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Mechanistic structures include functional structure. Mechanistic type of organization

The mechanistic organizational structure is characterized by great complexity, especially by the large number of horizontal divisions; a high degree of responsibility and formalization by a limited information network for lower levels of management; low level of participation of all management personnel in decision-making.

The mechanistic structure acts as a rigid hierarchy or control pyramid. It is characterized by a small number of management levels, rules and instructions, and greater independence in decision-making at the grassroots levels.

Rice. 7.1 - Diagram of the mechanistic structure

The forms and style of communication in the organic management structure are partnership, deliberative (in the mechanistic one, these are orders and instructions), for managers ...
characterized by high general education. In the literature, there is another term for mechanistic structures - bureaucratic. Naturally, it does not include the full set of negative characteristics with which it is associated in Everyday life. Moreover, as you know, the German sociologist Weber, who developed this management model (early 20th century), considered it ideal. It has been designed to: meet the needs of the consumer; creation of equal conditions for the consumer; increase rationality and efficiency management decisions. Weber saw the possibility of achieving the set goals by minimizing the personal influence of a leader on decision-making, as well as coordinating all specific decisions with the tasks of organizations.

The ideal or bureaucratic structure proposed by Weber and then extended not only to production, but also to public organizations, included the following characteristics: specialization of labor, hierarchy of subordination, regulation of duties, clear certain responsibilities and accountability, a system of established rules and procedures, depersonalization of relationships, promotion based on qualifications from the hardest, centralization of power, written reports. All the features of the bureaucratic structure of the organization coincide with the above description of the mechanistic structure of management. For more than 50 years, this model has dominated management. To a greater or lesser extent, it combines the most common until recently types of organizational structures of the company: functional, linear, linear-staff, divisional. These structures represent the era of the industrial development of society. However, in the last 20 years, when social production developed countries has entered a new, information age, Western management is largely restructuring its structures. Moreover, such a restructuring is of a qualitative nature. Many organizations, in order to survive in an increasingly aggravated competition change their strategy and structures. Mechanistic structures function like a machine, a mechanism. Structures of another type (organic) function like a living cell, an organism. Organizations with informal management structures provide their employees with greater freedom of action, and, consequently, greater opportunities for choosing behavior acceptable to each person.

ANDMENTA 6.1. Essence and general characteristics organizational structures. 6.2. Characteristics of mechanistic organizational structures. 6.3. Characteristics of organic organizational structures. 6.4. Evaluation of the effectiveness of organizational management structures List of recommended literature: 1. Brass A.A. Fundamentals of management: Proc. allowance. - Mn.: IP "Ekoperspektiva", 1999. - 239 p. 2. Vesnin V.R. Management: Tutorial in diagrams. - M.: White elves. 1999. 3. Gerchikova I.N. Management: Textbook. - M.: Banks and stock exchanges, UNITI, 1994. - 685 p. 4. Gribov V.D. Management in small business: Proc. allowance. - M.: Finance and statistics, 1999. - 128 p. 5. Daft R.L. Management - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Piter", 2000. - 832 p. 6. Kabushkin N.I. Fundamentals of Management: Textbook. - Minsk: CJSC "Econompress", NPZh "FUA", 1998. - 284 p. 7. Fundamentals of management and marketing: Textbook / Ed. Sedegova R.S. - Mn.: Vysh.shk., 1995. - 382 p. 8. Organization management: Textbook / Ed. A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Salomatina. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: INFRA-M, 1999. - 669 p.

