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Suek Enterprise. Siberian Coal Energy Company (SUEC) is


In 2008, the Vanino Bulk Terminal in the Khabarovsk Territory began operation - one of the largest coal ports in Russia. The terminal was built from scratch by SUEK itself. In 2008, the first power plant in Russia operating on coal mine methane was launched at the SUEK mine named after S. M. Kirov.

In 2009, the first system in Russia was put into operation at SUEK mines wireless communication, search and alert in mines ("Grunch").

In 2011, SUEK began developing the new Apsatskoye field in the Trans-Baikal Territory.

In March 2011, an agreement was announced between the main shareholders, according to which Popov sold most of his stake to Melnichenko; the transaction was estimated at up to $2 billion, in September 2011 this transaction was completed.

In 2011, energy assets were withdrawn from SUEK to the Siberian Generating Company (SGK) .

In 2012, SUEK becomes a major shareholder of Murmansk Commercial Sea Port JSC.

In 2014, as part of the project for the development of Far Eastern capacities, the Chegdomyn concentrating plant was launched on Urgal (Verkhnebureinsky district, Khabarovsk Territory).

At the end of 2016, SUEK for the first time in the history of the Russian coal industry (by one production association) overcame the production bar of 100 million tons: 105.4 million tons. In 2017, production amounted to 107.8 million tons of coal.

In 2018, SUEK completed the purchase of a stake (99.94%) in Siberian Generating Company (SGK). The corresponding entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities was made on August 27, 2018. As a result of the transaction, SUEK's share in the authorized capital of SGC increased from 10 thousand rubles to 21 billion 398 million 784.9 thousand rubles.

Owners and management

The main beneficiary of the company is Russian entrepreneur Andrey Melnichenko, his companies own 92.2% of SUEK.

Chairman of the Board of Directors - Alexander Landia. General Director - Vladimir Rashevsky. In 2018, SUEK CEO Vladimir Rashevsky took fourth place in the rating of capitalist directors published by Forbes magazine. According to experts, Rashevsky's stake in SUEK (7.8%) is estimated at $430 million.


SUEK unites 15 mines and 12 cuts in Siberia and the Far East, producing about 27% of coal in Russia. In particular, the company owns Borodinsky, Nazarovsky, Berezovsky coal mines in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, coal mining enterprises in Kuzbass, Khakassia, Buryatia, Primorye, Transbaikalia, Khabarovsk Territory. SUEK also includes repair, service, transport companies, sales and research companies, and the Vanino Bulk Terminal.

SUEK enterprises employ 33.5 thousand people. Trade offices and representative offices of the company are located in 10 countries of the world. SUEK has 1,900 customers in 42 countries around the world.

SUEK supplies approximately 27% of Russian coal exports. SUEK's share in global coal exports is 5%.

It is one of the ten largest coal mining companies in the world. SUEK is the sixth company in the world in terms of proven coal reserves - 5.4 billion tons.

The annual investment in development is more than 20 billion rubles.

The company is one of the largest philanthropists and social investors in Russia. Social programs and projects cover 48 cities and towns in Russia.

Performance indicators

In 2017, production amounted to 107.8 million tons of coal.

In 2016, production amounted to 105.4 million tons of coal.

In 2014, production amounted to 98.9 million tons of coal.

In 2013, the group's production amounted to 96.5 million tons, which is 1% less than in 2012 (according to the company's annual report for 2013).

In 2012, SUEK enterprises produced 97.5 million tons of coal, which is 6% more than in 2011 (according to the company's annual report for 2012).

In 2011, SUEK's production amounted to 92.2 million tons of coal (an increase of 3% compared to 2010) . Reserves as of the middle of 2008 - 5.8 billion tons.


  1. JSC SUEK Consolidated annual financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2017
  2. Tatyana Egorova, Irina Reznik. With coal // Vedomosti, No. 23 (1797), February 09, 2007
  3. Elena Medvedeva. Across Gazprom // Vedomosti, No. 59 (1833), April 4, 2007

2.1 General characteristics, financial condition and image of JSC "suek"

The products of JSC "SUEK" are distinguished by quality, reliability, high accuracy in terms of geometric parameters. Its consumers are practically all regions of Russia, countries of near and far abroad OAO SUEK considers one of its priority tasks to be a constant improvement in the quality of its products, meeting the requirements and demands of consumers. The beginning of work in this direction dates back to 2002, when SUEK took a leading position in terms of supply in the Russian coal industry. In 2003-2004 A program to increase the export potential of SUEK OJSC was successfully implemented, which made it possible to become one of the largest participants in the global coal market. In the late 90s. of the last century and at the beginning of the 21st century, the Russian coal industry, having lost large-scale state subsidies, was experiencing a systemic crisis. Therefore, the priority task of SUEK OJSC was the development and implementation of an integrated anti-crisis program, which was completed in 2004. Its implementation made it possible to normalize the financial situation of mining and service enterprises, return tax discipline to them, increase production efficiency, and stabilize the situation in the sphere of social and labor relations. In 2004, a decision was made to merge, on the basis of SUEK, coal and electric power assets that were in the zone of its strategic interests. At the end of 2004, the asset consolidation plan was approved antitrust authorities and its implementation was almost completely completed in the first half of 2005. OAO SUEK launched a management reform: a Board of Directors was formed, the majority of which were independent directors, a Code of Corporate Conduct was adopted, and a new composition of the Management Board was formed. A medium-term strategy for the development of the Company was developed. In 2005, the export trading company SUEK AG was established, and SUEK became the leader in Russia in terms of coal exports. The total volume of export deliveries of OAO SUEK and its subsidiaries has increased more than 3 times since 2001 and in 2007 amounted to. 25.8 million tons coal. In 2005, a large-scale project was launched to build a coal terminal in the port of Vanino (Khabarovsk Territory). In 2006, SUEK consolidated its position as the leader of the Russian coal industry by producing about 89.7 million tons of coal (more than 30% of Russian coal) and providing almost three-quarters of the total increase in solid fuel production in the country. The company occupies a strong position in the top ten of the world ranking of the largest coal companies. In the same year, SUEK entered the global capital market - the company attracted two large syndicated loans from international banking consortiums and placed financial credit notes (CLN). OAO SUEK accepts Active participation in the development of electric power companies, of which it is a shareholder, including in their reformation, in the creation of territorial generating companies and interregional distribution grid companies, in the development of their new investment programs. The year 2007 became a period of further dynamic development of SUEK. The company's enterprises increased coal production to 90.9 million tons, its supplies - up to 89 million tons. Including deliveries to the international market increased by 9% to 25.8 million tons. In 2007, the construction of the Vanino Bulk Terminal, the largest infrastructure project in the industry, was continued, the cost of which is about 7 billion rubles. Among the key investment priorities in 2007 were the technical re-equipment, the acquisition of the most modern, productive and safe machinery and equipment, as well as the development of infrastructure networks. SUEK continued to improve its management system. The creation of regional production associations consolidating mining and transport enterprises has been completed. The company's asset management system has become more transparent and efficient. Key factors:

The largest producer of thermal coal: No. 1 in Russia. The volume of production was 92.2 million tons in 2011.

