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Features of management in Russia. Features of Russian business culture The main features of Russian management

Modern system Russian management is not similar to any other system of managerial relations that currently exists in Europe, Asia and America. It has undeniable specificity and nuances. Let's consider the features of the modern domestic management system.

One of the features is the absence of optimization requirements. This makes the management system infantile; it does not need to change, since it can work with any level of impact. An information base about costs and results becomes unnecessary, and managers are deprived of an important tool for identifying “pain points,” that is, identifying places where there are discrepancies between the components of the system. As a result, changes are random and often do not affect the final result.

Next feature Russian system management is due to the fact that it has never identified the main factor of success, the main strategic advantage, without which it is impossible to survive. There is no such tradition, no need, no skills to do such work.

Therefore, it is natural that scattered “improvements” are used that do not give tangible results. Most often, they focus on growth in sales volumes, believing that growth in production volumes can always be ensured, that is, the starting point is external in nature, but the real logic is different. Knowing what the consumer values, we ensure the production of products of appropriate quality, which allows proper organization sales process to increase sales. Thus, internal actions reinforce external ones.

And finally, the last feature of the domestic management system is related to the use of organizational culture. In a socialist economy organizational culture actively used, it was a good support for ineffective decisions and actions taken in the name of future well-being. It allowed us to be proud of our “successes” and our “advanced enterprises.” The rejection of these values ​​led to increased social tension, a decrease in initiative and motivation for highly productive work, and a crisis of confidence.

There are three approaches to understanding Russian management:

First approach— the concept of creating a Russian theory of management. Based on full consideration of the peculiarities of the Russian mentality using aspects of global management experience. At the same time, it is impossible to blindly copy Western and Eastern experience, nor completely deny the achievements of Western and Eastern schools of management. Both the first and second are equally inapplicable. Therefore, Russian management must have its own specific content, forms and methods of management that correspond to the specifics of the Russian mentality.

Second approach— Russian specifics should not be exaggerated; it is necessary to take the management model in its finished form and use it in economic management, since the processes of scientific and technological progress are the same in all countries. He does not take into account the peculiarities of the Russian mentality. To master the theory, you just need to translate Western textbooks and monographs into Russian. Then, without changing anything, use these provisions in practice. The likelihood of this concept being realized is very high due to its simplicity and the habit of mindlessly copying Western experience. But it also carries great danger. Suffice it to recall the use of the theory of “monetarism”, which was not adapted to Russian conditions, the concepts of “shock therapy”, voucherization, etc.

AND third approach— concept of adaptation of Western management theory. It assumes partial consideration of the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, i.e. not blind copying, but adaptation of Western theory to modern Russian conditions. This raises an important problem: which of the Western management theories will we adapt? The management systems of Japan, the USA, and Western Europe are very different from each other. Which of these options should be taken as analogue? But with any choice, we risk using a theory that takes into account the specific features, conditions of economic functioning, the level of socio-economic development of these countries, and the mentality of their inhabitants. Here it is advisable to recall the words of M. Weber: “Western-type capitalism could only arise in Western civilization.”

As a result, adapted theories that poorly take into account the specifics of Russian reality will not be able to give the Russian economy what is expected of them.

There are many foreign and domestic studies of Russian management. Only by considering these, sometimes diametrically opposed points of view, can we draw meaningful conclusions about the characteristics of Russian management. The most famous foreign study of the characteristics of Russian management, carried out in the mid-90s. Wharton Business School (USA), this is the GLOBE (Global Leadership and Organization Behavior Effectiveness) project. The study is based on empirical data from a theory that explains the influence of national culture on the effectiveness of people’s behavior in an organization, where the same comparison parameters as in G. Hofstede’s model were used as the main characteristics of management and business leadership.

The crisis of the late 90s played a positive role in the development of the managerial class in Russia. Important competitive advantage became the level of professional training of the company's management team. Accordingly, the idea of ​​Russian management has changed somewhat, and among the advantages, the following characteristics have been identified: a penchant for innovation, a taste for risk, play, ambition, self-criticism, a penchant for selfless help, and a love of learning. And among the shortcomings they note the politicization of Russian management, a derogatory attitude towards themselves and their country, squandering and extravagance (in relation to the resource of time), egocentrism and greed; wide-ranging.

Russian projects are characterized regional approach to study the peculiarities, due to the fact that Russia is a huge, multinational country, and enterprise management differs significantly depending on the region.

Russian researchers highlight the main features of Russian management:

— participation of regional administrations in the formation of management teams of enterprises;

— semi-legal regulation of activities; use of force; the power of informal relationships;

— excessive diversification of activities and increased risk appetite;

- lack of inclination to regular and painstaking work; penchant for large-scale unique projects involving a huge number of material and human resources;

— the desire to avoid the practice of delegating authority from the highest level to the lowest;

— indifference to the values ​​of an individual career; centralization of management functions - clan approach to doing business, etc.

