade union organization are:

2.1.1. protection of the rights and interests of Trade Union members, as well as representation of the interests of workers in social partnership, including collective bargaining, concluding and amending a collective agreement and agreements, monitoring their implementation;

2.1.2. representation of the interests of members of the Trade Union in the exercise of the right to participate in the management of the organization, its branch, representative office and other separate structural unit, in commissions for labor disputes, social insurance, as well as in commissions and bodies created by the employer (his representatives);

2.1.3. ensuring the protection of the right of a Trade Union member to workplace, corresponding to the conditions provided for by state standards of organization and labor safety, and the collective agreement.

2.1.4. ensuring the protection of the right of a Trade Union member to fair wages in accordance with its market value work force, paid on time and in full;

2.1.5. control over compliance by employers (their representatives) with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards, protection of Trade Union members from illegal penalties, dismissals and other illegal actions;

2.1.6. social support for Trade Union members;

2.1.7. providing each member of the Trade Union with guarantees and compensation provided for by law, collective agreements and agreements, and other regulatory legal acts;

2.1.8. protection of the rights and interests of Trade Union members during reorganization, liquidation, privatization, change of owner of the organization, its branch, representative office and other separate structural unit;

2.1.9. organization and conduct of cultural and sports activities, participation in organizing children's recreation, tourism, and health improvement for Trade Union members and their families;

2.1.10. representation of employees in collegial management bodies of the organization (structural unit);

2.1.11. implementation of trade union control over labor protection and environment, fulfillment of requirements to eliminate identified violations;

2.1.12. monitoring the progress of construction and operation of facilities social sphere, housing and other facilities in order to solve the statutory tasks of the Trade Union;

2.1.13. carrying out information and propaganda work to ensure publicity of the activities of the primary trade union organization, bodies of higher organizations of the Trade Union;

2.1.14. performing other functions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Trade Union and its regulations.

2.2. The primary trade union organization carries out its activities on the basis of the principles defined by the clauses of the Charter of the Trade Union.

2.3. The superior body of a primary trade union organization may send authorized trade union representatives of this primary trade union organization to work in primary trade union organizations located on the territory, as a rule, of one subject of the Russian Federation.

An authorized trade union representative carries out his activities in accordance with the Charter of the Trade Union and the Regulations on authorized trade union representatives, approved by the Central Committee of the Trade Union.


3.1. The primary trade union organization independently resolves issues of its organizational structure, can create its own branches, representative offices, in accordance with the law and vest them with the appropriate powers, rights and responsibilities.

For a deeper study of the problems of individual professional groups workers, professional sections and councils of chairmen of trade union organizations can be created under the trade union committee.

By decision of the body of the primary trade union organization can be created permanent and temporary commissions, working groups, their powers are defined, rights, responsibilities and functions are approved.

3.2. In the primary trade union organization, by decision of the trade union committee, structural divisions can be created: shop (faculty) trade union organizations, trade union groups.

3.3. The bodies of the primary trade union organization are:

Meeting (conference);

Trade Union Committee (trade union committee);

Chairman of the primary trade union organization;

The Control and Audit Commission is a body elected at a meeting (conference) of the primary trade union organization to monitor its financial and economic activities, carrying out its activities in accordance with the Charter of the Trade Union;

The credentials committee is a body elected at a meeting (conference) of the primary trade union organization to verify the powers of the conference delegates and candidates for membership in the committee of the primary trade union organization when forming it on the principle of direct delegation, carrying out its activities in accordance with the Charter of the Trade Union.

The presidium of the trade union committee can also be elected (in organizations with more than 500 members of the Trade Union).

3.4. Meeting (conference)

3.4.1. The meeting (conference) is held in the primary trade union organization, uniting:

Up to five thousand members of the Trade Union - at least twice a year;

Over five thousand members of the Trade Union - at least once every two and a half years.

The Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union may establish a different frequency of meetings (conferences).

An extraordinary meeting (conference) may be held by decision of the trade union committee, at the request of at least one third of the members of the Trade Union or the higher body of the Trade Union.