One of the main exporters of coal: No. 1 in Russia. Sales of coal on the export market amounted to 33.7 million tons in 2011.

One of the main employers in the country: about 30,000 employees in 2011 in 8 regions of the country - Moscow, Republic of Buryatia, Kemerovo Region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Republic of Khakassia, Trans-Baikal Territory.

The largest investment program in the coal industry: more than 18 billion rubles in 2011.

The structure of the company is presented in the appendix

OAO SUEK is Russia's largest and one of the world's leading suppliers of coal. The company's market strategy in the field of sales assumes a balance of deliveries to the domestic market and for export.

SUEK company, company history, company activities

Information about the company SUEK, the history of the company, the activities of the company

1. History

2. Activities

3. Structure

Companies engaged in the extraction and enrichment of coal

Companies engaged in coal transportation, implementation of projects in the field of coal transportation

Companies carrying out maintenance services

Companies operating in the energy sector of the economy

Coal marketing companies

Companies performing managerial and other functions

4. Guide

Board of Directors

Governing body

5. Coal activities


Industrial Safety

6. Energy

8. Strategy


Corporate development

Management of risks

9. Sustainability

10. Social politics


Siberian Coal Energy Company (SUEK) -this is the largest Russian coal company. Full name - Open Joint Stock Company Siberian Coal Energy Company. The headquarters is in Moscow.


The formation of OAO Siberian Coal Energy Company (SUEK) begins.

SUEK's sphere of interests included coal enterprises in the Trans-Baikal Territory (Chita Region), the Irkutsk Region and the Republic of Buryatia.

The implementation of an anti-crisis program to bring coal industry enterprises out of a crisis, pay off tax and wage arrears begins.

SUEK continues to form a production base. Her areas of interest include companies Krasnoyarsk Territory, Republic of Khakassia.

SUEK is a leader in terms of production and supply in the Russian coal industry.

The implementation of an investment program aimed at the technical re-equipment of mining enterprises begins.

SUEK's interests include mining companies in the Kemerovo Region, Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, which firmly establishes the company's leadership among domestic coal companies.

The implementation of the program for building up the export potential of SUEK starts.

The corporate structure of OAO SUEK was formed.

SUEK is strengthening its positions in Kuzbass: several enterprises in the city of Kiselevsk have entered the sphere of its interests.

In general, the implementation of a comprehensive anti-crisis program has been completed, which made it possible to normalize the financial situation of mining and service enterprises, restore tax discipline to them, increase production efficiency, and also stabilize the situation in the field of social and labor relations.

A decision was made to merge, on the basis of OAO SUEK, the coal and electric power assets that were in the zone of its strategic interests. The asset consolidation plan was approved by the antimonopoly authorities.

A reform of management systems has been launched: a board of directors has been formed, the majority of which are independent directors; the Code of Corporate Conduct was developed and adopted; board was formed.

A medium-term strategy for the development of the company has been developed.

The export trading company SUEK AG started its work.

SUEK becomes the largest exporter of coal in Russia.

The implementation of a project for the construction of a coal terminal in the port of Vanino (Khabarovsk Territory) has begun.

SUEK occupies and still maintains strong positions in the top ten of the world ranking of the largest coal companies.

The company enters the international capital market: two large syndicated loans were raised from international banking consortiums, credit financial notes (CLN) were placed.

SUEK takes an active part in the development and reform regional companies power industry, of which it is a shareholder.

SUEK publishes the first sustainability report.

SUEK is implementing the largest investment program in the Russian coal industry. In 2005-2007 the volume of investments amounted to more than 26 billion rubles. Among the priorities: technical re-equipment; acquisition of the most modern, productive and safe machinery and equipment; infrastructure development.

As part of the improvement of the management system in 2007, the creation of regional production associations consolidating mining and transport enterprises was completed.

Over the 7 years of its existence, SUEK has purposefully moved towards the implementation of its strategic goal: the formation of a vertically integrated fuel and energy corporation. A natural continuation of this process was the achievement at the beginning of 2007 of a partnership agreement with OAO Gazprom for the development of coal-fired power generation in Russia.

Created charitable foundation SUEK TO THE REGIONS, which is engaged in the implementation of social projects in the regions where the company operates.

SUEK becomes the main shareholder of OAO Kuzbassenergo and OAO Yenisei TGC (TGK-13).

At the mine. S. M. Kirov, as part of the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, the first Russian power plant operating on coal mine methane was launched.

Several SUEK mines are among the most efficient in the world. In particular, in 2008 the Kotinskaya mine broke the all-Russian record of monthly coal production with one longwall three times and is among the top five mines in the world according to this indicator.

The formation of a fleet to service the bulk terminal in the port of Vanino began.

The SUEK-Regions Foundation has begun implementing pilot social projects in 5 regions.


SUEK unites a number of coal enterprises in Siberia and the Far East, producing about 30% of thermal coal in Russia. In particular, the company owns the Borodinsky, Nazarovsky, Berezovsky coal mines in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, coal mining enterprises in Cheremkhovo, in the cities of Kuzbass, etc. The company also owns minority stakes in 27 regional energy companies (including 43% of the shares of Kuzbassenergo ).

Performance indicators

In 2008, SUEK produced 96.2 million tons of coal. Reserves as of the middle of 2008 - 5.8 billion tons.

The company's revenue for 2007 according to RAS is 72.7 billion rubles. (for 2006 - 63.98 billion rubles), net profit - 8.2 billion rubles. (31.65 billion rubles).

The company's revenue for 2005 under IFRS amounted to $1.946 billion, EBITDA - $427 million, net profit - $99 million. According to the results of nine months of 2005, the total amount of loans and borrowings of the company amounted to 35.5 billion rubles.

The company's revenue for 2008 according to RAS is 92.7 billion rubles, net profit is 7.4 billion rubles.


Companies engaged in the extraction and enrichment of coal

Society with limited liability"Kamyshansky mine", Kemerovo region

capital - 100%

The main activity is the exploration and production of minerals, the development of mineral deposits by open and closed methods

Open Joint Stock Company SUEK-Kuzbass, Kemerovo Region

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 96,72%

The main activity is mining and other types of work related to the exploitation of coal deposits, mining, processing of coal, including brown coal

Open Joint Stock Company SUEK-Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 95,65%

The main activity is mining and other types of work related to the exploitation of coal deposits and coal mining. Extraction, processing of coal, including brown coal.