6.1 . Essence and general characteristics

Organizational structure - a set of management bodies, between which there is a system of relationships that ensure the performance of the necessary management functions to achieve the goals of the company. The following elements are distinguished in the management structure: links (departments), levels (levels of management) and connections - horizontal and vertical. Link or management department is an organizationally separate, independent management body. The main principle of its formation is the performance of a certain function by the department. Relationships between departments are horizontal. Level management - a group of departments, occupying a certain level in the management hierarchy. Links between the levels of the hierarchy - links along the vertical - can be both ascending and descending. For most enterprises, organizational structures three levels (Figure 1.):- highest level- management of enterprises: president, board of directors, general meeting shareholders, chairman and members of the board, supervisory board. Top management performs a conceptual role, ensuring the setting of activity goals, strategic planning, problem solving for the future. - average level- the head of the enterprise and his deputies, heads of functional divisions. They ensure the implementation of the strategy developed by the top management, the adoption of operational tactical decisions. - lowest level- heads of primary structural subdivisions: heads of departments and sections, heads of production (in public catering). Factors influencing the organizational structure of the enterprise: the scale and structure of the organization, the specifics of the enterprise, technology, the availability of specialists, informal connections, the territorial distribution of divisions, the strategy of activity, the external environment. Depending on the degree of complexity, formalization and centralization, the structures are divided into two groups - mechanistic and organic. mechanistic(bureaucratic) organizational structure is characterized by great complexity, especially a large number of horizontal units; high degree of formalization; limited information network, low level of participation of all management personnel in decision-making. organic(adaptive) organizational structure is more flexible. It is characterized by a small number of management levels, rules and instructions; greater autonomy in decision-making at the grassroots levels; wide information network; presence of informal communications.

6. 2. Characteristics of mechanistic

Mechanistic organizational structures are divided into linear, functional, linear-functional and divisional structures. Linear structure management is characterized by the concentration of all powers and all responsibility in the hands of the head of each level. It is characterized by the presence of only vertical connections. This structure is used mainly by small and medium-sized firms (Fig. 1). At the head of each management unit is a leader, endowed with all powers, and carrying out the sole management of subordinate employees and concentrating all management functions in his hands. Its decisions passed along the chain "from top to bottom" are obligatory for implementation by all lower links. The leader, in turn, is subordinate to a higher leader. On this basis, a hierarchy of leaders of this management system is created. At the same time, subordinates carry out the orders of only one leader. The higher management body does not have the right to give orders to any performers, bypassing their immediate supervisor. Individual specialists or functional units help the line manager in collecting and processing information, in analyzing economic activity, preparation of management decisions, but they themselves do not give instructions or instructions to the managed object.

Rice. 1. Linear control structure

Functional structure assumes that each governing body is specialized in the implementation certain types management activities(functions). At the same time, the heads of functional units give orders to subordinates only within their competence (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Functional management structure Linear functional structure assumes that the first line manager in the development of specific issues and the preparation of appropriate decisions, programs is assisted by a special management apparatus, consisting of functional units. All instructions and orders, the performers receive only from their immediate line manager (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Linear-functional organization n naya structure

Divisional structure arose as a result of the expansion of the company's activities or their diversification. The word "divisional" comes from the English word "division", which means "division, part of a department". The division of the organization into departments in this type of structure occurs according to three criteria: by product, customer groups and geographic regions. These departments operate as almost independent organizations and report only to the central authority.

6. 3. Characterization of organic
organizational structures

Organic structures are subdivided into design and matrix structures. Project structure is a temporary organization created to solve a specific problem. Its members are highly qualified specialists from various fields, brought together to carry out a complex project. When the project is completed, the group disbands: some of the specialists go to their previous jobs, and some go to a new project team. The need to create a project structure may arise with the introduction of new technologies, structural reorganization of the enterprise in connection with the transfer to progressive forms of management. Matrix structure is created by combining two types of structures: functional and divisional. It provides for dual subordination: the head of the functional unit and the project manager.

Rice. 4. Matrix organizational structure

Recently, such approaches to the organization of the management structure as command and network have become widespread in foreign countries (5, pp. 330 - 335.). Command Structure involves the creation of work and management teams from employees of various functional departments, who take responsibility for the activities of the group and work together to solve the assigned tasks. As a rule, team members report to "their" functional departments, but at the same time they report to a group, one of whose members acts as a direct supervisor. Such teams can be created at all levels of enterprise management. The command structure is built on the principle of the project structure, but its difference is that it is permanent, not temporary (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Command organizational structure

The newest approach to building the organizational structure of an enterprise is a network structure, which disperses its main functions (production, sales, finance, marketing) between separate contracted companies. A small parent organization acts as a broker (intermediary), the main task of which is to coordinate the activities of interested parties. This structure is the most suitable international operations. (Fig. 6.).