3.4.2. A meeting (conference) is considered valid if more than half of the working members of the primary trade union organization (at least two-thirds of the elected delegates of the conference) take part in its work.

3.4.3. The rate of representation of delegates to the conference of the primary trade union organization is established at a meeting of the trade union committee.

3.4.4. In accordance with the Charter of the Trade Union, the delegates to trade union conferences of the primary trade union organization are its chairman, his deputy, as well as the chairman of the control and audit commission and the chairman of the credentials committee of the primary trade union organization.

3.4.5. Decisions of the meeting (conference) are made by a majority vote of the members of the Trade Union (conference delegates) personally participating in the meeting (conference), if there is a quorum, unless otherwise provided by the Charter of the Trade Union. The form of voting is determined by the participants of the meeting (conference).

3.5. The Trade Union establishes uniform deadlines for the reporting and election campaign. The powers of the bodies of the primary trade union organization created during the period between reporting and election campaigns are retained until the next reporting and election campaign.

3.6. The number of candidates for any elective position is not limited.

Members of the Trade Union who are absent from the meeting (conference) may be elected as members of the bodies of the primary trade union organization, but with their prior consent.

3.7. The superior body of the Trade Union has the right to nominate for election a candidate for the chairman of the primary trade union organization.

3.8. When electing the chairman of the primary trade union organization, including on an alternative basis, the candidate who receives more than 50 percent of the votes of the delegates who took part in the conference and meeting participants with the right to vote, if there is a quorum, is considered elected. If none of the candidates received the specified number of votes, then a second round of voting is held for the two candidates who received the most votes in the first round of voting.

If in the second round no candidate receives more than 50 percent of the votes, a repeat election is called.

3.9. At the request of at least one third of the number of members of the Trade Union or the higher body of the Trade Union united by the primary trade union organization, early elections of the trade union committee or the chairman of the primary trade union organization are held.

The demand of the Trade Union members to hold early elections is considered at a meeting of the trade union committee, which, within a month, makes a decision on convening a meeting (conference), the procedure for electing delegates to the conference, and is responsible for organizing the preparation and holding of the meeting or conference. The extraordinary meeting (conference) hears a report on the work of the trade union committee and the control and audit commission for the past period of their activity, including on issues that prompted members of the Trade Union to hold early elections of the trade union committee or the chairman of the primary trade union organization.

3.10. If the head of the primary trade union organization fails to comply with the Charter of the Trade Union, the higher body of the Trade Union is obliged to inform the primary trade union organization about these violations and demand their elimination.

If violations are not corrected in deadlines, then the higher elected collegial body of the Trade Union has the right to raise the issue with the primary trade union organization about the early termination of the powers of its leader.

After making such a decision, the trade union committee is obliged to organize an extraordinary reporting and election meeting (conference) within a month.

3.11. The superior body of the Trade Union has the right to decide to hold a meeting (conference) in the primary trade union organization on the issue of early termination of the powers of the trade union committee, the chairman of the primary trade union organization.

In this case, the meeting (conference) is organized by the higher body of the Trade Union, which made the decision to convene it.

The decision of the meeting (conference) is final.

3.12 The superior body of the Trade Union has the right to cancel decisions of trade union meetings (conferences), the trade union committee, its presidium or the chairman of the primary trade union organization, taken in violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation or the Charter of the Trade Union.

3.13. An employee of a Trade Union organization is released from an elective position by decision of the Trade Union body that elected him. If the chairman of the primary trade union organization, elected at a meeting (conference), is dismissed from office at his own request, due to illness or other good reasons, then the trade union committee has the right to make a decision on his release and election of a new chairman.

3.14. By decision of the general meeting (conference) and the higher body of the Trade Union, the position of an authorized trade union representative acting on the basis of the Regulations approved by the Central Committee of the Trade Union may be introduced in the primary trade union organization.