Open Joint Stock Company "Primorskugol", Primorsky Krai

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 93,93%

Limited Liability Company Pravoberezhnoye, Primorsky Krai

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity is the extraction of coal and other minerals, their processing

Open Joint Stock Company "Razrez Tugnuisky", Republic of Buryatia

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity is mining, processing, supply of coal and other minerals, including non-ferrous metals

Limited Liability Company SUEK-Khakassia, Republic of Khakassia

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity is the exploration and production of minerals, including the use of waste from mining and related processing industries

Open Joint Stock Company "Razrez Izykhsky", Republic of Khakassia

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 92,02%

The main activity is the extraction and processing of coal, as well as other natural resources

Open Joint Stock Company "Urgalugol", Khabarovsk Territory

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 91,94%

The main activity is coal mining and processing

Limited Liability Company Tugnuiskaya Concentrating Plant, Republic of Buryatia

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity is enrichment hard coal; sale of coal and products of its enrichment

Open Joint Stock Company "Razrez Kharanorskiy", Trans-Baikal Territory

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity is exploration, mining and processing of coal, including brown coal

Companies engaged in coal transportation, implementation of projects in the field of coal transportation

Limited Liability Company Tugnuisky Loading and Transport Department, Republic of Buryatia

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity is transportation by rail and by car cargo

Closed Joint Stock Company "Daltransugol", Khabarovsk Territory

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity is carrying out design and development work

Companies providing services

Limited Liability Company "Nazarovsky Mining and Installation Adjustment Department", Krasnoyarsk Territory

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity - installation, adjustment, repair of electrical equipment, electrical networks

Open Joint Stock Company Agroindustrial Company Siberia, Kemerovo Region

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity is the production, processing and sale of agricultural products

Open Joint Stock Company "Management for Prevention and Reclamation", Kemerovo Region

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 86,38%

The main activity is the reception and loading of coal into railway cars in the coal warehouses of mines and processing plants, the shipment of coal to the population

Limited Liability Company "Spetsnaladka", Kemerovo Region

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 99,90%

The main activity is the installation, dismantling, repair, adjustment and revision of mining equipment

Limited Liability Company "Borodinsky Repair and Mechanical Plant", Krasnoyarsk Territory

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk Territory,

The main activity is the installation of various types of equipment, the repair of mining and transport equipment

Limited Liability Company "Nazarovsky Repair and Mechanical Plant", Krasnoyarsk Territory

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity is installation various equipment, repair of mining and transport equipment

Open Joint Stock Company "Chernogorsk Repair and Mechanical Plant", Republic of Khakassia

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 93,07%

The main activity is the repair of mining, transport and other technological equipment, machines and mechanisms, electrical machines, electrical equipment

Limited Liability Company "Chernovskiye CEMM", Trans-Baikal Territory

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity is the production of iron and steel castings

Companies operating in the energy sector of the economy

Limited Liability Company GlavEnergoSbyt, Moscow

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity is the distribution of energy; activities for wholesale trade electricity

Kuzbass Open Joint Stock Company of Energy and Electrification, Kemerovo Region

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 49,64%

Production, transmission and distribution of electrical and thermal energy

Open Joint Stock Company "Kuzbass Energy Sales Company", Kemerovo Region

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 25,00%

The main activity is the distribution of electricity

Open Joint Stock Company "Yenisei Territorial Generating Company (TGC-13)", Krasnoyarsk Territory

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital- 49,99%

The main activity is production electrical energy

Open Joint Stock Company "Far Eastern Energy Company",

Khabarovsk region

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 26,19%

The main activity is the purchase of electrical energy in the wholesale and retail markets of electrical energy (capacity); sale (sale) of electrical energy in the wholesale and retail markets of electrical energy (capacity) to consumers (including citizens)

Chitaugol Limited Liability Company, Trans-Baikal Territory

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 50,00%

The main activity is exploration, mining, including the use of waste from mining and related processing industries

Coal marketing companies

Vyatka‑SUEK Limited Liability Company, Kirov Region

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity is trade, trade and intermediary, procurement, marketing activities

Limited Liability Company "Ivanovo-SUEK", city of Ivanovo

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main type of activity is trade, trade and intermediary, procurement, marketing activities

Joint Stock Company SUEK AG, Switzerland

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity is trading in goods of any kind, in particular coal and other energy carriers.

Companies performing managerial and other functions

Open Joint Stock Company Kuzbass Financial and Investment Coal Corporation Kuzbassinvestugol, Kemerovo Region

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 77,96%

The main activity is financing the structural restructuring of the Kuzbass coal industry through the development of promising coal deposits, development and implementation investment projects

Limited Liability Company "Falcon Leasing", Moscow

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity is leasing, export and import, purchase and sale of consumer goods

Limited Liability Company "Lestopprom", Nizhny Novgorod Region

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity is leasing (leasing) real estate and other property

Limited Liability Company "Grinfin", Krasnoyarsk Territory

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity is the provision of services for the maintenance accounting, tax accounting, preparation of all types of reporting: accounting, tax and statistical, management reporting, support of tax and audits.

Open Joint Stock Company "Siberian Research Institute of Coal Preparation", Kemerovo Region

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 86,10%

The main activity is carrying out complex studies of coals to determine the directions of their use in economic activity and preparation of initial data for the design of coal processing enterprises

Closed Joint Stock Company Krasnoyarskaya, Moscow

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity is the extraction, processing and sale of coal and other minerals

Limited Liability Company "MC Siberian Generating Company", Moscow

SUEK's participation interest in the Statutorycapital - 100%

The main activity is consulting on issues commercial activities and management


The company's shareholders are Cypriot Donalink Ltd (99.84% of shares) and CJSC Mine Krasnoyarskaya (0.16%). Andrey Melnichenko and Sergey Popov each control 50% of Donalink, Vladimir Rashevsky owns a stake, his share is not disclosed.

Board of Directors

Landia Alexander - Chairman of the Board of Directors

Andersson Martin

Bosky Dmitry

Cardona George

Kislyakov Mikhail Borisovich

Maichel Gert

Melnichenko Andrey Igorevich

Popov Sergey Viktorovich

Ruban Anatoly Dmitrievich

Landia Alexander - Chairman of the Board of Directors, Chairman of the Strategy Committee, member of the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee.

Graduated with honors from Tbilisi State University, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

In 1993-2001 worked at Dresdner Bank AG (Frankfurt am Main, Germany), later at Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein. He has gone from an ordinary employee to the first vice president for global lending to the oil and gas sector. He took part in major international infrastructure projects in various sectors of the economy: from telecommunications to energy.

Since 1996, he has been involved in a number of major projects of Russian companies, in particular, the provision of loans to RAO Gazprom for a total amount of more than 6 billion US dollars in 1997; the purchase by Ruhrgas AG of RAO Gazprom shares in 1999.

From 2001 until joining SUEK, Mr. Landia worked for Accenture, the largest consulting company peace. As an Accenture partner, until 2004 he headed the Russian division of Accenture, and then, as a managing director, led international business companies in the gas industry.

Under his leadership and with direct participation, key projects were developed in the field of strategy, mergers and acquisitions, corporate governance, transformation of processes and IT systems in Russia, Germany, Great Britain, Austria, Italy, Slovakia, USA, Qatar, Nigeria and South Korea.

The Association of Independent Directors of Russia has elected Mr. Landia "Chairman of the Board of Directors 2007".

In 2008, Mr. Landia combined the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO SUEK with the following positions:

Member of the Presidium of the European Business Congress (Berlin, Germany) since July 2002.

