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Makarenko T.S. Motivation and stimulation of labor activity of personnel



Department of Library and Information Affairs

discipline Innovative and methodological activities of the library

Topic: Stimulating the innovative activity of library staff

Yaroslavl, 2010



The object of the research is innovative activity in libraries and stimulation of innovative activity of library staff.

The purpose of this work is as follows: to find out in what ways, methods it is possible to stimulate innovative activity the library staff. In this regard, the following tasks are set:

On the basis of the study, conclusions and conclusions are drawn.





Innovation is an introduced innovation with high efficiency. It is the end result of human intellectual activity, his imagination, creative process, discoveries, inventions and rationalization in the form of new or different objects. They are characterized by the introduction to the market of completely new (improved) products (services) of human intellectual activity, which have a higher scientific and technical potential, new consumer qualities, which over time, in turn, become an object for improvement.

This is not any innovation or innovation, but only one that seriously increases the efficiency of the current system.

Therefore, the theme of innovative development dominates in many strategic developments, swinging in various fields of activity and sectors of the economy. In connection with the ever-increasing understanding of the factor of constant and poorly controlled variability of modern society (all its spheres) and such a main trend of socio-economic development as the formation of a society and a knowledge economy, the task of understanding the specifics, boundaries of application, forms and types of innovative activities in the library sphere is becoming strategic, industry-forming value.

It is important to note that innovation is always characterized by a higher scientific and technical level, new consumer qualities of the product and services compared to the previous product.

In the literature on the introduction of innovations, it is customary to consider the term "innovation" in three senses, which were discussed in the late 1980s. said A.I. Prigogine. Among them: culturological (transfer, borrowing, subject identifiers of one type of culture to another); technical (life cycle of innovation - from idea to mass implementation and application); social (unplanned and (or) original inventions, products of creative activity).

Innovative activity, according to A.V. Terkin, is the main condition for the development of society. The presence of educational, scientific, social, political, economic innovations indicates an orientation towards the new in various planes of society and culture, which most characterizes the modern socio-cultural reality.

Innovative activity is manifested in the creation and implementation of those innovations that give rise to significant changes in social practice, open up qualitatively new opportunities for society. Innovation can be defined as a kind of managerial impact (decision), which results in a significant, radical change in a process or phenomenon - economic, technical, political, social.

In the library sphere, an understanding of innovation has developed as a creative process of implementing an idea that has received practical implementation.

The main types of innovative activities that the library carries out in its daily work are proposed to be activities related to the implementation of technological, marketing and organizational innovations.

Technological innovations include the development and implementation of technologically new or significant technological improvements in products and processes; new or significantly improved services, as well as methods of production (transfer) of services. These innovations can be developed by the organization for the first time and independently or adopted from other organizations.

In the service sector (which may include libraries), technological innovations are those whose characteristics or methods of use are either fundamentally new or significantly (qualitatively) improved technologically. Such innovations are divided into two types: product and process.

Product innovations include the development and implementation of fundamentally new services, as well as the improvement of existing ones by adding new functions or characteristics, significant improvements in the provision of services (for example, in terms of their efficiency or speed) to consumers.

Process innovation involves the development and implementation of new or significantly improved methods for producing and delivering them.

Product innovations must necessarily be new for a particular library, but not necessarily for the market as a whole, the entire area. The authorship of this library innovation does not matter in this case.

The purpose of process innovation is to increase the efficiency of production or transfer of products already existing in the organization. Process innovations must be new to a particular library, but the library does not have to be the first to implement them. Authorship in this case also does not matter.

There are so-called marketing innovations in the activities of libraries, which are aimed at better meeting the needs of users (consumers of library products and services).

Organizational innovation is the implementation of some new method in doing business, organizing jobs or external relations.

There are also social roots when we talk about traditions in library innovation. After many years of focusing on a "bright future", we want to turn to the primary sources, isolate the most valuable, analyze the mistakes made. During the period of destabilization, a close look into the past serves for many as a kind of psychological support, moral compensation.

Social conditionality and library-bibliographic expediency are the necessary qualities of a truly innovative activity.

It may seem that questions of little use are being raised. In fact, everything is much more complicated. Many theorists and practitioners do not associate library innovations with the improvement of content, essential areas based on traditions, including regional ones, which make it possible to reveal the uniqueness of each library.

The subject of innovation activity is a library specialist with certain knowledge, training and skills. For the successful implementation of innovations, the manager needs to take into account the different types of attitudes towards the changes made by the library staff, the perception of the proposed initiatives by the employees (active or passive) and their fundamental attitude to the process (positive or negative).

The purpose of this work is as follows: to find out in what ways, methods it is possible to stimulate innovative activity among library staff. In this regard, the following tasks are set:

.Make an overview of innovation activities from the experience of libraries.

4.Determine what ways already exist to stimulate innovation activity.

1. Innovative activity in libraries

Since the library profession has a large margin of inertia, the best option for updating libraries is gradual modernization. In one case, simple elements are replaced by more complex ones, in the other, on the contrary, they are simplified. technological processes.

Innovation specialists believe that they are of social value only when they can be translated, i.e. can be played. The forms of reproduction are different. The simplest way is extrapolation, i.e. transfer of ready-made, well-established samples and values ​​to a particular subject area. At the same time, scientists emphasize that extrapolation as a type of reproduction is always conditional, it implies the identity of means, goals, opportunities where they may not exist. Then there is a risk of getting a mixture of "French with Nizhny Novgorod", the same eclecticism mentioned above, which reveals the absence of new meanings.

Another form of innovation reproduction is interpretation. It is inseparable from extrapolation and at the same time opposite to it. Both consider and master the new as something already known. But extrapolation focuses on maintaining what has been achieved, using new phenomena without fundamentally changing the old content. Therefore, someone else's experience, borrowed and mechanically transferred to another soil, looks like a foreign body. Interpretation, on the other hand, always gives special meaning to borrowing, fills it with new content and, if possible, new goals, strengthens the connection between already established and random structures; unlike extrapolation, it forms a system of values ​​corresponding to new meanings.

Librarians remember dozens of campaigns, the purpose of which was the widespread introduction of one or another "innovation": from strict standardization of service to team subscription, etc., etc. Most of them sooner or later were unconsciously or consciously discarded by practice. They did not correspond either to the resource base of most libraries, or (and this is the main thing) to the mentality of librarians, their professional ideas. It is all the more important to take this circumstance into account, borrowing the content elements of foreign experience.

Another option for mastering innovations is borrowing forms of activity from adjacent areas of knowledge. Thus, libraries began to open literary and musical salons, exhibitions of fine arts, clubs, centers for refugees and migrants, circles for studying languages, computer classes - up to the status change of their organization (Youth Humanitarian Center). At the same time, borrowing does not act as a mechanical imitation, but as a creative act, an extrapolation that allows using an already proven experience or behavioral algorithm to analyze and evaluate a new situation.

The philosopher V. Plakhov well formulated this position. In his opinion, all cultural innovations are fixed only if they are adequate to the cultural archetype. Such is the universal law of the development of culture.

There are two types of innovations according to the quality of changes:

· organizational and managerial.

Here is an interesting example from the experience of libraries in Düsseldorf (Germany). The content goals in the libraries are defined as follows: the Central Bank performs the tasks of an information center, and the branches are a place of meetings and recreation, leisure activities. Or such an example from the mass work of our libraries. Traditional monologue forms of work are being replaced by new ones - dialogue (evening-dialogue, review-dialogue, discussion).

One more example. Traditionally, libraries have grouped their readers by age: children, youth, adults. Within these groups: pupils, students, teachers, specialists of the national economy, etc. Today, the principles for identifying reader groups (the unemployed, entrepreneurs, etc.) are changing, and, therefore, the substantive tasks of working with them.

There is an interesting experience of an unconventional approach to the allocation of reader groups: honorary readers are given different (their own) library cards. The owner of such a ticket has the right to preferential photocopying of documents from the library fund, a free night subscription (if any), individual information about mass events within the walls of the library, etc.

And let's take such a library tradition as the annual re-registration of library users. It turns out that an element of novelty can also be introduced here: in the first days of the new year, hold a lottery game, playing, for example, the first 100 numbers for readers' forms. To those who came that day to offer a "black box", from which each reader pulls out a number for himself - every fifth, seventh, tenth. number (depending on the library's capabilities) with a surprise.

The orientation towards creating positive emotions towards the library can be traced, in particular, by observing the desire to use positive incentives to deal with debts. As a rule, the main method of solving this problem in our libraries is punishment (a warning is sent about violation of the return deadlines, a fine is charged for each late date). American colleagues use the opposite method - encouragement for timely return. As one of the options for such incentives, you can practice issuing a coupon for a certain period. If during this time the reader never violates the return deadline, offer him a reward: the right to receive free copies, a ticket to an event, etc.

The problem of supplying regional and rural libraries with popular periodicals can be partly solved by creating a club at the library, a society of reading enthusiasts, for example, "thick" magazines or those who cannot live without current periodicals, but because of the high cost are not able to subscribe to them on House. By contributing part of the funds for the subscription of publications to the library, such amateurs receive the right to "first read" periodicals and other new arrivals, as well as a number of other benefits.

Partial modernization, extrapolation, interpretation can proceed so imperceptibly that the library staff and users have a feeling of the static content of the work, the immutability of the means of implementing functions, that is, the content-functional activity of the library develops in an evolutionary way, and this is of fundamental importance.

Organizational and managerial innovations - create new structures in libraries, form new system management.

Technological or organizational and managerial innovations are relatively easy to reorganize. Hence, there is a great temptation to conduct all sorts of experiments to change the structure of individual libraries, open new departments, expand the list of services, and so on. There is nothing wrong with such modernization when it is determined by objective circumstances, and first of all, by the expectations of users. Worse, when the motive becomes renewal for the sake of renewal, the desire to imitate progress. Libraries are especially painfully aware of "revolutionary" one-time changes sanctioned by cultural management bodies and (or) methodological centers.

innovative activity library staff

Here is one of the latest updates. CLSs are beginning to create departments, sectors of management, marketing, and independent ones, outside the same, for example, methodological departments. In my opinion, management and marketing are legitimate areas of scientific and methodological activity, including process management, library market research, and advertising.

Such reorganizations sooner or later are discarded in practice. They do not correspond to either the resource base of the libraries or the human resources potential. Indeed, a specialist involved in, for example, public relations activities (public relations) must have extensive knowledge of psychology, sociology, the theory of mass communications, pedagogy, and advertising. Such a specialist, overcoming false modesty, must be a good storyteller. He needs at least basic knowledge of graphics, printing, design. How many methodological centers can boast of having such broad-skilled specialists?

Differing in dynamics, both types of library innovations (substantive and organizational and managerial) are of a probabilistic nature. Since they are born from personal initiative, they arise spontaneously, often in several libraries at the same time. Compared to technical innovations, with rare exceptions (meaning purely technological library processes), they are difficult to design, plan in advance, and even more difficult to manage.

This circumstance is especially important, because there is still an opinion that the innovation process lends itself to centralized management.

Innovations need regular monitoring, peer review, stimulation, but it is impossible, as before, to artificially “model” innovations and then forcefully implement them as best practices.

The mass introduction of innovations, primarily of a substantive order, is not viable, since there are no universal criteria for their usefulness. In one library, a creative discovery of a service department employee turns into a previously unknown type of exposition - an author's exhibition - an "image" or in the evening - a literary and musical fantasy. For another, the same innovation will be alien - neither the readership, nor the capabilities of the team of employees, nor the traditions of service correlate with it. The truth of the innovation lies in its positive impact on the quality of service, when each subscriber's satisfaction with the work of the library grows.

One of the professional problems is the quality of cumulation (collection) of information about innovations. The system for collecting information about new things in librarianship (upstream) is often ineffective, and organizational miscalculations are not to blame here. Firstly, those innovations (non-standard, bold ideas) that for some reason remained unclaimed in the library are not covered. Some innovations are designed for internal use and are not subject to replication. Secondly, the description or forms of accounting for information about innovations are not always filled in by the author himself. This is usually done by a methodologist or information service worker. Therefore, alienated from the direct performer, often emasculated information about the innovation turns out to be a pale copy of the original creative find.

The situation with the system of professional printed publications, designed to broadcast professional findings, is unfavorable. Their names are few, often due to the difficult financial situation of libraries, they do not reach the places. In addition, the entire content of many articles is reduced to self-report, they usually avoid publishing "raw", untested proposals. But such materials are often able to play the role of a stimulating factor in the development of librarianship.

2. Formation of an innovative culture

2.1 Creating an innovation climate

The main condition for development in the professional library sphere is to raise the prestige and authority of the librarian profession in society, which, in turn, is impossible without a radical change in the professional self-awareness of librarians.

The development of innovative activity requires the formation of a special innovative culture that creates an atmosphere of activity, experimentation, reinforces creativity and innovation as basic ideals for employees, is characterized by a willingness to take risks and the ability to solve new production problems.

However, innovation activity must be taught, only then it will help to consolidate the skill to get a guaranteed positive result, regardless of external conditions.

Of decisive importance for creating an innovative climate in the library is taking into account the organizational and behavioral factors of the staff.

For effective change management, conditions must be created under which the active work of employees becomes a necessary and sufficient condition for meeting significant and socially determined needs of the individual.

To get what you want - the innovative activity of employees, it is necessary to develop and implement a program for the formation of an innovative climate.

Its main positions should be:

· development of the concept of changes, establishing their connection with corporate values ​​and the mission of the library;

· search for people capable of initiating innovative ideas, their development and implementation in practice;

· wide dissemination of information about changes within the library (system), overcoming resistance to change;

· organizing a competition for change projects and creating a department or temporary team (team) that will be at the forefront of change will act as an "accelerator" of this process;

· providing "support for creativity", that is, the creation of conditions that have a beneficial effect on the achievement of the strategic goals of the development of the library;

· assessment of the activities of employees, taking into account the contribution to the transformation;

· public recognition and stimulation of innovators, reward for achievements;

· informing the local community about the progress of changes and achievements of the library.

The conditions for creating an innovative climate in an organization is the cultivation of a creative and active attitude towards work, responsibility for its results among the staff. Creativity is one of the components of the library profession, and therefore an integral part of library innovation.

Involving employees in change management minimizes resistance and makes innovation more effective.

To create an innovative climate, a special informal atmosphere of cooperation is important, in which each employee feels like a member of a single team. This will allow him to offer new ideas for discussion without fear, to take risks more boldly.

Psychological comfort is a mandatory component of the innovation climate. Various intra-organizational (corporate) events can be considered as a means of its creation: competitions, auctions of ideas, presentations, holidays and joint leisure activities.

Special place in creating an innovative climate, it is given to intra-organizational leisure activities. For many libraries, it is traditional for the library team to hold various holidays (library day, calendar holidays, farewell to retirement, competitions), joint tourist trips, outdoor recreation, etc. These events are based on joint creativity and are aimed at uniting the team, forming a sense of a "single team" among the staff.

Innovation, as emphasized, is the result of creative activity, however, it is necessary to encourage employees not so much for the result, but for the desire to achieve it. The passivity of employees is a "disease" of many libraries. A leader cannot force every librarian to learn and develop. The tasks of personnel management include motivation, one of the forms of which is recognition that encourages staff to implement innovations.

2.2 Staff development as a tool for innovation

Nai greater value for the development of personnel has a system that allows, on the basis of advanced training of specialists, to develop their professional knowledge and skills in the field of innovation culture. It must be differentiated and include a variety of forms and methods. The advanced training system should be designed for new employees, and for employees with non-library education, and for young professionals, and for experienced librarians, and for highly qualified specialists.

To form professionalism, strengthen the independence and responsibility of librarians, seminars can be held that allow you to monitor the growth of the qualifications of each of them. For example, seminars on such topics as "Library - the center of communication between children and adults", "How to be a modern librarian" and so on.

One of the links in the advanced training system is the young librarian's school. Its goals and objectives are the professional and personal adaptation of young people in the team. For each lesson, librarians prepare homework (to develop a program of book exhibitions, book reviews, prepare conversations with readers), which are then discussed at the round table.

You can also hold business games, where various situations can be considered in communication with readers. Such games help a librarian find himself, find and establish his place in a single library space, allow revealing the hidden possibilities of staff, form their logical thinking.

It is important to train the staff of libraries and leaders of different levels to innovate in different ways. The main meaning and content of training managers is to realize the complexity and inconsistency of their own activities and the limits of authority. The training of personnel, for whom it is important to acquire the ability to develop innovations, implement innovative projects and promote innovations in the social environment, has a completely different meaning.

If managers are trained in change management, then staff is trained in the implementation of innovations (the use of new technologies - methods of public relations, project work, fundraising, research, documentation of innovative activities).

Librarians for training should be selected on a competitive basis. At the same time, the choice should be based on an analysis of the goals and motives for professional development, the value orientations of the individual (motivators for development and personal growth), existing achievements, intentions to apply new knowledge, skills and abilities in professional activities.

The purpose of training is to develop a certain skill in achieving a positive result in setting and solving an innovative problem. If a participant in a training program can repeatedly achieve the desired result, it means that he has mastered new knowledge for him, learned to use it in practice.

Special importance in teaching innovation is given to the choice of a teacher. This role can be played by university lecturers, researchers, leading specialists of methodological centers, and innovative librarians.

Innovation training is carried out in the process of solving innovative situations. In the course of the training, the trainer creates a situation, "brings" the participants of the training program to create a problem and comprehend their own possibilities for resolving it, develops the skills to get out of difficult situations.

Such events make it possible to identify different points of view on the development of the library, collectively consider all alternative options, and choose the most acceptable ones. The importance of this work is to ensure effective two-way information links between the management and the library staff, which contributes to:

· understanding by employees of the goals, sequence of introduction and expected results of innovations, and, in turn, on the one hand, causes satisfaction and higher innovative activity, prompted by the desire to contribute to the common cause, to leave "its mark on the history of the library", on the other hand - discourages resistance to change;

· improving relations with users, as awareness allows employees to adequately perceive the situation and explain to consumers the goals of innovations;

· improving the organizational climate of the library.

For the effectiveness of the implementation of innovations, not only new knowledge is important, but also the energy charge of the leader, which ensures the desire to work without stopping at the achieved result. Persuasion as a management tool cannot be the main one here, since by convincing the manager gives the employee his energy, his enthusiasm, but as soon as he stops doing this, the staff stops working with the required dedication, loses the desire to learn.

2.3 Skills competitions

There are two forms of employee motivation: internal (self-motivation) and external (stimulation). Self-motivation is a kind of trigger that determines what abilities and to what extent the employee will develop and use. It should be noted right away that creating internal motivation is much more difficult than external. In library management, a stimulating effect on staff is mainly implemented. Accordingly, the development of a system of motivation for library staff, the activation of the use of its various means remain relevant tasks.

One of the strongest means of stimulating labor motivation of employees are various competitions of professional skills. Today this is no longer an innovation, but so far such competitions are not held in all libraries and library systems.

The reasons why today the idea of ​​competition in production activities does not arouse interest among librarians, and sometimes are categorically rejected by them, are quite understandable. In the memory of the older generations of workers, such features of social competition as its coercion and formalization, pressure from higher authorities in pursuit of high results are still alive. Modern libraries, even of the same library system, are often placed in noticeably different socio-economic conditions, which does not allow one to correctly compare them with each other according to traditional performance indicators. In addition, the indifference of librarians on the issue under consideration is caused by a significant decrease in the very "conscious labor and socio-political activity and initiative" on which they relied in Soviet times.