Rice. 6. Network organizational structure

The main differences between network organizations and organizations of other types: 1. Distribution of resources. Instead of keeping all the resources needed for production in your organization certain products or services, network organizations use the collective assets of several firms located in different countries. 2. Network organizations mainly use market mechanisms. At the same time, the various components of the network are aware of their independence, share information, cooperate with each other, provide products in order to maintain their own place in the entire production chain. 3. More effective and interested role of participants. Voluntary proactive behavior not only improves outcomes, but also contributes to the fulfillment of contractual obligations.

Rice. - The evolution of management systems --
from the industrial economy to the information

Speed ​​is above all! The current market is characterized by the emergence of a completely new type of competition, when the speed of reaction to changes in the surrounding world is at the forefront. For example, Intel managed to leave its competitors behind by constantly offering more and more powerful microprocessors without waiting for the sales of previous models to stabilize. For example, Intel's acclaimed Pentium processor took one year less time to market than it took to sell off previous microprocessor models. In addition (to take advantage of the growing demand for home computers and capture new market) Intel was "not afraid" to set a price for New Product lower than their previous models and competing products. This example shows that the old methods of management (multilevel cumbersome and inflexible) are unacceptable in today's situation - unpredictable and constantly changing. Instead, we need organically connected systems that can automatically respond to change through many small, self-organizing units involved in a continuous learning process. And the solution of this problem can only be done by a network organization, which is based on a process approach to management. The network organization creates the basis for the formation of a virtual organization, which is a community of functional partners that manage the design, production and sale of products and services using modern information technologies and a system of contracts with independent working groups and structures. Distinctive features virtual organization: - non-permanent nature of functioning; - implementation of links between management actions based on integrated and local information systems and telecommunications; - relationships with partner and other interested organizations are carried out through a series of agreements, contracts and mutual ownership; - formation of temporary alliances of organizations in related fields of activity; - partial integration into the parent company and retention of ownership relations as long as it is considered beneficial; - contractual relations of employees with the administration at all levels.


Advantages and disadvantages of organizational

governance structures

Structure type




- Unity and clarity of command - Consistency of actions of performers - Ease of management - Efficiency in decision-making - Personal responsibility of the head for the final results of the activities of his unit - High demands on the leader, who must be comprehensively prepared in order to provide effective leadership - Concentration of power in the hands of 1 - 2 people


- Encouraging business and professional specialization - Improved coordination in functional areas - Relatively little overlap in managerial activities - Weak relationships between functional departments - Functional departments can move away from the overall goal of the company and pay more attention to the implementation of their internal tasks - The path of teams from the head to the executor is lengthening - No one department is responsible for the results of the work of the entire organization - Difficulty in training top-level managers


- High competence of specialists responsible for the implementation specific function- Reducing the need for generalists - Eliminating duplication of functions - Releasing the general manager from in-depth analysis of problems - Excessive interest in achieving the goals and objectives of "their" departments - Lengthy decision-making procedures - Insufficient flexibility - Problems with ensuring the coordination of the activities of functional departments


- high flexibility, fast reaction for changes external environment- A clear distribution of responsibility within the unit - Increasing the independence of managers - A high level of coordination of interactions between functional units - A more complete account of customer requirements - Duplication of activities - Weak links with the parent company - Limitation of control over the activities of departments by top management - Competition for corporate resources


- Flexible response to environmental changes


- Flexible reaction to changes in the external environment - Rational use personnel through specialization various kinds labor activity- Maintaining direct contacts between specialists, direct access to information - Increasing personal responsibility for the implementation of the program as a whole - Complexity - Possibility of occurrence conflict situations due to the fuzzy definition of the real powers of managers - High costs