Member of the Board of Directors of Lambert Energy Advisory Ltd. (London, UK) since December 2006

Governing body

Rashevsky Vladimir Valerievich - Chairman of the Board

Graduated from the Faculty of International Economic Relations of the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation with a degree in World Economy, defended a thesis for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Vladimir Rashevsky for a long time worked in the banking system. From June 1992 to May 2000, he held a number of positions in Avtobank, up to the Deputy Chairman of the Board. In May 2000, he moved to MDM-Bank, heading the investment department, and in July of the same year he was appointed to the position of Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of this credit institution. In December 2001, Vladimir Rashevsky became Chairman of the Management Board of MDM Bank.

In the spring of 2004, Vladimir Rashevsky took over as president of SUEK, and at the end of 2004 he was appointed CEO. His key tasks were the development and implementation of a new development strategy for the largest coal company in Russia, the consolidation of coal and electric power assets on its basis, the restructuring of the management system, the launch of a program to improve efficiency and productivity in order to achieve the goals of building a world-class company.

Artemiev Vladimir Borisovich

Belova Anna Grigorievna

Gribanovsky Igor Vladimirovich

Loginov Alexander Kimovich

Mironosetsky Sergey Nikolaevich

Preobrazhensky Vladimir Vladimirovich

Coal activities


The Republic of Buryatia

The beginning of the study of the coal content of the territories of the Baikal and Transbaikalia dates back to the period of construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. In 1926, the first geological survey of the Tugnui river valley was carried out, further exploration work showed good reserves in the Olon-Shibirskoye and Nikolskoye deposits.

The Tugnuisky open pit became one of the first mining enterprises of SUEK. It entered the sphere of interests of the company in 2001. Today it is one of the largest industrial enterprises Buryatia. Due to its high quality characteristics, a significant share of Tugnui coal is exported to Europe and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. The Tugnuisky mine will be able to increase the supply of high-quality coal and strengthen the position of one of the leading export-oriented enterprises of SUEK, after the commissioning of the processing plant in 2009.

In 2008, the production volume amounted to 5.8 million tons. More than 1600 people work here.

JSC "Razrez Tugnuisky":

The Tugnuisky open pit mine develops the Olon-Shibirskoye coal deposit located in the Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky district of the Zabaikalsky Territory and in the Mukhorshibirsky district of the Republic of Buryatia. The central part of the deposit is located 90 km southeast of Ulan-Ude.

Kemerovo region

The industrial development of the Kuznetsk region was started by the Ural industrialist A.N. Demidov, who built the Kolyvan-Voskresensky factories at the end of the 18th century. Active work here began only in the 20th century, when a section of the Trans-Siberian Railway was built in Kuzbass, which gave a powerful impetus to the development of the entire industry of the modern Kemerovo region. During the Great Patriotic War Kuzbass becomes the main supplier of coal and metal for the defense industry.

Today Kuzbass is one of the largest coal basins not only in Russia but also in the world. Conditional reserves of hard coal amount to 693 billion tons.

SUEK started its activity in the Kemerovo region in 2003. The main consumers of coal from the Kuzbass enterprises of OAO SUEK are energy companies and housing and communal services. Two thirds of the coal mined here is exported. Deliveries are mainly carried out to the UK, Ukraine, Romania, Spain and Finland, in the Asian market the main consumer is Japan.

SUEK's enterprises in the Kemerovo Region employing more than 14,500 people produced over 30 million tons of coal in 2008.

OAO SUEK-Kuzbass:

Mine them. CM. Kirov is developing underground way Leninsky coal deposit, located in the Leninsky district of the Kemerovo region. The central part of the deposit is located two kilometers from the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

The mine extracts coal grade G.

The Krasnoyarskaya Mine carries out underground mining of the Egozovo-Krasnoyarsk coal deposit in the Leninsky geological and economic region. The mine field occupies the northwestern part of the Krasnoyarsk geological area. Administratively, the mine belongs to the Leninsk-Kuznetsky district of the Kemerovo region.

Coal from the Baikaimsky seam belongs to grade D.

Mine them. On November 7, it carries out the development of coal seams by the underground method of the Leninsk-Kuznetsk coal deposit. Mining operations are carried out along the Baikaimsky and Nadbaykaimsky-2 seams. The Leninsk-Kuznetsk coal deposit is located in the Leninsk-Kuznetsk region. Most of the deposit is located directly within the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsk.

The mine produces hard coal grade G.

The Taldinskaya-Zapadnaya - 1 mine is located on the territory of the Prokopevsky district in the central part of the Yerunakovsky geological and industrial region of Kuzbass and is part of the Taldinskoye and Severo-Taldinskoye coal deposits.

The coal of the developed seam is energy coal, the coal grade is D.

The Taldinskaya-Zapadnaya - 2 mine is located on the territory of the Prokopevsky district in the central part of the Yerunakovsky geological and industrial area.

The coal of the developed seam is energy, coal grades - D, DG.

The Kotinskaya Mine carries out underground mining of the Sokolovsky coal deposit. Mining operations are carried out in the area of ​​the northwestern part of the Erunakovskoye coal-bearing region.

A technological crushing and screening complex operates at the mine.

Mine No. 7 is located at the Sokolovsky coal deposit in the Prokopevsky district. The central part of the deposit is located 28 km from Prokopyevsk.

Produces hard coal grades DG.

The Zarechny open pit mine develops the Taldinskoye coal deposit. The site is located in the central part of the Yerunakovskiy geological and industrial region of Kuzbass and is part of the Taldinskoye coal deposit. According to the administrative division, the site belongs to the Prokopevsky district of the Kemerovo region.

Coal seams power, brand of coal - DG.

Polysaevskaya mine. The main field of the Polysaevskaya mine is located in the central part of the Leninsky coal-bearing region and occupies a strip of coal-bearing deposits elongated along the strike. The central part of the field is located 2 km from the city of Polysaevo.

The mine extracts grade G coal.

An enrichment plant operates at the mine.

The Oktyabrskaya mine carries out underground mining of the Leninsky coal deposit. The central part of the field is located 15 km from the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky.

The mine extracts DG brand coal.

The Maysky open pit mine is developing the Sokolovsky coal deposit, which is located in the Prokopevsky district. The central part of the field is located 30 km from the city of Kiselevsk.

The open pit mines coal grade D.

Razrez Kamyshansky LLC:

The Kamyshansky mine mines the coal reserves of the Kamyshan site of the Severo-Taldinskoye deposit in the Prokopyevsk district.

Coals are represented by brand D.

Krasnoyarsk region

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, gigantic coal reserves are concentrated. The Kansk-Achinsk basin (with reserves of 640 billion tons) is the largest in the region and one of the most promising not only in Russia but also in the world. Coal in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is mined mainly by open pit mining.

Coal deposits in the Yenisei (now Krasnoyarsk) Territory were known as early as the first half of the 18th century, but they practical development began only a few centuries later. The "flammable stone" from the Kansk-Achinsk basin was first used for industrial purposes in 1905. In 1939-1954, after the discovery of thick layers in the area of ​​Borodino, Nazarovo, Aban, Itat, Partizansky, the basin turned into a large base coal industry countries. After the discovery of the Berezovsky field with industrial reserves of more than 5.9 billion tons, the region became one of the main suppliers of fuel for the developing heavy industry and energy. The Borodinsky and Berezovsky sections were the largest in the USSR.