Rejecting the previously accepted form of competition, librarians have transformed social competition in the light of new realities, developed the form that turned out to be the most acceptable in the changed library community. The "classical" socialist competition in Russian librarianship has been replaced by competitions of professional skills. The form of competitions is developed and used in conditions of absolute creative freedom of libraries, no one prescribes its methodology and does not control the obligatory execution.

Professional competitions common in library practice can be classified according to the following criteria:

· by the number of participants: individual - between library workers; collective - between divisions of one library.

The holding of competitions is based on the wide awareness of librarians, the identification and implementation of best practices, the objectivity and adequacy of evaluation criteria, the use of moral and material incentives.

Of course, the organization of competitions of professional skills requires intellectual, time and financial costs, which are sometimes beyond the power of the library system. However, contests should not be treated as an extra burden and a waste of time. It is necessary to realize their importance as an effective resource for managing library personnel, not only motivating the work of library workers, but also stimulating innovation, conditions for self-realization and self-actualization.

3. Innovative practices of the modern library

The motive for the emergence of innovations is usually the desire of a creative person to imagine a familiar professional situation differently, to take a fresh look at some socially or personally significant problem. Most often, such a desire arises from dissatisfaction with the routine organization of processes or accepted rules that impede the improvement of work efficiency. The birth of original ideas is associated with fantasy, good intuition, the ability to think and see in an extraordinary way.

So, in the first place are the unique personal qualities of a creative person - not a dreamer who gives birth to bold ideas, but in the optimal version of a professional who has the will to implement them.

Specialists in the field of innovation put a favorable environment in second place - a kind of multi-alternative field for creative choice. Among the elements that form such an environment are the interest of library managers in its renewal, the development of an appropriate strategy, and hence the setting of common goals.

In an innovative team, people are inspired to work not by an order, but by a bright human individuality, capable of taking the initiative, taking responsibility, and showing examples of activity.

Setting common goals for the team, using various methods for their implementation, it is important, as foreign analysts experienced in management emphasize, not to forget about feedback, constantly monitor the psychological well-being of people, check whether the creative impulse in the team has faded. Surprising as it may seem, humor plays a huge role in maintaining her tone. Researchers consider wit as a favorable background for innovative creativity, one of its prerequisites. Funny often borders on surprise, surprise. Long-term observation: libraries known for their innovative achievements, as a rule, employ not just talented, but witty people who know the value of humor and know how to apply it in the most unexpected situations: when designing parody exhibitions, playful stands, rooms where quite serious events take place. discussions; the very atmosphere of joy, where the smile of the librarian creates the image of a warm home in the reader, is able to reveal the creative potential.

Another important point. It is believed that the rate of diffusion of innovations largely depends on the availability of a well-established system of encouraging innovators. To stimulate innovation means to constantly maintain the relationship between the intensity of innovation activity and the social prestige of those who carry it out, using special forms of encouragement.

We are talking about overcoming the formal egalitarian assessment of labor, the conscious selection of people capable of non-standard solutions, showing "amateur activity" in its positive sense. Out-of-the-box thinking people form a kind of "gold reserve" of the library, so methodological centers should take upon themselves the search for sources of material incentives for innovative work, especially in small libraries. The task is to acquaint local authorities with the innovative processes implemented by their librarians, to get them to encourage innovators. There are various forms of encouragement: additional payment, bonus, rank increase, study trips, etc. For example, in Nizhny Novgorod, the Governor's Prize is awarded annually Nizhny Novgorod region for innovative projects, scientific, research work in the field of library activities. Five prizes are awarded annually: the first prize - in the amount of 50 times the minimum wage, two second prizes - in the amount of 40 times the minimum wage each, two third prizes - in the amount of 30 times the minimum wage each.

The most important task and an integral part of the introduction of innovation is teaching a librarian a creative attitude to his work. Creative activity training can be conditionally divided into three successive stages:

· developing a desire to rationalize library processes and work organization;

· helping employees find problems that need to be improved;

· mastering the methodology of analytical and scientific-critical activity.

At the first stage, it is important to give the librarian an idea of ​​their capabilities, it is important to constantly study and promote the new, advanced, and compare with the old. Indeed, many librarians simply do not think about how to find something new in practical work. First of all, we are talking about the formation of a professional self-awareness of a librarian, instilling confidence in his own creative powers.

At the second stage, it is necessary to help the librarian independently find tasks that deserve analysis and rationalization. Here, training in the skills of conducting sociological research, monitoring the external and internal environment of the library, real and potential users, etc. will help.

At the third stage, it is necessary to discuss their own developments, attempts at innovative creativity, and evaluate the effectiveness of innovations.

There are a number of principles and forms of work aimed at improving the effectiveness of training.

The key ideas to solve this problem are as follows:

Training is more effective if the participants of the work solve their real practical problems and for this purpose master new methods and means of work. Education, therefore, acts in unity with practice and creativity.

Effective learning is not the assimilation of some set of information, or the acquisition of individual skills. Effective learning is always a development of a person, a change in his views, attitudes, values, norms.

The effectiveness of training increases dramatically in conditions of intense immersion, distraction from current affairs and in conditions of deep concentration on the material. Under such conditions, the internal reserves of a person’s personality begin to turn on, unrealized and new abilities open up. Active forms of learning are appropriate here: discussions, trainings, brainstorming sessions, etc.

One of the key ideas that works fruitfully in developmental education is the idea that all people are talented from childhood. Abilities do not go anywhere, they always remain with a person. Economic, cultural and living conditions can only hinder their manifestation and development. The "presumption of talent" of everyone works wonders - people discover abilities in themselves that they were not even aware of.

One of the important methodological ideas on which training is based is the construction of all educational work not from simple to complex, but from complex to simple. Indeed, coming into this world, the child meets it already existing, in all its complexity and inconsistency. And only over the years, gradually he learns to isolate simple components in the world. The same happens when meeting with a new profession, knowledge, new language and new culture. For a person, the move from the complex to the simple is more natural, more organic; in a compressed form, it seems to repeat the cognitive ontogeny of a person.

Introduction to the work of super-large volumes of information. Science has proven that a person's reserve capabilities are activated after overcoming logical and intuitive barriers in front of super-large amounts of information. The reserve capabilities of the human consciousness and psyche are manifested and activated in the course of assimilation and processing of huge amounts of information, which are involved in the work through a whole range of actions: information is drawn from extensive preliminary preparation, including research and diagnostics of all kinds. During study, information can also be presented in the form of consultations, exchange of experience, use of documents, statistical reporting, special literature, etc.

The process of intensive group training also contributes to learning and development. Working in a team activates mental activity due to the unwillingness to look stupider than others. Thus, the group factor is one of the most powerful in improving the effectiveness of training and development of a person and an organization.

In the course of training, it is necessary to abandon the "informational" approach, in which all efforts are spent on "filling" a person's memory with knowledge. The process of mastering new areas and means is much more efficient when oriented towards the "cultivation" of knowledge by the person himself. The material, the nutrient medium is all the information that he has and with which he deals in the learning process.

The foundation of any kind of library innovation is methodical work, since in the professional minds of librarians it is unequivocally (and rightly) defined as innovative, that is, associated with the development and implementation of innovations.

In order to disseminate and acquire new ideas, it is very effective to hold professional competitions. In the Belgorod region, for the first time, the competition "Librarian of the Year 2001" was held for specialists from municipal libraries, the main goal of which was formulated as a professional and creative expression of a librarian in the circle of his like-minded people. The competition, according to participants and spectators, gave a powerful impetus to rethinking the library activities of a modern library, revealed pain points - gaps in the professional set of skills. So, it turned out that most of our librarians do not have the knowledge of creating an event scenario - they cannot separate really important interesting information from secondary information. Or behind the bright theatricality, the professional essence is forgotten. But the main achievement of the competition is the presentation by its participants of innovative ideas - from practically implemented to fantastic ones. Moreover, the latter were perceived by the audience with no less interest, because any creative fantasy contains an idea that, in the processing of a talented specialist, can be transformed into an unexpected discovery, a "know-how" of a librarian.

In some areas among the libraries of the region script competitions "New Forms of Mass Work" are held. The commission, having analyzed their quality and content, selected the best ones. The ability to work with bibliographic material, analyze lyrical and prose works, as well as theatrical skills were also taken into account.

As experience has shown, material that has unexpected plot twists, dialogues, and appeals to those present is easier to perceive and arouses greater interest. Libraries began to pay more attention to the quality and variety of forms of mass work. Many innovative forms are borrowed from other areas of culture. The appearance of bright, promising innovations is impossible without the development of creative thinking, purposefulness, energy, and ingenuity in their creators.

As a conclusion, I would like to note that the lack of new ideas is an indicator of the team's trouble. If we realize this truth, we will get both strong professional staff, and high public prestige of the library, and our own satisfaction from work, that is, everything we strive for.


Innovation is a condition and tool not only for development and, in some cases, survival, but also a means of increasing the marginal utility of the library, the level of quality of the social good that it provides to society and specific consumers.

The benefit that the library provides is the fulfillment and expansion of the nomenclature of its social functions, which - and this is one of the main difficulties - are socially saturated

For successful operation and further development, the library must take into account a huge number of factors and fulfill a sufficient number of conditions ...

In modern conditions, no organization can develop without continuous improvement of various aspects of its activities: the provision of new services or products, the use of new technology, updating methods of managing activities and personnel. Innovations are a necessary element of development: without them, it is impossible for libraries to remain socially significant organizations, provide competitive services, and strengthen their positions in the market.

Managing the development of librarianship means skillfully introducing innovations: applying the achievements of science in practice, widely using strategic planning, marketing and project work, developing public communications and fundraising, conducting independent research and adapting flexibly to social needs. One of the tasks of library innovation as an independent area of ​​library science is to identify the specifics and develop strategic management mechanisms that allow, taking into account the long-term perspective, to ensure the effective development of libraries. The most important issue of innovation policy is the development of a procedure (of a special order) for the proposal and use of new ideas. This procedure should support and purposefully stimulate the activity of participants in innovative activity, contribute to the fixation of new proposals in the "banks of ideas", allow selecting promising ideas and putting them into practice. It is necessary to establish which innovative ideas are in real demand, and which ones are in potential demand, what innovative resources should be directed to in the first place, and what results will positively affect the development of the library in the near future.


1.Kachanova E.Yu. Innovations in libraries. - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2003.

2.Kachanova E.Yu. Innovative-methodical work of libraries: textbook. - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2007.

.Librarian's Handbook / Ed. A.N. Vaneeva. - St. Petersburg: Profession, 2001.


4.Vetchanova O.V. Innovations in the library // Handbook of the head of a cultural institution. - 2007. - No. 11. - S.12-21.

5.Guseva E.N. Successful innovative development: scientific and methodological approaches // Library business - XXI century. - 2009. - No. 2. - P. 35-50.

.Ezhova L.S. Innovative development institutions // Handbook of the head of a cultural institution. - 2009. - No. 3. - P.64-74.

.Zaitseva G.A. Innovative management in the sphere of culture // Handbook of the head of a cultural institution. - 2009. - No. 1. - P.52-56.

.Kolesnikova M.N. Competitions of professional skills as a means of motivating library staff // Handbook of the head of a cultural institution. - 2009. - No. 11. - P.51-58.

.Kuznetsova T. Innovative practices of the modern library // Library. - 2009. - No. 2. - P.10-13.

.Ryshanova U.M. Stimulus for creativity // Library. - 2009. - No. 8. - P.4.


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Motivation and stimulation of the labor activity of the library staff

Tatyana Sergeevna Makarenko,
leading specialist of the Russian State Library for Youth,
candidate of pedagogical sciences

The problem of motivating the labor activity of personnel is actively discussed on the pages of the periodical press, scientific, theoretical and practical research is being carried out in this direction, monographs, textbooks, and dissertations are being defended. All this reflects the current socio-political realities, which are characterized by cardinal changes. In the labor market, economic and social priorities have changed radically, relating to sectors of the economy, industries, professions; income models have changed; the level of professional aspirations of modern young specialists has increased. And it is not yet clear whether this situation will change in the current crisis, which has exacerbated many social problems. Among them, for example, employment, access to basic and additional education, housing problem, etc.

The market transformations carried out in the country since the early 1990s are now more socially oriented than before. Among the priority goals in this area, as E.A. Mitrofanova, “Ensuring human rights to decent work, improving the quality of life of workers and their families based on the growth of the efficiency of the domestic economy. And in order to achieve these goals in the field of personnel management in various kinds of organizations, it is necessary to strengthen the motivation of labor activity on the basis of the formation and use of incentives that encourage employees to efficient, highly productive work. The effectiveness of the current system of motivation and stimulation of the labor activity of the personnel largely determines the labor, social and creative activity of each employee, which in the end will positively affect the final results of all production and economic activities of the organization.

Some conclusions about the dynamics of the scientific study of this problem allow us to make a selective analysis of the topics of dissertation research over the past six years, in which it was considered from four main perspectives: sociological, psychological, pedagogical and economic. So, in 2000-2004. the problem was studied in all the aspects listed above [ , , , , ]; in 2004–2005 it begins to be actively explored not only taking into account its psychological and pedagogical foundations [ , , ], but also as a managerial one, that is, taking into account economic factors [ , ], and already in 2005 the economic cutoff certainly prevails here [ , , ] . And in 2006-2007. the sociological and psychological perspectives of research are again seen as the main ones [ , , , , ].

In the six years that have passed between D.A. Ashirova (2002), and E.I. Mitrofanova (2008), many structural and other features of professional motivation have been studied: value-oriented, motivational-value, professional self-improvement and self-determination [ , ], etc. There has been a transition from studying the basic elements of professional motivation in general to the active development of the so-called positive labor motivation of personnel as a factor in the development of a modern organization, its policy, personnel management system, which is considered as a result of the active development of personnel management [ , , , ]. Now, when it is obvious that the structure of labor motivation is changing towards a significant increase in its material aspects, researchers are especially interested in the methodology of stimulating the so-called positive labor motivation, the ratio of the level of claims, achievement motivation and self-esteem of the individual at the stage of his professional development. Dissertation research is increasingly focused on developing a motivation system, applying an integrated approach to its formation, or substantiating the relationship between educational, professional and personal motivation. This indicates that the problem of strengthening and even the predominance of material incentives for labor activity, which affects the development of both the individual and society as a whole, is far from being indifferent to researchers. After all, the life activity and development of the individual and society should be carried out not only at the level of satisfaction of primary physiological needs, but also at the level of full disclosure of the potential inherent in man and society. Therefore, a systematic approach is playing an increasingly important role in the development of the theory and in the analysis of the practice of professional motivation and stimulation of labor activity. It should contribute to the balanced development of both basic (economic) and higher spiritual and moral needs of a person.

Starting the analysis of the current situation in the library industry, let us first of all refer to the opinion of V.K. Klyuev, who believes, in particular, that in modern Russian society there has been a trend of a gradual transition from the chaotic-impulsive actions of multi-level leaders of the “epoch of perestroika” and the “wild market period” to a stable and respectable management of the workforce, taking into account innovative strategies for the use and development of human resources .

It seems that such a multifaceted and complex problem as the motivation of labor activity is a pivotal one in personnel management, because connected with many other areas of work with him. That is why both theorists and practitioners of librarianship are thinking more and more about this problem. At the same time, for several years now, they have been operating with such concepts accepted in the theory of personnel management as “motivation” and “stimulation”, where the concept of “motivation is interpreted as a process of activating the motives of employees (internal motivation) and creating incentives (external motivation) that encourage effective labor activity.

It seems appropriate to analyze publications in two main, complementary positions. The first is what and how to do, using the personnel motivation system. The second is what and how is actually done here.

What and how to do

In this direction, the teaching staff of the universities of culture are actively working together with their students - graduate students and applicants. All the works that are analyzed in this section can be classified as scientific and pedagogical. Much has been done in this regard by I.M. Suslova and V.K. Klyuev. A significant event in library education was, for example, the release in 2009 of their textbook for universities of culture and arts "Management of library and information activities" . Personnel management in the library is entirely devoted to section VI. However, the work with staff is also considered in other sections and chapters of the textbook, which reveal the concept and system of the staff-strategy of the library, the issues of staff adaptation, delegation of authority, the formation of organizational culture, quality management of information and library activities.

Consider the basic provisions given in the textbook.

Of particular interest in the context of further presentation is the chapter "Personnel Motivation and Incentives", which addresses the following issues: motivation as a function of personnel management; evolution of motivation concepts; content and process theories of motivation; personnel assessment methodology. The consideration of motivation as a process is based on the classic interpretation of this concept, borrowed from the theory of personnel management: motivation is a strategic direction of any organization, since it is a long-term impact on an employee in order to change the structure of value orientations and interests according to the given parameters, to form an appropriate motivational core and development of labor potential on this basis. In contrast to motivation, stimulation as a tactic of activity is an orientation towards the actual structure of the value orientations and interests of the employee, towards a more complete realization of the existing labor potential.

Motivation and stimulation as methods of labor management complement and enrich each other. They can overlap and mutually reinforce. There can be many types of motivation that determine the primary focus of an individual on meeting certain needs, depending on the objectives of the research, but it is more expedient to use a typology generally recognized in the theory of personnel management, where the main feature of typing is the needs of the individual. Here, first of all, the following stand out: employees, oriented mainly towards content and creativity in labor; workers who give preference to wages and other material benefits, as well as those who have a balanced significance of different motivations. It states the obvious, unfortunately (especially for the age composition of library staff), the position that the bulk of workers (at least 80%) can currently be attributed to the second type.

The core indicators in the motivational process are its indicators, which include the attitude to work and its individual components, as well as job satisfaction, which is interpreted as a balance of the demands made by the employee on the content, nature, working conditions and subjective assessment of the possibilities of realizing these requests. This emotional and evaluative attitude of the individual to the work performed largely determines the effectiveness of labor behavior. To the criteria of staff satisfaction (and they must be kept in mind by every manager) I.M. Suslova attributes: 1) good wages; 2) the possibility of promotion or career growth; 3) leadership style; 4) the degree of participation in decision-making; 5) variety of activities; 6) the possibility of contacts with colleagues, etc. .

Increasing the potential of employees is seen as an important strategic goal of the library, and its staff in this approach becomes the object of strategic management, allowing to achieve certain advantages in the development of library activities.

Human resources management is closely interconnected with other management functions. Whatever areas of the library's functioning are affected by managerial decisions - acquisitions, maintenance, finances, etc. - they are in all cases expressed in one way or another in the labor behavior of employees. And if the library management thinks on a large scale and perspective, then it should subject all management decisions to the human dimension.

Theoretical basis motivational process N.E. Andreeva reveals in the form of a dialogue with the manager, as if drawing his attention to certain features of motivation. This is a kind of recommendation for librarians in finding the best ways to encourage staff to improve themselves and work effectively. The following gradation of potential librarians according to the signs of competence and motivation is proposed: competent and motivated; motivated but not competent enough; competent but insufficiently motivated; insufficiently competent and insufficiently motivated”.