This is far from full list features that characterize management currently existing in Russia. It should be noted that Russian researchers look at the problems of Russian management differently than foreign ones. And knowledge of some problems will help to properly organize the work of companies on the Russian market.

Modern management of the Russian Federation is still far from the parameters set by globalization at all levels: from an individual company to society as a whole. However, years market reforms laid positive preconditions for the formation market principles management and a new generation of managers with new views and attitudes. They know how to establish and organize a business, conclude deals, manage rationally, know how to reduce the cost of production and the volume of goods, and find a supplier and consumer. They care about their own reputation and image. They are prosperous and are engaged in philanthropy. As a rule, this is a highly educated class, where two higher education degrees, candidate and doctoral degrees are not uncommon. Many of them have completed training at prestigious foreign universities and internships in successful companies. This class has its own associations, unions, associations and even political organizations and through them initiates the solution of important local, regional and national problems, the state is obliged to take this new class into account, and society is obliged to comprehend this new phenomenon of Russian life. Their business philosophy, high professional education and pronounced intellectual and voluntaristic talent, coupled with patriotic thoughts and high responsibility for the fate of the fatherland, are the key to the high competitiveness of Russian business and rapid adaptation to the conditions of globalization.

Thus, in conclusion, we can say that Russian management at the present stage is a creative understanding of foreign experience taking into account Russian specifics, i.e. synthesis of world experience effective management and existing domestic experience based on the national-historical characteristics of our culture.


1. Hunt I., Suvorova I., Ageev S. Russian management: between past and future // Management in Russia and abroad. 2008. No. 2. pp. 23-25.

2. Kartavyi M., Nekhamkin A. Methodological principles of formation of Russian management // Management in Russia and abroad. 2006. No. 3. pp. 17-21.

3. Gorbunova M. Specifics of business management systems in Russia and abroad // Management in Russia and abroad. 2004. No. 3. pp. 13-16.

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management market economics management

The concept of management first began to be used in the 30s. It was used to characterize managerial workers to achieve their goals using the labor and intelligence of other people.

Management is the process of planning, organizing, motivating and controlling in order to formulate and achieve the goals of the organization through other people.

Management is the use and coordination of resources such as capital (production, financial, human) to achieve goals with maximum efficiency.

The relevance of the topic of the course work is due to the fact that the features of Russian management are determined by: the extremely high speed of socio-economic, political and other processes that determine the environment of existence of Russian management; a set of factors that hinder and facilitate the strengthening of management in Russia; cult environment, features of public consciousness, etc.

The impact of external and internal environmental factors has given Russian management specific features. Russian managers must not only study the science and practice of management, but also know the essence of Western and Eastern cultures. Without this, it is impossible to improve your own leadership style, improve your image, and create conditions for increasing the competitiveness of the organization.

The object of study is modern Russian management.

The subject of the study is management features in modern Russia.

The purpose of the study is to explore the features of modern Russian management.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are expected to be solved:

Consider the concept and main functions of management.

Identify the specifics of Russian management.

Reveal modern problems of management in Russia.

Conduct a comparative analysis of management models in Sweden, Finland, France and modern Russia.

The methodological guidelines were the works of the authors A.S. Bolshakov, A.V. Gorbunov, O.P. Korobeinikov, A.M. Loginov, M.P. Pereverzov and others.

In this work, the author will try to solve the problems on the basis of a general scientific search method: collection, study and analysis of educational and methodological literature, periodicals and electronic information tools; a descriptive method and a generalization method were also used.

The purpose and objectives of the study determined the structure of the work, consisting of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, and a bibliography.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects management in Russia and their features

1 Concept and main functions of management

Management is a special type of management of an organization in a market economic system, which is characterized by:

Market mechanisms of economic development, presupposing the presence of competition, freedom of entrepreneurship and business decision-making, migration mechanisms during the movement of capital, work force, free pricing, which, in turn, leads to the need.

Flexibility and adaptation in the behavior of the company in the market, which is impossible without:

focus on the human factor;

high professionalism;

creativity of the manager.

Management, being a social institution, is especially concerned about the productivity of resources. It is he who is responsible for organizing economic development, so he reflects the basic spirit of the modern era. Management is actually necessary, which is why it, having arisen, developed so quickly and practically without any opposition.

Basic functions of management.

The most important goal of management: economic efficiency. The most important function: business management. Despite the colossal importance, obviousness and ubiquity of management, it remains the least studied and poorly understood institution. modern society. Employees of enterprises often do not quite understand what their managers do (and what they should do), how their enterprise is managed and why it is carried out this way and not otherwise, and how successfully managers cope with their tasks. Indeed, a typical picture of what is happening in the offices of the company’s management, in the heads of completely normal, educated and informed people (many of whom, by the way, themselves perform certain managerial functions). What exactly is management and what are its functions? .