3.15.Powers of the meeting (conference):

3.15.1. elects the trade union committee, the chairman of the primary trade union organization and decides on the early termination of their powers, elects the control and audit commission, the credentials commission (for the conference);

3.15.2. hears and discusses the report on the work of the trade union committee, the report of the control and audit commission;

3.15.3. determines the priority tasks of the primary trade union organization and the main directions of its activities;

3.15.4 approves and makes demands on the employer (his representatives) to establish new or change existing socio-economic working and living conditions;

3.15.5. elects delegates to the conference of the higher organization of the Trade Union, to the Congress of the Trade Union (only for organizations directly subordinate to the Central Committee of the Trade Union), as well as representatives to the higher body of the Trade Union, formed on the principle of direct delegation according to the established quota;

3.15.6. approves the estimate of income and expenses, the annual financial report of the primary trade union organization;

3.15.7. approves the composition of representatives of the primary trade union organization in the collegial governing bodies of the organization (structural unit);

3.15.8. if the primary trade union organization has the status of a legal entity, authorizes one of the members of the trade union committee to conclude a fixed-term employment contract with the chairman of the primary trade union organization.

If the primary trade union organization is not a legal entity, the labor contract with its chairman is concluded by the higher-level organization of the Trade Union;

3.15.9. resolves other issues regarding the activities of the primary trade union organization.

3.16.Trade union committee (trade union committee)

The trade union committee includes the chairman of the primary trade union organization (trade union committee) and his deputy (deputies).

The term of office of the trade union committee of the primary trade union organization is five years;

Upon termination of the powers of the trade union committee, the transfer of affairs to the new composition of the trade union committee is carried out within two weeks.

Accountable to the meeting (conference) of the primary trade union organization and higher bodies of the Trade Union, reports on his work to members of the Trade Union at the meeting (conference).

Meetings of the trade union committee are held in the primary trade union organization - at least once a month;

The meeting of the trade union committee is chaired by the chairman of the primary trade union organization, and in his absence - by the deputy chairman.

Decisions of the trade union committee are made in the form of resolutions and signed by the chairman.

Powers of the trade union committee:

3.16.1. defines organizational structure the primary trade union organization, in accordance with this Charter and the General Regulations on the primary trade union organization, coordinates the activities of the primary trade union organizations included in its structure;

3.16.2. at the proposal of the chairman of the primary trade union organization, elects a deputy chairman (deputies), as a rule, from among the members of the trade union committee, distributes responsibilities among the members of the trade union committee;

3.16.3 convenes a meeting (conference) within the time limits provided for by the Charter and section 3.16. of this Regulation. Establishes the norm of representation (quota) for the conference and representatives delegated to the trade union committee, and also confirms the powers (at the proposal of the credentials committee) of the members of the trade union committee in case of their replacement, if they are elected on the principle of direct delegation;

3.16.4. organizes work planning and procedures for the activities of the primary trade union organization;

3.16.5. protects the rights and interests of Trade Union members in the field of organization, payment, conditions and labor protection;

3.16.6. makes a decision on the announcement of collective actions, in agreement with the higher body of the Trade Union;

3.16.7. participates in the consideration of proposals for additional social and labor guarantees, compensation and benefits for employees compared to the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3.16.8. represents the primary trade union organization in the bodies state power, organs local government, before the employer (his representatives), in public associations, other organizations.

Protects and represents the interests of employees of the organization, its branch, representative office and other separate structural unit in social partnership, implementation of the right of employees to participate in the management of the organization, its branch, representative office and other separate structural unit, in the settlement of labor disputes, organizes and conducts collective negotiations, concludes a collective agreement, agreement, makes changes and additions to them, and monitors their implementation;

3.16.9. extends the validity of collective agreements and agreements;

3.16.10. assists the management of the organization, its branch, representative office and other separate structural unit of an economic entity in resolving issues related to the creation of working conditions for workers, strengthening labor discipline, ensuring the safety of train traffic and other issues of production activities;

3.16.11. considers, together with the head of the organization, its branch, representative office and other separate structural unit of the economic entity, the fulfillment of obligations under the collective agreement, measures to organize and improve working conditions, requires the elimination of identified deficiencies;