NOT. Andreeva interprets motivation as a process of influencing a person in order to induce him to specific actions and offers a gradation of labor motives based on needs, which are interpreted as people's desire for certain results. Among them: the motives of the content of labor; motives for its social utility; status motives associated with public recognition of the fruitfulness of this labor activity; motives for obtaining material benefits; motives focused on achieving a certain intensity of labor.

Motivation considered by N.E. Andreeva as a process, is presented in the form of a series of successive stages, including: the emergence of needs, the search for ways to satisfy or suppress them; determination of goals (directions) of action in these directions; implementation of the action, during which the goals can be adjusted; receiving rewards for the implementation of the action; elimination of need.

Librarians may be particularly interested in the list of intangible factors that motivate them to work more efficiently: opportunities for career advancement and creativity; factors of the leader's personal example and "one's own place".

Recent factors N.E. Andreeva considers it to be one of the most important, since it involves the employee's awareness of his own significance, usefulness, satisfaction with his work, which will eventually serve as a powerful motivator to improve it.

The study of the development of theoretical ideas about the content and regulation of motivational processes in the sphere of work, according to E.M. Yastrebov, allows us to state that as the socio-economic progress of society, the vector of motivational influences also changes. Initially, the orientation was aimed solely at increasing the productivity of the worker, that is, stimulating his physical activity. Only gradually did motivation move to the sphere of improving the quality of work, promoting creativity, initiative and securing employees in the organization. The motives of labor activity in conditions of greater education and security of people than in the past have become more complicated, employees are now more and more indirectly influenced by any influences, and therefore the influence on motivational processes requires high qualifications from managers.

Like other authors dealing with this problem, E.M. Yastrebova formulates her own idea of ​​the totality of motives for labor activity. She mentions its content, social utility, status associated with public recognition of the results of labor activity, as well as the motives for obtaining material benefits and collectivism, justice, competition, etc.

According to the principle of motivation, the types of employees also differ. Thus, an “instrumentally” motivated worker is focused only on earnings, while a “professionally” motivated worker considers the realization of his professional abilities, knowledge and opportunities to be the most important condition for activity. The basis of motivation for work in the "patriot" type is high ideological and human values ​​(in other words, what was previously considered a personality of the socialist type). The underclass worker type prefers egalitarianism, does not like responsibility and, accordingly, individual forms of labor and distribution.

EAT. Yastrebova suggests measures that, in her opinion, will help increase the effectiveness of motivational activities. She believes, for example, that praise affects an employee much more effectively than censure and non-constructive criticism; encouragement for good work should be tangible, preferably immediate and unexpected. At the same time, the achievement by the employee of even intermediate goals should be encouraged. It is not recommended to infringe on the self-esteem of employees, it is necessary to help them "save face". It is preferable to encourage as many workers as possible more often than to do it less often for a smaller number; it is also useful to maintain reasonable internal competition, for the spirit of competition contributes to the further growth of the organization.

Already in 1998, T.E. Eremchuk concluded that the problem of motivating library workers is one of the new and relevant, but practically not developed by leading librarians, so there is no professional literature on the motivation of work in the library. This author, almost for the first time, based on the materials of the CLS of Rostov-on-Don, considered the labor motivation of the staff of the CLS as one of the most important and interesting, but the least studied aspects of the work of methodologists [ , 17].

What and how they do using the personnel motivation system

So "motivation is the creation, improvement of the environment and conditions for the functioning of the employee to make him want to work for the result."

In the 2000s, library staff began to actively develop the existing potential in this direction, continuing to prove their importance to society by creating best conditions for the work of readers. And staff motivation was of great importance here, which required high-quality work of library managers, personnel department specialists, and psychologists (where they appeared). Personnel departments in many libraries have been renamed into personnel management departments, which by no means always entailed a change in the quality of work with library personnel in essence. Analysis personnel service libraries, conducted by I.S. Kilpyakova, made it possible to build a model of the current personnel service of libraries and formulate recommendations aimed at improving the quality of those where the staff had 100 people or more. Among them: formation personnel policy, determination of its main directions in accordance with the library development strategy and measures for its implementation, and other activities (human resources manager - deputy director for personnel management); keeping records of the staff of the library or library system, its divisions in accordance with unified forms primary accounting documentation (HR inspector); organizing the recruitment of personnel in accordance with the overall goals of the development of the library (system), and, consequently, ensuring the staffing of the necessary specialties; assessment of the results of labor activity of employees, certification, competitions for replacement vacancies(position - recruiter); ensuring continuous improvement of the level of professional knowledge, skills and abilities of library staff in accordance with the directions and level of development of science in order to achieve and support high efficiency labor for the production of competitive library and information products or services, as well as other types of personnel development activities (staff development employee) .

As an independent direction of the personnel policy of I.S. Kilpyakova outlined the motivation of work and, accordingly, the need to introduce relevant specialists into the library staff. More likely, let's add, we are talking about the need for the acquisition of relevant knowledge by all librarians.

Library staff practices that take into account motivational basis activity has become more reflected in various documents regulating work with personnel. Documents such as "Regulations on the personnel service of the library", "Regulations on the reserve of personnel", "Regulations on mentoring", "Regulations on the competition of scientific papers in the field of librarianship", "Regulations on staff rotation"; The programs of the "School of the Head", "School of the Competent Librarian" and "School of the Novice Librarian" are given as an appendix to the article by E.S. Bocharnikova, based on the experience of the Belgorod GUNB.

The problems of motivation are most clearly reflected in those publications of 2000–2008 that deal with the forms and methods of working with young specialists. On the example of this group of practitioners, they reveal approaches to the motivation of work and the choice of the profession of a librarian, to the formation of a library career. Note that this concept itself appeared in our professional lexicon relatively recently, because it was previously associated with more “status” and prestigious areas of social practice. For quite understandable reasons, the most attention was paid to the practical aspects of motivation by the magazine “Young in Library Science” and also “Information Bulletin of the Russian Library Association” (reports of the section “Young in Library Science”).

One of the first young professionals as a motivational object was designated in the early 2000s by G.I. Kalashnikov, considering this activity, which is very important, as a factor in updating the work of libraries [ , , ]. As a guide to action, the three methods proposed by this author to increase the value of work in the eyes of its performers can be taken. Among them: the selection for the employee of such a field of activity that would stimulate the achievement of his own goals, i.e. creation of conditions for the realization in the process of work of one's abilities and individual inclinations; assistance in obtaining job satisfaction and, accordingly, increasing personal self-esteem; stimulating achievements through a system of external rewards, such as promotion, salary increases, etc. .

It was these methods that were included in the system of work with young librarians developed and implemented in the Gubkin CLS of the Belgorod Region, which included the growth of their production skills as part of the Adaptation of Young Specialists program.

Strategic personnel management, which, as a rule, includes aspects of motivation and incentives, is being more actively introduced into the practice of libraries, because managers are increasingly aware that motivation and incentives permeate all aspects of personnel management: such programs are increasingly appearing in libraries of various levels of federal, regional and municipal.

One example here is the personnel strategy of the Don State Public Library. Its five sections-subprograms reflect the main areas of work with personnel, based on the monitoring of the library staff. Moreover, the third subprogram, according to E.M. Kolesnikova, “Motivation of personnel activity”, associated with all others, involves the study of motives, staff training, planning and implementation of careers and job movements. This refers to the formation of a personnel reserve, its training, certification; drawing up individual plans for personal and professional development by the most creative specialists; delegation of authority; external and internal rewards as recognition of the results and success of the work of employees.

Municipal libraries were the first in the late 1990s. municipal libraries became interested in the problems of staff motivation - in many respects, apparently, because the situation with personnel there is the most difficult [ , ]. In the early 2000s this block of problems is included, as a rule, in documents of a conceptual nature - either devoted to the organizational design of these libraries as a whole, or concerning only their personnel policy. Such a concept was prepared, for example, in 2003 by the Kuntsevo CBS (Moscow) under the guidance of M.S. Butkovskaya. It contains sections and subsections devoted to the formation and development of the personnel motivation system; moreover, it is considered in the overall strategy for working with personnel. As one of the main directions

The experience of program-target planning in librarianship shows that library programs and projects are increasingly “fitting” into a broader context - a general cultural, regional as a whole. The same is shown in policy documents dedicated to management, including staff motivation. Thus, in 2006, information appeared on the three-year Program of work with the personnel of cultural institutions of the city of Satka "Methodology of management, development and motivation of personnel", which, among other things, is aimed at the personnel of the city's CLS libraries. The titles of its main sections sound very modern: stimulation of innovations; career support; moral stimulation; creation of comfortable working conditions; creation of a moral and psychological climate in the team; creation of a corporate spirit; social protection .

So far, it is difficult to draw reasonable conclusions about the practice of implementing the above and other similar programs - there are very few publications of this kind. It is logical to assume that the process of assimilation of the new knowledge for the library reality, which has been developed by both theorists and practitioners, is still underway.

This fact is stated, in particular, in 2007 by E.A. Potanin, analyzing the development of the problem of labor motivation on the materials of the 1990s - early 2000s. She admits that in science (apparently, "big") there are many concepts of motivation, and the classification of behavior motivators is being improved. However, at the same time, the creation of a system of labor motivation in specific organizations is still relevant. The reasons for this situation are seen by E.A. Potanina, firstly, in the multi-stage nature of the motivation system itself (this includes, for example, the issues of adaptation, certification and evaluation of the work of an employee, payment and remuneration, promotion of personnel and planning professional growth, etc.). Secondly, motivational programs should be built taking into account not only the psychological and social characteristics of the individual, but also, as a number of scientists point out, biological ones. Thirdly, one should not forget about the differences between the systems of motivation of an enterprise (organization) and an individual.

Emphasizing the importance for managers of the experience of such work in individual teams, the author considers this experience in such perspectives as: questions of motivation in personnel management programs; the initial stage of studying the motives of labor; motivating role of certification; professional growth of librarians; financial and non-financial motivation.

For example, at the initial stage of studying the motives of work, it is necessary to analyze the questionnaires of applicants for work, and in the professional library literature, unfortunately, there is no mention of whether such questionnaires are used in libraries, what questions they contain, whether they exist at all, and if so, then who are working on their compilation. Unfortunately, fundamental discrepancies were found in the recommendations regarding the number of questions required when compiling the questionnaire (they are recorded, for example, in the "Librarian's Handbook"), with the practice of management. Tests or job interviews can also be considered important sources of information about motivation. In different aspects, they are revealed by I.K. Dzhereliyevskaya, E.R. Sukiasyan.

The subject of the study, which is closely related to motivation in terms of its problems, was the adaptation of young employees in the library as an important moment in their professional development. Quite a lot has been written about this area of ​​work with personnel, but still there are new aspects for research. So, I.K. Fomicheva considers individual results of the study "Adaptation of the staff of university libraries to information technology as a result of personnel management", which most revealingly characterize the process of adaptation of the staff of the Scientific Library. N.I. Lobachevsky Kazan State University to new library and information technologies. Four stages of adaptation of library staff as a kind of technology are considered by I.P. Kilpyakov and draws the following important conclusion: if the adaptation process is regulated, then the stage of full-fledged functioning of employees can begin in a few months, and not after one to one and a half years of work, as with the spontaneous development of this process, which will increase the efficiency of a particular structural unit and library in in general.

Along with the methodological study of the certification process, T.A. Zhdanov. However, the problems that hinder the effectiveness of attestation as one of the methods of influencing the motivation of librarians have not yet been sufficiently studied. One of the reasons that reduce the motivational role of appraisal is the personal characteristics of appraisal managers: they are afraid of involuntarily making mistakes in their decision, which may affect the employee’s further work activity and worsen constructive working relationships in the team. Another serious factor that reduces the effectiveness of attestation, in his opinion, may be the so-called administrative inclination of evaluators, which manifests itself in four variants. This is the averaging of marks (according to the evaluators, it will help to avoid serious errors in evaluating the activities of librarians); excessive indulgence or strictness (librarians who undeservedly receive high or, conversely, low marks equally lose their incentive to self-improvement; the “halo effect” (appreciating only the qualities of an employee that impresses attestation commission, they ignore others who may play a greater role in his motivation); sympathy or antipathy for individual attested. They tried to avoid these phenomena in the Stavropol Regional Youth Library by introducing a two-level certification, one of the results of which is, in particular, the formation of a personnel reserve list. The creation of a personnel reserve is directly related to competent and systematic training and motivation of all staff, as well as effective management. The result of this postulate was a reasonable personnel policy of the Central Library Service of the Zlatoust city district, one of the links of which was personnel reserve, consisting of two groups: understudies - specialists with extensive work experience and a promising reserve - young employees with leadership potential.

N.I. Tyulina considered the American experience of certification in writing. In this case, the head of the employee being assessed compiles a list of his qualities, which allows you to compare the results of several certifications that are separated in time, revealing in the course of such a comparison the difficulties in the work and the degree of employee satisfaction with it.

The role of decent wages (wages, bonuses, material assistance, seniority bonuses, labor intensity, etc.) as a motivating factor is obvious, as well as the fact that wages in a library should not depend on the position, but be determined by the quality of work (T.A. Zhdanova, A.A. Kapterev and others spoke about this back in 1980–90). Therefore, the effectiveness of the wage reforms for public sector employees in 2008-2009. at the initial minimum salaries is still doubtful.

Delegation of authority, when used correctly, which requires a certain skill on the part of the leader, is important for the formation of motivation. However, the analysis of this kind of experience in librarianship is poorly reflected in the document flow. Here, for example, the experience of the Pskov OUNB deserves attention, in revealing this problem for librarians, reflected in the methodological publication “Steps of the Ladder of Success. Pass them quickly! [ , ].

As a scientific problem, this problem is stated, for example, by T.E. Dubenok, which, in this aspect of motivation, revealed the goals, objectives and mechanisms of functioning, gave a gradation of the types of delegated powers (linear, staff, advisory). One can agree with her assertion that delegation of authority is the “top-class” of a manager.

An analysis of the document flow also indicates that for several years in Russia there has been a process of reviving such a structure as Councils of Young Professionals, functioning both at the level of the library and at the level of the region (region, territory). Their activities are built, among other things, on the principles of delegation of authority. Their goals, objectives, work are systematically covered by the magazine "Young in Librarianship".

The value of corporate culture for labor motivation, according to E.A. Potanina, obviously - it contributes to the rallying of the team, turning it into a team of like-minded people. Currently, there are enough publications on the problems of corporate culture, despite the fact that this concept itself appeared not so long ago (especially in relation to librarianship). However, the process here, as they say, has begun. One of the first major studies on this problem, conducted in the Kemerovo ONB, was presented by O.E. Blynskaya, the magazine “Young in Librarianship” pays great attention to corporate culture (five articles for 2003–2005), one of the latest is the 2008 edition of E.M. Hawkeye.

If the manager is able to find a motive that would induce the subordinate to complete the production task quickly and efficiently, then success is guaranteed. Both foreign and Russian heads of libraries insist on a similar point of view (E.A. Potanina, in particular, speaks about this). “Nothing will motivate employees for a long time if they are not interested in achieving their own goals, and it is this point of view on motivation that library managers should adhere to - that is, guessing the personal motives of their subordinates in the process of performing certain production tasks. And for this it is necessary to constantly study the needs and motives of the staff. Therefore, D. McGregor, a classic in the field of labor motivation, is right, convincing that the most fruitful approach to personnel work is “agricultural”: provide an appropriate climate and fertilizer, and let people grow on their own.

motives Components of the motivation system Libraries using the components of the motivation system and sources of publications about experience
Collectivism (the need to be in a team). The need to “work in a good team”, according to psychologists, is still included in the leading group of employee orientation.Development of corporate culture of the library;
The motive of personal self-affirmation, self-expression is characteristic of a significant part of young and mature workers.Creation of creative teams; involvement of employees in decision-making; the system of public recognition adopted in the library; creation of conditions for career growth; identifying leaders and securing their support; creation of professional library associations

- NB of the Siberian State. technical university (Krasnoyarsk).

The motive of independence is inherent in employees with a "master's" motivation, who are ready to sacrifice stability, high wages.Creation of autonomous working groups or work area.- NB of the Astrakhan State. technical university;
The motive of reliability (stability) of being and activityThe library as a stable structure with a certain "social package".- Kemerovo regional youth library.
The motive for acquiring new knowledgeSystem of advanced training and retraining of personnel;

Informing employees, bringing to employees information about the work of the library.

- Kurgan Regional Scientific Medical Library;
- NB of the Astrakhan State. technical university;
- Central City Hospital of Gukovo, Rostov Region;

- CBS of the city of Gubkin, Belgorod Region;
The motive of competitiveness - a certain degree of competitiveness is inherent in every person.Conducting creative and professional competitions, competitions between departments– Kemerovo regional youth library;
- CBS of the city of Gubkin, Belgorod Region;
- MU "Library", Kirov CBS, ;
- NB of the Siberian State. technical university (Krasnoyarsk).

As can be seen from the table, libraries in their work with staff rely on various motives. Each library can build its own scheme here based on the study of staff (preferably in monitoring mode).

The table, note, reflects only the motives mentioned in the publications repeatedly. But there are others that are just getting started. One of them (I.Yu. Matveeva writes about it, for example) is creativity as a motive for the professional activity of specialists, including young ones [ , ].

The introduction of quality management in libraries has intensified work on the study of staff motivation. The first to follow the path developed by L.A. Dubrovina and received concrete results for the Pskov and Sverdlovsk OUNB them. V.G. Belinsky. In the course of a study of the staff of the Department of Funds and Services of the Sverdlovsk OUNB named after. V.G. Belinsky as part of the implementation of quality management (TQM) in the library, the respondents were asked, as T. Muravyova writes, to assess the degree of satisfaction with their work; factors influencing the increase of its efficiency; personnel motivation factors. The results of the survey showed that the following parameters of labor activity bring the maximum job satisfaction (based on their assessment on a four-point system): developed contacts with the immediate supervisor - an average value of 3.6; incentives to work, such as free access to the library collection, access to the Internet through library computers - average value 3.5; developed interaction with team members - 3.47; convenient work schedule - 3.3.

Employees experienced the least satisfaction from: the level of remuneration - 1.3; fairness in wages - 1.9; established social prestige of their work - 2.1.

The following were named as the most significant factors for increasing labor efficiency: increase in wages - 76%; joint decision-making with management - 6%; regular professional development of employees – 6%.

Among the factors that are minimally significant in this context, the following were mentioned: changing the content of labor to a more creative, diverse one - 24%; improvement of the socio-psychological climate in the team - 21%; regular professional development - 17%; change in wages - 17%; increased independence and initiative - 13%; participation in making managerial decisions – 8%.

Analysis of the results of this study, conducted by I.M. Suslova allowed her to come to the following conclusion: "... staff satisfaction with work is one of the weaknesses of the activity, which coincides with the data of similar studies for most Russian libraries" .

As a rule, applicants for scientific degrees have opportunities for a deeper study of certain problems than practicing librarians. Among these problems, the motivation of library staff has emerged in recent years. So, M.P. Zakharenko is engaged in this perspective with young library specialists. It provides for a sociological study on this issue, taking into account the need for its diverse consideration and improvement of the methodological basis for studying the issues of labor motivation of library youth as a component of the personnel management of a modern library, as well as a marketing approach to targeted impact on young library specialists - and all this taking into account their own experience professional motivation.