Management is the dynamic element that maintains the viability of every enterprise. Without this element, "productive resources" remain just that, resources and never become production. In a competitive environment, the viability of any enterprise and, moreover, its success especially depend on the experience and effectiveness of management. Experience and the ability to act correctly are the only advantages that an enterprise has in a competitive economy. .

Management should always focus on ensuring the cost-effective operation of the enterprise. In other words, the very existence of management and the power it exercises are justified only if its activities provide the required economic results.

The main function of management: business management. This statement, which at first glance is completely obvious, leads to far from so obvious and familiar conclusions. It not only imposes quite severe restrictions on the actions of management, but also implies creativity. First of all, it means that the qualifications, competence and practical experience of management cannot be “in pure form"transfer and apply both to the organization and to ensuring the activities of other institutions. In particular, successful activity An individual's career in management does not promise the same success when working in government. The career of a manager in itself cannot in any way be considered as preparation for a political career, for work in command posts in the Armed Forces, for activity in the church hierarchy or, for example, at a university. Qualifications, competence and practical experience in analytical and administrative work, which are universal in nature and therefore can be useful in any field of activity, are of course extremely important, but from the point of view of the main goals of various non-profit institutions, their importance is still subordinate, secondary.

Classification of management functions.

Management functions, depending on the objectives of the study, are divided according to the following criteria: content of the management process; belonging to the spheres of production and economic activity; content of work performed and operations within the management function (general management, specialized activities, Maintenance); belonging to various types managerial work(production, economic, technological, organizational, etc.).

IN social production highlight the functions of industrial management, agriculture, transport; in the sphere of circulation - management of finance, trade, material and technical services, management functions are divided into general (universal), which are suitable for various management processes because they express the essence of management, as well as specific (special) functions that convey the content of management. Bearers of general functions: there are all control system in general, and specific - parts of the system that have a local, specific character.

General management functions - planning, organization, motivation, control, coordination, accounting and analysis are mandatory for all enterprises. Each of these functions is vital to an organization. At the same time, planning as a management function provides the basis for other functions and is considered the main one, and the functions of organization, regulation, motivation, control and accounting are focused on the implementation of tactical and strategic plans.

Planning - main function management, which involves forecasting, determining goals, strategies, policies and objectives of a particular formation; means a conscious choice to decide what work, how, to whom and when

Organization as a management function is aimed at the formation of control and managed systems, as well as connections and relationships between them, ensuring the orderliness of the technical, economic, socio-psychological and legal aspects of the activities of each business entity.

Motivation is the process of encouraging employees to perform highly productive activities to satisfy their needs and achieve the goals of the organization.

Organization - in general view it is a process of resource allocation; taking actions to implement plans.

Organizing involves creating structures, connections, searching for performers, and providing performers with what is necessary to complete the work.

Control is a system for monitoring and verifying compliance of the functioning of an enterprise with established standards and other regulations, identifying deviations from decisions made and determining the reasons for their failure to comply.

The interconnection and cyclical nature of the management process are manifested in the fact that movement from the planning stage to control is possible only through organization and motivation. In turn, the results of control provide the basis for correction and planning of activities related to organization and motivation.

1.2 Specifics of Russian management

In modern literature, it is customary to describe several concepts of Russian management.

The concept of copying Western management theory does not take into account the specifics of the Russian mentality - you need to take the Western management model in its finished form and implement it in management. It is only necessary to translate Western monographs and textbooks into Russian. Then, without changing anything, put it all into practice. The likelihood of this concept being realized is very high due to its habit of thoughtlessly copying Western experience and simplicity. But there is a great danger in this. Suffice it to recall the use of the theory of “monetarism”, which is not adapted to Russian conditions, the concepts of “shock therapy”, voucherization, etc. It is possible to predict new shocks that await Russia when implementing this concept.

The concept of adaptation of Western management theory is the adaptation of Western theory to modern Russian conditions. The question arises: which theory should be adapted? The management systems of Western Europe, the USA, and Japan are strikingly different from each other. With any choice, there is a risk of using a theory that takes into account the specific conditions and features of the functioning of the economy, and the mentality of the inhabitants of these countries.

In Russia in the late 80s, being late for work, leaving work early, poor quality products, and petty theft became normal and have persisted to this day. Based on this, amendments will have to be made to the national management system to combat delays and delays, and introduce new methods of improving quality.

And as a result, theories adapted to Russian reality, which poorly take into account its specifics, will not be able to give the Russian economy what is expected of them.

The mentality of a nation has a huge impact on the specifics of management.