3.16.12. participates in the work of the commission (committee) on labor protection, organizes elections and work of authorized representatives ( proxies) on labor protection of the Trade Union, exercises trade union control over compliance with regulatory legal acts containing standards labor law, including in the field of labor protection, health, labor and other directly related relations, conducts an independent examination of the state of working conditions and ensuring the safety of workers, takes part in the investigation of accidents and occupational diseases at work, and, if necessary, carries out their independent investigation;

3.16.13. in accordance with the law, carries out protective functions to ensure compliance by the employer (his representatives) with the work and rest regime of employees;

3.16.14. in accordance with the law and in agreement with the higher body of the Trade Union, participates in the settlement of collective labor disputes;

3.16.15. takes part in the development of measures to prevent unemployment among members of the Trade Union, monitors the provision by the employer (his representatives) of timely information about possible dismissals, compliance with the guarantees established by law in the event of a reduction in staff or the number of employees - members of the Trade Union, payment of compensation, benefits, protects against the employer (its representatives) and in law enforcement agencies the interests of employees - members of the Trade Union, dismissed at the initiative of the employer (its representatives);

3.16.16. approves and makes demands on the employer (his representatives) to establish new or change existing working and living conditions for employees, conclude and implement a collective agreement, organize and carry out collective actions of employees in support of their demands in the manner prescribed by law;

3.16.17. provides members of the Trade Union with free legal and advisory assistance;

3.16.18. participates in the work of the social insurance commission, monitors the use of funds social insurance;

3.16.19. carries out cultural and sports work, participates in organizing children's recreation, tourism, and health improvement for Trade Union members and their families.

Interacts with state authorities, local governments, employers (their representatives) in resolving issues related to the development of sanatorium-resort treatment, a network of cultural institutions, recreation, tourism, mass physical culture and sports;

3.16.20. informs the higher bodies of the Trade Union about the most important decisions made;

3.16.21. carries out work to motivate membership in the Trade Union, registers members of the Trade Union, approves statistical and other reports of the primary trade union organization;

3.16.22. informs members of the Trade Union about its work, the activities of the higher bodies of the Trade Union, the socio-economic situation of the organization, its branch, representative office and other separate structural unit, in the industry, region, country, proposals and demands of the Trade Union;

3.16.23. organizes the implementation of decisions of higher bodies of the Trade Union;

3.16.24. disposes of the property of the Trade Union transferred to the primary trade union organization for operational management, including funds, and also determines the procedure for the use of buildings, premises, cultural and social facilities and funds provided by the employer (his representatives);

3.16.25. makes a decision to switch to services in the centralized accounting department at a higher body of the Trade Union (or the body providing trade union services), maintaining financial independence, responsibility for financial and economic activities, property under the operational management of the trade union committee, transferring the maintenance of accounting and reporting to the centralized accounting department;

Decides to create a centralized accounting department to implement accounting in primary, united primary trade union organizations included in its composition, on the basis of a resolution of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union;

3.16.26. ensures timely fulfillment of financial obligations to the Trade Union in the established amounts;

3.16.27. carries out control and inspection of the financial and economic activities of lower-level primary trade union organizations, with the involvement of control and audit commissions of the appropriate level.

3.16.27. organizes training for Trade Union members and activists;

3.16.28. approves the staffing table and official salaries of the chairman and employees of the primary trade union organization (if it has the status of a legal entity), developed in accordance with the wage standards approved by the Central Committee of the Trade Union and agreed upon with the higher body of the Trade Union.

Coordinates official salaries, establishes bonuses for elected and regular trade union workers lower primary trade union organizations;

3.16.29. approves the estimate of income and expenses, the annual financial report of the primary trade union organization. The Presidium of the Central Committee of the Trade Union may establish a different norm.

Organizes the execution of the trade union budget estimate within the funds remaining at the disposal of the primary trade union organization after contributions to the higher bodies of the Trade Union;

3.16.30. coordinates or expresses an opinion when the employer (his representatives) adopt local regulations containing labor law norms, as well as when terminating an employment contract at the initiative of the employer (his representatives) in cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, laws and other normative legal acts, collective contracts, agreements;

3.16.31. makes proposals to the relevant authorities on encouraging and awarding members of the Trade Union with state, departmental and trade union awards;

3.16.32. takes part in organizing and summing up the results of competitions between teams and their employees;

3.16.33. exercises control over the progress of housing construction and social facilities, taking into account workers in need of improved housing conditions, the provision of housing received regardless of, expresses an opinion on the provision of corporate support for the acquisition of residential premises in the ownership of members of the Trade Union;

3.16.34. promotes the development of collective gardening and horticulture;

3.16. To implement the goals and objectives of the primary trade union organization, it uses other rights granted by law and acts in accordance with the Charter of the Trade Union and these General Regulations.