- Eliminates barriers between departments to facilitate trade-offs - Faster response to customer needs and decision-making - Reduced administrative levels - Increased meeting and meeting time, reduced resource efficiency - Undesirable level of decentralization
- Global competitiveness - Reducing the need for management staff - Flexibility - Lack of direct control - Low employee loyalty - Possibility of unwanted loss of organizational parts.
A virtual corporation is basically a joint ownership and strategic alliance that binds together the specific goals and coordinated efforts of all constituent organizations. The basic goal of a virtual corporation is to combine key technologies and competencies in order to best meet the emerging demand in the consumer market. A temporary corporate network - a virtual organization - is a response to the rapidly changing economic and political conditions, the processes of globalization that a modern company faces. Principles of the virtual organization: 1. Abolition of relations of primary subordination 2. Centers of individual benefit (profit). 3. Geographical dispersal. 4. Separation of policy making from decision making. 5. Use of information technologies and telecommunication processes. 6. Shared ownership and changing alliances. 7. Combining key technologies and competencies. Accelerated production and service. 8. Education within the organization. 9. Collaboration of customers, suppliers, managers, performers, government agencies. New constructs of virtual character blur the formal lines of organizations to such an extent that it is often difficult to see where one organization ends and another begins. Individual organizations work with computer programs and information technology, which makes the emergence of information supersystems inevitable, and generates confidence in the large-scale capabilities and capabilities of alliances of partner organizations. Virtual organizations are increasingly subcontracting to external entities in order to take advantage of the organization's small size, flexibility and adaptability. There are so many external contracts that they become the framework, the "umbrella" of the organization. This determines its main quality - a wide distribution in space and time. It often happens that a virtual organization, thanks to information technology and telecommunications is distributed throughout the world. This creates conditions for working in real time, allows you to hold meetings with the image on the computer screen of all participants. The system of pagers, radio and television intercom systems, modern office equipment bring distances together, establish communication with the right workers at the right time, wherever they are. Virtual organizations provide serious competitive advantages due to a significant reduction in the cost of basic and working capital, a sharp reduction in the tax base. A virtual corporation allows companies to move away from inefficient or unprofitable areas of work (by handing over to others) and focus on what falls within their core competencies, such as designing a product or selling it. Such competitive advantages can be used by combining the abilities of working groups, the intellectual potentials of certain teams. The worldwide coverage of workgroups, small and medium organizations allows you to "variate opportunities", abandon inefficient production processes that are not performed well and transfer them to other partners. In different places, there is a focus on those functions and phases of the production process that can be carried out in the best way there. Virtual organizations require a new mindset of leaders: the rejection of comprehensive control, the transition from subordination to informal coordination, mutual trust, the prevalence of efficiency over career aspirations. Overcoming the vestiges of hierarchical management.

6. 4. Evaluation of the effectiveness of organizational management structures

Analysis of the current organizational structure is carried out to: - assess the rationality of the existing structure, its economy and efficiency; - assessing the compliance of the organizational structure with the goals of the enterprise. The objects of analysis are the hierarchical and functional structure. When analyzing hierarchical structure management, the composition and number of steps in the management apparatus are studied. Directions of analysis: - study of the division of labor and powers in the field of managerial decision-making, i.e. it is studied how the powers are distributed among the leaders of various levels; - identification of the level of qualification of employees, their responsibility and authority; - determination of the compliance of the number of actually working people with the number provided for by the staffing table; - Information Support management activities. Staffing - a summary table that indicates the names of positions, the number of employees, salary. This document is developed annually. Based on the staffing table, the organizational structure of management is left. The basis for analysis is the provisions on functional units and job descriptions of specialists. Analysis functional structure aimed at revealing the division of labor in the administrative apparatus, at the concentration and cooperation of labor. Directions of analysis: 1. Determining the completeness of the coverage of management functions by all departments of the management apparatus. For this purpose, the actual list of works on the main functions of management is determined, which is compared with the range of works and functions provided for by the current Regulations on functional divisions or job descriptions specialists; 2. Determination of the degree of centralization of work in functional units. It is calculated using the centralization coefficient, which shows the ratio of centralized and decentralized execution of work. 3. Analysis of the feasibility of the functioning of the structural unit.

By number

By subordination

Mechanistic organization- the composition of the links of management and otd slave in their subordination and interrelationships. In the orgstr-re, the manager singled out links and steps.