The concept of creating a Russian management theory takes into account the peculiarities of the Russian mentality using aspects of global management experience. Here it is impossible to completely deny the achievements of the Eastern and Western schools of management, nor to blindly copy foreign experience. It should be noted that A. Marshall also argued that: “Economic science is not a body of concrete truth, but only a tool for the discovery of concrete truth.” This statement fully applies to management as a science. Therefore, Russian management must have its own specific content, methods and forms of management, taking into account the specifics of the Russian mentality.

The predominance of frugality, hard work, punctuality, etc. will also determine management forms and methods, shape the actions and behavior of managers.

It follows that management is a form of manifestation of a deep, internal socio-psychological program inherent in a person. Mentality in this capacity is the basis of behavioral management, its essential side. This is where management’s compliance with the mentality is demonstrated.

It is now generally accepted that national and regional mentalities are the most important factor influencing the forms, functions and structure of management. However, stating this fact is not enough. There is a deeper essential relationship between management and mentality. There are a number of definitions of mentality. These definitions speak not only of the psychological, but also of the socio-psychological nature of mentality. A.P. Burtenko and Yu.V. Kolesnichenko, based on the research of L.S. Vygotsky, note the genetic, historical, natural and climatic sources of this phenomenon, highlighting mainly mentality as a “code” that determines social behavior individual and nation. The manifestation of the biopsychological program of human behavior affects various areas human activity: everyday life, communication, production. It has a significant impact on management. Thus, when analyzing the forms and methods of management in different countries, we cannot help but take into account German punctuality, English conservatism, American pragmatism, Japanese paternalism, and Russian laxity. Thus, management is a form of manifestation of the internal, deep socio-psychological program inherent in a person. In this capacity, mentality is the universal basis of behavioral management, its element, its essential side. This demonstrates the compliance of management with the mentality. So, “mentality-management”, their relationship, correspondence and contradiction appears as content and form, as essence and phenomenon. They are in an inextricable, objectively determined, constantly repeating relationship, which can be qualified as the “law of correspondence between mentality and management.” The correspondence between management and mentality determines a relatively stable production system, smoothes out contradictions between the managed and the managers, and helps to overcome crisis situations. The correspondence between management and mentality is one of the fundamental features of balance social systems characterized by the absence of social conflicts. An example of this is economic development USA, France, England and Germany in the 90s of the 20th century. The contradiction in the “mentality-management” system is one of the reasons determining the emergence and duration of socio-economic crises. A striking example is Russia, where the transition to a market and the associated need to reform the management system involves bringing it into line with the specifics of the Russian mentality.

There are two approaches to understanding Russian management:

The first approach is a complete denial of the possibility and necessity of management in Russia due to historical and national-cultural characteristics.

The second approach is that Russian specifics should not be exaggerated; it is necessary to take the management model in its finished form and use it in economic management, since the processes of scientific and technological progress are the same in all countries.

Russian management is a creative understanding of foreign experience taking into account Russian specifics, i.e. synthesis of global experience of effective management and existing domestic experience based on the national and historical characteristics of our culture.

Features of Russian management:

priorities in problems, acceptance of attention and effort;

management infrastructure, socio-economic and political conditions for its implementation

cultural environment, features of social consciousness that cannot be changed.

Thus, management is a type of human activity that has general and specific features. General features reflect the stages of development of civilization, the level of scientific and technological progress and are described in various scientific approaches. Specific features reflect national and historical characteristics, geographical conditions, level of socio-economic relations, and culture.

Chapter 2. Identifying management problems based on comparative analysis

1 Contemporary issues management in Russia

The first main problem of Russian management is the problem of quality.

It seems that this problem is the most pressing in the control system, so let’s consider it in more detail.

Although this specialty has appeared in Russian universities, the problem of quality remains. This is due to the fact that in Russia there are few people who have real experience management work in a market economy.

One of the main problems of Russian quality management is that economic conditions in the country differ from the conditions in which the principles of Western quality management were born. In other words, this is a tool for solving problems that our manufacturers have not yet faced. And using a tool for other purposes leads to results other than expected.

To a certain extent, we can say that the growth of business civility is directly related to the increase in external and internal (legislative, internal corporate, social) restrictions on it.

Consequently, the task of the scientific component of management is to develop new approaches that allow the enterprise to remain profitable.

Legislator, consumer and management have not yet established Russian business of all the many restrictions under which it operates Western business. For example, the situation with financial pyramids and the problems of private investors in construction can serve as very characteristic indicators of “blank spots” in the legislation. And the consumer is not yet so “trained” and persistent in defending his interests, and the influence of public morality on the decisions made by management is not yet so noticeable. But the trend is clear enough that it will force businesses to find ways to survive within growing constraints, one of which is quality management.

In the meantime, the need for this tool is often formed artificially, for example, by the requirements for various types of certificates when conducting tenders. It is obvious that the need for a certificate has nothing to do with quality management as a method of competition, especially taking into account the specifics of the Russian certification industry. But even if there is a need for this tool, it cannot be used to benefit the enterprise if senior management does not know how to use it.