Enterprises in the Krasnoyarsk Territory entered the sphere of SUEK's interests in 2002. Krasnoyarsk enterprises provide more than a third of SUEK's total production.

About 6,000 people are employed at SUEK enterprises in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

OAO SUEK-Krasnoyarsk:

The Borodinsky open pit mine develops the Borodinsky lignite deposit using an open pit method. The Borodino brown coal deposit is located in the Rybinsk region of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The central part of the deposit is located 7 km south of Borodino. The deposit is located within the Borodino trough.

All coals in the explored area are transitional from B2 grade coal to B3 grade coal.

The Nazarovsky open pit mine develops the Nazarovsky brown coal deposit, which is located in the Nazarovsky district. The central part of the deposit is located 3 km from the city of Nazarovo.

The Berezovsky-1 open pit mine develops the Berezovsky No. 1 section of the Berezovsky brown coal deposit located in the Sharypovsky district. Mining operations are carried out at the Western section of section No. 1 of the Berezovsky deposit.

B2 brown coals are being developed.

Primorsky Krai

Primorsky Krai is one of the oldest coal mining regions in Russia. Coal mining here began in the middle of the 19th century, when Russian naval sailors explored and began to develop coal deposits in the Posiet Bay for the needs of the Pacific squadron and the Siberian military flotilla, which purchased fuel from Japan, China and Sakhalin.

In 1943, on the basis of all the coal-mining enterprises of Primorye, the largest plant in the Far East, Primorskugol, was created.

OAO Primorskugol entered the sphere of strategic interests of SUEK in 2003. At present, the regional production association unites the Novoshakhtinskoye open pit mine administration, the Vostochnoye mine administration, and the Artemovskoye RMU production unit.

Most of the coal is mined in the region by open pit mining. SUEK enterprises cover more than 42% of the region's needs for solid fuel.

In 2008, SUEK enterprises in Primorsky Krai produced almost 4.5 million tons. Almost 2800 people work here

JSC "Primorskugol":

SHU "Vostochnoye" develops the reserves of the Lipovetsky coal deposit by open and underground mining, which is located in the Mikhailovsky district of the Primorsky Territory. The central part of the deposit is located 8 km from the village. Lipovtsy. Mining operations are carried out at the Vostok-2 open-pit mining sites and the Yuzhny-3 and Ugolny underground sites.

Hard coal grades D are being developed.

RU "Novoshakhtinskoye" carries out open-pit mining of the Pavlovsky and Nezhinsky lignite deposits. Mining operations are carried out at the Severo-Vostochny, Northern Depression, Pavlovsky No. 2 sections of the Pavlovsky deposit and the Nezhinsky section of the Nezhinsky deposit.

The Severo-Vostochny site of the Pavlovsky brown coal deposit is located in the Mikhailovsky district. The central part of this section of the field is located 46 km from the city of Ussuriysk.

Extracts brown coal grade B1.

The "Northern Depression" section of the Pavlovsky brown coal deposit is located in the Mikhailovsky district. The central part of this section of the field is located 36 km from the city of Ussuriysk.

Extracts brown coal grade B1.

The Pavlovsky No. 2 site of the Pavlovsky brown coal deposit is located in the Mikhailovsky district of the Primorsky Territory of the Russian Federation. The central part of the site is located 30 km from the city of Ussuriysk.

Brown coal grade B1 is being developed.

The Nezhinskoye lignite deposit (Nezhinskiy site) is located in the Nadezhda district. The central part of the deposit is located 12 km from the village of Razdolnoye and 18 km from the village of Tavrichanka.

Extracts brown coal grade B2.

Khabarovsk region

The first historical mention of the coals of the Verkhnebureinsky region, where the Urgal coal deposit is located, dates back to the 40s. XIX century. But geologists began to actively study this area only a century later, when in the early 30s. fuel was needed for the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM). The industrial development of the deposit began in 1939.

The Urgalugol enterprise entered the sphere of SUEK's interests in 2004. The main consumers of Urgalugol's products are energy and housing and communal services enterprises of the region. In 2008, production amounted to about 2.3 million tons. Almost 2,300 people are employed at SUEK enterprises in the Khabarovsk Territory.

Thanks to the advantageous geographic location in the Khabarovsk Territory, it became possible to implement several large, strategically important projects for SUEK. The first of them is the construction of a terminal with a design capacity of 12 million tons of coal per year in the Muchka Bay of the Vanino port. Currently, SUEK is also considering the possibility of building an enrichment plant at the Urgalsky coal deposit, which will increase the volume of export deliveries of better quality coal.

OAO Urgalugol:

"Urgalugol" carries out underground and open-pit mining of the Urgalsky coal deposit in the Verkhnebureinsky district of the Khabarovsk Territory (the regional center is the settlement of Chegdomyn). Currently, two geological sites are being developed: "Northern Urgal" and the field of the Urgal mine.

G grade coals are being developed.

Section "Marekansky » develops the Marekan lignite deposit located in the Okhotsk region of the Khabarovsk Territory. The central part of the deposit is located 21 km northeast of the village. Okhotsk

B2 brown coals are mined.

JSC "Razrez Izykhsky":

The Izykhsky open pit mine develops the Izykh coal deposit, which is located in the Altai region of the Republic of Khakassia. The central part of the deposit is located 15 km from the city of Abakan.

The section develops hard coal grades D and G.

Chernogorsk branch of OJSC SUEK:

Enrichment plant "Chernogorskaya", the main activity is coal enrichment.

Zabaykalsky Krai

Mentions about the industrial development of coal deposits in the Trans-Baikal Territory date back to the beginning of the 20th century. In 1907-1915. various merchants and private partnerships undertook to develop the Chernovsky mines (15 km from the city of Chita). One of the first who developed the Chernov copies was the Irkutsk merchant of the first guild Ivan Efimovich Zamyatin. The development of the deposit began in 1907 with the extraction of 700 tons of coal; in 1909, 72,000 tons were already mined here.

The Chernivtsi mines supplied Chita and the Trans-Baikal railway with coal for many years. In 1982, the development of the Chernovskoye deposit was completed and the development of the Taturovskoye deposit began, which is now developing the Vostochny open pit.

Currently, the Trans-Baikal enterprises of OAO SUEK produce about 4 million tons of coal per year. They employ more than 1,300 people.

OJSC "Razrez Kharanorsky":

The Kharanorsky open pit mine develops the Kharanorsky lignite deposit located in the Borzinsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Mining operations are carried out at the United Front and Quarry Field No. 3 sites.

Brown coals (stone) grade B2 are being developed.

Chitaugol LLC:

The Vostochny open pit is developing the Tataurovsky brown coal deposit, which is located in the Uletovsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory. The central part of the field is located 70 km from the city of Chita.

Brown coals of the BR2 brand are mined.

Industrial Safety

The basis for the development of the company from the first days of its establishment was the principle of carrying out activities based on the observance of the highest possible level of labor protection and industrial safety. Our task is to continue to improve our work in this direction - both in the technical and technological direction (including through innovative approach), and in the field of professional development, discipline and responsibility of employees.