Of interest is the gradation of types of personnel policy developed by this author in the formation of a positive interest of young personnel in work. Its components are: the predominance of the system of incentives (in this case, the emphasis is on the use of various incentives (usually material) to increase the interest of employees in labor efficiency; the predominance of the motivational management system (in this type of personnel policy, it is supposed to focus on the "ideological" activities of management library, updating the disinterested enthusiasm of employees), a harmonious combination of a set of stimulating influences and motivational personnel management as the most optimal, removing the notorious extremes of the first two. This kind of policy can be implemented especially successfully in large libraries, where a value-based corporate culture and an adequate good.

Other managerial approaches to youth personnel policy in a crisis period are based on the conviction that a corporate culture, including methods for managing staff motivation, in the context of low-budget resource provision of libraries, has a stronger foundation than financial incentives. This approach, apparently, will allow the library to maintain the efficiency of staff in times of crisis. And this is unlikely to be achieved if the basis of interest in work is only high wages and bonuses.

Motivation, as E.A. Potanin, taking into account the experience of the Central City Library. V.V. Mayakovsky Kurgan is dynamic, mobile and changes not only during the active labor activity of an individual, but also as the labor activity itself improves. This is proved by the history of Russian libraries studied by her in this perspective from the 10th–17th centuries. to the 20th century The study showed that the motives of those who worked in libraries in different historical periods were not only dissimilar, but sometimes completely opposite.

So, at the stage of the formation of the state, with the dominance of religious thinking, the basis of motivation was the ethical motives of duty, duties that imply belief in the usefulness of the activity performed for society. During the development of bourgeois relations and the rapid development of science, intellectual motives came to the fore, involving the solution of interesting and complex creative problems. The revolutionary movement led to the emergence of an ideological motivation that determined the enthusiasm of librarians for many years, until the middle of the 20th century. The development of feminist ideas caused the appearance of women in the library and contributed to the emergence of traditional and instrumental motivation. At the beginning of the XX century. the growth in the number of librarians and the study of the motives for their work made it possible to speak of professional motivation. Libraries survived the difficult war years thanks to the revival of the ethical motivation of their employees. During the years of stagnation, forced motivation was the result of the relationship between the employer and the employee. About the beginning of the XXI century. in this perspective, it is possible to speak only on the basis of consideration of the current state of the problem, which is analyzed, in particular, in this article. Contribution to its study are, of course, the results of a study conducted in 2004–2005. Chelyabinsk GAKI among the libraries of the Ural region (Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen regions). It showed how E.A. Potanin that the library as a place of work satisfies only a certain part of the specialists who have received the appropriate education. The following negative features of the situation have been identified:

- an increase in the annual turnover of personnel - from 6% in the early 1990s to 12% in 2001-2003. (according to other sources, it is estimated at 30-40% per year). At the same time, the threshold of so-called pre-fluidity is high, that is, the willingness to change the profession of a librarian to another as soon as an opportunity presents itself. When professionals leave libraries, their places are most often taken by workers without special education (about 20-36% of jobs), most of them believing that library work can be handled without special training; - Weak professionalization of the library industry, as it employs a small number of specialists of the highest library qualifications, since the main sources of replenishment of the staff of libraries are non-library organizations and institutions, as well as a secondary school. According to library statistics, from 35% to 50% of employees have secondary specialized education, from 16.4 to 60% have higher library education in different regions of the country, as well as libraries in urban and rural areas; - due to the weak influx of young professionals, the average age of library staff increases annually by half a year - a year. Since 1990, the average age of librarians has grown from 35 to 50. Young people (under 30) make up only 16–17% of libraries. The next age group (“middle age”) is also small, because only a small part of the young specialists who fill them up remain working in libraries for a long time.

In the study of the Chelyabinsk GAKI, questions were raised about the characteristics of the professional group in terms of motivation in general; about the reasons and motives for which librarians do not leave their jobs, even despite the meager wages; motives that dominate specialists and non-specialists in librarianship who ended up in libraries as a result of a combination of life circumstances

The significance of the results of this study is enhanced by the fact that its organizers made an attempt to differentiate them, taking into account the presence among the respondents of representatives of several psychological types. Among them:

Genophilic - 74.8%, which is characterized by concern for various kinds of family problems. For respondents of this type, the material well-being of the family is one of the main motives for labor activity; research - women librarians who strive for creativity and are ready to introduce innovations (10.2%); altruistic - distinguished by kindness towards others, disinterestedness (6.9%); dominant - librarians are potential leaders (only 2% of respondents).

The significance coefficients of motives calculated as a result of this study are of great scientific and practical importance (especially for managers), as they allow assessing the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of employees with their work, depending on education, age and length of service in the library, as well as certain personal needs. . As a result, the following conclusions were made:

- the needs for recognition and communication are most satisfied (the desire for recognition is more fully satisfied among employees with higher non-library education and experience - it is they who are more often “kind” by the management); - then comes the need for security (workers without special education, as well as librarians under the age of 30 and with little experience are keenly aware of their precarious position in the library). The concern about the position of librarians with experience from 10 to 20 years is based primarily on their awareness of the fact of insufficient preparedness in the field of new information technologies and their use; – material and self-expression needs are least satisfied. At the same time, most of all those who have worked in the library for more than three years.

“Thus,” E.A. Potanin, - despite the difference between the pyramid of needs of library workers and the classical model of A. Maslow, its peak - the need for self-realization - remains inaccessible.

However, the results of a study conducted in Moscow allow us to look at this problem in a different way. His respondents most often noted that they manage to realize themselves best in work and in communication with friends. Perhaps the discrepancies in the results obtained are due to the fact that the Moscow study included mainly city libraries, which have relatively rich funds and modern technical equipment, and the latter imposes increased requirements on the qualifications of employees and to a greater extent contributes to the disclosure of their creative abilities. opportunities . Apparently, the fact that the employees of the municipal libraries of Moscow, who are supported by the city administration, are better off financially is also significant.

An analysis of the flow of publications revealed the fact that, on the whole, there was a rare reference to the topic “Motivation of the work of library staff”, single works on this topic began to appear only in the late 90s and early 2000s. The modern period is characterized by an increase in interest in it, both theorists and practitioners of librarianship.

Stimulation of labor activity of library staff

Motivation and stimulation, as already noted, are closely interconnected and interdependent processes in the context of personnel management, but in fact ambiguous. Although, as M.P. Zakharenko, practitioners often use them as close in meaning or synonyms, that is, they define the concept of "motivation" through the concept of "stimulation" and vice versa. And since for many the incentive is associated only with wages, it turns out, as she believes, a discrepancy between semantic perception and identification of concepts.

Stimulation of library personnel includes, judging by the results of the analysis of the profile document flow, three blocks of problems: legal regulation of labor relations; economic incentives (material incentives); intangible incentives.

The legal regulation of labor relations is basically aimed at stimulating more efficient labor activity and should be considered at three levels: national (federal) legislation; regional library legislation, as well as intra-library regulations.

Federal laws contain the general legal framework for the activities of libraries, which are detailed and developed in regional laws that take into account local specifics.

Some facts concerning the legislation of the federal level, which are directly related to libraries, are stated by O.F. Boikov "... Significant changes and additions to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, recognition of certain normative legal acts of the USSR as invalid on the territory of the Russian Federation and invalidated some legislative acts (provisions of legislative acts) of the Russian Federation" (30.06.2006 No. 94-FZ) Changes and additions introduced by this Law have affected more than 300 articles Labor Code RF. In many of its articles, the rights and obligations of employers to regulate labor relations are now more clearly established, the role of local regulations in regulating labor relations has been clarified, strengthened and expanded.

The specialized regional legislation helps to increase the prestige of libraries in the respective territories, strengthen their legal and financial independence, which has a positive effect on the social security of employees. Analysis of the regional library legislation on the subject of motivation and stimulation of labor activity was carried out by M.P. Zakharenko to answer, for example, questions such as: do regional library laws reflect the means that motivate and stimulate the choice of a library as a place of work and the production activities of library employees and whether they influence the formation of professional motivation. It has been found that some regional laws specifically provide for the professional rights of librarians. In 16 of them, in order to protect their social and professional rights and promote the development of librarianship in general, the right of libraries to unite in professional communities is fixed. The need for periodic certification of library staff is fixed in eight laws. And only in three regional legislative acts the state authorities are obliged to ensure the training and retraining of library specialists (Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous Okrug, Kirov and Perm regions). But it seems obvious that the latter is one of the vital tasks and factors for ensuring the effective development of the industry.

The regional library legislation widely reflects the forms social protection librarians and their benefits. Among them: allowance for continuous work experience and summed / total work experience; additional paid leave for length of service; the establishment by the administrations of the regions of various kinds of incentive letters and prizes; increasing the ETS category for laureates of professional competitions; assignment of a higher ETS category to excellent graduates; the possibility of reducing the working day; establishing additional payments to employees of central libraries for the implementation of methodological and coordinating functions; provision of material assistance; allowance or additional paid leave for honorary titles; providing financial assistance when going on vacation; the right to housing; Spa treatment; other payments from the over-tariff fund.

The most common measure of social support is an allowance (or additional leave) for continuous work experience (49.2%). Thus, the allowance for continuous work experience is enshrined in the laws of 18 subjects of the Russian Federation, in particular, for the first five years it is set from 5% (Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug) to 25% (Kaluga Region) and 5% for every subsequent five years. The allowance for the summed length of service is established in eight regional laws, although, unfortunately, in a number of laws this social guarantee is only declared. Additional paid leave for length of service in the Kurgan region, for example, is received by employees with experience from 2 to 5 years - 5 working days, from 5 to 10 years - 10, and more than ten - 15 working days. In the Oryol region, in addition to the next vacation for years of service, 1 day is provided for every 5 years of continuous service.

Additional payments to employees of central libraries for the implementation of methodological and coordinating functions are fixed in the laws of 15 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The bonus for the title of "Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation" is established in the Tyumen Region, the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and in the Tula Region, in this case, additional paid leave is provided.

Financial assistance when going on vacation is actually provided in rare cases. Among the leaders here are the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Tyumen, Kaluga and Oryol regions. In the Tula region, employees of state and municipal libraries receive benefits for sanatorium treatment in the amount of their official salary.

Some laws (Primorsky and Krasnoyarsk Territories, Tyumen, Tula and Voronezh Regions) enshrine the right of the administration to shorten the working day of library workers whose work intensity exceeds the established norms for servicing users.

Benefits stimulating librarians are specified in separate articles in the law of the Belgorod region (“Payment and material incentives for the work of librarians”, “Financial benefits for librarians”).

Some regional laws help support and retain young professionals. It provides for direct and indirect economic measures that are used, including by young employees. Among them: increasing the ETS category for laureates of professional competitions (fixed in the laws of the Primorsky Territory, Belgorod and Novgorod regions); assignment of an increased ETS category to graduates-excellent students (in Novgorod region); establishment of certificates, awards (Primorsky Territory, Vladimir and Belgorod Regions); additional benefits for graduates of special educational institutions(Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Novgorod and Astrakhan regions); reduction under certain conditions of the working day (Primorsky and Krasnoyarsk Territories, Tyumen, Tula and Voronezh Regions); additional payments to employees of central libraries for the implementation of methodological and coordinating functions (15 regions); material assistance (Voronezh and Vladimir regions); allowance / material assistance when going on vacation (Tyumen, Kaluga and Oryol regions, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania).

To secure young professionals in the libraries - providing them with housing. The laws of the Republic of Khakassia and the Kursk region stipulate that library workers are provided with housing at the expense of the budget or by paying compensation for individual construction. According to the law of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, graduates of cultural, educational and general educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, who have begun working in their specialty in state or municipal libraries, enjoy the right of priority to receive interest-free subsidies for the construction or purchase of housing, and also, within the allocated funds, they are paid a one-time allowance in the amount of six official salaries, and monthly additional payments are established for three years in the amount of the tariff rate of the 1st category of the UTS. The above statutory guarantees and benefits create a good motivational basis for young library specialists to work in the library for a long time and fruitfully.

Unfortunately, stimulating and motivating aspects of personnel policy are not spelled out in many regional laws. In such cases, it is to be expected that they will be fixed in the in-library regulations governing labor relations. V new edition of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as a state act, the status of intra-organizational, and therefore intra-library regulations is very high, which gives the managers and administrations of specific libraries certain rights and mechanisms to create a system to stimulate the work of employees and, accordingly, enhance their positive motivation. On the example of TsNShB V.K. Klyuev and N.P. Abbakumov convincingly demonstrated the possibilities of intra-library legislative acts. In this library there is a whole block of normative documents regulating the rights and obligations of both the administration and members of the labor collective. From the perspective of this article, of interest are, first of all, such as: “Rules of the internal labor regulations of the state scientific institution of the Central Scientific Agricultural Library of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (TsNSHB of the Russian Agricultural Academy)”, “Regulations on material incentives for employees of the state scientific institution of the TsNSHB of the Russian Agricultural Academy” (developed by the accounting department TSNSHB, agreed with the trade union committee and approved by the director of the library) and "Regulations on the attestation commission of the state scientific institution of the Central Scientific Agricultural Library of the Russian Agricultural Academy". The analysis of these documents helps to create an idea of ​​the labor incentive mechanism, elements of which may exist in other libraries.

T. Muravyova, based on the experience of the Sverdlovsk OUNB. V.G. Belinsky, expresses the opinion on the need to use incentives of various kinds. To the so-called external, she ranks monetary rewards, promotion, to internal - healthy ambition, success in achieving a goal, honor received through the work itself. Like other authors, T. Muravyova thus defends the feasibility of an integrated approach to motivation management, which involves the use of the widest possible range of incentives. The motivation of employees in the complex is influenced by the organizational culture of the library, that is, its structural and technological improvement, material incentives, an individual approach to the employee, the organization of his workplace, the state of utility services, etc. .

Various forms of moral and material incentives for employees are also used in the Central Library Service of the city of Zlatoust, Chelyabinsk Region. Here is what L.A. writes in this regard. Gologudina: “The reason most often is personal anniversaries, anniversaries of work experience in the CLS, significant events in the life of a particular specialist. Certificates of honor and letters of thanks, valuable gifts and just warm words spoken by colleagues contribute to the creation of a special atmosphere in the team. There are different forms of encouragement: experienced employees who have contributed to the development of the library system receive the title of Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation. Others are awarded prizes and Grants of the Head of the city administration, nominal prizes based on the results of city competitions for the best projects and cultural institutions. Employees of the system receive free vouchers for sanatorium treatment.” On a special account is such a form as the "Innovation" award named after the former director of the Central Library Library, Irina Evgenievna Alekseeva, who did a lot for the development of innovative activities in the city's libraries.

Each library, as the analysis of the document flow shows, builds its own system of moral and material incentives, which effectively works taking into account the personal qualities of library employees and the relationship between the results of rewards or punishments.

So, S.A. Sergeeva in the article “New trends in the motivation of university library staff”, based on the experience of the Scientific Library of the Astrakhan State Technical University, considers the following as the most significant motivational factors: the amount of wages that maintain the prestige of a librarian; opportunity to improve skills; additional rewards for the results achieved in information and library activities; satisfaction of the desire to transfer experience and knowledge to young librarians; communication and exchange of experience with colleagues, etc. .

An analysis of publications allows us to consider the following conclusion indisputable: it is wages that are the basis economic motivation work activities of the library staff. It provides a link between the results of labor and its process, reflecting the quantity and quality of work of employees. And such calculations are rather complicated. An interesting experience in developing a system of payments within the framework of the over-tariff part of remuneration has, in particular, the Scientific Library of SibGTU. For various categories of workers, according to T.V. Komorovskaya, each of the elements of the over-tariff part of wages has a different weight. Personal allowances are set taking into account the system of evaluation characteristics developed in this library, which allows both to determine the specifics of labor at a particular workplace (that is, in fact, it is an attestation of the workplace in terms of the content and nature of labor), and to establish the level of qualification of the employee serving him. Each of the characteristics of work is estimated by a certain number of points. Among them: labor intensity (multi-operation, high pace, physical, mental and / and psycho-emotional stress, monotony); creative nature (uncertainty, heuristic work, analytical work, management, teacher's work, etc.); responsibility for decision-making at various levels, organization and safety of employees, material resources, etc.; interaction in the labor process (outside the university, with departments of the university, inside the library between departments, inside the department, including interchangeability); qualifications (education, work experience in the SibGTU library, training of other employees, mentoring). Personal allowances are set, as a rule, once a year and are adjusted in case of significant changes in labor characteristics.

This experience is especially relevant in the context of the ongoing reform of the wage system for public sector employees.

An increase in the role of non-material incentives can be facilitated, for example, by such a long and well-known document as the Collective Agreement. In the Astrakhan State Technical University, for example, additional social and labor rights and guarantees are fixed here that improve the situation of employees, including librarians. The impact on increasing the interest of employees in efficiency and productivity growth is also achieved through a number of benefits (education of employees' children at the university at the expense of the university, the allocation of interest-free loans, the provision of additional paid leave, and much more).

A comfortable library environment (a phrase that has been widely used since the early 1990s in professional literature), the state of the “space” of the library are important not only for its readers (users), but no less for employees. T.V. agrees with this provision, bearing in mind the experience of NB SibGTU. Komorovskaya. Improved repair of almost all working premises, equipping workplaces with modern computer equipment, special furniture, and some offices with air conditioners, planned replacement of electric lighting, a significant improvement in the thermal regime - all this contributes to satisfying the basic need of the individual in comfortable and safe working conditions.

In the scientific library of SibGTU, taking into account the results of attestation of workplaces, an agreement on labor protection is adopted annually, within the framework of which the library administration and its trade union organization actively cooperate with the university management to improve working conditions in the library. Every year, at the expense of the university, medical examinations are carried out for library staff working in harmful and unfavorable conditions.

An important motivating stimulus (especially for the female team, including young mothers) is the system of social protection of the team created at the university, which includes: material assistance; improvement through a dispensary and sanatorium treatment; additional leave for irregular working hours, for work without sick leave, for harmful conditions labor, flexible working hours; thirty-six hour working week and other perks. All of them, as a rule, are not only declared, but actually implemented.

With the growing role local authorities authorities in the management of culture, including libraries, the experience of social support for librarians by the regional administration is of considerable interest. In the Kemerovo region, for example, as L.A. Barannikov, by decision of the governor of the region, all allowances, benefits and guarantees for cultural workers have been preserved. This means: a bonus to wages for length of service from 10 to 40%, depending on the length of service; a fixed salary supplement, the so-called "Tuleevskaya", it is monthly and is charged depending on the category - from 90 to 650 rubles; additional payments to employees in accordance with the “Regulations on bonuses for employees and the procedure for establishing additional payments and allowances” approved by the team from the differentiated wage fund in the amount of 20% in addition to the wage fund. In addition, vegetable sets in the amount of 500 rubles are issued. once a year for low-income families; target loan for the purchase of essential goods to young families working in the public sector and under the age of 30 (for 3 years up to 15 thousand rubles at 5% per annum). Cultural workers are also provided targeted loans for the purchase of housing for a period of up to 10 years at 5% per annum (the initial payment is 10% of the cost of housing) and gratuitous subsidies for those in need of better housing conditions. For young professionals who have come to cultural institutions with higher and secondary specialized education, a rate is set not lower than the 8th category of the ETS. In 2004, eleven employees of the Kemerovo OJB improved their health on free vouchers in the sanatorium "Zdravnitsa Kuzbassa" in Belokurikha and the Health Center "Eligomed". In 2005, in honor of the librarians, the Governor's reception was twice given, at which the best librarians of the region were encouraged: with medals, valuable gifts, tours abroad, sanatorium and resort vouchers, certificates of honor, cash prizes.