Another serious problem in the dissemination of the principles of modern quality management is the competence of enterprise managers in matters of management itself.

However, the fact is that management is exactly the same separate branch of activity with its own specifics, like communications, chemistry or finance.

2.2 Improving management in Russia based on a comparative analysis of management models in Sweden, Finland, France and modern Russia

Globalization of the economy, development of communication and information technologies, internationalization of business, as well as the increasing role of the cultural factor in ensuring the competitiveness of companies make comparative management relevant. The relevance of comparative management for Russia is due to the country’s expanding access to world markets and the strong intensification of the activities of foreign companies in the Russian market, which creates strong competition. In order for domestic companies to “not lose” in competition With foreign companies, needs to be increased international rating, which, as a rule, requires a qualitatively different, “high” management.

Now it is impossible not to notice that many Russian companies are turning into international corporations, and if you dig deep into such companies, you will find out that in their activities they mainly use elements American model management. But it should also be noted that the mechanical transfer of the Western management model, which in turn does not take into account the peculiarities of our mentality, into Russian business does not bring good results. In this regard, there is a need for an in-depth study of foreign management models. Russian managers, knowing their own and foreign history, culture, experience in management activities, must develop a model of effective and high-quality management.

Management in Sweden, Finland, France and modern Russia is very diverse. But the importance of the manager in them is fundamental. And so the position of a manager in a company depends, first of all, on the understanding of the very concept of “manager”. In France, it is customary to consider a manager an “elite” person, because origin, age, and education are the determining factors in obtaining the status of a French manager. In Sweden, managers try to view themselves as something other than a manager, due to the equality they have among the company's employees. The Finns have a manager - "Suomi-kuva", a freedom-loving, honest and reliable person, who differs from the rest in his original thinking.

A manager in Russia is considered to be a person who manages people, but with their help? available resources. We can say that each management model has its own understanding of the manager, because each country has its own historical and cultural characteristics.

The relationship between superior and subordinate is different in each management model. In France, there are formal and distant relationships due to the elitist behavior of the French. In Swedish management, the relationship between a manager and a subordinate is informal, democratic; in Sweden, the person is put first, not his position. In Finland, like in Sweden, the style of relationships is informal. Unlike all the management models considered in Russia, managers are afraid of their top management. The authoritarian leadership style in Russia is similar to the French style.

The ability to work in a team is a key factor in the effectiveness of a country's management. In Swedish management, the ability to think and act in the same spirit with the team is valued above all else. Finnish managers prefer to be alone, so they do not know how to work in a team. French managers are great individualists and do not lack self-confidence, hence they prefer to act alone, but this trait is balanced by a strong central authority. In Russia, collective thinking and team spirit are just beginning to be introduced, but without success.

The decision-making process is a special process that affects the performance and success of the company, therefore in Swedish management there is special law, according to which all important company decisions must be discussed by all company employees before they are made. In Finland, decisions are made not just like that, but with originality. In French management, when making decisions, particular importance is attached to the rational aspects of action and thinking. In the Russian management model, decisions are usually made quickly, often based on intuition.

As you know, decisions are often made under conditions of uncertainty and high risk. Managers in different countries have different attitudes towards risk and uncertainty. Swedish managers prefer to take risks, while French and Finnish managers try to avoid such situations, and therefore they have strategic planning very developed. In Russia, insufficient attention is paid to risk management, so it is difficult for Russian managers to react quickly and make the right decisions in conditions of uncertainty.

A comparative analysis of management models in European and Russian countries shows that there are both similarities and differences between them. It can be concluded that cultural and historical characteristics are important in the formation of each management model.

Today, the global economic crisis, the globalization of the economy, the development of information and communication technologies, and growing competition force us to rethink the essence and role of management. Russian managers themselves have to understand that the main task of any company is to attract talented specialists, retain and motivate them to work with high productivity.

The reality today is that only 20% of Russian managers consider personnel a key factor. Still material financial resources are the object of close attention of managers. And this leads to the following results: 23% of hired employees in Russia are thinking about changing jobs because they experience rude treatment from their manager, and 24% of employees quit because they see no prospects career growth in company. As they say, an employee comes to work for a company, but leaves the manager.

The effectiveness of Russian management depends on the quality of management. I would like to highlight the word “quality”, because in Russia we have many people who call themselves managers, but there are very few real professional managers. It is assumed that improving the quality of management at all levels of management will change the quality of our lives. To do this, Russian managers need, first of all, to learn how to make high-quality management decisions based on modern methods collecting and analyzing information, abandoning the existing authoritarian management style, learning to delegate authority, therefore, learning to create teams, team spirit, constantly motivating your employees and learning to take responsibility for the results of activities and mistakes of subordinates.