The mechanistic model includes such types of organizational structures as linear, linear-staff, functional, divisional structures. The linear structure of the management has only a vertical connection between the elements and is built on the principle of hierarchy. At the head of a link at any level is a leader, who carries out all the functions of control and subordination to a higher head. That. in the apparatus of management created a hierarchical ladder of subordination and is responsible for the implementation of the administration. and control function. In the lines of lin type, the principle of responsibility of each leader is implemented to the maximum extent. Such a management organization will ensure unity and rule out duplication of authority and inconsistency of orders. Each subordinate has only one beginning. Lin str-ra has two different: flat and multilevel. Lin str-ry is typical for small organizations. The disadvantages of this type of structure include what they require from the manager of the university. In addition, the main manager's time is spent on resolving operational tasks. The essence of the function of the building is that the execution of functions on specific issues is assigned to a specialist of one profile, which is combined into a subsection structure and takes a decision, is obligatory for the production subsection. Creation of prerequisites for competently resolving conk problems, providing great opportunities for the prospect of resolving. Not observing the principle of unity of command, which can lead to duplication and conflicting teams, create conditions for deviation from work and disproportionate loading of the subsection. Disadvantage: in one production subsection or to one, the command will be executed from many functional services. There was a problem of mutual consent of these teams, lower responsibility will fulfill their obligations due to depersonalization. The lin-function of the page combines the advantages of the first two lines. Lean bodies will decide and implement the control of the air, and the function of the manager will provide the solution of special issues. The principle of unity of command operates more strongly, the condition for contradictory orders is eliminated, the level of competencies in resolving specific tasks is higher, the responsibility and function of the leader for the result of his work and the work of subordinates is higher. Lin-headquarters building: functionary bodies are under the control of lin leadership. Their order is given to the production subsection only after agreeing with them that the method is more competent and quick to resolve issues. The management organization provides for the creation of a specialized complex function subsection - headquarters, subordinates of the leader. The headquarters is not entitled to take decisions. He vyp f-tsii sovet the body preparing drafts of the decision. Disadvantage: the larger the production and the branched apparatus of the management, the more difficult it is to coordinate the work of the line manager. Also in the page there are no strong links between the functions of the services, as a result of which there is a poor interaction and parallelism in work.

Building division: division of enterprises according to 3 criteria - product, demand and region. The subsection acts as a self-employed enterprise and subordinates only to the center of the governing body. The choice of a specific type of division building depends on which factor is especially important for the enterprise - product, purchase or region. With this construction, the manager of the production department is obliged to conduct the preparation of production, the rational organization of labor with the optimal use of raw materials, materials and energy resources and the exercise of control over the work of subordinates. Responsible assigned to the production department. Given the ways to develop the enterprise, increase self-sufficiency and the degree of their responsibility, create good conditions for the preparation of top managers. Do not rule out a duplicate in the work of the subsection, do not provide enough communication between specialists from various departments and do not allow the exercise of control by the center of the control body.

organic organizational management structures are simpler, have a wide information network, and are less formalized. Management in organic structures is decentralized.

In contrast to the mechanical structure, the organic one is a more flexible, adaptive form of management. It is characterized by a small number of management levels, higher independence in making managerial decisions at the lower levels of management, and partnerships between managers.

When it becomes necessary to develop large projects that require large material and human resources, special management structures are often created to manage them, called project structures.

It provides for the provision of centralized management of the entire progress of work on each major project and the revitalization of the activities of functional units.

A coordination group is created to carry out the project. The group is led by a coordinator. The specialists allocated to the coordination group continue to work in their functional units, meeting periodically to exchange information.

The mechanistic type of organization is a rigid organizational system that is somewhat similar to a mechanism. On the contrary, the organic type is a more plastic organizational system, which is more associated with a living organism, and not with a technical device.

The mechanistic type of organization is more characteristic of Western civilization, and the organic type is more typical of Eastern civilization, which is associated with the ethnic and cultural characteristics of the external social environment.

Mechanical type of organization

For the first time, the name of the bureaucratic structure was associated with the approach of M. Weber, who proposed a normative model, which was called rational bureaucracy (or ideal structure). In accordance with this model, all employees of the enterprise are required to act strictly following the instructions, without deviating from them. The second name of the mechanistic type (structure) of the organization received from the machine mechanism.