3.17. to the Presidium as executive body During the period between meetings of the trade union committee, certain powers of the trade union committee may be delegated.

3.18. The trade union committee has the right to delegate certain powers to (faculty) committees and trade union groups.

3.19. The term of office of the trade union group is five years;

Powers of the trade union group:

3.19.1 organizes trade union work in departments;

3.19.2. holds meetings (for the committee) at least once a month;

3.19.3. holds quarterly meetings (conferences), establishes a norm of representation (quota) for the conference.

Members of the Trade Union are notified of the convocation and agenda of the meeting (conference) no later than 10 days in advance;

3.19.4. reports on his activities at a meeting (conference) at least once a year;

3.19.5. ensures the implementation of decisions of meetings (conferences), as well as decisions of higher bodies of the Trade Union;

3.19.6. coordinates the work of trade union groups (for the committee);

3.19.7. exercises control over the implementation of collective agreements and agreements;

3.19.8. monitors compliance with labor conditions and safety;

3.19.9. participates in organizing and summing up the results of the competition;

3.19.10. implements measures to strengthen labor discipline;

3.19.12. carries out work to motivate trade union membership, carries out registration of members of the Trade Union;

3.19.13. conducts office work according to the nomenclature of cases determined by the trade union committee;

3.19.14. exercises other powers delegated to him by the trade union committee.

3.20. Chairman of the primary trade union organization

The chairman of the primary trade union organization is at the same time the chairman of the trade union committee and its presidium.

In a primary trade union organization, which is a legal entity, the position of its chairman is included in the staffing table of this organization, a fixed-term employment contract with him is concluded and terminated by an authorized member of the trade union committee of this organization.

In a primary trade union organization that is not a legal entity, the position of its chairman is included in the staffing table of the higher-level organization of the Trade Union, which has the status of a legal entity, and a fixed-term employment contract with him is concluded and terminated by the chairman of the higher-level organization of the Trade Union.

The chairman (his deputy) does not have the right to combine his duties with part-time work, combining professions, positions, or engage in entrepreneurial activities without the consent of the higher body of the Trade Union.

The term of office of the chairman terminates simultaneously with the expiration of the term of office of the trade union committee.

The decision on early termination of powers and the employment contract with the chairman of the primary trade union organization on the grounds provided for by law is made on extraordinary meeting(conference), which is convened by the trade union committee or at the request of at least one third of the members of the Trade Union or the higher body of the Trade Union.

Upon termination of the powers of the chairman of the primary trade union organization, the transfer of cases to them is carried out on the terms of a civil law contract within a period of no more than two weeks.

Powers of the chairman of the primary trade union organization:

3.20.1. organizes the implementation of decisions of the meeting (conference), trade union committee, its presidium and higher bodies of the Trade Union, bears personal responsibility for their implementation in accordance with the Charter of the Trade Union and the General Regulations;

3.20.2. represents the interests of the primary trade union organization in government bodies, local government bodies, law enforcement agencies, before the employer (his representatives), in public associations and other organizations;

3.20.3. exercises control over the procedure for paying trade union dues, as well as the timely and complete transfer of them by the employer (his representatives), is responsible for the fulfillment of financial obligations for the transfer of membership dues in the established amounts;

3.20.4. within the powers established by law and the relevant bodies of the Trade Union, disposes of property, including funds (based on the approved estimate) that are in the operational management of the primary trade union organization, bears personal responsibility for their rational use concludes contracts, issues powers of attorney, has the right to open current and other accounts in banks;

3.20.5. directs the work of the trade union committee, its presidium, conducts their meetings, carries out general management of organizations registered with the trade union;

3.20.6. convenes meetings of the trade union committee, its presidium, prepares and conducts meetings (conferences);

3.20.7. manages the work of the apparatus of the primary trade union organization, concludes and terminates employment contracts with employees in accordance with the law and the Charter of the Trade Union;

3.20.8. organizes work on information support members of the Trade Union;

3.20.9. the list of issues on which the chairman can make a sole decision is determined by the trade union committee. In exceptional cases, he alone makes decisions that are binding in the primary trade union organization.