The strategic goals of SUEK in the field of labor protection and industrial safety are:

bringing the level of labor protection and industrial safety of hazardous production facilities to the level of the best international standards;

creation of conditions for the sustainable functioning of the company through compensation for unplanned losses by insuring hazardous production facilities;

development of measures to prevent injuries, accidents and incidents and their timely localization and elimination;

reduction and, in the future, minimization of costs caused by accidents, incidents and accidents and occupational diseases.

Industrial safety issues are integral part company's technical policy. SUEK has identified key areas of action for the long term to improve the level of emergency response and industrial safety and ensure its compliance with the international level.

Among the projects that are under the special control of the company are ensuring emergency stability and technical re-equipment, organizational and technical measures to improve working conditions, sanitary and household and medical and recreational measures. Work in these areas is carried out in accordance with the Comprehensive plans on labor protection, industrial and environmental safety, which are developed annually for each SUEK enterprise.

Among the current projects of SUEK in the field of labor protection and industrial safety, the following can be distinguished:

Within the framework of the mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol at the mine. CM. Kirov in the Kemerovo region, pilot projects are being implemented for the utilization of coal mine methane

In 2007, work began on the introduction of new technologies for complex dust removal, based on high-pressure irrigation, dust collection and dust removal, aspiration, provision of mechanized whitewashing methods, sloughing of mine workings and cleaning of deposited coal dust. So, at the mine. On November 7, in a tunneling face equipped with an imported DOSKO combine, a ventilation scheme for a preparatory face using a dust removal plant is being tested.

The introduction of new computerized aerogas control systems with the possibility of integration into automated systems operational dispatch control. At the mines S. M. Kirova and Kotinskaya are carrying out pilot projects to equip mine workings with monitoring and warning systems about accidents, as well as means of searching for people caught in an accident.

At the central office of SUEK, in addition to the department of production control, industrial safety, labor protection and the environment, which performs control and coordination functions, an aerological safety department has also been created. Its functionality includes analytical work to improve the emergency stability of the company's coal mining enterprises.


SUEK's long-term development strategy sets out the company's mission: to be a reliable supplier of electricity that improves the living conditions of future generations.

Today, SUEK is one of the largest private investors in the Russian power industry, owning strategic stakes in the following generating companies:

OAO Kuzbassenergo,

OJSC "Yenisei TGC (TGC-13)".

SUEK makes a significant contribution to ensuring the country's energy security, which implies a gradual reduction in the share of gas and an increase in coal in the fuel balance. We will actively promote the development of modern coal-fired power generation in Russia, which will primarily be based on the widespread introduction of innovative technologies and strict adherence to industrial and environmental safety standards.

The portfolio of OAO SUEK includes a significant number of projects for the modernization of existing and construction of new coal-fired power plants. Among the key projects in which the company takes part: the construction of a power plant in the Kemerovo region, which operates on the basis of the utilization of coal mine methane; expansion of capacity due to the commissioning of new power units at Tom-Usinskaya GRES (OAO Kuzbassenergo) and Krasnoyarskaya CHPP-3 (OAO Yenisei TGC (TGK-13)).

Further expansion of SUEK's activity in the energy generating sector of the economy is associated with the completion of the reorganization of RAO UES of Russia and the strategic partnership with OAO Gazprom.

SUEK takes an active part in shaping the strategy for the development of the electric power industry, representing its positions in expert councils under the relevant bodies state power. SUEK is a member of the Siberian Energy Association and a co-founder non-profit partnership"Independent Energy Producers".


SUEK is Russia's largest and one of the world's leading coal suppliers. The company's market strategy in the field of sales assumes a balance of deliveries to the domestic market and for export. In the future, we intend to strengthen our positions in both directions.

Gradual liberalization of the power industry market, its orientation in favor of coal generation, constant growth energy consumption within the country are factors that determine the prospects for increasing supplies to the domestic market.

The rapid economic development of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, coupled with the imminent launch of our own specialized coal processing terminal, opens up broad prospects for the further development of our export direction in the near future. Here, for us, the tasks of paramount importance are solving the issues of logistical restrictions and improving the quality of fuel supplied abroad.

But most importantly, regardless of the direction of supplies, whether it be the Russian or international market, the main principle of SUEK is unchanged - to be a reliable supplier for our customers, ensuring uninterrupted and timely deliveries, strictly fulfilling contractual obligations despite any fluctuations in the market environment.

In the basis of relations with consumers in the domestic market, we lay high quality service and reliability of supply. Our main customers are generating companies, which account for more than 50% of all SUEK supplies. Thanks to the liberalization of the electricity market, which made it possible to sell a larger share of electricity at free prices, in the future we will be able to further increase our sales. An increase in deliveries within Russia will also become possible due to the commissioning of new coal-fired generating capacities and the integration of SUEK with generating assets.

SUEK remains the largest supplier to the public utilities market. We are a key supplier in the Chita region, the Republic of Buryatia, the Khabarovsk Territory, we occupy a significant share in this segment in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In the coming years, we do not expect an increase in supplies in this sector due to the gasification of the regions. It is planned to keep them at the current level.

Recently, we have also significantly increased our own share of deliveries to the market. federal programs and industrial enterprises.

OAO SUEK carries out export deliveries through a subsidiary company SUEK AG specially created in 2004. We export coal to more than 30 countries in Europe and Asia. SUEK AG offices are open in Switzerland, Poland and Taiwan.

Company - largest exporter in Russia (international sales amounted to 28.2 million tons in 2008), we consistently hold a share of 3-4% of the total supply of thermal coal in the world market. With enough exports to grow, both through new acquisitions and through increased production at existing facilities, our next step will be to work more carefully and purposefully to improve coal quality. In this way, we will be able to meet the growing demand for high-quality products, the shortage of which is already beginning to take shape due to the development of the best deposits in key exporting countries, such as Colombia and South Africa. The main steps in this direction are the launch of an enrichment plant at the Tugnuisky open pit in Buryatia and the implementation of a project to build an enrichment plant at the Urgalskoye deposit in the Khabarovsk Territory.

The task of OAO SUEK is to guarantee a high level of services and reliability of coal supplies to consumers. Therefore, one of the priorities of the company's work is the development of its own logistics capacities. In 2008, the first stage of the coal terminal in the Muchke Bay of the Vanino port in the Khabarovsk Territory was put into pilot operation. The planned processing capacity of the terminal is 12 million tons of coal. In perspective coal terminal SUEK will become the largest in the Far East and will guarantee the reliability of supplies to one of key markets thermal coal - the market of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Access to the European market is mainly due to the established long-term relationship with the Murmansk Commercial Sea Port.


Getting the maximum synergistic effect from the integration of coal and energy areas and the creation on the basis of OAO SUEK of a leading fuel and energy company operating on a global scale are key areas company development strategy until 2020, approved in 2007

In accordance with this strategy, the key characteristics of SUEK will be, in particular, the following:

The leader in the national market is a vertically integrated fuel and energy company that ensures stable long-term development in the interests of future generations.

A company that produces up to 150 million tons of coal per year and has installed generation capacities of up to 15 GW.