Thus, the entire system of economic incentives for the work of library workers, as follows from the previous presentation, can be schematically represented in the form of several blocks. Among them: money, time, rest/health, education.

Money is the remuneration of library staff, which in general consists of: rate / salary (official); allowances; surcharges; premiums; state/regional, intralibrary; Governors Awards; Nominal awards (A.B. Bochkova Prize - Sverdlovsk Region, S.A. Sbitnev Prize - Kemerovo Region); material aid; compensation; promotion; interest-free loans for housing, goods, one or another compensation for the cost of building individual housing

Time should be considered as equivalent cash payments. In this way, for example, an irregular, hard temporary work regime is compensated. Within the framework of this block, it is appropriate to consider a shortened working day or an additional free day, as well as annual extended (additional) paid holidays, a flexible work schedule in order to optimally combine social, personal and economic interests with industrial ones.

All benefits provided within the Recreation/Health block (vouchers to rest houses, sanatoriums, tourist (free of charge); preventive medical examinations; diet food; distribution of food packages, etc.) have a completely real cost equivalent.

As a rule, vocational education is included in the Education / intellectual development of employees and their families, and regional legal acts guarantee the training and advanced training of librarians with the preservation of wages for the period of study; retraining of personnel /second education; graduate school (targeted); obtaining additional knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for work (learning foreign languages, working on a computer, editing, design, etc.); internships/conferences (Russian and foreign); free access to information resources of the library.

We note once again that the elements that make up the above blocks of benefits / incentives have a monetary equivalent and therefore can be considered in the context of economic incentives.

Funds invested in economic incentives can be distributed, relatively speaking, unaddressed and targeted. In the first case, we mean those that stimulate the team as a whole, and in the second - any employee personally.

Let us first name some of those that belong to the first group. These are: corporate library holidays; providing employees with travel tickets; provision of uniforms, overalls at specific workplaces; provision of wellness subscriptions; improvement of working conditions at the workplace, that is, equipping them with computers, copiers, air conditioning, comfortable lighting and heating, soundproofing, etc.

This may also include improving the design of the library environment and other aesthetic aspects of its organization, as well as granting certain categories of employees (students, pensioners, young mothers) the right to preferential or reduced working hours, part-time work, work on a rotating or flexible schedule.

Addressed are distributed: state premiums; awards of governors, mayors; interest-free loans for the improvement of housing conditions, the purchase of durable goods; financial assistance in connection with the birth of a child, a wedding, a serious illness of the next of kin or their death); library education; full or partial payment for travel to the place of rest or the rest itself; payment for vouchers for individual employees and their family members for treatment, recreation, excursions, travel; assistance in placing employees' children in holiday camps, educational institutions (kindergartens, schools); provision of company vehicles; payment for mobile phones, the Internet (if the employee uses them for official purposes).

Non-material (or moral) incentives are now quite widespread, that is, they do not require investment from the organization. Among them: birthday greetings; "Honor Board" or "Showcase of Success"; pennants and cups for the best specialist, division, mentor; inclusion of employees in the decision-making process, consideration of their proposals; praise: verbal general meeting and holiday, presentation of certificates of honor; gratitude; badges of honor (without material remuneration related to the badge), state medals, orders (without material remuneration related to them); state honorary titles; providing maximum independence in work with self-control over its quality and results.

The opinion that moral incentives are free is only partly correct, because their accumulation leads, as a rule, to promotion, bonuses, which have a completely material expression.

As the analysis of the documentary flow shows, the motivation and stimulation of library workers in recent years have increasingly become a relatively independent scientific and practical problem, which is considered in the general context of the main provisions of library personnel management. There is a markedly increasing variety of moral motives and incentives that awaken to long-term and effective work in libraries. At the same time, however, it is obvious that the structure of labor motives, despite its diversity, is changing in the direction of strengthening its material aspects, and among the incentives that are becoming increasingly targeted, economic ones remain the main ones. We have to pin our hopes both on strengthening the ties of libraries with the public (and, above all, with local authorities), and on the growing understanding of the “powers that be” of the role of libraries for the formation of an information society and a knowledge society in Russia, which should be expressed, among other things, in improving the financing of library and information activities.

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Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the motivation of labor activity.

1.1 Motivation of labor activity as a scientific problem.

1.2. Motivation of labor activity in the theory of library management.

Chapter 2. Motivation of labor activity of librarians as an object of research work.

2.1. The study of the motivation of the labor activity of librarians in Russian and foreign libraries.

2.2. Features of motivation of labor activity of library workers on the example of the Ural region).

Chapter 3. Motivation of labor activity of library workers as the most important tool for personnel work

3.1. Motivation of labor activity of library workers in the practice of personnel management.

3.2. The main directions of optimizing the motivational mechanism in libraries.

Recommended list of dissertations in the specialty "Library science, bibliography and book science", 05.25.03 VAK code

  • Professional Motivation as the Main Factor in Higher School Personnel Management in a Market Economy: Regional Aspect 2003, candidate of sociological sciences Bogdan, Nadezhda Nikolaevna

  • Personnel of university libraries in the context of the introduction and development of library and information technologies: professional and socio-psychological aspects 2005, candidate of pedagogical sciences Fomicheva, Irina Konstantinovna

  • Features of professional motivation of young specialists: on the example of workers of metallurgical enterprises 2010, candidate of psychological sciences Dzhumagulova, Alena Fedorovna

  • Management of work motivation in an organization: sociological factor analysis 2011, candidate of sociological sciences Gorshkova, Oksana Nikolaevna

  • Labor motivation at diamond-cutting enterprises: on the example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 2009, candidate of economic sciences Dmitrieva, Varvara Semyonovna

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Motivation of labor activity of library workers: on the material of the Ural region"

The relevance of research. The study of motivation, its significance and role in the working life of a person is a topical issue in the situation of the modern transformation of Russian reality. Changes in social relations, on the one hand, and socio-economic conditions, on the other, place a number of new requirements on managers at all levels. There is a need not only to skillfully manage the motivation of employees and influence the effectiveness of their labor efforts, but also to take into account the specific personal needs, desires, motives of the management subjects that create the prerequisites for the successful implementation of their labor skills and abilities.

In recent years, the problem of work motivation, having accumulated numerous theoretical and experimental developments in psychology and management, has not been sufficiently considered within the framework of domestic library science. Librarians have a fuzzy understanding of the factors that affect the work behavior of employees, do not have the knowledge to manage staff motivation. At the same time, both in foreign and Russian practice, there is a shortage of funds that act as an adequate method for measuring the phenomenon under study.

Since the library, as a socio-cultural institution, plays an important role in society, contributing to the realization of citizens' rights to information, providing continuous education at all levels, providing socio-psychological support to the population, etc., then the question arises of securing highly qualified personnel in libraries, providing performance of the above functions. The real state of affairs with the staff in the libraries of the country, characterized by the outflow of highly qualified workers from libraries, the increase in the average age of the staff, the increase in the number of employees without special training, also determines the relevance of the study of work motivation.

The timeliness of addressing the topic of work motivation is evidenced by the current attempts by libraries to develop staff motivation programs, which are separate events, which rather demotivates staff. Such an imbalance requires a generalization of the experience of motivating the labor activity of library workers and determining the main directions for improving the motivational mechanism in libraries.

These circumstances emphasize the urgent need for a deep study of the problems of motivating the work of library workers in order to achieve two promising goals: the fullest realization of the personal potential of employees, on the one hand, and improving the efficiency of libraries, on the other.

The state of development of the problem. The psychology of motivation and related problems began to attract the attention of foreign scientists since the 1930s. This topic was one of the central ones in the psychological studies of personality and is represented by many well-known theories of personality (G. Allport, A. Maslow, F. Herzberg, R. Cattell, and others). A great contribution to the study of work motivation was made by F. Taylor, K. Alderfer, J. S. Adams, X. Hekhauzen, D. McGregor.

The study of the motivation of labor activity of workers in Russia has scientific origins in the 19th century, but a surge of interest of domestic scientists in the study of labor motives occurred in the 1980-90s (A. G. Zdravomyslov, V. A. Yadov, V. G. Aseev) . With the transition of the country to the rails of market development, motivation began to be recognized as one of the important components of the theories of personnel management (M. Magura, Yu. D. Krasovsky, I. G. Kokurina).

As for research on work motivation in the library sector, the first works that appeared in the early 1970s belong to foreign specialists (K. Plate, E. Stone, J. D. Dani, S.

Wobe). The focus of scientists was the result of the motivation of labor activity - satisfaction with the work of employees of scientific libraries. At the same time, the first domestic publications devoted to the motives for choosing a profession appeared (Yu. Stolyarov, V.I. Tereship).

In subsequent years, library scientists studied various aspects of the work of library employees, which are closely related to motivation, studied and analyzed foreign experience (T. V. Eremenko, E. R. Sukiasyan, I. Yu. Bagrova, N. F. Illarionova). So, material incentives were considered by V. K. Klyuev, N. V. Mogilever, L. A. Kozhevnikova. The style of relationships between managers and library staff, the distribution of power and authority in the context professional ethics and management of the library are devoted to the works of G. A. Altukhova, I. A. Meizhis, E. M. Yastrebova. It should be noted the works of scientists and employees of Russian libraries who organized a number of studies that provided a lot of statistical material for studying motivation issues (A. V. Sokolov, E. Ya. Zazersky, A. I. Kapterev, E. K. Vysotskaya, etc.).

Dissertation studies devoted to work with personnel (L. E. Savich, Yu. F. Chernyakova, I. K. Fomicheva) did not single out the motivation of work activity as a necessary element in optimizing ways to manage a library staff.

In the educational literature on library management, the issues of motivation began to be covered since the 1990s (I. M. Suslova, V. V. Karmovsky, E. M. Yastrebova, V. K. Klyuev, L. F. Dychenko), while the material even in practical manuals, it was a presentation of theories of motivation and did not cover the specifics of the motivation for the labor activity of librarians.

Despite regular references to the issues of motivation in the 1990s, the analysis of publications allows us to state that the study of the peculiarities of the motivation of the labor activity of library workers remains an insufficiently developed topic for domestic library science due to its complexity and multidimensionality. So, to date, the experience of motivation in Russian libraries has not been generalized, most of the works are local, descriptive, and not analytical.

Thus, it should be stated, firstly, the presence of a variety of theoretical and applied works devoted to the study of the motivation of labor activity by social and humanitarian sciences, and, secondly, the insufficient study of the problems of motivation in library management, which leads to contradictions between

Recognition of the importance of work motivation in realizing the potential of the individual by psychological science, and the narrowness of theoretical concepts and empirical research within the framework of library management;

The use of motivation mechanisms in personnel management by foreign libraries and the lack of domestic experience in this area;

Systematic study of job satisfaction and work motivation in other countries and insufficient research of its specifics in Russian libraries.

The above contradictions, the analysis of psychological, managerial and library science literature made it possible to determine the problem: the level of the existing theoretical development and empirical studies do not reveal the peculiarities of the motivation of the labor activity of library workers to solve management problems.

The purpose of the study is to study the current state of motivation for work in libraries and to determine the prospects for using the motivational mechanism in the library personnel management system.

The object of this study is the motivation of labor activity.

The subject of the research is the specificity of labor activity motivation of library workers on the example of the Ural region.

The main hypotheses of the study:

The applied methods of motivating and stimulating labor activity in libraries are divorced from practical needs and do not take into account the motives of the labor activity of library workers.

Age and psychological differences, education, length of service, status play a significant role in the process of shaping the motivation of the work activity of librarians.

The following motivational factors are essential for librarians: the opportunity to improve their qualifications, promotion, work with friendly people.

Within the framework of the goal and the hypotheses put forward, the objectives of the study are defined:

Reveal the essence of the concept of "motivation", the key components of the motivational process;

To study the main approaches to the problem of work motivation in library management;

To study the peculiarities of labor activity motivation on the example of library workers in the Ural region;

To study the dependence of the motivation of labor activity on the age, length of service, status, education of library workers, as well as on regional characteristics;

Analyze the practice of motivating and stimulating the work of library staff;

Outline the prospects for using the motivational mechanism in the management of a modern library.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the dissertation research is the work of domestic and foreign scientists - specialists in the field of psychology, personnel management, library science.

The work was based on the general patterns of the motivation process, studied in the framework of psychological science by A. Maslow, L. S. Vygotsky, B. F. Lomov, E. P. Ilyin. The publications of A. S. Shapiro and M. Magura on motivational management were of significant methodological significance. In the work, the methods of diagnosing the motivation of K. Zamfir, E. Fantalova and modern approaches to the analysis of the motivation of labor activity, set out in the works of I. S. Vardanyan, I. G. Kokurina, D. Khlebnikov, were applied.

The methodological basis for managing motivation in libraries was made up of the provisions set forth in the works of T. A. Zhdanova, I. M. Suslova, the concept of labor activity of A. S. Chachko, and A. I. Kapterev’s views on the professional consciousness of librarians.

The work is built on the basis of the established conceptual apparatus for managing the motivation of labor activity.

The study used methods such as

Terminological analysis in relation to the concept of "motive", "motivation", "motivation"; comparative analysis of aspects of studying the motivation of labor activity in libraries in domestic and foreign practice;

Analytical-synthetic method of studying publications in the professional press, reflecting the main results of research on the study of the motives of labor activity, as well as the practice of motivating and stimulating library staff;

Modeling to build a graphical scheme for analyzing the hierarchy of needs of librarians;

Sociological methods for studying the motives of labor activity and motivational factors of library workers.

Empirical basis of the study: the total number covered by the study was 494 people working in the libraries of the Ural region. Two groups were identified (ordinary librarians and a group of novice managers) in order to study the change in the motives of work and the needs underlying them, in relation to the change in professional status.

The objective reasons and subjective prerequisites for motivating library workers are determined;

The practice of managing the motivation of labor activity of library workers at all stages of work with personnel is generalized;

The needs underlying the motivation of library workers in the Ural region are determined, on the basis of which a model for analyzing the tasks solved in the process of developing systems for motivating and stimulating labor activity in libraries is proposed;

The main motivational factors that are significant for librarians (opportunities for training, advanced training, career advancement) are identified, which allow one to conclude that there are guidelines for self-development;

The dependence of the motivation of labor activity of library workers on education, experience, status, age, as well as regional characteristics of the environment in which the library exists has been established;

The main features of the motivation of library workers are identified and analyzed, among which are quite high job satisfaction and at the same time low loyalty to the library; the prevalence of social and security motives; positive character of labor activity motivation.

The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the material of the dissertation work is a contribution to the development of the theory of work motivation in the framework of library management; the given factual material expands and deepens knowledge about the motivation of the labor activity of librarians; individual theoretical conclusions, practical proposals of the dissertation research can be taken into account in the process of professional training of library managers.

The applied methods of studying the motives of the labor activity of library workers and analyzing the results obtained were used in the practice of the libraries of the Kurgan region when developing a system of motivation and simulation. Conducted trainings for heads of libraries of the Kurgan region on the formation of motivation.

Testing and implementation of research results:

1. The main provisions and results of the work were reported at scientific conferences of young scientists, graduate students and applicants in Chelyabinsk in 2005-2007.

2. The results of theoretical and experimental studies were published in 6 scientific papers.

Provisions for defense:

1. The need to motivate the labor activity of library workers is predetermined by objective reasons (high staff turnover, an increase in the number of paraprofessionals, aging staff), and the results depend on subjective prerequisites - knowledge and skills in applying motivation methods by managers and the system of organizational measures developed by them aimed at motivating and stimulating library workers.

2. The condition for the effective management of the library's personnel potential is the existence of a functional subsystem for motivating the work of employees, which is the most important component of the library's personnel management system.

3. Features of the motivation of the labor activity of library workers are characterized by a fairly high job satisfaction and at the same time low loyalty to the library; the predominance of the social motive (communication with colleagues and readers), the motive of recognition and the motive of security (availability of a job, guaranteed wages, vacations, social benefits); positive motivation, which is the basis of professional development.

4. The level of motivation of library workers is interconnected with such factors of their work as professional experience, level of education, and is also determined by age, status and regional characteristics of the environment in which the library exists (resource provision, priority tasks, management system).

The structure of the dissertation is determined by the logic of the study. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, including 279 titles of works by domestic and foreign authors and 13 appendices containing experimental research materials and the results of statistical data processing. The main text of the dissertation is presented on 163 pages, contains 12 figures and tables. The total volume of the dissertation is 219 pages.

Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Library science, bibliography and book science", Potanina, Elena Anatolyevna

The main conclusions related to the internal motivation of labor activity are as follows.

1. From 26% (137, p. 128) to 50% (72, p. 44) of librarians and from 11% (20, p. 10) to 46% (90, p. 196) of employees work in libraries by vocation consider the library profession to be accidental. At the same time, the number of librarians who consider their profession a vocation increases with age. Thus, a study in the city of Kurgan showed that in the group of young people it is alarmingly low (11.4%), in the middle age group it is already 29.9%, and among those over 40 years old, 83% of librarians work by vocation (89, p. 16). But in general, the percentage of those who work in the library by vocation, as shown by the studies “Me and my work” and “Librarian in the library”, is getting lower every year (15; 17).

2. Employees who consider work in the library a vocation are more productive (6, p. 76).

3. At different periods of life, a person solves different life tasks, which affects the motivation of labor activity: in the first three years of work, the search for a place in life continues, and during this period, up to 46% of librarians change jobs, then there are refusals from the profession due to creating a family. By the age of 30-45, the importance of wages increases, and by the retirement age, working conditions are of decisive importance (141, p. 53).

4. The data on staff stratification obtained in the course of the study “Library Profession: Current State and Prospects” made it possible to identify groups of library workers with strong motivation (avant-garde, guard) - about 47%, and with weak motivation - 53% (189, p. 59) . Despite the fact that these data differ significantly by regions, a general trend is noted: with an increase in professional activity, as well as length of service, age, the motivation for labor activity also increases.

5. In a number of studies, the opinion was expressed that only enthusiastic ascetics work in libraries (61, p. 36; 174, p. 51).

6. Researchers note the professional passivity of librarians, the presence among them not of leaders, but of performers (6, p. 76). At the same time, not striving for the most part for any professional changes within the walls of the library, every second librarian thinks about a radical change in activity, completely forgetting that new job, an unfamiliar team will require a significant activity, unusual for a specialist before, a strain of intellectual potential and even physical strength, that is, those qualities that they do not seek to show in the library.

7. Personal professional goals that librarians set for themselves include such things as “learn, improve professional level”, “maintain professional status” (184, p. 63), “keep their job” (134, p. 43 ).

8. The work itself, if it is interesting and creative, is a strong motivator. Despite the low social prestige of the profession, more than 70% of librarians consider their work interesting and creative (160, p. 18; 89, p. 46). Moreover, the conviction in the creative nature of library work grows with age. Nevertheless, according to the results of a study in the libraries of Krasnodar, the creative factor in the work is attractive only for 25% of the respondents (7, p. 76).