ABOUT decisions made the chairman informs the trade union committee;

3.20.10. maintains office work, a book for recording proposals, comments made by representatives of bodies of higher organizations of the Trade Union, takes measures for their implementation, determines the nomenclature of cases for shop (faculty) organizations, trade union groups;

3.20.11. signs protocols and resolutions;

3.20.12. organizes and is responsible for personal records of members of the Trade Union, availability of applications for withholding membership fees, storage of registration cards of members of the Trade Union.

Carries out a general record of members of the Trade Union and submits a statistical report to the OK.

3.20.13. provides assistance in the work of legal or technical labor inspectors of the Trade Union during their inspections, including monitoring the implementation by the employer (his representatives) of submitted submissions or requirements, providing available means of communication, transport, office equipment, if such conditions are not created by the employer (his representatives) ;

3.20.14. provides information on all areas of statutory activity at the request of the body of the Trade Union organization where the given primary trade union organization is located;

3.20.15. exercises other powers in accordance with the Charter of the Trade Union.


4.1. The primary trade union organization and its elected bodies build their relations with the employer (his representatives) in accordance with the principles social partnership: equality of the parties, respect and consideration of mutual interests, interest of the parties in participating in contractual relations, compliance with laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and others, as well as on the basis of a collective agreement, agreements.

For these purposes, the trade union committee:

Together with the employer (his representatives), implements measures to improve the efficiency of the organization, its branch, representative office and other separate structural unit, implementation new technology, strengthening labor and technological discipline, instilling in members of the Trade Union professional honor and prestige of the work performed;

Contributes to the mobilization of members of the Trade Union to achieve the strategic goals of the organization, its branch, representative office and other separate structural unit, the implementation of volumetric and quality performance indicators, and the creation of a favorable social climate in the team;

Makes proposals to the employer (his representatives), and in cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, expresses a reasoned opinion (or agrees) on local regulations adopted in the organization, its branch, representative office and other separate structural unit regulations, containing labor law norms in the field of working hours and rest time, conditions and remuneration, regulation and labor protection.

4.2. Creation by the employer (his representatives) of conditions for the activities of the trade union organization: the employer (his representatives) ensures:

Free provision to the trade union committee operating in the organization, its branch, representative office and other separate structural unit, premises for holding meetings, storage of documentation, as well as the possibility of posting information in a place accessible to all employees;

Free provision for the use of equipped, heated, electrified premises, as well as office equipment, communications equipment and the necessary regulatory standards for the trade union committee operating in the organization, its branch, representative office and other separate structural unit legal documents. Other improving conditions for ensuring the activities of the trade union committee may be provided for by the collective agreement;

Providing, in accordance with the collective agreement, for free use by the trade union committee buildings, structures, premises and other objects owned by the employer (his representatives) or rented by him, as well as recreation centers, sports and health centers necessary for organizing recreation, conducting cultural, physical education - health promotion work with employees and members of their families;

Timely transfer of funds to the primary trade union organization for the purposes determined by the collective agreement;

If there are written applications from employees who are members of the Trade Union, a free monthly transfer of trade union membership dues from the employees’ wages to the account of the primary trade union organization.

The order of their transfer is determined by the collective agreement or agreement. The employer (his representatives) has no right to delay their transfer;

If there are written applications from employees who are not members of the Trade Union, in organizations, their branches, representative offices and other separate structural divisions in which collective agreements have been concluded or to which agreements apply, a monthly transfer to the account of the primary trade union organization of funds from the wages of these employees on conditions and in the manner established by the collective agreement, agreement;

Payment for the labor of the chairman of the primary trade union organization at the expense of the organization, its branch, representative office and other separate structural unit in the amounts established by the collective agreement.