In the coal business, our priorities are: the highest levels of labor productivity; use of advanced and environmentally friendly technologies; implemented quality and industrial safety standards. In the electric power industry - achieving maximum efficiency of power units; application of modern technological and design solutions; formation of competencies that ensure the professional process of managing the construction of new facilities with the involvement of the best counterparties and contractors.

A highly reliable supplier of coal and electricity, providing the highest service and quality for customers in all segments.

The company that has high level financial stability and an investment grade credit rating as close as possible to the sovereign rating.

A global player conducting large-scale projects together with world leaders, whose principles of activity are based on a high degree of responsibility to society, its employees and the environment.

We hope that the implementation of the parameters of the adopted strategy will allow SUEK to take its rightful place among the world's leading energy companies in the coming years, arousing stable interest and respect from the professional and investment community.


SUEK operates in two areas: coal mining and generation of electrical and thermal energy. The company considers the desire for continuous innovation in all areas of activity to be one of its key competitive advantages.

Management coordination innovation process carries out working group Center strategic planning. Currently, several pilot projects are being implemented in practice:

technology for converting boiler houses from liquid fuel to brown coal and production of synthesis gas (sites for the project implementation are being determined now);

industrial production semi-coke (Berezovsky mine, Krasnoyarsk Territory);

methane utilization (mines named after S.M. Kirov, "Polysaevskaya", named after November 7, "Oktyabrskaya" in the Kemerovo region) and a number of others.

Goals innovation strategy SUEK:

In the field of coal mining:

increasing the environmental friendliness of coal mining;

reduction in the cost of production;

increase in labor productivity.

In the field of electric and thermal energy generation:

increasing the environmental friendliness of the production of electrical or thermal energy;

cost reduction of 1 kW or 1 Gcal;

increasing the efficiency of electric and thermal power plants.

Currently, the company is searching for and implementing innovations in the following areas: geological exploration, equipment upgrades, open pit and underground coal mining, field safety, coal enrichment, coal gasification, coal conversion into liquid fuel, semi-coke production, thermal briquetting, coal generation. We invite to cooperation both international and Russian companies and organizations that own technologies in these areas.

Corporate development

Corporate development is one of the priority tasks of SUEK. The Company pays special attention to the improvement of the corporate structure, striving to ensure a transparent, understandable and effective system management.

The year 2005 became the first serious step in reforming the company's corporate structure. At that time, SUEK completed the consolidation of coal assets (which by that time had already passed the anti-crisis recovery procedure) and energy assets on its balance sheet. In the same year, SUEK began preparing reports in accordance with international standards (IFRS), a code of corporate conduct was adopted, and independent directors were among the first companies in Russia to be included in the board of directors.

In the future, SUEK continued to improve its corporate governance system. In 2007, in the regions of SUEK's presence, work was completed to bring the management of coal assets to a single scheme: head office - regional production association (RPO) - production unit. For this purpose, such RPOs as SUEK-Khakassia LLC, SUEK-Kuzbass OJSC, SUEK-Krasnoyarsk OJSC were created, were reorganized in the form of a merger of Primorskugol OJSC and Urgalugol OJSC. The tasks of the RPO are the operational management of the main mining and part of the auxiliary enterprises.

SUEK continues to continuously improve its corporate governance structure. Since one of the company's main objectives is to achieve the maximum synergy effect as a result of the coal and energy business merger, an important element in the corporate strategy was the creation of a special Integration Center at the head office of SUEK.

Management of risks

SUEK recognizes the risks that the company may face both in daily work and when planning future development. Our goal is to create the most effective system for identifying and eliminating them at all stages of the company's activities - from planning production activities until the final delivery of the product to the consumer. The company is aware that clear work on the timely prevention of any risks can become its important competitive advantage.

SUEK, with the involvement of the world's best reputation consultants in this area, has begun developing an integrated risk management model that allows not only to identify a possible problem, but also to identify and qualitatively use potential opportunities for the company's development.

The development of the model began with the implementation of pilot projects to create a corporate risk management system (CRMS) at the head office and at key enterprises companies in the regions:

Republic of Buryatia: JSC "Razrez Tugnuisky", LLC "Tugnuyskoye PTU";

Kemerovo region: mine named after. CM. Kirov (including the Kirov concentrating plant), IK Sokolovskaya (mine administration Kotinskoye, mine No. 7, Taldinskaya-Zapadnaya-1 mine, Taldinskaya-Zapadnaya-2 mine);

Krasnoyarsk Territory: section Borodinsky, Borodinsky RMZ.

Successful experience in the implementation of these projects is already beginning to be introduced at other enterprises of the company. Our next step will be to build a risk map for the entire SUEK. Work on these and other projects is carried out by the risk management department specially created in the company.

Sustainable development

JSC SUEK considers it necessary to contribute to the promotion of social and economic development regions of presence and be a reliable partner of the state and society in the formation of a stable and favorable social environment.

In the regions where SUEK operates, it carries out joint projects with regional and municipal administrations, cooperates with educational institutions and public organizations in the implementation of socio-economic and charitable programs. The company actively participates in the implementation of priority national projects, providing support to educational institutions, healthcare, etc.

At the same time, our strategic task is to establish a truly effective social partnership, to develop creative activity and purposefulness among the local community. Started work in 2007 non-profit organization"Fund for Socio-Economic Support of the Regions" SUEK - TO THE REGIONS ". The Fund's task is to create new opportunities in partnership with authorities at various levels and public organizations to launch modern mechanisms for the development of territories.

SUEK is fully aware of the responsibility for its activities to society, business partners and its employees. Therefore, among the most important priorities of the company's work is an increase in the level of industrial safety, environmental protection and a new quality of labor relations.

Since the first years of its existence, SUEK has directed significant resources towards creating favorable living and working conditions in the regions of our presence. Our task is to make sure that both our employees and members of their families have the opportunity to live comfortably, work, study, relax, receive quality medical care in their hometowns and villages.

Since 2003, SUEK has been entering into annual agreements on social and economic partnership with regional and some municipal administrations, attracting funding from many social programs and events.

In 2007, the non-profit organization "Fund for Socio-Economic Support of the Regions" SUEK - TO THE REGIONS "began its work. In partnership with local and federal authorities, public organizations, the foundation will deal with the most pressing social problems. Among the fund's projects are attracting financing for the construction of housing and infrastructure, promoting the creation of new jobs and improving the educational level of residents settlements where SUEK enterprises are located. But the main idea behind the creation of the fund was to develop and actively implement mechanisms to increase motivation and retain valuable highly qualified personnel at SUEK enterprises and attract young professionals.

Five territories were selected as pilot projects for the fund: the cities of Kiselevsk (Kemerovo Region), Borodino (Krasnoyarsk Territory), Chernogorsk (Republic of Khakassia) and the villages of Sagan-Nur (Republic of Buryatia), Chegdomyn (Khabarovsk Territory). Successful experience in implementing these projects aimed at identifying and resolving the most pressing social issues will be further used in other regions of SUEK's presence.

OAO SUEK is one of the largest employers in Russia and the largest employer in the Russian coal mining industry. The number of personnel of SUEK and its subsidiaries in 2009 is more than 46 thousand people.