The unsatisfactory quality of training of Russian managers is one of the reasons for the ineffectiveness of Russian management. In addition, it should be noted that in Russia, as a country of “abundance” of managerial personnel, there is a shortage of highly qualified, effective managers. High level The training, professionalism and skill of managers mainly influence the success of the company.

Regarding the use of Western management experience by A.M. Logvinov in his monograph “Management and Organizational Culture” industrial enterprises 1960-2005" writes that "today's socio-economic model, implemented by developed countries to achieve their well-being, cannot continue to be used and recommended to other countries, since this will aggravate the growing catastrophe." Therefore, he offers Russian managers more, actively and comprehensively conduct their own research on “domestic heritage” and modern management practices. However, there are quite acceptable management models that can be used by Russian companies, but with great caution. Thus, the author of the monograph suggests using the “Organization of High Achievement” model by J. Schermerorn. is aimed mainly at achieving high results, namely through intellectual capital. The authors of the model indicate that high results are achieved by increasing the flexibility, skills, knowledge and motivation of the company's employees, collective interaction of employees, information exchange, involvement of employees in the affairs of the organization and development. self-management principles in groups are key factors in achieving the company's success under this model.

Thus, today comparative management is especially important for Russian managers, because in the conditions of global changes, the global crisis, and fierce competition, it is difficult to emerge victorious. It must be said that a person who grew up in Russia and received Russian education, has its own approach to solving a particular problem, reacts in its own way to various situations. This does not mean that we should abandon the experience of developed countries in the field of management and look for new ways from scratch. Taking into account all the main features of Russian management, thoroughly studying the experience of a country that has leapt far ahead in the field of management, one can be very successful in many areas of activity.


Modern Russian management is more focused on the fact that our country has set a course for carrying out market reforms that ensure the freedom and well-being of citizens, the economic revival of the state, and the growth of the most important technical and economic indicators.

Russian management must take into account the objective needs of the reformed economy and society as a whole; as well as the main, key points, the application of which when building a new management system gives the desired result of the final transition to a market economy and its implementation with the least loss for society as a whole and each citizen individually.

From the perspective of management today in Russia, three approaches to its application and understanding have been identified. The first approach is based on the intuition of entrepreneurs, since most managers of fairly large companies previously worked as programmers, teachers, doctors or engineers. Such managers did not study management theory and then apply it in practice. That is why all management decisions are made based on one’s own ingenuity and intuition. Therefore, such features of Russian management are typical for small and medium-sized businesses, which are characterized by simple financial and business transactions. Absolutely all innovations in this case come down to optimization or even minimization of taxation. There is also rapid adoption in such enterprises management decisions, high flexibility of economic policy, in which marketing comes down to finding the only right move.

One of the most pressing problems of our time is low-quality management, as well as the lack of highly qualified managers. Therefore, in modern conditions, it is advisable for Russia to use fundamental training and retraining of personnel. Also, great importance must be given to the development and implementation in practice of specialized programs aimed at anti-crisis management, which will allow the enterprise not to lead to bankruptcy.

Using the experience of Western firms that operate in the Russian market represents a second approach to understanding and applying domestic management. Features of Russian management can be presented within the framework of this approach in the form of the presence of design and technological delights.


1. Bolshakov A.S. Management [Text]: textbook. allowance / A.S. Bolshakov. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000. - 160 p. - ISBN 5-272-00051-X.

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Features of Russian management.

Priorities in the issue, acceptance of attention and effort;

Management infrastructure, socio-economic and political conditions for its implementation;

A set of factors that hinder and facilitate the strengthening of management in Russia:

The cultural environment, features of social consciousness that cannot be changed.

There are two approaches to understanding Russian management:

First approach - complete denial of the possibility and necessity of management in Russia due to historical and national-cultural characteristics.

Second approach - Russian specifics should not be exaggerated; it is necessary to take the management model in its finished form and use it in economic management, since the processes of scientific and technological progress are the same in all countries.

Russian management- creative understanding of foreign experience taking into account Russian specifics, i.e. synthesis of global experience of effective management and existing domestic experience based on the national and historical characteristics of our culture.

Problems of management in Russia

The transition from an administrative-command economy to a market economy, on the one hand, and the specifics of the Russian value system, the Russian mentality, on the other, determined the features of Russian management at the present stage. In the period after 1992, the real direction of economic and management reforms, as well as the role of individual spheres of economic activity of socially active groups and individuals.

1. Privatization of state property as the formation of a mass of owners necessary for a market environment.

Different rates of restructuring of the main groups of economic entities: the state, labor collectives (staff, executives, managers) - complicated the transition processes and their analysis. At the same time, the research conducted allows us to identify the following areas of socio-economic transformation.