5.1. The primary trade union organization has the right to operationally manage part of the property owned by the Trade Union as a whole and assigned to it by a decision of the Congress, the Central Committee of the Trade Union or its Presidium.

5.2. The sources of formation of property owned by the Trade Union as a whole, in cash and other forms, are: - monthly contributions of members of the Trade Union (union membership fees), as well as employees who are not members of the Trade Union, but have authorized the Trade Union to represent their interests in social and labor relations with the employer (its representatives) and concluding a collective agreement (agreement) on their behalf;

Voluntary property contributions and donations from legal entities and individuals;

Monthly receipts provided for by the collective agreement, agreement, from the employer (his representatives) to ensure the effective functioning of the Trade Union organization and its implementation of cultural, sports and recreational events, measures for the social protection of workers and members of their families, children's New Year and other events, provided for by the statutory activities of the Trade Union, with the allocation of funds for solving general trade union social problems. The procedure for spending these funds is established by regulations approved by the Central Committee of the Trade Union;

Income from property, investments of temporarily free funds, non-operating transactions, including income (dividends, interest) received on shares, bonds, other securities and deposits; other receipts of property on the grounds permitted by law.

5.3. The primary trade union organization uses and disposes of the property and funds transferred to it for operational management in accordance with the trade union budget estimate.

5.4. Financial resources primary trade union organization cannot be distributed among members of the Trade Union, but are used only to perform the tasks provided for by the Charter of the Trade Union and these Regulations. Funds may be used for charitable purposes.

5.5. Responsibility for organizing accounting in the primary trade union organization and compliance with the law when carrying out business transactions lies with the chairman of the primary trade union organization.


6.1 Reorganization of the primary trade union organization (merger, affiliation, division, separation and transformation) and its liquidation is carried out by decision of a higher trade union body, which is submitted by the trade union committee for consideration at a meeting (conference), where the procedure and terms of reorganization are established.

The liquidation of the primary trade union organization is carried out by a liquidation commission, which is selected by a meeting (conference) of members of the Trade Union. From the moment the liquidation commission is appointed, the powers to manage the affairs of the primary trade union organization are transferred to it, and the bodies of the primary trade union organization in this case cease their activities.

6.2. Reorganization of an organization, its branch, representative office and other separate structural unit of an economic entity in which the primary trade union organization operates is not grounds for reorganization of the primary trade union organization. Changing the name of the primary trade union organization does not entail its reorganization.

6.3. Liquidation of a legal entity entails the termination of its activities without the transfer of rights and obligations by way of succession to other persons.

6.4. Trade Union bodies that have made a decision to liquidate a legal entity are obliged to immediately notify the authorized body of this in writing. government agency to enter information into the unified state register of legal entities that the legal entity is in the process of liquidation.

6.5. The liquidation commission, elected by a meeting (conference) of members of the primary trade union organization, establishes the procedure and timing of liquidation in accordance with the legislation in force in the Russian Federation.

6.6. In the event of termination of the activities of the primary trade union organization, its funds are used for the purposes determined by the Charter of the Trade Union.

6.7. The creation of a legal entity - a primary trade union organization, its reorganization and liquidation are carried out in accordance with Federal law“On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs».

6.8. The documents required for state registration of the primary trade union organization created through reorganization are submitted to the federal state registration body or its territorial bodies in the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In this case, the procedure for submitting these documents is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.


MINUTES No. of the reporting and election trade union meeting (conference)___________________________

from "___"___________ 200__

________________ members of the trade union are registered in the trade union group.

Attendance at the meeting of ____________ trade union members.

(Required quorum for holding a meeting: more than 50% registered in the trade union group of trade union members)

Invited (managers, etc.): __________________________________________




1. Report on the work of the trade union group ____________________________ for the period from ____________ to ____________

2. Elections of a trade union group.

3. Election of a deputy trade union group leader.

4. Elections of the active members of the trade union group.



Trade union group report ( the report is attached or

indicated in the text of the protocol).