The formation of human resources is an integral part of the company's most important business processes, one of the main factors in improving its economic efficiency and competitiveness.

Social politics

SUEK has approved and is implementing a corporate social politics aimed at creating a favorable social environment for the implementation of the company's strategic goals, creating conditions for the successful and well-coordinated work of the team. social activities OJSC SUEK is based on the principles of corporate social responsibility, unconditional compliance with the current legislation, as well as voluntary contribution to the solution of social problems.

Social partnership

The system of social partnership that has developed in the company contributes to maintaining a stable social environment in labor collectives and the harmonious development of labor relations. OAO SUEK participates in the Federal Industry Agreement on the coal mining complex Russian Federation for 2007-2009 Collective agreements in force at the enterprises of the company provide a wide range of social benefits staff.

Remuneration and staff motivation

Employee remuneration management is aimed at ensuring a competitive level wages, achieving high production and economic performance, increasing labor productivity. The Company provides periodic indexation of staff salaries and takes actions to increase them. actual size.

Development and advanced training of personnel

The Company seeks to create the most positive conditions for employees to discover and realize their potential. The main tools of the personnel training system operating in SUEK are a developed regional network of its own training centers and factories, the Corporate University, and interaction with state educational institutions.

Guarantees labor rights

SUEK guarantees each of its employees the observance of labor rights provided for by international legal norms and Russian legislation. The company has a Code of Business Conduct for Personnel, which sets out the norms of corporate conduct.


SUEK - the company undertakes to rationally use natural resources transferred to it for use, to prevent negative environmental impacts through the use of the best existing technologies, to build its work in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety in accordance with the best world practice.

The most important goals of SUEK in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety are:

planning production volumes in the regions of operation, taking into account their environmental characteristics;

rational use of extracted minerals and related components as raw materials, fuel, as well as construction and other materials;

prevention of excessive losses of coal during its extraction and processing;

development of coal processing and enrichment technologies, energy cycle in order to obtain high-quality fuels with improved environmental characteristics;

ensuring endogenous fire safety during the development of excavation areas, storage of coal and host rocks on the surface, as well as waste from their enrichment;

use of coal mine methane during its industrial utilization as a fuel for obtaining various kinds energy;

reclamation of lands disturbed mining, in accordance with license terms;

the use of advanced technologies for storing overburden and enclosing rocks in dumps suitable for effective biological reclamation in the future, the use of scientific and technical environmental methods for restoring the fertility of disturbed lands;

complex use mine and quarry water, the use of circulating water supply and sanitation systems and the reduction of pollution Wastewater discharged into water bodies during the operation of coal mining and energy enterprises;

reduced emissions of dust and gaseous contaminants when performing technological processes associated with the extraction, enrichment, storage, transportation of coal and rocks, as well as energy, the performance of auxiliary work;

reducing the amount of waste from basic and auxiliary industries and engineering infrastructure, the maximum possible use of these wastes or their environmentally sound disposal;

adequate and timely response in case of emergencies.

When achieving the goals set by SUEK:

considers the management of environmental protection and environmental safety of hazardous production facilities at mining and energy enterprises to be one of the main priorities of its activity;

ensures the priority of energy and resource saving, rational use natural resources in their production activities;

implements its environmental strategy based on the use of the best existing technologies for environmental protection and environmental safety management methods, independent authoritative expertise of environmentally significant decisions;

pursues a policy of openness of environmental information, participation of the public and local authorities in the preparation, discussion, adoption and implementation of decisions in the field of environmental protection;

conducts an initiative environmental policy seeking to intensify dialogue with state environmental authorities and the public.

Currently, SUEK is developing and implementing an environmental management system in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 14001:2004.

Sources Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Official website of SUEK Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation Russian professional portal about lobbying

The company's policy in the power industry is aimed at fulfilling this mission. During the process of reforming the domestic electric power industry, SUEK was one of its most active participants, both as the largest shareholder in a number of energy systems in Siberia and the Far East, and through participation in the board of directors and committees of RAO UES of Russia.

OJSC SUEK, or " Siberian Coal Energy Company”, is a group of enterprises in the fuel and energy sector, the number of employees of which exceeds 46,000 people.

The formation of the company began in 2001. Then the work was aimed at paying off the debts of coal enterprises located in Chita and,.

Next year, work continues on the formation of a production base. Part SUEK includes enterprises based in the Republic of Khakassia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. All of them are undergoing the process of technical re-equipment and implementation the latest technologies based on improving the level of efficiency and safety.

The year 2003 becomes the time for the addition of enterprises from the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, as well as from the Kemerovo Region. It was then that SUEK acquired the status of a joint-stock company and took the place of the leader among Russian companies in the coal sector. Number of mines and coal mines approaching 33.

The implementation of the anti-crisis program was completed in 2004 by the merger of Kuzbass enterprises. In the same year, it was decided to merge the electricity and coal assets.

Thus, in the composition SUEK in different years, enterprises of the Chita, Irkutsk, Kemerovo regions entered; Republics of Tuva, Buryatia, Khakassia; Primorsky, Trans-Baikal, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Altai Territories. The head office of the company is located in Moscow.

2005 was a landmark year in the reform of the administrative apparatus. A board of directors and governing bodies appear, a Code of Corporate Conduct and a medium-term development strategy are being developed. Export becomes the main line of work. Therefore, the company "SUEK AG" is being formed - the largest domestic exporter of coal.

The year 2006 is the time of holding the leadership positions. SUEK reforms electric power companies located in the regions.

In 2007 representatives SUEK could say with confidence that the creation of a vertically built association of transport and mining enterprises has been completed. At the same time, a partnership agreement was concluded with OJSC "" and a charitable foundation was created under the name "SUEK - to the regions". The purpose of its creation is the implementation of socially oriented programs in the regions of presence.

In 2008 SUEK acquires the status of a shareholder in relation to joint-stock companies Yenisei TGC and Kuzbassenergo. At the mine named after S. Kirov, a power plant was launched, which operates on coal mine methane. This is the first power plant of this level in Russia. In 2008, coal production amounted to 96.2 million tons and international sales amounted to 28.2 million tons.

Structure SUEK represented by six levels of companies:

1. engaged in coal mining and its enrichment;
2. employed in the transportation of coal, as well as work on projects in this area;
3. providing service level services;
4. involved in the energy sector of the economy;
5. performing managerial functions;
6. specializing in the sale of coal.

Coal mining is carried out by the following SUEK enterprises:

Section Kamyshansky (Kemerovo region, Kiselevsk)
SUEK-Kuzbass, JSC (Kemerovo Region, Leninsk-Kuznetsky)
SUEK-Krasnoyarsk, OAO
Primorskugol JSC
Pravoberezhnoye, OOO (Primorsky Territory)
Open-pit mine Tugnuisky, OJSC (Republic of Buryatia)
SUEK-Khakassia, OAO
Open-pit mine Izykhsky, OJSC (Khakassia)
Urgalugol (Khabarovsk Territory)
Tugnui concentrating plant (Khakassia)
Kharanorsky section (Transbaikal Territory)