2. A radical departure from a socially favorable economy to a rational one.

The behavior of managers within the framework of a favorable economy is characterized by: maintaining jobs, minimizing the loss of skilled workers while reducing production volumes and its diversification. Within the framework of a rational economy, this is a strict distribution of resources within an enterprise: the struggle for sales markets, strengthening its position in the market, implementing a new financial policy and changing internal organization, while strengthening the role of financial capital over productive and human capital.

3. Changing the behavior and goals of the workforce towards a more rational attitude towards oneself.

These are, first of all, proposals coming “from below” and relating to a more rational use of resources, the production of more profitable goods that are consumed by the market.

Worker shareholders are aware of the dilemma that arises when demanding dividend payments, wage increases on the one hand, and additional tax in the form of payments to non-working shareholders on the other.

Such confusion occurs due to the separation of interests of management and workers that has not yet been fully realized. Where separation has occurred, control becomes managerial, and employees become an element of costs in the enterprise's activities.

On the other hand, we can note an increase in the number of retrained workers, a non-conflict solution to dismissal issues, and a reduction in production and administrative personnel.

The active role of workers-shareholders emerged and facilitated the change of management team at the enterprise.

4. Change in management methods towards openness in order to survive the enterprise.

At the beginning of the transition period, Russian managers focused on management from the standpoint of rational use of all internal resources and relied on the employees who were the owners of this enterprise (owners of large blocks of shares). Currently, the emphasis has changed, and management is voluntarily increasing the share of shares owned by external owners. In other words, a shift occurred from “closed” management towards “open” management. At the same time, the share of “external” shareholders is often expanded in order to attract investors for the reconstruction of production, its repurposing and diversification. There are also trends in the voluntary reduction of the “price” for the transition to “external” control. It's about about the concession by managers of part of their power to “external” management in exchange for guaranteed ownership of a certain share of shares.

5. Changes in the characteristics of the corps of managers of the Russian economy.

The formation of this category of managers occurred in two directions. On the one hand, these are workers who took advantage of economic freedom and built their own business. The initial stage for almost everyone was the creation of small enterprises. As a rule, these are highly educated young people ( 25-40 years), capable of quick reorientation, good organizers, willing and able to work hard to achieve their goals. Managers in this category are characterized by a quick perception of the norms of economic behavior of their “Western” colleagues, the ability to comprehensively see and solve the problems of their business, and the rapid development of methods for building business and partnership relations with “Western” colleagues. Moreover, previously these people, as a rule, did not have experience as managers of work, economic facilities, or large production teams, since they did not go through the school of economic interaction of the administrative-command economy.

On the other hand, there are managers of large enterprises whose managerial experience was developed in an administrative-command economy, but who are forced to manage in market conditions, from my own experience.

"Errors "in such training they acquire great value for the enterprise. Moreover, the different qualitative certainty of management in a market economy largely determined the small proportion of successful managers. These are managers of the older generation ( 50-65 years) they are being replaced by younger ones ( 30-40 years), having experience in management work at this enterprise. These include workers who left their positions and tried to build their own independent business. This category of workers is united by the experience of independently managing a business in a market environment.

In other words, employees of this enterprise come to the positions of first managers of large enterprises. They bring with them experience in market management, their capital accumulated in private business and established connections with banks.

Brief overview of Russian experience

In Russia, the word “management” as management in a market economy is a new term, the essence of which differs from the traditional management of the centralized command-administrative system that functioned in Russia throughout the Soviet period.

The old management paradigm in Russia for 70 years was based on the Marxist ideology of economic development, which was characterized by the following features:

1. The closed nature of the country’s economic complex and focus on national economic efficiency.

2. The criterion for social orientation, public ownership and fair division based on the results of labor.

3. Extreme politicization, which caused monopolization and concentration of production.

4. Centralization and bureaucratization of management.

In the new management paradigm in Russian management, processes such as:

1. Integration of the Russian economy into the world economy.

2. Formation and functioning of market economic entities as open systems.

3. Flexible combination of methods of public administration and market regulation.

4. The use of market and administrative methods of managing enterprises of various areas of activity and forms of ownership.

A Russian enterprise, becoming an independent object of commodity-monetary relations, fully responsible for the results of its economic activities, must form a system of effective management

(management) that could allow the enterprise to achieve a competitive and sustainable position in the market.

Compared to the old management system that existed for many years Russian enterprises, in the new conditions, new functions appear: developing a strategy and development policy, searching for the necessary material and labor resources, improving the production and organizational structures of enterprise management.

Under these conditions, demands on Russian managers for the timeliness and quality of decisions made have sharply increased. The role has increased scientific and technical progress that makes it possible to meet market needs through innovation. In Russian business there is an urgent need to conduct marketing research to study these needs. To produce competitive products while minimizing production costs, issues related to personnel management, which in the new Russian realities is becoming the main resource, are becoming increasingly important.