1. Full name (the essence of the speech is written down briefly)

2. Full name (the essence of the speech is written down briefly)

The meeting decided: The work of the professional group manager for the reporting period is considered satisfactory (unsatisfactory)



Speaker(s) spoke on item 2 of the agenda _______________________________________




Speaker(s) spoke on item 3 of the agenda ________________________________________

(Full name of the speaker, the essence of the speech is written down)

The resolution was adopted______________________________________________________________

“FOR” - , “AGAINST” - , “ABSTAINED” - .

Speaker(s) spoke on item 4 of the agenda: __________________________________________

(Full name of the speaker, the essence of the speech is written down)

The resolution was adopted______________________________________________________________


Chairman of meeting

Secretary of the meeting


at a meeting of the trade union group

from___________ 2011

work of the trade union group

As of _________________ 2011

Name of events



Responsible for implementation


about the implementation


at a meeting of the trade union group

from___________ 200__g.

work of the trade union group

Name of events



Responsible for implementation


about the implementation


at a meeting of the trade union group

from___________ 200__g.


work of the trade union group

On _________________ 200__

Name of events



Responsible for implementation


about the implementation


work of the labor protection commissioner

(Full name of the Occupational Safety and Health Commissioner)


work of a sports and cultural organizer



When to send

moose meeting

Explaining to employees the principles and conditions of social insurance.

Participation in commissions on the distribution of social insurance funds at the enterprise (division).

Participation in commissions to investigate insurance cases (domestic injury, injury on the way to work, from work, accident, occupational disease).

Control over the use of social insurance funds (sick leave payments, rehabilitation, training, medical examinations, improvement of working conditions, certification of workplaces according to working conditions, children's rest).

PRO T O C O L No. _______

trade union meeting of the group ________________________________________________

from ___________200____

________________ members of the trade union are registered in the trade union group

Attendance at a meeting of ____________ trade union members





We decided to approve this agenda

On 1 issue of the agenda the following was heard:



On item 2 of the agenda the following was heard:



Profgrouporg __________________________

comments and suggestions made at trade union meetings



Comments, suggestions

To whom



Trade union application form

To the primary trade union organization of the trade union

healthcare workers of the Russian Federation MMU Gorodskaya

Clinical Clinic No. 15

from __full name__ fully, __ job title ______


I ask you to accept me as a member of the trade union of healthcare workers of the Russian Federation to jointly solve the problems of the Trade Union in accordance with the norms of the Charter.

I have read the Charter of the Trade Union and undertake to comply with it.

"____" _____________200__. _____________________________



(, job title)

To the chief physician of MMU "City Clinical Clinic No. 15"

From __ full name __,

position, place of work.


I ask you to transfer trade union membership dues monthly and free of charge from my salary in the amount established by the Charter of the Trade Union 1% (one percent) of the due wages and their non-cash transfer to the current account

Primary organization of the trade union MMU City Clinical Clinic No. 15.

"____" _____________200__. _________________



(, job title)

P R O T O C O L No._____

trade union committee meetings


MEMBERS OF THE TRADE UNION COMMITTEE:___________________________________________





3. About financial assistance.

On the 3rd question listened to applications for financial assistance.


Primary trade union organization _________________________________________________

EXTRACT OF P R O T O C O L A No._________

trade union committee meetings

from _____ _____________ 200__

PRESENT: Of ______ members of the trade union committee _________ people.

LISTENED: applications for financial assistance

DECIDED: provide financial assistance to the following trade union members:

Chairman of the PPO (name) _________________________()

In the trade union committee of the primary trade union




I ask for financial assistance in connection with __________________________________________


work experience _________

I have been a member of the trade union since _______.

Passport details: issued date ______________series________No._____

Issued by____________________________________

Place of residence: index__________

city, district ________________________________________

st.____________________ house_____ apt._____

Structural subdivision _______________________________________

Job title______________________________________

Taxpayer Identification Number_______________________

Pension insurance certificate number: ______________________________

Surname _____________________________________

Name Patronymic name______________________________

Date, month, year of birth: ___________________________________

Application date __________________200___