9. Librarians are characterized by high job satisfaction: from 66% (178, p. 8) to 90% (135, p. 19) indicated this. Researchers cite data showing that only 15% of respondents consider their usual work (160, p. 17).

Satisfaction with work, as noted earlier, is caused by two series of factors: inherent in the labor process itself (professional) and external to the labor process. The first group of factors includes

1) the ability to communicate with literature;

2) diversity in work;

3) the opportunity to communicate with readers;

4) consciousness that the work is necessary for society and readers.

In addition to the listed factors, experts named the possibilities of applying knowledge and showing independence (135, p. 20). The second group of factors included

1) good organization of work;

2) business relationships between employees;

3) fair attitude of managers;

4) attention of the management when evaluating the performance of each employee. Material interest was not declared highly, but was noted as significant in the formation of self-esteem.

As a result of other studies, another series was identified that affect job satisfaction, including factors from the two groups mentioned above:

1. personal responsibility

2. prestige of the position

3. working mode

4. comfort of premises (174, p. 51; 18, p. 23).

Among the factors that negatively affect job satisfaction are physical fatigue (54%), nervous tension (45%), monotonous work (21%), too high a pace of work and change of operations (14%) (235, p. 44).

10. Simultaneously with the high job satisfaction of librarians, the profession of "librarian" is not popular, prestigious and has no status among librarians themselves. 10.8% of librarians are never proud of their profession. Moreover, such a sharp answer is more often given by employees with a library education (64.3% versus 35.7% of non-specialists) (89, p. 15). There are noticeably more librarians who are never proud of their profession in the younger and middle age groups.

11. With low prestige and low pay, the profession is attractive due to the following factors: interpersonal communication (62%), team environment (31%), interest in work (25%), self-realization (18.7%), kindness, sincerity, cohesion of the library staff and the gratitude of readers (12.5%) (58).

Summing up the above, the dissertation concludes that the motivation of the labor activity of librarians depends not so much on the labor process itself, but on communication links and opportunities for self-realization, i.e., the previously indicated psychological income takes place - a high degree of moral satisfaction (222, p. 45). At the same time, there is a contradiction between the desire of librarians to improve as professionals and their desire to change jobs.

The motivation of labor activity also largely depends on the external conditions of activity - the organization process, the degree of encouragement, etc. The main conclusions of researchers related to external motivation of labor activity are as follows.

1. Moral stimulation does not play a significant role for librarians. No more than 12% consider it effective (72, p. 45), 24% of employees are dissatisfied with the measures of moral encouragement (170, p. 4).

2. Half of those working in the library are dissatisfied with the lack of opportunities for promotion (72, p. 44). Career advancement is especially important for young people who are ambitious by nature and focused on personal success (23, p. 93). 36.7% of Kurgan librarians are absolutely convinced that there are no chances for promotion, and another 30.5% expressed very strong doubts about the possibility of a vertical career. At the same time, "career" pessimism, growing with age, is equally high in all age groups: 80% in the most able-bodied age (30-49 years) and 79.5% among young people (89, p. 30).

3. In terms of fatigue, the profession of a librarian approaches the most intellectually loaded (creative nature, emotional stress, overload, changes in the rhythm of work) (49, p. 54; 233, p. 9). Answering the question about the intensity of their work, only 2% of librarians call their own workload “easy” (89, p.31). Hard work is difficult psychologically, so 40-50% of librarians go to work without enthusiasm (72, p. 45; 89, p. 32). In terms of age, those who work calmly and without tension are the most in the “young” and “middle age” groups (20.5% and 29.9%): the positions in these groups are mostly ordinary, there is less responsibility, and the area of ​​vital interests most often lies outside of work, in the family. Moreover, 9.1% of young librarians consider their work boring and uninteresting (89, p. 32).

4. The socio-psychological climate has a huge impact on the interpersonal relationships of its members, on the degree of satisfaction with their work and the psychological well-being of each employee, and, ultimately, on the results of the professional activities of the team (233, p. 63). Team building is facilitated by relationships in everyday life, sympathy and assistance in tragic situations, organization of joint holidays and recreation, attention to young professionals and veterans. However, according to M. Zalessky, a close-knit team, favorable in itself, has a downside: there are difficulties in adapting a young specialist (72, p. 44).

5. There is a discrepancy between the position held and the level of education and qualifications (36, p. 58; 178, p. 8). The work of librarians is close to the nature of the work of employees, it contains a lot of clerical work that does not require high qualifications.

6. Librarians have shown professional inertia in answering questions about the potential for fuller implementation in other areas of library work. 80% answered these questions in the negative (72). The activity of librarians depends on the education received: workers with non-special education are more active, as they try to become more competitive in comparison with specialists who have received library education (67, p. 95). Librarians attribute competitiveness primarily to professionalism and work experience (62%) and communication skills (25%) (58).

7. As for demotivation factors, librarians most painfully perceive such a factor of personal discomfort as “insufficiently high salary”, “lack of incentives to work at full capacity”, as well as the absence of “encouraging prospects”, “general depressive state” due to behind the unstable economic situation in the country. Librarians regret the underestimation of their work, they are worried about the lack of attention of the administration to the problems of the library (240). An analysis of the factors of personal anxiety and anxiety shows that librarians are seriously very concerned about their professional and financial situation.

8. Library work is attractive due to the convenient working hours (this was noted by 20-26% of librarians) and the location of the library close to home (this suits 20% of librarians (160, p. 18; 18, p. 23). working conditions have a significant impact on reducing employee turnover, as evidenced by studies conducted in science and technology libraries (44; 94).

The results of various studies, according to the author of the dissertation, indicate that, on the one hand, librarians are characterized by high job satisfaction, which should contribute to the retention of personnel in the industry, on the other hand, labor stimulation does not meet the expectations of workers. The existing imbalance between external and internal motivation of labor activity is the main reason for the problems listed above: high staff turnover, an increase in the average age of employees, and a decrease in the educational level of library workers.

Questions of work motivation of library staff are actively studied in libraries of foreign countries. Information about these studies appears infrequently in the Russian professional press. At the same time, motives are named that, according to the authors, are leading for librarians (for example, the motive of safety (168, p. 12), which is not confirmed by the results of any research, but rather, on the contrary, is refuted by managers of foreign libraries (268, p. 18) .

Only one of the works listed the main trends in the personnel sphere of US libraries, which provide information about the problems of motivating the work of employees: an increase in the average age of graduates, a high degree of job satisfaction for managers, and a low degree of job satisfaction for ordinary employees (100, pp. 27-28) .

Due to the complexity of studying the motivational sphere of a personality, which is dynamic, changing over time under the influence of a large number of factors, foreign researchers have focused their attention on issues of job satisfaction as a result of work motivation. The focus of researchers is

Overall satisfaction and factors influencing it,

Dependence of job satisfaction on gender, age, etc.

The first studies of job satisfaction in the library were conducted in the 1970s in the United States.

In 1974, K. Plate and E. Stone published the results of a study of job satisfaction in libraries in the United States and Canada (266). Methods for studying the factors affecting job satisfaction were based on the theories of A. Maslow and F. Herzberg. Respondents in the library cited personal goals of achievement and recognition or approval as the most important factors in gaining job satisfaction. Factors more closely related to the position, such as the job itself, responsibility, and career growth, were less important. Interpersonal relationships were not named as influencing job satisfaction, as well as wages (266, p. 105), which is fundamentally different from the results obtained by domestic researchers at the present time. The main factors generating dissatisfaction among respondents are organizational policy and management, library management.

A second paper on job satisfaction in libraries was presented at the same time (273). The main goal of W. J. Vaughn and J. D. Dunn was to collect data that could be used in every library survey to provide a general picture of the level of job satisfaction in libraries as a whole. The study found that three categories - people, management, and the job itself - had the most impact on job satisfaction for librarians, while pay and career development were of little importance for most employees (273, p. 172). Thus, in two studies conducted simultaneously, different results were obtained: the data of K. Plate and E. Stone denied the importance of communication in job satisfaction, and the data of V. J. Vaughn and J. D. Dan testified that their importance reaches 83 %.

More recent studies of job satisfaction among librarians have been related to the influence of other factors, including gender, status, and age. The data obtained as a result of them are very contradictory.

S. Wobe (USA) studied the determinants of job satisfaction and work motivation between male and female librarians in accordance with A. Maslow's hierarchy of needs (276). The study showed that although men and women gave the same importance to security, social needs and self-esteem needs, for women the needs for independence and self-actualization were less significant than for men. In addition, S. Wobe found that "women were more dissatisfied than men in all categories (security, respect, independence, and self-actualization) with the exception of social needs" (276, p. 45).

J. Dalia, based on the results of a 1979 study (254), concluded that job satisfaction has nothing to do with gender, but it is influenced by the characteristics of the working environment. He studied the relationship of job satisfaction with the type of library, professional needs, and environmental characteristics (creativity, responsibility, autonomy). An analysis of the data collected by J. Delia showed that there were no differences in the degree of job satisfaction between men and women for all these indicators.

I. Rockman in 1984 put forward a hypothesis that the dominant part of representatives by gender in the profession should have a higher level of job satisfaction than the minority in this profession (267). However, the results of his study did not support the hypothesis. In all groups studied, men showed a higher level of job satisfaction in the library than their female counterparts. The results obtained by I. Rokman testified that job satisfaction cannot be predicted on the basis of gender differences in workers.

Many other indicators influence work motivation and job satisfaction in libraries (261). These are participation in management (J. Delia, 1979; B. Lynch and J. Verdin, 1983 (264), in decision-making (I. Rockman, 1984), independence in work (J. Delia, 1979; I. Rockmap, 1984 ) a group in which a person works (B. Lynch and J. Verdin, 1983).

At the same time, as a result of foreign studies, it was found that there is no relationship between job satisfaction and age (R. Scamell, B. Steed, 1980 (272), professional experience (R. Scamell, B. Steed, 1980; J. Delia, 1979) , wage level (J. V. Vaughn, 1974), gender (J. Delia, 1979; B. Lynch and J. Verdin, 1983), occupational group (L. Pribil, 1973 (270).

A. Yorkey conducted two studies, studying the motivational preferences of library workers of various types. The results obtained have established that employees of special libraries value independence, experience and strive for self-respect more than employees of public libraries (278; 279), for the latter, safety and comfort are more important. The scientist concludes that for employees of special libraries, internal motivation of labor activity (self-motivation) is more important, and for employees of public libraries - stimulation.

Differences in the motivational sphere of those working in special and public foreign libraries were studied in the future (83). Tendencies were noted for the aging of library personnel, the renewal of personnel at the expense of persons who do not have a specialized education (84, p. 148).

Thus, as a result of research conducted by foreign scientists, a large amount of factual material was obtained, which can become the basis for motivational work with personnel in Russian libraries. Job satisfaction has been studied abroad for a long time and systematically, which is a positive moment in the study of the designated problem.

As for the Russian reality, the author of the dissertation noted the absence of a unified plan for studying the staffing of libraries both in the country as a whole and in individual regions. At the same time, each library feels the relevance of studying labor resources, which is reflected in the conduct of local research. In this case, monotonous methods are used, which, on the one hand, makes it possible to compare the results obtained in different libraries with each other, and, on the other hand, does not make it possible to study the above problem deeply and comprehensively. The dissertation author notes that one of the tendencies of such works is the desire to cover the whole variety of issues related to personnel in one study, which really gives fragmentary information about personnel potential that is difficult to systematize.

As a result of the lack of depth in the study of human resources, there is a single statement of questions directly related to the motivation of labor activity, which in practice often come down to the motives for choosing a profession. Domestic researchers more often study the motives of the student group, which is explained by the ability of educational institutions to develop and test various methods for studying the labor and professional motives of students. The results of similar studies conducted in different years made it possible to state that people come to work in the library without motivation to work in the library, without the desire to link their fate with library activities, which affects the level of turnover of young specialists.

The degree of study of the issue of motivation of work activity in the library is influenced by the fact that many processes of library work require the use of natural abilities, talents and represent intellectual activity. In this case, first of all, attention should be paid to the various needs (recognition, realization of abilities, communication, etc.) of library workers. However, the author of the dissertation came to the conclusion that the motives of the work of librarians are studied without regard to needs, which gives an incomplete and shallow picture of the motivation of librarians.

Systematization of the results of research on the study of human resources of domestic libraries allows us to highlight the following features of the motivation of the labor activity of employees.

The author of the dissertation states that today the level of professional potential of librarians is quite high, especially with regard to the knowledge, skills and abilities of librarians. Librarians see the attractiveness of their profession rather in the possibility of constant contact with people and expanding their horizons.

Librarians are characterized by low motivation in choosing a profession, which grows with the increase in seniority and experience.

Librarians experience high job satisfaction, while at the same time worrying about their professional growth and job retention.

All of the above provisions require experimental verification, which was done by the dissertation student when studying the motivation of the labor activity of library workers in the Ural region.

After analyzing the information on the study of personnel by Russian libraries, the dissertation concludes that the studies conducted in different regions of the country, in libraries of various types, indicate similar negative phenomena, such as an increase in the number of employees who ended up in libraries by accident, a decrease in the number of those who work by vocation, dissatisfied with comfort jobs, etc. The reason for this is the imbalance between external and internal motivation of labor activity: on the one hand, high job satisfaction should contribute to the retention of personnel in the industry, on the other hand, stimulating and motivating labor activity in libraries today does not allow solving the identified problems . The incentive system in libraries has serious shortcomings associated with both low wages and the lack of a clear career prospect, dissatisfaction with the types of moral encouragement used.

Thus, the need to create a subsystem for motivating and stimulating the labor activity of library workers is determined by objective reasons (staff turnover, an increase in the number of paraprofessionals among workers, etc.).

2.2. Features of motivation of labor activity of library workers (on the example of the Ural region)

Among the numerous personnel problems, according to the dissertation student, the problem of low motivation for labor activity occupies a special place.

A person starts work in order to satisfy his needs, but only motivation explains the purposefulness of his actions. Without understanding the goals of the employee, it is completely futile to develop a system of motivation. In this regard, understanding and convergence of the goals of the employer and employee is the shortest way to improve the efficiency of the library. Work motivation management is seen as a powerful strategic tool to mobilize employee initiative, ensure loyalty and facilitate communication on production issues. Since library staff have different work motivations, the study of work motives is an important, albeit difficult, task.

The methodology for studying motivation has been improved in the process of development of psychology. In the 1930s, psychologists began to abandon introspection as the only method of determining motives and began to use tests. A. N. Leontiev was doubtful about the use of direct methods in the study of motives and tended to use experimental ones (124, p. 438), which for a long time were considered the most accurate for assessing motives (103, pp. 146-147).

The problem of using various methods for the study of motives has been raised more than once in scientific papers. According to E. I. Ilyin, the study of motivation should be interconnected with the mental warehouse of a person and raise the following questions:

Determining the needs of the individual;

Determination of personality traits that have the greatest impact on the motivation of a particular type of behavior;

The study of personality orientation;

The study of a person's ability to self-motivate (86, p. 327).

N. D. Levitov points out that when establishing the psychological causes that affect work, one must always keep in mind the whole personality, not reducing it to individual processes and functions. In addition, any phenomenon is known in dynamics, development, therefore, not only the result, but also the process of labor matters, and each fact can be essential in motivation (122, p. 24).

According to B. F. Lomov, the study of motivation is complicated by the polymotivation of human activity and the variability and variability of a number of motives over time (126, p. 313).

Solving the problem of studying motivation requires the availability of objective, reliable and scientifically based methods for diagnosing human motives. Meanwhile, the methods for studying the needs and orientation of the personality are the least developed in comparison with the methods for studying other psychological qualities of the personality.

The study of motivation involves a meaningful and formal-dynamic analysis. The first of them aims to reveal the content of the existing system of motives, a meaningful analysis of their totality, structure in the hierarchy, the second is to measure the strength and stability of motives. The most well-known methods for diagnosing the motivation of labor activity and the structure of motives are reflected in the works of V. D. Shadrikov (239), V. E. Milman (138), K. Zamfir (73), L. N. Sobchik (187), N Ts. Badmaeva (9), I. G. Kokurina (107). To study the strength and stability of motives, the MAS questionnaire developed by M. Kubyshkina (116), the method of Yu. M. Orlov (152) and others are used.

The most popular method of studying motives is the survey. An oral or written survey is the shortest way to identify the activity of a person who reasonably explains the reasons for his actions, verbally justifies his behavior.

However, the survey may not always provide objective information about the needs underlying the motives. The complexity of the study of motives is due to the fact that direct diagnostic methods based on self-report reveal only conscious, and not really acting, motives. In addition, even adequately conscious motives can be distorted during testing due to their different social desirability, which manifests itself in disguising condemned motives and demonstrating approved motives. Therefore, an urgent task is to find methods for diagnosing his real attitudes to reality that are protected from the insincerity of the subject.

The questionnaire method seems to be more reliable than the oral survey. This method, associated with the description of problematic situations, makes it possible to identify stable and dominant attitudes, views, and judgments through the projection in the respondents' answers.

The method of observation also makes it possible to make only assumptions, since it is not always possible to judge by what motives a person was guided by the result of activity, the degree of possession of skills, and actions.

Scientists offer various experimental methods for studying the motives of a person's labor activity, but their common drawback is their attention to only one side of the personality's orientation.

Projective methods solve the problem of motivational distortions on the part of the subject, since the true content of such methods is hidden from him. However, the use of projective tests is a complex procedure, and their validity and reliability depend to a large extent on the qualifications and experience of the experimenter. In addition, the resolution of most projective techniques does not allow them to be used for accurate quantitative measurements, allowing only a qualitative determination of certain features.

Currently, another direction is intensively developing in the diagnosis of personality motivation - experimental psychosemantic methods. Methods of experimental psychosemantics are used to measure the individual system of subjective meanings of various objects for a person. Experimental psychosemantics arose at the border between the sections of semiotics, psycholinguistics, psychology of perception and personality. Experimental psychosemantic methods are widely used abroad in the study of self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, etc.

Psychosemantic methods are aimed at diagnosing not so much stable behavioral personality traits as dynamic, situationally determined features of consciousness. Therefore, psychosemantic methods do not exclude, but complement traditional psychodiagnostic methods designed to study behavior (questionnaires) and unconscious experiences (projective tests), allowing you to obtain information about a person's consciousness.

All this allows us to conclude that at the moment there is no universal methodology for studying the motives and motivation of a person. Required complex use various techniques to identify the underlying causes of human behavior.

Therefore, various methods were used to study the motivational attitudes of librarians. At the same time, recommendations were taken into account that, when filling out a motivational questionnaire, the subject should not guess that motivation is being diagnosed (86, p. 329).

The purpose of the study is to identify the peculiarities of the motivation of the labor activity of library workers and the search for possible ways of influencing it.

Research objectives:

1. To study the features of internal and external motivation of labor activity of novice managers and ordinary library workers.

2. Identify satisfied and unsatisfied needs of respondents.

3. Determine the psychological orientation of the personalities of librarians and identify the relationship between it and the motivational sphere.

4. Establish regional differences in the motivation of the labor activity of librarians.

The latter task seems relevant for the following reasons. The Ural region belongs to the crisis regions (45, p. 318), and the regions included in it differ markedly in their economic development, standard of living, financing, and labor resources. Table 3 presents the main differences between the regions in terms of the number of libraries, their funding and staffing (119, pp. 32, 38, 248-251).