The mechanistic type of organization works depending on the established order, which predetermines its accuracy and reliability. Work that is carried out in a certain period of time is planned in advance, which makes it easier to foresee it.

The technology for performing work is very simple, since employees perform repetitive operations (movements, actions), often brought to automatism.

Features of the mechanistic type of organization

The mechanistic type of organization is typical for enterprises with high level standardization applied to products, technologies, materials and raw materials, equipment, as well as to the behavior of personnel.

The mechanistic type of organization is a rigid structure that cannot be changed. With the help of a mechanistic type of organization, it is impossible to manage the process of change. Often, the word "bureaucracy" is applied to the mechanistic type of organization, which is associated with rigidity, incompetence, absurdity and inefficiency of rules. The bureaucratic model includes the possibility of the manifestation of the listed negative phenomena in accordance with certain conditions.

Mechanical organization design approach

The mechanistic approach to organizational design can be characterized by the application of formal rules and procedures, including centralized decision-making, narrowly defined job responsibilities, and a rigid hierarchy of authority. With these characteristics, the enterprise can operate with high efficiency only under the condition of using routine technology and the presence of an uncomplicated and non-dynamic external environment.

Most researchers consider the mechanistic approach to be synonymous with Weber's bureaucratic organization. This structure has the advantages of versatility, predictability, and performance. These benefits can only be realized under the following conditions:

  1. Precise definition of the general goals and objectives of the enterprise,
  2. The ability to divide the work of the organization into separate operations;
  3. Central planning;
  4. Reliable measurement of work performance by each employee;
  5. Motivating staff through monetary rewards;
  6. Recognition of the legitimate authority of the leader.

Building a mechanistic structure

A mechanistic type of organization can be built in such a way that employees can behave predictably and are held accountable for their actions.

There are several features that characterize the mechanistic type of organization: a high degree of centralization of powers; communication and decision-making in accordance with the top-down principle; high degree of application of standards: a large number of detailed rules and standard operating procedures; well-defined roles and tasks.

Due to the predictability of the behavior of employees and the functions they perform, the activities of the company can be programmed in order to achieve predictable results. The mechanistic type of organization is in accordance with a stable environment. Enterprises of this type are most characteristic of mass production.

Examples of problem solving


Exercise distinguish features, which are characteristic of the mechanistic and organic structure:

1) Extensive application of formal rules and procedures,

The structure reflects the structure of the system, i.e. composition and interrelation of its elements. The elements of the system form a whole due to the connection between them. The following elements are distinguished in the organizational structure: links (divisions, departments, bureaus, etc.), levels (levels of management) and connections - horizontal and vertical. Horizontal links are in the nature of coordination and, as a rule, are single-level. Vertical links are links of subordination, their need arises when there are several levels or levels of management (hierarchy). Links in the structure can be linear and functional, formal and informal. Thus, the organizational structure is a set of management units, between which a system of relationships is established, designed to ensure the implementation of various types of work, functions and processes to achieve certain goals.

Each organization is characterized by a greater or lesser degree of specialization, formalization and centralization. Their combinations significantly affect the efficiency of the work of individual employees, groups, as well as the organizations themselves. There are two main models of organization: mechanical and organic.

essence mechanical approach to building an organization is that the organization is seen as a system that resembles a machine. She works on established order, accurate and reliable. The work being done at any given time is pre-planned and can be foreseen. The technology for performing the work is quite simple. People perform repeatedly repeated operations, actions and movements brought to automatism. In such an organization, there is a high level of standardization, which extends not only to products, technology, raw materials, equipment, but also to the behavior of people. Mechanical organization management has the following characteristics:

– well-defined formal tasks;

- narrow specialization of work;

– centralized structure;

– strict hierarchy of powers;

- the predominance of vertical links;

- the use of formal rules and procedures, the impersonality of relationships;

- power is based on the position that the leader occupies in the hierarchy;

– resistance to change;

- Strict control system.

Usually an organization that works like a machine is called bureaucratic. The efficiency of its activities is ensured by saving time, high productivity and quality of work performance based on the specialization of labor, separation of functions and powers, training, rationalization, control, i.e. due to the high degree of organization of the system. The mechanical organizational structures of management include: linear, functional, linear-functional, divisional.