Management at Russian enterprises places high demands on the professionalism of management personnel and management style. In conditions of shortage monetary resources There was a need to use motivation methods developed by global management practice. Russian experience in the field of business management comes down only to the use of planning methods and monitoring the implementation of plans.

Russian so-called “new commercial structures” are not yet business, but purely speculative enterprises. Manufacturing enterprises trying to operate in a market environment face many problems and limitations in the area of environment their economic activities.

Therefore, it is important for Russian managers to study Foreign experience management and creatively use it in the new Russian conditions in order to build a new type of organization for our country, including modern methods of corporate and crisis management, focused on diversification, competitiveness and financial stability.

An approach from the perspective of the human factor is very important for Russia, which has many years of experience in administrative-bureaucratic, overly formalized management.

Currently, we often hear the word “management” that came to us from Europe; today there are a very large number of definitions for this word and all of them are correct.

Marketing is a special kind professional activity a person who is focused on achieving goals. Marketing is a system of modeling, planning, and organizing the production of products or services aimed at making a profit in the future.

Like any type of work, marketing has its own specifics; undoubtedly, the domestic management system differs from the European one, due to a large number of reasons. In Russia, management arose relatively recently; its basis is human resource, i.e. business activities, employees. Today in Russia, marketing that meets major standards is in the development stage.

Modern Russian management is guided by the fact that our country pays special attention to carrying out market reforms that ensure the well-being and freedom of citizens, the economic.recovery of the country,.the.growth.of.the most.technical and economic indicators.

The process of the Russian Federation’s movement towards a market economy is irreversible; Russia is now going through the same path that countries with developed economies took half a century ago. In the Russian Federation there is no appropriate long-term experience in managing an enterprise in the conditions of a market economy. At the moment, Russia is catching up, and is forced to use a revolutionary method to study marketing methods. In the Russian Federation there is no such rich skill in managing enterprises in the conditions of independent competition as is available in the West, and therefore these difficulties of Russian management are noted, such as: insufficient knowledge of demand. Demand for a particular product is focused only upon achieving the final result of the work; inaccessibility of long-term business development goals; inaccessibility of self-assessment of the work of Russian managers; inaccessibility of the management reserve school, corruption, inability to achieve the desired effect of one’s own entrepreneurial activity in the absence of connections in high circles, Money and so on.

The distinctive features of domestic management are: the very high speed of socio-political and socio-financial actions in the state, which cannot fail to have a significant impact on all areas of human activity without exception; combinations of conditions that contribute to the formation and strengthening of the marketing concept or, on the contrary, hinder it; special features of the mentality of the Russian personality.

Another specific feature of Russian management is that the concept of “manager” in our country is very vague. If in European countries a “manager” is a manager, head of a company, large enterprise. In Russian companies, a secretary, an administrator who is responsible for small paperwork, is also called a manager, which is not correct.

Modern Russian management, based on where it develops and is formed, has a number of specific and uniform distinctive features.

We will include the following specific features:

  • national characteristics of society;
  • historical features of development;
  • geographical.conditions;
  • culture and other similar factors.

Also, the state of development of Russian society, the established production relations, mentality and other reasons allow us to identify 4 main distinctive features of Russian marketing:

  1. Priorities in the issues, emphasis of attention and efforts. The most significant management issues in Russia are becoming crisis management, management of people's employment, informative technological processes, assistance to entrepreneurship and small businesses, motivation of economic initiative in the field of production, banking management. Although, the main difficulty lies not in finding them, but in constructing ranked priorities. This is where the greatest difficulty arose in presenting management and its importance in the Russian Federation.
  2. Management infrastructure, socio-economic and political conditions of its existence. Here it is important to understand and construct the concept of infrastructure itself. It involves a complex of a huge number of factors that are fundamental to the social and financial sphere in which all-Russian marketing is formed, namely:
    • reasons for mentality (values, national traditions and culture);
    • factors of public consciousness, that is, an understanding of the practice of foreign and Russian trends (manager training system);
    • reasons for the level of scientific thinking, methodological culture, the formation of socio-economic knowledge.
  3. A set of reasons that hinder or favor the strengthening of marketing in the Russian Federation. These are the conditions for the degree of scientific thinking, methodological texture, and the formation of socio-financial knowledge.
  4. Developed area character traits social consciousness.

These are conditions that cannot be changed overnight and which, as demonstrated by the general historical skill of formation, need not be changed.

Comparing Russian management with Japanese and American, it can be noted that it combines the features of both one and the other, which corresponds distinctive features Russian market and enables Russian commercial enterprises to act effectively in difficult, regularly changing circumstances.

Summarizing the results, we can conclude that Russian managers are obliged not only to study the science and practice of marketing, but also to understand the essence of Western and Eastern cultures ( Russian Federation considered a Eurasian state). In the absence of this, it is impossible to improve your management style, improve your image, or organize demands in order to increase the competitiveness of the company.