A pilot study was conducted in 2004 in the Kurgan region. The data obtained made it possible to clarify the tasks and tools, to determine the main psychological types of library workers, the satisfied and unsatisfied needs of ordinary librarians and novice managers, the ratio of internal and external motivation of respondents.

The main study of the needs and motivational sphere of librarians was carried out in 2004-2005. It was attended by library staff (494 people) of four regions - Tyumen, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk. Among the respondents, 27.3% were novice managers (heads of departments, deputy directors, heads of libraries with up to three years of experience), and 72.7% were ordinary workers (librarians and bibliographers). A group of novice managers was singled out in order to be able to trace the change in the motives of labor activity and the needs underlying them in dynamics.


Motivation of labor activity is an important characteristic of a person's personality, which significantly affects the nature and specifics of his professional work, primarily in its substantive aspects, determining its value and semantic aspects, the strategy of professional behavior.

The driving force that makes people act in a certain way is the satisfaction of their own needs. Commensurating them according to the degree of urgency and comparing them with the possibilities of the organization where they work, to satisfy material, social and spiritual needs, the individual makes a decision about the place of work, the intensity of his labor participation, etc. There is a process of formation of motives for labor activity, among which motives of security, achievement, independence, power, creativity and others.

Thus, the motivation of labor activity is understood as a single complex, multi-level process of the formation of psychological factors that determine the labor behavior of a person. At the same time, the multidimensionality of the problem of motivation determines the plurality of approaches to understanding its essence, nature, structure, as well as to the methods of study.

The study showed that the hypotheses put forward were confirmed.

The issues of motivation of labor activity in libraries attract the attention of both scientists and practitioners, which is reflected in professional periodicals. At the same time, the actual motives of labor activity do not fall into the field of view of researchers, and the emphasis is on stimulating the labor activity of library workers.

As a result of the analysis, we have to state that there are few examples of practical management of the motivation of the work activity of employees in libraries. The experience that is in individual libraries is systematized in this work. Libraries rarely use psychological testing, do not use motivational opportunities for mentoring, organizing jobs, etc. Libraries are more attentive to the issues of staff development and certification, which is explained by the need for professional growth of staff.

There is little experience of Russian libraries in the development and application of systems for motivating and stimulating the labor activity of employees; there is no analysis of their results. Libraries do not have a recruitment system; this process often happens spontaneously. Managers often do not have time to work with staff, and they recognize the need to use moral and material incentives to ensure that staff perform library work in accordance with their duties. Considering that work motivation is a process of formation of motives and is based on a complex set of human needs that are constantly changing, in order to effectively motivate librarians, managers need not only to establish these needs, but also to create conditions for their satisfaction.

The data obtained in the course of the study of the motivation of the labor activity of library workers in the Ural region show that with the growth of experience, the need for self-realization becomes more and more relevant, and the need for recognition is also actualized with the growth of education and experience. For young librarians and librarians with non-specialized education, a big problem is meeting the needs for security, which become less important with increasing experience.

Needs also change with age: young librarians are concerned about the satisfaction of material needs, librarians of working age are concerned about the possibility of self-expression, people of retirement age are concerned about security issues.

The work establishes the dependence of needs on the psychological orientation of the personality: for representatives of the genophilic type, the need for security and material needs are of the greatest importance, for the altruistic personality - communicative needs, and for the research type - the need for self-actualization. That is, age and psychological differences, education, experience play a significant role in the process of forming the labor motives of library workers, causing a certain level of satisfaction of needs.

The dissertation proves the fact that the motivation of library workers is positive, there is self-motivation, which is a condition for the professional development of librarians, forms an attitude towards work as a means of self-realization of the individual.

The study of motivational factors made it possible to establish differences in their perception by novice managers and ordinary library workers. Managers are concerned about issues of professional communication, ordinary workers - organizational issues of the library.

At the same time, all library workers highly appreciate the socio-psychological climate in the library, the interior of the library premises, the system of financial incentives, which indicates attention to it in all areas of the Ural region.

A comprehensive assessment of answers to questions concerning motivational factors made it possible to determine the most significant of them: the possibility of training, advanced training, and career growth.

All of the above made it possible to defend the following provisions related to theoretical understanding and experimental study of the issues of motivating the labor activity of librarians.

1. The conducted study gave grounds to assert that the need to motivate the work of library workers is predetermined by objective reasons (high staff turnover, an increase in the number of paraprofessionals, an increase in the average age of library workers), and its results depend on subjective prerequisites - the ability of managers to diagnose the needs of staff, apply motivation methods and incentives in the system.

2. The condition for effective management of the personnel potential of the library is determined - the presence of a functional subsystem of motivation for the labor activity of employees, which is a complex consisting of systems of remuneration and material incentives; advanced training; career planning; moral stimulation; assessment of professionalism; participation in decision-making, and is an essential component of the overall library personnel management system.

3. Enriched the idea of ​​the peculiarities of the motivation of the labor activity of library workers, which consist in a fairly high job satisfaction and at the same time low loyalty to the library; the predominance of the social motive (communication with colleagues and readers), the motive of recognition and the motive of security (availability of a job, guaranteed wages, vacations, social benefits); positive motivation of labor activity, which is the basis of professional development.

4. The level of motivation of library workers is interconnected with such factors of their work as professional experience, level of education, and is also determined by age, status and regional characteristics of the environment in which the library exists (resource provision, priority tasks, management system).

However, this study does not completely solve the problem. The following can be proposed as possible directions for further research of the considered topic: the formation of motives for professional library activities in the process of obtaining education, adaptation in the library; the influence of group attitudes on the individual motivational sphere of librarians; managing the establishment of an optimal balance between internal motivation and external stimulation in the library; stability and involution of internal motivation of labor activity; study of the motivational sphere of personality based on the analysis of value orientations.

The results of the study do not claim to be exhaustive. However, being based on the analysis of the experience of modern library personnel management, on understanding the specifics of the motivation of the labor activity of employees, they can serve as a real contribution to the development of library science.

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249. Survey Questionnaire Dear Colleagues!

250. The Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts is conducting a study on the problems of satisfaction with the work of librarians and invites you to take part in it. Instructions for completing the proposed forms can be found below.

251. Thank you for participating in the study.

252. Indicate your education: higher library higher non-library secondary library secondary specialized non-library other.

253. How do you assess the level of your qualifications? high medium low I hesitate to answer.

254. Are you satisfied that you work in a library? Dana is not at all

255. Why did you choose the library profession

256. How do you assess your position in the library? stable, rather stable than unstable rather unstable than stable unstable difficult to answer

257. What conditions may become decisive when you change your place of work

258. Indicate the region in which you live, position held, work experience in the library, work experience in the position held8. Your marital status 9. Your age is under 20 years old21.30 years old 31-45 years old 46-55 years old over 55 years old

259. What matters To what extent

260. Very small Fairly small Medium Fairly large Very large1. Cash earnings - I as a leader - my leader - myself 1. Work schedule - I as a leader - my leader - myself

261. Satisfaction from doing what you love - I as a leader - my leader - myself

262. Working with friendly people - I as a leader - my leader - myself

263. Good material and technical base of the library - I as a leader - my leader - myself

264. Opportunity to be the first to get acquainted with new literature - I as a leader - my leader - myself

265. Respect and recognition from colleagues and management - I as a leader - my leader - myself

266. Modern interior premises - I as a leader - my leader - myself

267. Opportunity for training and advanced training - I as a leader - my leader - myself

268. What matters To what extent

269. Very small Fairly small Medium Fairly large Very large

270. Constant communication with people - I as a leader - my leader - myself

271. The possibility of promotion - I as a leader - my leader - myself

272. Good and safe working conditions - I as a leader - my leader - myself

273. Opportunity to fully realize my potential - I as a leader - my leader - myself 1. Creative nature of work - I as a leader - my leader - myself

274. Independence in decision-making - I as a leader - my leader - myself

275. The system of material incentives (additional earnings) - I as a leader - my leader - myself

276. Reasonable rules and procedures that exist in the library - I as a leader - my leader - myself

277. Social usefulness of labor - I as a leader - my leader - myself

278. Reliability of work, giving confidence in the future - I as a leader - my leader - myself

279. I want recognition and respect

280. I want to have warm relationships with people.

281. I want to be sure of my future

282. I want to earn my living

283. I want to have good interlocutors

284. I want to strengthen my position

285. I want to develop my abilities

286. I want to secure my material comfort.

287. I want to improve my skills and competence

288. I want to avoid trouble

289. I want to strive for new and unknown

290. I want to secure a position of influence among others.

291. I want to buy nice things

292. I want to do a business that requires full dedication

293. Mark with any sign the problems and statements that are closest to you and worry you.

294. You devote enough time and effort to the problem of maintaining your health, believing that health is above all.

295. You are most concerned about the health of your children.

296. What worries and upsets you most of all are manifestations of unkindness of people towards each other, the lack of true kindness among many.

297. You clearly give preference to research, experimental, search work.

298. You have always strived for leadership, but for you a career is a natural self-affirmation of a person.

299. You are unbearably outraged by all forms of suppression of man by man, of man by the state.

300. Under no circumstances will you tolerate arrogance towards you.

301. You think that a person should not miss a single moment of joy and pleasure, since there will be no one life and no other!

302. You are most concerned about the problems associated with the well-being of your family.

303. Most of all, you appreciate the ability to feel the state of another person, to understand his feelings.

304. Most of all, you dream of working in a team of enthusiastic and talented people.

305. Do you prefer as the managerial, organizational work, and the statements are close to you: “Do not interfere with business people, and then there will be abundance.”

306. If you were offered a choice of career, wealth, security or freedom, you would not hesitate to choose freedom.

307. You are always on the side of those who are ready to give up their well-being in the name of preserving their honor and tribal pride!

308. You do not accept the risk of health and well-being, even for the most tempting purposes and offers.

309. Your greatest concern is the safety of your children.

310. Most of all you appreciate disinterestedness in relation to people.

311. You perfectly understand people who are ready to leave a place and go to new lands if an interesting business begins there.

312. For you, the prospect of career growth is more of a priority than material incentives.

313. You believe that freedom of speech, movement, and religion is the most important of all human rights.

314. You are deeply sympathetic to people who wage a selfless struggle against all forms of humiliation of man by man, of man by the state.

315. You think that the biggest stupidity in the world is not to go to the doctor in time and thereby start the disease.

316. What worries and worries you most of all is the future of your children.

317. You experience the troubles and misfortunes of your people harder than your own.

318. You are unbearably irritated by the inertia and opposition of mediocre, but vested with power, people to new, progressive, talented, creative people.

319. You are definitely ready for a tough fight with competitors in your main business.

320. What interests you most is independence from anyone and from anything.

321. You are most intolerant of all forms of infringement of your Self, considering that honor is above all.

322. You absolutely agree with the philosopher who asserted that "everything around me exists and has meaning as long as I exist."

323. You feel best in the circle of your family. She is your joy, and your credo: "My house is my fortress!"

324. What worries and depresses you most of all is the lack of concern for the weak, the sick, the disabled and the elderly.

325. You admire people who are ready to sacrifice their well-being and health for the sake of realizing their creative aspirations.

326. You value business people, results, a strong hand in management.

327. You do not tolerate restrictions in your activities, in your life, in your freedom.

328. Under any circumstances and in the face of any threat, one should act in accordance with the statement "it is better to die standing than to live on your knees."

329. Statistical data on study participants

330. Distribution of respondents by positions

331. Novice library managers 135 people. 27.3%

332. Librarian and bibliographer 359 people. 72.7%

333. Distribution of respondents by areas of residence

334. Data on education, age, gender, marital status and work experience of respondents*

335. Characteristics of respondents Novice librarians Ordinary librarians Total

336. Marital status Married 103 193 296 76.3% 53.8% 59.9% Not married 32 166 198 23.7% 46.2% 40.1%

337. From the age of up to 3 years 18 138 156 work in the library 13% 38.4% 31.6% up to 10 years 28 125 15321% 34.8% 31% up to 20 years 53 74 12739.5% 20.6% 25.7% over 20 years - 36 22 5826.5% 6.2% 11.8%

338. The numerator is the actual value, the denominator is the share.1. Respondents' self-assessment1. Respondents' self-assessments*

339. Self-assessment Aspiring librarians Ordinary librarians Total1. Levels high 50 80 130 qualifications 36.8% 22.3% 26.3% medium 71 225 29652.6% 62.7% 60% low 16 164.5% 3.2% difficult to answer 14 38 52 10.6% 10, 5% 10.6%

340. Job satisfaction yes 71 197 268 52.6% 54.8% 54.3% not quite 57 136 19342.1% 37.9% 39.1% no 7 16 235.3% 4.5% 4.6% not about gvetili "" 10 2.8% 10 2%

341. Provisions in the library 65% ​​42.3% 48.4% sustainable 87 152 239 rather 35 126 161 sustainable 24.5% 35.1% 32.6% rather 10 27 37 unstable 7.9% 7.5% 7.4 % unstable 17 174.8% 3.5% difficult to answer 3 37 40 2.6% 10.3% 8.1%

342. The numerator is the actual value, the denominator is the share.

343. Relationship of self-assessment of the level of qualification with educational level 100% 90% 80% 70% V 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

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Federal Agency for Education State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University"

Faculty of Culture and Additional Education

Department of Socio-Cultural and Library Activities


Coursework in the specialization "Library Management" 4th year students of the correspondence course

scientific adviser

Dr. culturologists, prof.

Novosibirsk 2008

Introduction. 3

1.Motivation. 7

1.1 Concept, types and methods of motivation. 7

1.2 Motivational approach of foreign researchers. eleven

2. Motivation of library staff. 15

2.1. Analysis of the library team. 15

2.2 The system of personnel motivation NB NSTU.. 18

Conclusion: 25

References: 28

Library management in the context of the transition to market relations, the development of initiative economic activity required the formation of new requirements for the leaders of library teams. Innovative methods of library management are being improved. Library practice includes new areas of management activity - management, marketing, strategic planning, innovation and others that require theoretical understanding and the adoption of appropriate methodological decisions.

Federal Law No. 78-FZ of December 29, 1994 “On Librarianship” (Chapter VII. Economic regulation in the field of librarianship, Art. 26. Labor relations of librarians) significantly expanded the rights and obligations of librarians.

The new approach to management is increasingly based on the recognition of the priority of the individual over production, profit, over the interests of an institution, enterprise, firm. It is this way of posing the question that constitutes the culture of behavior today. Now, intuition alone, personal interest is not enough, because the manager needs scientific knowledge about the personality of the employee, a professional approach to working with personnel. Personality is the main thing in a person, his most important social attribute.

Each person is a unique and complex world: sensations, perceptions, thinking, having their own values, individually unique features (temperament, self-consciousness).

The choice of the topic “Motivation of library staff” is also not accidental, since this is a hot topic in library management, because the way to effective professional activity of a person lies through an understanding of his motivation. Only knowing what motivates a person, what motivates him to activity, what motives underlie his actions, you can try to develop an effective system of forms and methods of managing him. To do this, you need to know how certain motives arise or what causes them, how and in what ways motives can be put into action, how people are motivated.

The relevance of the topic of the course work is due to the role played by the management of library staff-personnel policy. Indeed, in the successful implementation of personnel policy, an important role is played by the motivation of staff, ensuring emotional attachment to the institution, and interest in improving the quality in the reform of librarianship.

To this end, it is envisaged to provide an opportunity for the initiative of librarians, create effective economic incentives to increase productivity and quality of work (material incentives, additional payments to basic salaries, provision of material assistance, improvement of working conditions and living conditions of employees). Leaders should always be aware of the need to encourage people to work for the organization.

Why do people work? Why do some people do easy work and remain dissatisfied, while others do hard work and get satisfaction? What needs to be done to ensure that people work better and more productively? How can you make work more attractive? What makes a person want to work? These and similar questions are always relevant in the library environment. Library management can develop excellent plans and strategies, find optimal structures and create efficient systems transmission and processing of information, install the most modern equipment in the organization and use the best technologies. However, all this will be nullified if the members of the organization do not work properly, if they do not cope well with their duties, if they do not strive with their work to contribute to the achievement of corporate goals and the fulfillment of the organization's mission. The readiness of a person to do his job is one of the key success factors for the functioning of any organization.

The relevance of this topic lies also in the fact that, having understood the mechanism of formation of the motivational sphere of a person, library managers will be able to effectively manage staff, increasing labor productivity by motivating their employees; and having an idea of ​​what motivation is and what are our true motives, what is the actual mechanism of motivation, we will be able to more effectively manage own life, adequately perceive not only the people around us, but the whole situation of interaction, enjoy the present, listening to your needs and desires, make plans for the future, based on your true motives.

Labor productivity directly depends on the level of motivation of employees to work and the type of this motivation.

Thus, determining ways to increase productivity, ways to increase creative initiative, as well as stimulating and motivating library workers are becoming a priority in practice. Russian management and the relevance of the chosen topic is beyond doubt.

So, the purpose of the course work is to study the motivation of work in the library sector in terms of development and improvement of the work of library staff.

The main task is to determine the motivation of library staff.

The object of the study was the library staff of the NL NSTU, and the subject of the study was the motivation of work and its impact on the efficiency of the staff, which contributes to the image of the library. To achieve this goal, it seemed necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Define concepts, types and methods of motivation.

2. Identify and analyze the forms of motivation.

3. Consider the means of motivation of the used concepts of satisfaction and growth of the needs of the individual, which underlie the content and process theories of motivation according to A. Maslow.

4. Analyze the forms of motivation in library practice.

5. Consider the forms of motivation for the library staff of NSTU.

When working on this topic, the literature on management, librarianship, organizational culture, psychology was studied to identify the analysis of the forms of motivation and the direct dependence of improving the quality of staff work.

1.1 Concept, types and methods of motivation

There was a time when it was believed that automated technology would replace the librarian from most information processes and finally establish the superiority of technology over the worker. However, although the computer has become an absolute master in many technological and managerial processes, the role and importance of the librarian has not fallen, but increased. A person has become not only the most valuable resource of any organization, but also the most expensive. A good organization strives to maximize the potential of its specialists, creating all conditions for their fullest return at work and intensive development of their capabilities. In accordance with this, the main goal of the personnel management system is to provide personnel, organize their effective use, professional and social development.

The theory that considers personnel as costs that need to be reduced has been replaced by the theory of personnel management, i.e. human resources, according to which it is personnel that is one of those resources that need to be competently managed, created conditions for its development, invested funds in it.

The situation that has arisen in our country, the changes in the socio-economic reality, at the same time bring both great opportunities and a serious threat to each individual, the stability of his existence, and introduce a significant amount of uncertainty into the life of almost every person. Personnel management in such a situation is of particular importance: personnel management makes it possible to generalize and implement a whole range of issues of adapting an individual to external conditions, taking into account the personal factor in building a library personnel management system.

Therefore, the motivation of employees has become one of the central places in personnel management, since it is the direct cause of their behavior. The orientation of employees to achieve the goals of the organization is essentially the main task of personnel management. Psychologists talk a lot about how to choose a profession, how to adapt to it, how to evaluate the work of the team, how to improve productivity, how to create work motivation.

Motivation is the process of combining the goals of the organization and the goals of the employee in order to most fully meet the needs of both, it is a system of various ways of influencing personnel to achieve the intended goals.

Motivation is a complex set of sensations that depends primarily on the individual qualities of a person. And since the good work of the library is determined primarily by the high quality of service, the administration must take very seriously the problem of creating a favorable working environment conducive to the professional growth of staff, and support the efforts of each member of the team aimed at introducing new forms of library work.

The first two methods of motivation are direct, because they involve a direct impact on a person, the third method, stimulation, is indirect, since it is based on the influence of external factors, incentives.

The concept of “motive” occupies a central place in the theory of motivation. A motive is a predominantly conscious internal motivation of a person to a certain behavior aimed at satisfying certain needs. Often, motives are also defined as a person's initially non-actualized readiness for a certain behavior. The actualization of a motive means its transformation into the main impulse of psychological activity, which determines behavior. What aspects of human behavior are revealed in the concept of motive?

The motive characterizes, first of all, the volitional side of behavior, i.e. it is inextricably linked with the will of man. We can say that the motive is the impulse and cause of human activity. It is predominantly a conscious urge. Despite the fact that many motives originate in the subconscious, nevertheless, they become the driving force, the determinant of behavior, only when they are more or less conscious. The motive is generated by a certain need, which is the ultimate cause of human actions. He is a phenomenon of psychology, subjective reality, i.e. conscious and subconscious. Although the motive expresses readiness for action, encourages it, it may not develop into action or behavior, in this case there is a struggle of motives, in which the strongest of them wins and becomes actualized.

There are various ways of motivation, of which we will name the following:

1 Normative motivation- inducing a person to a certain behavior through ideological and psychological influence: persuasion, suggestion, information, psychological infection, etc.;

2 Forced motivation based on the use of power and the threat of deterioration in the satisfaction of the needs of the employee if he does not comply with the relevant requirements;

3 Stimulation- the impact not directly on the individual, but on external circumstances with the help of benefits - incentives that encourage the employee to certain behavior.

There are three methods to increase the value of work in the eyes of its performers:

selection for the employee of such a field of activity that would stimulate the achievement of his own goals, that is, it is necessary to create conditions for the realization of the abilities and individual inclinations of the employee in the process of work;

Assistance to the employee in achieving satisfaction with their activities and increasing self-esteem;

· stimulating the achievements of the employee through a system of external rewards, such as promotion, salary increase or material reward. In the practice of personnel management, the most common method is material incentives. However, the higher the level of development of social and industrial relations, the more often the members of the team themselves show a desire to participate in the affairs of the library, that is, the need for moral satisfaction from a job well done, from the introduction of a new idea increases.

1.2 Motivational approach of foreign researchers

The motivational approach has long been developed in foreign and domestic management. But it is based on the classification of personality needs developed by foreign researchers (for example, in the works of A. Maslow, D. McClelland, F. Herzberg). Process theories (expectancy theory, equity theory, Porter-Lawler model) study what factors and how they influence the activity or passivity of an employee. There are other concepts of motivation: D. McGregor's "XY theory", in which the key place is occupied by "creating an environment conducive to the manifestation of a person's best qualities" .

One of the most famous and widely used in management is the concept of A. Maslow, which is based on the hierarchy (pyramid) of needs developed by him. A. Maslow's pyramid in relation to the library staff can be interpreted as follows (Table No. 1).

In this way, modern management is based on a deep study of the needs of a working person, which are reflected in motivation. Motivation is understood as the desire of people to exert efforts to achieve the goals of the organization, through which their own needs are also satisfied. The main functions of motivation are: motivation for action, direction of activity, control and maintenance of behavior.

The motivation system is based on the principles, the key of which are: polymotivation of labor behavior, hierarchical organization of motives, the principle of justice, the principle of reinforcement, and includes the actual motivation of the individual and stimulation. At the same time, stimulation is an external influence in relation to the employee, directed not at the person directly, but at external circumstances with the help of benefits - incentives that encourage the employee to certain behavior.

No management system will function effectively if an effective model of motivation is not developed, since motivation encourages a particular individual and the team as a whole to achieve personal and collective (organizational) goals.

Modern theories of personnel motivation and their use in practice prove that material incentives do not always induce a person to work harder.

The true motives that make you give maximum effort to work are extremely difficult to determine. Having mastered modern technologies of motivational activity, the manager is able to significantly expand his capabilities in attracting an employee to perform tasks aimed at achieving the company's goals.

Despite the wide range of methods that can be used to motivate employees, the manager must choose how to stimulate each employee to fulfill the main task - the survival of libraries in difficult financial conditions and a shortage of staff. If this choice is made successfully, then the leader gets the opportunity to coordinate the efforts of many people and jointly realize the potential of a group of people, a team for the benefit of the prosperity of the library and society as a whole.

2. Motivation of library staff

2.1. Library staff analysis

The library team has certain features, which are primarily due to the fact that work in the library is largely creative, heuristic in nature, while at the same time, in library work, many operations are repetitive, monotonous, and strictly regulated. This is the contradiction of the library profession, which creates certain difficulties in the selection and placement of staff. An example is the processes of library processing. The work of a systematizer, cataloguer, being basically creative, at the same time requires compliance with many standards (strictly regulated), utmost care and composure. An important property of library work is its multifunctionality, interchangeability, which leads to the need for frequent switching from one process to another and causes increased fatigue.

The next feature follows from the fact that library activity is inherently communicative and involves communication with a large number of people with various needs, requests, and a peculiar manner of communication. Hence, such requirements for personnel are formulated as: knowledge and skills in the field of human communication, professional competence, erudition - all this can be considered a manifestation of abilities; endurance, benevolence, ability to empathize, delicacy and others personal qualities(properties) that contribute to successful communication.

And, finally, the main feature is that library teams are predominantly women's teams, that is, they are homogeneous. In such teams, the problems of interpersonal communication come to the fore, they are psychologically unstable, conflicting, the personal qualities of the team members play a more significant role in them, higher requirements are placed on leaders at all levels, especially the highest. It should be noted that gender perspective to the study of library collectives has not yet received sufficient development.

In addition to the above characteristics of library teams, under the influence of information technology in libraries, the work process is becoming more complicated and the team is stratified according to the professional level, which is inevitable at this stage: one part of it intensively masters new technologies, including working with network information resources, the other works with traditional media traditional methods. The level of professional knowledge among these groups is very different, which affects their self-esteem, job satisfaction. Overcoming these imbalances is an urgent task of personnel management and can be solved in various ways, among which professional development is certainly in the first place, however, other management tools, especially a personnel motivation system focused on learning new things, can help reduce the severity of the problem. All of the above the characteristics of the library staff should be taken into account when creating a system of staff motivation.

Considering the library as an organization, it must be recognized that for the successful management of staff in each library must be built own a system of motivation and incentives that takes into account both external factors (socio-economic conditions of the library) and characteristics of the internal environment: organizational culture, the specifics of library work, management style, and, especially, the needs and individual typological properties of the individual. In addition, one should take into account "anti-incentives", which, on the one hand, reveal shortcomings in the system of motivation and incentives, on the other hand, reflect the possibility of improving staff incentives. The most significant "disincentives" are: low wages inadequate to the qualifications of the employee, the cost and quality of his work; inappropriate working conditions; poor socio-psychological climate in the team; unfair (according to the employee) system of labor evaluation and incentives.

As for the personnel policy, today the emphasis is on the young. However, there are few of them - from 10 to 30% of the total library staff. Keeping them in the library is not easy. There are ways to solve this problem, and smart leaders, as a rule, find them. Among them - the removal of "leveling" in wages, the prospects for career growth, satisfaction from the performed functional duties, the creation of conditions for the realization of creative ambitions, opportunities for professional contacts with their age category, acquiring new knowledge, taking into account inclinations and interests, various forms of social support and protection, flexible working hours. By the way, the computerization of library processes and Internet technologies are also very attractive for young people.

2.2 Staff motivation system NB NSTU

The professional level of a librarian determines not only what libraries will be in the future, but also whether there will be a library in the future. The staffing of the industry is today the most important problem of the professional library community. It is recognized that the staff is the main resource of any organization, its main wealth, which determines the success of all activities. In this regard, the basis of the concept of personnel management is currently the growing role of the personality of each employee, knowledge of his motivational attitudes, the ability to form and direct them in accordance with the tasks facing the library.

The personnel motivation system in the scientific library of the Novosibirsk State Technical University (NB NSTU) has been formed over many years, and this process cannot be considered complete, since there are constant changes in both the external and internal environment, which affects the value orientations of employees, requires constant "adjustment" of the motivation system to new requirements and expectations of personnel, new socio-economic conditions. Let's consider the elements that make up the motivation system in the NSTU library, based on the above interpretation of A. Maslow's pyramid of needs. First of all, we note that the motivation system is based on material and non-material incentives, and their combination provides the system with the necessary flexibility. Material incentives include the system of remuneration and material incentives, non-material incentives - the entire range of management tools aimed at solving a set of tasks related to the preservation and development of the team.

The first level of needs is satisfied through the system of remuneration and material incentives. It is known that the basis of remuneration (official salary) is tariff rate, determined in accordance with the principles of tariffing laid down in the unified tariff scale (UTS), and qualification requirements for the relevant position and pay grade. This basic model is common to all budget organizations and does not have any features in the NSTU library.

To establish personal allowances, a developed system of evaluation characteristics is used, which, on the one hand, allows you to determine the specifics of labor at a particular workplace (that is, in fact, it is a certification of the workplace, in terms of the content and nature of labor), and on the other hand, establishes the level of employee qualification serving this workplace.

With the help of personal allowances, the development of new technologies, other areas of work, the development of creative abilities (for example, participation in projects, research, analytical work, preparation of public events, articles, reports, work in a group of teachers who conduct classes with students on the basics of information culture and etc.).

Thus, the over-tariff part of the salary differs significantly for employees who occupy not only different positions, but also for those who have the same positions, but work in areas with unequal intensity, content and working conditions. This approach makes it possible to differentiate wages and stimulate the development of more complex work by employees, interchangeability, and a creative approach to business, which is an indispensable condition for the development of both the library as a whole and a particular individual.

Thus, the satisfaction of basic needs can be assessed as insufficient. What then attracts in the work of the library, what factors are predominantly motivating for the majority of employees? Some employees went to look for work in other places, but returned back.

After all, as noted above, not only material incentives, but also comfortable, safe working conditions serve to satisfy the basic needs of the individual (the first and second levels of the pyramid). In this direction, positive changes have also taken place in the NB NSTU in recent years: an improved repair of most working premises has been carried out, the workplaces have been equipped with modern computer equipment, special furniture, and some classrooms with air conditioners; a planned replacement of electric lighting is being carried out, the thermal regime has been significantly improved. An acute problem is the lack of space, which often does not allow meeting the standards set for specific workplaces, especially those equipped with computer technology.

The university annually adopts an agreement on labor protection, within the framework of the implementation of such agreements, the library administration, together with trade union organization purposefully interacts with the leadership of the university to improve working conditions in the library. Examples include annual medical examinations of library staff working in harmful and unfavorable working conditions, carried out at the expense of the university, installation of air conditioners, replacement of electric lighting, etc.

The university has created and successfully applies a system of social protection for the staff: payment for sick leave, provision of places in kindergartens, summer vacations, material assistance, health improvement through the dispensary and recreation centers Sharap and Erlogoli, and other benefits - all this is an important motivator, especially for the female team.

Satisfaction of basic needs mainly ensures the stability of the team, while the needs of the third and fourth and, especially, the fifth levels, being the needs of self-identification and self-realization of the individual, contribute to the development of the team.

It is known that work in a library, especially in a large one, is predominantly group (collective) in nature, which is why it is so important to maintain a sense of camaraderie, collectivism, and form the ability to work in a team. This is fully consistent with the brigade method of labor, the main principle of which is interchangeability (within reasonable limits) and mutual assistance. In addition to the brigade method of work, the formation of teamwork skills, mutual understanding, cohesion, as well as self-expression and development of the creative potential of the individual is facilitated by the creation of temporary creative teams from specialists from different departments to solve various problems: preparing and implementing projects, performing work related to the introduction of computer technology , conducting various research, user training.

Note that team methods are widely used in libraries abroad, which, according to managers using this form of work organization, contributes to the adaptation of library services to social changes; in addition, the group different people, forming common interests, values, traditions, opinions, in the process of joint activity turns into a community. This community forms a strong motivational factor for the self-realization of the individual, stimulates its development, the disclosure of creative potential.

It should be emphasized once again that the specifics of the female team is such that good relations in a micro-group, the presence of friends and like-minded people in it, team cohesion are often the determining motive for an employee when deciding to move to another department, to another area of ​​work. In the NSTU library, team building as a whole and in departments is facilitated by the joint holding of holidays (All-Russian Day of Libraries, New Year). The maturity of the team and its cohesion is also manifested in the ability to empathize, the desire to help members of the team in difficult life situations (at the funeral of close relatives).

Each person wants to be significant, most people are interested not only in the process of work and the reward of its results, but also in public recognition of success. The need for recognition and respect is realized in NL NSTU through a system of moral incentives: awarding certificates of honor, diplomas based on the results of professional competitions (for the best exhibition, library review, advertising), gratitude and public recognition of the merits of an employee during general library events, at meetings of the methodological council , directorates, etc. Much attention is paid to such motivators in the library: every year, on the All-Russian Day of Libraries, a group of employees receives certificates of honor, gratitude, diplomas.

Taking into account the new requirements for the library profession, the changed paradigm of higher education, which necessitates lifelong learning, the most urgent problem of advanced training and retraining of library staff, which is noted by many researchers. At the same time, advanced training, the possibility of professional growth and career are important stimulating factors, so a lot of attention is paid to these aspects of staff motivation in the NSTU library. Further training is differentiated in the library not only by educational, probationary and managerial levels, but also by the functional duties of temporary groups of employees, in turn, the professional growth of employees is supported by material and moral incentives.

As noted above, the motivation system is not something frozen, created once and for all, it must be dynamic, able to adapt to changing external conditions, the requirements of the organization and people.

Once again, we note the good technical equipment of NB NSTU. It can be assumed that the employees associate the development of the library with this factor, and qualitative changes in servicing readers based on new information technologies, and improving the working conditions of staff through the use of modern technical means. The opportunity to engage in interesting work and the conditions for creative and professional growth inspire a sense of satisfaction in most library workers.

It is known that the psychological climate plays an important role in the organization of work, being an integral part of the organizational culture of the team, and in the women's team it is one of the most significant motivators. Empathy and help in critical situations is the most important way of team building.

Thus, among the factors that cause a feeling of satisfaction with work, those that influence the motivation of higher-level needs - the need for recognition and respect and the need to reveal one's potential (the fourth and fifth steps of A. Maslow's pyramid) came to the fore. The multiplicity of motives that influence human behavior suggests the existence of certain connections between them. Compensatory relationships can be established between motives: insufficient strength (expressiveness) of some motives can be compensated or balanced by the action of others. In my opinion, the results of the study conducted at NSTU confirm this thesis - dissatisfaction with wages is compensated by other factors that are no less significant for the individual, and positively affect job satisfaction, ensure stability and development of the team.

At the same time, the results obtained revealed weaknesses in motivation (“anti-incentives”), which makes it necessary to make certain adjustments to both the existing motivation system and the library staff strategy as a whole. In conclusion, I note that it is the motivation of the personnel that is the main factor determining the success of the personnel strategy. All elements of the personnel strategy: placement of personnel and their consolidation, rational use human resources, the system of training and advanced training, evaluation of personnel performance and other elements are closely interconnected with each other and rely on the motivation system as the basis for personnel management.


In the second half of the twentieth century, significant changes took place in the management system: the concept of strategic management was being formed, and fundamentally new approaches to personnel were being developed. Personnel is beginning to be regarded as the main resource of the organization, which determines the success of all activities of any institution. In accordance with the new management paradigm, a new theory of human resource management has appeared - personnel-strategy, in which personnel are considered not as production costs, but as human capital, strategic resource, which needs to be effectively managed, investing considerable funds in its development.

A person performs certain actions in accordance with the pressure on him of a combination of internal and external forces in relation to him. The combination of these forces is called motivation.

Motivation is the process of inducing a person to a certain activity with the help of intrapersonal and external factors. But the process itself causes far from the same reaction in people. Therefore, it is impossible to unambiguously describe the process of motivation. The task of the manager is the formation of responsible employees who are result-oriented, highly organized and striving for labor self-realization of the individual.

There are various ways of motivation: normative motivation, forced motivation, stimulation. A motive is, as a rule, a conscious internal motivation of a person to a certain behavior and is generated by a certain need.

Motives exist in a systemic interaction with other psychological phenomena, forming a complex mechanism of motivation. The initial link of the mechanism is a need that expresses the need, the need for a person of certain goods, objects or forms of behavior, claims and expectations. The next link in the mechanism forms of manifestation of needs correlated with the environment. The second “pole” of the motivation mechanism is the stimulus. The incentive is focused on the satisfaction of needs, it affects human behavior.

Taking into account the general mechanism of motivation in the management process contributes to a more competent choice of incentive forms by the manager, the correct determination of the degree and speed of their impact on employees, and the correct explanation of the reasons for the low effectiveness of incentives. At the same time, the mechanism of labor motivation, characterizing only the general links of the motivational process, does not yet give meaningful ideas about the formation, strength and duration of action, structure and subordination, orientation and features of the interaction of various motives of human behavior. An analysis of these aspects of the processes of inducing a person to organizational activity is contained in the theories of labor motivation.

The main levers of motivation are incentives (for example, wages) and motives (internal attitudes of a person).

The attitude to work is determined by the system of human values, the working conditions created at the enterprise and the incentives used.

The motivation system at the enterprise level should guarantee:

Employment of all workers by work;

Providing equal opportunities for professional and

career growth;

Consistency of the level of payment with the results of work;

Creation of labor safety conditions;

Maintaining a favorable psychological climate in the team, etc.

Thus, the stimulus is directly focused on the need, its satisfaction, while the motive is the main connecting link, the “spark”, which, under certain conditions, slips between the need and the stimulus. For this “spark” to occur, the stimulus must be more or less recognized and accepted by the worker.

Motivation methods can be classified into:

Economic (direct) - time and piecework wages; bonuses for qualitative and quantitative indicators of labor; participation in the income of the enterprise; tuition fees, etc.;

Economic (indirect) - the provision of benefits in paying for housing, transport services, meals at the enterprise;

Non-monetary - increasing the attractiveness of work, promotion, participation in decision-making at a higher level, advanced training, flexible work schedules for going to work, etc.

In order to successfully manage people, it is necessary to motivate their work. Only in this way can success be achieved.

Table number 1.

Pyramid of A. Maslow in relation to the library staff

steps of the pyramid Ways to Meet Library Needs
1) Needs to unlock your potential Participation in significant projects, revealing one's creative abilities, the opportunity to learn, support initiatives, career planning
2) The need for recognition and respect System of moral incentives, adequate evaluation of the labor contribution, the possibility of professional growth
3) The need to belong to a group The presence of friends, pleasant colleagues, respected leaders and readers, the possibility of informal communication
4) The need for security Workplace safety, benefits and compensation payments, medical care, pensions, convenient working hours, good psychological climate in the team
5) Physical needs (financial situation) Remuneration and system of material incentives, convenience of the workplace, physical comfort in the workplace, availability of food outlets, places of rest, psychological relief


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